Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor

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The late Queen of England, the head of the Commonwealth, the supreme leader of Parliament
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synonym Queen Elizabeth II (Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom) generally refers to Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
Elizabeth II (Full name: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, April 21, 1926 September 8, 2022) , former Queen of England, Commonwealth The late King of England George VI Your eldest daughter. The full name is "By God's grace, Great Britain and Northern Ireland Queens of the United Kingdom and other territories and possessions, heads of state of the Commonwealth Christianity Elizabeth II, the protector of. He ascended the throne on February 6, 1952 and was crowned on June 2, 1953 britain The longest reigning monarch. [1]
On September 9, 2015, Queen Elizabeth II became britain The longest reigning monarch in history has broken Britain Queen Victoria 63 years, 7 months and 2 days. [2] In June 2016, Forbes Elizabeth II ranked 29th among the 100 most influential women in the world in 2016. In January 2021, Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip were vaccinated with the new crown vaccine. [19] On February 20, 2022, the Queen of England's new coronavirus test showed that Positive. [25] [27]
On September 8, 2022 local time, Buckingham Palace confirmed that Queen Elizabeth II died on the same day at the age of 96. [35]
Chinese name
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
Foreign name
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
Elizabeth II
Native place
britain London
one's native heath
britain London
date of birth
April 21, 1926
Date of death
September 8, 2022 [35]
Anglican Church (Episcopal Church)
Key achievements
Britain's longest reigning monarch
Forbes Ranked 29th among the world's 100 most influential women in 2016
Date of accession
February 6, 1952
Coronation date
June 2, 1953
Blood group
Type O
Windsor Dynasty (formerly known as Saxony Coburg Gotha Dynasty
George VI


Elizabeth II's full name is "Elizabeth II, the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and other territories and dependencies, the head of the Commonwealth, and the protector of Christianity, by the grace of God" [1] , more complicated than this, add the following title after the "protector of Christianity":“ Edinburgh The Duchess, the Countess of Meriones, Greenwich Baroness Duke of Lancaster Lord of the Isle of Man duke of Normandy The most honorable lord of the Order of Gard, the most honorable lord of the Order of Bath, the oldest and most honorable Scotland Lord of the Order Saint Patrick Lord of the Order of Knights, the most outstanding Lord of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, the most outstanding Lord of the Order of the British Empire, the Lord of the Order of Excellence in Service, the Lord of the Order of Imperial Service, the most noble Lord of the Order of India's Treasure Star, the most outstanding Lord of the Order of the Indian Empire British India Lord of the Order of Knights, Lord of the Order of Merit of India, Lord of the Order of Myanmar, Lord of the Order of Victoria and Albert, King of England Edward VII Lord of the Knights of the Royal Family Order, Lord of the Knights of Merit Order, Lord of the Knights of Honor, Lord of the Knights of the Royal Victoria Order, the most dignified Jerusalem Saint John of Hospital Knights Lord, Lord of the Order of Knights of Canada, Lord of the Order of Knights of Australia, Lord of the Order of Knights of New Zealand, Lord of the Order of Knights of Barbados, Lord of the Order of Courage, Lord of the Order of Military Merit, Lord of the Order of Royal Police... "
The title of "Duke of Normandy" is used as Channel Islands upper Jersey and Guernsey Used by the lord because these two islands belong to the traditional duchy of Normandy normans Forbidding female succession to the throne Salik Code Elizabeth II's title is "Duke" rather than "Duchess".
Elizabeth II with previous Prime Ministers
She ascended the throne on February 6, 1952. By September 9, 2015, she had exceeded Queen Victoria Became the longest reigning monarch in British history [2]
On September 9, 2019, Queen Elizabeth II approved a bill aimed at preventing the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Let the UK withdraw on October 31 without reaching an agreement on Brexit european union [3]
On October 14, 2019, Queen Elizabeth II presided over British Parliament At the age of 93, she made her 65th speech to the parliament. The Queen read out an overview of the new work plan on behalf of the Government. [4]
On April 5, 2020, the Queen of the United Kingdom delivered a national television speech on the COVID-19 epidemic. The Queen thanked the front-line medical staff, workers in important positions and all those who insisted on staying at home, and hoped that the British people would work together to achieve success in combating the epidemic. This is the fifth national speech beyond Christmas since she was in power for 68 years. [5]
On September 29, 2021, the Parliament of Barbados unanimously passed the amendment of the law, completely ending the relationship between the country and the British royal family, no longer recognizing Queen Elizabeth as the head of state of the country, and transforming it into a republic. [21]
 Princess Elizabeth in the uniform of a lieutenant in 1945
Princess Elizabeth in the uniform of a lieutenant in 1945

