
The largest city in the Swiss Confederation
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Zurich (UK: Zurich; Germany: Z ü rich), located in Swiss Confederation North central, yes Switzerland The largest city and the most important industrial and commercial city Zurich The capital of China, the national political, economic, cultural and transportation center, is also the richest city in Europe. The city has been UN Habitat It was rated as one of the most livable cities in the world. [1] [18]
Zurich has a population of 420200 (2019), [17] It covers an area of 91 square kilometers. [18] Urban quilt Limat River It is divided into east and west banks. The west bank is the old city of Zurich, while the east bank is the new city of Zurich. [2]
Zurich is important in Europe cultural center , appeared in 1916 Dadaism It originated in Zurich, International Football Federation Its headquarters is also located here.
Zurich is Swiss Banking Is also the largest city in the world financial center one of. As the headquarters of more than 120 banks around the world are gathered here, more than half of which are foreign banks, it is also known as the "European Billionaire City". UBS Credit Suisse Zurich Financial Services And a lot of Europe private bank Are headquartered in Zurich. The efficient and strict confidentiality ability of the Swiss banking industry makes Zurich the world's leading Offshore Banking The financial account circulation accounts for about a quarter of the economic activities of Zurich. Swiss Stock Exchange The headquarters of is located in Zurich. [3]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Zurich (English)
Zürich (German)
Administrative Region Category
geographical position
The Alps north
Lake Zurich Northwest end
91 km² [18]
climatic conditions
Temperate marine climate
population size
420200 (2019)
European Billionaire City

Historical evolution

Zurich is Switzerland One of the earliest developed cities, most of its buildings were built in the 19th century. According to archaeological findings, there were signs of human activity in the city's location in 3000 BC, and the remains of these Stone Age and Bronze Age settlements are still left today Limat River Leftbank Lindenhofer Qiushang is one of the most precious cultural heritage in Zurich.
Since the middle of the first century, Roman He ruled here and built blockhouses and checkpoints on Lindenhofer Hill, which was called Turicum at that time. In the 5th century AD, Alamanni people replaced the Romans and became the owners of this land; In the eighth century, Germany Charlemagne Zurich began to be built in a big way, and one of the most important buildings in the city Grossmunster Cathedral , probably from this Germany In the hands of the emperor.
In 853, charlemagne Ludwig the German, the grandson of Ludwig Grossmunster Cathedral Another was built on the other side of the Limat River Notre Dame Church But was soon rebuilt by his daughter Hildegarde Monastery
In the Middle Ages, Zurich, like most European cities, was also plagued by foreign invaders, and there were many sad stories about the bars. A carved fountain on Lindenhofer Hill is one of the legends to commemorate. In 1218, Zurich became German Empire One of the king cities of Beijing; In 1336, the Zurich Parliament passed the Economic Guild Law under the auspices of Rudolf Brun; In 1351, he joined Swiss Confederation It became the fifth state of the Swiss Confederation and began to develop steadily and rapidly. In 1440, he was expelled from the Swiss Confederation due to land disputes with other states, which led to war; In 1446, he was defeated in the civil war; It was not until 1450 that it was re accepted by the Swiss Confederation.
In the 16th century Reformation At the beginning of the boom, Zurich also began a glorious era in which its culture and economy went hand in hand. 18th century French Revolution , which has brought considerable ideological impact and caused social and political chaos; However, Zurich soon found its own direction and made rapid progress towards modernization, finally becoming one of the most important and vibrant chemical and industrial cities in Europe.
By the 1850s, Switzerland was the first country to connect Zurich with Baden Zurich's textile industry and machinery industry are increasingly developed, laying the foundation for financial industry and becoming the largest financial center in Switzerland. [4]

