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Navig [1] "Navigator" refers to a person who is proficient in navigation and has developed in Great Geographical Discovery The era reached its peak and played the leading role of the geographical discoverer. In the past, mankind lacked astronomy and Geographic knowledge , even think that the end of the earth is bottomless abyss, plus there is no accurate positioning system And solid and reliable navigation equipment, so ocean Navigation was an absolute adventure, so navigators at that time were also regarded as explorers.
Famous navigators include Zheng He Columbus Magellan Etc.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Key achievements

Character background

Navigator( Navigator )It refers to people who take marine exploration as their profession History of navigation They have played countless legendary stories, and these navigators are a group of heroes who are brave to explore and brave to face difficulties. They are symbols of wisdom and courage. Although the era of great navigation is far away from us, their spirit will always inspire us to make progress.
China's navigation has developed very early. In the Qin Dynasty, there were 3000 stories of boys and girls crossing to Japan. Later, the famous ones were Jianzhen's eastward journey Ming Dynasty Zheng He's Seven Voyages to the Western Seas Has created great achievements
In the late Ming Dynasty, the government was corrupt japanese pirates The Ming government began to harass Sea ban , which restricted the development of China's navigation industry. During this period, Europe's navigation industry developed, Spain and Portugal He became the overlord of the sea at that time.
The famous navigators in history are introduced as follows.

leader of Ming naval expeditions

leader of Ming naval expeditions
(1371 in the fourth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty to 1433 in the eighth year of Xuande)
1371 (the fourth year of Hongwu Xin Hai Ma Sanbao Born in Kunyang, Yunnan (today Jinning County Baoshan Township Hedai Village
1382 (the 15th year of Hongwu Ren Xu )At the age of 11, the Ming Army marched in Yunnan. Zheng He's father Ma Hazhi died. Ma Sanbao was taken into the Ming camp Palace execution Persecution.
1390 (the 23rd year of Hongwu Geng Wu )Ma Sanbao, 17 years old, was selected to serve in Lord Yan's Residence.
In 1404 (the second year of Yongle), 33 years old Change of Jingnan In China, Ma Sanbao is in Zhengzhou, Hebei (in today's Hebei Ren Qiu North, not Zhengzhou, Henan) is the King of Yan Zhu Di Make war achievements and become the ancestor be given the emperor's family name The honor of "Zheng" was renamed Zheng He and promoted to Internal official supervisor eunuch.
On July 11, 1405 (June 15, the third year of Yongle), at the age of 34, Zheng He was ordered by Cheng Zu to set sail from Nanjing Longjiang Port, via Taicang Go to sea with me Wang Jinghong He led 27800 people to the Western Ocean for the first time, and returned to China on the second day of September in the fifth year of Yongle (October 2, 1407).
October 13, 1407 (September 13, Yongle 5th year) Ding Hai )When he returned home at the age of 36, he immediately met with Wang Jinghong Hou Xian The second voyage of an equal rate fleet, arriving Brunei Thailand Cambodia , India and other places.
In 1409 (the seventh year of Yongle's self humiliation), at the age of 38, Wang Jinghong Feixin And the third voyage to the Western Ocean.
1413 (Guiji in the 11th year of Yongle), 42 years old Mahua They led the fleet to the Western Ocean for the fourth time.
1417 (the 15th year of Yongle Ding You )At the age of 46, Zheng He led his fleet to the Western Ocean for the fifth time.
1421 (the 19th year of Yongle Xin Chou )At the age of 50, Wang Jinghong, Ma Huan and others led the fleet to the Western Ocean for the sixth time.
In 1431 (Xinhai, the sixth year of Xuande's reign), Zheng Hekai, Wang Jinghong, Ma Huan, Fei Xin, 60 Gong Zhen A fleet of 27550 people with equal rate sailed to the Western Ocean for the seventh time.
1433 (the eighth year of Xuande Gui Chou )At the age of 62, Zheng He became ill from overwork on his way home Kalikat )Death from illness. In July, the fleet returned home and Emperor Xuanzong buried Nanjing Niushou Mountain The southern foot.


Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus (August or October 1450/1451 - May 20, 1506) successfully launched his first voyage on August 3, 1492, and everything was ready for sailing. One of the most famous fleets sailing in the ocean is anchored in a small area in southwest Spain seaport Palos Port. It includes Columbus's flagship Santa Maria And two light clippers, the Pingta and the Nina (la Pinta, la Niñ a y la Santa Mar í a). The three ships are different in size, equipped with cannons Indigenous peoples Items for trading, as well as 6 months' grain and other food. The flagship "Santa Maria" weighs 130 tons, is about 35 meters long, has a deck of 18 meters long, has three masts, and is equipped with angle sails. Columbus is the captain. The second one is the Pinta. The captain is Martin Benson. It weighs 90 tons and is fast. The length of the hull is only half of the length of the flagship. The third ship, Nina, weighs about 60 tons. The captain is Martin's brother Vicente Benson. The Binson brothers also participated in this expedition as investors, and their success is closely related to their vital interests.
The most difficult task is to recruit sailors. A considerable part of the team members are Columbus's friends, servants, and curious officials. A considerable number of prisoners were pardoned on the condition of this voyage. This makes up 88 people, including one who understands Arabic Of linguist This is because at that time people believed that the mother tongue of all languages was Arabic, so the linguist intended to act as an interpreter when meeting with the Chinese Khan.
On August 3, 1492, Columbus led the fleet to sea. There was no wind at that time, Sail Hanging feebly, the fleet slowly sailed out along the Tinto River on the ebb tide.
On August 12, the fleet arrived at the Canary Islands Added firewood and supplies Then, on September 6, the fleet left the Canary Islands. Since all the crew members were in good mood, none of them escaped. The fleet took the usual northeasterly wind Sailing due west, according to Columbus's experience of sailing in this area a few years ago, this northeast wind is sailing across the ocean Japan The best wind direction.
The fleet follows yamase Sailing day and night, sometimes more than 150 miles westward day and night. But day after day, the empty sea surface is always displayed in front of people. The crew led a monotonous life at sea. From morning till night, the boat boy reports the time obtained from the hourglass every 30 minutes. The crew changes shifts every four hours. Since only the captain and one or two senior officials have the right to enjoy comfortable cabins and sleeping berths on small ships in the late 15th century, the off duty crew members have to lie lazily on the deck chatting or huddle shade Have a good sleep.
On the day when the voyage began, Columbus enjoyed himself very much. The fresh morning, warm afternoon and quiet sea brought him great joy. What made him anxious was the anxiety of the sailors. Columbus prepared two books at the beginning Logbook A record of the actual distance he estimated to drive every day is secret; The voyage recorded in another book is much smaller than the actual voyage, which is open, so that when the voyage is prolonged, the crew will not feel frightened and lose confidence. But because Columbus always overestimated the speed, his false log book was closer to the actual situation.
Although two weeks later, due to the change of wind direction, the fleet began to go against the wind, Columbus felt relieved. In his diary, he wrote: "I just need this headwind, because the crew are worried that there will never be an appropriate wind direction to send them back to Spain."
The most joyful day in Columbus's life was a few months after his return. In the middle of April, he was summoned to the palace and was given the title of general. The grand reception was also beyond Columbus's expectation. Columbus also became a hero of the moment.


Ferdinand Magellan
Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521)
Magellan (full name: Ferdinand Magellan, Portugal Language: Fernã o de Magalhães; Spanish Fernando de Magallanes), a famous Portuguese navigator and explorer, has successively carried out maritime exploration for Portugal (1505-1512) and Spain (1519-1521). The location starts from Spain and goes around South America , found Magellan Strait And then cross the Pacific Ocean. Although in the Philippines He was killed, but his fleet still continued to sail west to Spain, completing the first round the world voyage in history. He is regarded by the world as the first person to sail around the world. The oceans he passed in turn were: Atlantic , Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean.