Character's Life


Childhood life

Elizabeth was born on April 21, 1926 London 17 Broughton Street, West End - her grandfather's home, which is now a high-end Chinese restaurant. [6] Her mother Elizabeth Bowes Leon It is a famous family in Scotland. Father Albert was then King of England George V The second son of. As the eldest daughter of her family, Elizabeth has received the traditional and strict education of governing the people since she was six years old, and has made great achievements in history, language and music. She can speak French, German and Spanish fluently, and has received doctorates in music and law from four universities. She was stable, gentle and assertive by nature, and was loved by her grandfather George V and parents when she was young.
In her childhood, Elizabeth lived a quiet and secluded life with her parents. She had a private teacher to help her and her sister Princess Margaret with their lessons. She lived a carefree life. At that time, she, including her parents, the Duke and Duchess of York, never thought of inheriting the throne. However, unexpected events finally broke the quiet life and changed their life path. In 1936, Elizabeth's uncle Edward VIII insisted on marrying Mrs. Simpson, who had been divorced twice, and was forced to abdicate. Her father Albert succeeded to the throne and was called George VI. Elizabeth immediately became heir to the throne.

After World War II

During the Second World War, the whole of Europe was bombed by Germany, and the three British islands, including Buckingham Palace where the king was, were not spared. [7] Elizabeth, 13, and her sister Margaret arrived Scotland Balmoral took refuge. The British government, considering the safety of the royal family, suggested that Elizabeth and Margaret should be transferred to Canada to avoid accidents. The Queen said firmly, "If I don't leave England, my daughter won't leave England; if the King doesn't leave England, I won't leave England. The King will never leave England." [7] In 1940, in order to appease countless children displaced by the war, Elizabeth made her first public speech on the radio: "We are trying to help the brave sailors, soldiers and pilots in the navy, and we are also trying to share with you the danger and sadness brought by the war. We know that everything will be fine in the end." [8]
In 1945, Elizabeth persuaded her father to allow her to participate directly in helping win the war. She joined a women's group supporting the war, where her number was Lieutenant Elizabeth Windsor II No. 230873. This is the first time that she has been trained together with other children. It is said that she likes this experience very much. It is also because of this experience that she sends her children to school instead of letting them study at home. In 1947, Elizabeth made her first foreign visit. She arrived with her parents South Africa On her 21st birthday, she broadcast to the Commonwealth and the Empire, vowing to devote her life to serving the people of the Commonwealth and the Empire.

Grand wedding coronation

In 1939, Elizabeth met Prince Philip at the Naval School and fell in love with him at first sight. At that time, Elizabeth was 13 and Philip was 18. Both parties are distant cousins, and their great grandparents are Queen Victoria. Since then, the two have been communicating with each other. In 1947, Philip gave up the right to inherit the throne, changed his nationality and religious belief, and married Elizabeth on November 20 of that year. After the marriage, the couple lived in Clarence House in London. [9]
Since 1951, George VI's health has gone from bad to worse, and Elizabeth began to attend public events instead of her father. That year she visited Greece Italy and Malta (Philip was stationed here with the army.). She visited again in October Canada and Washington
In January 1952, Elizabeth and Philip visited again Australia And New Zealand On February 6, Elizabeth received the sad news of the death of her father King George VI in Kenya and the news that she was about to be crowned. [9] At the moment of her accession to the throne, she was Tree Hotel This experience was aptly called "Up the tree is the princess, down the tree is the queen." [9] Elizabeth's coronation took place on June 2, 1953 Westminster Abbey Held.

