British News Broadcasting Agency
zero Useful+1
The British Broadcasting Corporation (abbreviated as BBC) was founded in 1922, with its headquarters located at britain London , formerly British Broadcasting Company, is the world's largest news media
The BBC, the world's first television station, began to provide television services in 1936. In 1967, the BBC first used color signal to broadcast Wimbledon Open , which opens the Color TV Times.
On January 19, 2021 local time, the Chinese version of BBC News officially released the documentary short Return to Hubei. Don't know at the beginning of the video Hubei be located China Which position of the. [2] February, Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The relevant responsible person is involved in the broadcast of BBC on January 29, 2021 Neocoronal pneumonia epidemic situation False news Propose to the head of the media branch in Beijing Solemn negotiation [3]
February 2021, State Administration of Radio and Television Release information, according to relevant regulations, State Administration of Radio and Television not allow BBC World News Continue landing in China and apply for landing in the new year Inadmissible [4] From the evening of the 12th, Radio Hong Kong Off air BBC International Channel And "BBC Current Affairs Week". [5]
Chinese name
Foreign name
British Broadcasting Corporation
Date of establishment
Representative program
Headquarters location
britain London
Company predecessor
British Broadcasting Company
Business area
mass media
Radio, TV, portal website, etc
Government funding

Company History

BBC Old Broadcasting Building
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC for short). Founded in 1922, it is the largest news broadcasting organization in Britain and one of the largest news broadcasting organizations in the world. Although the BBC accepts the UK government finance Funded public media However, its management is in the charge of a 12 person supervision committee independent of the government, and its independence is guaranteed through the Royal Charter. The Supervisory Committee public interest Of the trustee of Identity management BBC, They are all famous people in the society, including Scotland Welsh Northern Ireland and England The head of, by British Prime Minister nomination, The Queen of England appointment.
Under the supervision committee executive committee , composed of 16 heads of different departments, is responsible for the daily operation of the BBC, and the chairman of the committee is Chief Executive Officer , and also serves as the chief editor. BBC operates 8 TV channels and 10 TV channels Radio channel , and directly funded by the British government to operate global broadcasting in 43 languages. BBC in The press What is most appreciated is its strict requirements. All producers should abide by the BBC's working rules: the Program Producer Guidelines, which put forward specific and detailed requirements for all aspects of editing and interview business.
Before the establishment of BBC, there were many private corporation Try broadcasting in the UK. Under the Radio Act of 1904, the British Post was responsible for issuing radio broadcasting licences. In 1919, the post office stopped issuing licenses because it received many complaints from the military that too much broadcasting interfered with military communications. As a result, in the early 1920s, the number of radio stations dropped sharply, and more and more people asked for the establishment of a national radio station. One by radio radio After several months of discussion, a committee composed of manufacturers finally put forward a plan, and the BBC was born.
BBC Television Centre
The BBC was founded in 1922 by several large consortia Joint contribution , including Marconi Marconi ), UK General Electric Company (GEC)、 British Thomson Houston。 The original purpose of the company's founding was to establish a nationwide broadcast transmission network to facilitate the future national broadcast. On November 14, 1922, the first radio station of the BBC, 2LO, came from Oxford Street, London Selfridges The roof of the Selfridges Department Store starts broadcasting. 5IT from the next day Birmingham , 2ZY from Manchester We also started broadcasting.
In 1927, the BBC was granted the Royal Charter of Incorporation, and the Council was responsible for the operation of the company. The members of the Council were appointed by the government, each with a term of four years. The president appointed by the Council was responsible for the daily work of the company.
In 1932, the BBC Empire Service was launched, which was the first radio channel of the BBC to broadcast outside the UK. In 1938, the BBC Arabic This is the first foreign language channel of the BBC. By the end of World War II, the BBC had Portuguese And Spanish to the world. This is the predecessor of the BBC World Service.
Scottish engineer John Rogge Baird began to cooperate with the BBC in 1932 to try to broadcast television. On November 2, 1936, the BBC launched the world's first television broadcasting service. Television broadcasting It was interrupted in the Second World War, but resumed in 1946. On June 2, 1953, the BBC broadcast live Elizabeth II stay Westminster Abbey Of Ascension Ceremony It is estimated that there are about 20 million people in the UK who directly witnessed the Queen's accession to the throne.
In April 1964, BBC TWO was launched. In December 1967, BBC TWO was broadcast in color, which was the first television channel in Europe to broadcast in color.
Due to the challenge of underground radio stations, the BBC launched the BBC Radio 1 service on September 30, 1967, focusing on broadcasting pop music. On January 17, 1983, the BBC was the first to launch the breakfast time broadcasting service, "BBC Breakfast Time" competitor In front of.
In 1991, the BBC officially launched the BBC Global News Service television channel, which was renamed as BBC World in January 1995. Unlike the BBC Global Radio Service, the BBC Global News Service is a commercial television station that makes money through advertising, which also means that the channel cannot be broadcast in the UK.
In August 1998, the BBC's domestic channels also began to use satellite transmission. The unexpected result of this was that as long as European viewers used satellites made in Britain decoder They can also watch BBC ONE and BBC TWO.
On November 11, 2012, the former CEO of BBC George Entwell , because when a child was reported with a sexual assault, he mistakenly hinted that a senior conservative party Party members announced their resignation due to the scandal, and Tony Hull arranged to take over the post of CEO, becoming the most short-lived CEO when he took office on September 17, 2012.
On August 31, 2014, Ms. Rona Fairhead became the new chairman of the BBC Trust, the BBC's regulator. Fairhead, 53, became the first female chairman of the BBC Trust, which is responsible for supervising the management and operation of the BBC. [6]
In December 2018, World Brand Lab Prepared《 2018 World Top 500 Brands 》The BBC ranked 258th. [7]
On April 28, 2023 local time, Reuters reported that Richard Sharp, Chairman of the BBC, announced his resignation. [29]
On July 20, 2024, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) announced that it would lay off 500 people in the next 20 months to save 200 million pounds in costs and become a "leaner and more flexible organization". [38]