administrative division

Zurich administrative division
Before 1893, the boundary and location of Zurich and the old city were almost the same. However, in 1893 and 1934, the city had two large-scale expansions. After that, Zurich gradually merged with many surrounding cities and flourished, eventually developing into 12 districts.
The first district, also known as Atstadt district, is located in the east of the Limat River, including the old city, Hukeschulin, Rusi Aisi and Lindenhov.
The second area, also known as Kreis area, is located on the west bank of Zurich Lake, including Inge, Hollis and Rembak.
The third area, also known as Widikon area, is located between Rene and Streyberg, including three areas: Altvedaken, Scheffleger and Feitiesenberg.
The fourth area, also known as Aussersihi area, is located between Scheer and Habertnahoff, including three areas: Wald, Langstein and Hade.
The fifth district, also known as Industriequartier district, is located between the Limat River and Habtner Hoff, including two districts, namely, Gwaberks and Iskerewell.
The sixth district, also known as Witilkon district, is located between Berg and Lindenhofer Mountain, including two regions, Kreltavas and Antestaar.
The seventh district, also known as Adlisberg district, is located between Starnhill and Blederms, including Fratern, Hontgen and Heland.
The eighth district, also known as Riesbach district, is located on the east bank of Lake Zurich, including three regions, namely, Sifred, Mherebart and Werengar.
The ninth district, also known as Twiedkon district, is located between Limat River and Entrex, including Albislidon and Kress.
The tenth district, also known as Wipkingen district, is located between Hogsburg and Kafurburg, including Aferten, Glater Carson and Spooker.
The eleventh district, also known as Schwunkingen district, is located between Christberg and Gethway, including two regions, namely, Hongtes and Kaferntel.
The twelfth district, also known as Hirzenbach district, is located between Kryster and Valer, including three regions of Sutrien, Mattes and Hernbacks.

geographical environment


Location context

Zurich is located in The Alps To the north of, Lake Zurich At the southwest end of, Limat River with Lake Zurich The mouth of the river. The central coordinates of the city are 47 ° 22 ′ north latitude and 8 ° 32 ′ east longitude. The geographical center of the city is Lindenhofer Mountain, which is a small hill leaning on Limat River West Bank, Lake Zurich North of. The boundary of the old city is Schanzengraben Canal, and the boundary of the new city is Brueger town. The urban area of Zurich is 91.9 square kilometers. Among them, the area of 4.1 square kilometers is Lake Zurich occupy.

topographic features

The average altitude of Zurich is 556 meters, the terrain is relatively flat, and there are many rivers and lakes. The lowest point of Zurich is Oberengstringen, with an altitude of about 392 meters (1286 feet). The Lindenhofer Hill in the old city is the highest point in Zurich, with an altitude of about 700 meters (2300 feet). [5]


Zurich belongs to Temperate marine climate The four seasons are quite distinct. [6]
The average high temperature in Zurich in July is about 24.0 ℃, and the average low temperature is about 14 ℃. The highest temperature recorded in Zurich was 37.7 ℃ (July 1947), and the average temperature of the warmest weather in Zurich reached 32.2 ℃. [6]
In Zurich, the highest temperature in spring and summer is generally not more than 25 ℃, while in autumn and winter, it is mostly rainy and the temperature is low. [6]
Climate throughout the year<br>
Daily average maximum temperature (℃)
Daily minimum temperature (℃)
Average total precipitation (mm)
one hundred and three
one hundred and twenty-four
one hundred and seventeen
one hundred and thirty-three
Average precipitation days (days)
Four seasons climate condition<br>
Daily average maximum temperature (℃)
Daily minimum temperature (℃)
Average total precipitation (mm)
one hundred and fifteen
Average precipitation days (days)


Limat River is a major river in Zurich, which divides the city into new and old urban areas. Limat River leads out from the north end of Lake Zurich, flows through the center of Zurich, flows about 35 kilometers to the northwest, and finally flows into the Ale River. The estuary of the Limat River is located in the north of the town of Brugge Royce River The mouth of the river is not far. [7]

natural resources


water resource

The rivers and lakes in Zurich cover an area of 4.1 square kilometers, accounting for 4.8% of the total area of Zurich. Abundant water resources, with a utilization rate of 95%. Zurich's freshwater resources account for about 8% of Switzerland's total.

plant resources

The city center of Zurich is full of carefully trimmed gardens, surrounded by large forests, and these plants are called "the green lungs of the city". The green lungs of the city include large forest areas such as Adlisberg, Z ü richberg, K ä ferberg, H ö nggerberg and Uetliberg. About 26.5% of Zurich is covered by green vegetation such as flowers, trees, etc.

