Zhoushan Islands

The largest archipelago in China
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Zhoushan Islands is located in China Zhejiang Province In the northeast, it is a group of islands in the East China Sea on the south side of the Yangtze River Estuary and the outer edge of Hangzhou Bay. Between 121 ° 30 ′ - 123 ° 25 ′ E and 29 ° 32 ′ - 31 ° 04 ′ N, it is 182 kilometers long from east to west and 169 kilometers wide from south to north, making it the largest archipelago in China.
Zhoushan Islands is equivalent to China island 20% of the total, covering 22000 square kilometers of sea area and 1371 square kilometers of land area. There are 58 islands with an area of more than 1 square kilometer, accounting for 96.9% of the total area of the islands. The main islands are Zhoushan Island, Qushan Island, Liuheng Island, Daishan Island zhujiajian island Jintang Island, Muranghu Island Lujiashi Island, etc.
The main island and administrative center of Zhoushan Islands are located in the largest island Zhoushan Island It is also the fourth largest island in China.
Chinese name
Zhoushan Islands
Foreign name
Zhoushan Islands
geographical position
Putuo District, Zhoushan City [3]
climatic conditions
Subtropical marine monsoon climate
area covered
22000 square kilometers (sea area) 1371 square kilometers (land area)
Famous scenic spot
Shengsi Islands Mount Putuo Shenjiamen Fishing Port Peach Blossom Island (written by Jin Yong)
Administrative unit
Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province
Archipelago subject
Zhoushan Island
Official telephone
0580-3698098 [4]

Historical evolution

spring and autumn It belonged to Vietnam at that time and was called "Yongdong" at that time.
the warring states When Chu destroyed Yue, it belonged to Chu.
Qin In the 15th year of Wang Zhenger's reign (222 BC), Yongdong was located in the east of Mao County, Kuaiji County.
Han, Three Kingdoms (Wu), Jin, Song (Southern Dynasties), Qi, Liang, and Chen.
Sui Dynasty In the ninth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign (589), Kuaiji Prefecture was abolished, and Yin, Mao and Yuyao counties were incorporated into Juzhang County. Yongdong was incorporated into Juzhang County along with Mao County.
Tang Dynasty In the fourth year of Wude (621), Yinzhou was set up in the land of Juzhang, Yin and Mao, and Yongdong returned to Yinzhou. In the eighth year, Yinzhou was abandoned and Maoxian County was set up in Yongdong. In the 26th year of the Kaiyuan era (738), Qi Dang, an interview envoy from Jiangnan East Road, invited him to analyze the land of Mao County in Yuezhou, and set up four counties, namely Mao, Cixi, Fenghua and Wengshan (now Dinghai). Wengshan County was set up in the east of ancient Ningbo, which governs Fudu, Anqi and Penglai. Wang Shutong, the county magistrate of Mao County, is also the first county magistrate of Wengshan County. In the first year of Baoying (762), Wengshan set up the Fudu Supervisor, who was subordinate to the imperial salt and iron envoy. Yuan Chao led the uprising army to occupy Wengshan. In the sixth year of Dali (771), Wengshan County was abandoned and belonged to Mao County. In 909, the third year of Kaiping, Houliang, Wuyue, the Five Dynasties, Mingzhou was upgraded to Wangjun and Maoxian County was changed to Yinxian County. Fuwengshan County was separated from the original Wengshan area and was subordinate to the Wang Navy.
Northern Song Dynasty In 978, the third year of Taiping's reign, Wengshan was abandoned to Yinxian County. The patrol inspection department was set up in the second year of the end arch (989). In July of the sixth year of Xining (1073), according to Wang Anshi, the former magistrate of Yin County, he analyzed the three townships of Fudu, Anqi and Penglai in Yin County, established a county government and named Changguo.
element Fifteen years of Zhiyuan In 1278, the county was upgraded to a prefecture because of the "dangerous sea route" and the "ten thousand household registration".
bright In the second year of Hongwu (1369), Changguozhou was changed into a county. In the 12th year of Hongwu's reign (1379), the State of Chang was set up to guard thousands of households. In the 17th year, the State of Chang was established. In June of the 20th year of Hongwu (1387), Changguo County was abandoned and Changguo Township was established. Relocate Changguo Wei to South Tianmen Mountain in Xiangshan County. Zhoushan set up two thousand households in the middle and left of the center, and was subordinate to the Chang Guowei. In the 25th year (1392), it was renamed to the Haiwei.
clear In the 23rd year of Kangxi's reign (1684), the imperial court issued the "Sea Exhibition Order", and the sea ban was lifted. Zhoushan began to recover, and fishery and agriculture gradually flourished. Move the chief of Haizhen to Zhoushan and build Zhoushan Town. In May of the 26th year of Kangxi's reign, Emperor Kangxi changed "Zhoushan" to "Dinghai Mountain" and inscribed the plaque "Dinghai Mountain" with the slogan "The mountain is named as a boat, so it moves without being quiet". In the 27th year of Kangxi (1688), Dinghai County was built (the original Dinghai County was changed to Zhenhai County). In 1840, the Opium War broke out and Dinghai fell. In February of the 21st year of Daoguang (1841), the British troops retreated from the sea. Ge Yunfei, the chief soldier of Dinghai Town, Wang Xipeng, the chief soldier of Shouchun Town, and Zheng Guohong, the chief soldier of Chuzhou Town, led 3000 troops to rebuild Dinghai's defense. In April, Dinghai County was upgraded to Zhili Hall.
After the 1911 Revolution, Dinghai County was newly established.
In July 1949, the CPC Dinghai County Committee and the Dinghai County People's Government were established in Ningbo Zhuangqiao.
On May 17, 1950, after the liberation of Dinghai, the people's government of Dinghai County moved to Dinghai Chengguan.
On June 10, 1953, with the approval of the State Council, Dinghai County was divided into three counties, Dinghai, Putuo and Daishan, into Shengsi County, and Zhoushan District was established.
In March 1976, Zhoushan District It was renamed Zhoushan area.
Established in September 1978 Zhoushan region administrative.
In January 1987, Zhoushan District was abolished and Zhoushan City was established, which governs Dinghai District and Putuo District, Daishan County and Shengsi County.

