great charter

Important Constitutional Documents in the Feudal Period of England
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synonym magna carta (The Magna Carta) generally refers to the Magna Carta (an important constitutional document in the feudal period of Britain)
The Magna Carta is also called the Magna Carta of Freedom. One of the important constitutional documents in the feudal period of England. June 15, 1215 Goldfinch Dynasty king King John (1199-1216) In the great feudal lords, priests knight Under the pressure of coalition with city citizens, they were forced to sign. The document restricted the royal power under the law and established private property and Personal freedom The principle of inviolability.
There are 63 articles in total. The main content is to protect the privileges of feudal nobles and churches, the interests of knights and citizens, and limit the royal power. It is stipulated that Aristocratic meeting No additional taxes shall be levied; Protecting nobility and knights Manor Right of inheritance Acknowledging the inviolability of the freedom of the Church; Return to the occupied land of the lord Collateral And deeds; Respect the lord's court Jurisdiction , King Official No litigation shall be accepted arbitrarily, and no free person shall be arrested, imprisoned Confiscation of property Or deportation; admit London And others Autonomous city Freedom; Unified measures , protect commercial freedom, etc. At the same time, 25 people elected by the lord are responsible for supervision Charter Implementation of. The charter was mainly a document of redistribution of power within the feudal class, which did not change the status of the vast majority of farmers, and was soon reduced to only 37 articles by Henry III, who was enthroned. British bourgeois revolution During the period, the Magna Carta was used as the legal basis for fighting for rights and was identified as one of the constitutional documents of Britain. [1]
On October 25, 2018, the original of the Magna Carta was attempted to steal. [2]
Chinese name
great charter
Foreign name
Great Charter (English)
Magna Carta (Latin)
Magna Carta of Freedom 1215 Magna Carta
The legal cornerstone of British constitutional monarchy
Signing time
June 15, 1215

historical background

The Normans invaded in 1066 England After the Normans became the king of England, they became stronger in the 11-12th century. The centralized government they set up, plus the local anglo-saxon (Anglo Saxons) The original ruling land, and Angles The land owned by people and Normans in Normandy King of England In 1199, he became the most powerful king in Europe. When King John of England ascended the throne at the beginning of the 13th century, a series of events made the feudal nobles of England rise up against him and demand to limit the absolute monarchy.
At that time, John, the King of England, was under pressure from three aspects: first, his way of winning the throne was criticized, and the former King of England, the Lion Heart Richard I (Richard) After his death in 1199, two heirs appeared. John imprisoned his opponent, his nephew Britannia Arthur. In 1203, Arthur was killed by John in prison, and his body was thrown into the prison Seine River The second time King of France Occupied most of the British land in Normandy. The British nobility asked the king to take back the lost territory. John launched the war against France in 1214, but Bouven Battle And suffered a disastrous defeat. Before the war, in order to raise funds, John took a series of cruel exploitation of princes, which caused great dissatisfaction. In addition, John and the Pope had a dispute over the appointment of the Archbishop of Canterbury, so the Holy See punished England, and John was forced to yield to the Pope in 1213. [3-5]

Event history


Combat against France

great charter
At the beginning of the 13th century, after John, King of England, succeeded to the throne, he continued to fight with the French King on the mainland and lost Normandy Anjou , Mann, Dulan, etc.
In 1209, John and the Pope Innocent III In conflict, he was excommunicated by the Pope.
In 1213, he was forced to yield and pay to the Holy See nengu thirteen thousand mark , which aggravates the opposition of the officials to him. John also violated the feudal practice by collecting too much inheritance and assistance Shield money And confiscate the property of the direct vassal. The city was also blackmailed in many ways, causing widespread dissatisfaction.
In 1213, when John went to France again, some Feudal lord He refused to serve, and John was defeated in the Battle of Bouven in 1214. [6]