Animal resources

There are many wild animals in Zurich, mainly deer wild boar argali fox badger hare and Beaver Etc.

Mineral resources

Zurich is short of mineral resources, with only a few Salt mine coal mine iron ore and manganese mine Etc.

Population and nationality

Zurich has a population of 420200 (2019). [17]
About 32% of Zurich's registered residents do not hold Swiss citizenship. Germans are the most populous ethnic group in Zurich, accounting for 8.1% of the city's population, Italians are the second most populous ethnic group in Zurich, accounting for 3.5% of the city's population, while Portuguese is the third most populous ethnic group in Zurich, accounting for about 2.0% of the city's population, followed by Spanish, accounting for about 1.5%; Austrian, accounting for about 1.2%; French, accounting for about 1.0%; Serbs, about 0.9%; British, accounting for about 0.8%; Turks account for about 0.8%, and finally the ethnic Kosovars with the smallest population account for about 0.6%.
Ethnic Distribution in Zurich (2016)
thirty-three thousand five hundred and forty-eight
fourteen thousand five hundred and forty-three
eight thousand two hundred and seventy-four
six thousand two hundred and seven
four thousand eight hundred and nine
four thousand two hundred and forty-four
three thousand five hundred and ninety-seven
three thousand four hundred and eighty-three
three thousand four hundred and two
two thousand four hundred and thirty-seven
According to the 2016 survey report, about 8.8% of the population in Zurich use English , used by about 7.1% of the population Italian About 4.5% of the population French About 3.9% of the population Spanish , used by about 3.1% of the population Portuguese 2.3% of the population albanian (In addition, about 20% of the population can speak two or more languages).


Zurich's city council forms the executive government of the city of Zurich and operates as a college authority. The Zurich City Council is composed of nine members, each of whom presides over a department. The main task of the city council is to implement departmental plans and coordinate departmental measures.
The election rule of the Municipal Council is that any resident is legally elected by ballot, and the election is held every four years. The mayor is elected by the public election of the Parliament, while the heads of other departments are appointed by members of Parliament. Any elected Zurich resident can be elected to the city council.
The administrative organ holds a meeting in the city hall, and the city hall Limat River The left bank of.
Zurich Parliament is composed of nine political parties, namely, two democratic parties, two liberal parties, one green party, one social party, one Christian party, one left-wing party and one left-wing party.
Zurich City Council
City State Councilor
Election time
public security
Environmental Science
Zurich's city council has legislative power. It consists of 125 members and is elected every four years. The ordinances and by laws of the Urban Council are implemented by the municipal government. Meetings of the Urban Council are generally held in public. Elected Zurich residents can be elected to the city council.




Zurich's economy is dominated by the tertiary industry, and the financial industry is very developed, especially the banking industry. In addition, industry and manufacturing are also important pillars of Zurich's economy.
In 2022, it will rank 20th in the index of international science and technology innovation centers. [20]

primary industry

Zurich mainly exports wheat, oats, potatoes and sugar beets. [3]

the secondary industry

Industry is the main body of Zurich's economy. The main sectors of industry include clocks, machinery, chemistry and food. In addition, the machinery manufacturing industry also plays a leading role in Zurich's economy. The main sectors of the machinery manufacturing industry include textile machinery, power generation equipment, machine tools, precision instruments, meters, transportation machinery, agricultural machinery, chemical machinery, food machinery and printing machinery. [3]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Finance, banking and insurance are also important sources of Zurich's economy. Thanks to a sound banking system and advanced asset management, it has become the world Offshore financial center And international asset management business leaders. [3]

social undertakings



Religious Statistics of Zurich Citizens<br>
Roman Catholic Church
Other religions
No religious belief
Total ratio
According to the 2016 survey report, Roman Catholicism is the religion with the largest number of believers in Zurich, accounting for about 30% of Zurich's population, and about 2% of Zurich people have no religious beliefs.


