Uralic Finland Ugric

Language classification
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synonym Finno-Ugric languages (Finland Ugric language family) generally refers to the Ural language family Finland Ugric language family
The Finno Ugric language family is under the traditional classification Uralic languages A language family in. It includes Urals except Samoyed Branch All languages except. Its general acceptance of its status as a language family under the Ural language family is based on the standards formulated in the 19th century, while many contemporary linguists believe that those standards are not too precise and misleading. Three populous Urals Hungarian Finnish and Estonian Are included in this language family, although the two branches of the Finnish Ugric language family under the traditional classification (Finland Perm branch and Ugric languages )The common linguistic roots of are far apart.
Chinese name
Uralic Finland Ugric
Finno Ugric language family
Finnish Estonian Hungarian
Language classification

brief introduction

Uralic language family Finland Ugric language family refers to a group of languages that are distributed in the vast area from Scandinavia to the east, across the Ural Mountains, and to northwest Asia. Including the Finnish branch and Ugric languages , a total of about 15 languages, distributed in vast areas of Eurasia. The Finnish branch mainly includes Finnish, Estonian and Lapp. The Ugric language branch mainly includes Hungarian, Vochak and Vogur. Finnish has few consonants and has lost palatalized gingival sounds. Hungarian has many consonants, which are clear and muddy. Finnish has 8 vowels: i, ü, u, e, , o, fang, a, Hungarian also has a similar vowel system. Wochak has 7 full vowels and 3 simplified vowels. Vowels can be long or short, such as the Finnish tulen (fire), tulen (wind), tuleen (fire), tuleen (wind). Some languages have vowel harmony, which usually occurs in a word. There are consonant alternations in Finnish, Estonian and Lapp languages. Most Finnish Ugric words are stressed on the first syllable. Some Ugric languages adopt cohesive word formation, while Finnish and Estonian adopt fusion word formation. Most Urals have nouns with numbers and cases. The average number of cases is 12, which generally includes nominative case, nominative case, possessive case and three cases representing spatial positions, which are the basis of each language system. The word order of sentences in Finnish, Hungarian and Lapse is subject verb object.

Finnish Ugric Words in American English



Many foreign words in American English come from Finnish, such as sauna/'s ɔ n ə/sauna.


Many foreign words in American English also come from Hungarian, such as:
Coach/kot ∨/second-class car
Goulash/'gul ∨/Spicy dishes cooked with beef and vegetables
Paprika red pepper