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Sesame( Sesamum indicum L.), Annual herbs of the genus Sesamum in Sesamaceae Botany , stem hollow or with white pith; The leaves are ovate; The flowers are solitary or a few are born in the armpit, white; Sesame capsule is obtuse round at the base, with a sharp top and a ridge in the middle; Sesame seeds are usually flat oval, with four colors; The flowering period is from May to September; The fruiting period is from August to September Sesame was an oil seed introduced by Chinese Han envoy Zhang Qian when he went to the Western Regions, so it was called "sesame". Later, King Shile of Zhao tabooed "Hu" and changed "sesame" to "sesame"
Sesame originated in Africa and was introduced into China during the Han Dynasty. It is mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, Henan, Hubei and other provinces Sesame likes warm and humid environment, drought resistance, cold resistance, fear of waterlogging, and not resistant to damp and heat. It has high requirements for light. It needs sufficient sunshine throughout its growth period, and likes loose and breathable soil. Sesame seeds are usually propagated by sowing
According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, sesame has the effects of tonifying blood and fluid, moistening intestines, and delaying cell aging. It can be used for dizziness, early whiteness of hair and beard caused by kidney deficiency. Sesame is known as the top of the eight cereals. In ancient China, sesame was regarded as a food to prolong life. Tao Hongjing, an ancient health care expert, once said, "This is the only good among the eight cereals. The immortal family makes food bait to cut off the grain for longevity." Today, sesame is one of the main oil crops in China, and also one of the four major edible oil crops The. The unique shape of sesame seeds gives rise to the "sesame seeds blossom steadily", which is the custom of Chinese people to describe the increasingly beautiful life Language.
Chinese name
Latin name
Sesamum indicum L.
Flax Lipoma linseed
Magnolia [4]
Sesamaceae [3]
Distribution area
tropic And parts the temperate zone region

History of botany

Sesame was an oil seed introduced by Chinese Han envoy Zhang Qian when he went to the Western Regions, so it was called "sesame". Later, King Shile of Zhao tabooed "Hu" and changed "sesame" to "sesame"
 sesame sesame sesame sesame sesame sesame sesame sesame Sesame ink line Sesame ink line

morphological character

Annual erect herb. 60-150 cm high, branched or unbranched, hollow or with white pith, slightly hairy. The leaves are oblong or ovate, 3-10 cm long and 2.5-4 cm wide. The lower leaves are often palmately 3-lobed, the middle leaves are dentate, and the upper leaves are nearly entire; The petiole is 1-5cm long. [3]
Flowers solitary or 2-3 in leaf axils. Calyx lobes lanceolate, 5-8 mm long, 1.6-3.5 mm wide, pilose. Corolla is 2.5-3 cm long, tubular, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, 2-3.5 cm long, white and often with purple or yellow color halos. Stamens 4, internal, ovary superior, 4-locular (cultivated plants in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan can reach 8-locular), pilose. Flowering in late summer and early autumn. Capsule oblong, 2-3 cm long, 6-12 mm in diameter, longitudinally ribbed, erect, hairy, divided to the middle or to the base. There are black and white seeds. Black seeds are called black sesame seeds, while white seeds are called white sesame seeds. [3]

Distribution range

Sesame originated in India and was introduced into China in the Han Dynasty. The plant has a long history of cultivation in China. [3]