BBC Services


radio station

BBC Radio Channel
The purpose of the BBC's earliest establishment is to provide high-quality radio broadcasting services for the British public, and radio programs are still an important part of the BBC's products.
The BBC's first two stations were Home Service and World Service, and later it provided Light Programme. In 1967, the modern music channel, BBC Radio 1, was launched and named: BBC Radio 2 broadcast light music country music Jazz and Entertainment BBC Radio 4 is the previous domestic service. On August 27, 1990, BBC Radio 5 was launched and later renamed BBC Radio 5 Live.
The BBC has 10 radio channels, facing different audiences. The BBC has different programs for different regions. The BBC Global Service broadcasts globally. In addition, some short wave channels of the BBC can also be heard outside the UK. Most of these channels are news oriented, with some funding from the British Foreign Office. All BBC radio programmes can be downloaded for free from the Internet.
◎ UK
BBC Radio 1 (Contemporary Pop Music)
BBC Radio 2 (Light Music and Comedy)
BBC Radio 3( Jazz classical music And non western music)
BBC Radio 4 (non music entertainment programs, news, documentary programs)
BBC Radio 5 Live (News, Sports and Review)
◎ UK domestic, digital tuples
BBC Asia Network (broadcast in English and many other languages)
BBC Radio Five Sports
BBC 7 (Speech, Comedy and Drama)
Change to 4 Extra
◎ Global
BBC World Service


BBC ONE is the first television station in the world. It began to provide television programs on November 2, 1936, which was called "BBC Television Service" at that time. Before the outbreak of World War II, there were about 25000 families watching programs. In 1964, BBC TWO was launched and the name of BBC TV service was changed. BBC ONE programs are very popular, including dramas, comedies, documentaries, game programs and soap opera , often UK audience ratings Highest television channel The main news programs of BBC are also broadcast on BBC ONE three times a day.
BBC TWO is the third television service in Britain. It was originally scheduled to be broadcast on April 20, 1964, but that night because Bart The tin power plant caught fire and there was a blackout in London, including the BBC TV Center. The BBC TWO could only be postponed to the evening of the next day, when the host was still holding a candle. In December 1967, BBC TWO became the first in Europe Color TV Channel. BBC TWO has no soap operas or news programs, and its programs are mainly entertainment programs with various types (but if a program has a high audience rating, it will generally be transferred to BBC ONE). In October 1991, the BBC began to send Asia and Middle East Broadcast TV programs. In December 1992, this channel's Coverage It has expanded to Africa. In January 1995, the BBC World Service Television was reorganized and further covered the European region. In 2001, BBC World completed Global coverage BBC World provides high-quality news programs, and often broadcasts some documentaries that are well received in the UK.
BBC Worldwide is an international seller of BBC audio, video, books and other products Countries in the world Or directly sell all kinds of products related to the BBC, or trade with relevant countries on the use copyright of BBC audio-video, books and other products.
UK Domestic
BBC hosts broadcast the "September 11 Event"
BBC News
BBC Parliament


BBCi (i.e. BBC interaction) includes all BBC interactive services, including digital TV and the Internet. BBCi network service (formerly BBC Online) contains news and program archives. Many BBC programs can be found on the BBC website, and users can download and listen to them freely. BBCi is Visits One of the largest English websites.
In recent years, some network companies have complained that the BBC spends too much money on its network services, providing a large number of free, advertising free Media resources , making other websites unable to compete. They demand that the BBC's spending on websites should be limited to force them to compete with other websites at a fairer starting point through advertising or reducing content. In digital TV, BBCi has abandoned CEEFAX service. BBCi can display full-color photos and movies, and allow users to interact with programs, such as highly interactive The Premier League And the football game.

