Suzhou dialect

Chinese Wu dialect
zero Useful+1
synonym Suzhou dialect (Suzhou dialect) generally refers to Suzhou dialect
Suzhou dialect, commonly known as "Suzhou Gossip", is a Wu dialect Wu dialect Taihu Lake Su Hujia's short film. Suzhou dialect has been one of the representative dialects of Wu dialect for a long time, and has a high status in history. Suzhou dialect is famous for its soft and glutinous language, known as "Wunong soft language".
Suzhou dialect is one of the dialects with the longest history in China. It retains many elements of the medieval Chinese language. Its prominent feature is that it completely retains the voiced sound of the medieval Chinese language, retains the flat and oblique tone rhyme that goes up from the flat, retains the sharp and round tone differentiation, and retains many words used in the ancient Chinese language. It can basically match the ancient rhyme books, such as Qieyun and Guangyun.
Modern Suzhou dialect has 28 initials, 49 finals, and 7 tones. The system of phonology, rhyme, and tone is also the general situation of Wu dialect. Suzhou dialect has many characteristic words, slang and special language phenomena. It is an important part of Suzhou culture and a treasure of Jiangnan culture.
Suzhou dialect is not only a language of life, but also a kind of literary language Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls 》Is the most famous Wu language novel , the whole book is written by classical Chinese And Su Bai. Subai is Jiangnan The most popular language. [1] Inheritance and protect Suzhou dialect belongs to every Suzhou people responsibility
Chinese name
Suzhou dialect
Foreign name
Soochow dialect
Commonly known as
Suzhou Gossip
sou tseu ghe gho
Wu dialect - Taihu Lake Piece - Su Hujia Piece
Preserve the ancient Total voiced initials etc.




Pingtan uses Suzhou dialect and is popular throughout the Taihu Lake area in Wu dialect.
The old standard Suzhou dialect has 28 initials, 49 finals and 8 tones. Many suburban areas of Suzhou have been reserved Cocky tongue sound Initials, so there are 33 or 34 initials in some areas [2] There are 27 initials, 46 finals and 7 tones in modern modern Suzhou dialect (Suzhou urban area). At the beginning of the 20th century, Suzhou dialect still retained the system of four tones and eight tones, but the combination of Yang Shang and Yang Xiang left seven tones (urban areas), while Changshu, Zhangjiagang and other places still retained eight tones.
The main linguistic features of Suzhou dialect include:
(1) The initial consonant of stop and affricate is divided into three parts, mainly preserving the ancient Total voiced initials The contrast between clear and turbid is exemplified by the contrast between [b] and [p], that is, the difference between b [b] in English and b [p] in Mandarin. The "b [b]" in English "big" is Dullness The "p [p]" in the "spend" actually sounds like a neutral tone without aspirating/p/. Dullness The system is Wu dialect area The biggest characteristic of the speech is different from other speeches Ancient Chinese (Tang Dynasty Song Dynasty Period).
(2) Suzhou basically retains the division of the medieval four tones, each divided into yin and yang, a total of 8 tones. For example, Changshu and Zhangjiagang have eight tones; Suzhou, Kunshan and Taicang have seven tones, which are Yang Shang and Yang Qu.
(3) Retain the ancient suspect mother [ŋ]. For example, I/ŋ u/, Wai/ŋ a/, Wu Wu/ŋ u//
(4) The first and second words of Xiansha and Shansha in the Middle Ages can be divided into two types of finals, Han/ɦ ɵ/- Shan/s Ę/.
(5) [z] sound prefix s change law, that is, [z] sound prefix clear law. The so-called "z" prefix "s" changes, that is, all z sounds. If it is at the beginning of a word, this [z] will be pronounced as "s", but still maintain the tone and air flow when voiced. Example: Chen Guang, people, stone. But if the z sound is in the middle of the word, the pronunciation of [z] is still maintained.
(6) The weakening phenomenon in gh [ɦ] phonetic words. Gh [ɦ] is a phoneme that is difficult to master. When the sound is at the beginning of the word, it needs to be pronounced completely. But if it is in the middle of words, it will weaken, or even fall off. For example: pink fen red ghon. It is actually issued as fen51 -'on.
(7) Pointed ball.
(8) Gu Guo is confused by two photos.


● New style
Suzhou Dialect in the Early Republic of China
Suzhou dialect has a total of 27 initials (including zero initials, excluding Pingtan Tongue raising initial consonants), if the tongue raising initial consonants in Pingtan (that is, the initial consonants in the old Suzhou dialect) are included, the total number of Suzhou dialect initials can reach 31. If the'm and m categories are further classified, there are 36. Complete preservation of Suzhou dialect Middle Ages Dullness That is, the initials of "Ba", "Fear" and "Climb" are opposite to each other, which is also the common feature of Wu dialect.
The number of initials varies among county-level cities in Suzhou. There are 33 initials in Changshu, 34 initials in Zhangjiagang, 27 initials in Kunshan and 28 initials in Taicang.
The following table lists the initial consonant system of the old Suzhou dialect, according to Suzhou Dialect Records (1998).
/m/ Busy rice asks wood
/n/ Nannuna
/ȵ/ Meat for women
/ŋ/ Shore Hunger Bites Outside
/pʰ/ Spray and float to break the horse
/tʰ/ Tangtian Greedy Tower
/kʰ/ Kaikuan is willing to cry
/p/ Bound wave VIII
/t/ East low short fall
/k/ Gaogu Guage
/ʔ/ An Yan Wan Yuan
/b/ Skin removing white step
/d/ Tang Tiantuanda
/ɡ/ Common roller
/ʦʰ/ Grass wife wear and tear
/ʨʰ/ Trick and persuade Qiao, but
/ʦ/ Bad pig fighting
/ʨ/ Jing Ju Gui Jiao
/ʥ/ The chess group is extremely poor
/f/ Fang Fei 覅 Fu
/s/ Shanxi Coloring
/ɕ/ Xu Xi Xiao Xun
/h/ Crab Wild Black
/v/ Fang Feng microvolt
/z/ Evil Society Confucian House
/ɦ/ Childlike Leaf Moon
/l/ Come and fall in disorder
Luji's Phonetic Notation - Suzhou Homophony Common Words records the voice of Suzhou dialect, the oldest school (also known as the old school) in 1935, which reflects the initial system of Suzhou dialect as follows:
/Four Cocky tongue sound It only exists in the oldest and a small part of the old Suzhou dialect, especially the Suzhou dialect used by the old Pingtan actors. According to the Research on Modern Wu Dialect, the old school Suzhou dialect is divided into two groups:/ʈ ͡ ʂ/group and/ʦ/group, while the new school Suzhou dialect does not distinguish between the two. Among them, most of the initials of the middle ancient Zhang group in the reading of the oldest Suzhou dialect are raised tongues, and most of the Zhuang group and Zhi group are flat tongues except for some positive rhymes. Nevertheless, according to《 Suzhou dialect a hundred years ago 》As well as some field investigations by Mr. Zhao Yuanren, at that time, the distribution of tongue bending in Suzhou dialect was far less than that in literature, and was more irregular. In the urban area of Suzhou today, except for a few Pingtan actors, no one can distinguish the oldest Suzhou dialect Flat warping However, there are still some reservations in Suzhou suburbs.
/j. W, ɥ/The three initials are found in the oldest Suzhou dialect recorded in Zihui. In the Records of Suzhou Dialect, which recorded the later pronunciation, these three consonants are represented by only one consonant, that is, no matter whether the vowel is open, close, or joint, it is always positive with ɦ -, and negative with Ø -. This difference is essentially a matter of classification, rather than an essential difference in pronunciation. The old style/ɦɦ/represents the voiced fricative at the same position as the following vowel, regardless of the Hong or Xi of the following vowel.
The zero initials are limited to yin tone characters, which usually start with glottal stop Suzhou dialect Total voiced initials /b. D, g, ʥ, z, v/is not very turbid at first, which can be expressed as [b ʥ, d̻, g̊, ʥ̥, z̻, v̻]。
Both the old school and the new school are divided Cuspidate mass In ancient times, the words of Xi Xiao's three mothers were pronounced/680ʰʰʰʥʥʥʥʦʦ before today's thin tone, and the words of the ancient refined and pure heart's three mothers were pronounced/ʦʰʰʣʣʣʣʦ/differently. For example: "snow"/si 601ʔ/≠ "rest"/f i 601ʔ/. Suzhou dialect, which has no sharp points, is regarded as non-standard by the public.


