
[lú huì]
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Aloe vera( Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. ) is a herb of Aphoraceae in Liliaceae. Perennial, evergreen, with short aboveground stems; The leaves are thick and juicy, narrow lanceolate, wide pink green at the base, with spiny small teeth on the edge; Flowers with yellow or red spots; The fruit is triangular; [21] Flowering in late winter. The word "aloe" of aloe means black, while the word "aloe" means gathering. The aloe is called "aloe" because the liquid dripping from the cut will turn black from coffee color and slowly condense after its leaves are cut. [22]
Aloe belongs to South Africa, Madagascar and Arabian Peninsula. It is mostly cultivated in Southeast, South and Southwest China, and occasionally distributed in wild aloes. Aloe generally cultivated in China has few flowers and fruits [24] [23] Aloe likes warm, dry and sunny environment, not cold resistant, drought resistant and half shade. It should be cultivated in fertile, loose and well drained soil [25] It is often propagated by forest separation and sheltering. [26]
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacology, local application of aloe honey can prevent and treat chemotherapeutic phlebitis and reduce vascular intima damage, [27] It has the functions of purging heat and stagnation, eliminating malnutrition, killing insects, clearing heat and cooling the liver. It is a common product for purging liver fire and eliminating malnutrition. [28] Aloe vera can be used to make high-quality cosmetics, health care drugs, etc. Its products are widely known in South Korea, and have been promoted to the international market, becoming one of the main pillar industries of South Korea's national economy, [29] Aloe vera is recommended by FAO as "the best health food in the 21st century". [30]
Chinese name
Latin name
Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. [1] [31]
Aloe [2]
Distribution area
South and North Africa, West Indies in South America
International Endangered Level
No risk (LC) [32]

History of botany

The earliest record of aloe can be found in the ancient Egyptian medical book Aipanus Babinus. Archaeology finds that aloe was once placed Pyramid Between the mummy's knees. The book not only records the therapeutic effect of aloe on diarrhea and eye diseases, but also contains a variety of prescriptions of aloe. This book was written in 1550 BC, that is to say, aloe was used as a medicinal plant 3500 years ago. After that, aloe was introduced to Europe due to the Empire of Marco Doria. In the first century BC, Dios Coritis, the imperial physician of the Roman emperor, wrote a medical book called "Krishaben Herbs", which contains specific prescriptions for the use of aloe for different diseases, and called aloe as a universal herb.
 aloe aloe aloe aloe aloe aloe aloe aloe aloe aloe aloe
In addition, it is also recorded in the New Testament Bible that when people buried Jesus, they mixed parsley and aloe vera and painted them on his body.
The efficacy of aloe has been widely recognized in Europe since then. In the 12th century, it was recorded in the prescription of the German medicine bureau, which was the first time that aloe was recognized in a national decree.
Aloe vera was introduced to China through the Silk Road. In China, people call it "aloe", which is written by Li Shizhen, the founder of traditional Chinese medicine《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》Aloe vera also appears. In this book, aloe is not only considered as a useful plant, but also recorded as "black and resinous". It can be inferred that at that time, China used lumps of juice that came from Europe and dried.
Aloe vera was introduced to Japan during the Kamakura or Muromachi period, Edo Period (1603-1867) is called Aloe Vera (note: it is now called Aloe in Japan), that is, Japanese aloe was spread from China. In the Edo period, "Dahe Materia Medica" written by Beiyuan Yixuan and "Enlightenment of Compendium of Materia Medica" written by Ono Lanshan were confirmed, and the illustrations of aloe in these books were illustrated. At that time, Portuguese missionaries also brought aloe to Japan, which is said to be saber aloe. After that, with the preaching of Christianity, the root propagation method of aloe was popularized in some places.
After the Second World War, scholars around the world began to discover the pharmacological effects of aloe. In 1971, Japanese medical scholars discovered that aloe had an inhibitory effect on cancer, and people's enthusiasm for aloe rose rapidly. After that, aloe also has a household name of "no doctor needed".
Aloe planted in Melbourne Botanical Garden, Australia

morphological character

Aloe Vera/Photography
Evergreen succulent herb. The stem is short.
The leaves are clustered or slightly biseriate (young plants), thick and juicy, strip shaped lanceolate, pink green, 15-35cm long, 4-5cm wide at the base, with several small teeth at the top, and sparsely spiny small teeth at the edge.
Scape Height 60-90 cm, unbranched or sometimes slightly branched; Racemes with dozens of flowers; Bracts nearly lanceolate, apex acute; The flowers are drooping, sparsely arranged, yellowish and erythematous; Perianth about 2.5 cm long, lobes slightly incurved at apex; The stamens are nearly as long or slightly longer than the perianth, and the style obviously extends out of the perianth. [2] [33]