geographical environment


Location context

Zhoushan Archipelago is located in the East China Sea at the southern edge of the Yangtze River Estuary and the outer edge of Hangzhou Bay. from Shengsi Islands Saddle Islands Rugged archipelago Chuanhu Islands zhongjieshan archipelago Langgangshan Islands Seven sister and eight sister islands Volcanic archipelago and Meisan Islands form. The geographical coordinates are 121 ° 30 ′~123 ° 25 ′ E and 29 ° 32 ′~31 ° 04 ′ N. It is adjacent to the Pacific Ocean in the east and to the south Xiangshan County Sea boundary, west Hangzhou Bay , north and Shanghai The sea borders are connected. The territory is 182 kilometers long from east to west, 169 kilometers wide from north to south, with a total area of 22200 square kilometers, including 20800 square kilometers of sea area. 4696 islands and reefs have a total land area of 1440.2 square kilometers, including 1390 islands.
Zhoushan Islands

topographic features

Zhoushan Islands is in eastern Zhejiang Tiantai Mountains Seaward stretching branch of a mountain Today's islands were formed 10000 to 8000 years ago due to the rise of sea level and the inundation of mountains. The highest peak of the islands is Taohua Island Duishi Mountain, 544.4m above sea level. The whole archipelago belongs to the landform type of low mountains and hills. With the rise and fall of sea level and long-term wave erosion, the islands are developed with sea erosion terraces and caves. Zhoushan Island The 10 meter high sea erosion terrace can be seen everywhere, and the 30 meter high terrace is clearer. Mount Putuo Insular Chaoyin Cave All belong to sea eroded caves. The tidal current transports a large amount of sediment to the hidden area of the islands for sedimentation, connecting several islands to form an accumulation plain on the islands. Zhoushan Island Zhujiajian Island Daishan Island They are all large islands formed by the expansion of marine plains. Tectonically, Zhoushan Archipelago is part of the Cathaysia mainland, and its stratum is the same as that of eastern Zhejiang, mostly composed of mesozoic lava Composition, as well as ancient metamorphic rocks such as gneiss and marble and Cenozoic basalt Since the Quaternary, with the rise and fall of sea level for many times, marine sand gravel layer and mud beach deposit have been deposited. [1]