● New style
The new Suzhou dialect (downtown Suzhou) has 46 finals. The number of finals varies among county-level cities in Suzhou. There are 41 finals in Kunshan and Taicang dialect, 50 finals in Changshu dialect, and 42 finals in Zhangjiagang dialect.
The finals of Suzhou dialect are as follows:
Finals of Suzhou Dialect
The old Suzhou dialect recorded in Suzhou Dialect Records has 49 finals, as shown in the table below:
/▄/Paila Street Crab
/I ∨/Borrow home to write elegant
/U ∨/Weikuaiwai
//Package super knife height
/I /Miao Jiaodiao
/ᴇ/Ban Zhui Dan Gai
/U ᴇ/Turn off ash block bending
/O/Ba Cha Gua Hua Yu
/Io/Asian boots
/I ɪ/Edge sharp sky
/ø/semi professional
/I ø/Donate Yuan Yuanyuan
/U ø/official leniency
/ʏ~ø ʏ/No State Loses Dog Ou
/I ʏ/Jiuqiu cattle rest oil
/ɿ/Senior teacher is
/I/non sister base
/Y/Juqu Feiyu
/XX/When knowing to blow a book
/ə u/Tuduotu River
/I ã/Miss Jiang Yang
/U ã/horizontal
/̃/Bangtang Kangzhuang
/I ̃/Jiang Wang
/U ̃/Light is wild
/ə n/Benchun Nenggen
/In/Bin Pingxinying
/U ə n/Kunkun mixed temperature
/Y ə n/military group training cloud
/O ŋ/Fengdong Gongweng
/A ʔ/socks kill ducks
/Ia ʔ/Jiaya
/Ua ʔ/scraping, throwing and sliding excavation
/Ya ʔ/day
/ʔ/Demolition passenger pressure
/I ʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔʔ660
/I will be lucky once I write
/Y 601ʔ/Guangdong orange
/O ʔ/Each of the eight feet is evil
/Io ʔ/Juequ local bath education
/ə l/Er Er
/M ̩/Advanced
/N ̩/Hmm
/Wu Yuwu
  • //Yiyun, women are authentic [∨], and men are close to [ɐ] in the center. This sound is a special symbol of Suzhou dialect. It can be used with adjacent Kunshan Changshu, Wuxi Wujiang And other places. For example: "Good"/h ≮/.
  • /ə l/Rhyme only appears in written language. It is actually syllabled/l/, that is,/l ̩/. Its sound value is unstable. Generally, it starts with a central vowel/ə/, and then the tongue is lifted up. Sometimes the tip of the tongue touches the hard jaw, and sometimes it does not.
  • In the old Suzhou dialect, there was an extra set of roll tongue initials, so there were two more pronuncial vowels/ʅ/and/ʯ/.
  • /I 601ʔ/rhyme in/p, t, ʦ/three groups of initials [i 618ʔ], and after/680ʔ, 660ʔ/initials [i 601ʔ].
  • /ə n, in, u ə n, y ə n/The/n/in the four rhymes is neither authentic [n] nor authentic [ŋ]. When pronouncing, the tip of the tongue usually does not touch the hard jaw, and can be moved forward or backward, with great individual difference.
In contrast, the vowel system reflected in Zihui is shown in the table below. The corresponding relationship between it and the later Dialect Records is expressed in yellow characters.
/ɿ, ʯ/
/u/>/u, əu/
/ŋ̍/>/n̩, ŋ̍/?


1、 Monosyllabic tone
According to traditional linguistics, there are seven tones of single words in Suzhou dialect in the urban area of Suzhou, namely, Yin Ping/Yang Ping/Shang Sheng/Yin Qu/Yang Qu/Yin In/Yang In. The combination of Yangshang and Yangqu in urban area. Wuxian County There are more than 20 villages and towns that are different from Yangshang and Yangqu, with Yangshang and Yangqu falling (31) and Yangqu falling (213).
Different from the tone of Mandarin, the tone of Suzhou dialect is clear and turbid. For example, the "yin tone" mentioned above only appears in syllables beginning with clear consonants, and“ Masculine tone ”It only appears in syllables beginning with voiced consonants. The pure consonant will not have a positive tone, and the voiced consonant will not have a negative tone.
There are 7 tones in Suzhou, Kunshan, Taicang and other places, and 8 tones in Changshu, Zhangjiagang and other places. The following is the tone chart of Suzhou City:
Example words
the high and level tone
The first stage of the west east elevator of the turnover machine
the rising tone
Fanqi Qi Copper Lifting Surplus
the falling-rising tone
Anti joy knows body color
Yin removal
five hundred and twenty-three
Extensive record of detailed frozen report
Yang went
two hundred and thirty-one
Food should not be made together
Yin ingress
Dharma Stimulating Breathing Governor Iron Cutting
Yang ingress
Punish the extreme seat, read the flute and extinguish it
  • [3]
2、 Continuous modulation
Continuous tones are tones that appear in actual speech. The unit of division is not a single word, but a language flow, such as a word, a phrase. The situation of continuous tone sandhi in Wu dialect is very complicated. Many Wu phonologists struggle for it, trying to figure out the rules of continuous tone sandhi, but there are many difficulties in studying this problem. So far, the laws of continuous tone sandhi in Wu dialect are still widely known, which is amazing. But there has never been a clear and simple rule to find. The general pattern of continuous tone sandhi in Suzhou dialect is as follows:
one As long as there is a promoting syllable (entering tone) in a word or phrase in the actual speech flow, the tone of the entering tone itself will remain unchanged. Such as corner. Lian read is still the same as two words.
two In the actual flow of a word or phrase, the tone of the first syllable plays a decisive role in the tone of the whole word or phrase, and the tone of the first syllable is basically unchanged. This situation accounts for about 80-90%. For example: switch
three On the basis of grasping the tone of the first syllable, the following tone can be easily grasped, which can be mastered with a "bridge" type. (Usually, the tone of Wu falls on the last syllable, which is called stress.)
The following is a list of the rules of continuous tone sandhi of Suzhou disyllabic words in Suzhou Dialect Records. The yellow background indicates the continuous tone sandhi pattern of the front word, and the rest are the back word tone sandhi. It can be seen that the most important feature of continuous tone sandhi in Suzhou dialect is that it is heavy in the front and light in the back, that is, it belongs to the front heavy tone sandhi, with the exception of the first words "yin shang" and "yang shang". Although its front heavy style is not as strong as Shanghai dialect, it is still very obvious. In the preceding tone sandhi, the non initial of each word group and Beijing dialect Of Soft voice It is similar in essence.
Interestingly, although Suzhou urban dialect is mixed with Yangshang and Yangqu, in the two character group of Yinru+Yangshang, the latter word Yangshang and the latter word Yangqu are different, and the word Guyangqu maintains its original tone. The former word is also the most stable two character group type, and the original tone of Yang Quzi can be maintained in this environment.
Prefix \
the entering tone
the high and level tone
the rising tone
Yin removal
Yin ingress
Yang ingress
the high and level tone
˥˥ ˨˩(55 21)
˥˥ ˨(55 2)
the rising tone
˩˧ ˧˧(13 33)
˩˧ ˨(13 2)
˥˩ ˧˧(51 33)
˥˩ ˨˩(51 21)
˥˩ ˨˩(51 21)
˥˩ ˨(51 2)
˥˩ ˧˧(51 33)
˩˧ ˧˧(13 33)
˩˧ ˨(13 2)
˧˩ ˨˩(31 21)
˧˩ ˨(31 2)
Yin removal
˥˥ ˨˩(55 21)
˥˥ ˨(55 2)
˥˩ ˧˧(51 33)
˥˩ ˧˧(51 33)
˥˩ ˨(51 2)
˥˩ ˨˩(51 21)
Yin ingress
˥ʔ ˧˩˧(5 313)
Yang ingress
˧ʔ ˨˩(3 21)
In addition, Suzhou dialect also has two kinds of soft tones: the one with no throat stop end is ˨˩˩˩˩ (21), and the one with throat stop end is ˨˨˨˩ (2) short. For example: Xinlang (/sinl ̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃/, "Xinshang", homonym with "groom"/sinl ̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃/), Li Xiang ("inside".
Example 1:
Lion level descent
The Lion Forest is flat
Shizilin Park is flat
Example 2:
The old worm (note: mouse) goes up and down
Old worm medicine (rat medicine) goes up and down (promotes)
It can be seen that in a word or phrase of Wu dialect, there is usually only one rise and one fall, and most of the middle ones are flat.
four For example, "Today, I will click on a post from Langxiang Fazi of Suzhou Forum in Lehai Xici Hutong." This sentence can be divided into the following streams: words/phrases, that is, "Today, I will click on a post from Langxiang Fazi of Suzhou Forum in Lehai Xici Hutong." Pingping Down - Promoting - Pingping Down (Promoting) - Pingping Up - Pingping Down - Promoting - Pingping Down.