University of Zurich
University of Zurich
University of Zurich yes Switzerland A state university in Switzerland German speaking Zurich. Founded in 1833, the university has 425 professors and more than 24000 students in 7 colleges and more than 140 research institutes Switzerland The largest comprehensive university. [8]
University of Zurich It enjoys world reputation in the fields of molecular biology, neuroscience, anthropology, etc Einstein Roentgen 12 people including Xinkenaji Nobel Prize Winner. University of Zurich yes Switzerland The largest comprehensive university, the latest in 2017 QS World University Ranking The 73rd. At the beginning of the 21st century, University of Zurich It has become an educational and scientific research center with international reputation. In the fields of molecular biology, brain research and anthropology, University of Zurich With pioneering research strength. Its university hospitals and veterinary hospitals also have excellent facilities and technology. [8]
Zurich Federal Institute of Technology
Zurich Federal Institute of Technology
Zurich Federal Institute of Technology , also known as Swiss Federal Institute of Technology chinese It is also translated as Federal Higher Technical University of Zurich Swiss Confederation The government established the first federal university in 1855 to meet the needs of national industrialization. When the university was established, there were only industrial and civil construction, forest science, mechanical engineering and chemistry, and later humanities, social science and political science were added. Latest in 2017 QS World University Ranking No. 10. [9]


Zurich zoo There are about 260 kinds of animals, including snow leopard, Indian lion, clouded leopard, Heilongjiang leopard, otter and panda. Owned by Zurich Municipal Government zoo Ownership of. [5]
Zurich Botanical Garden There are about 15000 kinds of plants, including many rare plant species, such as those from southwest Africa and New Caledonia Trees. University of Zurich have Botanical Garden Ownership of. [5]


Zurich Football Club crest
Zurich Football Club Founded on August 1, 1896, the stadium is located in the Magic Track Stadium. Zurich Football Club He has won the Swiss League (9 times), Swiss Cup (6 times) and Swiss League Cup (1 time).

leisure time

Zurich Bar
Zurich has many entertainment activities every day, and countless news can be found in the Friday supplement and "Zurich News" of major newspapers. [7]
The nightlife of Zurich people is mostly Niederdorf Yes, there are bars, restaurants, cinemas, jazz bars, casinos and other leisure places, and some restaurants and bars will hold song and dance performances. [7]

latest fashion

Since the Middle Ages, Zurich has been The Alps The silk weaving center to the north. Zurich in the 13th and 15th centuries silk Known in Europe, Zurich has become the core city of European fashion industry since the 16th century. [10]
Zurich's Fashion Museum is located in Lake Zurich On the east side of Mythenquai Wharf, covering an area of more than 20 mu, it is composed of a 5-storey red main building and two auxiliary buildings. [10] The museum has collected Zurich textile raw materials, weaving machinery tools, and clothing accessories of courts and folk in past dynasties for more than 2000 years, which comprehensively reflects the germination, development and changes of Zurich's textile and fashion industry. At the same time, the museum has also set up a Zurich down jacket, fur and fur theme exhibition area to show visitors Turicum's advanced raw materials and innovative scientific and technological concepts. The huge aviation styling and Martian concept fashion attracted many visitors. [10]




