Awn seed

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Grain in Ear, yes twenty-four solar terms The ninth solar term, the third solar term in summer, and the beginning of the noon month in the Ganzhi calendar. Douzhi C, the sun's yellow longitude reaches 75 °, and the festival is held on June 5-7 of the Gregorian calendar every year. "Grain in awn" means "grain crops with awn can be planted, and will become invalid after that". In this season, the temperature rises significantly, the rainfall is abundant, and the air humidity is high, which is suitable for planting late rice and other cereal crops. Farming is bounded by the solar term of "awn planting", after which the survival rate of planting will be lower and lower. It is ancient cultivation culture Reflection on seasons. [1] [6] [12] [21]
Grain in Ear Solar Term Farming It is of great significance. The lunar calendar says: "Dou refers to C as awn seed, which can be used to plant grain with awn, and then it will become invalid, so it is called awn seed." It means that the solar term for awn seed is suitable for planting grain crops with awn; It is also the dividing point of crop planting time, which will become invalid. This is the truth of the folk saying, "It is useless to plant more seeds in the shade.". Grain in Ear is a busy farming Solar term It is also called "busy seed" in the folk. This is the time to plant rice in the south and harvest wheat in the north. [1] [13] [15] [24]
Chinese name
Awn seed
Foreign name
Grain in Ear
Sun position
The sun reaches 75 ° of yellow longitude
Grain with awn can be harvested quickly, and rice with awn can be planted [7]
Gregorian calendar time
June 5 to June 7 of the Gregorian calendar
Ecliptic position
When the sun reaches 75 ° of yellow longitude [7]
Climatic characteristics
Abundant rainfall and significantly increased temperature
Phenological phenomenon
Mantis Health; Shrike begins to sing; Silent tongue
Farming activities
Crop cultivation (south), wheat harvesting (north)
traditional custom
Send Huashen, Anmiao, fight mud wars, boil green plum, etc

historical origin

Grain in awn: Grain in awn can be planted, and will become invalid after that
Awn seed“ Awn ”It refers to some awned crops, such as rice Millet Millet Etc; And“ species ”One is the "seed" of the seed, and the other is the "seed" of sowing. The name "awn seed" means that "grain crops with awn can be planted, and will become invalid after that". This is the truth of the folk saying, "It is useless to plant more than one kind of awn seed.". It is the summary of the ancient farming culture to the farming season, and it shows that the solar term of awn seed is the dividing point of planting crops. The temperature in the season of awn planting increased significantly rainfall Abundant, high air humidity, suitable for late rice and other cereal crops cultivation. This solar term is the dividing point of farming time. Due to the hot weather, it has entered the typical summer. The farming planting is limited to this season. After this solar term, the survival rate of crops will be lower and lower. Grain cultivation in awn is the season for cereal crops, and late rice should be planted in this season. In the south of rice growing areas, "awn seed" is a busy time for transplanting seedlings. The northern region is dryland agriculture, and wheat is the main food crop. This is the time when the summer wheat crops in the north are harvested. The arrival of "awn seed" marks another round of busy farming. People in the south are busy planting rice seedlings, while people in the north are busy harvesting wheat. [2] [8] [13] [21]
The word "awn seed" is the earliest recorded word in the works of the Han Dynasty《 Zhou Rites 》"The grass grows in the marsh, and the seeds grow in the shade." Scholars of the Yuan Dynasty Wu Cheng The compilation of The Seventy Two Marquis of the Moon Order: "The May Festival is called the seed with awn, and the grain can be planted." In the Tongwei Filial Piety Sutra Aid Divine Covenant, it says: "On the 15th day after the Xiaoman Festival, the Dou refers to C, which is called the grain with awn, and the May Festival. It means that the grain with awn can be sown. The grain with awn means" the rice with awn can be sown ". Scholars of the Ming Dynasty Chen Sanmo [25 ] "The General Survey of Chronicles" also explains: "awn is the end of grass; seed is the seed of crops; the grain with awn can be planted at this time, so it is called the awn seed, which is the solar term in May!" It means that awn is the needle at the top of grass, seed, sowing; Grain in awn, that is, grain with awn, can be sown at this time. Rice is generally planted in the southern region, which is dominated by paddy fields. The northern region is dryland agriculture, and wheat is the main food crop. For the northern region, "awn seed" is the season when wheat is mature, so it is also interpreted as "the wheat with awn can be harvested quickly, and the rice with awn can be planted". Wheat harvest is added, which involves both rice planting in the south and wheat harvest in the north. [1] [10] [13] [22]

Astronomical calendar

Grain in Ear, the ninth solar term among the twenty-four solar terms and the third solar term in summer, is the beginning of the noon month in the Ganzhi calendar. The solar term for mango seeds is set on June 5-7 of the Gregorian calendar every year. At this time, the handle of the Beidou is pointing to the southeast, and the sun's yellow longitude reaches 75 °. Grain in Ear is a solar term at a turning point between Xiaoman and the summer solstice. Long summer solstice and short winter solstice. During the awn seed period, the sun will approach the northernmost end of its track in the Northern Hemisphere day by day, and the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere is coming. [7] [20]