Sign the Charter

Sign the Charter
In 1215, the feudal nobles took the opportunity to unite forces dissatisfied with the king against King John. On May 17, the feudal nobility won the support of the citizens of London and occupied London. On June 10, the feudal nobles of England gathered in London to hold King John of England hostage. John was forced to approve the "Articles of the Barons" proposed by the nobility. [7-8]
On June 15, 1215, under strong pressure, John signed the Magna Carta at Runny Mede. Which mainly reflects Western Europe feudal political system The king is only the first among the peers, and has no more power. [7-8]
On June 19, 1215, the nobles reaffirmed their loyalty to John. Finally, the royal secretary officially registered the agreement between the king and the nobility, which became the original Magna Carta, and copied copies to all places for preservation by the designated royal officials and bishops. [7-8]

Public tearing

The most important article in the 1215 Magna Carta was Article 61, the so-called "Security Law". According to the provisions of this article, the committee composed of twenty-five nobles has the right to hold meetings at any time and has the power to veto the king's order; And can use force to occupy the king's castle and property. This power comes from medieval times One of legal proceedings But it is unprecedented for the king. [7-8]

Plunge into civil war

John, the King of England, had no sincerity to accept the constraints of the Magna Carta from the beginning. He was forced to sign the documents under the force of force. In particular, Article 61 almost deprived the king of all his powers. Just after the nobles left London and returned to their respective fiefs, John immediately announced the abolition of the Magna Carta. Pope Innocent III also denounced the Magna Carta as "an shameless clause imposed on the king by force and fear". The Pope denied any nobles' demands for power, saying that doing so undermined the dignity of the king. Then Britain fell into civil war. [6-8]
On October 18, 1216, John died of illness in the midst of the civil war Henry III Upon accession to the throne, the royal family hoped that the young new king would be accepted by the nobility. After the new king ascended the throne, the war ended. On October 12, the Royal Secretary issued another Magna Carta in the name of Henry, but some of its provisions, including Article 61, were deleted. [6-8]

Re release

In 1217 and 1225, Henry III issued the Magna Carta again. The first time in 1225 was sent by Henry, who was eighteen years old, and it was reduced to only 37. [6-8]
In 1272, Henry III died after 56 years of rule. When he died, the Magna Carta had become an established British law, and it was difficult for future kings to overthrow it completely, as John did. [6-8]
On October 12, 1297, the son of Henry III, Edward I The last revised Magna Carta was issued as part of the Affirmative Act. [6-8]

Charter content


basic content

One of the four surviving Magna Carta
The Magna Carta consists of a preamble and 63 articles. The main content is that the power of the nobility and the church will not be violated by the king. If specified, all Free people enjoy Freedom London and other cities enjoy autonomy The king's tax must be the same as Aristocratic meeting Discuss and listen to the opinions of the people; No free citizen shall be arrested, imprisoned Confiscation of property Deprivation of public rights , exile, injury search and arrest; No coercion knight Perform additional military service with other landowners; A committee composed of 25 nobles supervises the implementation of the Magna Carta; If the king violates the regulations, he can be punished by means of land deprivation and property confiscation. There is even a statement that if the king violates the regulations, the feudal lord has the right to resist by force. Although it has been modified many times, some of its basic principle But was retained. [9-10]
The Magna Carta in the British Library
The full text of the Magna Carta contains 63 articles. There are many contents to protect the rights and interests of feudal nobles. Article 1 provides that the Church has the right to freely elect its teaching. Article 2 stipulates the amount of inheritance money that the direct vassal of the king should pay when inheriting the land. Articles 12 and 14 stipulate under what circumstances these people should pay assistance funds and shield money, and state that no additional collection is allowed without their consent. Article 39 stipulates that it derives the concept of habeas corpus: "No free person shall be detained or imprisoned, or deprived of property, exiled or killed unless he has been tried by an ordinary judge or acted in accordance with the law". Article 34 also stipulates that in the future, no case of compulsory transfer of land disputes will be sent to the King's Court for review Writ So as not to damage the feudal lord's judicial right. Article 61 stipulates that 25 organizations Great feudal lord They supervised the implementation of the Magna Carta, and when they found that the king had violated it, they could use various means, including force, to coerce him to correct, which made the feudal civil war legitimate. [9-10]
Magna Carta Free farmer Our interests are also guaranteed. Articles 15 and 16 stipulate that they shall not be charged with additional assistance and forced to perform military service. Some provisions restrict the atrocities of royal officials. If they can be implemented, the oppression of free farmers can be alleviated. The Magna Carta also guarantees the interests of citizens. For example, Article 13 guarantees freedom for London and other cities. Article 35 Unified measures The provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China are also beneficial to commercial circulation. For the vast number of serfs, the Magna Carta gives almost no benefits, except that Article 20 adds that when a serf is fined, his farm implements cannot be confiscated.
Some provisions of the Magna Carta Henry II Progress in judicial reform. As still provided in Article 18 Land possession The proceedings in the case are heard at any time by the King's Circuit. Article 20 limits the scope of fines. This means Common law Than feudalism Legal essentials Superiority, its implementation is unstoppable. [9-10]

