The Second Middle East War

historical event
zero Useful+1
synonym Suez Crisis (Suez Canal Crisis) Generally refers to the Second Middle East War
The Second Middle East War (Suez Crisis, also known as Suez Canal War, Suez Canal Crisis, Sinai Peninsula Campaign, Kadesh Operation) was won by Britain and France Suez Canal Control of, and Israel United, on October 29, 1956 Egypt Military operations launched. The actions of Britain, France and Israel have been widely criticized by the international community. On November 6, under strong international pressure, Britain and France were forced to accept the ceasefire resolution, and Israel also agreed to withdraw on November 8 Sinai Peninsula The British and French military adventure ended in failure, and only Israel reached its goal to some extent.
The result of the war is Egypt If you fail, Britain and France will defeat you. But Egypt has won political victory.
Second Middle East War; Suez Crisis
Time of occurrence
October 29, 1956 to November 7, 1956
Egypt britain France Israel
Britain, France, Israel won militarily, Egypt won politically
Forces of the participating parties
229000 (coalition forces)
Forces of the participating parties
300000 people (Egyptian army)
226 people died in battle (Britain and France)
The Egyptian army killed about 1600 people and lost 210 planes
The Israeli army killed about 200 people and lost about 20 planes
Foreign name
Suez Crisis
Sinai Campaign, Operation Kadesh

War background

Situation of the Second Middle East War
The Suez Canal is an international navigable canal in Egypt, with a total length of 175 kilometers. It connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, shortens the voyage between Europe and Asia, and is a vital link between Europe, Asia and Africa. Its strategic position is very important. Since its opening, the canal has been under the control of Britain and France. In 1882, Britain sent troops to occupy Egypt and established its largest overseas military base in the canal area. In 1936, the Anglo Egyptian Treaty was signed, affirming that Britain Suez Canal The garrison power of the district.
After the end of World War II, the national liberation movement in Egypt has made great progress. In October 1951, Egypt abolished the Anglo Egyptian Treaty. On July 23, 1952, the "Free Officers' Organization" led by Nasser launched a military coup, overthrew the British Egyptian Treaty Farouk Dynasty, abolished the monarchy, and established a republic. Later, in October 1954, Britain signed an agreement with Egypt, agreeing to withdraw troops in batches. In June 1956, all British troops withdrew from Egypt, but the Suez Canal was still under British and French control. On July 26, 1956, the Egyptian government announced that Suez Canal Company would be nationalized, and all the company's properties would be transferred to Egypt. The main purpose was to raise the cost of Aswan Dam with canal profits. The United States withdrew its economic assistance to Egypt. In order to regain control of the Suez Canal, Britain and France planned to hold a conference on "international control" of the canal. On August 16, 1956, at the initiative of Britain and France, 22 countries met in London, but no agreement was reached. On September 19, Britain, France and the United States convened another meeting of 18 countries in London to discuss the establishment of the Suez Canal Use Association, but no agreement has been reached. On September 30, Britain and France submitted the Suez Canal issue to the United Nations Security Council for discussion. On October 13, the Security Council rejected the proposal of Britain and France that Egypt accept the "international management" system.
Pictures of the Second Middle East War
Under such circumstances, Britain and France decided to use force to solve the problem. In order to solve the problem of insufficient troops, France first invited Israel to join. For Israel, it has long been dissatisfied with Egypt's refusal to allow its ships to pass through the Tirang Strait and Suez Canal in the Gulf of Aqaba. As early as November 1955, it formulated a war plan to invade the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula, so the two hit it off. On October 13, 1956, France and Israel agreed on the war plan, and on October 14, Britain and France held a secret meeting in the village of Eden to formulate the war plan. Decides that Israel will first launch an attack on the Egyptian army in the Sinai Peninsula to attract support from the main force of the Egyptian army; Then, Britain and France sent planes from Cyprus, Malta, Aden and aircraft carriers to bomb Egypt and destroy its military bases; Then the British and French troops landed from Port Said and attacked the canal area, cutting off the Egyptian army's retreat; Finally, Israel occupied the whole Sinai Peninsula, and Britain and France occupied it Sinai Peninsula The canal area, wipe out the Egyptian army.

