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Ahmad Hamdi Tunnel

Tunnel in Egypt
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Ahmed Hamdi Tunnel, one of the largest tunnels in the world, is also a tunnel connecting Asia and Africa. It belongs to Egypt. It passes under the Suez Canal and connects the Nile Delta and Sinai Peninsula. It is named to commemorate the October War This is the place where the former commander of the Egyptian engineering army died in the war.
Chinese name
Ahmad Hamdi Tunnel
Operation time
One of the largest tunnels in the world, the idea of digging this tunnel began in June 1975. Middle East October War After that, the Suez Canal was reopened. [1] In view of the fact that the Sinai area to the east of the canal is isolated from the Nile Delta to the west of the canal, and in order to facilitate the traffic on both sides of the canal and supply water to the Sinai Peninsula, the Egyptian government built a 5912 meter long Ahmed Hamdi Tunnel is an important link between Asia and Africa. A water pipeline is laid at the bottom of the tunnel, which conveys 34000 cubic meters of Nile water every day to the arid Sinai Peninsula, irrigates 14000 hectares of land. The road in the tunnel is 7.5 meters wide and can pass 2000 cars per hour.
Ahmed Hamdi Tunnel is brightly lit and equipped with modern equipment. This tunnel is equivalent to the volume of a pyramid, with 2.5 million cubic meters of earth excavated, 100000 cubic meters of cement shared, and 34000 tons of steel bars. It is divided into upper, middle, and lower parts. The upper part is the exhaust passage, the lower part is equipped with two water pipes and high-voltage cables, and the middle part is the main passage. [2]