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Su Zhongci

Warlords at the end of the Li Dynasty in Vietnam
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Su Zhongci (Birth date unknown - 1211 ), one work Su Zhongsi , General Li Chao of Vietnam [9 ]
Full Name
Su Zhongci
Su Zhongsi
Li Chao, Vietnam
Date of death


Character's Life

1209 , General Guo Bu rebelled and occupied Shenglong. Li Gaozong fled to Guihua River (Taojiang River, north of Sannong County, Fushou Province, Vietnam today), and Prince Li Gui (later Li Huizong) fled to Haiyi (now Xingren County). On the way, see Li Chen Li Chen Shi, his daughter, was pretty and married. Li 旵 Another court was set up in Haiyi to reward the Chen family. Su Zhongci was appointed as the front commander because he was Chen Rong's uncle [1 ]
People from Shunliu and Kuaizhou were loyal to Fan Bingwei. When they heard that he had been killed by Li Gaozong, they started to fight for revenge. Su Zhongci accepted the crown prince's knighthood privately. Afraid of causing trouble, he led his troops to attack people in Kuaizhou [2 ] Chen Li was killed in the war when he was fighting against rebellion, and his son Chen Siqing took the lead. [3 ]
After the Guo Bu Rebellion was pacified, Su Zhongci welcomed Li Gui back to Beijing [4 ] In 1211 (the first year of Jianjia), Gaozong died, and Li Xuan succeeded him as Li Huizong. Chen Siqing led his troops to Xijiangbu and invited Su Zhongci to go with him to the funeral of Emperor Gaozong, but Su Zhongci was suspicious, so Chen Siqing had to return to the army [5 ] Du Jingxiu, the first lieutenant, plotted to get rid of Su Zhongci, and was arrested by Du Guang, the marquis of only, and handed over to Su Zhongci's army. He was sunk in the river near Datongbu and killed. It also claimed that Du Shigui, the marquis of Guannei, Du Guang, and Fei Li, the small bodyguard, plotted to depose Li Huizong, led troops to attack Shenglong, and killed Du Shigui and Fei Li. Du Guang escapes and leads his troops against Su Zhongci. Li Huizong issued an imperial edict to call Su Zhong at the end of his poem to denounce the ambassador and the duke of Guannei, and took Tan Yimeng as the first lieutenant, and beheaded Du Yingyun, Yin Ting, Ruan Yuan, Ruan Ren, and others [6 ]
Chen Siqing sent Zhifeng Chou Chou and his followers to send Pan Lin and Ruan Jin to the capital. Su Zhongci borrowed troops from Pan Lin and Ruan Jin to defeat Du Guang, who was later captured and executed. After that, Su Zhongci was granted the rank of Taiwei, and was granted the title of Shunliu Bo in Jin Dynasty. Ruan was framed by the minister and forced to rebel. Su Zhongci immediately deprived him of his military power. Ruan Zi was afraid and fled to Guowei County [7 ]
In June, Su Zhongci went to the mansion of Jialin County at night to have an affair with Princess Tianji. His husband, the Duke of Guannei, found him and was killed [8 ]