Zhoushan Archipelago is surrounded by the sea, belonging to Subtropical monsoon climate , warm in winter and cool in summer, mild and humid, with sufficient light. The annual average temperature is about 16 ℃, the hottest month is August, and the average temperature is 25.8 ~ 28.0 ℃; The coldest month is January, with an average temperature of 5.2~5.9 ℃. The annual precipitation is 927~1620 mm. The average annual sunshine is 1941~2257 hours, Total solar radiation It is 4126 × 10 ⁶⁶~4598 × 10 ⁶⁶⁶⁶/m2, and the frost free period is 251-303 days. It is suitable for the reproduction and growth of various biological communities, providing quite favorable conditions for fishery and agricultural production. The air has strong natural purification ability and small temperature difference change. Affected by monsoon instability, it is vulnerable to tropical storms in summer and autumn( typhoon )Invasion, strong wind in winter and drought in July and August are common disastrous weather in Zhoushan.


Zhoushan Archipelago has a complex hydrological situation, and its surface water system is not developed, mostly from hill The hinterland meanders into the sea in a radial manner. The water system is affected by the scale of the island, with short flow and small catchment area. Affected by the rainstorm, the water level rises and falls sharply, which is easy to cause mountain torrents and other natural disasters.
The coastal tide is an irregular semidiurnal tide, which is characterized by previous re current. The rising tide flows westward and the falling tide flows eastward, and the rising tide velocity is greater than the falling tide velocity. Tide of sea water, typhoon and huge waves have a great impact on the island coast, especially in the intertidal zone.


Zhoushan Archipelago belongs to Zhoushan Subdistrict of Southeast Coastal Division of South China Stratigraphic Region, and the exposed strata mainly include Jurassic and Quaternary. The Upper Jurassic is dominated by intermediate acid acid pyroclastic rocks, with a small amount of acid lava and volcanic sedimentary rocks, belonging to calc alkaline series or weak alkaline rock series. Quaternary loose sediments are distributed in marine deposit, alluvial marine plain area and piedmont gully zone, and the thickness changes greatly.
Zhoushan Islands is located in South China Fold system The northeastern part of the Lishui Ningbo uplift Xinchang Dinghai fault uplift in the southeast Zhejiang fold belt is also the northern part of the Yanshan period volcanic activity belt along the coast of Zhejiang and Fujian. The Wenzhou Zhenhai NNE trending major fault belt passes through the western sea area of the mapping area. The Changhua Putuo EW trending major fault belt is located to the south of the mapping area, and the Longquan Ningbo NEE trending fault belt obliquely passes through the mapping area. In the long-term crustal movement, they have gradually developed, and together with the NW, NNW and NS trending faults, they have formed a basic crisscross fault framework, which controls the formation and development of volcanic institutions and sedimentary basins in the mapping area, as well as the changes of topography.

tourist resources

Zhoushan Islands has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. Here, there are many beautiful rocks, strange rocks and reefs. There are two national maritime first-class scenic spots. The famous island scenery has the sea, sky and Buddha country Mount Putuo , Wild Goose on the Sea Zhujiajian Island , Penglai on the sea Daishan Etc. The East China Sea Guanyin Mountain The mountain ranges are green, and the beautiful scenery on the mountain and at the foot is connected. It is called the second famous Buddhist mountain in the East China Sea. The island is full of strange rocks and caves, and the mountain peaks are shrouded in clouds all year round. Goji Mountain Island stands with huge stones, Cliff inscriptions It can be seen everywhere. There are two strange stones on Huanglong Island, just like two yuan treasures falling on the cliff. The streams of Dayangshan Island pass through the cave, and the sound of water gurgles. There are countless beautiful scenic spots.
Taohua Island is one of the main scenic spots of Zhoushan Islands. The main scenic spots are Tawan Sands , Anqifeng, Giant Buddha Rock, Hangbogu Island, Island Botanical Garden and shooting《 Opium War 》The imitated old Dinghai City.