concrete content

British Magna Carta 1215
The King and Commander of England under Heaven Ireland The patriarch, the Duke of Normandy and Aquidain Earl Anjou John, I would like to greet the Archbishop, Bishop, Abbot, Earl, Baron, Judge, Forest Officer, Executor, Warden, Messenger, and their housekeepers and loyal people. For the honourable priests, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of England and Saint the roman catholic church Cardinal Stephen; The Archbishop of Dublin, Henry, and William, the Grand Master of Pembroke; William, the Earl of Southbury, and other nobles and his loyal subjects made suggestions to let Yu know that, for the sake of the safety of Yu, his ancestors and the souls of future generations, as well as for the prosperity of the Church and the prosperity of the kingdom, God's will made Yu recognize the following and inform the whole country: [9-10]
1. First of all, I and my descendants firmly promised God that Charter When the Church of England enjoys freedom, its rights will not be disturbed and its freedom will not be violated. As for the free elections which the Church of England regards as the most important and necessary, they were used automatically or according to their own will before the rest of the class disagreed with the barons Charter Presented by, at the same time, Yu et al. invited the King Innocent III Those who have agreed with me and my descendants shall always abide by them in good faith. In addition, Yu and his descendants also give the freedoms listed below to all free people in Yu's kingdom, and allow them to strictly abide by them. [10]
2. Any Earl or Baron, or those who are surplus due to military service Land mining When a person dies, if there is an adult successor, he can enjoy his estate after paying inheritance tax according to the old amount. That is, after paying 100 pounds, the heir of the count can enjoy the whole estate of the count; The baron's heirs can take the whole estate of the baron after paying 100 pounds; Samurai heirs can enjoy all Samurai fiefs after paying a maximum of 100 shillings. other Should be According to the old habit of land mining, those who should pay less should pay less.
3. If the heirs of the above mentioned persons are under age and need to be under guardianship, they shall deliver their inheritance after they become adults and shall not receive any Inheritance tax Or industry Transfer tax
4. Those who manage the land of the underage heirs mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not have more demands to avoid wasting manpower and material resources, except for the appropriate amount of products collected from the land and the taxes and labor services that should be collected according to custom. If the balance of the land Custody If an executor or other person is entrusted to be held accountable to Yu for his earnings, and the person causes waste and damage to the property in his custody, Yu will impose a fine on him, and transfer the land to two legitimate and upright persons in the land. Fu will be responsible for the earnings to Yu or the person designated by Yu. If we grant or sell the guardianship of the land to any person who causes waste and damage to the land, we shall lose the guardianship, and hand over the land to two legitimate and upright persons in the land to be responsible to us in accordance with the foregoing conditions. [9-10]
5. In addition, during the period of managing the land, the guardian shall Appropriation For the cost of repairing houses, gardens, fish ponds, marshes, mills and other accessories, when the heirs of the energy stopping wells reach the age of majority, they shall, according to the needs of farming Land income Plough, hoe and other farm tools are built in the permitted scope, and returned in the whole land. [9-10]
6. The heir may marry without detracting from his or her status, but shall notify his or her blood relatives before engagement.
7. After the death of her husband, the widow should receive her dowry and inheritance without any hardship. Widows' helmets, dowry money, and their inheritance will not pay any price for the articles they shared before their death. [ A widow who voluntarily remarries may stay in her husband's house for forty days in her husband's former residence, during which time her dowry money shall be returned.
8. Widows who voluntarily live as widows shall not be forced to remarry. Widows who own surplus land shall provide guarantees, and shall not remarry without the consent of surplus land holders. Those who hold the land of other lords shall obtain the consent of other lords.
9. Where the debtor's movable property is sufficient to repay his debt, neither the rest nor the rest of the executors may extort income to repay his debt. If the debtor's property is sufficient to repay his debt, the guarantor of the debt shall not be subject to the disposal of the distrained movable property. However, if the debtor is unable to repay the debt or is unable to repay the debt, the guarantor Should be Be responsible for settlement. If willing, the guarantor may detain the debtor's land and income until the latter repay the debt he has previously compensated. However, this restriction shall not apply if the debtor can prove that the amount paid has exceeded the amount guaranteed by the guarantor.