Reproductive methods

Aloe - ramet propagation
(1) Meristematic reproduction It is the main propagation method of aloe. The young aloe plants are separated from the mother body and planted separately to form new aloe plants that live independently. The meristematic propagation can be carried out throughout the growth period of aloe, but the temperature condition is the most suitable for the spring and autumn meristematic propagation. The new aloe seedlings propagated separately in spring and autumn turn green quickly and are easy to survive. As long as the soil bed maintains good ventilation and water permeability, the aloe seedlings can recover quickly. In the process of meristematic reproduction, two methods can be used. One is to remove the saplings with young roots directly from the mother body, which are grown from the sucked buds of the stem base or root of aloe, and then transplant them to the nursery or production field. The other method is to separate the seedlings sprouted from the mother plant with the splitting knife, but do not pull them out. Let the seedlings remain in place for a period of time (usually about half a month) to form independent roots and reach a fully autotrophic state. Then transplant the seedlings with soil, plant them in the field, and water them in time. If the aloe seedlings are cut off and transplanted with soil, there is basically no "slow seedling stage". Aloe seedlings grow fast and can be carried out at any time in spring, summer and autumn, but it takes time.
(2) cuttage propagation It is also a commonly used method in the propagation of aloe varieties. The difference between cutting propagation and meristematic propagation is that the meristematic propagation is to separate the complete aloe seedlings with roots from the mother for propagation. However, cutting propagation is to use the characteristics that the lower end of the rootless main stem and lateral branches of aloe can produce adventitious roots to separate and reproduce new aloe plants, which is particularly suitable for aloe species and varieties with well-developed ramets and easily elongated stem nodes. After removing the top buds, the lateral buds develop rapidly, and many branches can be used as cutting propagation materials. The cutting of aloe mainly adopts stem cutting and root cutting, while leaf cutting is difficult to succeed. Aloe cutting can be carried out in the open, in the greenhouse or in the greenhouse. The outdoor cutting can use the outdoor bed for mass propagation. Depending on the season, measures such as plastic cover protection or shade in the shade can be properly taken to promote the rooting of aloe branches and the production of adventitious buds, so as to improve the survival rate of cutting seedlings.
(3) Aloe vera does not grow very fast, so it rarely needs to be moved. Aloe vera may have stopped growing in the spring by tipping over their pots. Use quick draining potted plants to mix one-third of the sand or pebbles.

cultivation techniques

Aloe prefers temperature to cold. When the temperature drops to 15 ℃, it stops growing. When the temperature drops below 0 ℃, it begins to die. Therefore, it must be planted in greenhouses or potted indoors in northern areas. Aloe is a tropical and subtropical photophile, and its growth requires sufficient sunshine and air. At the same time, aloe is also a kind of fleshy plant in tropical desert. It should not be waterlogged, wet, or ventilated. Aloe vera is suitable for growing in sandy soil with strong air permeability and good water permeability. The amount of fertilizer required is small. It is mainly organic fertilizer supplemented by microelement fertilizer.
1、 Land selection and preparation
The soil should be fertile and loose sandy loam with good drainage. The soil should be properly applied with manure or compost, ploughed and raked. Generally, 1500-2000kg of decomposed organic fertilizer should be applied per mu, and then a border with a width of 0.8-1 m and a length depending on the terrain should be made. The soil that is too wet and sticky is not suitable for planting.
2、 Branch seedling raising
aloe [35]
Branching propagation is carried out in spring (March to April), autumn and winter (September to November) every year. The seedlings tilled around each aloe plant can be planted after being dug up by roots, and the underground stems connected with the mother plant can be cut off. Bud cutting propagation is to cut 5-10cm long new buds from the leaf axils of the mother plant and place them in a cool place, 4-5 hours in summer and 1-2 days in winter. When the cut is slightly dry, the cuttings are placed on the seedbed with a shade fence. After 20 days of rooting, it can be cultivated in the nursery for 2-3 months.
3、 Colonization
It can be planted in spring (March to April) or autumn (September to November), using 10-20cm high split seedlings or interspersed seedlings, with a planting distance of 50cm × 50cm or 40cm × 50cm, two rows per border, and one plant per hole. When planting, spread the roots and cover the soil tightly. If the soil is dry, root in shallow water and use small branches for temporary shade.
4、 Field management
(1) Water sprinkling drainage In hot summer, water sprinkling must be carried out to keep the soil moist. However, it should not be too wet, and attention should be paid to the drainage of ponding to avoid rotting roots.
(2) Weeding and scarifying shall be carried out frequently during the growth period. Weeds removed in rainy season shall be removed from the garden and composted as fertilizer. Weeding in dry season should cover the root zone. When weeding, loosen or fill the soil.
(3) Fertilization In order to promote the growth of plants, fertilization should be carried out in a timely manner, mainly with decomposed organic fertilizer combined with chemical fertilizer. Fertilizer is applied 3-4 times a year, 4000-5000kg of decomposed organic fertilizer, 6kg of mixed urea and 50kg of superphosphate are applied per mu each time.

