
Physics, mathematics, economic terms
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Autocorrelation Means Random error term Of expected value There are Correlation , said that there is autocorrelation or sequence correlation between random error terms, which was proposed in 1972.
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Applicable fields
Monitoring, disease control
Applied discipline
Physics, Mathematics, Economics

Definition and impact

For models
If Random error term Of expected value There is a correlation between
At this time, it is said that there are random error terms Autocorrelation (autocorrelation) or sequence correlation
Random error term Autocorrelation The property can take many forms, the most common type of which is that there is first-order autocorrelation or first-order between random error terms Autoregression Form, that is, the random error term is only related to its previous value:
, we call this relationship first-order autocorrelation.
P-order autocorrelation can be expressed as:
Is satisfied regression model Random error term of basic requirements. We call it p-order autoregression form, or the model has p-order autocorrelation
Since the error item cannot be observed
, only through residual term
To judge
act. If
In the form of Figure 1 (a) - (d)
There is autocorrelation if
If the form (e) in Figure 1 is presented, it means
No autocorrelation
Figure 1 Autocorrelation
In linear regression model Random error term Sequence related problems are common, especially in applications time series The serial correlation of random error term often occurs in data processing.
Causes of autocorrelation:
There are many reasons for the serial correlation of random error terms in linear regression models, but the main reason is Economic variables Its own characteristics, data characteristics variable selection And model Functional form Select the caused.
1. Autocorrelation of random error term caused by inertia of economic variable
two economic behavior Of Hysteresis Causing autocorrelation of random error terms
3. Caused by interference or influence of some random factors Random error term Autocorrelation
4. Model Setting error Causing autocorrelation of random error terms
5. Correlation of random error sequence caused by observation data processing
Consequences of autocorrelation:
linear correlation When the random error term of the model has autocorrelation, OLS (ordinary least square method) is used parameter estimation , will cause the following impacts.
From Gauss- Markov Theorem Proof process It can be seen that only under the condition of the same variance and non autocorrelation, the OLS estimation has the minimum variance. When the model has autocorrelation, the OLS estimation is still Unbiased estimation , but no longer has Effectiveness This and existence Heteroscedasticity The situation is the same as that of, indicating that there are other parameter estimation methods Estimation error Less than the error of OLS estimation; In other words, for the model with autocorrelation, other methods should be used to estimate the parameters in the model.
1. Autocorrelation does not affect OLS Estimator Linear sum of Unbiasedness , but make it ineffective
2. Autocorrelation coefficient Estimator There will be considerable variance
three Autocorrelation coefficient T test of is not significant
4. Model prediction Function failure

Impact reduction methods

How to judge whether data has autocorrelation
a. Use relevant metering software For example, E-VIEWS inspection residual Distribution of. If the residual distribution has obvious and smooth linear distribution image, it indicates that relevance The possibility of existence is high. Conversely, none Regular fluctuation Large distribution image display The correlation is weak.
For example, in the above picture, the rounder distribution on the left shows the existence of autocorrelation, while the larger fluctuation on the right shows the opposite.
Autocorrelation judgment method 1 example
b. Durbin Watson Statistics: assuming that the time series model has autocorrelation, we assume that Error term It can be expressed as Ut=ρ * Ut-1+ε The hypothesis is set up by statistical test. If ρ=o., there is no autocorrelation. Durbin-Watson statistic (hereinafter referred to as DW statistics) can be used as a tool to judge positive, negative and zero (no) correlations. DW statistic: d=∑ (Ut-Ut-1) ^ 2/∑ ut ^ 2 ≈ 2 * (1 - ρ). If d=2, there is basically no self Correlation There is a positive correlation when d is close to 0, and a negative correlation when d is close to 4. [1]
c . Q-Statistics uses (box- pierce )-Eviews (7th version) is an example: many statistical measurement software software provides Q test To detect, we use Eviews as an example. The test statistics of Q is Q=n * ∑ρ ^ 2 Null hypothesis Null hypothesis H0=0 has the same meaning as method 2. If the proof of null hypothesis fails, then Antithesis hypothesis ρ≠ 0 is true, which means there is autocorrelation. The Q-test in Figure 1 shows the correlation.
Figure 1 Q-test shows the correlation
How to weaken the autocorrelation of models
Method 1 (GLS or FGLS): assuming that there is an autocorrelation model, the relationship between the error terms is: Ut=ρ * Ut-i+ε (ε is the error term except autocorrelation, i.i.d~(0, σ). The model in t period is yt=β xt+Ut, and in t-1 period is ρ * yt-1=ρ * β xt-1+ρ * Ut-1. Subtract t-1 from t period to get yt-yt-1=β (xt-xt-1)+(Ut-Ut-1). It is known that Ut-Ut-1=ε. After sorting out, the new model meets Gauss Makov's assumption and the White noise condition( Homoscedasticity Or equidispersion), no autocorrelation.
Weakening method 1
Method 2 (HAC: Heteroscedasticity Autocorrelation consistent): Take Eviews as an example analysis model Select HAC and gradually add the number of time lag in the model to correct DW statistics to Normal value Reduce autocorrelation.
Reduce autocorrelation