Ultraman Ace

The main character of the Japanese feature show "Ais Altman"
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Ais Altman (English: Ultraman Ace) is the main character of the Japanese feature film Ais Altman. In order to smash the ambition of the Yabo people to invade the earth- Superbeast To protect the earth, Ace came from the country of light and gave his own strength Beidou Xingsi and Nanxizi Two young people, the same Super Beast Attack Team TAC Our comrades in arms meet the challenge from Yabo people [4 ]
Ace Altman is in Brother Ott The fifth in the list is an orphan rescued from the war by Zofi, who was raised by Ott's father. Ace defeated the old enemy on the earth by using his rich and excellent light skills and super abilities, and combining with his powerful comprehensive fighting ability Yabo people And many super beasts, and the most powerful trump of the Yabo people Qiangbo Wang After defeating him, he returned to the Kingdom of Light and is now one of the branch chiefs of the seven nebula branches. [1]
Chinese name
Ultraman Ace
Foreign name
ウルトラマンエース (Japanese Katakana)
ウルトラマンA (Japanese)
Ultraman Ace (English)
Superman ace, Superman overlord Ace
Peak Guier (Human Body, Beidou Star Company)
Starlight (Human body, Nanxizi)
Zhongxinzheng (Leather actor, the first and second words of TV)
Takeuchi Zhengzhi (Leather actor, 3~52 words in TV)
To pay homage to three (Leather actors, Monbius and the Ott brothers) open
Peak Guier (Dialogue, human body) Nagu Wulang (Dialogue, battle sound effect) Nakasone Yafu (Some battle sound effects) Li Rongchuan Jinwu (Dialogue, Leo's 38,39 words) Hiroshi Sato (Dialogue, The Story of Altman) Grass tail Yi (Dialogue, the evil spirit revived by OV) Nishimura Tomohiro (Dialogue, Ultraman Super Fighter Story) He Yan (Dialogue, translated into Mandarin in Shanghai) Guan Zhiyi [87] (Dialogue, Autogalactic Fighting: The Conflict of Destiny)
Debut works
Ultraman Ace (and several follow-up works of Autor series)
April 7, 1972 (release date)
15000 years old [4 ]
40 m [1]
45000 tons [1]
Flight speed
Mach 20 [4 ]
Travel speed
580Km/h [4 ]
Underwater velocity
220 knots [4 ]
Ground velocity
Mach 4 [99 ]
Jumping power
900m [4 ]
Wrist force
140000 tons [4 ]
Grip strength
55000 tons [99 ]
It can increase the voice you want to hear 10000 times
one's native heath
M78 nebula · The Land of Light
Transformation props
Ott Ring
Brother Ott One of the seven nebula branches

Role image


Origin of name

Ace Altman title LOGO
Ace's English name is ACE, and the word ACE comes from French , meaning Outstanding person , English is trump Means. Aisi Altman is the soldier with the most light and super abilities among the Altman brothers, so he is called the trump card of Altman. And Ace has lived up to this title. Ace Altman is a warrior who combines strength and skill. In addition to his gorgeous light ability, he never loses ground in the face of super beasts that are more powerful than monsters, and effectively protects the earth.

Profile features

The modeling of Aisi Altman was designed by Yixiong Suzuki. In the May 2006 issue of the family theater "Aote Intelligence Agency", Suzuki mentioned that Ancient Roman Empire Revelatory testimony in the soldier's attire. Ace is one of the brave and excellent brothers of Aote. At first, he was a member of the Cosmic Guard. Later, after completing the task of Andromeda, he became Cosmic Guard minister.
Aisi Altman defeated a total of 53 enemies in the play, more than other Altman fighters in the Showa series. Altman, who has the most rays and super abilities among the Ott brothers, called it Light Technology Ace In China Prince of Light Ace usually fights with a biological weapon, a super beast, whose strength is superior to that of ordinary monsters. The heavyweight body can overwhelm the opponent, and at the same time, it does not lack sensitive response and speed. Be good at all kinds of throwing skills, falling skills, etc. The head has a knife like protuberance like Saiwen's head dart, but it is not a head dart and cannot be taken down to fight. Ace's roar is based on the roar of Altman in the early generation, Zofi and Jack, plus the unique roar of Nagu Wulang.

Human body

Esotelman's human body is Beidou Xingsi And Nanxizi [16] Beidou Xingsi used to be a truck driver in the bakery, and Nanxizi used to be a nurse. They died to protect a child in a wheelchair from being attacked by a monster, so they were moved Brother Ott , got Ace And was given an Ort ring. In the critical moment, they worked together to turn into Aisi Ortman and fight with the super beast.
At first, the Big Dipper and Nan Xizi changed their bodies with the power of the Aote ring. Later, after Nan Xizi left, they changed their bodies by themselves. They didn't have to wait until the Aote ring glowed. They just wanted to put their hands on their chest to make the Aote rings on their middle fingers collide.
In the last sentence, although Nan Xizi warned the Big Dipper not to change his body in front of others, or he had to leave the earth, he did so for the children's dream. Defeated Qiangbo Wang Later, the Big Dipper left the earth in the identity of Aisi Altman after leaving his true desire for children.
In addition, during his guest appearance in the 33rd and 34th episodes of Tyro Altman, Ais Altman temporarily attached himself to unconscious ZAT team member Ueno filial piety After that, he was attached to an unknown volleyball player. Ueno and volleyball players are both temporarily attached [2] In addition, after Aisi Altman separated from them, he also cleared up the relevant memories of their attachment. [2]

Transformation mode

Ace Altman's transformation mode
Double transformation
Beidou Xingsi and Nanxizi use Aote rings to transform themselves. When the diamond on the ring of Beidou and Nan flashed, they jumped into the air and became Ace in the huge flash after a somersault in the air. When Nanxizi is unable to jump and in some special dangerous situations, there are also cases of directly fitting and transforming on the ground [3 ]
Double transformation
Single person transformation
After Nanxizi returned to the moon, the two Aote rings were used by Beidou Xingsi, and changed from independent to Aisi Aotman.
Beidou wears an Otto ring on the middle fingers of its left and right hands respectively. After making the decision to transform, it first interlaces the fists of its two hands in front of its chest, then stretches forward, and then touches its two fists in front of its chest. The rings of its two hands touch each other, and the transformation is completed in the dazzling light.
In the stage of single person transformation, because of the high integration with Ace's consciousness, Beidou no longer needs to rely on the flash prompt of the Otter ring, but chooses the time to change itself. In addition, when encountering the fatal danger of dying, it can also omit the transformation action and complete the transformation instantly [97 ]
Single person transformation

Transformation props

Ace's transformation props
Aote Ring
The silver ring worn on the middle finger by Beidou Xingsi and Nanxizi is a transformation prop given by Aisi Altman to human beings. The overall shape is similar to the letter " A ", there is a cosmic gem inlaid at the tip. When the gem shines, it can become Aisi Altman. Not only as Ace's transformation prop, but also as Galactic Federation Identity symbol of a member [3 ]
There are two rings in total. At first, Beidou and Nandou each wore one ring. At the critical moment, they used the ring to touch and transform themselves; After Nanxizi left, it was used by the Big Dipper alone, with a ring on each hand.
Ott Ring

Capability setting


Physical ability

Introduction to Ace's body part ability
Ace's head
Ace's head is composed of special bones. Its hardness is more than 2000 times that of steel, which can play a very good protective role. Even if it is attacked in melee or uses head butting, it will not be a big problem.
Eye of Ace
With their milky white eyes, they can see things in the dark as in the daytime, and can instantly grasp the position of the enemy in the space of the universe or hidden under the stratum. Ace can also use light skills through his eyes, such as the perspective light of invisible monsters and the destructive light of destroying objects.
Ear of Ace
It can hear subtle sounds and ultrasonic waves that cannot be perceived by human beings. At the same time, the ear of Ace also has a stronger hearing than the ordinary people of the Aote people. It can also accept and increase the necessary and desired sounds 10000 times before listening carefully. [4 ]
The signal light on Ace's head. It can emit detection light to peep and receive intelligence information from any corner of the universe, and can store a lot of energy here, so Ace's energy storage is twice that of ordinary Otto soldiers. It can also emit destructive light such as impact laser from the lamp, and can also be used to store energy.
Hole of Aote
The round hole with protruding corners on the head has almost the same function as Tirol's Horn of Autor. By using this hole, you can quickly absorb the energy of the sun and other Autor soldiers, and quickly convert it into your own energy for use. Then you can liberate stronger light energy and combat power, so that Ace has more energy reserves than ordinary Autor soldiers.
In addition, the hole of Aote has Convert nirvana That is, Ace receives the energy transmitted by other Altman through the hole of Altman, and after conversion, he can fully display these Altman's must kill skills. [4 ]
Aisi Altman also has the special skin with the high defense of the Alti people, which can withstand the ultra-high temperature attack or the climate environment of 10000 degrees. Ace can flexibly use the defense of his body surface in the war. Sometimes he can directly resist the physical or light attacks of super beasts with his body. Even when he falls down under the attack of excessive lethality, he does not suffer any trauma. Ordinary attacks will be bounced off by the skin of Aote. But the weakness is that it will be affected by extremely low temperature environment or frozen gas, which is also the common weakness of the Aote family.
Color Timer
It has the same function as other Altman. It can calculate the amount of remaining energy when fighting in different environments. Ace usually spends about 3 minutes on the earth. It is usually blue. When the energy is insufficient, it will turn from blue to red, flickering and giving an alarm sound. In addition, Ace also uses color timers to release light skills such as timer shooting.
Ott arm
Ace's Otter arm is composed of special muscles and muscles that are more than 1000 times harder than steel. It will exert millions of horsepower in melee, and can lift 140000 tons of heavy objects at a time. In addition to various boxing, hand knife, throwing and throwing techniques in hand to hand combat, most of Ace's light skills are also performed by his hands.
Ace's feet, which are made of special muscles, have a hardness of more than 10 times that of diamonds. Powerful feet enable Ace to jump 900 meters vertically on the ground, run at a speed of 580 kilometers per hour, and generate anti gravity to fly in the air at Mach 20. It is also used to perform powerful kicking skills [4 ]

