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Artistic expressiveness

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Artistic expressiveness refers to the appeal The artistic expressiveness of fuzzy photography here is to discuss the multiple functions and powerful influence of fuzzy photography in artistic creation, as well as its special effects in beautifying pictures and artistic modeling, and its rich artistic conception, rhythm rhythm , taste, etc.
Chinese name
Artistic expressiveness
Foreign name
artistic expressive force
stay artistic works The infectivity shown in.
Form 1
Highlight the main image
Form 2
Show deep space
Form 3
Enrich the connotation of the picture

Form of expression

Highlight the main image
Fuzzy photography makes the image of the subject more prominent in the picture by means of clear, fuzzy image contrast and contrast. The Mother of Soldiers, shot by the famous Argentine photographer Lauda, is an outstanding example. In this work, the blurred foreground image is a group of soldiers marching forward, and the simple background is a very clear image of a resolute and serious mother. In the contrast between the blurred foreground and the virtual reality, the hero's mother image is more prominent and tall, giving people a feeling of awe.
Show deep space
Fuzzy photography makes use of smoke, rain, snow and other phenomena to make part of the scenery in the picture become a hazy and indistinct image, so that the natural scenery displayed in the picture has a special spatial perspective effect, and appears to be very deep. In the picture "Cloud and Fog on Fangshan Mountain", the mountains in the distant view are shrouded in clouds and fog, becoming blurred images with light colors, giving viewers the feeling of "retreating" in layers in their vision. The picture looks more profound and has a strong spatial depth.
Enrich the connotation of the picture
If the images of a photographic work are very clear, the viewer will see everything in the picture at a glance. If some images are ambiguous, they will contain more content, and it is very easy to turn the simple image into a thought-provoking scenery, from which to chew out more rich flavor. Modern Dance, shot by Hu Peilie, a famous photographer, shows the vague image of the dancers, which shows the connotation of intense, cheerful and forgetful. Although the readers cannot see the clear image of the dancers, the viewers have tasted the taste of dance connotation. If the dancers are clearly arranged in the picture one by one, what the readers can see may be a picture of the dancers on the stage, which is insipid and has little to chew.
Implicit life philosophy
It is various arts to use a scene to symbolize something and philosophy category Photography is no exception, especially in the way of contrast between the real and the virtual in the picture, which implies a certain philosophy in people's life and enlightens people. We often say that "if the mountain is high, the smoke locks its waist". This theory comes from Guo Xizhi, a painter in the Northern Song Dynasty. The whole sentence is "if the mountain is high, it will not be high if it is out; if the smoke locks its waist, it will be high; if the water is far, it will not be far if it is out; if the veins are broken, it will be far away". It means to paint all the mountains and waters on the screen, and no matter how big the picture is, it will not show its height and distance. If "smoke locks the waist and sets off the pulse", the readers will feel the feeling of mountains and waters. The same is true in life. People who boast do not appear to be rich in knowledge, while people who are silent cannot understand the depth of their knowledge. The water in the stream is shallow; The lake is calm and unfathomable, and life is full of philosophy. The picture "Grass on the Wall" shows that the grass on the wall falls down with the wind, implying people who have no idea and are light.

Detailed introduction

Backlighting is a kind of lighting with artistic charm and strong expressive force, which can make the picture produce an artistic effect completely different from the actual light we see on the scene with the naked eye. Its artistic expression mainly includes the following four aspects.
First, it can enhance the texture of the subject.
Especially when shooting transparent or translucent objects, such as flowers, plant branches and leaves, the backlight is the best light. Because, on the one hand, backlighting can improve the chroma and saturation of light transmitting objects, so that smooth and tasteless transparent or semi transparent objects can show beautiful luster and a better sense of transparency; On the other hand, the brightness difference between the light transmitting object and the light impermeable object in the same picture is significantly increased, and the light and dark are relatively, which greatly enhances the artistic effect of the picture.
Second, it can enhance the rendering of atmosphere.
Especially in the morning and evening of landscape photography, the light and shadow modeling method of low angle and large backlight is adopted. The backlight light will outline the rosy clouds, the sea of clouds, the mountains, villages, and trees. If the mist, canoes, and birds are added to each other, they will evoke deep resonance in the vision and soul, making the work deeper in connotation and higher in artistic conception, The charm is stronger.
Third, it can enhance the visual impact.
In the backlight shooting, due to the increase in the proportion of the dark part, a considerable part of the details are covered by shadows, and the subject protrudes into the picture with simple lines or a small light receiving area. This large light ratio and high contrast give people a strong visual impact, thus producing a strong artistic modeling effect.
First of all, it can make the background under backlight and under exposed, so that the background can be purified and the effect of highlighting the main body can be obtained;
Secondly, it can vividly outline the clear outline of the subject, separate the subject from the background, highlight the ups and downs and lines of the subject's shape, and strengthen the subject's sense of subjectivity;
Thirdly, it can deeply depict the character's character. Because the whole picture has a small light area, most of the face and body are in shadow, forming a heavy low-key picture with dark color as the main color, which helps to express the character's deep, implicit, solemn or melancholy character.
At the same time, due to the large contrast of shadow tones and the strong layout of light and dark light, some shortcomings of the characters' faces can be diluted with strong light, and the shadows of the backlight can be used to hide, so as to achieve the effect of developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses.
Fourth, it can enhance the depth of the picture.
Especially in the morning or evening when shooting in the backlight, due to the different media conditions in the air, the color composition changes far and near: the foreground is dark, the background is bright; The foreground color saturation is high, while the background color saturation is low, resulting in the whole picture from far to near, from light to thick, from light to dark, forming a subtle spatial depth.