Force comparison

Before the war, the Israeli army had 100000 people, 400 tanks, 150 artillery and 155 combat aircraft. Egypt has a total force of about 150000 people, 530 tanks, 500 artillery, and 255 combat aircraft, but only more than 100 of them can complete combat tasks. Many pilots and tank operators in Egypt are still trained in the Soviet Union, and most advanced and heavy equipment cannot play a role in actual combat. Moreover, Egypt's defense focuses on the Nile Delta and the canal area, so there are only about 30000 people in the Sinai Peninsula, and its military strength is far lower than that of Israel. [1]

War process


Egypt is at war with Israel

Battle of Mitra Pass
Egyptian President Nasser
At 5:00 p.m. on October 29, 1956, with the support of the French Air Force, the 202nd paratrooper brigade of the Israeli army, under the command of Colonel Sharon, took advantage of the weakness of the Egyptian army in the middle of Sinai, which had few troops and weak defenses, and first airborne more than 500 people and some weapons and equipment at the Mithra Pass. The main force of the brigade, 3000 people, met the paratroopers at the Mithra Pass and made a breakthrough towards the Mithra Pass.
After receiving the report from the front line, the headquarters of the Eastern Military Region ordered the 5th and 6th Battalions of the 2nd Infantry Brigade to open the canal immediately on the same day to meet the Israeli troops at the Mithra Pass. The General Staff of the Egyptian Army sent the No Mitra Pass The main force of the armored division entered the Bill Givjafa area from the west bank of the canal, and two national guard brigades followed. The second reconnaissance group moved southeast, trying to cut off the retreat of Israeli airborne troops and encircle Israeli forces at the Mithra Pass.
Mitra Mountain Pass is 30km long, with steep cliffs on both sides. At noon on October 31, 1956, a reconnaissance unit consisting of two Israeli companies, including a tank detachment and a heavy mortar team, attacked the Mithra Pass. As soon as the Israeli army entered the Heitan Valley, it was attacked by five Egyptian companies. The Egyptian army has occupied the favorable terrain in the southeast and is commanding, giving full play to its firepower advantage. The Israeli army was in a dilemma and had to use temporary fortifications to resist. The two sides fought fiercely until dusk before the Israeli army occupied the eastern part of the valley.
Abu Ogla Battle
In order to realize the "breakthrough in the middle" tactics and threaten the main force of the Egyptian army in the north of Sinai, the Israeli army, in cooperation with the 202 paratrooper brigade's attack on the southern line, decided to use Task Force 38 to raid Abu Ogla. Abu Ogla is located in the northeast of the Sinai Peninsula, 30 kilometers away from the border between Egypt and Israel in the east, leading to Ismailia, an important town of canals in the west. The road from Arish to Kusaima also passes through here. Its strategic location is very important. The Egyptian army has strong strongholds in places such as the Ruafa Dam in front of Abu Ogma, forming a complete defense system.
At noon on October 30, 1956, the 7th Brigade of the Israeli army was attacked by the Egyptian anti tank artillery 600 meters south of Umkatef, which caused considerable losses. After Israel's frontal attack failed, the 7th Brigade was ordered to adopt a circuitous tactic, crossing the weak defense of the Egyptian army in the Dhaka Pass on the 31st and approaching Abu Ogla and Ruafa Dam. In order to cooperate with the action of the 7th Brigade, the headquarters of the southern military region of the Israeli army ordered the 10th step Umkatef Brigade to move ahead of schedule in the afternoon of the 30th, attack from east to west, arrive at the eastern line of Umshhan and Umkatef that night, and the 7th Brigade attacks from the south of Umkatef. The Egyptian army also mobilized troops from Arish and the canal to reinforce Abu Ogla.
On October 31, 1956, the Israeli army launched an attack on Abu Ogla with the 7th Brigade, which was strongly resisted and correctly shelled by the Egyptian army. At noon, two infantry battalions of the Egyptian army attacked the Israeli army. After the Israeli army occupied Abu Ogla with the help of the air force, the brigade immediately divided its forces in two directions, advancing westward and besieging the Egyptian stronghold of the Ruafa Dam eastward. The Egyptian army resisted tenaciously with the fortifications composed of more than 20 anti tank bunkers, but failed to resist the advance of the Israeli army. The Israeli army occupied the place that night and then turned to defense. The battle between Umhihan and Umkaft was also very fierce, and the Egyptian army withstood the attack of the two Israeli brigades with the strength of two battalions. Dayan The Chief of the General Staff personally urged the 10th Infantry Brigade to attack Umkaft, but it was heavily attacked by Egyptian artillery. The attack was repeatedly frustrated, and the Brigade Chief Gudir was replaced. The Israeli army ordered the 37th Mechanized Brigade Umkaft. In the early morning of November 1, 1956, the leading force of the 37th Brigade launched an attack, which was intensively fired by Egyptian artillery and anti tank weapons. Subsequent troops also mistakenly entered the minefield. Brigade commander Golinda was killed, most officers and soldiers were injured, and the attack failed. The Israeli General Staff had to order to stop attacking Umkaft positions. But then Abu Ogla had fallen into the hands of the Israeli army.