Configuration setting

Aisi Altman configuration setting
Ace Altman Brilliant Edition (ウルトラマンA グリッターバージョン/Ultraman Ace Glitter Version)
Height: 40m
Weight: 45000 tons
Flight speed: Mach 20
Appear in the "Grand Slam! The Eight Super Aut Brothers". Aisi Altman gets and responds to human expectations, liberates his own light energy to the maximum, enters the full energy mode, emits golden light all over, and the power of light is strengthened. The must kill skill is Shining Metalim [82 ]
Ace Altman Brilliant Edition

Combat power level

Because of his outstanding light skills, Ace's fighting ability is often ignored. In fact, Ace's mastery of fighting skills is not inferior to his own talent for light: all kinds of throwing skills, kicking skills, chopping skills, etc., especially the aerial jump fighting makes many opponents unable to parry. Compared with his first three brothers, his fighting skills and strength are more outstanding.
In combat, Ace's own body mass is also the advantage of defeating the enemy in close combat: its amazing body strength can easily block the fierce attack of super beasts reaching 500000 horsepower (the 41st sentence); It can also easily lift and rotate the heavyweight super beast of more than 50000 tons (words 12, 29, etc.). Ace often used his unique sumo and boxing to suppress the enemy; In the face of strong opponents, they will also strengthen their fighting skills, and can also directly kill the enemy with fighting skills [5]
Aisi Altman's accomplishments in light skills and superpowers are almost unmatched by other Altman warriors. It is defined as A famous light technician Ace's light skills are numerous and powerful. The light skills are mainly colorful, gorgeous and practical, and the ability to control light is also powerful. The cutting skill in light is also one of its signs. The number and power of cutting skills are among the best in the Aote family. In addition, the types and practicability of Ace's super abilities are no less than that of light. The material changes, time and space travel, lightning and thunder, the weapon created by using the super ability Ace's blade, and even the ability to destroy different spaces are all available [86 ]

Combat Skills

Aisi Altman Fighting Skills
Ace electric kick
Ace used the hole of Aote on his head to gather and transmit the energy of his whole body to his legs, and used the must kill kick skill in the form of electric shock energy radiation, which was powerful enough to kill the super beast in one blow.
In the 49th sentence, Ace grabs the Aquarius beast with both hands after making a dash Ak Ellis , use the left foot to hit the head of the super beast with an electric kick, and kill it with one blow. [6]
Ace electric kick
Ace Palm Cleave [86 ]
Ace's melee fighting skill focuses his whole body's strength on the hand knife attack on both palms, and aims at the enemy's weak parts with a fierce attack to carry out continuous fierce attacks. The most proud thing is the horizontal palm split aimed at the enemy's neck or abdomen, which can cause severe damage to multiple enemies in the fight [83 ]
Ace Palm Cleave
Aote knife
The enhanced killing skill of Ace's palm split, when Ace quickly approaches the enemy, he shouts his skill name, and uses a powerful hand knife to hit the enemy's vital points at the moment of approaching the enemy. Its power can cut off the enemy's body parts.
It was used in the 10th session of TV for the first time and was cut off Zaigen First level of [5]
Later, it was used again in the ninth sentence of "The Battle of the Ott Galaxy: The Conflict of Destiny", killing two soldiers of the Abu Soleut clan [91]
Aote knife
Aote attack
One of Ace's common fighting skills. Ace suddenly jumped up when he quickly rushed into the eyes of the super beast, clamped the super beast's body with his scissors feet, and then crushed the super beast with his weight and strength to carry out oppressive attacks such as riding and throat locking; Sometimes, as a feint, it jumps to hundreds of meters and then lands at the rear of the super beast to launch an attack with the blind spot behind it.
Ace Kick
Ace's commonly used fighting skills, which are several times more destructive than boxing, are collectively referred to as all kick skills, including straight kick, knee kick, side kick, roundabout kick, handstand kick and other changes. Kicking skills play an important role in Ace's fighting skills. Ace usually kicks the super beast with his knee when he is close, and then attacks with a straight kick after a distance. The best performance is that in the sixth sentence, the heavyweight super beast brocken Kick hundreds of meters [7]
In the one-on-one battle, Ace often uses the strength of one side to play a kick skill for the cushion takeoff, playing a significant role.
Ace Swivel Kick [86 ]
The powerful kicking skill in Ace kicking. Jump to a height of 900 meters, and strengthen the kicking force with the help of the power of falling after several circles of continuous rotation in the air. He once kicked down heavy super beasts such as Baksim and kicked off the horns of ghost super beasts. It can usually knock super beasts away or kick them down, giving them great damage [86 ]
Ace Swivel Kick
Flash hand knife
While jumping into the air and tumbling, Ace penetrates the light energy into his palms to strengthen the cutting power of the hand knife, and then uses the potential energy of falling to send a powerful chop to the enemy. Episode 24 Use, hit hard Mazar people [8]
Lesson 34 Inject energy in the process of sprint and use it to strike KATE GARGAN , and inflict no small damage.
Aote Boxing
Ace concentrated the energy and power in his body on his right hand, and used his fist to attack the weak parts of the enemy in close combat. He had the destructive power to destroy the super beast's strong body. In the eighth sentence, Ace's heavy fist ran through Doragli's body.
Aote Boxing
Weapon return attack tactics
When Ace used weapons against super beasts, he grabbed the long-range attack weapons projected by super beasts with his bare hands and threw them back to kill the enemy's fighting skills. Sometimes, he would grab the enemy's sword weapons for his own use [83 ]
In the ninth sentence, Ace grabs it empty handed Gamache The missile and long gun are fired and thrown back to injure the opponent [10]
In the 14th word, Ace grabbed Barabba's head flying sword and threw it back to stab him Barabba Your chest, causing serious injuries [11]
In the 39th sentence, Ace won Faia Throw the flame sword and stab the opponent with it.
Ace lifting
Ace's strong throwing skill. Ace used his wrist power to lift the super beast and throw it high into the air. When the enemy fell, he caught the super beast and repeatedly threw it. Finally, he spun in place to throw the super beast hundreds of meters away from the trend. With the help of potential energy and other forces, he killed the super beast. There are also cases of lifting the enemy away.
It's the first time to use it in the 29th sentence. Ace uses this skill to transform the super beast with explosive gas Kit Gitaga Fall to pieces; [12]
In the 31st sentence, Ace used Ace's lift to easily throw the super beast Bucktower out of the atmosphere.
Use again in the 44th sentence to defeat Onidwu [13]
Ace Backload
One of Ace's fighting pitches. Ace grasped the enemy's arm and first class body parts in the melee, and broke out muscle strength to throw him over his back and hit the ground hard. It is used against King Crabbe, Lunatics and other enemies.
Ace Backload
Espa Investment
One of Ace's favorite wrestling skills. With the help of the enemy's thrust, it is a skill to seize the body parts of the enemy, lie on the ground while supporting the enemy's belly with feet, and throw the enemy out. It played a very good role against the enemies such as Baksim and Redjack.
Espa Investment
Ace's first investment
Ace grabs or tightens the head/neck of the opponent in the melee, exerts the maximum strength of his arms, raises or holds the enemy and slams him to the ground. When fighting against enemies such as Bloken and Hippolyte, he caused damage to the enemy.
Ace's first investment
Autor maneuver
Ace grabbed the enemy's legs, tail and other body parts, raised them to spin in the air for several times and then threw them into the distance. yes Sabotanda And Cox and other enemies.
Autor maneuver
Air swing
Ace's skill of holding the enemy, jumping into the air and spinning, and then throwing the enemy out is an extension of the application of Aote's whirl.
The eighth sentence is right Doragli Used; The 40th sentence is right Stillman Use it again, take it up and jump into the high air, then use the falling inertia to throw it away and do some damage.
Crimp fixation
After knocking the super beast to the ground, Ace rode behind the super beast and twisted the back bone of the super beast's spine with strange force, making the super beast extremely painful. Used it on Lunatics and other super beasts [86 ]
Crimp fixation
Slewing foot throwing technique
One of Ace's throwing skills, when he rushed to the super beast, he suddenly stood on his head, clamped the head of the super beast with his legs, and then fell the super beast to the ground through the body bending force. Application expansion of Autotron.
The 38th sentence is right Snookeland Use it to inflict heavy damage. [14]
In the 44th sentence, it also causes damage to the ghost super beast Onid Wu.
Slewing foot throwing technique
Flow cut tactics
When Ace pulls out the object, he strengthens it with the power of Otyana, making it use like a sword. Lesson 46: In the process of using trees as a medium Dedalahos Cause serious injury. In addition, in the 39th sentence Faia When fighting, use this move to strengthen the iron tower so that it can fight against the Fiery Sword of the Fayya people.
Flow cut tactics
Shining Hand [86 ]
Ace gathers the light and heat energy in his body into his palms, and emits a golden flame like energy wave after the white heat. The energy hand knife surrounding his hands can strengthen the lethality of boxing and hand knife, and can give the opponent a powerful attack.
On and Redjack And with Lion Goran You will do some damage to the enemy in the battle. It can also be enhanced into " Shining Hand - Broken Head Blade 」。
Shining Hand - Broken Head Blade [86 ]
It is Ace's strengthened skill formed by using the Flash Hand. Ace can generate combustion heat energy to surround the arms and emit firelight, and can also form a saw wheel to emit the firelight energy. Lesson 32 Cox In the battle of, Ace, after being prompted by the Aote Star, his palms lit up to form a red serrated light wheel and fired, cutting Cox's arms. [15]
Shining Hand - Broken Head Blade
The ability to resist the enemy's long-range attack directly by physical contact only with the strength and hardness of the arms, feet or body.
In the first sentence of TV, Ace used his body to defend against the attack Balloon Missile attack [16]
In the 14th sentence of TV, Ace received the attack of Speysium light and Amerim light from Ace killer with his body, and then opened the Ort bracelet with his hand [11]