10. If anyone who borrows money from Jews, regardless of the amount, dies before paying off the debt, the debt shall not bear interest until the heir responsible for paying off the debt has reached adulthood. If such debt falls into the hands of the rest, the rest shall not receive anything other than the movable property specified in the deed.
11. When a person who owes a Jewish debt dies, his wife should still receive his dowry money and not be responsible for paying the debt. If the deceased has minor children, they should reserve their upbringing fees according to the nature of the deceased's estate. The remaining amount can be used to pay off debts except for deducting the benefits due to the lord. For debts other than those of Jews, the same provisions shall apply.
12. Except for the following three taxes, there is no national Public will No exemption tax and tribute will be levied on the license. That is, the ransom for redeeming the remaining body [referring to the time of being captured]. The expenses incurred when Cefeng Yu's eldest son is a samurai. The expenses of the eldest daughter of others when she gets married - but only once. And the tribute collected for the three projects should also be appropriate. The same provisions apply to the tribute of the City of London.
13. The City of London, whether on water or land, should enjoy its old freedom and free habits. Other cities, states, towns, ports, and others also recognize or grant them the right to maintain freedom and free customs.
14. If Yu and others want to collect tribute and exemption tax outside the above collection scope, they should send the sealed imperial edict to the archbishops, abbots, earls and barons to specify the time and place to convene a meeting in order to obtain national consensus. The service of this edict shall be at least 40 days before the meeting. In addition, Yu and others should still summon all those who directly take the land of Yu and others through executive officials and housekeepers. The reason for the call shall be stated in the imperial edict. After the meeting, the event referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be held on the designated date in accordance with the public will of the attendees, and shall not be postponed by the number of absentees.
15. Since then, I have not allowed anyone to collect tribute from his free person, except that in order to redeem his own body, I made his eldest son a samurai and once married his eldest daughter. The amount of the tribute collected for the above purposes must also be reasonable.
16. No one holding samurai lands or other freehold lands shall be forced to perform additional service.
17. General litigation should be tried in a certain place without following the request of the King's Court.
18. All cases concerning expropriation of land, recovery of heritage and final complaint shall not be heard outside the state where the case occurred. The method is as follows: Yu et al. himself, or when Yu et al. is not in China, the Chief Justice of Yu et al. will appoint two judges to go to each of them four times a year State and county In conjunction with the four samurai elected by the county of that state, on the appointed day, at the seat of the county court of that state.
19. If the above case cannot be heard on the opening day of the county court, the appropriate number of samurai and free farmers who appear in court on that day should be retained, and the court should stop making a proper decision according to the nature of the event.
20. A free person who commits a minor crime shall be fined according to the extent of the crime; Serious criminals shall confiscate their land according to the size of their crime. The same provisions apply to merchants as to property outside their homes, but their goods shall not be confiscated. All serfs under Yu's jurisdiction who commit crimes shall also be fined, but their farm implements shall not be confiscated. The above-mentioned fine can be imposed only after being sworn by an honest neighbor.
21. Earls and barons shall not be fined unless they are judged by their peers, and according to the extent of their crimes.
22. When a priest commits a crime, he can only punish the above-mentioned people according to the method of punishment Vulgar The property department shall impose a fine; No fine shall be imposed according to the income from the land acquired by the priests.
23. It is not allowed to force any town or individual to build a bridge across the river, except those who are not responsible for bridge repair.
24. The executors, inspectors, inspectors and housekeepers of Yu and others shall not accept any lawsuit brought against Yu.
25. All states, counties, villages with hundreds of people, small towns, cities, communities -- Yu and others Tang Muyi External taxes shall be levied according to the old chapter without any increase.
26. In the event of the death of a person who has received land from the deceased, the executor or housekeeper holding the certificate of concession owed by the deceased to the deceased shall, in accordance with the opinions of several impartial persons and according to the amount of debt, register and detain the movable property of the deceased, so that it cannot be moved until the remaining debt is paid off. The balance after settlement shall be immediately handed over to the executor of the deceased's will. If the deceased does not owe the rest of the debt, all movable property shall be disposed of according to the purpose designated by the deceased, except for a considerable part reserved for his wife.