Main attractions

2. Qushan Island is famous for its beaches. With rich tourism resources and beautiful scenery, there are Guanyin Mountain, Shuanglong Beach, Three Star Lighthouse and other scenic spots. Guanyin Mountain is 314 meters above sea level, and Shuanglong Beach is a crescent shaped beach.
3. Shengsi Islands, a national scenic spot.
4. Zhu Jiajian is most famous for sand sculpture.
5. Taohua Island.
6. Dinghai Ancient City.
7. Shenjiamen Fishing Port.

natural resources


water resource

Zhoushan Archipelago originates from atmospheric precipitation in the relative space of environment and soil. The spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation is uneven, and the water storage conditions are poor. Most of the surface runoff directly flows into the sea, and the total amount of fresh water resources is insufficient, especially in the northeast islands. The average annual precipitation is 1108.85mm, the average annual relative humidity is 78.5%, the total water resources is 574 million cubic meters, the per capita ownership is 25.4% of that of Zhejiang Province, and the per mu arable land is occupied River runoff It is 51.2% of the average mu in Zhejiang Province, and the average annual runoff depth is 51% of Zhejiang Province. Groundwater resources 173 million cubic meters, with few and uneven distribution points of outcrop springs, and seasonal springs are more common. In the valley plain where metamorphic rocks and granites are distributed, groundwater is abundant, Quaternary proluvial and alluvial gravel belt is rich in pore phreatic water and confined water, and the single well kick volume is 100~1000 tons/day. The sandy gravel beach in the marine plain is rich in groundwater, but it is less used due to the inconvenience of seawater participation and transmission. The granite fissure zone has good groundwater quality, but the total amount is insufficient.

Biological resources

The vegetation in Zhoushan Islands belongs to the middle subtropical zone of China broad-leaved evergreen forests In the northern sub zone, there are 544 kinds of woody plants belonging to 89 families and 63 kinds of ancient and famous trees. There are 18 species of mammals, belonging to 6 orders and 10 families; There are 164 species of birds, which belong to 17 orders and 40 families. Among them, the white stork is a national first-class key protected wild animal; There are 8 kinds of amphibians, which belong to 5 families. Most of them are frogs, and occasionally mountain stream salamanders; There are 24 species of reptiles, belonging to 8 families; There are 26 species of freshwater fishes, belonging to 4 orders and 9 families.

mineral resources

There are many kinds of minerals in Zhoushan Archipelago, and few minerals with development and utilization value; Metal mineral resources are poor, Non-metallic minerals It is rich in reserves, mainly building stones. As of 2009, known minerals include iron, copper, lead and zinc, gold and silver, pyrite, crystal graphite Alunite Marble Granite , sea sand, tuff, mineral water and other 26 minerals in more than 50 places of origin, but most of them are mineral occurrences and mineralization points, which are basically of no industrial mining value. The non-metallic minerals are rich in granite for construction, tuff for construction, sea sand and other resources, which are the main minerals developed in Zhoushan City.