james cook

james cook James Cook(1728-1779)
james cook
james cook James Cook is a British explorer, navigator and cartographer. He is famous for his three adventure voyages. Through these explorations, he gave people information about the oceans, especially the pacific ocean Of geography Knowledge adds new content. He is also believed to have improved the diet of the crew, including Fruits and vegetables To prevent the occurrence of Scurvy They also made contributions. Captain Cook was in the Pacific and Antarctica His great voyage has made great contributions to the development of world science, and he is also the first to draw Australia East Coast nautical chart People.
Cook Born in England on October 27, 1728 Yorkshire A poor man Peasant family Li. At the age of 18, he found a job with a ship owner and went to the Baltic Made several voyages. When the Anglo French War broke out, he was enlisted as a strong sailor Royal Navy to see service. Within a month he was promoted to chief mate. He was promoted to captain four years later. In 1759, he authorized a ship to take part in the battle on the St. Lawrence River. In 1763, The war is over Later, as the captain of the schooner "Glenville", Cook undertook New Zealand Labrador and nova scotia Coastal survey. In more than four years, he has made many important achievements. These results were later published by the British Government.

Da Gamma

Portugal People (about 1460~1524.12.24) years, Europe directly connects India from sea New route A late aristocrat born in Portugal.
Da Gama
Portuguese navigator, circling Europe Cape of Good Hope Pioneer of sailing routes to India. Born in Portugal Sinish , died in India Cochin In his youth, he participated in the war between Portugal and Spain, and later served in the Portuguese court. On July 8, 1497, he was sent by the King of Portugal to lead the ship from Lisbon Set out to find the road to India Maritime route , via Canary Islands , around the Cape of Good Hope, via Mozambique And other places, arrived in southwest India on May 20, 1498 Kalikat He left India in the autumn of the same year and returned to Lisbon on September 9, 1499. Gamma came to India twice in 1502-1503 and 1524, and was appointed as Governor of India Gamma's navigation to India has promoted Eurasian Development of trade. Before the Suez Canal was opened to navigation in 1869, Europe the indian ocean The trade between coastal countries and China is mainly through this route. The navigation of this route is also Portugal The beginning of colonial activities in Asia with other European countries.