27. In the event of the death of any intestate free person, his/her personal property shall be distributed through his/her relatives and friends in accordance with the Church's opinion, but the part of the debt paid to the deceased shall be reserved.
28. The rest of the inspectors or housekeepers shall not take grain or other movable property from anyone without authorization, except for the immediate payment of the price, except for the deferred payment allowed according to the will of the seller.
29. The samurai will personally execute Guard service , or if the inspector is unable to carry out the execution in person due to legitimate reasons and entrusts a suitable person to carry out the execution on his behalf, the inspector shall not extort property from him. When a samurai is led or sent to battle, he shall be exempted from guard duties during his military service.
30. Any executor or housekeeper shall not take the free person without authorization Car and Horses are used for transportation, except in accordance with the free person's will.
31. Neither the rest nor the rest of the stewards shall seize other people's timber for building castles or other private purposes, except in accordance with the will of the timber owner.
32. The land retained by others who have committed a felony conviction shall not exceed one year and one day. After the expiration of the time limit, the original owner of the land shall be returned.
33. Since then, except for the coastline the Thames Dams and fish beams on the Medway River and all rivers throughout England must be removed.
34. Since then, no royal decree shall be issued to forcibly transfer the land dispute case to the king's court for trial, so as to prevent the free person from losing it jurisdiction
35. There should be a unified degree, measurement and balance throughout the country. liquor , severity Ale With grain measure , based on London Qual; Dyed cloth Homespun cloth Clavicle armor The width of the cloth should be based on the selvage Lower Two codes are standard; Other weighing instruments are also as specified for measuring instruments.
36. Since then, when issuing an examination certificate (autopsy or wound examination), no bad rules shall be demanded or given, and when requesting to issue an examination certificate, no refusal shall be allowed.
37. If any person uses the money lease law, the labor lease law, or the franchise to enjoy the land that is legally guaranteed to be surplus, but also holds the military service land of other landlords, the surplus shall not be forced to obtain the custody of their heirs (minors) and the land of others held by them on the pretext of the above relationships. Except that the monetary lease, labor lease and concession lease have military service obligations, others are not allowed to claim their guardianship rights. Any person who can become a minor military officer of the rest class by offering knives, swords, bows, arrows, etc. shall not have the right of guardianship over his heirs and the land of others held by him.
38. Since then, if the housekeeper cannot provide faithful and reliable witnesses and exhibits, he shall not make anyone suffer ordeal [Water fire method].
39. Any free person who has not been legally judged by his peers, or National law No one can be arrested, imprisoned, confiscated or deprived of the law Right to protection , exile, or any other damage.
40. Yu et al. shall not sell to anyone, refuse, or delay their rights and fair judgment.
41. Except for the people of countries hostile to Japan during the war, all businessmen can be exempted from exorbitant taxes and levies if they follow the old customs of justice. They can enter and leave England safely through waterways and dry roads, or stay or delay throughout England to do business. In wartime, when an enemy businessman is in our country, he or she should detain him or her before the justice of the rest class or the rest class learns about the treatment of our businessmen in the enemy country, but he or she should not damage their body and goods. For example, our businessmen are safe in the enemy country. The enemy businessmen in our country will also be safe and sound.
42. Since then, any people loyal to me can safely go abroad or enter the country by waterway or dry road, except for temporary restrictions on national and public happiness in wartime. However, the prisoners and those who have been deprived of legal protection rights are exceptions. The people and businessmen of the enemy country shall be dealt with in accordance with the above methods.
43. Owning the land belonging to - such as Wolingford, Norden, Bologne, Lancaster Lord In the event of the death of the vassal of the possessor or other barons belonging to the rest, his successor will not pay inheritance tax. I will not order him to provide more service than the Baron did during his lifetime, and everything should be based on the standard when the manor was in the hands of the Baron.
44. Since then, it is not allowed to use ordinary summons Call residents outside the forest area to the forest court for trial. However, this restriction shall not apply to those who are the defendants in forest area cases or the guarantors of the defendants in forest area cases.