  1. one
    Some monosyllabic adjectives are reduplicated with suffixes such as "li", "neng", "shou" and "ze", mainly used as adverbials. Such as Suzhou "slowly compare", Changshu "slowly can".
  2. two
    The vivid forms of adjectives are complex. Suzhou has several forms, such as ABB, AAB, ABCD, which indicate different degrees. For example, "green" - "bright green" - "green green" - "green green".
  3. three
    It refers to a very high degree of format. Suzhou has the form of A in A, A after A after A.
  4. four
    As for the past tense, the morpheme "Zeng" is often used in the past work behavior.
  5. five
    There is a clear difference between the progressive aspect and the continuous (existential) aspect, which does not use the "zhe" in Mandarin.
  6. six
    The predicate modifier "kuai" with a postposition is used after a verb phrase.
  7. seven
    It is the negative form of possible complement, and the pronoun object often appears between the verb and complement, such as "Don't lead in slang".
  8. eight
    The reduplication of monosyllabic verbs is very common and can appear in the following forms: sweep clean, do well, and think about it.
  9. nine
    In double object sentences, the indirect object is often placed after the direct object.
  10. ten
    Quantifiers can directly follow noun stanzas without the numeral "one" and demonstrative pronouns in front.
  11. eleven
    Continuous tone sandhi is closely related to grammatical structure and can distinguish different syntactic forms to a certain extent.


(1) Words indicating grammatical means:
1. The negative word is generally "Fu".
2. The structural auxiliary indicating ownership and possession is "ge".
3. Use "a" as an adverb to express questions, and add it before the verb phrase.
4. The verbs indicating giving are isomorphic with the auxiliary words indicating passivity, which are generally "Ba" and "Ba".
5. The adhesive location word "Shang" is generally called "wave".
6. The empty complement "off/off", used after the verb, is equivalent to "off" in Mandarin.
7. Death and killing: The single verb uses death, and when used as a complement, it says "kill" (or writes "Sha").
(2) There are some onomatopoeia words with special structural form, which also have the advantage of mimicry.
(3) Suffixes, "Er" is rare, "Tou" and "Zi" are commonly used.
(4) There are many characteristic words.

Personal pronoun

The personal pronouns in Suzhou dialect are:
first person
Second person
third person
(No/n ə u/)
Yes/n ᴇ/
(倷/lin ᴇ/)
Ni/ȵ i/
Hmm/n ̩ to ʔ/
/li · to ʔ/
Only some elderly people, mainly elderly women, call "slave"/n ə u/as the first person singular pronoun. Suzhou's eastern and western suburbs both say "slave", so most people in the urban area think that "slave" is a rural accent/ Don't write "I", because Suzhou dialect "I" reads/"I"/, and is only used for written language.
The third person singular "倷" can be found in《 Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls 》, the original writing is "slang". It may be the predecessor of "Wudang", but it is not used now.
The suffix used to express the plural of personal pronouns in Suzhou dialect is“ Benedict ”/To ʔ/, similar suffixes also exist in other Wu dialects.


Treasure (incompetent person)
Portal cavity (tongue)
Misty dew
Field (local)
moment (Time)
Morning breakfast
Daytime meal/lunch/dim sum (lunch)
Huo Xian (Lightning)
Lingtang (Ice Cone)
Yan's appearance (it's almost time)
Night Night (Night)
Old Spicy
Good Grandma
Ink lump (stain, sometimes extended to a confused person)
Things (things)
Cold beans (peas)
Old worm (mouse)


Ai Zhang, Shou Zhang, Ai Shi Jie (like this)
Qu Zhang, Gui Zhang (like that)
How many
Slang Du (They)
What, what things (what)

Demonstrative pronoun

Proximal finger
middle finger
Distal finger
Ai/ᴇ/~This/k ᴇ/
Bend/u ᴇ/~return/ku ᴇ/
Li Xiaofan's Study of Suzhou Dialect Grammar believes that the two groups of demonstratives of near reference and far reference are homologous. These demonstratives can not be used as subject and object alone, but need to be combined with the following quantifiers and locators. [4]


Blunt egg
No hindrance (no hindrance, no hindrance)
Throw away
Get rid of (spend money)
Fight Ge (take the initiative to ask if you want to)
Hu Tune
Take a bath
Falling rain
Getting Started (Adult Career)
Yang (acting arrogant)


1、 Adjectives in feature words
Dirty and mean (dirty, now it means "bad" and "low quality".)
Old eggplant (mature in youth)
Au tsau
Za chi
Tsoh chi (unpleasant)
Freehand brushwork (sia i)
Foreign plate (not able to identify goods)
Difficult board (rare)
Card Tide
Concealed purgative
Wolf Bar (large and bulky)
Be open-minded (do things quickly)
Shu Qi (finished, ready)
Flower pattern (uneven color, unorthodox)
Kill Nian
Flower making (filigree)
Ma Jianjian (too enthusiastic to please)
Wooden horn (insensitive, ignorant)
2、 Affixed adjective
Sweet: sweet, thin (slightly sweet), sweet (sweet, honest), sweet (sweet, aftertaste)
Sour: sour (weak), sour (delicate)
Bitter: Bitter answer (bitter sad)
Spicy: spicy (comfortable), spicy (subtle), spicy (slightly spicy)
Itch: Itch slowly (slowly attacking), and it is sparse (uncomfortable)
Slippery: slippery (uncomfortable), slumping (unable to stay), sliding (with astringency in sliding)
Hard: hard 88 (hard with soft), hard bridge (unacceptable)
Soft: soft (soft, soft), soft winter (soft and elastic)
Others: smelly, fragrant, white, green, strange, yellow, green, laughing, crying, dark, ferocious.


Clatter (... upper: body wave, heart wave)
Yes (as if)
Pure light (only)
Board (partial)
Just happened (just now)