Meteorological change

The climatic characteristics of the solar term of awn seed are The temperature rises significantly, the rainfall is abundant, and the air humidity is high During this period, high temperature weather occurs frequently, with high humidity and much muggy. High temperature weather may occur in both the south and the north. In the solar term of awn seed, the southeast monsoon rain belt in southern China is stable, and the southern region of the Yangtze River enters the plum rain. The solar term of awn seed has not yet entered the rainy season in northern China. [16-18] [23]
There are many meteorological proverbs of awn seeds, such as "when it's summer solstice, people should lead when walking", "when it rains, the water rises at the Dragon Boat Festival", "when it's summer solstice, it's a dry day if there is no rain". [23]
During this period, except Qinghai Tibet Plateau And some areas in the northernmost part of Heilongjiang have not really entered the summer. People in most areas can generally experience the summer heat. [1] [17]

Farming activities

Grain in Ear - Busy
The solar term of "awn planting" is of great significance in farming, which guides farming. The meaning of awn seed is: "Grain crops with awn can be planted, and will become invalid after that". The climatic characteristics of mango seeds are that the temperature rises significantly and the rainfall is abundant. This unique climatic condition is suitable for sowing and transplanting. Farming is limited by the season of "awn planting", after which the survival rate of sowing will be lower and lower. So when it comes to "awn seed", we must seize the time to plant spring crops and transplant rice in time in agricultural production. If it is postponed, the rice vegetative growth period will be shortened due to the significant increase in the solar term temperature of "awn seed", and the growth stage will be vulnerable to drought, disease and insect pests. Finally, when harvesting in autumn, the yield will not be high. The folk call "mango seed" "busy planting", and the agricultural proverb says "mango seed is busy planting". This means that this is the busiest season for farming. There is a folk saying that "it is useless to plant mango seeds again", which means that this is a late sowing time, and sowing must be done in time. Agricultural production is closely related to the rhythm of nature, which is the reflection of ancient agricultural culture on the rhythm. [3] [12] [22]
It is useless to plant another awn seed
"Grain in Ear", also known as“ Busy planting ”It is the time to sow late rice and other cereal crops. For most parts of China, the arrival of mango seeds is the busiest season of the year. The half month from awn seed to summer solstice is the climax of sowing, transplanting and seedling management of autumn crops. As the folk saying goes, "The seed in awn is busy, and the next rice seedling is late", it is said that the seed in awn is a busy time for transplanting rice seedlings. During the awn planting season, rice and other crops grow vigorously and require much water. Moderate rainfall is very beneficial to agricultural production. In ancient China, the water supply of agricultural crops depended on the precipitation in the sky and the rivers on the ground, and agricultural farming was mainly concentrated in areas with abundant precipitation and developed river networks. Until now, farmers in these areas are still engaged in agricultural production according to the solar term, temperature and precipitation. The solar term of awn seed is the beginning of the noon month in the Ganzhi calendar. The noon month is in midsummer. At that time, everything grows and its potential is extremely high. It is the peak season for everything to grow in a year from the beginning of awn seed to the summer. [2] [14]

traditional custom

  • Goddess of Flowers
Goddess of Flowers
The flower god is welcomed at the Flower Festival on February 2 of the lunar calendar. As the mango seed has been nearly May, the flowers have begun to wither and fall. People often hold a ceremony to worship the flower god on the mango seed day, and send the flower god back to his place. At the same time, they express their gratitude to the flower god and hope to meet again next year. This custom no longer exists, but from the famous novelist Cao Xueqin《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》One thing can be seen in the 27th chapter: "(in the Grand View Garden) those girls, who weave sedan chairs with petals and willows, or who fold silk brocade gauze into thousands of yaks and banners, are tied with colored threads. These things are tied to every tree and flower. Embroidery ribbons float all over the garden..." In "Thousands of yaks and banners", "thousands" are shields; The tail, banners, and buildings are all ancient flags. The tail is a flag with yak tail on the top of the flagpole. The banners are similar to the tail, but the difference is that it is decorated with colorful folded feathers, and the building is shaped like an umbrella. This shows the bustling scene of the big family's Grain in Ear Festival for the God of Flowers' Farewell. [5]
  • Anmiao
The farming custom activities of Anmiao in southern Anhui began in the early Ming Dynasty. Every time in the season of awn planting, after planting rice, in order to pray for a good harvest in autumn, all regions will hold an activity of offering sacrifices to seedlings. Every household uses the new wheat flour evaporation bag to pinch the flour into the shape of grain, livestock, fruits, vegetables, etc., and then uses vegetable juice to dye the color as a sacrifice offering, praying for the harvest of grain and the safety of villagers. [5]
  • Fight a mud battle
Fight a mud battle
The Dong young men and women in the southeast of Guizhou hold a mud fight festival every year before and after the mango seed. On the same day, the newlyweds were accompanied by young men and women who were good friends. They planted rice seedlings together, fought and threw mud at each other. At the end of the activity, check the results. The person with the most mud is the most popular person. [18]
  • Boiled plum
In the south, May and June are the ripening seasons of plums every year“ Green Plum Boils Wine On Heroes ”Allusion to. Green plum contains a variety of natural high-quality organic acids and rich minerals. It has unique nutritional and health care functions such as purifying blood, regulating intestines, reducing blood lipids, eliminating fatigue, beautifying, adjusting acid-base balance, and enhancing human immunity. However, most of the fresh plums are sour and difficult to eat directly. They can be eaten only after being processed. [4-5]
  • Eat Junta Vegetables
In Ningbo, there is a custom of eating Junta dishes in the season of mango planting. Junta vegetable is a seasonal vegetable before and after the solar term of mango seed in southern China. The local people believe that Juntepai has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. In summer, Juntepai will not produce prickly heat. [19]




