Flower border

Special planting methods in garden land
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synonym presbyopic glasses (Flower border) generally refers to the flower border (a special planting mode on the land of the garden)
Flower border is a special planting mode in garden land, generally along the boundary line of the garden or Kerb plant.
Chinese name
Flower border
Foreign name
flower border
Huā jìng
Landscape Architecture
Flower application form
Application site
Parks, leisure squares, etc

basic content

Huajing is located in large and medium-sized cities in China Public green space Of flowers and plants Application form. In parks, leisure squares Residential quarter The green space is equipped with different types of flower border, which can greatly enrich the visual effect, meet the diversity of landscape, and also ensure that Species diversity Flower border generally uses open ground Perennial flowers , bulbous flowers and Biennial flowers , planted in Bush Hedgerow Railing , green land edge, both sides of the road and building Before planting, it is planted in a natural manner. The flower border mainly shows the growth law of flowers in the natural scenery. Therefore, the flower border should not only show the natural beauty of individual growth of plants, but also, more importantly, show the group beauty of natural combination of plants.
Flower borders originated in Europe, and by the late 19th century, flower borders were very popular in Britain, with various forms. People's love for flower border originates from The Renaissance Period. William Robinson, an English horticulturist, arranged trees and shrubs, perennial roots and bulbous flowers in clusters in the flower border. He planted Hardy plant It can grow naturally and healthily without continuous maintenance and management, focusing on appreciating the natural characteristics of plants. Gardener William Chamber planted several different plants in the same planting hole in the flower border, so that at the same point, he could get a mixture of color, texture, form, tone and seasonal interest with minimal effort. Horticulturist Gertrude Jekvll simulates the interlaced growth of various wild flowers at the edge of natural forest land, and uses artistic design techniques to start planting perennial flowers in groups according to color, height and flowering period. It has created a new form of flower border with beautiful landscape.
After the Second World War, the true meaning of herbal flower border has basically disappeared, and the design of flower border has made efforts in another direction - to design mixed flower border and evergreen flower border conifer Flower border. With the changes of the times and cultural exchanges, the form and content of flower border are also changing and broadening, but its basic form and planting method are still retained, and in western developed countries, flower border has been widely used, which not only improves the artistry of landscaping, but also reflects the important role of flower border in urban construction and ecological garden construction.
In the late 1970s, the flower border, a flower planting form widely spread in western countries, came to China across the sea Shanghai Hangzhou The form of flower border has been applied in the parks of other places, although the area is small, it has achieved good results. [1]



Rich variety

This is one of the most prominent features of the flower border. Floral border plants are mainly perennial flowers, including Flowering shrub Flower bulbs Biennial flowers There are many kinds of plants. Some flower borders use as many as 35~45 kinds of plants. The flower border composed of a mixture of diverse plants has flowers in three seasons of the year and scenery in four seasons, which can show a dynamic seasonal change.

Rich facade

A variety of flowers are planted in the flower border. The main ornamental objects are different in color, florescence, inflorescence, leaf type, leaf color, texture and plant type. The combination and configuration of these main ornamental objects can enrich the hierarchical structure of plant landscape, increase the changes of plant phenological landscape, create a rich and beautiful facade landscape, and make the flower border have distinct seasons Colorful diversity Plant community Scenery.

Reasonable configuration

All kinds of flowers are arranged at random with rich levels, which not only shows the natural beauty of individual growth of plants, but also shows the group beauty of natural combination of plants. The application of flower border not only meets the modern people's pursuit of returning to nature, but also meets the requirements of ecological city construction on plant diversity, and can also achieve the purpose of saving resources and improving economic benefits. The flower border is set at park Scenic Spot , street green space Family garden and Tree lined road It can create a larger space or make full use of the belt section in the garden green space, which can enrich plant diversity, increase natural landscape, separate space and organize tour routes. [2]


1. In accordance with Viewing angle It can be divided into plane view flower border, single-sided view flower border, double-sided view flower border, independent flower border and decorative flower border.
The plane view flower border is located at the edge of the district boundary, often with Hedgerow Green wall Bush building As the background, it is low in the front and high in the back, and does not block each other when flowering;
Single side ornamental flower border is mostly used for road Both sides emphasize that the boundary also has a colorful flower border in the open space with the forest as the background;
Most of the double-sided flower borders are set in the middle of the green belt or among the trees. Generally, they are high in the middle and low on both sides. The height is scattered and changes orderly;
The independent flower border has the best viewing effect and is most suitable for planting in areas where people are concentrated, such as garden road intersections lawn Superior;
Decorative flower border refers to the interesting flower border matched with flower clusters dotted around the base of open flower stands and near scenic stone pieces.
2. In accordance with Plant composition It is divided into special plant flower border, perennial flower border and mixed flower border.
Specialized plant flower border: a flower border composed of one class or one kind of plant, such as peony flower border, lily flower border, iris flower border, chrysanthemum flower border, etc.
Perennial flowers Flower border, that is, the whole flower border is composed of perennial flowers.
Mixed flower border, that is, in addition to flowers, there are Flowering shrub or lawn [3]

Design principles


Principles of plant selection

1. Mainly perennial flowers that can overwinter in the local open ground, with a small number of annual and biennial flowers;
2. The plants are required to have strong resistance, extensive management and easy survival;
3. Varieties with high ornamental value.