In the Queen's Office

Queen's Private Flag
After the coronation, Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip moved to Buckingham Palace But like all kings before her, Elizabeth did not like living in Buckingham Palace. For her, the Windsor Castle Is her home. Queen Elizabeth is the most visited monarch in British history. From 1953 to 1954, she and Philip spent half a year traveling around the world. She became the first to visit Australia, New Zealand and Fiji The reigning monarch of. In October 1957, she paid a state visit to the United States, and in 1959, she visited Canada. Her first visit in 1961 India and Pakistan She has visited most European countries and many regions outside Europe, and often attended Commonwealth summits.
At the beginning of Elizabeth's succession, many people believed that a "new Elizabethan period" was coming. But in fact, the UK she had to face was a disintegrating sunset empire, a weakening military and economic power, and a gradually disintegrating loose organization, the Commonwealth. She has constantly tried to maintain the special relationship between the former colony and Britain South Africa )She has made an important contribution to maintaining this relationship.
Elizabeth is very conservative in religion, moral standards and family affairs. She takes religious responsibilities very seriously and takes her coronation vow seriously. This is one of the reasons why she is unlikely to abdicate. Like her mother, Queen Elizabeth never forgives edward viii She chose to abdicate because, in her opinion, he abandoned his responsibility and forced his father to bear this responsibility, which was regarded as the culprit for shortening his father's life. She used her authority to stop her sister Princess Margaret Marry a divorced man. For many years, she also refused to acknowledge the relationship between her son Charles and her lover Camilla Parker Bowles.
Politically, her position is relatively vague, although she has not never expressed her views on politics in public. She maintains friendly relations with many political figures in all political parties. It is generally believed that her favorite Prime Minister is winston churchill Harold Macmillan and harold wilson The prime minister she dislikes most is, of course margaret thatcher She is also the first Prime Minister born in the year of her succession to the throne Tony Blair The relationship between them is quite good.
The Queen will only open her position on issues that may affect British unity. She once expressed her support England And Scotland The continued unity has angered some Scottish nationalists. She was right Northern Ireland Belfast Agreement 》Many federalists objected to his praise.
Although other members of the royal family often cause many disputes, especially the marriage problems experienced by the Queen's children in the 1980s and 1990s, Elizabeth II herself is less controversial. Although she is relaxed compared with the past, she is still very formal in public. Because she was unwilling to express her feelings in public, the British public could not have deeper feelings for her.
Elizabeth II has never been unpopular, at least not more so than Queen Victoria during her reign. The only time it caused public dissatisfaction was in 1997 Diana Spencer After her death, the Queen and other members of the royal family did not attend the public memorial service. This has caused criticism from many tabloids, which are usually the royal family, and made the British feel that the royal family is indifferent and inhuman.
Many people believe that Queen Elizabeth II did not like Diana very much and thought that she would destroy the royal family. Finally, due to the huge public pressure, all members of the royal family had to bow to the Princess when her coffin passed Buckingham Palace. The Queen also rarely expressed her condolences on Diana's death in the form of live television. This change of Elizabeth II may be Tony Blair The result of lobbying.