Source of funds

The Radio Act of 1904 stipulated that anyone who To play To send or receive radio programs, you must obtain a license from the post office. After the establishment of the BBC, user fees became the main source of funding for the BBC. In 1971, the family radio reception license was cancelled, but individuals must pay for a license if they want to watch TV programs.
Every family in the UK (except the elderly and minority Low income people , their fees are charged by British culture , Media and Sports Department ) or enterprises must purchase a one-year TV license to ensure that the BBC has sufficient funds to "educate, inform and entertain" the public. The cost is set by the government. Because of this special source of funding, the BBC does not include any commercial advertisement In theory, program producers are not driven by any commercial interests, but in fact they still need to face various pressures. For example, in politics, the government can change the license fees to impose pressure; At the same time, they must also face competition from other commercial television stations. Over the years, the BBC has also received special funding from the British government: for example, part of the funding for the BBC Global Service comes from the British Foreign Office. The BBC also makes money through commercial activities, such as selling programs that have been broadcast. BBC's income in 2003 includes:
First, license fee income: 2.659 billion pounds.
Second, £ 147 million comes from the BBC Business Holding Company.
Third, 237 million pounds comes from BBC Global Services, mainly Government appropriation (201 million), 16.1 million subscription fees from users and 6.6 million subscription fees from users Other income Source.
Royal Concession
The BBC's Royal Charter expired in 2006. The review of the Royal Charter is in progress.
On March 2, 2005, the Minister of Culture Tessa Jowell published a book on the long-term development of the BBC Green paper The key points of the Green Book are:
First, maintain the licensing fee system until 2016; Abolish the BBC Board of Directors and replace it with the BBC Foundation.
Second, increase program production External judgment
Third, reduce the importance of viewing and copy the concept of programs.

Disputed events

BBC Scotland (Glasgow)
For a long time, the BBC has maintained a rigorous and fair image in front of the world public. But many disputes and Sex scandal Its reputation has been affected by its exposure. In July 2003, a member of the BBC Radio 4 news A government official was quoted as saying that the Blair government had Weapons of mass destruction ”The problem was "added fuel and vinegar", but not in accordance with the Intelligence agencies The information provided is accurately reported to the public to obtain public participation US Iraq War Support. Andrew Gilligan, a famous BBC reporter who reported this news, later said in an article that as a press officer of the Beria government Dell ·Alistair Campbell is behind the exaggeration of intelligence. The British government completely denied the accusation, British Parliament Decision on appointment Independent Prosecutor Investigate the incident. The incident led to the deterioration of the relationship between the BBC and the British government. In the original suspicion that it was the BBC Information source Of British Ministry of Defence expert David Kelly After Doctor's suicide, the incident continued to worsen, and both the BBC and the British government were blamed for Kelly's death. In the Hutton Report finally released by the independent prosecutor, Gilligan and the top management of the BBC were accused of mishandling the news. The incident led to the resignation of Geely founder, BBC president and BBC council chairman.
At the end of December 2003, Robert Kilroy Silk, a well-known anchor of BBC, wrote an article discriminating against Arabs in his program "Sunday Express", which was stopped by BBC. On November 27, 2006, the first children's program "Blue Peter" of the BBC was falsified in the result of the telephone contest. At that time, due to technical problems in the program, the winner could not be successfully generated. A staff member asked a girl who was visiting the program with her parents to pretend to be a TV audience. The staff told the woman the correct answer, and then asked the woman to use the telephone Call the event site and claim to be from London I'm calling. At that time, a live audience witnessed the incident and reported it. On July 12, 2007, the BBC was contacted by the British spread The Commission (Ofcom) fined £ 45000; Later, the BBC was fined 5000 pounds because the episode was replayed on CBBC.
On July 13, 2007, BBC documentary The trailer of A Year with the Queen was wrongly edited, which made the audience mistakenly think that the Queen of England Elizabeth II Anger at American female photographer Annie Leibovitz and leave. The BBC apologized publicly for this and clarified that the scene where Elizabeth II stepped out of the shooting site was filmed before Liberwitz started work. On July 20, the film production unit RDF Media Group Creative Director Stephen Lambert( Stephen Lambert )Admitting that it was his idea, And indicate that Willing to resign to show responsibility. BBC and ITV Wait till the TV station has decided Stop Delegation RDF produces TV programs.
On July 19, 2007, the BBC's internal investigation found that the content of many programs, such as Lizi Kershaw Show, was falsified, and the staff acted as the winners of the program game, or did not give prizes at all.
At 21:00 on September 2, 2007 (British time), BBC Radio 3 broadcast the documentary Under 18 and Under The Knife, which will suffer apositia A 17-year-old girl, Lynsey Bowman, was sent to Texas for breast augmentation surgery, causing controversy. UK《 News of the World 》Criticized the BBC for wasting the ratings paid by citizens on such "immoral programs", and expressed concern about the mental health Status. The BBC argued that the cost of breast augmentation surgery was paid by Lindsey's parents, who had obtained Lindsey's parents' consent before the surgery, and never used the money paid by the national. [8]