Layout principle

one building and road The banded open space between them is decorated with flower border as the basic decoration. This decoration can ease the strong contrast between the building and the ground, soften the hard corners of regular buildings, and increase the beauty of the environment's curves and colors. However, if the building is too high, it should not be decorated with flower border, because the proportion is too large to match. The flower border planted as the foundation of the building should be in the form of single-sided viewing;
2. Look at the flower border on both sides of the road in the middle. It can be simple on both sides of the road grassland and Street tree , or it can be simple Hedge planting and Street tree On both sides of the road, single side ornamental flower border is arranged on each side, so that the two rows of flower border become a whole composition; A double-sided ornamental flower border shall be arranged in the middle of the road, and a single-sided ornamental flower border shall be arranged on both sides of the road;
three Regular garden Among them, the arrangement of flower border in front of the hedge is the most moving. The flower border can decorate the monotonous base of the hedge. The hedge is the background of the flower border, and the two complement each other. Garden paths are arranged in front of the flower border for tourists to enjoy. The flower borders arranged in front of the hedge are single-sided ornamental flower borders. This kind of flower border often receives very good artistic effect;
4. In Chinese landscape architecture, Veranda Flower rack There are many visitors who like to walk along the veranda most, especially when there is sunshine and rain in summer. The arrangement of flower border along the veranda and flower racks can greatly improve the viewing effect of garden scenery. Generally, these buildings have platforms 30~50cm above the ground, Pedestal A flower border can be arranged in front of the facade of, and garden roads can be arranged outside the flower border. In this way, visitors in the veranda can enjoy the flower border on both sides, and people on the garden road can enjoy the flower racks and platform decorated with flower border;
5. On retaining wall enclosing wall Toilet Simple flower border can be designed in front of the shielding materials in such scenic spots. Due to the large distance from other scenic spots and the simple facade of the enclosure in the garden and the retaining wall of the terrace, lianas can be planted in order to green these places, or a one-sided ornamental flower border can be arranged in front of the enclosure, with the wall as the background of the flower border. The flower border is arranged on the front of the terrace retaining wall, which can make the terrace terrain more beautiful.

Principle of plant collocation

1. Each flower border has its main scene, matching scene and background, which should be uneven and layered. All kinds of flowers are distributed according to their color and luster, and the distribution density is based on the fact that the soil surface is not exposed after the plants grow up. Natural patches are mixed with flowers. Generally, each group of flowers should be composed of 5-10 kinds of flowers, and each kind of flower should be planted intensively. Each patch is a cluster of flowers, and the patches can be large or small; Secondly, the size of patches should be determined according to the cold and warm colors; Finally, the growth potential of plants is the key. The growth potential and reproduction speed of adjacent flowers should be roughly similar;
2. In terms of color, there should be main color, matching color and primary color, that is, there should be contrast, coordination and unity. Whether it is global or local, noise and silence are to a large extent constrained by color. Color is divided into cold color and warm color. People's emotions are closely related to color. If cold colors are obviously needed in the cemetery, Consolida ajacis Blue iris , white azalea White clove Lilywhites All are applicable; Monuments and commemorative statues depend on the characteristics of the people to be commemorated to decide what kind of plants or colors to use. In a small garden, the color of a flower border is enough to dominate the atmosphere of the whole garden. Cold and warm colors can be determined according to specific occasions, which can produce a good atmosphere. [1]

Design and production


Overall design

The flower border is usually open Perennial flowers Flower bulbs and Biennial flowers It is planted in bushes, hedges, railings, the edge of green space, on both sides of roads and in front of buildings. The plane contour is banded. Both sides of its planting bed are parallel straight lines or geometric curves. The internal plant configuration is completely natural planting, which mainly displays the natural beauty of ornamental plants when they bloom and the group beauty of their natural combination. In garden landscaping, it can be used as both the main scenery and the matching scenery.

Production Skills

The arrangement of flower border generally takes bushes, hedges, low walls or buildings as the background, and forms curvilinear or straight flower bands with different widths according to the different characteristics of the group scenery. The plants in the flower territory are arranged in a natural way, mainly appreciating their own unique natural beauty and the group beauty of plant combinations. The first step of flower border design is to determine the plane. It should pay attention to the integrity of the composition and the uneven height. Various flowers arranged together should not only coordinate with each other in color, posture, volume and quantity, but also have similar growth strength and reproduction speed of adjacent flowers. Plants can coexist without mutual exclusion. The area of mottled mixed patches of various flowers in the flower border can be large or small, but it should not be too fragmented and messy. Almost all outdoor flower It can be used as the material of flower border, but it is suitable for perennial perennial and bulbous flowers. Because these flowers can grow for many years and do not need to be replaced frequently, maintenance is relatively labor-saving and the characteristics of flowers can be brought into full play. [2]


Planting and designing flower border, together with careful management, can be viewed for many years. It is economical and convenient compared with flower beds. In addition, it is a natural to semi natural application mode, suitable for use in various environments, and has good application prospects in China. In foreign countries, especially in small domestic yards, the application of flower border is very common. In some big cities such as Guangzhou and Shanghai Public green space In the garden, the application of flower border is increasing.
The development of flower border, a flower application form, is still in its infancy in China. Recently, as people pay more attention to ecology and further advocate natural forms, some large and medium-sized cities have begun to have partial applications, most of which are in some southern cities, especially Shanghai. Since 2001, Shanghai has started to organize 7 greenbelts, about 930
Floral border application pilot, including Cao Jiadu Green space Hongqiao Road Flower border Haining Road Flower border Illumination Green space Dapu Bridge Green space has achieved good results. In northern cities such as Beijing, some applications are concentrated in parks such as Beijing Botanical Garden Most southern cities use Perennial flowers Shanghai has also started to try to apply some special flower borders, such as ornamental grass flower borders. The flower borders in northern cities are mainly mixed flower borders with 1-2 years old flowers. In terms of form, most flower borders in northern and southern cities are one-sided. [3]