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Peanut agglutinin

A lectin extracted from peanut seeds
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Peanut agglutinin (PNA) is an agglutinin extracted from the seeds of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and composed of four identical subunits. It can bind to the glycoprotein containing β - D-Gal (1-3) - GalNAc in the plasma membrane, and is often used to study the adhesive difference of the development system.
Chinese name
Peanut agglutinin
English name
peanut agglutinin;PNA
An lectin extracted from the seeds of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and composed of four identical subunits. It can bind to the glycoprotein containing β - D-Gal (1-3) - GalNAc in the plasma membrane, and is often used to study the adhesive difference of the development system.
Applied discipline
Cell Biology (Level I Discipline), Cell Immunity (Level II Discipline)
Chinese name
Peanut agglutinin
An lectin extracted from the seeds of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and composed of four identical subunits