Speech leakage

On September 27, 2012, a BBC reporter said that, Queen Elizabeth II (Queen Elizabeth II) once told him that she was worried about a radical Islam in north London clergy "Quite dissatisfied".
This reporter's action is considered as a great destruction of relevant etiquette, which is shocking. One should not reveal the dialogue between the Queen and oneself, especially when what she said involves politics, because the Queen herself should not hold political opinions in principle. The BBC immediately apologized and humbled, claiming that reporter Frank Gardner( Frank Gardner )What he has done has completely crossed the bottom line.
The BBC said in a statement, "The Queen's private conversation should not have been leaked. Both the BBC and Frank are deeply guilty of violating trust. This is totally inappropriate. Frank felt extremely guilty about the embarrassing situation caused by this, and he has apologized to the court. "
It happened on the BBC Today, an influential morning radio program on public issues. Gardner is a national security reporter of the BBC, and he talks about Egypt Islamic clergy Abu Hamza (Abu Hamza)。 Hamza Settled in England and once lived in a family in north London mosque Preaching a violent jihad against Britain.
For many years, the British government has been trying to extradite Hamza to the United States. In the United States, Hamza became a wanted criminal for many reasons. One reason is that he was accused of Oregon A terrorist training camp has been established. The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the extradition of Hamza does not violate his human rights. This decision cleared the way for Hamza to be expelled from England. When Gardner was discussing the case, he suddenly had an impulse to mention some famous people related to it. In Britain, no one is more famous than the Queen. There, most people like the Queen, although they may not like her relatives. It is generally believed that the Queen, as a difficult figure to interpret, has admirable self-restraint. They think that the Queen's public speeches are deliberately insipid, even stale and boring. She has perfected the art of "Are you from afar?", a kind of meaningless gossip. Therefore, it seems surprising in a sense that she should have her own ideas.
Talking about Hamza's ability to In the mosque Freedom of movement, he blurted out, "In fact, I can tell you that the Queen is quite dissatisfied with the fact that she can't arrest him. She can't understand - there must be a way to arrest him."
Moderator James Notty( James Naughtie )Obviously surprised, he said, "This is a wonderful message, Frank."
Gardner replied, "Yes, I think I have to mention this. She told me."
Speaking of this, Nottie said, "It's wonderful."
Then, Gardner continued to reveal without scruple that the Queen " Home Secretary Referring to this matter, she said that the man must have violated some laws ". As the head of state, the Queen should not interfere in government affairs.
The BBC reported that, David Blunkett ( David Blunkett )It may be the Home Secretary mentioned by Gardner, who denied that the Queen had ever talked to him about Abu Hamza. [9]


Polar bear mother takes care of the baby bear
In December 2011, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) broke out a wave of fraud, which took more than four years to shoot a nature documentary《 Frozen planet 》(Frozen Planet), one episode is played Polar bear The host said that the scene of mother taking care of the newborn bear was filmed in ice and snow, which was appreciated by the audience. Jeffs, the program producer, later revealed the truth on the BBC website, saying that polar bears would stay in ice covered caves when giving birth, and it was impossible to take photos of them close-up shot It was shot in a zoo in Germany, and the team had set up the camera before the mother bear gave birth.
On December 11, 2011, the BBC said that the method of segment shooting had been explained clearly on the program website, and the program was also cautious in using words, without misleading the audience. The audience's bombardment of the BBC's use of fake snow in female bear clips is clearly deliberate deception. Whittingdale, chairman of the Committee on Culture, Media and Sports of the House of Commons, said that broadcasters should not give the illusion that they are "extremely disappointed" that the audience has been misled. [10]
Human Planet 》(Human Planet)'s "wild wolves" in the documentary "Human Planet", because they couldn't find any wolves to film on location, they found a half domesticated wolf.
Earth's Secret Paradise, a very amazing scene in this documentary natural landscape Volcano eruption At that time, in the gray clouds all over the sky, there was a magnificent lightning. It is said to show the Kalbuko Volcano Upper end ash Lightning in the clouds.
2015《 Earth pulsation 》(Planet Earth), a scene shows an amazing snow mountain landscape from the perspective of an eagle. But actually, it was taken with a domesticated bird.
BBC acknowledges《 Human Planet 》Medium Treehouse The camera is fake: papua new guinea The footage of the tribe building a tall house on a tree is actually designed by the director. [11]
On April 7, 2018, the BBC admitted that《 Human Planet 》Fraud. [1]

Employee protests

On June 24, 2014 local time, according to media reports, in London, the BBC reporters and other staff sealed their mouths with black tape to express their support for journalists sentenced to prison in Egypt and protest against the persecution of freedom of speech and journalists around the world. The Egyptian court sentenced three people on Monday local time Al Jazeera He was convicted of "assisting the outlawed Mu Brotherhood" and sentenced to seven years' imprisonment. [12]

Irritate the Thai royal family

Thailand defence secretary Bawi Ongsuwan (Prawit Wongsuwan) On December 7, 2016, the Thai government will investigate the BBC for allegedly insulting the new King Rama X of Thailand [13]

Sex scandal crisis

Saville was the number one host of the BBC in the 1970s and 1980s. He died in October 2011 at the age of 84. The police said that Saville had carried out Sexual assault , including many minors. In November 2011, the BBC's flagship survey program《 News Night 》Once produced an investigation program for Saville, but it was not broadcast due to pressure from the top. The matter was exposed by the BBC staff, which led to public criticism, accusing the BBC of covering up crimes.
On October 24, 2012, British media reported that in addition to Saville, many people inside the BBC were involved in child sexual assault cases. [14]

