Sail base

One of the southern constellations
zero Useful+1
Sail base It's ancient South seat In 1750, Lakay divided the ancient southern constellation into three small constellations, namely Vela Stern seat Ship base Vela is located in the Milky Way between the north of the Carina and the centaur and the stern of the ship. At 7:40 am, the declination is - 33 degrees.
At 8:00 p.m. on April 10 every year, the sail seat is located in the upper midheaven. In seat L2 is Long-period variable star , with a period of 140 days. There are 15 stars brighter than Grade 4 in the constellation. Vela supernova The explosion has already ended, but the impact of its explosion continues.
Right ascension
9 h
Name of celestial body
Sail base
Latin name
Latin abbreviation
500 km²
Area ranking
32nd bit
Number of bright stars
Brightest star
Sail seat γ
meteor shower
Vela δ meteor shower
Adjacency constellation
Pump base Compass base Stern seat Ship base Centaur
Best observation time
Optimum observation latitude
+Between 30 ° and − 90 °
Apparent magnitude of brightest star
one point six
Fully visible area

Introduction to constellations

Vela astrogram
Central position: right ascension 9:40, right latitude - 47 degrees. stay Ship base To the north, between the centaur and the stern, lies the Milky Way. Among them, 146 stars are brighter than the sixth class stars, including 3 second-class stars, 2 third class stars and 14 fourth class stars. At 8:00 p.m. on April 10 every year, the sail seat is in the sky.
Vela gamma star Tiansheji )It is an optical binary star, a star of magnitude 1.8, and one of the famous hot stars temperature About 25000 ℃. Its child star γ 2 is 1.78 magnitude, 800 light-years away from us, and is one of the 200 brightest stars in the whole day; The other sub star γ 1 has an apparent magnitude of 4.27, which is a blue white sub giant of type B1 Ⅳ. The angular distance between the two stars is 41 ″. 2. The child star γ 2 is the brightest Wolf Rayet star in the sky, and the Wolf Rayet star is France astronomer Wolff And Layette in 1867 Cygnus A special type of star has been found. There are many very wide emission lines in their spectra. Later observation found that Tianheyi was a Quadrangle The other two sub stars are 8.5 and 9.4 respectively.

Major constellations

Bayer designation Franstide nomenclature Other names Chinese Star Officer Apparent magnitude remarks
Sail seat γ 1 ---- Regor Tiansheji 4.27 etc Part of the sail gamma system
Sail seat γ 2 ---- Regor Tiansheji 1.75 etc binary star The brightest star in Vela; Wolf-Rayet stars
Sail seat δ ---- Koo She Tianshe III 1.93 etc Quadrangle Daling Five type Variable Star
Vela κ ---- Markab Tianshe Five 2.47 etc The fourth bright star of Vela
Sail seat λ ---- Suhail Tianji 2.23 etc It means "glorious"; K4 Ⅲ type red giant
Sail seat μ ---- Peregrini Two seamounts 2.69 etc The fifth bright star of Vela
Sail seat ---- Xestus Tianshe Plus Four 3.60 etc ----
Sail seat φ ---- Tseen Ke Tianshe IV 3.52 etc ----
Sail seat ψ ---- ---- Tianji increased by one 3.60 etc ----
Sail seat a ---- ---- Tianshe Zeng'er 3.87 etc ----
Sail seat b ---- ---- Tianshe II 3.77 etc ----
Sail seat c ---- ---- Tianshe Zengji 3.75 etc ----
Sail seat d ---- ---- Tiangou II 4.05 etc ----
Sail seat e ---- ---- Tiangouyi 4.11 etc ----
Sail seat f ---- Sail base KX ---- 5.09 etc spectrum Conjoint star
Sail seat g ---- ---- ---- 4.94 etc ----

Vela AI variable star

Vela supernova [1]
The spectral type is A-F type Herotu Ultrashort period pulsating variable in Cepheid instability zone. The shape of the light curve is similar to RR type Lyra variable star, and there is a beat period. The color index and spectral type of light change, forming a closed curve on the two-color diagram. The typical star is Vela AI, the light amplitude is greater than 0.3 magnitude, and the period is roughly shorter than 0.3 days. In the past, it was thought that the absolute visual magnitude is about+4 magnitude, which is much darker than Cepheid variables and RR Lyrae variable , so it is also called Dwarf cepheid variable Some people think that from the perspective of star evolution, they are White dwarf Pre stage; During the red giant stage, a large amount of material was lost, so the mass was very small, which may be related to Shield pedestal Delta type Variable star Together, they form a continuous transition cluster. But others pointed out that the mass of these two types of variable stars is about two sunlight quality The difference between left and right is that the pulse mode is different.

Vela supernova

Highlights of Vela supernova explosion debris [2]
The explosion has ended, but its impact continues. About 11000 years ago, when mankind began to have historical records, a star in Vela exploded, creating a very obvious strange bright spot. The outer layer of this star hits Interstellar matter , driving a shock wave still visible today. In the picture on the left, in the complex shock wave moving to the right, different colors represent different energies generated when the front edge of the shock wave impacts. The star on the left side of the picture appears accidentally in the foreground, and the long diagonal stripe has nothing to do with the shock wave. What is left in the center of Vela is the pulsar - Vela pulsar, an atomic dense star that can rotate more than ten times in a second.