Celebration ceremony

After 1997, Elizabeth II regained the image of a respected head of state. In 2002, the country celebrated the 50th anniversary of her accession to the throne. In that year, she toured the whole UK, made state visits to many Commonwealth countries, and attended many parades and concerts. In June, thousands of people gathered outside Buckingham Palace for an event called "Palace Party", where many musicians from all over the UK gathered to perform. The Queen Mother died during the celebration.
After the death of her mother and sister, she became closer to her children. Her relationship with her daughter-in-law, Countess Wessex, was particularly harmonious. But she and her son Prince Charles Still seldom meet. Although she does not support the crown prince and Camilla Rosemary Shand She has repeatedly publicly hinted that she has been able to accept Camilla. On the other hand, she has a very close relationship with her grandchildren, especially Prince William and Zara Phillips

Physical problems

Clarence House
In 2003, the Queen, who has always been in good health, performed three operations. In January, she had an operation to remove the broken cartilage in her right knee. In December, she had a similar operation on her left knee and repaired the organ damage on her face. It has been speculated that this was caused by skin cancer, but Buckingham Palace said that the Queen was OK.
The recent series of operations worried that Queen Elizabeth was overworked and should take more rest. Although the Queen has reached an advanced age, she has publicly stated that she has no intention of abdicating. Many people close to Elizabeth said that the Queen could not abdicate on her own. But she agreed to let her children bear more state affairs. She has also begun to reduce the number of foreign visits (generally speaking, she will make two state visits and two visits to Commonwealth countries every year). But like her mother, she would stop working only when her body could not bear it.

Public utilities

In recent years, the public found that Elizabeth showed more emotion in public. Although she still maintains the solemn image of the monarch most of the time, she began to smile in public and“ 9 · 11 Incident ”The victims wept at Westminster Abbey memorial service.
In 2007, Elizabeth II's dedicated channel was on the short film sharing website YouTube In addition to many precious royal family clips, the Queen's Christmas message was broadcast online for the first time to commemorate the 50th anniversary of her first TV Christmas message. Buckingham Palace said that the Queen pioneered the process of uploading clips to the website in the hope of delivering messages to more people and closing the gap with the younger generation.
 Queen Elizabeth II has moist eyes
Queen Elizabeth II has moist eyes

Never abdicate

Royal mother and son
In 2008, a senior source of the British royal family said that the 82 year old queen had changed her commitment to "never abdicate". She planned to abdicate formally when she was 87 years old in 2013, thus passing the throne to Charles. Royal sources said that Queen Elizabeth II had told Charles that she was going to let him become King of England ahead of time. However, Elizabeth II has not yet confirmed this, and there are also doubts about the view that the Queen will abdicate. Buckingham Palace spokesman said that Elizabeth II had always said that she would not abdicate, and her view has not changed. But so far Elizabeth II has not abdicated.
Elizabeth II with Princess Diana
In 2010, Elizabeth II asked for a salary increase to fill the royal family's financial deficit of 6 million pounds. It is reported that this is the first time for her to ask for a raise in 20 years. On June 2, 2012, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom celebrated the 60th anniversary of her accession to the throne, becoming the second monarch in British history who has reigned for more than 60 years.
On June 27, 2012, during her visit to Northern Ireland, Elizabeth II met with the former senior general of the Irish Republican Army and the current second minister of Northern Ireland Martin McGuinness Meet and shake hands. Before the signing of the Northern Ireland Peace Agreement in 1998, the Irish Republican Army carried out a 30 year campaign against British rule, causing thousands of British soldiers and civilians to die, including the Queen's cousin Louis Mountbatten Lord.

Overseas visit

Elizabeth II visited China for the first time in 1986, and she was also the first British monarch to visit China.
As the supreme leader of the Church of England, Elizabeth II also paid her first visit in 1961 in the name of the British monarch vatican
Between 1953 and 1992 alone, Elizabeth II visited more than 40 countries.
In 1986, Elizabeth II Australia I left a letter about Queen Victoria Building But she told the mayor of Sydney that the letter would not be published until 2085.
The Queen visited China and climbed the Great Wall in 1986

Attend the Cabinet

On December 18, 2012, Queen Elizabeth II, who does not publicly express her political views on weekdays, attended the cabinet meeting. She became the first British monarch to attend the government cabinet meeting in peacetime in the past century.
Elizabeth II Downing Street When the Prime Minister's Office attended the meeting, it sat in the chair where the Prime Minister usually sat. The first topic discussed by the cabinet on that day was the proposal to change the British royal inheritance law and allow girls to succeed as heads of state.
 Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Cameron Latest Portrait
Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Cameron