Crisis of trust

host Jimmy Saville ( Jimmy Savile )The sexual scandals of the BBC continued to ferment, causing the BBC to fall into the most serious crisis of trust since its establishment in 1922.
Reuters It is reported that some victims claimed that during the period from 1970 to 1980 when Saville was popular, there were several Pedophilia They are an organized group, including some TV stars.
British Prime Minister Cameron said in Parliament on October 24, 2012 that the British Crown Prosecution Office had launched an emergency investigation to verify the reasons for terminating the investigation of Saville's case in 2009.
BBC President George Entwell (George Entwistle) When questioned by the Parliament, he said that the BBC was investigating nine current employees accused of sexual assault. The Saville scandal seriously questioned the reputation of the BBC. [14]
In the eyes of British society, the BBC has changed from the owner of Saville, the late famous host and the protagonist of the sex abuse scandal, to its "accomplice". It was accused of knowing about Saville's scandal long ago, but deliberately covering it up. [15]

Resignation of President

President of the BBC George Entwell (George Entwistle) announced his resignation on the evening of November 10, 2012. The BBC's credibility Encountered unprecedented doubts, Entwester said that he must be responsible for this.
Ernest Wieser took over the post of BBC President on September 17, 2012, and his term of office was less than two months. The direct reason that forced him to resign was the BBC's flagship investigative programme《 News Night 》On November 2, a former conservative party Parliamentarians were suspected of child sexual assault, which proved to be seriously untrue afterwards. [16]
News Night reported that the former Conservative Party Upper House Senator McAlpine is suspected of Sexual assault Children. In the program, a man named Steven Mesham victim Said that the Conservative politician once worked in a welfare centre Sexually assaulting him. During the investigation, the police let him see a photo, and he was wrongly told that this person was McAlpine. On November 9, 2012, Mesham saw another picture, which made him realize that the sex offender was actually another person. McAlpine issued a strongly worded statement strongly condemning the "completely wrong and seriously defamatory" report, and his lawyer suggested that he sue News Night. [17]
On November 13, 2012, the BBC's Chinese website reported that Helen Boden, the News Director of the BBC, and a deputy Steve Mitchell has been suspended from editing, waiting for the results of the investigation into the BBC's abandonment of its investigative scandal programme. [18]
The broadcast of the program triggered a crisis of public trust in the BBC and announced his resignation. The BBC also announced that it would stop《 News Night 》All of the column's investigations on the child abuse case in Saville have caused controversy here. [19]

Subtitle error

When the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported the global celebration of the Lunar New Year on January 31, 2014 (the first day of the Chinese New Year), the "Year of the Horse" Error display For the "Year of Prostitutes", make a big joke.
BBC News last Friday mistakenly displayed the English "Year of Horse" as the homophone "Year of Whores" on the TV subtitles. The discerning people took the scene of the black dragon and uploaded it to social networking sites, and then spread it crazily. One netizen joked: "According to the BBC subtitles, this year should be quite interesting." [21]

Short film geographical error

On January 19, 2021 local time, the Chinese version of BBC News Twitter A new documentary film called "Back to Hubei" was released, which claimed to record the scenes on the streets of Hubei one year later. But at the beginning of the video, they don't even know where Hubei is located in China. [2] The BBC has fished in troubled waters again, and failed to complete the icon of China. BBC Wuhan Translate directly to Shaanxi, Gansu Ningxia Inner Mongolia At the junction. So I confidently took a picture“ on-the-spot investigation After "Hubei scene. [2]

False news related to epidemic situation

February 2021, Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The relevant responsible person is involved in the broadcast of BBC on January 29, 2021 Neocoronal pneumonia epidemic situation False news Propose to the head of the media branch in Beijing Solemn negotiation The relevant person in charge of the Information Department pointed out that your recent news video on the COVID-19 epidemic linked the epidemic with politics, and re hyped the "concealment theory", "source theory" and "responsibility theory" of the epidemic Anti terrorist exercises The video is broadcast as the news of "violent law enforcement and violation of human rights" by China's epidemic prevention department, which is typical of ideology Prejudicial false news has a bad influence. [3]
On January 5, 2021 Regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs A reporter from Reuters asked that the Foreign Ministry asked the BBC to make a public apology for the false news in its report, but the BBC issued a statement saying that it would continue to adhere to its Principle of justice , do you have any comment on this?
In this regard, the spokesman Wang Wenbin The response said that yesterday on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the relevant person in charge of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made solemn representations to the head of the BBC Beijing Branch about the false news about the epidemic broadcast by the BBC. I also noticed the relevant response of the BBC you just mentioned. [20]

Fraudulent visit

On May 24, 2021, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) issued a statement on local time, admitting that in 1995, by means of deception Diana Spencer The princess interviewed him and said she would check herself, hoping not to repeat "past mistakes". In this regard, there are British media Analysts pointed out that it is fabricated through deception and fabrication of facts False information It is not the only problem of the BBC. As a media organization, the BBC has long had many problems, such as "fear culture", systematic cover up of scandals, etc Mottle [23]
according to British Supreme Court Retired Judge Dyson Lord Recently published independence investigation report In 1995, BBC reporter Martin Bashir used "fraudulent means" and forged documents to gain the trust of Princess Diana and her family, thus obtaining an exclusive interview with Princess Diana. In 1996, the BBC conducted an internal investigation to cover up this situation. [23]