Light Skills

Aisi Altman Light Technology
Metalim light
Aisi Altman's light killing skill, while twisting his upper body, swings his arms to the left and back. After storing energy, he swings his arms to the front and shoots 300000 degrees of ultra-high heat to destroy the light in an L-shaped position. The power and destructive power of light exceed Altman's Speysium Light , and the same L-shaped gesture Saiwen Of Cluster ray The special effect was made by Kung Xi Wushi, the master of Dongbao Image Synthesis in the "Godzilla Series", who worked on it himself. It was crisscrossed with red, green and yellow rainbow lights.
In addition to the usual way of emission, Metalim light also has the way used in the 38th and 50th words: first, it adds a new energy storage action of crossing arms on the abdomen, gathers energy through the Aote star, and then swings the arms over the top to form an L-shaped emission light, which is Super Metalim Light , the power is superior to the ordinary version of Metalim, and can directly hit the enemy into a photon state to dissipate [17] After Ace changed into a shiny version, the displayed Metalim light changed into golden Shining Metalim [82 ]
As Ace's representative skill, it has been used 29 times in the play, only by Snookeland ace killer Super Beast King Under the block of strong enemies, it has played a fatal role on the other super beasts/cosmic people with more than 20 bodies. [16]
Punch Laser
New Chinese translation name: laser wave
The laser emitted by Ace from the Aote star on his forehead is generally blue. It has the power to restrain and weaken the enemy's fighting power, and can also detonate or kill the enemy. There are also dotted light points. The launching action of the impact laser is the same as that of the Aymelim light of Saiwen Altman. It is launched after the fingers of both hands are staggered against the head, but the energy and power can not be adjusted at will like Aymelim, so the lethality is a fixed value.
Lesson 1 First use, damaged Belauken Missile launch port;
The fourth sentence severely damaged the strange fish and super beast Galan At the same time, it harmed the operator, Kyuri Chongtaro [18]
The 30th word shows the effect of the dotted line version and damages Redjack But 43 is right Fubujilala Invalid.
Punch Laser
Ace condensed the energy of Metalim to form a disk serrated light wheel, which is set to be Octant light wheel Have equal power [94 ] , also known as: Autor disc blade [19]
The first use of the third TV session will Baksim Primary cut-off of [19]
Later, it was used again in the sixth sentence of "Ode Galaxy Fighting: Great Conspiracy". It was used in a handheld way to attack Zeda in close combat [20]
Aote guillotine
After Ace yelled at the Aote guillotine, energy was extracted from the Aote hole on the head to form a jagged light wheel of energy and then launched. In the middle of the process, the light wheel could also be diffused into three enemies with more severed contacts. Its power is several times more powerful than that of Aote. It is banned by the State of Light because of its lethality and ease of manipulation. Ace must obtain the permission of Aote Star when using it. Before the move, the Autor Brotherhood will send the permission signal of Autor's signature "Stand! Strike! Chop". Ace can use this move only after getting permission.
When it was first used in the sixth sentence, it easily defeated Brocken, who easily avoided the light of Metalim, and smashed the other's body. You can also turn this energy into various transformation skills. [7]
The origin of the name comes from the "guillotine" in the death penalty, just like the name, it is the powerful and terrible cutting light. The principle is the same as that of the early Altman's eight point halo, but its power is far more than that of the eight point halo; And it can locate and track the opponent, so that the opponent has no way to escape and only gets cut.
Aote guillotine
Vertical guillotine
Xinchuang Chinese translation: vertical cutter
The deformation technique of the Otto guillotine. Ace's right hand extended up and left hand extended down, and then sent out a vertical crescent shaped light blade, which cut the enemy in two. Ace defeated him with this move Metro Star JR He Tong Wang Badbalon Fubujilala
The eighth word is used for the first time when fighting with JR and Doragli of Metron. When launching this move, it is called Vertical guillotine , killed the Maitreon man JR, and consumed energy violently at the same time.
It is used again in the movie "The Big Duel! The Eight Otters" The ultimate combination monster, Kikajimeira In the body of King Goldras The horn of. In "Ott Fights Victory", it is even more devastating Super monster Super Koran King (The undead).
Horizontal guillotine
The deformation technique of the Otto guillotine, the horizontal use version of the vertical guillotine [94 ] Ace's hands extract energy from the color timer, and then extend them horizontally forward. The energy in his hands is a crescent shaped light knife sent forward in a straight line. It consumes less energy and is fast. It can do huge damage to the enemy or kill the corpse with a move of lightning.
In the 33rd sentence, Ace killed him with this move Badbalon First level of. [21]
Horizontal guillotine
Annular cutter
With the deformation technique of Aote's guillotine, Ace releases energy from his hands, and moves in the air in front of him to form an X-shaped guillotine light blade, which is then fired at the target. It is the cutting force field of two crescent shapes, and the cross shaped guillotine formed by double.
As used in the 12th sentence, change Sabotanda Divide into four parts [22]
In Zeta's 20th remark, Ace flicked the flying sword on the head of the super beast Barabba with a circular guillotine [9]
Annular cutter
Multiple guillotine
The deformation technique of Aote's guillotine, after Ace's arms are stretched horizontally, releases energy from his head, abdomen and hands, and emits four cross shaped light knives Unitango It's broken into pieces. [23]
Multiple guillotine
Broken Head Sabre - Shooting
alias Cosmic guillotine Extreme Severing Head Sabre The deformation technique of Otter's guillotine is the strongest cutting technique of Aisi Altman [94 ]
Ace crossed his hands under his body, then stretched his hands behind his head and opened them to the left and right. Between his palms, he released the energy of [Aote Head Chopping Sabre], condensed and compressed the energy into the shape of a sword in his hand, and projected it on the enemy with his right palm. In some settings, it has more than 6 times the destructive power of the Otto guillotine. It can also be launched continuously. It also has a tracking effect that makes the opponent unable to dodge [94 ]
In the 52nd and final words, one hit beheaded the last enemy super beast that can resist the light of Metalim Qiangbo Wang [24]
Broken Head Sabre - Shooting
Space Q
Ace used the energy transmitted by the four brothers to gather the power of the five brothers to launch a super must kill skill.