Cultivation technology

Reasonable rotation and land selection: Because the stem of sesame is upright and the shading area is small, it is often mixed with dwarf crops, and can be mixed or intercropped with sweet potato, peanut, soybean and other crops. Sesame is more drought tolerant, while beans are more moisture tolerant, and mixed cropping with beans is conducive to maintaining the harvest in drought and waterlogging. Sesame does not require very high soil, but it is not suitable for planting in saline alkali land and marshland, or in relatively low-lying land. Sesame is not suitable for continuous and alternate cropping. It needs more than 2-3 years of rotation. The previous crop should be a gramineous crop. [6]
Scientific land preparation and fertilization: The root distribution characteristics of sesame are that the main root layer is shallow, mostly distributed in 10 cm soil layer, so the base fertilizer should not be too deep. Generally, it should be mainly organic fertilizer, with appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applied together. The soil preparation process of sesame is relatively strict, because its seeds are small, and most roots are close to the surface of the soil. If the soil preparation is not scientific, it is easy to cause the seeds to leak or develop poorly, so it is recommended to plough and rake properly. In addition, soil preparation should not be too late in spring, which is conducive to maintaining soil moisture. It is suggested to apply sufficient base fertilizer and reasonably use urea and potassium fertilizer. 25-30 tons of farmyard manure, 300 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, 70 kg of urea and 100 kg of potassium fertilizer were applied per hectare. [6]
Grasp the sowing date: The sowing time should be determined according to the specific situation every year, not every year. Sesame likes temperature, and it also has high requirements for seed germination temperature. If the temperature is lower than 15 ℃, it is not easy to sprout. [6]
  1. one
    Seed treatment. Before sowing, the seeds should be exposed to the sun for 1-2 days. Do not dry them on the cement floor or on the surface of metal utensils to avoid burning the seeds. The seeds shall be selected after sun drying. The general method is to conduct wind selection first, remove the blighted grains and impurities, and then float the seeds with clean water. The plump seeds sunk into the water bottom shall be used. If possible, it is recommended to soak the seeds in warm soup for 10-15 minutes with 55 ℃ warm water. [6]
  2. two
    Selection of seeding method. Because sesame seeds are small and have weak soil arching ability when emerging, the depth and quality of sowing will directly affect the emergence of seedlings. There are several sowing methods suitable for Shuangliao City: first, dry seed wet method. According to the situation of the plot, the dry seed wet out method can be used for the plot without moisture in spring. That is to say, furrow the ridge, then spot sow, cover the soil about 1cm, and suppress after sowing. The second is the method of sitting on water. According to its own conditions and operation level, the plot with good water retention can be selected. The method of sitting on water seeding should be adopted. The ridge should be first furrowed, watered thoroughly, and sowed after water infiltration, covering 1-2 cm of soil. This method is time-consuming and laborious, and belongs to intensive cultivation. Third, deep planting and shallow method. According to the actual situation of the plot, the method of deep planting and shallow planting can be used to plant sesame on the plot with poor water retention, and the method of seed deduction can be used to plant sesame on the plot with moisture (no moisture can be watered to create moisture), with about 10 cm of soil covered without pressure. When the bud is about 1 cm long after sowing, the soil on the ridge of about 9 cm should be removed, and the time of heavy soil should be 3-4 pm to promote the whole seedling. The fourth is the machine broadcast method. The new precision seeder is a technical improvement on the existing seeder, which is conducive to controlling the number of seeds and convenient for distance measurement. [6]
Field management: The emergence of sesame is very large, so it is necessary to carry out thinning and seeding in time. Thinning, seeding and intertillage are important links in field management. The first thinning of sesame should be carried out when the first pair of true leaves appears, the second thinning should be carried out when 2-3 pairs of true leaves appear, and the third thinning should be carried out when 3-4 pairs of true leaves appear. During inter seeding, some healthy seedlings should be reserved between rows for replanting. For single stem varieties, 18000-225000 seedlings are reserved per hectare, and three shovels are carried out in combination with intermediate seedlings. In order to give full play to the fertilizer effect of the applied fertilizer, it is generally necessary to grasp the principle of "early application at seedling stage, repeated application before flowering, supplementary application at flowering stage, promoting seedling with fertilizer and promoting to the end". In the full flowering period of sesame, foliage spraying can be carried out. For single stem varieties, it is appropriate to apply fertilizer from budding to flowering, and for branch varieties, it is appropriate to apply fertilizer when branches appear. It should be noted that spraying boron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc fertilizers on plots with insufficient trace elements can also increase production. Generally, 2% - 3% superphosphate solution or 1% - 2% urea solution can be used. Topping in late August, select sunny days to pick off the top 2-3 cm of sesame, to promote the concentrated supply of nutrition to capsules, increase the number of effective capsules and weight of seeds. [6]
Timely harvest : Observe the growth in time. The sesame will mature half a month after entering the final flowering stage. Generally, the suitable harvest time is when the capsule turns yellow and a large number of leaves fall. [6]