Egypt is at war with the Anglo French coalition

British and French air strikes on Egypt
The Second Middle East War
When the Egyptian army resisted the Israeli army in Sinai, a large number of Egyptian troops drove into Sinai from the canal and prepared for a large-scale counterattack. At 6:00 p.m. on October 30, 1956, Britain and France issued an "ultimatum" to Egypt on the pretext of protecting the canal shipping, demanding that Egypt and Israel cease fire and allow British and French troops to enter the canal area, otherwise they would send troops to intervene. Reply within 12 hours: 1. The two governments immediately cease hostilities on land, sea and air; 2. The two armies retreated to each other, the Egyptian army retreated to the west bank of the Suez Canal, and the Israeli army retreated to 10 miles east of the canal; 3. The Egyptian and Israeli governments agree that the British French coalition forces temporarily occupy Port Fouad, Ismailia and Suez City in order to isolate the armies of the two countries and guarantee the navigation of all national ships in the canal.
Israel accepted the ultimatum as agreed with Britain and France. Nasser In the morning of the 31st day, he ordered the air defense forces in the Nile Basin and Suez Canal Area to enter a state of alert, and ordered Amir to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula and troops to defend the Suez Canal when the British and French troops attacked. Nasser believed that as long as the Lafaab, Ogla and Arish Triangles can be defended, the Israeli army can be prevented from attacking the Sinai Peninsula from the north and middle routes. The biggest threat at present is that the 7th Israeli Armored Brigade, which has arrived in Hasala, is about to meet with the airborne troops of Mithra Mountain Pass. To this end, the Egyptian army quickly pushed the 4th Armored Division on the west bank of the canal to Hasala, and at the same time pushed the troops to Samadai to prevent the 7th Armored Brigade from meeting with airborne troops.
After being rejected by Egypt, the British and French air forces (the commander, Admiral Ketley, with more than 100 submarines, about 650 aircraft and a large number of marines and other ground forces) visited 15 airports, some barracks and Cairo , Alexander Port Said , Ismailia, Suez and other important economic and transportation facilities were bombed crazily. At the same time, the Egyptian troops in Sinai were bombed in an attempt to intercept the Egyptian army in the Sinai Peninsula, which caused the Egyptian air force with more than 250 combat aircraft to suffer a devastating blow. The coalition navy also launched attacks on Egyptian ports. Grasp the sea power. Egypt saw through this strategic attempt of Britain and France. After the British and French air strikes, Egyptian President Nasser ordered the reinforcements to stop entering Sinai and the defenders in Sinai to quickly withdraw to the canal area in order to prevent the Sinai troops from being attacked by Britain and France to occupy the canal area. In this way, the Egyptian army began to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula in an organized and planned way. The Egyptian troops stationed in Umhihan and Umkaft, although surrounded by Israeli troops on three sides, still used the cover of darkness to retreat in the direction of Arish.
On October 31, 1956, after the British and French air strikes on Egypt, the Israeli army attacked the Egyptian army that was preparing to withdraw. However, the main force of the Egyptian army had retreated from the Sinai Peninsula by the time the Israeli army reached Arish in the early morning of November 2, 1956.
Breaking the blockade of the Tyran Strait is the main purpose of Israel's war. Sharm el Sheikh is an important town on the west bank of the Tyran Strait. On November 2, the 9th Brigade of the Israeli army began to attack the Sharm el Sheikh area. After receiving the withdrawal order from the Egyptian headquarters, the two battalions of the Egyptian garrison in this area had to stick to their positions in view of the British naval blockade on the sea and the lack of land transportation. The Israeli army has launched attacks many times, but still has not succeeded. On the 5th, the Egyptian army lost its position in the situation of multiple side attacks and fighting alone. The main force of the Egyptian army had to withdraw later because of the reckless way of fighting. However, at this time, the main force of the Egyptian army has completely withdrawn from the half Aqaba Bay Island in Sinai, thus preserving the effective force.
Egyptian Army's Battle to Protect the Canal
The Second Middle East War
The battle between the Egyptian army and the British and French army was mainly carried out in Port Said. From November 1, the British and French air forces bombed Port Said continuously. At dawn on November 5, 1956, Britain and France dropped the first group of paratroopers into Port Said. About 600 British paratroopers landed around the airport of Camille and quickly occupied the airport. Five hundred French paratroopers landed in Port Fuad and soon occupied the water supply plant. At 1:45 p.m., the second group of British and French paratroopers landed in the two places mentioned above.
On the morning of November 6, 1956, the British and French troops first attacked the Port Said defensive position with heavy artillery fire, and then 22000 Marines began to land. The British Navy's Third Commando Brigade landed at Port Said and the French Marines landed at Port Fouad. Late at night on the 6th, the British and French landing forces went south along the Suez Canal in an attempt to occupy the canal area at one fell swoop, but the Egyptian army resisted.
The Egyptian army and people rose up to defend Port Said. After the first group of British and French paratroopers landed, the Egyptian authorities quickly told the residents where the enemy landed by broadcasting in important places, and the masses immediately gathered to help the defenders eliminate the enemy. The British and French troops never fully occupied Port Said, and the vanguard only moved into Kabu, 27 kilometers south of Port Said.