Disease and insect control


Disease control

Common diseases of aloe mainly include Anthrax Cercospora leaf spot Leaf blight White silk disease and Bacterial disease
Aloe rust
Symptoms: yellow brown spots on fleshy leaves. The uredospores pile up under the epidermis, and are reddish brown and powdery when exposed. The winter spores pile up under the epidermis and become dark brown after breaking.
Pathogen: Uromycesaloes (Cooke) Magnus, also known as aloe monad rust.
Infection route: The pathogen mainly overwinters with the winter spores left on the soil surface along with the diseased plant residues.
Occurrence conditions: rust The occurrence of rust is closely related to the climatic conditions. When the daily average temperature is 27 ℃ - 32 ℃, the weather is rainy, and the humidity is high, rust will occur seriously.
Prevention and control method: remove the diseased and disabled bodies in the field and burn them collectively.
Aloe rust
Aloe brown spot
Aloe brown spot
symptom: Aloe brown spot At the initial stage of the disease, dark green water stains like disease spots appear on the leaves. With the development of the disease, the disease spots expand into round or irregular shapes, with the central depression, grayish brown or reddish brown, and the edge has water stains like necrosis halos. At the late stage of the disease, piles of black particles will be produced on the disease spot, which is the conidium of the pathogen. When the disease is serious, the disease spots are densely distributed, leading to leaf rot.
Prevention methods:
1. Select disease resistant varieties.
2. Strengthen field management. Apply fertilizer scientifically and balance nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Ventilate well to reduce field humidity.
3. Remove the bacterial source. Timely remove the seriously diseased plants and leaves in the field, bury them deeply, and disinfect the soil in the affected area with 1000 times solution of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder+800 times solution of 70% thiophanate methyl wettable powder.
4. Chemical control. 77% spraying at seedling stage can get wettable powder, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 1000 times liquid, once every 15-20 days, 3-4 times within a year.
Aloe leaf blight
Aloe leaf blight
Symptoms: small brown spots often appear from the tip or edge of the leaf, and then expand into a semicircular dry spot. The disease spot shrinks, and the center is grayish brown, with dark brown water stains on the edge. In the later stage, small black spots on the disease spot are arranged in concentric circles.
Occurrence rule: It occurs all the year round in southern China and is often seen, which is lighter than anthrax. The fungus overwinters in the soil with mycelium. Mycelium It can survive for 2-3 years in the soil and is spread by rain or insects.
Prevention methods:
1. Strict quarantine shall be carried out to prevent the disease from spreading to disease-free areas.
2. Select varieties with strong disease resistance, such as Curacao, Chinese aloe, and wooden aloe.
3. Adopt tissue mass propagation technology to provide disease free and high-quality products Seedlings
4. Aloe should avoid dampness and cold, pay attention to scientific water use, reasonable fertilization, pay attention to the combined use of phosphorus and potassium, and enhance disease resistance.
5. Spray 27% copper noble suspension 600 times or 1100 times at the beginning of the disease Bordeaux liquid 75% Dakoning (chlorothalonil) wettable powder 600 times liquid.
The family potted aloe should focus on disease prevention, and select disease resistant varieties and high-quality disease free seedlings before the disease occurs, which has reduced its ornamental value. Disease prevention: Before the disease occurs, or after the diseased parts of the diseased plants are removed, 0.5-0.8 lime equivalent Bordeaux solution (i.e. 0.5-0.8 kg of copper sulfate and lime for every 100 kg of water) is applied to the leaf surface of aloe, which can effectively prevent and inhibit the invasion and spread of bacteria. Disease treatment. After the disease occurs, use the therapeutic agent of internal absorption conduction such as Tobuzin Stellera fuliginosa And antibiotics such as Streptomycin sulfate Agricultural streptomycin Chunleimycin The direct application of Jinggangmycin can kill the pathogenic bacteria in aloe and control the spread of disease.