Major islands

Sijiaoshan Island
Located about 80 kilometers northeast of Dinghai Chengguan, with a land area of 21.34965 square kilometers, it is the main island of Shengsi Archipelago, 54 kilometers away from Nanhuizui, Shanghai. In ancient times, it was called Beijie Mountain, Maji Mountain, Su Dou Mountain, and it was also called Sizhou Mountain, Shishan Mountain, and Shutou Mountain. Today it is called Sijiao, which is named after the four large reefs in the northern sea area of the island. The island is east-west, covering an area of 21.35 square kilometers, and is shaped like a steed floating in the sea. The mountain ranges of the island are connected, but the slope is gentle. The highest point is the flag cutting post in the southwest of the island, with an altitude of 217.6 meters. The natural scenery is characterized by sandy beaches. There are 14 large and small high-quality sandy beaches, of which Jihu Lake and Nanchangtu Beach are rare large sandy beaches in China.
Huaniaoshan Island
It is located in the northeast of Shengsi County, in the north of Ma'an Islands, and is the northernmost island of Zhoushan Islands. Facing Bixia Island in the southeast and Dongluhua Island in the southwest, it is 25.9 kilometers away from Caiyuan Town, the county seat. It is 3.7 kilometers long from east to west, 0.96 kilometers wide, 3.59 square kilometers of land area, and 16.81 kilometers long with winding coastline. The island has undulating peaks. The highest point is the front pit top in the middle, 236.9m above sea level. The top is bare, and the view is wide. You can have a bird's-eye view of most of the island and the surrounding waters, and it is also the highest peak of the islands.
Lvhua Island
It was originally divided into east and west islands, with east Luhua Island of 1.15 square kilometers and west Luhua Island of 1.39 square kilometers. After the completion of the 100m sea crossing bridge in 1972, the two islands have been connected since then. It is said that willows and willows were planted all over the island in the early stage, just like the West Lake on the sea, so it is called "Lvhua". In ancient times, it was also called Luohua Mountain or Luohua Mountain. It is about 20 kilometers northeast of Caiyuan Town, and is 3000 meters away from Huadao Mountain in the northeast. The eastern and western Luhua Islands cover an area of 1.15 and 1.39 square kilometers respectively, with more than 3000 residents. Most of their ancestors moved in from Huangyan and Daishan. Luhua Township was established in 1950, and Hualu Township was jointly established with Huaniaoshan in 1934. The township government was stationed in Xiluhua Fangang Village. There are many hills and ridges on the island. The highest old mountain, Huigangdun, is 144 meters above sea level. It is located at the northern end of Dongluhua Island.
Shengshan Island
It is located in the northeast of Zhoushan Islands, Zhejiang Province, with a land area of 4.22 square kilometers. It is one of the Shengsi Islands, the only national island scenic spot in China. Shengshan Island is located at 122'49 E longitude, 25 'east of the polar island. It is the easternmost inhabited island in China.
Gouqi Mountain Island
It is located in the south of Ma'an Islands, facing Shengshan Island in the east. The shore distance is about 6500 meters, and the land area is 5.92 square kilometers. The island is northeast southwest, shaped like a "D" and similar to an anchor. coastline The total length is 22.51 kilometers. The islands are dominated by low hills, with less flat land and more Ao and scattered. The highest point of Xiaoxitian is 199.3 meters above sea level.
Dahuanglong Island
It is located in Huanglong Township, Shengsi County, Zhejiang Province. It is named for its majestic mountains, yellow soil, and a distant view like Huanglong Panhai. It is shaped like a parasol leaf, 3.88 kilometers long from east to west, 1.5 kilometers long from north to south, and 5.12 square kilometers of land area. The coast is zigzag, and the bay is surrounded by Ao. Dongzuitou, Nangang, Da'ao, Bei'ao, Zhi'ao and other Aokou can be used for fishing boats to anchor. There is a beach along the coast of Da'ao, and the rest are steep banks. The coastline is 21.14km long, and the highest point, Shiwugang, is 223.5m above sea level. There are Yuan stone, Lun towel stone (also known as Kong Mingguan), lotus stone, magpie stone, monkey stone, heart stone, etc. County level cultural relics include the "Hanhai Style" stone inscription in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, the "East Sea Cloud Dragon" stone inscription in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, and the "Leshi Yongzun Stele". There are 750 inscriptions on the main body of the stele, recording the fishery production of Huanglong in the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, which has certain historical value.
Dayangshan Island
Rugged archipelago The main island of, and Xiaoyangshan Across the sea, it is 39.6 kilometers away from Caiyuan Town, the county seat, in the northeast, and 35 kilometers away from Luchao Port, Nanhui County, Shanghai in the northwest. The island is propeller shaped, east-west trending, 4km long, 1.3km wide in the south, 200-300m wide in the north, 4.19km2 in land area, 16.7km long in coastline, surrounded by mountains, the middle valley is relatively open, and the highest mountain is 204m above sea level. It got its name from Xiaoyangshan.
