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Liangqing Town

Xiazhi Town, Liangqing District, Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Liangqing Town, subordinate to Guangxi Nanning, Zhuang Autonomous Region Liangqing District , located in the east of Liangqing District, the core area of Wuxiang New District, east of Pumiao Town, Yongning District, south of Nama Town, west of Dashaitian Street, north of Jintou Street, Qingxiu District, [1] In 2018, the area is 87.1 square kilometers, and the registered population is 63590. [2]
The Qing Dynasty belonged to Yihua County, Nanning Prefecture. Before 1949, Liangqing Township was set up, belonging to Yongning County. In June 1950, it belonged to the third district of Yongning County. In August 1955, it belonged to Nama District. In 1957, Nama District was moved to Liangqing and renamed Liangqing District, which belongs to Yongning County. In 1958, it merged with Nama Township to form a five-star commune. In April 1959, the Five Star Commune was cancelled and Liangqing Commune was set up. In July 1962, Liangqing Commune was changed into Liangqing District. In December 1968, Liangqing District was changed into Liangqing Commune. In 1984, Liangqing Commune was changed to Liangqing Township. In 1989, Liangqing Township set up 10 village offices and 39 village committees. In 1996, Liangqing Township was changed into Liangqing Town. In September 2004, Liangqing Town was changed to Liangqing District of Nanning City. [1] By 2019, Liangqing Town has jurisdiction over 3 communities and 6 administrative villages. [3]
In 2018, Liangqing Town has 9 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [2]
Chinese name
Liangqing Town
Administrative Region Category
Nanning, Guangxi
geographical position
Located in the east of Liangqing District
87.1 km² [4]
Area under jurisdiction
3 communities and 6 administrative districts
Government residence
No. 38, Xinsan Street, Liangqing Town, Liangqing District, Nanning
Area Code
zip code
five hundred and thirty thousand two hundred and one
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
License plate code
Gui A
Administrative code
four hundred and fifty million one hundred and eight thousand and one hundred
63590 people (registered population in 2018)

Historical evolution

The Qing Dynasty belonged to Yihua County, Nanning Prefecture.
Before 1949, Liangqing Township was set up, belonging to Yongning County.
In June 1950, it belonged to the third district of Yongning County.
In August 1955, it belonged to Nama District.
In 1957, Nama District was moved to Liangqing and renamed Liangqing District, which belongs to Yongning County.
In 1958, it merged with Nama Township to form a five-star commune.
In April 1959, the Five Star Commune was cancelled and Liangqing Commune was set up.
In July 1962, Liangqing Commune was changed into Liangqing District.
In December 1968, Liangqing District was changed into Liangqing Commune.
In 1984, Liangqing Commune was changed to Liangqing Township.
In 1989, Liangqing Township set up 10 village offices and 39 village committees.
In 1996, Liangqing Township was changed into Liangqing Town.
In September 2004, Liangqing Town was changed to Liangqing District of Nanning City. [1]

administrative division

At the end of 2011, it had jurisdiction over one neighborhood committee in Liangqing and six villagers committees in Nahuang, Xincun, Tanze, Lvrao, Xintuan and Xinlan; There are 264 villagers' groups. [1]
As of October 2019, Liangqing Town has 3 neighborhood committees and 6 village committees. [3]
Neighborhood Committee of Liangqing Community
Panlong Community Neighborhood Committee
Neighborhood Committee of Wuxiang Lake Community
Xincun Village Committee
Tanze Village Committee
Lvrao Village Committee
Nahuang Village Committee
Xintuan Village Committee
Xinlan Village Committee

geographical environment


Location context

Liangqing Town is located in the east of Liangqing District of Nanning City and the core area of Wuxiang New District. It is adjacent to Pumiao Town of Yongning District in the east, Nama Town in the south, Dashaitian Street in the west, and Jintou Street of Qingxiu District in the north, with an area of 87.1 square kilometers. [1]
Liangqing Town

topographic features

Liangqing Town is dominated by low hilly terrain, with an altitude of 220~250m and a height difference of only about 100m. The hillside is generally gentle, generally below 20 °. The slope of high hills is 10 °~40 °, mainly distributed in Wuxiang Ridge. [1]