Attitude of the United States, the Soviet Union and China


Soviet attitude

The Second Middle East War
At this time, the Soviet Union's attention was attracted by the Hungarian incident, and it was difficult to take into account the Egyptian crisis. After the situation in Hungary became clear, the Soviet Union took a series of actions, mainly to note the parties concerned in different terms. In a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion, he said that Israel's actions "will make it difficult for Israel to continue to exist as a country", resulting in Ben Gurion He was greatly disturbed and immediately expressed to the United Nations that he would accept all its ceasefire proposals without any additional conditions. In the letter to British Prime Minister Eden and French Prime Minister Moller, he said: "If a more powerful country with all kinds of modern destructive weapons attacks on Britain and France, what situation will Britain and France be in?" This caused Britain and France to hurriedly ask the United States to guarantee the unity of NATO. The letter to President Eisenhower of the United States stated that "if this war is not stopped, it will be dangerous and can develop into the Third World War". As permanent members of the Security Council and major countries with atomic weapons, the United States and the Soviet Union bear special responsibility for stopping the war and restoring peace in the Central East.

American attitude

The Second Middle East War
At that time, the United States government was faced with the Soviet Union's request for joint decisive measures, and the British and French demands to ensure the unity of NATO, which made it a bit dilemma. If we do not take joint action with the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union will score points in the "Canal Round", and the United States will offend the Arab countries. After urgent internal consultations, the US government, on the one hand, declared that it refused to take joint action with the Soviet Union, and warned the Soviet Union not to attack Britain and France with the posture that the US military was on full alert; On the other hand, the note to Britain and France indicated that only when the Soviet Union attacked Europe or Egypt attacked British and French ships could there be the so-called "protection of the Atlantic Ocean", and the top priority was to limit the British ceasefire within 12 hours.