After receiving the energy from the four brothers and converging with his own energy, Ace manipulated the energy deformation from the top of his head to make a seven color energy light ball to attack the opponent. The combination of five energy sources is the most powerful of all the skills of Aisi Altman. Its power greatly exceeds that of the Otter guillotine. It boasts more than 1 million degrees of heat, second only to the "cosmic miracle light" of Super Tyro. But this move cannot be used alone [93 ]
The whole play has only been used once in the 14th sentence to easily defeat the light of Metalim which has no effect on it ace killer , has not been used again [11]
In the 20th sentence of Zeta Altman, Ace transferred the energy of Space Q to the hole of Aote at Zeta's head to help Zeta use Space Z [9]
Space Q
Timer shooting
Xinchuang Chinese translation: indicator ray
The destructive light emitted by Ace from the color timer. The power can be adjusted. When the power is small, it can only restrain the killing super beast. When the power is large, it can be used as a decisive hit.
The fourth TV session uses the red version. When you place your palms horizontally in front of your chest, you can launch it Galan Broken arm; [18] In the 25th sentence, the seven color version is used. When the two hands are stretched to the left and right, the shot is blown to pieces Ancient Superbeast Sphinx [25]
It was used again in the 20th sentence of Zeta Altman, causing some damage to Barabba [9]
Cutting light
Ace fired an energy flare from his right hand. After the two hands are folded at the left waist, a single destructive light is emitted when the right palm is stretched forward. In the third sentence of TV, Baksim's horn shaped induction shell is blasted to pieces [19]
In the 20th sentence of Zeta Altman, Ace uses several continuous shots of cutting light to cause some damage to Barabba [9]
Energy photosphere
Ace held his hands high above his head and separated them. A white destructive energy current was generated between his palms, which gathered to form a red destructive light ball. He aimed at the enemy forcefully for a throwing attack. When he touched an object, it triggered a big explosion.
Give in the tenth sentence Zaigen Great damage. [5]
Energy photosphere
Double beam
The white hot laser aimed at the enemy's target. Ace extended his arms with his left arm up and his right arm forward, and sent a white beam from the fingertips of both hands to attack the target point at the same time.
In the 12th sentence, Ace burned Sabotanda's tongue with this skill to get rid of the shackles. [22]
Double beam
Drilling light
Ace closed his hands, gathered destructive energy and transformed it into a bit like vortex light. In the 15th sentence, when the neck is tied by the long tail of King Crabbe King Crabbe Cut your tail into pieces. [26]
Drilling light
Diamond ray
Ace intermittently emits a diamond shaped energy flare after his hands merge. Usually, it is used by both hands, and there is also a version used by one hand.
First use in the 18th sentence to hit Black Pigeon And defeat it [27]
The 37th word is used again. One hand launch is used to give Mahres hurt.
Straight light
Ace opened his hands and sent out an intermittent energy beam from both palms, aiming at the enemy to attack.
The 23rd sentence is right Giant Yabo Use this move to inflict damage. [28]
Straight light
Crescent ray
The crescent shaped continuous light shot from Ace's right hand is the same as the eight minute light round. In the 23rd sentence, it was used against the huge Yabo people, but was cracked by the other party. [28]
Crescent ray
Arrow ray
New Chinese translation: Arrow Light
The arrow shaped high thermal light bullet that explodes and burns the enemy is gathered by Ace, combined with his palms, and fired continuously from between the fingers. The color has two effects: red and blue. It is mainly used for fast attack and damage to contain the enemy.
To Hetong Wang Sandkira Gaskeegan Used by other super animals; In the 26th sentence, two uses of Hippolyte people have caused damage to cosmic people [29]
The shape is generally wedge-shaped, but there are also KATE GARGAN The electric shock type light wheel that has been used once, and the arrow type light bullet that has been used for Fubujilala in the 43rd sentence.
Hand beam
Ace gathered light energy between his hands, then straightened his hands, and sent a blue destructive beam from between his palms. There are two types of light shape effects: straight line and dotted line. It can cause different degrees of damage to the enemy through energy regulation.
The straight beam is used for the 29th speech, which is launched after jumping to high altitude and penetrates the underground people Angramon The weakness of the chest; [12]
The dotted line beam is used for the 31st session. Close your palms and launch Barkhari Effective damage.
After Ace gathers light energy, the star energy hand sword that is continuously emitted from between his hands is used for throwing and blasting the enemy. It is also called Star Shooting. This skill can adjust the lethality. Usually, energy concentration is a restraining power when used. The power can be adjusted to the level of killing light.
Used in the 37th session of TV, given Mahres Effective damage. [30]
Later, it was used again in the ninth sentence of "The Battle of the Ott Galaxy: The Conflict of Destiny" to kill the soldiers of the Abusolete clan [91]
Shooting light
Ace's hands crossed in front of his chest, and when blue energy was generated, he stretched his palms forward to emit excellent cloud like destructive energy waves. In the 38th sentence, Ace used it to attack Snookeland, giving him some damage, but not enough to kill him. [14]
Shooting light
Hand shooting
The arrow light emitted by Ace from his hands intermittently is fast. It was used for the first time in the 40th sentence of TV and hurt the agile Stillman [6] Later, it was used again in the ninth sentence of "The Battle of the Ott Galaxy: The Conflict of Destiny" to kill the soldiers of the Abusolete clan [91]
Hand shooting
Blue laser
Ace crossed his arms and stretched them forward, emitting blue hot light from his fingertips. The 42nd sentence is to collapse the top of the snow mountain and cause avalanche and burial Ice Superbeast Ice Dragon The body of. [31]
Blue laser
Special shock laser
Ace opened his hands from left to right, released current energy waves between his palms, folded his palms in the hole of Aote on his head to gather energy, and concentrated the energy on his fingertips to emit three red lights. The destructive power exerted at full strength is superior to the light of Metalim.
As used in the ninth sentence Gamache Elimination. [10]
Special shock laser
Attack light
Ace stretched his arms and then closed them in front of him. The red light from between his palms was a heat energy light that could burn the enemy's body. It is used in the 15th sentence to destroy the King of Crabbe. [26]
Attack light
Clench beam
It emits red, white and blue destructive light. Ace generates energy when his wrists protrude forward, gathers it on his right hand, clenches his fist, and then launches it in a straight fist position. Use in the 41st sentence to defeat the evil god Kaymanda eliminate [32]
Clench beam
Energy ray
Ace raised his hands while generating red energy flow between his hands, and then stretched his palms forward to launch intermittent red arrow shaped light bullets. In the 46th sentence, he smashed the super beast Dedalahos [33]
Energy ray