Attend the Olympic Games

On the evening of July 27, 2012, UK local time, London 2012 Olympic Games The opening ceremony was attended by Elizabeth II [10] Elizabeth II and playing 007 James Bond Of Daniel Craig Play. 007 Accept the Queen's invitation to the Queen's home Buckingham Palace Accept new tasks [11] After that, 007 boarded a helicopter with the Queen and flew across London [11] They crossed London Eye Tower of London Wait for the building, and finally come to London Bowl Overhead [11] Elizabeth II and 007 suddenly jumped down together, opened the parachute and slowly descended to the London Bowl [11] There was a burst of exclamations, and Elizabeth II suddenly appeared in the royal box [11]
Elizabeth II dressed up for the 2012 London Olympic Games

Gastric disease admission

On March 4, 2013 local time, after a day of treatment, Elizabeth II left the hospital and returned Buckingham Palace rest. When Elizabeth II stepped out of the private King Edward VII Hospital in central London and walked to the waiting luxury car, she looked good and smiled. It is reported that Elizabeth II was hospitalized for gastroenteritis on the afternoon of the 3rd, which is the first time that the 87 year old Queen has been hospitalized in 10 years.

88th birthday

On April 21, 2014, Elizabeth II celebrated her 88th birthday, and the British royal family released the portrait of Elizabeth II.
The black and white portrait released by the royal family was taken at Buckingham Palace last month. In the photo, Elizabeth II wears a three string pearl necklace, grins, and is dressed by a personal assistant and a royal dresser who has served her for more than ten years.
The latest portrait of Elizabeth II is commissioned by a government program called "Britain is extraordinary". This program aims to promote British trade, tourism, investment and education. The Queen is undoubtedly the best image envoy of Britain. It is estimated that she can absorb 500 million dollars of foreign exchange for tourism every year for Britain. [12]

90th birthday

On April 21, 2016, Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her 90th birthday. Royal Mail has released a historic photo - four generations of the British royal family together. [13-14]
In the photo, Prince George smiles and stands on a pile of foam boards, holding his father Prince William's hand. To his left, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles: the 41st, 42nd and 43rd heirs of the British royal family pay tribute to the 40th heir.
There were many challenges in taking this photo. First of all, it's hard to set a date because the Queen is too busy. Secondly, the location is also difficult to choose. The photographer first chose to shoot in the yellow reception hall of Buckingham Palace, but gave up because of the excessive power. Finally, the white reception hall in the photo was chosen to convey that the meaning of the monarch lies in inheritance and stability. [13-14]

fabulously rich

According to the assessment of foreign mainstream media, the Queen's nominal assets are about 22.8 billion pounds. The British royal family can settle in the top 20 of the global wealth list, and Forbes Calculated by biweekly magazine Michael Bloomberg And“ Facebook ”Founder of social networking website Mark Zuckerberg The scale of assets is equivalent. Buckingham Palace said that the Royal Real Estate Authority invested and managed the property of the British royal family, and its capital valuation has more than doubled since 2005, reaching 22.8 billion pounds.
Although she is extremely rich, the Queen's life is relatively frugal, and she has not frequently changed new clothes in public for several years. [15]

"Nazi Rites"