Pest control

Scientific control measures shall be taken to prevent and control diseases and insect pests, and pollution-free control technology shall be vigorously promoted. High toxic and high residual pesticides shall be prohibited, so as to effectively control diseases and insect pests, and ensure that the pesticide residue of products does not exceed the standard. The measures of "prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control" shall be taken in prevention and control, and early prevention shall be timely carried out.
Agricultural control
Before the harvesting of aloe, the old mother stem shall be removed in the sunny days before the "beginning of spring" and "beginning of autumn" respectively, and a thorough garden cleaning shall be carried out to eliminate the source of diseases and pests hidden in the dead branches and leaves and in the soil. The old mother stem and the new abnormal, diseased and insect damaged young stem should be cut off in the Qingyuan Garden, and moved away from the field to burn; At the same time, spray herbicides to remove weeds in the field, remove the sandy soil of aloe stumps, remove the residual stems, and expose them to the sun for 1-2 days, every 667m two 70% Thiophanate methyl 0.5kg and 50% carbendazim respectively, Phoxim 1kg mixed water 500-600kg is added to pour the stump, and then 5-6cm passenger sand is covered to eliminate the source of diseases and pests; Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, increase the application of organic fertilizer, and pay attention to the reasonable combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. If the soil in the bamboo shoot garden is acidic, appropriate lime powder can be applied to adjust the soil pH; Pay attention to drought prevention and waterlogging drainage, promote plant growth and strengthen disease resistance; Do not harvest too much to avoid premature senescence of plants.
chemical control
Pesticide control should grasp the key period of control, control stem blight and other diseases at the early stage of disease onset, protect the susceptible period from germination to maturity of mother stem, and control pests from the peak of larval hatching to young age. After the garden was cleared, the young stems had just grown up and began to spray medicine to prevent stem blight. Spraying medicine should persist until the stems and leaves aged. Medication should be used in rotation frequently, and single medicament should not be used for a long time to avoid Drug resistance And affect the efficacy.
Mother stem growth period: appropriate use of high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue pesticides such as Dasheng M-45 wettable powder or 65% Haoshengling wettable powder or 70% methyltobuzin wettable powder or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500-600 times liquid, or 80% Xinwansheng wettable powder 300 times liquid, or 65% methimamide aqueous solution 800-1000 times liquid to prevent stem blight and brown spot disease; Pest control shall be carried out at 1-2 instars of larvae by spraying 5% Yitaibao emulsifiable concentrate 1000-1500 times, or 90% trichlorfon crystal 600-800 times, or 10% cypermethrin emulsifiable concentrate 1000 times plus a small amount of dimethoate Or 2.5% deltamethrin emulsifiable concentrates 600-800 times mixed with trichlorfon or 3000 times of hit to control noctuidae pests: 10% Mahongchen 1000 times of liquid or 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 1500-2000 times of liquid to control aphids and thrips; The occurrence of mites and red spiders can be controlled by spraying 1000 times of acaricide emulsifiable concentrates.
Harvesting period: should be implemented Biological control The stem blight can be controlled by biological agents such as 12% Dinicon 1000 times solution or 3% Kejunkang 800-1000 times solution; Control Spodoptera litura and other moth pests with 600-800 times solution of Caishuoxin, or 1000 times solution of Beauveria bassiana or Bacillus thuringiensis, or 1500 times solution of Miman; Control with Avermectins aphid and Thrips The subterranean pests such as ground tigers and adults of noctuidae can be placed in the field in the evening with sugar and vinegar (3 parts sugar, 3 parts vinegar, 1 part wine, 10 parts water plus 0.1% trichlorfon) Booby trap Adult.