Special ability

Ace Altman Special Skills
Ace barrier
Ace rotates at a high speed with itself as the axis, and extracts the energy from the hole of Aote to cover the whole body to form a vortex of light. During the rotation, Ace's body has severe friction with the air, creating space cracks in the atmosphere, and the ability to drag the enemy into different spaces to close. [35]
The enemy who is attacked will be surrounded by a spherical barrier in different spaces and float in various spaces. However, the effect of this move can only last for one day, and the barrier effect will be weaker as it approaches the time limit. In addition, it will consume at least half of the energy in a short time, which will cause great damage to the human body. Ace used this skill twice in the seventh and eighth sentences to seal Doragli and Metron JR.
Ace Barrier II
The deformation skill of Ace barrier and Aote defense, with arms crossed in front of the body, can block the enemy's light and invalidate it.
First used in the 23rd sentence, it attacks and defends the huge Yabo people's light. [28]
This move is frequently used in the later period. In the 43rd sentence, it blocks the super laser light of Fubujilala, the super beast blowing snow, and in the 51st sentence, it blocks the super beast playing violin Gigan Sound waves destroy light.
Ace Barrier II
Ace barrier III (blocking barrier)
The deformation technology of Ace barrier is also called "blocking barrier". It is Ace who turns the barrier energy into light emission and opens the barrier after reaching the destination. In the 47th sentence, the curtain of light is used to surround the super beast that is transformed by absorbing sunlight Hanzakiran , block its sunlight supply and make it return Cryptobranchoidea Form of. [36]
Ace barrier III (barrier)
Aote New Barrier
Ace's hands release light energy and draw the rectangular light wall generated by the action, which is used to defend the enemy's long-range attack, and can also promote movement in use.
In the third sentence Baksim Jet flame; [19]
Later, he defended in "Ott Fighting Victory" Victory Killer Ort armed Jinguqiao rockets.
When he appeared in the 20th sentence of Zeta Altman, Ace used the new barrier to withstand the attacks of Barabba's missiles and heterogeneous lightning [9]
Circular barrier
Ace releases defensive energy from both hands and creates a circular light wall after circling in the air.
Use in the 22nd sentence to bounce the destructive light of the super beast Black Satan and hurt the super beast itself. [37]
Circular barrier
Ace spark
First, Ace crossed his arms on his head, transferred them to the front and back of his abdomen, and spread his hands together to issue sagittarius type energy light bullets. He has the ability to completely stop the movement of the super beast. In the third sentence, it makes Baksim unable to move. [19]
Ace spark
Set light
In the 16th sentence, Ace is right Caola The light used, when it touches the nose of Caola, the super beast of Niushen, it changes into a cow nose ring to encircle it, so that the super beast can calm down. [34]
Set light
Perspective ray
The perspective light from Ace's eyes can see the enemies in transparent state or hidden behind the bunker, and make them appear with the light beam; It can also see through the internal structure of objects. It is used in the 28th sentence to discover the super beast hidden in the eruption smoke of the volcano Lunatics
Perspective ray
Energy filling
Ace's super ability to use the hole of Aote to fill energy.
The skill of energy absorption and supplement that was used in the eighth sentence of TV, Ace absorbed solar energy through the hole in his head to fill his own energy, and instantly charged from exhausted energy to full state [38]
Energy filling
Timer lightning
Alias: Ultrastrike
After transforming the whole body energy into high voltage energy, radiate electric light from the color timer to the sky, and form the skill of thundering directly at the enemy. Used in the 22nd session of TV, Ace Black Satan Use this move to ignite the oil splashed on your body [37]
Timer lightning
Medical radiation [86 ]
The red medical light from Ace's eyes can cure the diseases infected by animals and plants.
Use the 44th sentence to change Onidwu The strange red beans put in the bodies of the two men in Jino were separated, making their hands normal. [13]
Medical radiation
Autoshower [83 ]
High pressure water flow or spray from the fingers after Ace closed his palms.
Ace used it for the first time in the eleventh sentence. He combined his hands and sprayed out the dissolved liquid, which will be able to regenerate Unitango Annihilate [23]
In the 15th sentence, one hand used the fire extinguishing spray to put out the fire caused by the super beast King Crabbe; Later, in the 41st sentence, he put out the fireworks on the Kaimanda fire wheel.
Materialized gas
The combination of both hands and spraying of fog like gas can materialize the illusory enemy. In the 21st story, the fairy exceeds the beast Aplasar Used. [39]
Materialized gas
Ace vacuum
It came from both wrists when Ace's hands merged Absorb light , the skill that can absorb the gas and water emitted by a certain place or enemy to a vacuum state. There are vortex light type and spray light type.
For the first time in the fourth sentence, use spray light to absorb the attack gas emitted by Galan; [18]
In the 19th sentence, vortex light is used He Tong Wang Water absorption. [40]
Dry spark
Ace raised his right wrist above his head and stretched out two fingers, releasing a flash of high heat energy from his fingertips.
In the 19th sentence, Ace Ace vacuum After absorbing all the water in the utensils on the head of He Tong Wang, use this move to evaporate the water in his whole body. [40]
Dry spark
Body spark
Ace's two wrists are folded flat in front of his chest, generating powerful energy to wrap his whole body and release high heat energy, which is specially used to burn shackles such as ropes that bind him.
The first use in the eleventh sentence burns out Yuri Tango's silk thread;
If it is used again in the 43rd sentence, it will be Fubujilala The body is unsealed by the cold air. [41]
In Dreambius and the Ott Brothers, Ace used the flash form of energy explosion to break free from the shackles of Saurus' tentacles.
Ace borehole
Ace can drill into the ground like a drill bit at Mach 4 through its high-speed rotation. In the 28th sentence, he sneaked into the stratum where Lunatics was and fought against it.
Ace borehole
Fixed body flash
Strong flashing activity stops the light. Ace crossed his hands in front of his abdomen, then rotated his arms to the top of his head and crossed them in front of his chest. At the same time, he released a strong flash of light. The enemy who was hit by the flash would be stiff and unable to move. yes Metro Star JR And Unitango.
Fixed body flash
Detection radar
Ace sends light from the Aote star on his forehead to reach any corner of the universe, and receives the reflected feedback light to know the local situation.
In the 13th sentence, Ace uses it to explore the Earth in the anti universe Gogurda planet.
Detection radar
Autor Signature
Autobot signature is one of the basic skills of every Autobot soldier. It can transmit information to each other through the text, voice and other signals transmitted by Autobot signature, and notify the peers of major events.
Ace's signature of cosmic light, and Brother Ott Get in touch. M78 nebula All staff can use it, but the first one in the Autor series is Ace Altman, who first used it in the fifth sentence to seek the assistance of Zofi.
In addition, the Yabo people will also fake Aote's signature, and the 13th sentence will trap the five Aote brothers. Tyrant It can emit light to destroy the signature of Ott. Earth people can't understand the signature of Aote.
Ace has three signature launching methods, one is from the hole of Aote; One is sent by the Aote star from the head, and the other is sent manually.
Ace Flame
The transformation skill of Shining Hand. Ace closed his palms, turned the high heat energy in his palms into flames, and then radiated from his fingers to attack the enemy.
Use in the 25th sentence to cause effective damage to Sphinx. [25]
Ace Flame
Superluminal flight capability
Used in the 13th sentence. After receiving the fake Aote signature sent by the Yabo people, Ace flew at the speed of exceeding the speed of light and crossed to the anti universe to arrive at the Gogeda planet. [42]
Superluminal flight capability
Time space travel capability
Ace's special ability to cross the time gap and fly through the time flow.
In the 46th sentence, Ace defeats the super beast Dedalahos Later, they will follow the TAC team members who went through the ancient times to fly back to modern times. [33]
Time space travel capability
Energy interrupting capacity of different dimensions
The energy wave released by Ace from his hands, the cosmic ray of different dimensions and other radiation shielding and blocking abilities.
In the 21st sentence Yabo people Deliver to Fairy Superbeast Aplasar The energy of cosmic ray was cut off, and the fairy was restored. [39]
Energy interrupting capacity of different dimensions
Detonation ability of objects
Used in the 48th sentence, Ace grabs Belauken II The thrown ball focuses on Ott's idea to turn it into a powerful bomb, and then throws it back to hurt the super beast. [43]
Detonation ability of objects
Great material transformation power
Ace applied his mind to the red flag to make it bigger and bigger. In the tenth sentence, he played a trick on Zaigan. [5]
Great material transformation power
Different dimensional liberation ability
Use the 23rd sentence. Ace gathers energy in both hands, and cooperates with the strong flash wave released by the Alterna force. While light waves completely eliminate the different dimensional space of the Yabo people, they also open the space gap between the different dimensional space and the human world, and send all the children kidnapped by the Yabo people back to the earth. [28]
Different dimensional liberation ability
Autoreverse [100 ]
The special skills possessed by the Otto soldiers are assimilated with human beings, and their postures are borrowed temporarily. During possession, Altman shares life with the possessed human beings and can heal human injuries.
In this TV article, Ace uses this ability to integrate with Beidou Xingsi and Nanxizi; After Nanxizi left, he was integrated with the Big Dipper. Later, in Tyro's 33-34 words, Ace successively attached himself to Takao Ueno and the volleyball players, and after separation, he eliminated the memory of human attachment [2]
Ott inversion
Through telepathy, it is a universal super ability of the Otto soldiers to communicate with specific people far away. The sensing range can span the distance of light year units. It can be used in human body state or Altman state. Ace once used telepathy from the earth to communicate with the GUYS members on the moon and Hibiscus in the future in the multi-dimensional space in the 44th sentence of Hibiscus. [44]
Instant mobility [98 ]
Concentrate and release light energy from the whole body, and move to other planets or space in a moment.
When appearing in the 44th sentence of "Dream Bius Altman", in order to help the GUYS team members successfully destroy the stone pillars that interfere with the magnetic field, after the Big Dipper Department on the earth turned into Aisi Altman, it used its instant mobility ability to reach the moon and fight Lunatics, the super beast. [44]
Instant mobility
Shining state
Aisi Altman liberates his light energy to the maximum extent in a fully open state, and his whole body emits golden light. In this state, his power and light skills will be enhanced several times.
Used in the theater version of Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Evil Heart King - Dark Shadow mage And its dark energy. [45]
Shining state
As one of the common skills of the Otters, Ace sends out light energy to cover himself by thinking hard, and becomes a red photosphere, flying and moving at superluminal speed in space to travel long distances to distant stars.
In Zeta's 20th remark, Ace, guided by the Order of Ott, went to the earth where Zeta is located with the ability of light spheroidization to help Zeta fight against the super beast Barabba [9]
Stop ring
Ace used a new skill when he appeared in the 20th sentence of Zeta Altman. He waved his arms and crossed them in front of his chest. Then he sent out several white shackles to bind the enemy tightly and make him unable to move. This has bound Barabba for a period of time and helped Zeta complete Space Z [9]
Stop ring


Aisi Altman weapon equipment
Ace Blade
Ace's long knife, which is made by using the power of Utopia and the energy of light, is extremely sharp and is mainly used in close combat [86 ]
Set the Doragli and Ancient Superbeast Sphinx Cut off your head.
It was used again when the 20th sentence of Zeta Altman appeared, and attacked with Zeta's spear and bow smashed by Zeta Beta Barabba