britain The Sun On the night of July 17, 2015, the exclusive publication of the photo of Queen Elizabeth II's "Nazi salute" more than 80 years ago was severely condemned by the British royal family. The royal spokesman said that it was disappointing that the photos of the Queen's family were used and misled by the Sun.
This black-and-white photo was taken from a 1933 video, which lasted 17 seconds. At that time, Elizabeth II was only seven years old. She and her uncle edward viii , Sister Princess Margaret With my mother Balmoral Castle Play in the garden. Mother raised her hand and Elizabeth II followed suit, raising her hand three times. Edward VIII joined to teach Elizabeth and Margaret how to salute correctly.
britain Daily Mail Said that in 1933 when the photo was taken, the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler Germany is rising, and the Second World War is far from happening. People usually regard“ Raise one's hand ”As a tribute to Germany. Now, 89 year old Elizabeth II cannot fail to understand what this gesture means.
The British royal family immediately responded that most British people would look at this old photo more than 80 years ago with their current feelings, but this is just an ordinary picture of family playing, and people in the picture would never expect the future development. A royal source said, "The Queen was young and completely innocent... The Queen and her family committed themselves to the national interests during the war. What she has done for the country and the people for 63 years since she took the throne is obvious to all."
historian James Holland Agree with the royal family. Holland said: "I dare say that in the 1930s and 1940s, no child did not joke about raising his hand, which (the Queen's family also did so) shows that they are the same people as us. Some netizens also expressed their solidarity. Josh Cook said:" Terrible news. As early as before the Second World War, no one could know about Nazi behavior. " [16]

Platinum wedding anniversary

On November 20, 2017, Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. Instead of holding public celebrations, the Queen and her husband held a private royal dinner at Windsor Castle, inviting their relatives to celebrate their "platinum wedding".
According to the arrangement, the bell of Westminster Abbey in London rang for more than three hours in the afternoon to celebrate the event. On November 20, 1947, Princess Elizabeth, 21, and her distant cousin Philip, 26, held a grand wedding in this church. At that time, more than 200 million people around the world listened to the wedding through news broadcasts.
To commemorate the Queen's "Platinum Wedding", Royal Mail will issue a set of six stamps on the anniversary, through which people can review the photos of the Queen's engagement, wedding and honeymoon trip; Buckingham Palace also released a new group photo of the Queen and her husband at Windsor Castle on the eve of the anniversary. [17]

White Jubilee Day

On February 6, 2022, Queen Elizabeth II of the Commonwealth will celebrate the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne [22] On February 6, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to Queen Elizabeth II, congratulating her on the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne [23] In London, England, the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's accession to the throne was celebrated. The Scottish Guard took part in the guard changing ceremony held at Buckingham Palace. The scene was grand and the atmosphere was dignified. [24]
On May 31, 2022 local time, Queen Elizabeth II left Balmoral Castle in Scotland and returned to Windsor Castle to participate in the 4-day celebration of the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne (also known as the Platinum Jubilee) starting on June 2 [29] Starting from June 2 local time, four days of celebrations will be held across the UK to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. A series of activities include military parade, air show, concert, etc [30] On the evening of June 2 local time, Buckingham Palace issued a statement saying that Queen Elizabeth II would suspend her participation in the celebration on June 3 because she felt unwell after attending the first day of the celebration of her 70th anniversary [31-32]
Celebrate the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's accession to the throne

Reduce responsibilities

In July 2022, the Daily Mail quoted Buckingham Palace insiders as saying that Buckingham Palace has reduced some responsibilities of Queen Elizabeth II for the first time in 10 years. [34]

The character dies

On September 8, 2022 local time, Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland at the age of 96. According to the Global Times, the flag of Windsor Castle has been lowered to half mast. The BBC said that at 6:30 p.m. local time on September 8, the British flag at Buckingham Palace flew at half mast. [36]
People lay flowers outside the gate of Cambridge, Windsor Castle, England, England.
British Sky News said that after the death of Elizabeth II, Prince Charles immediately became the new monarch of Britain. The national mourning period in Britain has begun and will continue until the Queen's funeral, which is expected to be held 10 days after her death. British media said that the Queen's body would be transferred to Buckingham Palace, where it may stay for five days. [36] According to Sky News, the funeral of the late Queen Elizabeth II will be held at Westminster Abbey in London on September 19, 2022 local time. [38] At 20:5 local time on September 13, the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II arrived at Buckingham Palace in London from Edinburgh, Scotland. [40-41] On the afternoon of September 19 local time, the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II arrived at St. George's Church in Windsor Castle, where the burial ceremony was held. Members of the British royal family and some dignitaries and former dignitaries will attend the ceremony. St. George's Church, built by King Edward III of England, buried a number of deceased members of the British royal family. Queen Elizabeth II's parents and sister Princess Margaret were all buried here. Prince Philip, now in the royal tomb of St. George's Church, will be transferred here to be buried with the Queen. [43]
On September 29, 2022, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported that the death certificate released by the Scottish National Archives showed that Queen Elizabeth II died of "old age" at 3:10 p.m. local time on September 8, 2022. [44]

