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Energy saving household appliances

Low carbon and environment-friendly appliances that can save electricity
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Energy saving household appliances are low-carbon and environmentally friendly appliances that can also save electricity costs.
Chinese name
Energy saving household appliances
Washing machine
Immersion before washing
Air conditioning
Timely cleaning
Do not store refrigerated goods too tightly

Power saving tips for washing machines

1. Soak before washing. Before washing, soak the clothes in liquid soap or detergent solution for 10-14 minutes to let the detergent work with the dirt on the clothes, and then wash them again. In this way, the running time of the washing machine can be shortened by about half, and the power consumption can be correspondingly reduced by half.
2. Color separation washing, light first and then deep. Clothes of different colors are washed separately, which not only cleans but also washes quickly. It can shorten the time by 1/3 compared with mixed washing.
3. Rated capacity. If the amount of washing is too small, the electric energy will be consumed in vain; On the contrary, washing too much at a time will not only increase the washing time, but also cause the motor to run overload, which increases the power consumption and is easy to damage the motor.
4. In the same washing time, the weak gear operation is adopted, and the motor starts many times, which is very expensive. On the contrary, using a strong gear can not only save more power than a weak gear, but also extend the life of the washing machine. The dehydration rate of ordinary turbine washing machine can reach 55% in one minute. Generally, the dehydration should not exceed 3 minutes. It is of little significance to extend the dehydration time.

Power saving tips for air conditioners

1. Although it is rare for families with heating to turn on the air conditioner in winter, the temperature of heating is relatively low in some periods of the day, such as early morning and afternoon, so some families will temporarily turn on the air conditioner to raise the room temperature. Because the current is large at the moment when the air conditioner starts, it is very expensive to switch on and off the air conditioner frequently, and it is easy to damage the compressor.
2. The filter screen of the air conditioner will accumulate a lot of dust after working for a summer, and too much dust will plug the mesh, making the air conditioner more laborious, so pay attention to cleaning in time.

Tips for saving electricity in refrigerators

1. Do not place the refrigerated goods too closely, leaving gaps to facilitate the circulation of cold air, so that the food cools down faster, reducing the number of compressor operations, and saving electricity.
2. When putting fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, be sure to spread them out. If fruits and vegetables are piled together, they will cause external cooling and internal heating, and will consume more electricity.
3. For those large foods, they can be packaged separately according to the amount of food eaten each time in the family. You can only take out the amount of food eaten once at a time, instead of taking a large piece of food out of the refrigerator and putting it back when you can't use it. Repeated freezing not only wastes power, but also easily destroys food.
4. There are several thawing methods, such as water flushing and natural thawing. A few hours before eating, you can take food from the cold storage room (about 4 degrees) to the micro freezing room (about 1 degree), because the cold air of frozen food can help maintain the temperature, reduce the operation of the compressor, so as to save power. [1]

Tips for saving power on TV

Today's televisions are basically LCD televisions. First, most of them do not have mechanical switches, but only remote control switches. Generally, the standby power ranges from 0.3W-5W, so it is better to unplug the power plug and outdoor antenna after power off. This is not only energy-saving, but also safe, to avoid accidents (such as lightning strikes) when there is no one at home. Secondly, the contrast and brightness should be well controlled for TV energy saving. The power of liquid product TV is mainly in the backlight. Most LCD TVs have automatic brightness control, which will automatically adjust the brightness of the backlight according to the external links. It is recommended to turn on this function when watching TV. Generally, it will save 20% - 30% of the power, and the maximum power can be about 40%. Third, the power consumption of the volume. Generally, it is not necessary to turn on the volume too much in the audit, but the volume is moderate. Finally, add dust cover to the TV. This will prevent the TV from absorbing dust, which will increase power consumption. [1]

Power saving tips for display

Display is an electronic product that is used frequently in daily life. In the unit, the display is almost always on from work to work, even at night. The waste is conceivable. There are also many ways to save power on displays: first. If we may not use the computer for a long time in our work, we need to set the monitor shutdown time, that is, how long we will not use the computer, and the monitor will automatically shut down. Second, the screen saver can protect the display from being burned. However, frequent replacement of the LCD screen will increase the power consumption of the panel and reduce the service life of the screen. It is recommended that you use it carefully. Third, the brightness adjustment of the display is moderate, because the brightness is related to power consumption, and because the display is used in close proximity, too bright will cause eye fatigue. Fourth, the refresh rate of the display. The liquid product display is different from the picture tube because there is no scanning line. It will not cause flicker between lines at a low refresh rate. Therefore, if you do not use a computer to appreciate highly dynamic pictures, you can generally adjust it to 60Hz. If the refresh rate is too high, it will consume too much power. The above is just my experience of working in the household appliance industry for a few years. Energy conservation is very important. People should use these methods and should not stop doing these things for fear of trouble. These things are of great benefit to everyone, and only require a little effort. Relevant departments should also increase their capacity and publicize more. Let human beings save energy, which is not always available! Work hard for the benefit of our future generations! [1]