Liangqing Town has a subtropical monsoon climate, with long summer and warm winter, distinct dry and wet, strong sunshine, short frost period and rare ice and snow. The climate change throughout the year is as follows: February to March is a period of frequent alternation of cold and warm air, often with cold and rainy weather; April to May is often affected by the westward extension of the Western Pacific subtropical high, prone to early spring; From June to August is the peak period of summer monsoon, which is often attacked by typhoons and prone to flooding. From September to October, the warm and humid air mass gradually withdrew from the mainland, with a sharp decrease in rainfall and prone to autumn drought. From November to January of the next year, it is mainly controlled by the continental metamorphic cold high pressure, which is the lowest temperature period of the year. [1]


Liangqing Town belongs to the Yongjiang River water system. The water system ranges from Qinglonggang section to Lengtang section, flowing from west to east. The river is 10 kilometers long. The Bachi River flows through Xinlan Village, and Xinlan Village and Yongning District are bounded by the Bachi River. [1]

natural resources

The proven underground mineral resources in Liangqing Town include limestone, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iron and other minerals. [1]


At the end of 2011, Liangqing Town had a total population of 45400, including 4200 urban permanent residents, with an urbanization rate of 9.3%. There are also 1200 floating population, of which 25275 are male, accounting for 55.56%; There are 202100 women, accounting for 44.44%. 120490 people under the age of 17, accounting for 23 49%, 33436 people over 18 years old, accounting for 73.51% (including 3210 people over 60 years old, accounting for 7.06% of the total population). In the total population, the Zhuang nationality is the main, accounting for 95%, with 432100 people. In 2011, the birth rate was 16 33 ‰, the mortality rate is 3.84 ‰, and the natural population growth rate is 12 49‰。
In 2017, the permanent population of Liangqing Town was 51575. [4]
In 2018, the registered population of Liangqing Town was 63590. [2]




In 2014, the main economic indicators of Liangqing Town continued to grow steadily, with the total output value of industries above designated size of 178.7 million yuan, accounting for 49% of the annual task of 366.84 million yuan, an increase of - 43% over the previous year; The fiscal revenue was 83.03 million yuan, up 65% over the previous year, fulfilling the annual task; The investment in fixed assets of the whole society was 333.74 million yuan, an increase of 34% over the previous year, accounting for 103% of the annual task of 323.48 million yuan; The total agricultural output value was 377.72 million yuan, an increase of - 13% over the previous year; The disposable income of urban residents was 2393 yuan, an increase of 10% over the previous year; The per capita net income of farmers was 9398 yuan, an increase of 12% over the previous year. [5]
In 2016, the financial revenue of Liangqing Town was 109 million yuan, an increase of 21.99% over the previous year; The total investment in fixed assets was 1.249 billion yuan, up 149%; The disposable income of urban residents was 27100 yuan, up 8.1%; The per capita net income of farmers was 11087 yuan, up 9.2%; The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 423 million yuan, up 20%; The total industrial output value was 50.32 million yuan, up 12.7%; The total agricultural output value reached 400 million yuan. [6]
In 2018, Liangqing Town has 9 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [1]

primary industry

In 2011, the total agricultural output value of Liangqing Town was 36.192 million yuan; The agricultural cultivated land area is 26895 mu, 0.65 mu per capita, and the effective sea irrigation area of water conservancy is 9300 mu. Grain crops are mainly rice and corn. The main cash crops are vegetables and peanuts. In 2011, the vegetable planting area was 50145 mu, with an output of 84221 tons. The main varieties are cabbage, pepper, white radish, cucumber and leek. Animal husbandry is mainly about raising pigs, poultry and cattle. In 2011, 33400 pigs were sold and 25100 pigs were on hand at the end of the year; 1.5241 million poultry were listed, with 474100 on hand at the end of the year; 10000 cattle were sold and 4100 cattle were on hand at the end of the year. In 2011, 5300 tons of meat and 1010 tons of aquatic products were produced. The total output value of animal husbandry is 125.96 million yuan, accounting for 34.8% of the total agricultural output value.