Disease and insect control



Rhizoctonia solani of sesame The disease is a fungal disease, which occurs in all sesame producing areas in China. [5 ]
Symptom recognition : Rhizoctonia solani is mainly affected at seedling stage. Usually, the disease begins at the stem base of the seedling. At first, dark brown disease spots appear on one side of the stem base, gradually concave and rotting, and then spread around the stem in serious cases. Finally, the disease part shrinks into a line, the diseased plant collapses, or the whole plant wilts and dies. [5 ]
Occurrence rule : The pathogen overwinters in the seed or soil with hyphae or sclerotium and invades the young stem in the second year, causing disease. Sesame seeds are seriously affected by low temperature and high humidity after emergence. [5 ]
Prevention and control methods ① Soak the seeds in 0.5% copper sulfate solution for 30 minutes. ② Treat the soil with pentachloronitrobenzene to kill the overwintering bacteria in the soil. [5 ]
Stem blight of sesame : It is a fungal disease, which occurs widely in sesame producing areas in China and is the most serious disease endangering sesame. Sesame stem spot blight is commonly known as "black stem crazy", "standing stem", black stem disease ", etc. [5 ]
Symptom identification: After the disease of sesame stem spot blight seeds, the germinated seeds become brown and rotten, and cause root rot and death of plants after the disease in seedling stage. After flowering, the sesame becomes infected, and the root turns brown, causing the whole plant leaves to curl and wither, and the plant top to bend and droop. When the stem comes on, prismatic watery spots appear at the base, with yellowish brown edges and no obvious boundary with healthy tissues. Then the disease spot expands, spreads around the stem, and even develops to the whole stem. In the later stage, small black dot shaped spore apparatus and small sclerotia were formed on the disease spot, and the stem became black and short, and finally died. [5 ]
Occurrence rule: The pathogen of sesame stem blight is mainly found in soil and seeds. With the germination of seeds, pathogens invade seedlings from the root with hyphae, causing harm to seedlings. After the conidia growing on the diseased seedlings absorb water, a large number of conidia will emerge, spread through wind and rain, and invade other parts of the sesame. Such repeated infection will cause serious harm. [5 ]
Prevention methods: ① Select high-yield and disease resistant varieties. ② Strictly rotate crops to reduce the transmission way of soil borne bacteria. ③ Soak seeds in 55 ℃ hot water for 10-15 minutes to kill bacteria. ④ Strengthen the cultivation management, adopt formula fertilization, and increase the application of soil and miscellaneous fertilizers; Reasonable close planting, about 150000 plants/ha; Cultivate strong plants to reduce the incidence of disease. ⑤ Chemical control. Use 0.3% carbendazim or 0.3% Fumei cream solution for seed immersion disinfection; In the seedling stage, bud stage and flowering stage of sesame, 70% thiophanate methyl WP800-1000 times solution was sprayed for control. [5 ]
Bacterial wilt of sesame : It is a bacterial disease, which occurs in all sesame producing areas, and is relatively common and harmful. Sesame bacterial wilt is commonly known as "sesame blast" and "black stem disease". [5 ]
Symptom identification: Sesame bacterial wilt mainly harms adult plants. When it comes to disease, dark green patches appear at the base of stems first, and the leaves of diseased plants wither sharply from the top down, and finally the whole plant dies. After the stem base is infected, dark green patches appear on the surface, and then become dark brown patches. The vascular bundles in the root and stem become brown, and finally spread to the pith, forming cavities. The affected part flows out of mycorrhiza, and becomes dark and shiny particles after drying. After the onset of the disease, the leaf veins present dark green stripes, crisscross and form a network; The veins on the back of the leaf present yellow protrusions and twist in a wavy shape, the closer to the edge, the more twisted. The damaged capsule presents water stains, gradually becoming dark brown stripes with different thickness, and the diseased capsule finally becomes thin. The damaged seeds become reddish brown. In case of serious damage, the seeds become blighted and cannot germinate. [5 ]
Occurrence rule : Sesame bacterial wilt overwinters in the diseased plant residues in the soil. In the second year, sesame or leguminous or solanaceous crops will invade the plant from the wound or stoma. The peak of the disease is from July to August in the hot weather. After the rainstorm, the disease is rapid. [5 ]
Prevention methods: ① Strictly implement rotation (rotation) with non leguminous and non solanaceous crops for more than 2 years. ② Adopt deep ditches and narrow compartments, do a good job in drainage of waterlogging in the field, increase potassium fertilizer, and increase the disease resistance of plants. ③ The diseased plants shall be pulled out and burned in time, and the diseased points after pulling out the diseased plants and the surrounding areas shall be disinfected with lime water. [5 ]
Fusarium wilt of sesame : Fungal diseases occur in all sesame producing areas. Sesame wilt disease is commonly known as "half yellow" or "yellow death". [5 ]
Symptom recognition : Sesame Fusarium wilt occurs at seedling stage, and the whole plant falls suddenly, resulting in seedling shortage. The adult plants after flowering have more diseases, and the leaves gradually wither from bottom to top, which is opposite to the withering sequence of bacterial wilt. The half of the root of the diseased plant became brown and decayed, and infected upward along the stem, making the corresponding half of the stem red brown and dry. Due to duct obstruction and toxin secreted by bacteria on the half side of the diseased side, the leaves showed a yellow edge and gradually withered and fell off. The capsule on the affected side also became smaller. The diseased plants are abnormally precocious, the seeds become thin and small, and the capsules are easy to be fried and the seeds fall, affecting the yield and quality. [5 ]
Occurrence rule: the sesame wilt pathogen survives on the diseased and residual plants in the seeds and soil. It is infected by roots or seedling wounds, causing vascular bundle disease. When the soil temperature and water content are high, it is easy to get sick. The incidence peak of sesame wilt is from late July to early August, and the disease is serious in sandy loam with poor soil. [5 ]
Prevention methods: ① Select disease resistant varieties. Generally, closed capsule varieties are more resistant to disease, and large grain varieties are more resistant to disease. ② Strictly rotate crops with non sweet potatoes and other crops. ③ Medicament control: Soak seeds with 0.5% copper sulfate solution for 30 minutes; When the disease occurs in the field, 0.2% copper sulfate solution is sprayed once every 10 days or so for 2-3 times. [5 ]
Sesame leaf blight : It is a fungal disease, which occurs locally in sesame production areas, but is not common. [5 ]
Symptom identification: When the disease of sesame leaf blight occurs, the spots on the sesame leaves show purplish brown spots at the initial stage, then develop into brown corner spots or near round spots, and finally develop into large polygonal brown spots with wheel shaped patterns; The disease spots on the petiole and stem are prismatic at the initial stage, concave at the center, and brown stripes at the later stage. The disease spots on the capsule are round, reddish brown, slightly concave. [5 ]
Occurrence rule: Sesame leaf blight overwinters on the remnant plant with hyphae. In the second year, it invades the young stem, and then spreads through wind and rain to cause disease. The disease is more serious under humid conditions or when the plant is not growing well. Generally, the disease starts in July, and is most serious before harvest. [5 ]
Prevention methods: ① Deep ditches and narrow compartments, clear ditches and drain stains to reduce soil moisture. ② Strengthen field management and enhance plant disease resistance. ③ Soak the seeds in 50 ℃ warm water for 30 minutes. ④ Spray 70% thiophanate methyl WP700 times solution or 40% carbendazim WP700 times solution at the initial flowering stage and before the final flowering stage respectively for control. [5 ]