Zurich International Airport Terminal
At the beginning of the 21st century, only Beijing Shanghai (Take off from Shanghai at 9:15 a.m, Switzerland Arriving at 15:40) Hong Kong (Take off at 0:05 Hong Kong time, Switzerland Time: 6:10) There are direct flights to Zurich every day, and other cities can take them Netherlands Germany Finland and France Flights from other countries will arrive in Zurich through connecting flights in the above countries. The two flights will take about 8 hours in total, excluding the connecting time. [11]
Zurich Kloten International Airport is 11 kilometers away from the city center, and there are flights every hour or every few hours to connect Zurich and Switzerland The major cities in Europe or Europe are connected. It only takes 13 minutes to take a direct train from the airport railway station to the central railway station. Generally, there is one train every ten minutes, and the ticket price is 6.6 Swiss francs. [11]
Zurich Air Traffic Control Center ——Tiannao Navigation Management Center is one of the most famous navigation management centers in the world. Since it was put into use, there was no major accident until July 1, 2002 Ubbelingen air disaster 71 people were killed. On February 24, 2004, Tiannao Navigation Management Center lost an air traffic controller—— Ubbelingen air disaster The air traffic controller who instructed the two planes to collide—— Pete Nelson The investigation results of this accident were only released in May 2004. [11]
Zurich International Airport Is one of the largest airports in Europe Switzerland The northeast part of Zurich, near the town Kloten, is the largest airport in Switzerland and the busiest airport in Switzerland. The airport has many routes connecting five continents. The airport is divided into Zone A and Zone B. Swiss Airlines, as well as Australian Airlines, Singapore Airlines and Delta Airlines that cooperate with Swiss Airlines and Delta Airlines are located in Zone A; Other airlines are in Area B. [11]


Zurich Central Railway Station The outgoing trains are divided into international express and intercity express. [11]
International express trains include:
Zurich to Germany Of Stuttgart It runs every 2 hours, about 3 hours by car, 61 Swiss francs;
Zurich to Germany Of Munich , three shifts a day, starting at 7:16, 9:16 and 13:16 respectively, the whole journey takes 4 hours and 15 minutes, 86 Swiss francs;
Zurich to Austria Of Innsbruck , there are five trains every day, leaving at 9:40, 13:40, 17:40, 21:40 and 22:40 respectively, and the whole journey is 3 hours and 45 minutes, 66 Swiss francs;
Zurich to Italy Of Milan Every 2 hours, 4.5 hours, 72 Swiss francs. [11]
Zurich Express
Intercity express trains include:
Zurich to Lucerne , once an hour, 50 minutes, 22 Swiss francs;
Zurich to berne , every hour, 70 minutes, 48 Swiss francs;
Zurich to Basel , every hour, 65 minutes, 32 Swiss francs. [11]


Zurich Long distance Bus Station is just behind the main railway station, and there are many shuttle buses to other countries. In addition, there are many taxis available in Zurich, most of which start at CHF 6, and then charge CHF 3.2 per kilometer. [11]

Historical culture


Characteristic architecture

Limat River
For the local buildings in Zurich, the local government adopts the idea of both protection and development. stay Switzerland There are many examples of the combination of new buildings and old buildings, such as the ancient castle of Belinzona built in the Middle Ages. In the 1980s, by Switzerland Architect Aurelio Galfetti presided over the renovation, combining classical and modern together. stay Switzerland The work of maintaining and protecting ancient buildings is very successful, and the local people are very concerned about how to deal with the harmonious relationship between tradition and modernity. [4]
Zurich organically combines ancient culture with modern art. There are many pre-20th century buildings, modern bars, clubs and modern shops. [12]