It is useless to plant mango seeds again.
Good transplanting in Duanyang( late rice )Every family is full of grain.
The summer solstice of awn seeds is a water festival. If there is no rain, it is a dry day. Guangdong [17]
The summer solstice of awn seeds soaked the paddy field. Guangdong [17]
The rain falls on the awn seeds, and the water rises on the Dragon Boat Festival. Hunan [17]
The summer solstice of awn seed is often rainy, and the typhoon comes late; Grain in Ear seldom rains in summer, and typhoon comes early. (OFF) [17]
The grain of awn seed transplanting is full of tips, and the knot of summer solstice transplanting is half.
Awn seed kindling( Palm lamp )Transplant seedlings at night, grab fire and get more food.
Planting seedlings and mowing wheat are busy at both ends, and planting seedlings at night with awn seeds.
Villagers grow watermelons. The first knife does not produce melons, the second knife produces small melons, and the third knife produces large melons.
In summer solstice, there is rain and peas are lost.
The wheat is gone, and the sorghum is gone.
In May, plant potatoes (summer sweet potatoes) in a big pot, and in June, plant a handful of potatoes.
If cotton is irrigated before and after the wheat harvest, it will not be bad in ten years.
Water cotton before and after wheat harvest to promote the growth of trees.
When cotton is irrigated in wheat harvest, nine crops will be suitable in ten years.
Crouch seedlings in front of wheat, and water flowers at the mouth of wheat.
No, Maimangshui. [9]


Name of poetry
Awn seed
Grain in the shade of the river, shepherd's purse and wheat in the shade, and plum in the yellow season. Wang Sundan knows how to cook wine when he is free, and the villagers don't forget how busy he is.
Awn seed festival
The awn seed is busy cutting, and the farmer is happy to open the sickle.
The west wind baked the sea and mowed the fields mechanically.
Taxes are exempted for thousands of years, and granaries are filled by thousands of households.
Wheat harvest, rice planting, autumn hoarding and climbing. [10]
Culture and education
Song Dynasty, Lu You
Rain and awn seeds are planted in all fields. Every family has beautiful wheat and rice, and every place has a long Lingge.
I become a lazy farmer and pay for the bamboo bed forever. Fading hair is not long, love this rain cool.
The courtyard wood gathers strange sounds, and the rattan sends delicate fragrance. Yingyi's clothes won't go wet. I'm advised to hold a cup.
That is to say, we are lucky to have nothing to do. The wild old man is not poor. He attacks the soil and sings songs about Yutang. [11]
Five Wonders of Plum Rain
Song Dynasty, Fan Chengda
The thunderstorm in Yiyou Jiashen was shocked, but the sun was shining on the awn.
When transplanting seedlings, first transplant flea indica rice, and then steam the rice for several ten days. [10]
Ili Epic Poems
Qing · Hong Liangji
The awn seeds have just passed the snow without stopping, and the grass outside the Ili River has become fertile.
It is difficult to walk steadily when a young horse is born, and a snake may fly from its nose. [10]

Third stage

Some ancient Chinese literary works divide the fifteen days of the solar term of mango seed into three periods: one is when the praying mantis is born, the second is when the shrike begins to sing, and the third is when the tongue is turned against the sound. It means that during the awn seed solar term, praying mantis eggs break their shells and give birth to small praying mantis due to temperature changes; The shrike bird that likes the shade began to appear on the branches, and felt the shade and chirped. But the anti tongue bird, sensing the climate change, slowly stopped singing. [7] [19]

Living regimen

Since ancient times, Chinese people have paid attention to health care, focusing on "keeping pace with the times". When it comes to mango seeds, because the days are long and the nights are short, they need to stay up late and get up early, and pay attention to ensuring adequate sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to take a nap at noon to relieve fatigue. At the same time, pay attention to increase or decrease clothing according to the weather change. As the saying goes, "You can't send the torn fur without eating the Dragon Boat Festival dumplings." In the season of awn seeds, the temperature will get cold, so you should also keep warm to avoid getting cold. During the awn planting period, the weather is hot, the rainfall is high, and the temperature is humid. In order to cultivate body and mind, people's diet should be light. [3] [18]
During the awn seed solar term, we should pay attention to strengthening our physique and avoiding seasonal diseases and infectious diseases, such as heatstroke, mumps, chicken pox, etc. The health preservation of mango seed should focus on the spiritual recuperation. It should keep your spirit relaxed and happy. Don't be angry and depressed, and let your qi flow freely. [7]