Key values


economic value

Sesame is the leader of the four major edible oil crops in China and one of the major oil crops in China. The oil extracted from sesame seeds has a fragrant smell, also known as Balsam oil , which can be used as edible oil, and also can be used for medical purposes: as high-quality massage oil, or as ointment base agent, viscous lubricant, and antidote. Sesame oil made from sugar can be used to make cream and cosmetics. Spices for perfume manufacturing can be obtained from the flowers and stems of sesame. Hot pressed sesame oil can be used to make carbon paper. The oil smoke generated by burning sesame oil can be used to make advanced ink. The stem of sesame can be used as fuel.
 sesame sesame sesame sesame sesame sesame sesame sesame sesame sesame sesame
Sesame Photos Collection
Sesame can also be used for industrial production of lubricating oil and soap. Sesame cake contains high protein and is a good concentrate feed. It contains about 5.9% nitrogen, 3.3% phosphoric acid and 1.5% potassium oxide, so it is also a good fertilizer. [1]

Nutritional analysis

Sesame contains a lot of Fat and protein , which is mainly glycerides of oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, arachidic acid, etc; It also contains sterol, sesamin, sesamol, folic acid, niacin, sucrose, lecithin and protein; And dietary fiber, sugar, vitamin A vitamin B1,B2、 Nicotinic acid vitamin E lecithin , calcium, iron, magnesium and other nutrients; [2]
Linoleic acid (Linoleic, C) in sesame 18∶2 )It can regulate cholesterol. [2]
Sesame is rich in vitamin E, which can prevent the harm of lipid peroxide to skin, offset or neutralize Cells The accumulation of free radicals in harmful substances can whiten and moisturize the skin and prevent various skin inflammations. [2]
Sesame also has the effect of nourishing blood, which can cure dry and rough skin exquisite Smooth, ruddy and shiny. [2]

Food nutrition

Food name sesame
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 536 kcal
protein 18.4 g
Fat 39.6 g
carbohydrate 31.5 g
Insoluble dietary fiber 9.8 g
sodium 32 mg
magnesium 202 mg
phosphorus 513 mg
potassium 266 mg
calcium 620 mg
manganese 1.17 mg
iron 14.1 mg
copper 1.41 mg
zinc 4.21 mg
selenium 4.1 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.36 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.26 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 3.8 mg
vitamin E 38.28 mg