Local customs

April: Zurich Winter Festival
The Six Songs Festival is the Spring Festival of Zurich people. Generally, on the third Monday of April every year, each guild will organize a traditional dress parade, and then light a firewood pile more than ten meters high in Bellevue Square. There is a snowman with explosives in his head on the firewood pile. People calculate the time from the firewood to the snowman's head exploding to announce the end of winter and predict whether there will be a good summer next year. [5]
August: Swiss Women's Tennis Open
Women's Open at Switzerland The competition starts in August, usually in Zurich Sports Park Held every year Switzerland The first event held. Switzerland The Women's Tennis Open was founded in 1905 and has a history of more than 100 years. Since 1905, the annual competition has been in downtown Zurich Sports Park Outdoor Hard court On. [5]
September: Teenager Shooting Festival
The oldest festival in Zurich is the Youth Shooting Festival, which is held on the second weekend of September and the following Monday. It is a shooting competition for boys and girls aged 12 to 16. There are some large amusement parks and snack stalls around the shooting range. [5]
November Wine Festival
Wintery Wine The festival will be held on the ship, where you can taste the wine from all over the world, and also board the four huge seminar cruise ships anchored at the Zurich trestle to taste and buy more than 800 kinds of malt Whisky And a wide range of cigars. [5]
December Christmas
Since 1971, Sternenhimmel has been Banhoff Street 20640 small lights were decorated. In 2005, this famous commercial street started to welcome the Christmas race with the modern lighting system. The race to welcome Christmas in Zurich is a large-scale outdoor sport. At that time, about 16000 participants (both amateurs and world-class athletes) will complete the 0.869 to 8.086 mile race. Releasing floating lights is also a traditional custom at Christmas Limat River More than 800 floating candles were released. [5]

Special food

Swiss traditional cheese
The local people are famous for their sweet food, so there are many kinds of desserts. The most famous local dessert is Switzerland Tradition of cheese [13]
Other specialties include instant chicken, kidney juice, vegetable cake, hot and cold salad, yogurt, chocolate candy and cakes. [13]

tourist resources


Famous scenic spot

Grossmunster Cathedral
Grossmunster Cathedral (Grossmunster Church) Grossmunster Cathedral Built Carolingian dynasty During this period, it became the symbol of Zurich with its unique twin towers. At 6:00 p.m. on the Six Sounds Festival, there will be a noise Grossmunster Cathedral The clock of. The first bell sounded as a sign of the arrival of spring. The oldest part of the cathedral is the church cellar, which was built from the end of the first century to the beginning of the 12th century. The rest of the cathedral was built during the Roman Crusade. The statues inside are works of the 12th century. So is the cathedral University of Zurich Part of a seminary. Ziliwen, a religious reformer in the 16th century, made a speech here to advocate that we should never forget to pray in our work. [2]
Notre Dame Church
Notre Dame Church (Fraumünster) It is located in the south of the hills. It can be traced back to 853, and was once a Convent In the 13th century, it was converted into a church. Church adopted Roman architecture The stained glass and murals of the church are all made by famous artists, so they are very famous. [2]
St. Peter's Cathedral