Growth habit

1. Soil: Aloe vera has good water permeability and high organic content, PH value Between 6.5 and 7.2.
2. Lighting: like light, resistant to half shade, avoid direct sunlight and excessive shade.
3. Temperature: the suitable growth environment temperature is 20-30 ℃, and the best temperature at night is 14-17 ℃. When the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, the growth basically stops, and when the temperature is lower than 0 ℃, the mesophyll of aloe will wither and die.
4. Moisture: Aloe has strong drought resistance, and the detached aloe can dry for several months without dying. Aloe needs sufficient water during its growth period, but it is not tolerant to waterlogging.
5. Ecological environment: The ecological environment of aloe (air, water, soil, etc.) should not be polluted, and pay attention to ventilation.
6. Aloe vera not only needs Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium Some trace elements are also needed. In order to ensure that aloe is a green and natural plant, try to use fermented organic fertilizer, cake fertilizer Chicken manure Composting. Earthworm manure is more suitable for planting aloe.
Aloe vera is usually carried out by transplanting or cutting seedlings Asexual reproduction Of. The asexual reproduction speed is fast, which can stabilize the excellent characteristics of the variety.

geographical distribution

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is native to the tropical arid regions of Africa and is distributed almost all over the world. Wild aloe is distributed in India and Malaysia, African continent and tropical regions. It is cultivated in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places in China, and there are also wild aloes. There are at least 300 wild varieties of aloe, including about 250 in Africa, Madagascar There are about 40 species, and the other 10 species are distributed in Arabia and other places.

Key values


Edible value

As early as 1918, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States confirmed that aloe vera (Aloe vera, namely, Curacao aloe) was edible. Nowadays, aloe vera gel products have been widely used in the production of beverages, jellies, yogurt, cans and other foods. [3]

Health value

aloe [34]
Aloe contains 75 kinds of elements, which are almost identical to the substances needed by human cells. It has obvious health care value and is honored as "magic plant" and "family medicine box".
Mucin (protein) in aloe is the core component of polysaccharide such as arbor A Baloe mannanoetin. Mucin is an important component to prevent cell aging and treat chronic allergy. Mucin exists in the muscles and gastrointestinal mucosa of the human body, making the tissues elastic. If the fluid is insufficient, the muscles and mucosa will lose their elasticity and become stiff and aging. The cells that make up the human body will gradually weaken and lose the ability to defend against germs and viruses if mucin is insufficient. In addition, mucin has the function of strengthening body and sperm.
Promote healing
It can promote the healing effect of aloe on the back of artificial trauma mice, and shorten the healing days of aloe on artificial conjunctival edema rabbits. Aloe juice has protective effect on skin injury, burn and x-ray local irradiation.
Strengthening heart and promoting blood circulation
The calcium isocitrate in aloe can strengthen the heart, promote blood circulation, soften and harden arteries, reduce cholesterol content, expand capillaries, make blood circulation smooth, reduce cholesterol value, reduce the burden on the heart, keep blood pressure normal, and eliminate "toxins" in the blood.
Immunization and regeneration
Aloin A, wound hormone and glycan peptide mannose (Ke-2) have the functions of anti-virus infection, promoting wound healing and recovery, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal, heat absorption and detumescence, softening skin, and maintaining cell vitality. The combination of gel polysaccharide and callic acid also has wound healing activity.

Beauty value

Polysaccharides and vitamins contained in aloe have good nutrition, moisturizing and whitening effects on human skin. Aloe barbadensis is the most suitable fresh aloe leaf for direct beauty, namely Aloe vera Curacao. It has the properties of astringent, softening, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and bleaching. It can also relieve sclerosis, keratosis, and improve scars. It can not only prevent small wrinkles, eye bags, and loose skin, but also keep the skin moist and delicate. At the same time, it can also treat skin inflammation, and has good effects on acne, freckles, acne, burns, knife wounds, insect bites, etc. It is also effective for hair. It can keep hair moist and smooth and prevent hair loss. [5]
Cross section of aloe leaves