45. Except those who are familiar with the laws of their own country and are willing to abide by them, I will not appoint anyone as a judge, inspector, executor or housekeeper.
46. All kings in Britain have obtained a charter to establish temples or hold Temple property The barons (all nobles) who have custody rights should be aware of the old practice and assume the responsibility of custody when the temple is not presided over.
47. All forest areas demarcated after Yu and others ascended the throne, and fortification The banks of the river should be removed immediately.
48. With regard to all the bad rules and bad habits of forests, Yuangu, forest officials, Yuangu guardians, housekeepers and their servants, river banks and their guardians in each state and county, 12 samurai should be elected by each state and county, who should immediately go to various places for detailed investigation after swearing in, and thoroughly weed out all of them within 40 days after the investigation, so as to ensure that they never rise again, and the investigation situation should be reported to Yu first, If Yu is not in China, he will report to the Lord Chancellor in advance.
49. Any hostage or other thing handed over by British subjects to others to show their friendship and loyalty Collateral , must be returned immediately.
50. Yu and others should remove his relatives and the following people (whose names are omitted) and those who came to Britain with him to serve as executors, and make them no longer hold such positions in Britain from now on.
51. When the monarch and his officials returned to the good, Yu et al The carry horse Foreign soldiers who came to England with weapons and harmed Britain, Crossbow hand , servants and mercenaries shall be immediately sent out of the country.
52. If any person is deprived of his land, castle, freedom or legal rights by Yu Lei without the legal judgment of his peers, Yu Lei shall return them immediately. In case of any dispute over this matter, the decision shall be made in accordance with the opinions of the 25 barons responsible for safeguarding peace listed below. In the era of King Henry, the father of Yu, or King Richard, Yu's brother, the above items that were taken away without the legal judgment of his peers, are now owned by Yu, or are owned by others and should be held responsible by Yu, should be handled in accordance with the general provisions that those who participate in the crusade have the right to extend their debts. However, when we return from visiting the Holy Land, or when we suspend our expedition for some reason, we shall deal with it fairly. This restriction does not apply, however, to those who are in the process of litigation before the crusade of Yu's sworn masters, or whose edicts are being heard by Yu.
53. The following events shall also be handled or postponed in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article: ① What should be removed and what should be retained from the forest set aside by King Henry, the father of Yu, and King Richard, his brother? ② I have the right of guardianship in others' land (this guardianship Weight system Because someone has received land for military service from Yu et al The temple established by Yu and others in the land of others (the owner of the land claims to have jurisdiction). When Yu and others return from visiting the Holy Land, or suspend Yu's expedition for some reason, Yu and others shall immediately deal with the above matters fairly.
54. All allegations made by women Homicide case , if the deceased is not his husband, no person shall be arrested or imprisoned.
55. All illegitimate and illegal fines and punishments that I have committed must be totally exempted or corrected, or handled in accordance with the opinions of the 25 barons who guarantee peace listed below, or the opinions of most barons, together with the aforementioned Archbishop Stephen of Canterbury, and those who are willing to discuss the matter with us. If the archbishop cannot attend, the event shall proceed as usual. However, if one or more of the 25 barons mentioned above are related to the same event ("being the plaintiff of the same event"), they shall withdraw from handling the event and replace it with the person elected by the other barons.
56. If Yu and others ever seized any land, freedom or other articles of the Welsh nobility in England or Wales without the lawful judgment of their peers, they shall return them immediately. In case of disputes about such events, they shall be handed over to the "border area" nobles for handling. All properties belonging to English people shall be handled in accordance with English laws; Welsh property shall be handled in accordance with the laws of Wales; Border area industries shall be handled in accordance with border area laws. The Welsh should do the same with the rest and the rest of the people.
57. With regard to the things that were taken away by Henry, the father of Wales, or Richard, the brother of Wales, without the legal judgment of his peers, and are now in the hands of others, or those who are not in the hands of others but should be responsible by others, we will deal with them in accordance with the general provisions that those who join the crusade can extend their debts. However, when Yu and others return from visiting the Holy Land, or suspend Yu's expedition for some reason, Yu and others should be treated fairly immediately. This restriction does not apply, however, to those who are in the process of litigation before the crusade of Yu's sworn masters, or whose edicts are being heard by Yu.