St. Peter's Cathedral (St Peterskirche Church) St. Peter's Cathedral It is the oldest church in Zurich. The church tower clock tower built in 1534 has the largest church clock dial in Europe. The dial diameter of the clock is 8.7 meters, the hour hand is 3 meters long, and the minute hand is 4 meters long. This church tower is used to monitor the fire. It is said that once a fire alarm occurs, someone will put a flag in the direction of the fire to tell people where to put out the fire. [2]
Banhoff Street
Banhoff Street (Bahnhofstrasse St) Zurich Bank focuses on Banhoff Street On the one hand, 24-hour business, anonymous storage boxes that only recognize the key but not the person, the minimum lease term of 50 years, the spacious and magnificent customer reception room, the way to get the key and password, as well as the exclusive access to the VIP who can save lives, are all important characteristics of Zurich banks, among which the most prominent is to keep the identity of the customer confidential, which also causes a lot of trouble for Zurich banks, For example, it is often questioned to save money and launder money for the Nazis during World War II. This 1.4km long street contains two dazzling consumer paradises, Grobus and Yermoli. The shops on both sides display luxury goods, antiques, precious furs, watches, jewelry and French perfume This is the holy land for pursuing world famous brands. Design and fashion brands include Aigner Bally Burberrys Chanel Ferragamo Gucci Hermes Louis Vuitton and Prada They all decorated the window with charm. Other famous brand watchmaking, jewelry design, clothing design and antique identification companies are also located on both sides of the road, such as Beyer, Bucheron Bvlgari Cartier, Gubelin, Les Ambassadeurs Meister, Turier, etc. [2]
Women's Cathedral
Women's Cathedral (Fraumünster Church) Of 13th century tower architecture Women's Cathedral In the past, it was the church of Zurich noble women's nursing home, which was founded in 853 by Germany Donated by King Ludwig. The famous sight is the glass window on the altar, which is Marc Chagall His works in 1970 are world-famous. [2]  
Swiss National Museum
Swiss National Museum (Swiss National Museum) Swiss National Museum There are many famous murals, such as the huge murals painted by the young artist Hedler, which have been famous all over the world. stay Swiss National Museum There are also more than 100 different showrooms, collecting early archaeological discoveries, Roman relics, pagan cultural handicrafts, shield badges, etc. The showrooms and halls are decorated in the style of the 15th to 18th centuries. Swiss National Museum It is the largest museum in China. [2]
Saint Moritz
Saint Moritz (St Moritz) Saint Moritz It is a small city near Zurich. It has hosted two Winter Olympics and is a veritable ski paradise. Saint Moritz Winter sports have a history of more than 100 years. The famous sports include horse racing, polo and horse sledge on the icy lake. [2]
China Garden
China Garden (Chinese Garden) China Garden Officially opened in 1994, it is a sister city of Zurich—— Kunming As a gift, Kunming The city government imitates the pattern design of "Green Lake Park", which is the largest Chinese style garden overseas. So far, Zurich China Kunming It maintains the only sister city relationship. [2]  
Augustine Lane
Augustine Lane (Augustine Lane) Augustine Lane It is a romantic alley in the old city of Zurich. It is close to the railway station street, with many peach buildings. [2]
Niederdorf (Niederdorfstrasse) Niederdorf It is a pedestrian street paved with cobblestones, and it is also the most famous street in the old city of Zurich. Many boutiques are hidden in the crisscross narrow streets. The old street has a long history. Many old houses are dark all the year round, but many older residents have been unwilling to move out of the old city, and many fashionable young people also like to live here. [2]