China's attitude

China firmly supported Egypt, issued an official statement of solidarity with Egypt, and later provided 20 million Swiss francs free of charge to Egypt.

The war is over

The actions of Britain, France and Israel have been widely criticized by the international community. The United States, as an ally of the three countries, was also dissatisfied with the secret operation, and they saw the invasion of Britain and France as another manifestation of colonialism. US President Eisenhower called British Prime Minister Eden directly to put pressure on him. Economically, the US government deliberately sold sterling, causing the exchange rate of sterling to fluctuate and depreciate by 15%. At the same time, it rejected Britain's loan application to the International Monetary Fund, and also stopped providing economic assistance to Britain.
The United States also submitted a proposal in the United Nations Security Council to request Britain and France to withdraw their troops immediately. After being vetoed by Britain and France, the United Nations General Assembly was urged to convene an emergency meeting, and formally adopted a resolution to stop the war and withdraw all foreign troops from Egypt. On the other hand, the Soviet Union, busy with the Hungarian incident, also intervened in the Suez Canal crisis, even warned Britain and France that the Soviet Union would use nuclear weapons if necessary (although NATO intelligence showed that the Soviet Union had no missiles that could directly attack Paris or London from home). The motives for the intervention of the United States and the Soviet Union are different: the United States hopes to win over a group of Asian, African and Latin American third world countries that have just become independent from the rule of Britain, France and other old colonial countries to prevent them from falling into the Soviet camp; The Soviet Union, on the other hand, could play down the concern of the international community about its sending troops to Hungary by intervening in the Suez Canal crisis.
The actions of Britain, France and Israel were strongly condemned by the international community. The Soviet Union announced that if Britain and France did not cease fire, the Soviet Union would carry out a nuclear attack on Britain. In order to push British and French forces out of the canal zone, the United States ordered the global US military to enter a state of alert, threatening Britain and France. Under the strong resistance of the Egyptian army and people and the strong public opinion pressure of the international community, Britain and France were forced to declare a ceasefire on November 7 and withdraw all their troops on November 22, 1956. After Egypt promised Israel the right to sail and fly in the Tirang Strait, the Israeli army withdrew all its troops from Sinai in March 1957, and the disputed Gaza Strip and the coastal area of the Gulf of Aqaba were temporarily managed by the "United Nations army".

War outcome

During the whole war, the British and French bombing of Egypt lasted for 6 days. The ground battle lasted more than 40 hours, with 300-400 casualties and more than 50 aircraft lost; About 1000 Israeli casualties. Egypt has killed more than 1000 people, injured more than 20000 people, lost 200 planes and severely damaged five major cities. 12000 houses were destroyed by war.
Although Israel withdrew from the Sinai Peninsula, it lifted Egypt's Tyrant Strait The blockade of the Gulf of Aqaba, the navigation is no longer blocked.

War Impact

The Suez Canal crisis accelerated the disintegration of the huge empires of Britain and France in the world. In addition, the United States and the Soviet Union have become the two superpowers that truly dominate the Middle East and even the world. For France, the United States is not a reliable ally. Only by engaging other European countries can it compete with the United States and the Soviet Union and create a third balance force. In addition, the threat of nuclear attack from the Soviet Union also made France determined that it must develop its own nuclear weapons. For Nasser in Egypt, although Egypt has completely failed in military strategy, it has won political victory. Egypt has become the main force against Israel in the Arab world and the base of pan Arab nationalism.

Related wars

The Second Middle East War (Suez Canal War) October 29, 1956
The Fourth Middle East War (Yom Kippur War, October War) October 6, 1973
War in South Lebanon (conflict in South Lebanon) March 14-21, 1978
The Fifth Middle East War (The First Lebanon War) June 6, 1982
Gaza War December 27, 2008