Xiaoyangshan Island
Located in the north of Dayang Mountain, away from Shanghai Luchao Port 30km. The area is only 1.76 square kilometers. The island has less flat land and more barren rocks, with the highest Guanyin Mountain , 141.7 meters above sea level. Xiaoyang Township was founded in 1934, and the township government was stationed Nan'ao Village There are about 3500 residents, and most of their ancestors moved in from Ningbo, Wenzhou, Daishan, Nanhui and other places. It belonged to Daqu County in 1962. Later, it returned to Shengsi County.
Qushan Island (also called Daqu)
Located in Zhejiang Zhoushan City Gaoting Town It is 27km away from the northeast, covering an area of 59.94 square kilometers (including 0.147 square kilometers of the reclamation project of expanding nets and land reclamation project), with a population of 70000. It was called Daqu Mountain in ancient times Qu Mountain Or Gosuo Mountain. Guanyin Mountain It is the best place on the island, 314 meters above sea level Daishan County The first peak is like a lotus. It is said that Guanyin Bodhisattva stopped here for three years before going to Putuo to practice. Qushan Island has a salt field of 3 square kilometers, which is one of the main producing areas of "Dai Salt",
Muranghu Island
It is located in the east of Qushan Island, about 2km away. The island is irregular polygon, northwest southeast, 3 km long and 0.7~1.7 km wide, with a land area of 2.85 square kilometers, a coastline of 16.03 km long, and the highest point, Fenjidougang, is 166.8 meters above sea level. The island is slightly semicircular in shape, with mountain mouths on both sides extending like weasels (commonly known as weasels). At the front of the island, the water in the Ao is deep and the waves are small. It is as calm as a lake, so it is called the Wolf Lake.
Dayushan Island
Known as Yishan in ancient times, it is located in the sea area of Grey Turtle Ocean in the northwest of Daishan Island, 24 kilometers away from Gaoting Town in the east. The island is just like a big shark, so it is called "Fish Mountain". It is composed of about 35 islands and reefs, including Xiaoyushan, Xiaochenshan, Yuxingnao, etc“ Volcanic archipelago ", the main island is Dayu Mountain. It covers an area of 8.44 square kilometers, with undulating hills, deep soil layers and forest coverage of more than 40%. The highest mountain is 152.6 meters above sea level
Daishan Island
be located Zhoushan To the north of the island, it is located outside the mouth of Hangzhou Bay, 30 kilometers away from Zhoushan Municipal Government in the south, and 74 kilometers away from Ningbo in the southwest. Land area is 104.97 square kilometers, the highest point Moxin Mountain Altitude: 257.1 m. The coastline is 96.31km long.
Jiangnan Mountain area: 0.72 square kilometers
Guanshan area: 3.14 square kilometers
Xiaochangtu Mountain area: 10.92006 square kilometers
Dachangtu Mountain Area: 33.56233 square kilometers
Area of Daxizhai Island: 2.52 square kilometers
Xiushan Island area: 22.87839 square kilometers
Dinghai Sea Area
Zhoushan Island area: 502.65 square kilometers
Changbai Island area: 11.09786 square kilometers
Area of Cezi Island: 14.20275 square kilometers
Jintang Island area: 77.3521 square kilometers
Dapeng Mountain area: 3.52 square kilometers
Area of Big Cat Island: 6.18 square kilometers
Panshi area: 3.78 square kilometers
Aoshan area: 5.15 square kilometers
Changshi Island area: 6.3 square kilometers
Putuo District sea area
Huangxing Island area: 2.44 square kilometers
Miaozihu Island area: 2.64 square kilometers
Qingbang Island area: 2.37 square kilometers
Dongfushan area: 2.95 square kilometers Small dry island area: 3.25 square kilometers
Lujiashi area: 3.74 square kilometers
Putuo Mountain Island area: 11.85358 square kilometers
Luojia Mountain Island area: 0.63 square kilometers
Baisha Mountain covers an area of 1.44 square kilometers
Zhujiajian Island area: 61.81506 square kilometers
Dengbu Island area: 14.50561 square kilometers
Ant Island area: 2.64 square kilometers
Taohua Island area: 40.3706 square kilometers
Xiashi Island area: 17.00545 square kilometers
Area of Liuheng Island: 93.65829 square kilometers
Fodu Island area: 7.28 square kilometers
Yuanshan Island
Ningbo sea area (not belonging to Zhoushan City)
Daxie Island area: 28.37375 square kilometers
Meishan Island area: 26.90167 square kilometers
Xiangshan County and Ninghai County sea area (not belonging to Zhoushan City)
Tantoushan Island area: 11.032520 square kilometers
Nantian Island area: 84.377130 square kilometers Gaotang Island area: 39.114270 square kilometers
Hua'ao Island area: 12.621870 square kilometers
Shepan Island area: 11.034850 square kilometers
Base point of territorial sea
Haijiao Island (belonging to Shengshan Town, Shengsi County, Zhoushan City)
Southeast Reef Island (belonging to Shengshan Town, Shengsi County, Zhoushan City)
Two Brothers Island (belonging to Dongji Town, Putuo District, Zhoushan City)