Words that can be used in reverse order
Turn - Turn
Busy - Busy
Important - important
Authentic - Authentic
Milk rot - preserved beancurd
Gas volume - gas volume
Monosyllabic words
Good at doing things
(sound ka) For example, "advanced referral" and "no referral" are "nothing" and "irrelevant".
Abandon. Such as abandoning things, it is called "throwing off the last thing".
Auxiliary words, such as "trapped at the end of the bed", "wearing (wearing) clothes at the end of the frame".
It's not easy to call it "Qiu". Those who are not good are called "Qiu Ren". It is so bad that it is called "Qiudalai".
Discover things. Call the thief "pickpocket". It's called "Stealing the Intestines".
Crowding. If the park is very crowded, it is said that "it can be rolled in the park".
That is, the girl, the baby's nickname, also known as Nan.
The boy.
For a short time
Floating on the water is called "for a short time".
Infection. For example, it is called "passing people".
wash. For example, washing clothes is called "Yue clothes". Shampoo is called "Yo Tou".
Same as "Tai".
The meaning of the word "also". If I want to read books, it is called "I want to read books".
Hide well. If people are asked to hide things well, they should say that "things should be better".
Wish to coax people into saying "how bone", or disobey others' good intentions, are all called "how". If children are advised not to make trouble, say "Don't do anything".
That is, "peeping".
Massage. If the body aches, use your hands to "roll".
break. If a branch is broken, it is called "broken branch". The dead young people are commonly called "Aonentou".
① Words, such as "elder brother", "elder sister", "ahan", etc Interrogative words, such as "A Shi", "A Zeng", "A Right", "A Yao", "A You Jie Shi", etc.
Drink. For example, drinking tea is called "sipping tea".
Here. If a book is given to someone, it is called "a book for slang".
Agree with "which", such as "where" is called "Lota"; "Where" is called "Lori".
Deciding particle, used at the end; Such as "knowing" and "coming". It has the same meaning as the word "le".
He; It is also called "Lanai". They are called "Li Du".
Hard sell. Such as "Grasping Nai".
① (Yinge) has the same meaning as "ge", for example, he had a son named "Li You Ge Ni Zi". It is the same as "my mother" (Sound cutting) Same as "this", such as "grid pile event" and "grid building is good".
Be "late". When it gets dark, we call it "Tianyan Zai".
It has the same meaning as "Shang". For example, the sky is called "Tianlang", the mountain is called "Shanlang", and the water surface is called "Shuilang".
yes. If there is property, it is called "comprehensive family property".
Move. If the table is moved over, it is called "poke the table over".
hide oneself. For example, avoiding is called "rolling up".
Tear by hand. Such as "a piece of paper with me humming off slang".
Break things apart with your hands. Such as "one hundred and two oranges".
① It has the same meaning as "He", for example, "fish and meat" is called "fish fillet". ② The word "Zai" means "Le Lang", "Le Du", "Le Hi", etc.
promise. If you give him a theater ticket, it's called "Hi Li, a theater ticket".
what. For example, why is it called "why?" and what is called "what?".
make fun of. Such as "cuddle white phase" and "don't cuddle white phase".
It has the same meaning as "zai". For example, ask: "Where is it?" It's called "Denle what field".
It has the same meaning as "very"; Also called "extremely". Such as "pretty good", "pretty right", etc.
① "Tong" means the same. If you go to play with others, it is called "taking slang to go to white phase". ② Auxiliary words, such as "Luota".
Slice food obliquely, such as "batch ham".
It is converted into "scrape" and called "slap". If you slap someone in the face, it is called "slapping".
Climb. If someone is asked to get up, it is called "stand up".
The original meaning. If it has just been in distress, it is called "sudden distress".
Paste. Also called "get". If the slogan is stuck firmly, it is called "take a slogan and hold it fast".
① Water overflow. ② Everything is full. "Puzai porridge pot".
The mind is not stable, and the mood is excited.
Two word word
It always means that.
It means to be together.
It is equivalent to the preposition of "then". Such as "so stiff", said "but not stiff".
Xiao Kai
The son of the shopkeeper.
No game
It means "no" or "bad".
Originally, such as: "Slang is born with a high temper".
Solid peduncle
So. For example, "so beautiful" is called "solid and beautiful".
become enraged
Anger, also known as "anger".
Plus two
(Two tone ni) More meaning; Such as "add two not good".
A joke, intended to make fun of or confuse.
Freehand brushwork
It means comfortable. And make it comfortable.
the best choice
The best meaning. If it is listed as the first class, it is called "top pick".
have the natural characteristics of
That's how it is.
External potential
outside. Such as "Don't be too noisy outside".
be willful
Simple, more meaning.
When talking, I suddenly thought of another thing.
a hackneyed tune
① Old fashioned. ② Dead alias.
Herd animals
Rice grits
Grain of rice, common second "rice taste".
suffer heatstroke
Three lies and four lies. People who do things deviantly are "hot headed".
Shell sheet
expect. I didn't expect it. It's called "Don't open the shell".
Make merry
Possible meaning. "Don't make fun" and "Don't be".
It must be like this. It means absolutely.
The body is dirty and uncomfortable. When the weather is hot, "Wusu comes on".
Mat slant
Describe the mess.
Firm determination
It also means "fixed return".
Ghost is the slang language of Suzhou people.
Show radiance
A decent look.
① It describes a strong body. ② It describes badly. ③ There are many descriptions.
Push and pull
Poor. It's better to call it "Don't push the trigger".
Wrap around one's feet
Entangle others.
yellow and bare
The promise fell through.
Be good
Smart, able to act according to circumstances.
Oh, empty
It means doing things unrealistically.
① It describes neither cold nor hot, which is also called "the same temperature". ② People with bad temper are called "Tun Tun Shui".
It is absolutely irretrievable. Sometimes it is accentuated as "cutting and splitting".
Attitude style. Call bad looks and attitudes "what kind of tone".
Goods are sold or bought together.
It is used to describe people in poverty. ② The quality of the metaphor is poor.
Greasy fat
Dirty and disgusting.
Wrapping clamp
The meaning of misunderstandings and mistakes. As the saying goes: "The grid piles are wrapped around the body.".
Three word word
One eye
Little meaning. It is small and small, called "one meter meter".
Take a rest
Time is short, only a short time.
Chin saliva
Without thinking, he forcefully copied what others said, saying: "The people who pick up the children have chin saliva".
Little bitch's prison
A common term for girls.
Do not give birth
Not convinced.
Do not pull
The meaning of "no way" or "no way".
Don't color your head
It means bad luck.
Do not be clever
Bad meaning.
No business
Reluctance, failure and failure are also called "Do Not Come Three".
Half valve pretty
Describe doing half the work well.
Pinch account
Describe something that is not face-to-face.
Number of machine tools
It can be expected in advance.
Advanced Qingtou
describe Do not understand personnel Or it's not human.
Uh, no use
It is not useful.
Dismantle the family "
It is also called "black sheep" to describe a person who has sold all his property.
be irresponsible for.
Shit stealer
It is used to describe a person who is clever and well behaved.
Drop and grab flowers
Practise fraud.
Do sth
Cheating from it.
Eye tonus
Pickup line leader
Unnecessary conversation with strangers.
Inside out
It means that people in the same line turn against each other.
Power picket
Mistake things that are difficult or impractical. Brokering the tree tops of others is a trick.
It describes that it is very hot. It is usually interpreted in terms of "extreme" and "extreme". For example, extreme pain is called "hot and painful".
Horizontal, vertical and horizontal
The meaning of broken pot is broken.
Duck dung stinks
Not bright.
Risk is between
have a stroke of bad luck
Encounter unfortunate things.
Snuggle up to the kitchen cat
It refers to a person who is depressed like a lazy cat warming at the foot of the stove.
The internal revolt is now called "internal friction".
Touch corpses
Pushing the bad things to others to make a small fan - incite, provoke
Duck dung stinks
Ducks are waterfowl and love cleaning, but they eat meat such as snails and feces are very smelly. It means "unexpected, sorry, sorry to wait.
Chewing white maggot
The destitute soldiers collapsed
Make a scene
Nailhead cargo
A tough person
Open Feathers
Implicit reminder
Punt pole
Increased troubles
Four word word
Fully included.
Seven do not ride eight
① Incoherent language. ② Something is wrong.
Be cunning and prompt to pinch
Described as mean and mean.
Triangle Six Pieces
Make do in many cases.
Chilly hair
Describe a frightened state of fear.
Private fraud accounting
There are drawbacks in doing things.
Shoutou code
People who don't know how to do things are also called "Shoutou Shounao".
Stupid head and dead breath
It describes the appearance of being as dull as wood.
Crotch code
A person who colludes with others.
Kouhua Game
Larger share
It means to push forward.
Real Four Real Six
be perfectly open in all one 's actions.
Cry out loud
His face was full of sorrow.
Knotted caraway bag
It means "much and chaos".
Divine Curse Hu Mouth
Nonsense, nonsense.
Steal life
It describes an acute, reckless and reckless person.
Bullet eyes and drop eyes
The look of angry eyes. It is also described as very dazzling.
Strangle and hang
It means sloppy or mean.
Do not pull out
Describe the sadness you can't say in your heart.
It means to suffer injustice.
Dark Poison Tiger
Describes a person who is insidious and vicious in heart.
Lick your mouth and shrink
It describes the craving when eating.
Upset mouth and erect tongue
Describe the unhappy expression inside.
Spraying stuffy force
Do things from your own perspective
One blow and two sounds
Crisp and refreshing
Dog skin cooking stove
close the door and bolt it
No further discussion
Keep away from the sword
Say what you should say, do what you should do, and do what you shouldn't
Black kick socks
It is impenetrable, thin and dark
Kill the Spicy
Quite simply, powerful


1. Hello=very good
2. Hello everyone=Hello everyone
3. Good morning=Good morning
4. Have you had a meal=have a meal
5. Having eaten=having eaten
6. Not yet eaten=not yet eaten
7. Sorry=sorry
8. Please
9. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter=it doesn't matter
10. Thank you=Thank you
11. You're welcome=Thank you
12. Is there anyone=Someone
13. I left=I left
14. Goodbye=Goodbye
15. Come to play when you are free=come to Baixiang when you are free
16. I'm here=I'm here
17. Long time no see=long time no see
18. Can you do it=Alisaia/Jia
19. OK=Come and play
20. Don't know=Don't know