Shopping Directory

Augustine Lane
Zurich's main shopping areas are concentrated in the city center. The famous shopping streets are: Banhoff Street Shizhuhua Street and the old city Augustine Lane Etc.
stay Banhoff Street , with Grobs and Yermoli Two main shopping areas. Banhoff Street The shops on both sides are displaying luxury goods, such as antiques, precious furs, watches, jewelry French perfume And other luxuries.
Shizhuhua Street Armani Calvin Klein and Versace And many top fashion stores. Switzerland The souvenirs of local crafts, such as embroidery, lace ornaments, handkerchiefs, etc., can be found in many boutiques in Stutschengler.
The streets of the old city are full of boutiques, bars, coffee shops and antique shops. Limat River There are also many famous boutique fashion shops and restaurants in Panjie. [5]

Famous people

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein (English: Albert Einstein, 1879-1955), born in Germany Kingdom of Wutengbao Ulm City, Jewish physicist, graduated from University of Zurich
Einstein Born in 1879 Germany Ulm One in the city Israel Family (both parents are Jews), graduated in 1900 Zurich Federal Institute of Technology , in Switzerland Nationality. In 1905 University of Zurich Doctor of Philosophy Degree, proposed by Einstein photon Assumptions, successfully explained photoelectric effect Therefore, it was obtained in 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics , founded in 1905 Special relativity Founded in 1915 General relativity
Einstein by nuclear energy Development has laid a theoretical foundation, ushered in a new era of modern science and technology, and is recognized as the successor Galileo Newton The greatest physical scientist On December 26, 1999, Einstein cover U.S.A Time Weekly 》Selected as“ Great Man of the Century ”。
James Joyce
James Joyce (English: James Joyce, 1882-1941), Ireland Writer, poet, born in Ireland Dublin , one of the greatest writers of the 20th century, Postmodern literature His works and the thought of "stream of consciousness" have a great influence on the world literary world.
Joyce Settled in 1920 Paris In his later years, he suffered from eye diseases and nearly lost his sight. The structure of his works is complex, the language is strange and very original.
Joyce His main works are collections of short stories《 Dubliners 》(1914) Describing the daily life of lower class citizens, showing the destruction of social environment on people's ideals and hopes. The autobiographical novel Self Portrait of the Young Artist (1916) describes the characters' psychology and the world around them with a large number of inner monologues. Representative novel《 Ulysses 》(1922) shows people's loneliness and pessimism in modern society. Later novels《 Finnegans Wake 》(1939) Using dreams to express the ultimate thinking of human existence and destiny, the language is extremely obscure.
Lenin (Russian: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Russian: ВладижмирИлжи ижчУлжжжнов), born in Czar Russia Volga River Riverside Sinbilsk , famous Marxism Person, proletariat Revolutionist politician theorist thinker yes Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (The first in the world Socialist country )And Union of Soviet Socialist Republics The main creators of Bolshevik Party Founder October Revolution The main leaders of Soviet People's Committee Chairman (i.e Soviet Prime Minister )。
Lenin It was his pseudonym after he joined the communist movement, and he inherited Marxism And combined with the Russian revolution leninism He was widely recognized as "the great mentor and spiritual leader of the international proletarian revolution" by communists all over the world, and he was also one of the most influential and controversial figures in the 20th century.
Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner (English: Wilhelm Richard Wagner, 1813-1883), full name Wilhelm Richard Wagner, also known as Wagner , born in Kingdom of Saxony Leipzig Germany Composer, a world-famous romantic music master.
Wagner yes Germany A great master in the history of opera. Front undertaking Mozart The opera tradition of Post Romanticism The trend of opera composition, richard strauss Follow. At the same time, because of the complexity of his political and religious thoughts European Music History One of the most controversial figures on the.
Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen
Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen (German: Wilhelm R ö ntgen, 1845-1923), born in Germany Rhinepu, Rhine, Germany Physicist, graduated from Zurich Federal Institute of Technology
Roentgen Discovered on November 8, 1895 X-ray , paved the way for the creation of medical imaging technology, and was awarded the first prize in 1901 The nobel prize in physics This discovery not only has a significant impact on medical diagnosis, but also has a direct impact on many major scientific discoveries in the 20th century. for example Antoine Henri Becquerel Because of the discovery Natural radioactivity , and Curie couple Jointly obtained 1903's The nobel prize in physics Now, in memory of Roentgen Achievements, X-ray In many countries Roentgen ray In addition, the No. 111 chemical element Rg also takes Roentgen Naming.
Rove Xinkenaji
Rove Xinkenaji (English: Rolf M. Zinkernagel, 1944 -), born in Switzerland Kanton Basel-Stadt Ryan Switzerland Biologist, graduated from University of Basel
Xinkenaji is Australia The winner of the medal is also University of Zurich A tenured professor of experimental immunology. Because it discovered how the immune system recognizes virus infected cells Australia scholar Peter Duherty Jointly obtained the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

City Honor

Zurich - the city with the highest overall living index in the world
In the 2009 Global Urban Quality of Life Survey, Zurich was UN Habitat It is rated as the city with the highest overall living index in the world. [14]
In November 2018, the world city ranking was released, and Zurich entered the ranks of the world's first tier cities. [15]
On December 26, 2019, it ranked 16th in the 2019 Global Top 500 Cities. [16]

Related news

In January 2023, Zurich's new hunting law will come into force, prohibiting people from feeding wild animals, including foxes, badgers or raptors. Anyone who fails to comply with the ban will be fined 200 Swiss francs (about 216 dollars). [19]