Anti vaccine protests

On August 9, 2021, anti vaccine protests again occurred in Britain, and some protesters tried to attack the BBC TV Center , protest Vaccine passport Vaccinate children. Social media On video display A group of demonstrators tried to break through the police restrictions to enter the building. The demonstrators had a fierce conflict with the police. They were dissatisfied with the BBC's report on the vaccine passport and thought that it "did not provide correct information". [24]

Freeze funds

In January 2022, the British government decided to freeze the financial funds of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) for the next two years, and the subscription license fee of this media will be completely cancelled in 2027. [25]
On January 16, 2022 Johnson In order to save his position, the Prime Minister cut his sword at the BBC ”。 [26]

Foreign exchange violations

On April 13, 2023, Indian New Delhi TV reported that the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) office in India was suspected of foreign exchange violations, which had been prosecuted by the Indian Law Enforcement Agency and was under investigation. It was two months later that the BBC was again investigated by Indian law enforcement authorities. On February 14, the BBC offices in New Delhi and Mumbai were accused of irregular tax treatment, profit transfer and non-compliance, and were raided by more than 50 Indian tax officials. [27]

Loan scandal

Chairman of the BBC on April 28, 2023 local time Richard Sharp He resigned, and it was reported that he violated the government's regulations on appointment to public office. It was previously disclosed that Sharp helped the then Prime Minister in 2021 Boris Johnson A loan of £ 800000 was arranged and a few weeks later he was appointed chairman of the National Broadcasting Corporation, which is funded by the government. After the incident, the BBC fell into a great public opinion dilemma. On the same day, Sharp issued a television resignation statement through the BBC. Sharp said that after "unintentionally" violating the regulations, his resignation was to "give priority to the interests of the BBC". [28]

Re exposure of sex scandal

On July 8, 2023, according to the website of The Times, the BBC is facing the challenge of handling a mother's complaint. The complaint said that a well-known male host paid 35000 pounds (about 320000 yuan) to her child for pornographic photos, which may violate the law.
It is reported that the mother of the above-mentioned child said that her child was only 17 years old when she was tricked by the host to start taking pornographic photos, and later became infected narcotics She also said that since the contact with the BBC host, her children have changed from "carefree young people to ghostly drug addicts". [31]

Stop rebroadcast

In February 2021, the State Administration of Radio and Television (SARFT) announced that, after investigation, BBC World News Serious violation of relevant content of China related reports《 Regulations on the Administration of Radio and Television 》《 Administrative Measures for Landing of Overseas Satellite TV Channels 》In violation of relevant regulations, the news should be true and fair, and damage China's national interests , destroy China National unity , does not meet the landing conditions of overseas channels in China, and the State Administration of Radio and Television does not allow the BBC World News to continue landing in China, and applies for its landing in the new year Inadmissible [4]
From the evening of February 12, Radio Hong Kong The spokesman said that according to the report of the State Administration of Radio and Television, Radio Hong Kong will no longer broadcast the BBC International Channel and "BBC Current Affairs Week" from 11:00 p.m. on the 12th. [5]