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Purging fire; Detoxification; Removing blood stasis; Insecticidal. Main eye red; Constipation; White turbidity; Urine and blood; Eclampsia in children; Malnutrition; Burn; Women amenorrhea; Hemorrhoids; Scabies; Carbuncle, furuncle, swelling and toxin; Injuries due to falls.
pharmacological action
It has the pharmacological effects of sterilization, anti-inflammatory, stomach strengthening, blood circulation strengthening, immunity and regeneration, anti-tumor, anti-aging, detoxification, analgesia, etc. [6] [20]
Medicinal taboos
Nature and taste: bitter, cold. Pregnant women should not take it, and those with weak spleen and stomach should not take it.
Selected prescriptions
  1. one
    Danxi Mental Skill: Danggui Longhui Pill is used to treat dizziness, hypochondriac pain, panic, convulsion, delirium, delirium, constipation and indigestion.
  2. two
    Authentic Surgery: Aloe Vera Anti Malnutrition Drink is used to treat infantile chancre. The body heat is thick, the gums are rotten, the smell is bad, and even the cheeks and lips are broken.
  3. three
    "Medical School's Golden Mirror - Tips for Youke's Mental Skill": Aloe Feier Pill is used to treat infantile liver chancre. People with green faces, claws and nails can't open their eyes without tears. They have large abdominal muscles. Their body is thin, thirsty and impatient, and their feces are as green as moss.
  4. four
    "Taiping Shenghui Prescription": Aloe pills are used to treat infantile malnutrition, sallow face, spiky hair, itchy nose and dry mouth, abdominal distension, exposed tendons, and strong fever in limbs.
  5. five
    Puji Prescription: Aloe Vera Pill is in the process of healing injuries, and it can bring down red and white belts.
  6. six
    Authentic Surgery: Aloe pills are used to treat the festering and pain of chancre, the itching of female eczema, the fever of children's hepatoma, the sore of mouth and tongue, and the erosion of gums.
  7. seven
    "Taiping Shenghui Prescription": Aloe powder is used to treat infantile nasal chancre, which is itchy and painful.
  8. eight
    Criterion of Syndrome and Treatment: Aloe powder can cure sores on the mouth and tongue.
  9. nine
    "First Awakening Room Medical Broad Notes": dressing pills can cure stomach dryness and constipation.
  10. ten
    "Drug Nature": kill infantile malnutrition and ascariasis. It is mainly used to blow the nose to kill the chancre and eliminate the itching of the nose.
  11. eleven
    "Materia Medica": advocate infantile malnutrition fever.
  12. twelve
    Kaibao Materia Medica: It focuses on hot wind, hot air between the chest and diaphragm, bright eyes, calming the heart, epilepsy and convulsion in children, curing five malnutrition, killing three insects and hemorrhoids. Relieve croton poison.
  13. thirteen
    "The Classic of Materia Medica": to treat dampness and itching, and to scratch with yellow juice; It also treats NI teeth.
  14. fourteen
    Desquamate Materia Medica: Scatter scrofula, treat convulsion and epilepsy, promote water and remove swelling.
  15. fifteen
    Renewal of Materia Medica. 7. Modern Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine: It is used to strengthen the stomach and smooth the meridians.
  16. sixteen
    Herbal Classic: Aloe vera can remove heat from cold, release heat and dry dampness from bitter, kill insects from bitter to cold, so it is an essential drug for removing heat and killing insects. It mainly focuses on hot wind, hot air between chest and flank, bright eyes, calm heart, cool wind for children with epilepsy, cure five malnutrition, and kill three insects. Hot air generates wind, and heat energy makes people bored. Heat removal leads to hot air and hot air, and the heat between chest and diaphragm resolves itself. Cool liver makes eyes bright. In addition to annoyance, it calms the heart. Epilepsy and convulsion in children are caused by heat, and the five chancres are the syndrome of internal heat, stagnation of spleen and stomach; Damp heat hemorrhoids, sore flaccidity, are all caused by dampness and heat coming down from the intestines and causing blood stagnation, so I know the Lord. It can neutralize croton poison and remove heat.
  17. seventeen
    "Summary of Materia Medica": Lu Hui, a medicine for cooling liver and killing insects. If the liver is a disease and there is heat, it will definitely be used. But the taste is extremely bitter, and the breath is extremely cold. There is no other bitter and cold medicine than others. Its power is mainly used to dissipate, but not to replenish. It can be used by those with strong internal heat, and it is forbidden for those with weak internal qi to diarrhea and eat less.
  18. eighteen
    "Encounter the Source": Aloe, entering Jueyin Liver Channel and Chongmai. It specializes in killing insects and clearing away heat. Chong pulse is a disease, which is characterized by acute qi and irregular menstruation, abdominal agglomeration, and retention of infantile malnutrition. With licorice as the end, it is very effective in treating persistent tinea capitis. But it is very bitter and cold, and its qi is very filthy. If the stomach is weak and people eat less, they will vomit at the mouth. Every time they eat, they will have diarrhea, and many people will become thin and timid.
  19. nineteen
    "Dispensing of Essential Medicines": In modern times, aloe was used as a dressing drug, which was used to clear away dryness and heat.
  20. twenty
    Treatment of white turbidity: fresh aloe leaves, squeeze six or seven teaspoons of juice, add 30 light melon seeds, stew slightly, take it twice a day before meals. "Medical School Jinjian - Tips for Mental Skill of Juvenile Medicine"
  21. twenty-one
    Cure hematuria: aloe leaves five coins. Raw mashed juice, add one or two white sugar, and take it with rice swill. Guangxi
  22. twenty-two
    Treatment of cough, phlegm and blood: aloe fresh leaves cost five to two yuan. Peel off the skin, soak to remove the sticky juice, and fry in water. (Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine)
  23. twenty-three
    Treatment of mild scald caused by soup fire: wash fresh aloe leaves with cold boiled water, squeeze juice and apply it to the injured part twice or three times a day. (Fujian Folk Herbs)
  24. twenty-four
    To remove blood stasis and poison: mash aloe leaves and salt, and apply the sore immediately. (Lingnan Herbal Collection Record)
  25. twenty-five
    At the beginning of the treatment of callose: fresh aloe leaves soaked in urine for half a day, heated and applied; Or take fresh leaves, roast them, add some rice wine, mash, heat and apply them, and change them twice a day. (Fujian Folk Herbs) [7]
  26. twenty-six
    Burn aloe recipe: 1 fresh aloe leaf (can be added or subtracted according to the size of the injured face), wash it with cold boiled water, squeeze juice and apply it to the injured part 2-3 times a day. It can purge fire and cool blood, relieve pain The efficacy of. Suitable for burns.
  27. twenty-seven
    Sabre scratch aloe recipe: aloe Appropriate amount of leaves, sterilize with hot water, wash, cut, and apply the secretion to the wound. Applicable to knife and scratch. It can stop bleeding and pain for several times. In serious cases, first clean the wound, then apply aloe gel, and bind and fix it with sterile gauze and bandage. When the gel dries, drop it Aloe juice It can be cured in about 7-10 days.
  28. twenty-eight
    Stung Tips for hurting aloe: Apply some fresh aloe leaves to the affected area after mashing. Applicable to bee sting
  29. twenty-nine
    The magic prescription of aloe for traumatic bleeding: 50g aloe is prepared into fine powder and bottled for standby. Take a little aloe powder and sprinkle it on the wound. It is suitable for traumatic bleeding.