natural resources

Zhoushan Islands is an important habitat for island birds and an important "post station" for migratory birds. The rare and endangered birds include the black stork, a national Class I protected animal; National Class II protected animals Spotted billed pelican, osprey, kite, sparrow hawk, magpie harrier, red footed falcon, kestrel, etc. Common birds also include little grebes, herons, bean geese, spotted billed ducks, green winged ducks, golden eyes, ring necked birds, iron billed sand birds Tringa ochropus Common Snipe , red breasted sandpiper, black foot sandpiper, pointed tail sandpiper Black bellied Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea , silver gull, grey backed gull, dove Streptopelia chinensis , large azalea Alcedo atthis Dai Sheng, domestic swallow, golden rumped swallow, white wagtail, pipit, bulbul Brown Shrike Orange-flanked Bush Robin , spotted thrush, white bellied thrush, etc. [1]

Zhoushan Islands New Area

People celebrate the approval of Zhoushan Island New Area
On July 7, 2011, the State Council officially approved the establishment of Zhejiang Zhoushan Islands New Area This is another national level new area decided by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council after Shanghai Pudong New Area, Tianjin Binhai New Area and Chongqing Liangjiang New Area. It is also China's first new area at the national strategic level with the theme of marine economy approved by the State Council. [2]
In terms of functions, Zhoushan Islands New Area is positioned as a pilot area for Zhejiang's marine economic development, a pilot area for comprehensive marine development Yangtze River delta An important growth pole of regional economic development, China's bulk commodity storage, transportation, transit, processing and trading center, an important maritime open door in the eastern region, China's marine island scientific protection and development demonstration zone, China's important modern marine industry base, and China's pilot area for coordinated land and sea development.


From Ningbo, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places, there are many ships (or intermodal transport) to Dinghai, Zhujiajian, Zhoushan, Putuo Mountain and other places. There are also flights to Zhoushan from Beijing, Nanjing, Qingdao, Shanghai and other places. Shengsi has ships to and from Nanjing every day
Bo and Shanghai, as well as fast ships to Zhoushan. Bird watching is available on this island of Zhoushan and from here to Qushan Island, Liuheng Island, Fodu Island, Xuanshan Island, Xiashi Island, Taohua Island, Ant Island, Zhujiajian, Putuo Mountain, Big Cat Island, Wushi Island, Jintang Island, Xiushan Island, Daishan Island, Changtu Island, Sijiao Island, Flower and Bird Island, Shengshan Island, Huanglong Island, Dayangshan Island and other islands. If time is short, you can watch birds on Zhoushan Island, or select some islands that are closer to you. If you have enough time, you can choose other farther islands. On December 25, 2009, the Zhoushan Cross sea Bridge was officially opened to traffic, marking the end of the history of combined transport between the mainland and Zhoushan National highway network Connect into a whole. To get to Zhoushan, all you need to do is to reach Ningbo by expressway, and then go to Dinghai District of Zhoushan City by Zhoushan Sea Crossing Bridge after Jiaochuan Interchange on Ningbo Ring Expressway. At the same time, the intermodal transport between Zhoushan and Ningbo is still maintained Beilun District, Ningbo City There are still bus ferries at Baifeng Wharf Ferry, which takes about 50 minutes.
Shenjiamen, Putuo District, Zhoushan City, is one of the most famous fishing ports in China, and also an important transportation hub in Zhoushan. Just across the water from Putuo Mountain Island and Zhujiajian Island (where Zhoushan Airport is located), there are ships going to all parts of Zhoushan every day. Tourists from Zhejiang who need to go to Putuo Mountain, Zhujiajian, Taohua Island and East Polar Island can transfer here.