flight number

Easy to distinguish and manage
zero Useful+1
In order to facilitate the organization of transportation production, each flight is numbered with different numbers according to certain rules for easy identification and management. This number is called flight number.
On June 20, 2017, AQSIQ national standard Jointly issued by the Commission《 Standard of English translation and writing in public service field 》A series of national standards, the noun standard of flight number is translated as Flight No . _, officially implemented on December 1, 2017. [1]
Chinese name
flight number
Foreign name
Flight No._ [1]
easy organization Transportation production
Easy to distinguish and manage

Domestic flight number arrangement


Before 2004

Two character code of each airline plus four Arabic numerals The airline code is published by the Civil Aviation Administration. The last four digits, the first digit represents the base area of the airline, and the second digit represents the destination area outside the base area of the flight (1 is North China, 2 is Northwest, and 3 is south China , 4 for southwest, 5 for east China, 6 for northeast, 8 for Xiamen , 9 is Xinjiang )The third and fourth digits indicate the serial number of the flight, and the odd number indicates the outbound flight from the base, even numbers Indicates the return flight back to the base.
For example, CA1202, the flight from Xi'an to Beijing, CA is Air China , the first digit 1 indicates North China Air China Its base is in Beijing, which belongs to North China; The second digit 2 indicates that the terminal outside the base of the flight is Xi'an, which belongs to the northwest region; 02 is the flight serial number, where the last number 2 indicates the return flight.
Another example: MU5305, flying to Shanghai Guangzhou Our flight, MU is China Eastern Airlines Code, 5 represents the East China , 3 represents the South China , 05 is the serial number, and the odd number is the departure flight.
According to the flight number, you can quickly learn the flight execution company, flight location and direction, which is very convenient for management and passengers.
These unwritten regulations originated from the early development of civil aviation. At that time, flights were mainly undertaken by airlines directly under the Civil Aviation Administration. The arrangement of dividing flight tasks by regions made flight numbers very regular. With the development of local airlines Aviation Businesses Inter reorganization Code sharing The flight number is somewhat disordered due to cross flight areas and other reasons, and it is no longer strictly following the rules. [2]

After 2004

In 2004, after the reorganization of the three major airlines, the preparation and use of flight numbers were confused, and the number of flight numbers was repeated from time to time, leading to the problem of misinterpretation in land and air calls. Civil Aviation Administration of China has reformulated the flight number allocation and use plan, which is planned to be in autumn and winter at the end of October 2004 Flight season change Execute when.
In the same year, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) issued the Notice on the Issuance of the Plan for the Allocation and Use of Flight Numbers of CAAC, and each airline should follow the following principles when preparing new flight numbers:
1、 Prepare flight numbers in numerical order.
2、 When preparing the domestic flight number, the flight number of other companies shall not be used.
3、 In principle, the international and regional flight numbers shall be arranged in three digits. If the three digits are not enough, the four digit flight number assigned to the company can be used, but it cannot be duplicate with the domestic flight number of the company.
4、 When preparing temporary flight numbers such as overtime flight and charter flight, they shall be arranged within the number range assigned to the company's flight number, but shall not be consistent with Scheduled flight The flight number is duplicate. [2]
After this round of adjustment, the domestic flight number uses 4 digits, international (including Hong Kong and Macao )The flight number uses three digits. Air China China Southern Airlines China Eastern Airlines and maritime aviation The original flight number was not adjusted much, mainly in the flight number of some local airlines (the adjusted domestic flight number is prefixed with "1" and "4" by Air China, "2" and "5" by China Eastern Airlines, "3" and "6" by China Southern Airlines, "7" by Hainan Airlines, and "7" by Xiamen Airlines and Sichuan Airlines "8" prefix; Shanghai Airlines and Shenzhen Airlines Is the beginning of "9").


Today, with more and more emerging airlines and flights, many flight numbers can not apply the original rules. Although the flight number no longer has strict rules, it is not "nowhere to be found". [2]
1) The ending rule of single and even numbers remains unchanged
The only thing that remains unchanged is the rule that the end of the base is singular and the end of the base is even. such as Air China Based in Beijing, Air China Beijing Flying If the flight number of Guangzhou is CA1301, then fly back from Guangzhou Beijing Time The flight number is CA1302, and China Southern Airlines The base is in Guangzhou. If the flight number of China Southern Airlines from Guangzhou to Beijing is CZ3101, the return flight will be changed to CZ3102.
2) "Number - region" corresponds to traces to follow
In addition, according to“ Flight standard ”Latest available statistical data In terms of probability, the first two digits of the flight number still have a certain relationship with the base location and terminal location of the airline relevance From the statistical data of the first and second figures of flights, this "number region" rule, especially for Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines, still has traces to follow. For example, the first digit of the flight number of Air China (CA) is "1", "4", "8" and "9". The number of flights starting with "1" (the original North China base) is the largest, accounting for 63%. For the flights of China Southern Airlines (CZ), "3" (the original South China base) is the most popular, accounting for 53%. For the flights of China Eastern Airlines (MU), the prefix "5" (East China) is the most, accounting for 53%.. The flights with the special word "5" in the second digit account for the majority of flights to East China. The second number is "1", and the proportion of flights to North China is the highest.
Correspondence between airlines and the first digit of flight number
Airline and its two character code - the first digit of domestic flight number
CA Air China -1、4、8、9
CZ Southern airlines -2、3、4、6
MU Eastern airlines -2、5、7、9
OQ Chongqing Airlines -2
Comparison table between the first digit of flight number and geographical relationship
The first digit of flight number corresponds to the region with the largest proportion
1 - North China (37%)
2 - East China (24%)
3 - Zhongnan (50%)
4 - East China (38%)
5 - East China (33%)
6 - Central South (22%)
7 - Zhongnan (26%)
8 - East China (36%)
9 - East China (32%)
3) The flight number followed by letters is a supplementary flight
If the flight is due to weather mechanical failure In order to distinguish between the original flight and the supplementary flight, the airline will add a letter after the flight number, such as CZ310W. The specific rule is that Z represents 0, Y represents 1, X represents 2, and so on: "Z0-Y1-X2-W3-V4-U5-T6-S7- R8 -Q9”。

International flight number arrangement

It is composed of the airline code and three digits. The first digit represents the airline, and the last two digits are flight serial numbers. The odd number is the departure, and the even number is the return.
For example, CA982, the flight from New York to Beijing is Air China The return flight of the carrier.

Arrangement of overtime flight number

Arranged according to the number of each airline that has been reported to and approved by the government aviation management department.