Bartolomeu Diaz
Bartolomeu· Diaz (Bartholmeu Dias, about 1450 – May 24, 1500) Portugal The famous navigator first explored to Africa southernmost Cape of Good Hope Of Mossel Bay , later another Portuguese Marine explorer Gas Section· Da Gama It has laid a solid foundation for opening up new routes to India.
Adventure era background
At the end of the 13th century, Venetian merchants Marco Polo In his travel notes, he described the East as a land of gold, prosperity and prosperity, which led to an upsurge of the West to look for gold in the East. However, Ottoman Turkish Empire The rise of the "Three Kingdoms" has controlled the traffic arteries between the East and the West. The trade between the East and the West has been seriously hindered by the wanton imposition of taxes and extortion on the merchants passing through the border, and the war and piracy. By the 15th century, Portugal And Spain have completed the process of political unification and centralization New route , looking for oriental gold and spices as an important source of income. In this way, businessmen from both countries and Feudal lord Became the first colonial navigators in the world.
Diaz's personal background and exploration motivation
Diaz was born into a royal family in Portugal, Youth I like the adventure on the sea, and I have been there with a ship West Africa Some countries have accumulated rich experience in navigation. Before the 1980s, few people knew African continent Where is the southernmost end of. In order to understand this, many people have set out to sail with great ambition, but they have failed. As Open up new routes An important part of, Western Europe The explorers of 20% are interested in crossing the southernmost tip of Africa to find the route to the east. Therefore, Diaz Portugal king Joao II Commissioned to set out to find the southernmost end of the African continent, so as to open up a new route to the east. After ten months of preparation, Diaz found four familiar companions and their brothers to embark on this adventure Lisbon He set out, led two armed ships and a supply ship, and sailed south along the west coast of Africa to find out the secrets of the southernmost tip of Africa.
Navigation route
In August 1487, the Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Diaz led an expedition consisting of three ships, with the goal of going south along the west coast of Africa, bypassing Africa and opening a route to India.
After leaving Lisbon with his fleet, Diaz went south along the route that had been explored by his previous captains. Yes South Latitude After 22 degrees, he began to explore the sea areas that had never been visited by European navigators. At about the beginning of January 1488, Diaz sailed to the line of 33 degrees south latitude. On February 3, 1488, he arrived today South Africa Port Elizabeth. Diaz knew that he really found a route to India. In order to prove his idea, he let the fleet continue to sail northeast. Three days later, they came to a corner that stretched far into the ocean. Diaz named it "the corner of the storm". Later, he was Portugal The king changed his name to Cape of Good Hope.
The deeds of Diaz
Diaz, a Portuguese navigator, accepted the Portuguese king John II He set out from Lisbon in August 1487 and led two masts each carrying 100 tons Galleon , driving south along the west coast of Africa. On March 12, 1488, they carved the name of Portuguese King John II, as well as the Portuguese coat of arms, cross, etc. on the cliff stone at the southernmost tip of Africa to commemorate this discovery. In December 1488, the fleet returned to Lisbon safely after a year and five months of sailing. This is Portugal A breakthrough in people's search for a new route. The king of Portugal realized the importance of discovering the southern tip of Africa and had hope in the east, so he named it the Cape of Good Hope. Diaz was rewarded by the king.
In 1497, Diaz was ordered by King Manuel I to lead four large ships on another voyage. He circled the ancient coast of Africa and carried out colonial trade along the way, and developed gold export ports. On May 12, 1500, the fleet saw a comet at sea. The superstitious crew thought that this was the omen of disaster, and they could not help but panic. No coincidence No be published in book form On May 24, the fleet encountered Atlantic hurricane. Four big ships were overturned by the strong waves, and Diaz and his partners were buried at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. However, the new route has been opened up, and the western colonial forces have extended from Africa to Asia