Adverse reactions

Aloe vera is not suitable for everyone. People with different constitutions will have different effects when eating it. Not suitable for pregnant women and infants. People with weak physique and children who eat too much are prone to allergic reactions, such as skin redness, swelling, rough skin, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms in the mild cases, and acute nephritis in the severe cases. The edible safety of aloe has attracted extensive attention of scholars and managers. One of the active ingredients of aloe is aloin, which is the representative ingredient of aloe cathartic and exists in the yellow mucus near the inner surface of the leaf epidermis. The oxidized product of aloin has the risk of cancer and kidney damage. [4]
According to the relevant requirements of the Food Hygiene Law and the Administrative Measures for New Resource Food, since September 1, 2009, only aloe vera curacao is included in aloe products( Aloe vera )The gel can be used in food production and processing. Curacao aloe gel is derived from the edible gel meat of the leaves of Curacao aloe. It is a colorless transparent to milky white gel made from the leaves of Curacao aloe through the steps of liquinone cleaning, peeling, blanching, sterilization, etc. It can be used for all kinds of food, and the daily consumption should not be more than 30g. The food added with Curacao aloe gel must be marked with the words "This product is added with aloe, pregnant women and infants should use it carefully", and the ingredients list should be marked with "Curacao aloe gel". The food packaging main page or food name with Curacao aloe gel can only be marked with "aloe", and the content of the logo should not mislead consumers. The enterprise shall specify the daily consumption of the food added with Curacao aloe gel in the enterprise standard. If it is impossible to ensure that consumers' daily intake of aloe is within the safe range, the daily consumption warning shall be marked on the package. [8]

toxicological effects

Aloe vera injection (containing 0.1g crude drug per 1ml) was injected intramuscularly into dogs in two dose groups of 0.05ml/kg and 0.1ml/kg for six consecutive months. Blood picture, alanine aminotransferase, whole blood urea ammonia and creatinine were observed and measured every 15 days after the start of administration, and the body weight was weighed. In the future, it will be measured once a month. After the experiment, the main organs were dissected and observed with microscope. The results were normal, and no substantive lesions were found. Local muscle necrosis was found in individual dogs in high and low dose groups.

