Legal annual holidays

Rest time for commemoration and celebration activities uniformly stipulated by national laws and regulations
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synonym holiday and vacations (collectively referred to as festivals and holidays) generally refers to statutory holidays
Legal annual holidays are the rest time uniformly stipulated by national laws and regulations to carry out commemorative and celebration activities. They are also laborers rest time One of. [1]
Chinese name
Legal annual holidays
legal holidays official holiday Legal Festivals [1] Legal holidays [5-6] legal holiday [13]

Development history

On December 23, 1949, China's statutory annual holidays were seven days (New Year's Day, the third day of the Spring Festival, Labor Day, and the second day of the National Day [9] )。
On September 18, 1999, the statutory annual holidays increased to 10 days (1 day for the New Year, 3 days for the Spring Festival, 3 days for the Labor Day, and 3 days for the National Day [10] )。
On December 14, 2007, the statutory annual holidays increased to 11 days (1 day for the New Year, 3 days for the Spring Festival, 1 day for the Tomb sweeping Day, 1 day for the Labor Day, 1 day for the Dragon Boat Festival, 1 day for the Mid Autumn Festival, and 3 days for the National Day [11] )。
On December 11, 2013, the three days of the Spring Festival are determined by the lunar calendar New Year's Eve The first and second days of the first lunar month are revised to the first, second and third days of the first lunar month [12] The current legal annual holiday standard in China is 11 days [1-3] [7]
In 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism jointly issued《 National Tourism and Leisure Development Program (2022-2030) 》It is proposed to optimize the time distribution pattern of national festivals and statutory holidays to better meet the needs of the people for a better life. [14]

Relevant regulations

Labor Law of the People's Republic of China 》Article 44 (3): official holiday If workers are arranged to work, they shall be paid no less than 300 percent of their wages [4] [8]
Interim Provisions on Wage Payment 》Article 13 (3): The employing unit shall arrange for the workers to Legal holidays If the employee works, he/she shall be paid no less than 300% of his/her daily or hourly wage as stipulated in the labor contract [5-6]

Regulatory basis

Measures for Holidays of National Annual Festivals and Memorial Days Article 2, Holidays for all citizens : (I) New Year( New Year's Day [7] ), 1 day off (January 1); (II) Spring Festival , 3 days off (the first, second and third days of the first lunar month); (III) Qingming Festival , 1 day off (the day of Qingming Festival); (IV) labor day , 1 day off (May 1); (V) The Dragon Boat Festival , 1 day off (the day of Dragon Boat Festival in the lunar calendar); (VI) Mid-Autumn Festival , 1 day off (Mid Autumn Day in the lunar calendar); (VII) National Day , 3 days off (October 1, 2, 3). Article 6, Holidays for all citizens , if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday, you should take compensatory leave on working days. [2] [12]