Combine skills

Combination skill of Ace and other Altman
Double attack [98 ]
Use the combination skill of Ace and Zofi in the fifth sentence to Aripunta and Jilong people Down. Ace who clamps the head of the Jilong people and Ali Punta who clamps the head zoffy , face to face dragging the super beast to run to the other side quickly, so that Ali Punta and the head of the Jilong people collided, killing them. [46]
Double attack
Bound light
On《 Tyro Altman 》In the 34th sentence, Ace combined his hands into an L-shaped pose to emit a band of light, which was used with Altman at the same time. The light formed a light rope around the Imperialists and bound them Imperial Star Man Action. [2]
Bound light
Six brothers ascending and descending
The combined skill of Ace and the five Ott brothers (Zofi, Chudai, Saiwen, Jack, Taylor), the six people lifted the monster above their heads and then threw the enemy into the air after high-speed rotation.
In the 34th words of Tyro, Ace and his six brothers used this move to throw the Imperial Star into the air. [2]
Six brothers ascending and descending
Magnificent spark( Grant spark
It was recorded in the early period as "the must kill light is launched together", which is a combination skill of the five brothers of Aote. They jointly launch the must kill light to attack the enemy's fusion light, and its power is dozens of times greater than that of single light.
In Talo's 34th speech, Ace uses Metalim light, and other brothers( zoffy Ultraman Saiwen jack )At the same time, the must kill light is combined into a magnificent spark to hit Imperial Star Man And blow up the spaceship. [2]
Later, in "The Story of Altman", Ace and other brothers' must kill skills formed grand sparks again to attack King Qur'an , but did not cause damage to the monster.
Three Warriors Triple Light [98 ]
The skill used in the 38th sentence of Leo Altman can protect those who steal the key of Altman False Astra (His real body is Babar )Of Leo Use the light emitted jointly with the original Altman and Jack Altman. The arms of all the staff were placed in L shape, and the killing light was fired from the right wrist. The power was adjusted and controlled to a certain extent, knocking Leo to the ground. [47]
Three Warriors Triple Light
Multiple damage rays
Aisi Altman and several other Altman soldiers combined their respective light must kill skills to form a powerful combination of light.
In the theater version《 Mengbius Altman and the Altman Brothers 》In the middle, Ace, together with Altman, Saiwen, Jack and other four brothers, emits the killing light at the same time when fighting with the Otter killer Saurus, which is combined into a huge combination light【 Quadruple burst 】Attacks Saurus, but is dodged by the other side. Later, when Saurus fled, the combination of Jack's Spisom Light and Ace's Metalim Light was【 Double light 】Hit Saurus hard and knock it down to the earth [48] [98 ]
In the theater version of The Legend of the Super Galaxy, Ace, Jack, Eddie and other three Autobots combined their own light killing techniques into a huge combined light, attacked Beria Altman, but was blocked and bounced back by his ultimate fighting instrument.
Final cross barrier
Ace and the original Altman, Saiwen and Jack sealed Yabo's grievances in Kobe Harbor. The four brothers scattered in four directions around the Yabo people. Their hands emitted golden light and gathered the light Yabo people And then slowly press down the light, finally sealing the Yabo people and their negative energy in the sea.
Because you need to use all the energy, it will have a great impact on transformation and combat. [48]
Final cross barrier
Aote purification (ウルトラパリフィー/Ultra Palifie)
The light technique jointly performed by Ace, Altman, Saiwen, and Jack was used in the theater version of The Grand Slam! The Eight Super Otto Brothers. The four people released light from their right hands and combined it into energy beams to illuminate the Super Hippolyte On the color timer of Mengbius, who turned into a bronze statue, revived Mengbius [98 ]
Aote purification
Supreme assault (スペリオルストライク/Superior Strike) [96 ]
In the theater version of "The Grand Slam! The Eight Super Aut Brothers", Ace and other eight soldiers simultaneously sent out their own destruction rays to attack the same target. In the fight against Kikajimeira, it destroyed the chest launch port of the monster to release light. [45]
Supreme assault
Aotehong big light wall (ウルトラグランドウォール/ウルトラグランドウォール) [96 ]
In the theater version of "The Grand Slam! The Eight Brothers of Super Altman", the super strong barrier made by Ace Altman and eight other Altman soldiers is tens of thousands of times stronger than that of a single Altman. Bounce back Gicachimela's "Didestar Burst", which caused great damage to the opponent. [45]
Aotehong big light wall
Optimal restoration (エクセレント·リフレクション/Excellent Reflection) [96 ]
In the theater version of "The Big showdown! Super Otter 8 Brothers", Aisi Altman and other eight Otter soldiers and other people worked together to display the regenerative light. Make the Dizastahl Burst of Gicachimela effective, and regenerate the sea surface whose element level has been destroyed. [45]
Optimal restoration
Aote Zhigao (ウルトラスペリオル/Ultra Superior) [96 ]
The eight super aut brothers of Ace, together with eight aut warriors of the early generation, including Altman, Saiwen, Jack, Dijia, Dyna, Gaia and Monbius, simultaneously launched their own light skills and hit the earth The ultimate combination monster, Kikajimeira Disgustal burst launch port. Later, it was combined into a super attack light skill in space and successfully defeated Kikajimeira. [45]
Aote Zhigao
Supreme Myth Flash (スペリオルマイスフラッシャー/Superior Myth Flasher) [96 ]
Eis Altman, and Ultraman , Saiwen, Jack Diga Altman Dana Altman Gaia Ultraman (V2)、 Monbius The emitted light is fused into a composite light. Shining with pure light energy, it can eliminate evil energy. yes Evil Heart King - Dark Shadow mage Use to destroy its body together with the dark energy. [45]
Supreme Myth Flash
Ott blocking (ウルトラブロッカー/Ultra Blocker) [95 ]
The skill used in the second sentence of The Story of Mebius Altman: The Resurrected Evil Spirit. In the monster cemetery, Ace and Taylor hikari as well as Monbius , the combination light and blue energy beam released to seal the power of the ultimate combatant will seal the power of the ultimate combatant back to its original state [49]
Ott blocking

interpersonal relationship

Introduction to Ace's interpersonal relationship
Name unknown
one's own parents
Ace's biological parents, whose names are unknown, have already died in the war. Ace is a battlefield orphan picked up by Zofi.
Boss/adoptive parents
The father of Ott is the adoptive father of Ace, the guardian of Galaxy Peace, and the captain of the "Ott Cosmic Guard". As the founder of the Cosmic Guard, he has experienced“ Aote War ”The baptized warrior is respected by all! [50]
Ott's mother is the adoptive mother of Ace, the wife of Ott's father, and the captain of the Silver Crusade of the Kingdom of Light. Engaged in medical treatment activities in the universe, the motherly love has been guarding the young Aote soldiers. [51]
Zofi is Ace's eldest brother in the Ott brothers, and is the leader of the Cosmic Guard. He has excellent leadership and action, and is trusted by everyone. He is a member of the "Ott Brothers". Zofi's must kill skill M87 light is said to be the strongest single light skill of the Aote brothers. [52]
Altman is Ace's second brother among the Ott brothers. He is also a member of the Cosmic Guard, a professor of the Cosmic University, and the galactic director of the Cosmic Guard. He has rich combat skills and experience against the enemy, and is known as an expert in retreating monsters. [53]
Saiwen is Ace's third brother among the Ott brothers, Constancy Observer No. 340, and the brave man of the Cosmic Guard. He has many extraordinary fighting and light skills. Ben came to the earth to make an orbit map, and after witnessing the courage of human beings, he volunteered to stay and protect human beings. [54]
Jack is Ace's fourth brother in the Ott brothers, also called the returning Altman, and the coach of the Ott Dojo. Jack's fighting skills are outstanding, and when combined with them, he can turn the Ort bracelet into a variety of weapons to meet the enemy, so he is called a "weapon expert". [55]
younger brother
Tyro is Ace's sixth brother in the Aote brothers, the biological son of Aote's father and mother, the soldier with the first comprehensive strength among the Aote brothers, and the current pen instructor of the Cosmic Guard. [56]
Leo is Ace's seventh brother in the Aote brothers. He comes from the destroyed L77 nebula and is an expert in cosmic boxing. He was recommended to join the Aote brothers after replacing Saiwen, who was unable to transform due to injury, to defend the earth [57] , is now an important member of the Cosmic Guard. [57]
Astra is the eighth brother of Ace in the Ott brothers, and also the brother of Leo. Also from the L77 nebula, Astra helped his brother Leo defend the earth several times, and later joined the Ott brothers. [58]
Eddie is Ace's ninth brother among the Ott brothers. His fighting style is characterized by agile jumping and colorful light skills. He is a member of the Cosmic Guard, and also a negative energy investigator of the State of Light. [59]
Monbius is Ace's ten younger brothers among the Ott brothers, an outstanding new member of the Cosmic Guard, and has a fighting style that combines the strengths of all the predecessors. After defeating Amperex, he became a member of the Ott Brothers. [60]
F Kari Altman
Comrade in arms
Hickali and Ace are both members of the Ott brothers, and they are the latest members of the Ott brothers. He is a blue scientist in the country of light and a member of the cosmic guard team. [61]
Sailo is the son of Saiwen and the nephew of Ace. He is a new generation of Otto soldiers of the State of Light. He has broken Beria's ambition to rule the universe several times and is the most outstanding young soldier of the State of Light. [62]
Taga is the son of Tyro, the nephew of Ace, and a young man with a sense of justice. I really want to be recognized by my father, but I don't frankly avoid my true thoughts. Although he is still young, he will fight for justice and grow up in the fight. [63]
Younger generation/godson
Zeta is a new member of the Cosmic Guard. He is the younger generation of Ace. He is not a very mature young soldier. He has a lot of room for progress and a heart that loves peace and justice. Zeta is also like Ace's godson. The name Zeta (Z) was chosen by Ace [64]