common saying

Scold the Taiping Mountain Gate
Play tricks
Broken chains and live monkeys (unstable people)
Engaging in blind knot (messing around)
Pinch off the head of the kudzu fly (panic in case of an accident)
Leeches sting snails
Take off the wood chops for a short time (throw watermelons and pick sesame seeds)
Don't miss the door (take advantage everywhere)
The rotten wood can be boiled for a long time( Birds of a feather flock together
Guan Death Seeks Breath
A good talker
There is also a turning day for the tile part
Up an inch, down a foot
Backing fiber in downwind, pulling canopy in upwind
It is necessary to ensure the safety of the clinging girl, always with hunger and cold
Aconitum wind, white rain
It's hot in the light heat, but cool in the heavy heat
No good pickles can be made by pickling
Youth is bitter, the wind blows, old age is bitter, real bitter
Gold nest and silver nest are inferior to their own grass nest (or "inferior to the dog's nest in the house")
Cotton yarn overturns stone archway
Being a teacher's wife (referring to a witch) and a ghost (Yinju)
The scorpion flies and eats centipedes
Rafters rot first
Chickens should not break the tiles, and loaches should not break the waves
Lotus Leaf Can't Wrap Sand Horn
Don't use the lamp grass as a crutch
Do not use whip to strike a fast horse, and do not use heavy hammer to sound drums (gongs)
Don't get white cloth out of the indigo vat
Duck eats chaff, chicken eats grain, and everyone has his own happiness
Show it to the blind
Vegetarian meets Yueda
Millennium Document Good Medicine
Embroidered pillow with a bag of grass
Be honest and learn to be good
Down wind canopy, don't pull your feet
Seven stone jar, big inside the door
The house hired a cooper
Stir fried shrimps, etc
Big boss, capsize
Make friends, water trees and roots
Entrust people to entrust the emperor uncle
Save the baby frog and starve the baby snake
New hoop toilet for three days
Shake the boat for half a day, and never untie the cable
The vest is not covered, and the speech is not around the head
Day to night, the Bodhisattva is still in the temple
Keep it in your mouth for fear of closing, spit it out for fear of cold, and swallow it for fear of getting stuck
Nizi, don't raise your father, grandson gnaws my father
There are three jars of clear water and six jars of muddy water
Skin wrapped with water in the morning and skin wrapped with water in the afternoon
Discuss the North Temple Pagoda and turn around the six city gates
The mist is open and the sun is numb (mist means fog in Wu language)
Old wounds and aches, the sky will change
Killing Old Yellow Cattle in Cold Spring

Allegorical sayings

Say the first sentence first and hide the second sentence to show the implication. For example:
Benedict Duck in Soup Pot - Open Your Mouth Alone
Boxing under the table - don't shoot high
Lang Zhongkai's Coffin Shop - Live or die with income
God of Longevity Insert a straw sign - sell the old
Mahjong Tiles in Tule River - Card Tide (indecent, shameless)
No. 9 of the Eight Immortals' Table Waves - Not able to compete
A grain of rice gruel -- the rice is not angry
The toilet in the Taihu Lake -- Yehuohuo
The old worm fell into the bookcase - to speak words
Dead person's forehead bone - do not push
Light up in the moon - empty name (Ming Dynasty)
Cutting Tofu with a Sharp Knife
The self chime breaks the spring - don't activate the golden body
Suzhou Dialect Training Class
Two dummies trapped in one crosshead - discuss
Thieves Stealing in the House of the King of Hell - Old Ghost Loses His Match
Pulling wood in the alley straight out straight in
Sitting on the fence in Taoluo - determined and safe
Wearing cotton padded shoes in June - the day is hard
Sijingang's Pipa (or dead boss of cotton shop) -- Don't play (talk)


(As long as you are determined to mend your ways, you will have a bright future.)
My wife and husband call themselves
(Husband and wife should respect each other, and then others will respect them)
(It was handled properly, and both parties took care of it)
Fragrant Bone Smell
(The surface is not bad, but the inside is mischievous)
(One cannot forget the root)
Poor fortune teller, rich incense burner
(The poor want to wait for good luck and like fortune telling; the rich are full of ambition and happy to burn incense.)
Reed mat wave (top) Climb to ground wave (top)
(almost the same)
One generation of officials and seven generations of poor
(Being an official is bound to do evil, which will bring disaster to the descendants.)
Do not climb up the pier (stool) when the rain falls, and do not climb up the poor
(Acknowledge the objective reality and do not deviate from it)
No one in the imperial court should be an official. It's only for money
(Everything should have a foundation and a purpose)
Human kindness (wedding and funeral gifts) is not a debt. It is sold along the street with children.
("Human favor" is more difficult to escape than debt)
Knot a tall horse in front of the door.
(One of the inconstancy of human relations: there are relatives who have power and power)
He who only knows clothes but not people, is a stranger to his mother and uncle.
(The second of inconstancy: cutting off six relatives without power and power)
Old age and pearls are not worth money. The wine cup is thrown to the wine vat.
(The third inconstancy of human nature: old people are useless and despised by others)
Maggots come out of the salt bowl
(How can flies get maggots when they can't bite salt, which means "absurd")
evade all responsibility
(It used to be an abacus formula, that is, 1 liang for each 16 liang scale is only equal to 10 liang and 0.625 liang. Here, we use the implicit meaning of "change more with less", borrowing the meaning of "push more things", "push big things smaller, small things changed".)
A trouser leg tube
(Describing people who collude)
Heart does not strangle the liver
(Describing a person who is forgetful)
Fragrant bones smell inside
(It means to be friendly to outsiders and dislike one's own people)
Flatten the skull
(It means not to please both sides)
Old skin purulent roll sore
(It's not good to keep doing this)
Stir fried snail with clam
(Described as more trouble for others when busy)
Barefoot floor light
(Describing nothing)
Dismantle Old Longevity Star
(The empty space means that everything becomes a pie. It means that everything is bad.)
Fasten the rickshaw
(Described as always nailing others)
Living monkeys should not be treasured
(Describing something that cannot be hidden)
A live cat crawls its belly
(Described as happy to handle things with nothing)
Stubborn head and wagging ears
(Describing the stubborn attitude of refusing to listen to others)
Exfoliated cheek bone
(Describing people who are not afraid of collapse)
Eye floor pattern
(The state when you suddenly encounter difficulties in doing things.)
Fresh living dead
(Describing a person who is insensitive)



Regional division

What we often say usually refers to Suzhou city, or the accent of Suzhou city. The words around Suzhou are usually differentiated, such as Wuxi dialect Changshu dialect Wujiang Words Taicang Words, etc. But the Suzhou accent here is mainly from the perspective of pronunciation.
Wu language includes Wu dialect Taihu Lake Taizhou film, Dongou film, etc. Taihu Lake is again divided into Nuogan pieces, such as Su Hujia pieces Piling Xiaopian, Hangzhou Xiaopian, Huzhou Xiaopian, etc. But because of the large area of Su Hujia, we can divide the accent again. There are different accents, such as Suzhou accent and Taicang accent.
The whole area of Suzhou is located in Suzhou, Shanghai and Jiaxing, except for the small area of Piling in Zhangjiagang. It also has Suzhou accent, including Wujiang Kunshan Etc. There is still a part in the northeast of Zhangjiagang sand Accent. There are some Songjiang accents in the southeast of Kunshan. of course, Taicang Changshu and the southeast of Zhangjiagang become another accent. In fact, Suzhou accent also includes most parts of Wuxi. [5]