Promotion of energy-saving household appliances

The highly concerned policy of supporting the expansion of energy saving household appliances consumption in the form of financial subsidies will be fully launched. The central government has allocated 25.5 billion yuan to support the expansion of consumption of energy-saving appliances and other products this year, and the rest will be included in next year's budget.
The executive meeting of the State Council held on May 23 stressed that efforts should be made to expand domestic demand and improve policies and measures to promote consumption. We will accelerate the implementation of expanding the scope of projects to benefit people with energy-saving products, and support new energy products such as self-sufficient solar energy to enter public facilities and households.
Xie Xuren, Minister of Finance, said at the meeting that supporting the expansion of consumption of energy saving appliances and other products by means of financial subsidies is a major measure launched by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to assess the situation and combine stable growth, expanding domestic demand and energy conservation and emission reduction. It is also an important part of implementing positive financial policies this year. The financial department will implement them well, Ensure the effectiveness of policies.
According to the data of the Ministry of Finance, from 2007 to 2011, the central finance has allocated a total of 31.6 billion yuan to support the "energy-saving products benefiting the people project", and gradually established a promotion system focusing on four categories of products, including lighting products, household appliances, automobiles, and motors. It is estimated that the new round of measures to expand the consumption of energy-saving household appliances and other products is expected to boost the consumption demand by 450 billion yuan, and achieve an annual energy saving of 11.7 million tons of standard coal [2]
The Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued a notice calling for the promotion of energy-saving appliances. The Notice requires to improve the financial subsidy fund pre allocation system and accelerate the fund allocation progress. The Ministry of Finance will pre allocate subsidy funds according to the ten day sales data. [3]
The Notice pointed out that there are still many problems such as the payment of subsidies, the difficulty of existing promotion varieties to fully meet the needs of consumers, the delayed submission of regulatory information, and the insufficient understanding of the policy by consumers, which have affected the effect of policy implementation to a certain extent. It is urgent to adjust and improve subsidies and capital supervision in a timely manner to further promote the expansion of energy-saving appliances. [3]

Notice for purchase

Energy conservation and emission reduction has become a word with a high incidence in the past two years. People have gradually realized the importance of energy conservation. As far as energy-saving household appliances are concerned, they can save electricity while being low-carbon and environmentally friendly. Therefore, they are loved by more and more consumers. Professionals suggest that, in addition to focusing on energy-saving signs, consumers should also consider their actual needs comprehensively, and try to save energy and electricity.
It is understood that many businesses, whether they are large stores or small appliance stores, will put the energy-saving logo in a prominent position when selling. Except for some small appliances such as electric fans, most of the refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines and other products on sale are labeled with "energy efficiency logo". The reporter found that energy conservation has become the gold lettered signboard of most household appliances. All kinds of "ultra-low energy consumption" and "energy saving" make people feel brighter.
A salesperson said when promoting refrigerators to reporters that most consumers now have higher requirements for energy conservation in addition to focusing on the brand and price of household appliances. Many consumers have come to realize that buying energy-saving appliances can save electricity bills in use, which is a big expense in the long run. It is understood that energy-saving household appliances account for about 20% of the electrical appliances sold.
Most household appliances are emphasizing their energy-saving effect. Is the energy-saving effect the same? Industry insiders said that different brands of household appliances have different energy-saving effects, so it is best to make a careful comparison when purchasing. Some professionals also pointed out that the energy saved by energy-saving appliances is a fluctuating value, which is not fixed. Whether to save energy is also related to the change of the environment. The environment is very different, and the energy-saving effect is not exactly the same.
Energy saving household appliances are more expensive than ordinary household appliances because of their energy-saving effect. According to the survey, the value of household appliances that are labeled as "energy saving" will rise sharply, especially those new household appliances, whose prices are much more expensive than ordinary household appliances. In order to prove the energy saving of their products, many businesses also print calculation formulas on their promotional color pages. Through calculation, they list energy saving data, making consumers feel that saving is in the light.
At present, the most popular energy-saving appliances are LED Drum washing machine Energy efficient air conditioners are popular with consumers because of their energy saving and environmental protection characteristics, and these products also participate in national policy activities such as trade in and energy saving subsidies.
The salesperson said that the current price of energy-saving appliances is higher than that of ordinary appliances, which may not be acceptable to some consumers. However, with the improvement of household appliance technology and the popularity of energy-saving appliances, the price will be lowered in the future. A salesperson in a shopping mall said that citizens can choose to buy energy-saving appliances in the shopping mall during promotional activities, which will not only offer preferential prices, but also give away some small household appliances.
The salesperson suggested that when choosing energy-saving household appliances, you should first choose according to your own situation, for example, when choosing TV sets, you should choose according to the size and actual needs of the living room, and when choosing air conditioners, you should choose according to the size of the room. Secondly, pay attention to the energy consumption level of household appliances, and try to select household appliances with low power consumption. Taking the purchase of energy-saving products as an example, more drum washing machines with simple operation and energy-saving labels should be selected. At the same time, reasonable purchase should be made according to the number of families. For example, for families with 2 to 3 people, 5.0KG washing capacity is appropriate; for families with 3 to 5 people, 6.0KG washing capacity is appropriate; for families with 5 to 8 people, 7.0KG washing capacity is appropriate, This is beneficial to the washing of clothes and can save energy and water.
In addition, some experts in the home appliance industry pointed out that when purchasing energy-saving home appliances, they should consider all aspects. For example, when consumers choose energy-saving refrigerators, they often consider their power consumption rather than the effective volume of the refrigerator. To investigate the energy-saving advantages of a refrigerator, its effective volume should be considered, otherwise it is not comparable. Compared with a refrigerator with an effective volume of 212 liters and a power consumption of 0.48 degrees, a refrigerator with an effective volume of 259 liters and a power consumption of 0.58 degrees is more energy-efficient from the label value. However, after considering the effective volume, a refrigerator with an effective volume of 259 liters and a power consumption of 0.58 degrees is actually more energy-efficient. [4]