Prince Enrique
In history Great Geographical Discovery In the era of great navigation, the first thing to mention is the small European countries Portugal China's distant navigation business; The first thing to mention about Portugal in the era of great navigation is Flag of Portugal The green on the top represents Prince Henry
Portugal was originally split as the dowry of the princess of the Castile Kingdom. Its name is Latin Li, which originally meant "a warm port", really deserves the name. The land there is barren and the products are limited, and only its "warm port" can be relied on. Portugal Its land border is all adjacent to the powerful Spain (then the powerful Castile Kingdom), and there is almost no room for development. By the 15th century, its population had reached about 1.5 million. Their only way out was to develop at sea. It was Prince Henry who was the first to realize this.
Prince Henry( Prince Enrique )Born in 1394, his father is the king of Portugal Joao I (John I), the mother is Shakespeare In Richard II John of gaunt The daughter of Filiba. In 1415, the young Prince Henry joined his father in the conquest North Africa city Ceuta Our campaign played an important role in the campaign and showed extraordinary courage. Fortunately, however, the young prince who might become a land hero and galloped on the battlefield with Muslims did not finally devote himself to the land career, but to the navigation career that was ignored by the outstanding figures at that time.
At the beginning of the 15th century, although Navigation technology It has been greatly improved, but the navigation business is far from the romantic business that modern people imagine. It is a very difficult, risky and little rewarding business, and few people from the general noble class set foot in it. At that time, the seagoing ships were very small, generally carrying tens to more than 100 tons, multiplying by ten people. The crew lived in a low cabin in which they could not even stand upright. Kitchen equipment It is simple and the food is often half cooked. Fresh water is packed in small wooden barrels and will soon deteriorate. It is sticky and full of rotten wood and rust. Once off shore, there is no vegetable to eat, which often causes crew members to die of scurvy. Put aside the frequent Maritime accident Needless to say, just the extremely poor sanitary conditions caused a large number of seafarers to die of various diseases. At that time, the common mortality 40%. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for people with normal life to be interested in sailing. The people who become seafarers are often unemployed vagrants, thieves, criminals, etc.
It is hard to imagine why Prince Henry, who has enough food and clothing and a noble position, and can make great achievements on land, would devote himself to navigation. But when he returned from Ceuta, he became fascinated by sailing. He clearly realized that Portugal The direction of his development can only be by sea, and the biggest purpose of his voyage is to find the country of the legendary Christian "Prester John" in the East, so as to attack Muslims in North Africa. In addition, Portugal learned about Timbuktu in West Africa gold The information of trade also aroused Prince Henry's interest. According to his assistant Diego Gomez, it was this information that made Prince Henry want to explore these places from the sea.
It should also be mentioned that Prince Henry inherited Knights Templar (disbanded by the Pope) Knights And the Knights have a large estate in Portugal. This will become the material foundation of its long voyage career in the future.
Since 1415, Prince Henry has been preparing to explore the northwest of Africa. He has personally participated in the improvement of seagoing ships from Italy A large number of navigation talents have been online, and a navigation school has been established in Sagrish (today's Cape Saint Vincent) to teach navigation, astronomy, geography and other knowledge. And in the nearby Lagos Build seaports, docks and ships. Prince Henry gave out the annual income of the Knights and equipped several expedition teams North West Africa Extensive maritime explorations were carried out in various places. Since then, Portugal's navigation has been carried out in a planned way.
In 1418, Zakohetai Hera find Madeira Islands Reaching the Atlantic Ocean in 1431 Azores In 1434, Gil Eanes Beyond the limits of European navigators—— Pokhador Point Enter the legendary "Devil's Sea". In 1436, Bauer Daya first met black people when he landed at Pokhador, Portugal People entered "Black Africa" for the first time.
In 1437, Prince Henry (At this time, he was already a prince) took part in the campaign of conquering North Africa for the third time (the first two were in 1415 and 1418), in which the Portuguese were defeated miserably, and his brother Fernando The prince was captured. After the defeat of the battle, Prince Henry concentrated more on the sea.
In 1441, Gonsalvesh captured black people in black Africa for the first time, and transported 10 black people back to sell as slaves. Since then, centuries of slave trade Black slaves became the Portuguese's first profitable "cause" in Africa, from which Prince Henry drew a quarter of the tax revenue. In 1448, Prince Henry established the first European colony in Black Africa on Aquium Island, which later became the center of the slave trade.
In 1445, Denis Diaz, the first navigator in the famous Diaz family, appeared. He found that Senegal River , and across the desert coast of West Africa Cape Verde (Green corner). In the same year, Fernandez found that Gambia River In 1446, Tristo Guinea-Bissau The coast is black poisoned arrow Shoot to death, becoming the first navigator who lost his life in the great navigation era.
In 1458, Prince Henry took part in the campaign of conquering North Africa for the last time and captured Ceuta Alcaset to the west. This trip was also his last voyage by boat. He only sailed to North Africa four times in his life, but his career earned him the historical title of "Henry the Navigator".
When Henry died in 1460, his captains had explored sierra leone
In his life, Prince Henry ascetic monk Generally, he lived in Sagrish, the navigation center, for a long time. He didn't get much support from the court in Lisbon, and he was crowded out because of his fame. But I can say the whole thing Portugal The sailing career of the Portuguese began with Prince Henry, and it can be said that the geographical discovery of the whole Europe began with Prince Henry, so the Portuguese of later generations saluted him with the green on the national flag.
Prince Henry spent a lot of financial, material and human resources on his voyage and exploration, but in fact, he did not gain much during his lifetime. However, he saw the cause in the right direction and devoted himself to it, laying the foundation for later generations to become a rich and powerful maritime empire.
In the era of great geographical discovery, those who drove leaky ships, ate moldy food, and even Maggot , mice, drinking bad smelly water, no Nautical chart The navigator who left home for several years to see the vague outline of the new coast is indeed a real warrior. While we pay tribute to Prince Henry, we should also pay tribute to his Italy Portugal Catalonia Denmark The captains should also pay tribute to their brave sailors, whether they were soldiers or poor people, hooligans or prisoners, because they have made a big step in the history of human development!