58. Yu and others shall immediately return Liu Ailin's son and all the Welsh hostages, as well as all the keepsakes and deeds as security for peace.
59. About Scotland king Alexander , Yu will return it to his sister, Substance , freedom and legitimate right , as Yu did to the barons of England, except those belonging to his father, King William, and kept by Yu. All this should be handled in accordance with the opinions of the Scottish nobility in the British court.
60. All the customs and freedoms announced by Yu et al. in the above edicts shall be the subjects of the whole country to the extent of Yu et al., and shall be observed regardless of Buddhist customs; As far as the scope belongs to barons (all nobles), it shall be jointly observed by their vassals.
61. The reason why Yu and others made the above-mentioned concessions was that they wanted to honor God and make the country rich and strong, but especially to eliminate the opinions between Yu and the barons and make them enjoy forever The blessing of peace, therefore, I would like to give the following guarantees to the barons who can choose 25 barons from the country at will. These 25 barons should try their best to abide by and maintain, and at the same time make the rest of us abide by the peace and privileges granted to them by me and the Charter. The method is as follows: if Yu's or Yu's judges, housekeepers or any other servants violate anyone's rights in any way, or break any peace clause and are discovered by four of the twenty-five barons mentioned above, these four can point out Yu's mistakes one by one before Yu's judges if Yu's not in China, Yu et al. were asked to make corrections immediately. If, within forty days after the error was pointed out, if Yu et al. or Yu et al. is not in China, and Yu et al.'s judge is unwilling to correct the error, the four men should make the matter up to the rest of the barons, then the twenty-five barons can unite with the people of the whole country to use their power together and exert restraint and pressure on Yu et al. by all means, such as seizing Yu et al.'s castle, land and property, Make sure that this error can be corrected according to their opinions. However, the personal integrity of Yu and his queens and children shall not be violated. Once the mistakes are corrected, they should be the same as Yu and his officials again. If anyone in China wants to follow the above methods, he/she should swear to obey the order of the 25 barons mentioned above, and try his/her best to exert pressure on the rest of us together with them. I hereby openly allow anyone to take the above oath, and allow never to prevent anyone from taking the oath. All the people in the country, even if they are unwilling to swear to the 25 barons in accordance with their own will to jointly apply pressure on Yu, Yu should also swear by order. If any of the above 25 barons dies, leaves the country or is unable to perform the above duties for some reason, the other barons shall elect another person from among the other barons according to their own will, and the oath method is the same as that of the above barons. In addition, if the above-mentioned 25 barons are unwilling or unable to attend when they are entrusted to perform their duties, or if some barons are invited to attend the discussion and have disputes about certain events, the decision of the majority of the barons present or the announced scheme shall be deemed to be legal and have binding force As if all twenty-five people were present for a resolution. The twenty-five barons mentioned above shall swear to abide by the preceding items wholeheartedly and try their best to make others abide by them, and the rest shall not acquire anything from any person by themselves or through others to invalidate or reduce the rights and freedoms listed above. If there is something obtained in this way, it shall be regarded as invalid and illegal, and others shall not make use of it themselves or through any other person.
62. Since the beginning of the struggle, we have forgiven and forgiven all the hostility, anger and hatred between the monks and civilians of Yu and others. In addition, from Easter in the 16th year of the dynasty to the date of peaceful reconstruction, all the sins committed by all monks and laymen have been forgiven and forgiven by others. With regard to the above concessions and promises, Yu et al. hereby appoint Lord Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Henry, Archbishop of Dublin, and the above-mentioned bishops, Elder Pandolf, to receive letters of patent certificates.
63. With this imperial decree, Yu et al. gladly and firmly declared to the whole nation that the Church of England should enjoy freedom. British subjects and their descendants will, as mentioned above, always be appropriate and peaceful, free and quiet, fully and completely enjoy the above freedoms, rights and concessions in any event and at any time, since Yu et al. and Yu et al.'s descendants have sworn with the barons, Will abide by the above terms in good faith. The above and many others should be taken as evidence. [9-10]