RCW 38

The cluster RCW 38, 6000 light-years away from us in Vela, is a young star cluster It contains thousands of stars formed less than 1 million years ago. The cluster has an area of 5 light years and is surrounded by diffuse nebulae.
The star cluster RCW 38 located in Vela is only 6000 light-years away from us, but it has many very strong radiation fixed star These young stars, only 1 million years old, have a hot and hot outer atmosphere. No wonder they look like dots in this X-ray image taken by the Chandra Space Telescope X-ray source The X-ray cloud around them is a bit mysterious. This photo distinguishes the energy of X-ray by color. High energy X-ray is represented by blue, medium energy X-ray is represented by green, and red represents low-energy X-ray radiation. The size of this X-ray cloud is only a few light years, and it is distributed throughout the star cluster. This feature suggests that these X-rays are generated by high-energy electrons moving in the magnetic field. Usually, the source of high-energy electrons is supernova remains, or high-speed rotation neutron star However, Chandra's data show that there is no such special object in the cluster.


Tiansheji Vela gamma star , ranking 33rd in the bright star list, with apparent magnitude of 1.78 and absolute magnitude of - 0.6, 800 light-years away from the Earth. In fact, it is an optical binary star. The apparent magnitude of sub star γ 1 is 4.27. It is a B1IV blue white sub giant star, and the apparent magnitude of sub star γ 2 is 1.78. It is the brightest Wolf Rayet star in the sky and the nearest one to the solar system Wolf Rayet stars , 800 light years away. Its luminosity has 100000 solar luminosity, which is the hottest star known. Wolf Rayet stars are a special type of stars found by French astronomers Wolfe and Rayet in the constellation Cygnus in 1867. Their spectra contain many very wide emission lines.

HD 85512b

On August 31, 2011, scientists found a planet that is very similar in size and shape to the Earth outside the solar system, which may be expected to become a new place for human settlement.
Earth like planets
This one is named HD 85512b A planet in the constellation Vela, surrounding an orange White dwarf (a kind of star with low luminosity, high density and high temperature) revolution, only 31 light years away from the earth. Scientists use Chile The European Southern Observatory's high-precision planet finder found its trace.
The data shows that the mass of HD 85512b is about 3.5 times that of the earth, and liquid water may exist; Moreover, it is of moderate size, and the main components of the atmosphere are probably oxygen and nitrogen, rather than hydrogen and helium. In addition, the circular orbit of this planet is very stable, and the stars around it are more mature than the sun. This means that the climate of different regions on the surface of HD 85512b will not show strong contrast, and it is not easy to be disturbed by strong solar activity like the Earth.
Scientists infer that about half of the surface area of HD 85512b is under cloud cover (the earth's cloud cover rate is 60%), which is enough to ensure the survival and reproduction of creatures adapted to the warm environment. Previously, scientists had found a Gliese 581d A habitable planet.

deep space


NGC 3132

NGC 3132 Ring structure [3]
The interesting deep space objects in Vela are Planetary nebula NGC 3132 (nicknamed Octopus Nebula), also interesting in this constellation Vela Supernova Remnant It is believed that this is one that can be seen on the earth about 10000 years ago Supernova explosion Formed Nebula The debris pulsar was the first to be identified Optical pulsar
With a small telescope, you can see the disk surface, and even the star of magnitude 10 in the center. The complex ring structure of the nebula can be photographed by astronomical photography.

Gum nebula

Gum nebula It is a faint emission nebula, believed to be the remains of an ancient supernova that exploded millions of years ago.

Vela supernova remnant

The Vela supernova remnant is a supernova remnant in the Vela constellation. Its source is a supernova that exploded 11000-12300 years ago (800 light-years away).

Constellation myth

Sail base
Ptolemy originally called poop, sail and bottom as the same constellation (excluding compass) South seat (Argo Navis)。 In the 18th century, astronomers believed that the constellation Nancheon occupied too much space, so they took it apart. South seat Argonauts (Argonauts), in the story jason (Jason) Take fifty people on the Arg to Colchis on the Black Sea to look for the Golden Fleece. Iazon set sail with many sailors, including Gemini Of Castor (Castor) and Pollux (Polydeuces/Pollux), musician Orps (Orpheus), Builder Argos (Argus), later company Heracles (Heracles) also joined the journey.
The playwright described the Argonaut as a strong ship, and Newton even Zodiac Related to the Argonaut. When building a ship, Athena Athena ordered Argosze Mount Pelion (Pelion), Zeus (Zeus) also instructed Argos to Dodona The oak of (Dodona) built the bow. The oak there had language ability. When the Argo set sail, I even heard the cry of oak.
The Argonaut encountered many difficulties during its journey, among which Clashing Rocks, also known as Symplegades, was the most famous. It opened and closed like an automatic door blocking the entrance to the Black Sea. At that time, in desperation, Jason released the white dove and let it fly in front of the ship. Two big rocks buried the dove's tail in an instant, The crew tried their best to get Athena's help before the two boulders opened and struck again, but only the stern was slightly damaged.
After several twists and turns Black Sea Later, Jason stole the golden fleece and returned to Greece, where he put the Arg in Collins Corinth Poseidon (Poseidon).
On the star map, we can only see the stern of the Arg, the bow of which is covered by thick fog or covered by collision rocks. It is said that the bow of the Arg suddenly collapsed and killed the sleeping Arg when he was meditating on his adventures on the ship in his later years, so Poseidon lifted the rest of the ship to the sky.