the secondary industry

In 2011, the total industrial output value of Liangqing Town was 7373.1 million yuan, an increase of 45% over the previous year, which was dominated by paper, food, silk and building materials. In 2011, there were 2 enterprises above designated size.

social undertakings


Cultural undertakings

In 2011, Liangqing Town had one cultural station, six village cultural activity centers, and three specialized households of various types of differentiation; There are 17 libraries of all kinds, including 8 town and village libraries, 9 primary and secondary schools, more than 40000 books, and 3 village level cultural and art teams. There is one cultural relics protection unit at the autonomous region level and one cultural protection unit at the municipal level. [1]


In 2011, there were 8 kindergartens in Liangqing Town, 927 children in the kindergarten, 57 full-time teachers: 7 primary schools, 3791 students in school, 180 full-time teachers, and the enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools was 100%; There are two junior high schools, 2903 students and 139 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of the school-age population in junior high schools, the opening rate of primary school and junior high school, and the coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education all reach 100%. [1]
In 2011, Liangqing Town had education funds of 3.618 million yuan. [1]

medical and health work

In 2011, Liangqing Town had 19 medical and health institutions at all levels, including 1 township hospital, 14 village clinics and 4 private clinics; There are 32 sickbeds, with 0.69 medical beds for every 1000 people. There are 86 professional health personnel, including 12 licensed doctors, 11 licensed assistant doctors and 22 licensed nurses. The participation rate of participating in the new rural cooperative medical service is 100%. [1]

social security

In 2011, Liangqing Town had 120 urban minimum living security households, 210 people, and 575000 yuan was spent; The number of rural minimum living security households is 238, with 537 people, and the expenditure is 527000 yuan. In rural areas, 26000 jin of food rations, 150 quilts, 540 cotton padded clothes, health farmers, 40 blankets, 110 mosquito nets were paid by the education and economic sector, and 55300 yuan of compensation was paid for houses lost due to disasters; A total of 118 people were granted medical assistance of 328000 yuan for the households with five guarantees, low guarantees and special poverty. A total of 153 people were entitled to special care, and 286000 yuan of special care fees were paid. [1]
In 2011, there was a nursing home in Liangqing Town with 14 beds and five in Wubao Village. There are 53 beds, 42 people are provided for five guarantees in a centralized way, 123 people are provided in a decentralized way, and 426000 yuan of five guarantees is paid. [1]

Post and telecommunications

In 2011, there was one post office and five agencies in Liangqing Town. The annual business income was 500000 yuan, of which the net income was 200000 yuan; Newspapers and periodicals have issued 15000 copies (volumes) in total. There are 2 telecom enterprises and 20 service outlets: the total capacity of telephone exchanges is 60000, and the number of fixed telephones is 5000: the telephone penetration rate is 90%; 50000 mobile users; There are 2000 Internet users and 30000 Huinong users. The annual telecom business income was 7.1 million yuan. [1]


In 2011, Liangqing Town has coastal railway, Guihai Expressway, Nanning Ring Expressway, Wuxiang Avenue Pingle Avenue, and Yudong Avenue running through the town. It is adjacent to Yongjiang River in the north. It can reach Chongzuo and Baise upstream and Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao downstream. To the west, it is adjacent to Nanning Bonded Logistics Center and about 40 kilometers away from Nanning Airport. It is 130 kilometers away from Qinzhou Free Trade Port to the south. [1]