Accent comparison

Compared with Mandarin and other non Mandarin dialects, Wu dialect has many unique features, which are mainly reflected in: keeping all Total voiced initials There are many vowels, few nasal rhymes, many tones, entering tones, many literal and colloquial readings, and complex continuous tone sandhi. These are the common features of each dialect within Wu dialect, and will not be repeated here. This paper makes a systematic summary of the differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and other aspects between the two small pieces (Suhujia piece and Piling piece) in the Taihu Lake area of Wu language in the north of southeast Jiangsu Province, in order to more clearly highlight the differences between the eastern and western parts of Wu language in southern Jiangsu.
1、 Voice difference
(1) Whether "river and lake" are homophones
In Mandarin, "he" and "hu" have different sounds, and Piling Piece also has different sounds. However, in Suhujia Piece (except Wuxi and Changshu), these two words have the same sound.
(2) Pronunciation of "Home, Teeth"
The finals of the words "home, tooth, jia, and valence" are a in Suhujia and o in Piling.
(3) How many vowels are there
On the whole, Wu dialect has more unit sounds than Mandarin, but it is unbalanced within Wu dialect - Suzhou and Shanghai are the most, Changzhou, Yixing Liyang Etc. Some characters have only one vowel in Suzhou dialect, while in Changzhou dialect, they are compound vowels like Mandarin.
This feature is not completely consistent with the geographical location. The vowels in many places are between diphthongs and monophonic sounds, reflecting the transition from diphthongs to monophonic sounds.
(4) Whether to distinguish sharp masses
What is a sharp ball? Each pair of characters below, with different pronunciations in front and back, is divided into sharp groups. The former is sharp, and the latter is group.
Arrow - clear sword - light small - dawn west - hope tin - absorb phase - fragrance
Ancient Chinese distinguishes Jiantuan, which was later abandoned by more and more dialects. Wuyu District was originally divided into elite groups. In recent years, under the impact of immigrants and Putonghua, many people in Shanghai have become indistinguishable. Most of the local residents in Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou belong to the elite group. Suzhou is generally divided into elite groups; The districts of Wuxi City are completely divided into sharp groups, Jiangyin is basically completely divided, and Yixing is not divided; In Changzhou urban area, the old school is divided into Jiantuan, the Chinese school and the new school are not divided, and Liyang and Jintan are basically not divided.
(5) Whether there is a raised initial consonant
In Mandarin, there are two groups of initials, zh, ch, sh, r, and z, c, s, which are raised tongue sounds. The Wu language originally has the same difference.
About a hundred years ago, some dialects gradually lost the initial consonant of the raised tongue sound and all of them were pronounced flat. This kind of change is the same as that of the sharp group sound, which also extends from the east to the west to the middle. Changzhou probably had no tongue bending more than 100 years ago, and Suzhou completed this change about 100 years ago. However, in Pingtan and other folk arts, it still retains the tongue raising sound. Changshu is the only one in southern Jiangsu/ Zhangjiagang / Jiangyin Dongnan Township/Wuxi Dongxiang/Suzhou some suburban townships also retain the vowel of the raised tongue sound.
2、 Lexical and grammatical differences
(1) The use of pronouns
The specific words used in different parts of southern Jiangsu are quite different, basically the same in each place.
1. Pronunciation varies greatly, sometimes even has nothing to do with it. For example, they are all his "slang" (Suzhou), "qu" (Changshu), and "tuo" (Changzhou, Wuxi).
2. On the contrary, some seemingly different words have similar pronunciation, which is more dazzling. For example, in Suzhou dialect, "Ni" means "we". People in Changzhou and Wuxi think it is "you". "Ai" in Suzhou dialect is equivalent to "zhe" in the near, while "ai" in Shanghai dialect is just the opposite, equivalent to "na" in the far. Another example is that "Yi" in Wujiang dialect means "he", while "Yi" in Wuxi dialect means "this".
3. There are no two special similarities or differences. The words "he, they" in Shanghai and Wujiang dialect are both "Yi, Ila", which seems very similar, but the pronouns of the other six are different. The word "we" in Changshu dialect, like Wuxi dialect, is "accidentally slang", but "you" is different from the word "you slang" in Wuxi dialect.
From Shanghai to Changzhou, the straight-line distance is only more than 160 kilometers, but the difference is great. The personal pronouns of the main representative dialects of Wu dialect in southern Jiangsu are listed as follows:
Hum Nu
my family
My slang
Name heap
My slang
You guys
Your home
You are
Well, that pile
Tender Benedictine
Slang Benedict
Tuo Family
Tuo slang
The head
Curved lap
Over head
the base level
(2) "Child" tail
The "son" tail of "son", "shoe", etc. is also "son" in the eastern part of the northern Wu language. From Wuxi to the west, such as Wuxi, Changzhou, Yili and other places, "son" is pronounced as "rule". (There may be sporadic exceptions, such as some rural areas on the eastern edge of Wujin and Suzhou). It should be believed that "Ze" is a change in the pronunciation of "Zi", which is actually "Zi".
(3) Whether "yours" and "red" are the same
"Youde" refers to ownership, and "red de" refers to shape. Grammatically, there is no difference between the two "de" in Mandarin and most dialects.
In Su Hujia's short film, the two "de" are the same, both pronounced as "ge", or slightly changed in tone. But in the Changzhou film, the two "s" are different. The "s" of "yours" are also "s", and the "s" of "red" are "lao". In the dialect of Piling Xiaopian, "child" is said to be "little guy", which actually means "small".
(4) Is there a question word "A"
The phenomenon of "A" as a question word is mainly concentrated in Suzhou, Wuxi and other places in the east of southern Jiangsu, while Changzhou (Shanghai) in the west is mostly absent. Both Shanghai and Changzhou are used to saying "go to war". "war" is equivalent to "ma". There is only a slight difference in pronunciation from Putonghua, which is the same in grammatical form. However, in Suzhou dialect, it is generally said that "Nai Ah Go". Influenced by the Suzhou film, the eastern edge of Wujin in Changzhou film often uses "A" as a question.

Development history

Suzhou dialect is the representative of Wu dialect and one of the oldest dialects in China. As early as the Shang Dynasty when Taibo went to Wu, the ancient Wu dialect, the predecessor of Suzhou dialect, had been formed. There were two periods of great changes in the development of Suzhou dialect: the Jin Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. In the Jin Dynasty, the Zhongyuan dialect was combined with the ancient Wu dialect to form the middle ancient Wu dialect. The Ming and Qing dynasties were the most brilliant periods of Suzhou dialect.
Shang Dynasty - formation period
It is generally believed that the concept of "Wu" came into being in the Zhou Dynasty when Taibo went to Wu“ Gouwu (Gou Wu) ". It was at this time that the ancient Wu language was formed. At that time, Jiangnan was still a place of barbarians. Taibo went to Wu and established the State of Wu. The developed culture of the ancient Central Plains and the culture of the southern region of the Yangtze River merged into the Wu culture. The language of the Central Plains combined with the language of the Vietnamese in Jiangnan at that time, forming the ancient Wu language.
Zhou Dynasty - development period
With the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, Chinese began to differentiate in the Zhou Dynasty. According to《 Mencius 》《 Lu's Spring and Autumn Period 》Judging from relevant data, the Chinese language in the pre Qin period is divided into four major dialects, namely Xia, Qi, Chu and Yue. Yue dialect, which refers to the ancient Wu language, is distributed in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the south of the Yangtze River. According to the data, the languages of Wu and Yue were interlinked at that time. The area where the ancient Wu language was used was slightly larger than today's northern Wu language area. The largest city at that time was Gusu, the capital of the State of Wu.
Han Dynasty - Expansion Period
In the Han Dynasty, the ancient Wu language spread to the southeast, forming the Min language. Wu County (today's Suzhou) was the largest city in Southeast China at that time, and also the prefecture of Wu County. Therefore, Suzhou dialect at that time was also representative.
The Southern Jin Dynasty - a period of change
At the end of the Han Dynasty, great turbulence occurred in northern China, and it was not until the Sui Dynasty that it ended. At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, when Yongjia crossed to the south, the ancient Wu language was influenced by the Central Plains dialect, forming the medieval Wu language. At the same time, Wu language also surrounded Jiankang, the political center at that time, and became the language that scholars and officials must learn, and infiltrated each other. The influence of Wu language is also gradually increasing.
Sui, Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties - a period of steady development
In the 700 years after the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, Jiankang and other major cities were destroyed or declined one after another. Suzhou was the place where Jiangnan Road was governed by Taoism in the Tang Dynasty, and Suzhou became the largest city in Jiangnan again. Suzhou dialect has been developing and changing slowly in the past 700 years. In the Southern Song Dynasty, it was also influenced by the Hangzhou dialect at that time.
Modern Ming and Qing Dynasties - a glorious period
Since the Ming Dynasty, due to the development of Jiangnan, more Suzhou people were able to liberate from labor and engage in other industries. Reading is an industry where Suzhou people are engaged in more. From the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, the number one scholars in Suzhou accounted for a large proportion of all the number one scholars, which once reached one fifth in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Most of the elites in the upper class are also Suzhou natives. In the Ming Dynasty, Su Bai became the popular language of literati from the south of the Yangtze River. The more Kunqu Opera Pingtan They all use Su Bai as the standard sound. Even at the beginning of Beijing Opera, Su Bai was used. The ancients said: "Be good at exercising the right to advance and retreat from top to bottom in the sea. If the people of Suzhou think it is elegant, then the four sides will follow suit, and if it is vulgar, then follow suit ”The upper class, especially those in the south of the Yangtze River, are mostly proud of Suzhou dialect. Even people from different regions use Suzhou dialect. In addition, at that time, the drama industry began to develop, and Suzhou dialect became one of the four vernacular languages: Jingbai, Yunbai, Subaihe Yuebai Gusu City is listed as one of the five metropolises that must be visited by the Ming gentry and celebrities when they travel to study. From the wives and daughters of empresses and concubines, to the wives and daughters of officials, to the folk women and even the women of Jianghu arts, they are proud to wear Soviet style clothes, learn Subai, and sing Wu songs. Especially for all kinds of prostitutes, clothes must be made up of Wu makeup, words must be white, and they are good at Wu songs, which has become a necessary skill. Otherwise, it is not enough to raise their status. At that time, Suzhou dialect was equivalent to the "Putonghua" of Jiangnan people. [6]
Suzhou dialect novels began to appear in the Qing Dynasty. Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls 》It is the most famous novel in Wu language, written by people in Songjiang Prefecture, Jiangsu Province Han Bangqing The whole book is composed of classical Chinese It is a distinctive feature of the book that it is written with Su Bai and the dialogue is in Suzhou dialect. The use of Su Bai is also a common feature of Wu language novels that emerged in the 19th century.
By the time of the Republic of China, Suzhou dialect had the greatest influence in Shanghai. At that time, many educated people in Shanghai often spoke Suzhou dialect instead of Shanghai dialect. Many novels of the Republic of China also have traces of Suzhou dialect. For example, there are many Suzhou words in Jin Yong's martial arts novels. Suzhou dialect is also the first group of dialects with the Latin alphabet pinyin scheme.
Modern Times -- Emergence of Crisis and Development of Protection
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the promotion of Putonghua and the influx of immigrants, Suzhou dialect has not been used as frequently as before. Suzhou dialect, as a kind of Suzhou white language, has a very high position in history. It can be said that only Literati Or a high-level educated person Zhugong You can speak Suzhou dialect, which is a symbol of status. Nowadays, the promotion of Putonghua has made local dialects, especially Wu dialect, suffer unprecedented minimum treatment.
Since the 1990s, Suzhou dialect has declined to varying degrees with the increase of the promotion of Putonghua by the country and the pressure of the foreign population. In 2011, Suzhou City Business Daily conducted a survey on primary and secondary school students in Suzhou. Some students do not use Suzhou dialect or even do not know Suzhou dialect. Suzhou dialect faces the crisis of dating.
At the end of July 2014, Baidu Encyclopedia witnessed the falsification of Suzhou dialect entries. The entry points out that Suzhou dialect belongs to the northern dialect, and the putonghua with Suzhou accent should be regarded as the new Suzhou dialect, while the old Suzhou dialect is a dialect that will be eliminated in the remote countryside of Suzhou. It is further emphasized that Suzhou culture is a "backward culture", and Suzhou culture has hardly contributed to the development of Suzhou. Once this article was published, it caused quite a shock on the Internet and inspired many netizens to pay attention to Suzhou's language and culture.
Today, Suzhou dialect still plays a major role in the daily life of Suzhou citizens. Suzhou people should inherit Suzhou dialect from generation to generation. [6-8]