(Great British navigator) Exploration and navigation career
Francis Drake
In 1568, Drake And his cousin John Hawkins Lead five slave ships to Mexico , due to the storm, the ship was Severe damage At first, the Spanish governor agreed to let them enter the port for repair, but suddenly ordered an attack a few days later, killing all British sailors. Only Drake and Hawkins escaped from the tiger's jaws and saved their lives. Drake didn't understand why Spain wanted to Massacre innocent people The merchants of the New World can't understand why only Spain can enjoy the wealth of the New World. From then on, he had a heart of hatred for Spain. He swore to take revenge on Spain in his lifetime, and thus determined the trajectory of his life.
In 1572, Drake gathered a group of people to cross the Atlantic secretly in small boats and hid Isthmus of Panama , like the explorers in those days America On the mainland, they saw the vast Pacific Ocean for the first time. After staying in the South American jungle for nearly a month, they robbed the mule team transporting gold and several more Spanish galleon He successfully returned to England and became a hero. The significance of this action is not only to obtain gold, but more importantly, Drake proved that the Spaniard is not inviolable. He was summoned by the Queen and soon became her trusted follower. (The Queen ordered to recruit volunteers to hijack Spanish merchant ships, and Drake was the first one to participate.)
In 1577, he set out from England again and took the flagship "Golden Deer" to the coast of America. He robbed Spanish merchant ships all the way. The Spaniards never dreamed that someone would dare to "mess around in their own backyard". When they sent warships to pursue him, Drake had already fled to the south, but because of the Spanish blockade, he could not pass the narrow Magellan Strait In a violent storm, the "Golden Deer" lost touch with other partners of the fleet and was blown as far as 5 ° to the south. It came to a place that the Spaniards had never been to. Since the Magellan Strait was discovered, people have always believed that Tierra del Fuego It is a part of the legendary southern continent, but now Drake is presented with a vast ocean. Drake was shocked by the unexpected discovery, and he was happy to announce to everyone that "the legendary southern continent does not exist, even if it exists, it must be in a colder place in the south" (until today, we still call this vast water area“ Drake Strait ”)But Drake kept crossing the Pacific westward. On July 23, 1579, he arrived Mariana Islands , crossed the Tropic of Cancer on August 22, and returned on September 26 A long absence Plymouth Port, once again became the "hero of the people". This voyage was the second round the world voyage after Magellan, but Drake was the first captain to command the round the world voyage from beginning to end (as we all know, Magellan was eaten by natives who made sandwiches in the Philippines). Drake brought back tons of gold and silver, which enriched the Queen's Pocket More importantly, Drake opened up a new route for Britain, which greatly promoted the development of British navigation industry, and he also discovered the broad Drake Strait. Since then, the Pacific Ocean is no longer the sea of Spain. As an explorer, Drake's achievements have ended, but as a famous naval expert in the history of naval warfare, his adventure has just begun. In 1587, British Queen Elizabeth executed the pro Spanish Queen of Scotland Mary Spain declared war on Britain, and the two countries with long-standing grievances finally drew their swords against each other, but at that time, British Navy It is also very weak. There are only 34 warships, and it is impossible to fight with the Western Portuguese Alliance. At the time of crisis, Drake arrived with 25 pirate ships. Along the coast of Spain, Drake begins“ Surgery Surgical cleaning "in Cadiz Port He sank 36 Spanish ships Supply ship Then they rushed into the Port of Cadiz and sank 33 Spanish ships. On May 15, Drake's fleet raided the ship anchorage near Lisbon. In the chaos, thousands of ships collided and sank, causing immeasurable losses. Then he captured the Cape Saint Vicente fortress mediterranean sea On the way back to China, he robbed King of Spain Felipe II Our private treasure carrier has seized a fortune worth 110000 pounds. As a result of this series of actions, the war was postponed for at least one year, thus gaining valuable time for Britain.