Role experience


Earth protection period

Ultraman Ace
Heterogeneous people, Yabo people They tried to invade the earth, and created a series of cosmic monsters Superbeast The missile super beast Belauken appeared in Fukuyama, Japan. The Earth Defense Force that went to fight was completely destroyed. At this time, there were two young people who ignored their own lives in order to save people on the destroyed street. They were the truck drivers of the bakery Beidou Xingsi And the nurse Nanxizi They tried their best to rescue the victims, but finally fell exhausted in the rubble. It was Ace Altman who saved them. Ace escorted down to the earth with the help of Zofi, Altman, Saiwen and Jack. Because Ace has too much energy, one person cannot completely transmit his life to the Big Dipper and Nanxizi, so the other Ott brothers worked together to help Ace melt his life into the two people's bodies, and gave them the Ott ring, with the ability to become Ace. [16]
Becoming the Big Dipper and Nanxizi of Aisi Altman's human body, in order to better compete with Yabo people , joined the TAC team of the Earth Defense Force( Super Beast Attack Team ), always defend the earth. As Ace's enemies are becoming stronger and stronger, Ace is flexibly using his special light skills, superpowers and fighting skills to defeat them repeatedly Superbeast , and there are Brother Ott With the help of ace killer And so on. Later, he entered Another dimension And Yabo people launched a deadly duel, and finally won the victory. [28]
Defeating the super beast that destroyed the moon civilization Lunatics Later, as a lunar man, Nan Xizi returned to the moon where his companions lived, and then changed from the Big Dipper Department to Aisi Altman independently.
After Nanxizi left the earth, the responsibility of protecting the earth fell on the Big Dipper. Esoteman continued to fight with super beasts and space invaders. Even in the worst water battle, Ace still defeated the enemy with perseverance [65]
In the final battle of the 52nd sentence, the grand finale, although Nan Xizi warned Beidou not to change in front of others, or it must leave the earth, in order to protect the children's dreams and enthusiasm, Beidou revealed Simon Star Man The trick is still to turn around in front of everyone. Ace finally killed the ultimate ace super beast of the Yabo people Qiangbo Wang After leaving words of expectation and blessing for children, he returned to the country of light [24]

Ort Brothers series

After leaving the earth, Esoteman would often appear on Mars to guard and patrol, and help his brothers on the earth.
Aisi and the six brothers of Aote
In April 1973, in order to make the lives of Tung Kwang Taro and Tyro one, Ais Altman and the other five brothers of Oto together transmitted their own light energy to help Tyro and Tung Kong Taro Integration. In September, in order to save Moruroya The black fog of Aote took away the bright earth. Ace and Zofi, the original Altman, Saiwen, Jack, Taylor and other six brothers made Aote combination, passed the test of the flaming fire of Aote Tower and obtained Aote Bell, helping Taylor use the power of Aote Bell to successfully disperse the black fog. In November, Ace, Zofi, the original Altman, Saiwen, Jack, and Taylor together defeated the Imperial Star people. [2]
In January 1974, after Zofi, the original Altman, Saiwen and Jack were defeated by Tyrant one after another, Ace met Tyrant on Mars and started a fierce battle with him. At first, Ace was able to fight with Tyrant, but after Metalim's light was blocked by Tyrant, Ace was attacked by Tyrant's flame jet and fell down. Finally, Ace failed to hold the defense line and was defeated. When Ace was at a critical moment, he launched the Autor signature to let Tung Kwang Taro on the earth know about this, and finally Tyrol defeated Tyrant. [66]
In December 1974, under the conspiracy of Babar people, Ace and Zofi, the first generation of Altman, Jack and other four brothers pursued Babar False Astra in disguise, and fight with Leo who doesn't know the truth. After Leo was defeated, the king of Ott came forward to stop the fight and revealed the true face of the false Astra. Then, under the order of the king of Ott, Ace and four other people went back together to repair the orbit of the star of Ott.
Dream Bius
Ais Altman in Dream Bius
In 1986, 20 years before Monbius came to the earth, Ace joined hands with the four brothers of the original Altman, Saiwen, Jack and so on to fight the ultimate super beast Saurus on the moon. After shooting down Saurus to Kobe Harbor, Ace, together with the original Altman, Saiwen and Jack, sealed it with the "ultimate cross barrier". However, because the seal consumed too much energy of the four Altman soldiers, Jack Altman and his team lost their ability to transform. Later, Ace Altman turned into the attitude of the Big Dipper, I have lived on the earth as a cook for 20 years.
In September 2006, the Big Dipper once again turned into Aisi Altman, and combined with Zofi, the original Altman, Saiwen, Jack, Taylor and Mengbius to form the infinite form of Mengbius, defeating the new Saurus that reappeared due to the destruction of the seal.
On February 24, 2007, Ace guided Mengbius to defeat the Yabo people, one of the Four Dark Kings, and helped GUYS defeat Lunatics on the moon [44] After a brief reunion between the Big Dipper and Nanxizi, Ace and the other brothers left the earth. On March 31, Ace went out with the other Ott brothers to recover the victim Amphithite Under the influence of the dark force, the sun gradually moves towards death.

Kingdom of Light Cosmic Series

Resurrected evil spirits
With the increasing negative energy throughout the universe, monsters are ready to move. Ace and Tyro went to the monster cemetery to find Hikari Altman who sent out the signature of Ott, but they won The Four Dark Heavens King And was captured as a hostage to Mebius to obtain the ultimate fighting instrument [67] At last, with the help of Hickali and Monbius, Ace and Tyro were able to escape. The four brothers of Aote defeated the Four Dark Heavenly Kings, and Ace used Metalim light to destroy the soul possessed by the Yabo people Monbius Killer (G) , and Mengbius destroyed the mechanical Zamu who was about to become an Amphithitian, and sealed the ultimate combat instrument again, which temporarily ended. [49]
The Legend of Cosmic Heroes beyond the Galaxy
The Legend of Ais Altman's Super Galaxy
With the continuous increase of negative energy in the whole universe, many monsters are ready to move. The ultimate fighting instrument was finally Zarab Achieved and liberated Ultraman Belial The Cosmic Guard is in emergency muster. Aiss Altman and jack Eddie The three men were stationed in the plasma spark tower. When Beria broke through the tower's external defense line and entered the tower, Ace fought against Beria, but they were still defeated by Beria's rebounding light and were frozen by the cold current. until Cerro After others recaptured the plasma spark, Ace and others regained their freedom and listened ultraman king An inspiring speech. [68]
Super showdown! Beria Galaxy Empire
Beria crossed the parallel universe and became Galactic Emperor Caesar Beria , sent to retaliate against the Kingdom of Light Dark Lopes Attack the Kingdom of Light. Aisi Altman and others studied the defeated wreckage of Lopes and learned that the enemy came from a parallel universe. Ace and all the Altmans of the Kingdom of Light together inject energy into Saro and send him to the parallel universe. Caesar Beria sent another one million units of the Dark Lopes Legion to attack the Aote Star, and Ace and the Aote soldiers of the Cosmic Guard all went out to fight against and destroy the Dark Lopes Legion. [69]
The Legend of Altman
Aisi Altman and others perceived the movement of Cyrus through the parallel universe. stay Ultraman Saga And Hypacheton During the battle, Ace, together with Altman, Saiwen, Jack, and Leo, this dimensional world called "Future Earth" helped Saiga fight against the five monster weapons of the Beite people. Among them, Ace defeated Monster weapon Belaukorn. [70]

Galaxy series

The Dark Subgrade Al launched the Dark Spark War, and almost all the Ottoman soldiers, including Ace Altman, joined in the war to fight against the evil monster army. Al, the Dark Subgrade, took the opportunity to sneak attack with the ability of dark sparks Father of Ott ultra mother Block for Tyro together Dark Subgrade Al The attack of the dark spark of the [71] Until the dark roadbed Al was Galaxy Altman After elimination, the Spark Doll lifted the curse of the Dark Spark and changed back to his real life. Ace regained his freedom and returned to the Kingdom of Light.
Two years later, there was a new crisis in the universe where the Milky Way is located. In order to help the Milky Way, Ace, together with Zofi, Altman, Saiwen, Jack and Tyro, lent the power to the Milky Way, enabling it to transform into the Milky Way Slim form and fight against new enemies.
Aisi, Yinhe and others
After a while, the resurrected Yabo people Attempt to use the power of Victorym's core crystal to revive the universe emperor Zelda ultraman king Aware of this sign, send Ace Leo Brothers and hikari Go to stop the conspiracy of Yabo people. Ace immediately rushed to the planet Gogeda to rescue the Milky Way Altman who was taken hostage [72] It's hard for Ace to win against the upgraded and unknown Victory killer [73] At last, with the help of Victory, who got the strength of the knight's sword and flute, he defeated his opponent and recovered the lost energy. [74]
Ace, Milky Way and Victory rushed to the planet Gua to meet the Leo brothers and defeated the Yabo people and their super beast legions, but Zeda still completed the resurrection. In order to gain time for Victory to seal Zelda, Ace, Leo, Astra and Galaxy fought desperately Super monster Super Koran King (Undead), so that Victory successfully sealed Zelda with the power of a knight's sword and flute. Taking the opportunity of weakening the power of the super Qur'an king, Ace and other four people worked together to use the nirvana ray to eliminate it. So far, this crisis that may destroy the universe has drawn the curtain. [75]

Obi series

Ace did not make a direct appearance in the Obu Altman series, but made a guest appearance in the form of Otter fusion cards. In the seventh episode of the autobiography of the hero, Ace lends some of his strength to Obi to form an Otto fusion card, which is used in combination with the card of Saiwen, turning Obi Altman into a flash cut form (the top dart card). [76]

Jed series

After Beria's resurrection, the war between the Otto soldiers of the Kingdom of Light and Beria started again.
At the end of the war, Ace Altman and Brother Ott And the Cosmic Guard and many other Otto soldiers went out to the earth in the frontier universe to fight together against Beria, but they could not defeat each other. They could only watch Beria launch time and space to destroy the universe [77]

Aote Galaxy Fighting: A New Generation Hero

In the past, six brothers, including Ace and Tyro, fought together and finally eliminated the Dark Killer [78] Several years later, Aote Dark Killer cover Torrekia Altman Resurrection, and in the scourge of all universes. In order to solve the problem, Tyro, Ace and others gathered the new generation of Ott soldiers to fight against the Dark Killer of Ott.