Aloe Culture


Industry status

In 2006, the global Aloe vera The planting area is about 23589 hectares, of which the Americas has the largest planting area, about 19119 hectares, accounting for 81% of the global planting area; Australasia (referring to Asia and Oceania), such as Australia, New Zealand and adjacent Pacific islands, has a planting area of 4170 hectares, accounting for 18% of the world's planting area; Due to the constraints of geography and aloe growth technology, the planting area of aloe in Africa is only 300 hectares, accounting for 1% of the world's planting area. [9]

Aloe flower language

aloe [35]
The flower language of aloe is the love of self-esteem and inferiority. Flower divination is that you always carry a heavy burden, which is full of emotional troubles, making you mentally damaged, depressed and lifeless. In fact, you are a very firm As long as you have a firm will, you can break through the psychological barriers and regain your former glory.
The word "aloe" in aloe originally means black, while "aloe" means gathering. The name comes from the fact that the juice of aloe leaves is yellowish brown and will be oxidized to black when encountering air, so it is called aloe.

Related species

Aloe has more than 500-600 species [10] Various forms. After 2010, a series of phylogenetic studies removed some species from the genus Aloe and divided them into five new sub genera (Aloe vera Aristaloe , Aloe vera Gonialoe , Aloe Aloidendron , Aloe vera Aloiampelos , Aloe vera Kumara [11-12] )。
Vera bacca
In the broad sense of Aloe before splitting Aloe dichotoma Pearlance aloe, which can reach more than 10 meters in height, also has Jade Hall Aloe haworthioides Such small species with plant diameter less than 10 cm, and. In leaf order, the leaves of most species in the genus Aloe are alternate and arranged in a rosette shape; But Aloe vera( Kumara Spp.) and calcium loving aloe( Aloe calcairophila )The leaves of other species are bisexual. The leaf texture of different aloes is also different. Some aloes are covered with delicate white frost( Vera bacca , Xueling Aloe A. falcata )Some are smooth without powder, or have rough texture (beautiful aloe A. bellatula )。 The leaf surface of some species is also marked with white stripes( Zebra aloe Aloe somaliensis Etc.) or vertical lines (Cara aloe A. karasbergensis Etc.).
The flowers of Aloe species are also very rich in color, with light red and true red being the most common, and yellow (spotted Aloe Aloe maculata、 Conical aloe A. conifera [13] Etc.) and white (Aloe vera A. albiflora、 Aloe calcairophila A. calcairophila Etc.); The inflorescence of some species will also show a gradual color effect, such as Aloe barbata, the flowers that have opened at the lower part of the inflorescence are yellow, while the flowers that have not opened at the upper part are red; The length width ratio of corolla tube, the length of inflorescence and the density of flower arrangement may also be different in different aloes. In addition, there are some aloes with very special forms, such as those with bulbs A. richardsiae、 Inflorescence tomentose with green flowers A. tomentosa Etc.
The following are some species commonly seen in artificial cultivation:
Sea tiger orchid
Sea tiger orchid [16]
Sea tiger orchid, also known as emerald aloe, is aloe ciliaris (Now included in Aloe vera [14] )With Sokodra Aloe Vera( Aloesuccotrina )Of hybrid [15-16] Easily branched.
Aloe arborescens
Aloe arborescens
Aloe arborescens It is the third most widely distributed species in the genus Aloe Sub Saharan Africa Southeast Endemic species , distributed in South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, etc. Because of its bushy plant type, it is often planted around livestock pens as a fence in its origin. Cutting propagation is relatively easy. [17]
cape aloe
cape aloe
cape aloe The adult plant can reach 2-3 meters in height and is usually unbranched. Old leaves will not fall off after withering, but accumulate on the stem. The leaf spines of young plants are more significant than those of adult plants. The native plants grow on stony hillsides above 1000 meters above sea level. [18]
Everlasting City Aloe Vera
Everlasting City Aloe Vera
Everlasting City Aloe Vera Also known as vigorous aloe [13] , is a common green plant for interior decoration, Aloe arborescens With stem hugging aloe( Aloe perfoliata )Of hybrid [19] In appearance, it combines the emerald and bright leaf color of arboreal aloe and the plant type and leaf shape of stem hugging aloe.