Personal life

  • health
On February 20, 2022 local time, Buckingham Palace announced that the 95 year old Queen Elizabeth II's new crown was tested positive. Before the Queen's diagnosis, her eldest son and daughter-in-law were infected with the new crown one after another. Prince Charles met the Queen two days before his diagnosis [25-26] According to the Daily Mail on February 28, Elizabeth II has recovered from COVID-19 [28]

member of family

George VI and Queen Elizabeth
Father: George VI (deceased)
britain Windsor Dynasty (Saxony Coburg Gotha Dynasty), the elder brother of the king who "loved the country more than the beautiful" edward viii Abdicate and inherit the throne. During World War II, he overcame persistent stuttering and made wonderful speeches on TV to encourage British people to declare war on Germany.
Mother: Elizabeth Bowes Leon (deceased)
She is the daughter of Lord Gramms and the first non German princess in Britain after 1714. He lived for 102 years and died in 2002. It has always been the spiritual pillar behind the Queen, providing advice to the Queen.
Husband: prince philip (deceased)
The Queen and her husband Philip span 70 years
The supreme commander of the British armed forces, formerly known as Philip Mountbatten, was a German/Danish Greek prince who was willing to give up the Greek throne for the sake of the Queen and took Windsor as his surname. When he was young, his height was close to 190. He was fond of sports and often had amazing quotes when visiting countries. His uncle is an English Louis Mountbatten general. On April 9, 2021, according to foreign media, Buckingham Palace announced that, Prince Philip died [20] At the age of 99.
The Prince of Wales, the first heir to the British throne, is also the longest waiting crown prince in British history.
The Queen is with her eldest son Charles and daughter-in-law Diana
Other children: Duke of York prince andrew , Earl of Wessex Prince Edward Princess Anne
Prince Andrew attended Falklands War And gained military merit.
Daughter in law: Diana Spencer (deceased)
Earl Edward Spencer's youngest daughter, Britain's first civilian princess, is 1.78 meters tall. Her century wedding and fashionable dress with Prince Charles lead the trend, and she actively participates in public utilities. After divorce from Prince Charles, he died in a car accident.
Camilla Rosemary Shand (Duchess of Cornwall)
eldest grandson: Prince William
The Duke of Cambridge, the second heir to the British throne, is the eldest son of Charles and Diana. He is 192 in height. He is very tall, handsome, smiling and friendly, and has no negative news. She is loved by the Queen.
great-grandson: George Alexander Lewis prince
Great granddaughter: Princess Charlotte
Second grandson: Prince Henry
Other grandchildren:
Prince Edward Children: Louise Alice Elizabeth Mary , James, Viscount Severn

world record

The longest reigning queen, the longest reigning monarch and the oldest current monarch: On April 21, 2016, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 90th birthday and won several Guinness World titles. [18]
On September 9, 2015, Elizabeth II surpassed her great great grandmother Queen Victoria and became the longest reigning monarch in Britain. [36]
According to the report on the website of British Sky News Channel on June 12, 2022, Queen Elizabeth II has become the second longest reigning monarch in the world history and also the longest reigning queen [33] [39]

People Memorial

On September 9, 2022, China President Xi Jinping sent a message of condolence to the new British King Charles III on the tragic death of Queen Elizabeth II. [37]
At 8:00 p.m. local time on September 18, 2022, the UK observed a minute of silence. [42]
On April 21, 2024 local time, the first British commemorative statue of Elizabeth II was unveiled in Aucm. [45]