Since the Spring and Autumn Period Wu And the name of Wu. The local dialect is called Wu dialect, which comes from place names. Six Dynasties At that time, the word "I" in Wu Sheng's songs used "Nong". This expression has been used until now, and it is still reserved in some old farmers in the suburbs of Suzhou and turned into "slaves". But generally speaking, there was a big gap between the Wu dialect at that time and the modern dialect.
Novels, legends Tanci , folk songs joke According to other documents, the appearance of Wu dialect in the Ming and Qing dynasties is closer to the modern Suzhou dialect. as Feng Menglong Edited《 Folk song 》, which is almost entirely in Wu language.
In the Qing Dynasty, the total amount of dialect literature increased greatly, and many dialects were used in sections and articles. Such as vernacular novels in the early Qing Dynasty《 Doupeng Gossip 》The 10th one in the "Huqiu Mountain Jia Qingke Alliance" said: "I have a business, no matter how high or low it is, we should sit together with each other.". When you get a child, you should be a hero; When Buddha is blessed, it is a bad memory. (Our business, no matter how high or low, can sit together. When we are proud, we should be a hero. When we are down, we are a total loser.) Most of the dialect words, such as "Ouli (we), Ge (de), and Jie (du)", can be found in modern dialects.
By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the modern printing industry had developed, and famous full-length Su Bai novels appeared, such as《 Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls 》、《 None-Tailed Tortoise 》, Nine tailed Fox《 Haitian Hongxue Record 》Etc. In the first chapter of Biography of Flowers on the Sea, Hong Shanqing came out in a hurry. Although Zhao Puzhai had left for a long time, he still recognized him when he saw his face shaved and his eyes popped. He stepped forward, said "Uncle" and saluted. Hong Shanqing didn't stop making obeisances, so please get up and sit down and ask: "How are you, your mother? Did you come with you? Where do you live?" (How is your mother? Did you come with you?) Park Chai said: "Let's go to the Yuelai Inn in Baoshan Street. If you don't come, please say hello to my uncle." (I live in the Yuelai Inn in Baoshan Street. My mother didn't come, and said [let me] to ask my uncle to say hello.) Among them, "Bangyan, my uncle, A, A Zeng, Yitao, Laidong, Luli, Wuchou, Kui, Ta" are all Wu dialects, which are not very different from modern Wu dialects. It is worth noting that the proper use of respectful and modest language in dialogue is something that modern people should learn.
During the period of the Republic of China, there was also an upsurge of dialect novels in Shanghai, many of which used Subai. These works are well received by readers in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Wu regions.

Nursery rhyme

1. The barbell and barbell are good, and the elder sister next door is coming here to buy some dishes, such as fried shrimps with bamboo shoots, pheasants stepping on the old snail, and the old snail complains, telling monks, monks chanting sutras, saying Guanyin, and Guanyin burning incense. They can't burn turtles, and turtles can eat their farts, and they can eat XX's mouth. What a good thing to do! The elder sister next door came here and brought some local products? Jiaxing zongzi Hangzhou basket, Fengmen Pond lotus root water shield, mother give a free look, sister give a free look, as a gesture of kindness, mother also likes sister also love.
2. Suzhou Xuanmiao Temple, the eastern and western judges, surnamed Pan in the east, Guan in the west; The eastern judge took a piece of dried bean curd in his hand, and the western judge took a piece of dried old pork; The eastern judge should eat the old Bugan in the hands of the western judge, and the western judge should eat the dried bean curd in the hands of the eastern judge; The eastern judge should not make the western judge eat dried bean curd, and the western judge should not make the eastern judge eat old dried pork.
3. Shake the boat and ferry to the corner of Qimen, pick up a digging head, and pick up the dead heads of the girls.
4. Mmhmm. There is a snake in the water wheel. It swims to catch toads. In the green grass in the toad tray, the green grass blooms and bears peonies. The peony lady wants to marry, the pomegranate sister acts as a matchmaker, the peach garden shops and marries, and the plum garden gets married. My father calls me Shuihongling, and my mother calls me to ring the bell. Long towel, wipe the door, short towel, wipe the tea basin, wipe the tea basin of the door shiny.
5. Stir fry, stir fry, stir fry soybeans, stir fry soybeans and turn over the quilt.
6. The villain wants to sing a little folk song. He shakes a boat out of Taihu Lake in the clam shell. Swallows hold mud to break the sea. Crab skin fish jump over Tongling Mountain.
7. Baby, don't cry. When you are hungry, eat cold porridge, salted duck eggs, and sauce meat. Do you cry when you eat?
8. Well, if you carry and eat fruit, Dad will cut your ears. Weigh it, half a kilogram, burn it, three bowls. I have a bowl for my father, a bowl for my mother, and a bowl for Zhai Luohan in the corner of Tingle Gate. Arhats should not eat meat. They should buy gluten and swallow it whole.
9. Make up for it, stand up, wash rice and cook. How many bowls of rice do you have? I eat two bowls of rice; How many vegetables do you eat? I eat two vegetables. Hang up the electric light, dig out the ticket, clear the box, and calculate: winter vegetables, winter vegetables, turnips, dried salted olives.
10. The rain is falling, the closing is closing, and the small eight rascals are meeting.
11. Mimi, a kitten in the second day of the Ming Dynasty, bought catties of water chestnuts and gave them to her aunt, who was long and short. She had a bowl on her head with an old dried turnip in it.
12. A tiger and a cat jump with each other. Skipping is a big tiger, and falling is a snuggle up to the kitchen cat.
13. One basketful of wheat, two basketfuls of wheat, three hands of barley, split, split, barley cooked, barley fragrant, ground noodles to make steamed bread, steamed bread cooked, steamed bread fragrant, white steamed bread please sir.
14. The salted vegetables are really delicious. Sell the desalted vegetables, buy yellow chaff, pour the vat with the back, the yellow chaff is delicious, wild vegetables mix with chaff, and pigs grow strong.
15. Make a flower basket. There is a little girl in the basket. Her name is Xiulan. Xiulan and Xiulan make a flower basket, crawl down, crawl down, stand up
16. At the beginning of the first month, eat dumplings, release pigeons in February, buy green dumplings at the Tomb Sweeping Day in March, cocoon silkworm babies in April, eat rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival in May, shake fans in June, pat mosquitoes with fans in July, peel watermelon seeds in August and Mid Autumn, climb high in September to fight parasol trees, peel off small red tangerines in October, kick shuttlecock in the sun's head in November, and rub dumplings at the end of December.
17. To help the birds, they should make nests. Do it in the morning, with much dew; Do not overheat snacks; At night, there are many mosquitoes; Think about it in the Ming Dynasty.