Digital department:
BBC Fifty Years (2 episodes)
BBC. Alien. Empire. Insect Empire (6 episodes)
BBC.Ancient.Apocalypse. Ancient Apocalypse (4 episodes)
BBC.Ancient Rome The Rise and Fall of an Empire. Ancient Rome -The Rise and Fall of an Empire (6 episodes)
BBC. Animal Camera Snooping creatures (3 episodes)
BBC.Animal.Battlefield. BBC Animal Battlefield (4 episodes)
BBC.Animal.Games. Animal Olympics (1 episode)
BBC.Ape-Man. Human origin , also known as From Ape to Man (3 episodes)
BBC. A. History. of Britain/ britain History (15 episodes) BBC Amazon.Abyss. Amazon Abyss (5 episodes)
BBC.Around The World In 80 Treasures. Eighty Treasures of the World (10 episodes)
BBC. Attenborough in Paradise
BBC.A Walking with Dinosaurs Special - Sea Monsters. Featurette of Walking with Dinosaurs -Ocean King (3 episodes)
BBC Art Collection
BBC.Africa. Africa . (6 episodes)
BBC. Ancient. Worlds. (6 episodes)
B part:
BBC.Battlefields. Killing battlefield (4 episodes)
BBC. Battle of The Sexes In The Animal World Gender war (6 episodes)
BBC.Bible.Mysteries. Bible decoding (9 episodes)
BBC Brain. store. Brain wandering (6 episodes)
BBC Caribbean Pirates Blackbeard/ Ghost Stealing the Ship (1 episode+2 episodes)
BBC.Burma The Forgotten War Myanmar : The Forgotten War (1 episode)
BBC. Colosseum. Rome Arena (1 episode)
BBC.D-Day 6.6.1944. Normandy Landing Day (2 episodes)
BBC. D-Day to Berlin. From Normandy to Berlin (3 episodes)
BBC. Deep Blue. Dark Blue (2 episodes)
BBC Dolphins Deep. Thinkers.2003 Smart Dolphins (1 episode)
BBC Dragons. Alive. 2004. Modern Dinosaurs (3 episodes)
BBC Dunkirk. Dunkirk Retreat (3 episodes)
BBC. Earth Story. The Story of Earth Formation (8 episodes)
BBC.Earth.Ride. Earth Water Tour (1 episode)
BBC. Egypt . Ancient Egypt Secret History (close-up of Egypt) (6 episodes)
BBC.Elephant Diaries. Elephant Diaries (3 episodes)
BBC. Europe. A. Natural History. European Natural History (4 episodes)
BBC. Great. Wildlife. Moments. Wonderful Moments of Wildlife (1 episode)
H part:
BBC.Himalaya. Himalayan Journey (6 episodes)
BBC Hiroshima. Hiroshima (1 episode)
BBC.Horror in the East.. Tremorous East (2 episodes)
BBC. How. to. Build. A.Human. Copy New Human (4 episodes)
BBC Human Instinct. Human Instinct (4 episodes)
BBC. Human. Senses. Human Senses (3 episodes)
BBC. Horizon: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death (1 episode)
BBC. Horizon: Einstein's Unfinished Symphony symphony (1 episode)
BBC.Horizon:Equinox Einsteins Biggest Blunder. Einstein's Biggest Blunder (1 episode)
BBC.Horizon The Lost Pyramids Of Carl Peru Kalar Pyramid (1 episode)
BBC. Horizon: The Missing Link. Evolution Missing link (1 episode)
BBC.Horizon:The Mystery Of The Jurassic. Mystery of Jurassic (1 episode)
BBC. Horizon: Extreme Dinosaurs. Horizon: Giant Dragon Of secret (1 episode)
BBC. Horizon: T. Rex, Warrior Or Wimp. Horizon: Tyrannosaurus Rex , Warrior or Coward (1 episode)
BBC Horizon. - Supermassive. Black. Holes. Vision Series Supermassive black hole (1 episode)
BBC. Horizon: The Day The Earth Near Die
BBC. Horizon: The Lost Pyramids of Caral
BBC. Horizon: Atlantis Reborn. Horizon: Atlantis Reborn (1 episode)
BBC. Horizon: Cloning The First Human. Horizon: The Birth of Human Cloning (1 episode)
BBC. Horizon: Killer Algae. Horizon: Killer Algae (1 episode)
BBC. Horizon: The Secret Life Of Caves. Horizon: Cave Hidden Creatures (1 episode)
BBC. Blood and Flowers In Search of the Aztecs
BBC-Horizon: Saturn -Lord Of The Rings. Vision: Saturn (1 episode)
BBC.How Art Made The World artistic creation World (5 episodes)
BBC. In. Search. Of. The. Trojan. War. Search for the Trojan War (7 episodes)
BBC. In Search Of Myths And Heroes (4 episodes)
BBC.In The Footsteps Of Alexander The Great 2005 Follow Alexander the Great (4 episodes)
J-part: Underwater Journey (6 episodes)
BBC Jungle. Jungle Adventures (3 episodes)
BBC.Journey.of.Life. Life Journey (5 episodes)
K part:
BBC Kenneth Clark's Civilization (13 episodes)
BBC.Killing For A Living Killing for survival (13 episodes)
R part:
BBC Renaissance Revolution (3 episodes)
L part:
BBC.Land.of.the.Tiger. Tiger Kingdom (6 episodes)
BBC. Lauschwitz. The. Nazis. and. the. Final. Solution. 2005. Auschwitz Nazi Party And the final plan (Auschwitz concentration camp) (6 episodes)
BBC.The Legend Of The Holy Grail . The Legend of the Holy Grail (4 episodes)
BBC.Light.Fantastic. Dance of Light (4 episodes)
BBC.Life in the Freezer. Ice and snow fairy tales (6 episodes)
BBC.Lost.Worlds.Vanished.Lives. Gone creatures (6 episodes)
BBC Leonardo da vinci. (3 episodes)
BBC.Life on earth. Evolution of life (15 episodes)
BBC.Life in the Undergrowth 2005. Life under the bush (5 episodes)
BBC. Living. Britain (6 episodes)
M part:
BBC.Massive.Nature. Group nature (6 episodes)
BBC. Michael Palin. Full Circle With Michael Palin. Global Travel (10 episodes+2 episodes)
BBC.Michael Palin. Hemingway Adventure of Hemingway
BBC. Michael. Palin. Around. The. World. In. 80. Days. Around the Earth in 80 Days (7 episodes+1 episode)
BBC Monsters. We. Met. Encounter Monsters (3 episodes)
BBC. Nile. 2004. The Nile (3 episodes)
BBC.Noah and the Great Flood. Noah's Ark (1 episode)
BBC. Natural. World. Secrets. of the. Maya. Underworld. Mystery of Maya (1 episode)
BBC Phobias. Fear (3 episodes)
BBC. Planet Earth. (5 episodes)
BBC. Pole. to. Pole Polar Tour (8 episodes)
BBC.Pompeii-The.Last.Day. Pompeii Ancient City -Last day (1 episode)
BBC Power. of. Art. The power of art (8 episodes+1 episode)
BBC Pyramid (1 episode)
BBC. Power of Nightmares. The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear
BBC Predators, AVI , no subtitles)
BBC. Prehistoric. America. Prehistoric America (6 episodes)
BBC.South Pacific South Pacific (6 episodes)
BBC.Sahara. Sahara with Michael Palin (4 episodes)
BBC.Saint.Paul. Saint Paul (1 episode)
BBC.Seven.Wonders.of.the.Industrial.World. Seven industrial miracles (7 episodes)
BBC. Secrets Of The Ancients (5 episodes)
BBC.Son of God. Son of God (3 episodes)
BBC.Space.Odyssey. Star Tours (2 episodes)
BBC.Space. The universe is infinite (6 episodes)
BBC.Space.Race Space race (4 episodes)
BBC.State.of.the.Planet. The sound of the earth (3 episodes)
BBC.Stephen Hawking's Universe. Stephen Hawking's Universe (6 episodes)
BBC. Super. Human. Super Human (6 episodes)
BBC.Supernatural. Supernatural force (6 episodes)
BBC. Supersense Animal Hypersensory (6 episodes)
BBC.Supervolcano. Super volcano: the real end (2 episodes)
T part:
BBC.The Battle of The Atlantic. Battle of the Atlantic (3 episodes)
BBC. The Human Mind (3 episodes)
BBC.The Life Of Birds. Avian transmission (10 episodes)
BBC. The Road to War The Road to War (4 episodes)
BBC. The Abyss. Abyss (episode 1)
BBC.The.Blue.Planet. Blue Planet (10 episodes)
BBC. The. Divine. Michelangelo (2 episodes)
BBC.The Miracles of Jesus. Miracle perspective (3 episodes)
BBC. The Human Animal. (6 episodes)
BBC.The.Human.Body. Human body roaming (8 episodes)
BBC. The. Human. Face
BBC.The.Life.Of. Buddha . The Road to Buddhahood (1 episode)
BBC.The.Life.Of.Mammals. Mammals Complete biography (11 episodes)
BBC. The. Living. Planet. (13 episodes)
BBC.The.Nazis.A.Warning.From.History. nazi Warning Record (6 episodes)
BBC.The.Planets the planets (8 episodes)
BBC.The.Private.Life.of.Plants. Private life of plants (6 episodes)
BBC. Time. Machine. Time Machine (3 episodes)
BBC.Trials.of .Live . Source of life (12 episodes)
BBC.The.Day.the.Universe.Changed. Every day of change
BBC. Timewatch Forgotten Heroes
BBC. The Beauty of Maps (4 episodes)
BBC. The Chinese Are Coming 2011 (2 episodes)
BBCThe Ascent of Money The rise of money (6 episodes) [22]
W part:
BBC.Walking with Dinosaurs. Walking with dinosaurs (7 episodes)
BBC. A Walking with Dinosaurs Special - Land of Giant - The Giant Claw
BBC.Walking.with.Beasts. walking with beasts (6 episodes)
BBC.Walking with Cavemen. Walking with Ancient People (4 episodes)
BBC. War of the Century- World War II European East Line Documentary (4 episodes)
BBC. Weird. Nature. Smart Nature (6 episodes)
BBC Wild New World (6 episodes)
BBC. Wild. Afica. Wildness Africa (6 episodes)
BBC. Wild. Australasia. Wildness Australia (6 episodes)
BBC.Wild.China. Beautiful China (6 episodes)
BBC. Wild. Indonesia (3 episodes)
BBC. Wild. South. America. Wild South America (6 episodes)
BBC. Wild. Weather (4 episodes)
BBC Wildlife Specials (13 episodes)

