Artistic symbol

Artistic image
zero Useful+1
Art symbol is one of symbol systems. Artistic symbols refer to artistic images, such as literary images, musical images, dance images, and painting, sculpture, photography and other artistic images; They refer to the "human feelings", or "implication", expressed by artistic images. As the signifier of artistic symbol, artistic image is usually a symbol, that is to say, it has a binary relationship between signifier and signified, and then gives it a signified. Such a symbol can be seen as the second system of symbols. Art symbols can be divided into three categories: (1) visual art symbols, such as painting, sculpture, architecture, etc; (2) Audible artistic symbols, such as music; (3) See and listen to artistic symbols, such as dance, drama and film and television. [1]
Chinese name
Artistic symbol
Related figures
Susanne Langer
Intangible cultural heritage

Research History

Artistic symbol
In On Man, he outlined his own aesthetic and artistic views, thinking that "art can be defined as a symbolic language", or a symbolic system, which is the "structure and organization of human experience", and it "gives us order in the grasp of the visible, touchable and audible appearance". The difference between artistic symbols and daily speech symbols is not the means but the purpose. The former expresses beauty, while the latter expresses concepts. (On Man, pp. 212-214, Shanghai Translation Publishing House 1985 Edition)
He pointed out that "like the speech process, the artistic process is also a process of dialogue and dialectics", and "what we see is the deepest and most diversified movement of the human soul". (Same as page 189 above)
Not only art, "beauty is necessarily and essentially a symbol", it is not a direct attribute of things, but "a component of human experience". (Same as page 175 above)


1. Boundless potential. Art symbols not only contain the existence and circumstances of this shore, but also extend the sense of touch to the other shore; It not only generalizes the characteristics of personality, but also generalizes the commonness of the whole human race. Such a broad potential makes artistic symbols have a strong artistic charm.
2. Purity. What is pure? "To tell lies is pure 。” (Inscription of the inaugural edition of Shi Shi, an ink writer). In other words, to become an artistic symbol must have exhausted political lies, moral lies, commercial lies, lies of maintaining class power, lies of fools and other lies. Because the lies are exhausted, the artistic symbols presented have a pure, concentrated and prominent artistic effect, which can give the most direct impact to the senses of the audience.
3. Concentration. The artistic symbol has a strong concentration, which can present the boundless content in the most vivid, concise and direct form in the artistic language, and has a sense of artistic beauty of thousands of miles.
4. Complex tension. The interior of artistic symbols often has contradictory contrast and harmony. The tension is formed in the ebb and flow of various forces inside the symbol, and the harmony and unity are achieved in the network function of the tension. Therefore, the artistic symbol is often only meaningful but difficult to convey. "The meaning does not end in words" or "the meaning does not end in words" has a lasting aftertaste.