Auditory sense

Whether a dialect is pleasant or not, in fact, does not depend on whether it is easy to understand, but mainly depends on the intonation, speed, rhythm, pronunciation, vocabulary and other aspects. Wu language and Xiang language (referring to Laoxiang language) are the earliest dialects in the seven major Chinese dialects, so Wu language has retained a considerable amount of ancient sounds. One of the characteristics of Wu dialect is that it retains all Dullness Initial consonant, with seven kinds tone , reserved the entering tone In terms of hearing, if a dialect speaks too fast and has too strong cadence, we often call it "too hard"; However, if the speaking speed is too slow and lacks obvious cadence, we often call this kind of words "too". Suzhou discourse is gentle without losing its cadence, and its speech speed is moderate without losing its cadence. In terms of pronunciation, it feels that it is closer to the front, and this kind of pronunciation has the feeling of singing in a low voice.

Introduction to Wu Language

Suzhou dialect belongs to Wu dialect Taihu Lake
Wu language Taihu Lake area, namely the northern Wu language, is in a narrow sense“ Wu dialect ”。 It is the largest dialect in the Wu language. With Taihu Lake as the central area, it is distributed in the vast areas of southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai. Its area and population account for 65% of the total use of the Wu language. It is the most influential Wu language. Many people mistakenly regard the Taihu Lake area as the whole Wu language. The Taihu Lake area in Wu language can be further divided into six small areas, namely Piling, Suhujia, Tiaoxi, Hangzhou, Linshao and Yongjiang. Although it is distributed in four provinces and cities of Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Anhui, it has a large degree of internal communication, so it is integrated into one.
Wu dialect Taihu Lake area is the concept of "Wu dialect" in a narrow sense. Many people think that the Wu language is only the language of the generation in southern Jiangsu, Shanghai and northern Zhejiang, but in fact, the Wu language area not only includes the Yangtze River Delta and the surrounding areas of Taihu Lake and Qiantang River (Su Xichang, Shanghai, Hang Jia Hu Yong Shao area), but also includes the vast areas in central Zhejiang and southern Zhejiang, such as Jinhua, Taizhou, Lishui, Wenzhou, Quzhou and even Shangrao, Jiangxi Pucheng, Fujian and parts of southern Anhui.
People's misunderstanding of Wu's Taihu Lake area is similar to the concept of Cantonese. Cantonese in general people's consciousness is actually the classic Cantonese dialect of Cantonese Cantonese (Guangzhou), not the whole Cantonese area. Taihu Lake Film in Wu dialect is equivalent to Cantonese Cantonese film, which belongs to classic Wu dialect, represented by Suzhou dialect and Shanghai dialect. However, due to historical reasons, the Wu language does not produce the same standard sound as Cantonese, so Suzhou dialect and Shanghai dialect are not the standard sound of Wu language. However, Shanghai dialect is easy to understand because it combines many other small pieces of language components and official language components, so Shanghai dialect can be called "the universal accent of Wu language".
There are 67 counties and cities in Taihu Lake area, with a population of 66 million. The interior of Taihu Lake is relatively consistent in Wu language, and can generally communicate with each other. Internal subdivision: Piling (Changzhou), Suhujia, Tiaoxi (Huzhou), Hangzhou, Linshao( Shaoxing ), Yongjiang (Ningbo) 6 pieces. There is little difference in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation between films, except for the difference in intonation, which enables basic communication.
The northern Wu dialect is usually represented by Suzhou dialect or Shanghai dialect.

Pingtan sound



Pingtan Suzhou dialect is suzhou pingtan Artistic language used in. Some people regard it as the so-called "authentic" Suzhou dialect. Its form is stable, unlike ordinary oral language. It is the basic skill of Pingtan actors, and its development is not as fast as ordinary Suzhou dialect.
suzhou pingtan
Pingtan Suzhou dialect is an old style Suzhou dialect, which is different from the spoken language of most Suzhou people. The first thing anyone who wants to learn about Suzhou Pingtan is Suzhou dialect.
From the perspective of pronunciation, Pingtan Suzhou dialect has several obvious features:
1. With tongue raising initials.
There is no language in Suzhou Cocky tongue sound In the early years of the Republic of China, the old Suzhou dialect still had an accent. Nowadays, only in the suburbs and Pingtan artists can you hear the sound of tongue warping. Pingtan Suzhou dialect retains this characteristic of the old style Suzhou dialect. In fact, the distribution of tongue sounds in Pingtan is different from that in Putonghua, and the classification of level and level is generally based on the classification of typical old style Wu dialect in Changshu.
2. There are relatively many literal and colloquial readings.
colloquial and literary readings Phenomenon is a common phenomenon in wu dialect. In Pingtan's libretto, the ancient Mandarin is basically used, so there are more different readings in both written and spoken than in daily life. There are many words and expressions that are almost unused in daily life. In addition, for famous historical figures such as Cao Cao and Liu Bei, they use the so-called "Zhongzhou rhyme" when they speak, and they all use Suzhou Mandarin, so there is more literature and reading.
From the perspective of words and sentences, Suzhou dialect in Pingtan uses Su Bai and Guan Bai alternately to meet the needs of different characters. In Pingtan, "Shuo Biao" is the part of narrative description, which is generally expressed in Subai.


Some of Suzhou's sayings are spread from the bookstores in the old days.
Such as the saying of "Lehui" or "Xiaolehui (Xiaolehui)" often heard in Suzhou gossip. Some people like to taste a couple of old wine, a dish of peanuts and chicken feet every night. They call themselves "happy stomach", which means happy and comfortable in the stomach. In extension, it also refers to those who can live a small life. They go to the garden every day to eat tea, and go fishing by the lake. It is called "small benefits", which means ease and enjoyment. In fact, this word should have been the jargon "Xiaoluohui" in Suzhou's old bookstores.
In the past, storytellers in the bookstore often had to "drop their books" halfway through the performance, wipe their faces and drink a mouthful of tea to moisten their throat. The audience can also relax and take a walk or go to the toilet. Because a book is temporarily suspended for about ten minutes and has not been officially published, it is called "Xiaoluohui". After Xiaoluo comes back, those who listen to white books outside the court can enter the arena in a dignified manner, stand up to listen to books, and occasionally sit down when there is space to pick up a "book butt". After Xiaoluo comes back, they can enjoy the comfort and ease of the addiction. In the past, Suzhou people listened to books more often, and the saying of "Xiaoluohui" gradually spread to the people, but after a long time, it was confused, and then misinterpreted. A Concise Dictionary of Wu Dialect 》He also listened to Yin Shengwen and wrote "Xiao Luohui" as "Xiao Le Wei", which is misleading.
Suzhou proverb "debut" also comes from the jargon of Pingtan circles. Suzhou people grow a child into a man who can stand on his own feet in the society and go around freely, which is called "debut". The earliest guild organization of Suzhou Pingtan was the Guangyu Society organized by Wang Zhoushi in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, Guangyu Society engraved an artist's manual, "The Record of Debutants", which, in addition to formulating the rules of the trade, also included Taoist precepts, experience summaries, and comments on the rap art of older artists. There is a provision of Guangyu Society in the book: "When anyone in the same trade starts his career, he will receive 300 articles for free, and receive books. When he dies in his old age, he will receive funeral expenses for books.". Every artist who learns Pingtan must learn from his master. After achieving success in his studies, he began to run to the dock independently. He wanted to run a master's wine, called "Chudaobao Wine". He paid the entrance fee and bought a book of "Chudaobao", which means that he will always remember the rules of the school.
There is also a saying that "starting to burst out" means that when things are going on smoothly and normally, someone suddenly comes out to intervene. This also comes from Pingtan jargon. The storyteller was shocked when it came to the critical moment, "Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah," "ah ah ah ah ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. After the "head start", it often falls back. Storyteller also likes to "play tricks" to create suspense on critical days. After a few words of explanation, he said, "If you want to know what will happen next, please listen to the next file or tomorrow morning" to satisfy the audience's appetite. When it comes to daily life, "cynicism" means that some people deliberately beat about the bush when talking and doing something important. In addition, in Pingtan, the "gimmicks" of gags, as well as the jargon of "fighting for stalls", "running on the dock", "soft stalls", etc., have also been passed to daily life as slang. [9]


Suzhou Fang Yanzhi
Records of Suzhou Dialect Ye Xiangling Jiangsu Education Press 1988
Suzhou Dialect Dictionary, edited by Li Rong jiangsu education publishing house one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
Atlas of Suzhou Dialect 》Ye Xiangling, Editor in Chief, Longxi Book Club 1981
Bao Mingwei, Chief Editor of Jiangsu Provincial Records, Dialect Records, Wu Dialect and Suzhou Dialect Nanjing University Press one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
Suzhou Speech Archives, edited by Ye Xiangling and Sheng Yuqing, Shanghai Education Press, 1996
Study on the Phonetics of Suzhou Dialect, Wang Ping, Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, 1996
A Study of Suzhou Dialect Grammar, Li Xiaofan, Beijing: Peking University Press, 1998
Standard Suzhou Tone Manual, Wang Ping, Qilu Publishing House, September 2007