Related reports

July 8, 2023, according to AFP Reported that the Syrian government announced the revocation of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) certification. The Syrian Press Department issued a statement saying that "because the BBC failed to comply with professional standards and insisted on providing biased and misleading reports", the Department decided to withdraw its authentication [30]
On July 9, 2023, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) admitted that a male anchor suspected of paying minors to take pornographic photos had been temporarily suspended. [32]
According to British media reports such as The Guardian and The Independent on October 15, 2023, in the early morning of the 14th local time, the headquarters of the BBC in central London was sprayed with a large amount of red paint, and on-site pictures and videos showed that the glass front door, walls and sidewalks of the BBC headquarters were dyed red with paint. [33]
On November 23, 2023, Al Jazeera Television reported on its website that the BBC was accused by its reporters of failing to accurately report the situation of the Palestinian Israeli conflict. Compared with the reports on Palestinians, the BBC has invested more efforts in treating Israeli victims humanely, and neglected the key historical background in its reports. [34]
According to the report of "Russia Today" and the British Times on November 25, 2023, the BBC is facing internal criticism for "prohibiting employees from participating in anti Semitism demonstrations". [35]
According to CBS on December 7, 2023 local time, Mariam Mohri, the host of the BBC news program, apologized for her middle finger at the beginning of the live broadcast. [36]
On February 20, 2024, Yehia Sareya, spokesman of the Yemeni Husei armed forces, said on social media that the British "Ruby" cargo ship, which had been attacked by Husei armed forces 35 nautical miles south of the Yemeni port city of Muha, had "completely sunk". On the 22nd, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) released a "fact check" report, saying that it had received two photos taken on the 20th and 21st respectively, in which the ship was seriously damaged and overturned in the sea, but some of the hull was still on the water. The BBC said that the ship could be basically identified as the "Ruby" from its appearance, and the two pictures showed that the ship was "not sunk". [37]