Aote Galaxy Fighting: Great Conspiracy

Because the ultimate life-- Absolut Taltalos The conspiracy of Zelda and Molde Gu'a The brothers were brought from the past time and space to the modern times, and fought with six brothers, including Saiwen, on the planet Golgada. Ace, Ace and Saiwen fought with Zeda and gained the upper hand; However, due to the lack of effective means of killing, Ace and the other six brothers carried out the combination of Aote to make Super Tyro reappear, and eliminated the Gu'a brothers with the light of the cosmic miracle.
Although Ace and others won, they also spent a lot of energy. When they were exhausted, they were severely injured by the attack of Beria and Toreghia, who had received the strength of the people of Abusolete. Thanks to the timely assistance of Cyrus Altman and the retreat of Tartaros, Ace and other talents were safe [20]

Zeta series

Ace and Zeta
Because of the Yabo people's resentment, the assassin is superior to the beast Barabba Resurrection comes at Zeta Altman On the earth where they are stationed, their strength is far beyond the past, and they overwhelmingly defeated Zeta( Delta Sky Claw Form). At the critical moment, Esotman held Order of Ott Under the guidance of, through the parallel universe to Zeta's side, support Zeta against Baraba.
Ace showed his strength as an expert of super beast retreating, and launched a close battle with the strengthened Barabba, and guided Zeta with his own experience in actual combat. In the face of Balaba, which has been fighting for a long time, Ace put the Space Q contained in itself( Cosmic quintuple )The energy of is transmitted to the hole of Orte of Zeta, helping Zeta Beta shatter the form and use Space Z (light of cosmic Zeta) to eliminate Baraba at one stroke [9]
After the battle, Ace and Zeta talked, revealing Ace's past of naming Zeta and caring for Zeta. For Zeta, Ace is like godfather General existence, and Zeta's name comes from the " Z ", with the meaning of" last ", reposes Ace's wish that Zeta can become the last brave man to make the universe peaceful. After leaving a sincere wish for Zeta, Ace also left the earth [9]

Aote Galaxy Fighting: The Conflict of Destiny

stay Julian After being captured by Tartaros, Ace, Zofi and other Aut brothers sit together in the Kingdom of Light, and plan to rescue Julian and fight against the Abusolete people [89] When Julian was successfully rescued by Hickali and others, Ace and other Otto soldiers went to Brizad planet to support him Abu Solleut The army is waging war [90]
In the battle, Ace killed many soldiers of the Abu Soyut nationality. In order to completely eliminate the military power of the Abu Suliut, the six brothers of Aote, such as Ace, gathered their strength and passed it on to Mengbius, making it become an infinite form of Mengbius again, destroying all the dimensional portals at one stroke, and annihilating all the Abu Suliut soldiers, so that the balance of victory tended to the Aote soldiers [91]
Tartaros tried his best to use [Ultimate Absolute Destruction] to destroy the planet Brizad. Fortunately, the king of Aote appeared to resist the attack in time, and Ace and others were also protected from being affected by Libut's [strong net], but Libut disappeared in the vortex of time and space with Tartaros. After the battle, Ace and others returned to the country of light to repair [92]

Parallel Universe World View Series

Otman Story Universe
The Six Aisi Brothers Defeat the King of Qur'an
The cosmic emperor defeated by the father of Ott 50000 years ago Zelda Resurrection, he used the spirit of monsters floating in the universe to create monsters King Qur'an In order to prevent Zelda from disturbing the peace of the universe, Ace, together with Zofi, Altman, Jack and Saiwen, launched a decisive battle with King Quranth on the planet of Belant. However, King Qur'an's strength was so strong that Ace and other five people were suppressed.
At last, Tyro, who came to help, gathered the strength of six brothers like Ace and turned into Super Tyro Super Tirol Exhibition Cosmic Miracle Light Successfully defeated the King of Quranth, and Zeda disappeared after the death of the King of Quranth [79]
Chaoote Eight Brothers Universe
Ace and other super OTE 8 brothers
This is a nonexistent monster Ultraman The Big Dipper in this world is not Aisi Altman, but Evil Heart King - Dark Shadow mage Under the influence of, monsters appeared one after another and began to destroy the city.
Mengbius from the universe of the Ott brothers crossed to the earth of this parallel universe, met with the Big Dipper and others, and fought against the monster in order to defend peace, but also fell into a trap and was trapped.
At a critical moment, the Beidou Division and other human beings living in this world awakened the power of the Otto soldiers. They transformed themselves into seven Otto warriors for the future of mankind - Ace, Altman Dega Dyna Gaia , Jack, Saiwen, rescued Monbius, and eight soldiers gathered to fight with the enemy. In the end, eight soldiers, including Ace, defeated Kikajimela and entered a shining state to purify and eliminate the Dark Shadow mage, winning the final victory [45]

Defeat record


TV Record

VS Doragli Metro Star JR : Lose the battle (In the eighth sentence, Ace was hit by a pincer, and used the barrier seal one after another to overdraw the energy. Nan Xizi was also seriously injured, and could only play half of his usual combat power. Ace was killing the Metron people with a guillotine, but lost to Doragli when his energy ran out) [38]
VS Barabba : Defeat (In the 13th sentence, Ace was defeated because his brothers were taken hostage on the Gogurda planet and he gave up resistance) [42]
VS Hippolyte : Defeat (In the 26th word, the five brothers of Ace fell into a trap and were turned into bronze statues. Later, they were saved by the father of Ott who came to help them) [29]
VS Fayammons: Defeated (in the 39th sentence, the light of Metalim was bounced off, and was stabbed into the heart by Fayammons' flame sword, causing serious injury. Later, he recovered with the help of Saiwen) [80]
VS Onidwu : Defeat (In the 44th word, eating the flash bean by mistake made the arm weak and unable to fight. Later, he recovered with the help of Saiwen) [81]

Other episode records

VS Tyrant : Defeat (Tyro's 40th words, the Metalim light is invalid, Ace is knocked down by the flame of Tyrant, and then sends his signature to the earth)
VS The Four Dark Heavens King : Defeated (In the first word of the evil spirit revived by OV, Ace's light skill was blocked by the special barrier of the Four Heavens King and could not be used. In addition, Hikali was taken as a hostage, so he was defeated and captured) [67]
VS Dark Subgrade Al : Defeat (In the seventh sentence of Galaxy, Ace was turned into a spark puppet by Al, the dark subgrade) [71]
VS Victory Killer : Defeated (at the beginning, he was overwhelmed by the other party's fierce attack after suddenly changing the mode, and lost the battle at a loss)
VS Beria Altman Torrekia Altman : Defeat (In the sixth sentence of a huge plot, he was attacked by two evil Otto soldiers when his energy was seriously consumed, and was severely injured when he was defeated [20]

Theatre Record

VS Nagel Gatesi people : Defeated (he went out to fight when he was seriously short of energy, and was caught by the trick of Naker people and Gatz people)
VS Ultraman Belial : Defeated (he fought with Jack and Eddie against Beria, but he was still defeated by Beria's rebounding and hitting the light)

Entry Record


Debut TV

Ace Altman's debut
particular year
Play title
Number of sets
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two
TV, 52 words in total
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-three
Tyro Altman
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-four
two thousand and six
two thousand and eleven
Mainly the battle scenes of previous dramas
two thousand and thirteen
two thousand and thirteen
two thousand and fifteen
two thousand and seventeen
two thousand and seventeen
Jed Altman
two thousand and eighteen
Mainly in the form of card strength
two thousand and nineteen
two thousand and twenty
Zeta Altman
two thousand and twenty-two

On stage OV - Special

"The Extraordinary Story of Mabius Altman: Super Galaxy War" (2 stories in total) (special drama produced by Yuangu Company of Japan)
Mengbius Altman: Resurrected Evil Spirit 》(2 words in total) (Japanese Yuangu Company produces a special drama)

Debut film

Ais Altman Theatre Edition: Big Ant and Super Beast vs the Ott Brothers
Taylor Altman Theatre Edition《 The Story of Altman
Zofi Altman Theater Version of "Altar Soldiers vs Monster Legion"
Altman Series Summer Special Theatre Edition《 The Legend of Altman in the New Century
Special Theatre Edition of Autor Series《 THE KING'S JUBILEE [85]
Mengbius Altman Theatre Edition《 Monbius and the Ott brothers
Mengbius Altman Theatre Edition《 Big showdown! Chaoote 8 Brothers
Big Monster War Theatre Edition《 The Legend of Cosmic Heroes beyond the Galaxy
Cyrus Altman Theatre Edition《 Super showdown! Beria Galaxy Empire
Cyrus Altman Theatre Edition《 The Legend of Altman