Historical influence

The Magna Carta did not play a major role at that time, and soon the Pope declared it invalid at John's request, so the civil war began again. Because it had the function of restricting the royal power, later the feudal nobles repeatedly forced the king to re issue the Magna Carta in the struggle with the king.
15. In the 16th century, the British monarchy was strengthened, and no one mentioned the Magna Carta. British bourgeois revolution When, bourgeois class Give the Magna Carta a new meaning to oppose the feudal autocratic monarchy. Today it is still British Constitution An important part of.
American federal constitution And the constitutions of each state also contain the idea of the Magna Carta. [11]

Preservation of cultural relics


The old version appears

The Magna Carta preserved in Salisbury Cathedral [12]
On February 9, 2015, the British Magna Carta celebrated the 800th anniversary of its signing. An early version of the Magna Carta was found in England, and experts estimated that it was worth as much as 10 million pounds. [12]
England Kent When Mark Bateson, an archival expert from Victorian Period I found this precious Magna Carta on my scrapbook. Although one third of the text is missing historian It is estimated that this historical material is worth as much as 10 million pounds. Mayor Sandwich said that the discovery of the Magna Carta in Sandwich was the great honor and responsibility of the whole town. 4 official copies of the Magna Carta Manuscripts Is British Parliament On display, two manuscripts are from british library The other two editions are from Britain Salisbury Cathedral and Lincoln Cathedral [12]

Attempted theft

October 25, 2018 (local time), in the United Kingdom Salisbury Cathedral A 45 year old man tried to steal the original of the Magna Carta in the church. He smashed it with a hammer Display cabinet The alarm sounded and the police arrested him on the spot. [2]