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The warmth of color

Fine Arts Academic Language
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The temperature of color is related to the restriction of many factors such as individual physiology, psychology and inherent experience, which is a relatively perceptual problem.
Chinese name
The warmth of color
Areas involved
It involves personal physiology, psychology and inherent experience
The warmth of color
Subjective feeling
The cold and warm colors are two interdependent aspects, which are connected and set off each other. And it is mainly reflected by the mutual contrast and contrast between them. Generally speaking, warm color light warms the color of the light receiving part of the object, while the backlight part shows a relatively cold light tendency. Cold light is just the opposite.
Color psychology
Cold and warm color refers to the feeling of cold and hot in color psychology. Red, orange, yellow, brown and other colors often give people a hot, excited, warm and mild feeling, so they are called warm colors. Green, blue, purple and other colors often give people calm pleasantly cool open Transparent So it is called cool color. The cold and warm feeling of color is also called cold and warm. The feeling of color is relative, except orange and blue extreme In addition, many other colors are relatively warm and cold. For example, purple and green, red purple in purple is warmer, while blue purple is colder; The grass green in the green is warm, while the emerald green is cold.