natural law

[zì rán guī lǜ]
The internal inevitable connection of objective things
zero Useful+1
Natural laws, also called natural laws, are Material movement Inherent, essential and stable connection, as long as corresponding objective condition With this rule, its function has Invariance On the contrary, this law will become invalid, and all kinds of laws will not interfere with each other and will not be transferred by human will, Social law The same is true.
Chinese name
natural law
Foreign name
the order of nature
Natural law
objective things Internal inevitable connection

Basic concepts

natural law
Natural law means that without human intervention, objective things The internal inevitable connection of self movement, change and development is also called natural law
By《 Modern Chinese Dictionary 》The natural law refers to "the internal law of objective things existing in nature", that is Material movement An inherent, essential, and stable connection. It is not transferred by human will objectivity , cannot be changed, created or destroyed by others, and may be used. It can work without people's practical activities and does not directly involve the interests of the class. Modern natural science There are generally two types of laws revealed, namely Mechanical determinism Laws and statistical laws. The laws of nature were fully explained in the first lesson of Unit 3, Volume 2, Grade 4.

Rule classification

Human's understanding of the laws of nature has developed with the development of natural science Intuitiveness In modern times Mechanistic theory Characteristics of. In modern times, human understanding of the laws of nature has not only overcome the one sidedness and isolation of ancient and modern times, but also been expanded and deepened.
The laws revealed by modern natural science can generally be divided into two categories:
① Mechanical determinism law
According to this law, the state of the material system at every moment is determined by the initial state and boundary conditions of the system Single value It was decided by the local government. By integrable differential equation Expressive Dynamic law It is a typical expression of this law, and its solution is determined by the system's initial condition and boundary condition
② Statistical rules
This law is a system composed of a large number of elements entirety And any single element in the system still obeys the law of mechanical determinism. Statistical Physics The equation is Regularity Its solution depends on the statistics of the corresponding dynamic quantities of each element of the system at the initial time average value
yes quantum mechanics Of Statistical characteristics There are two different understandings. One thinks that the statistics of quantum mechanics is the behavior of quantum systems Microparticle There is no random behavior. Most physicists hold another understanding that despite the quantum state Provides an objective Observable measurement In principle, it is impossible to make a single value prediction for the behavior of each micro object, but only to say the probability of each possible behavior. quantum mechanics The statistics of single particle in the same instrument Interaction As shown in. Now it is found that complex Mechanical system Of differential equation Most of them are non integrable, and these equations themselves have "intrinsic Randomness ”That is, the behavior of the system it describes cannot be determined by the initial condition. Therefore, some people believe that this is an internal randomness law different from the laws of mechanical determinism and statistics.
Economic law is subordinate to natural law
Marx said: "The laws of nature cannot be canceled at all. What can change under different historical conditions is the form by which these laws are realized." From the original point of view, man is a part of nature, and society economic law It is a form of expression of generalized natural laws in human society. Human beings live in nature. Although economic laws are relatively independent, they are fundamentally governed and restricted by natural laws economic activity Only in accordance with the laws of nature can it continue [1]
At this stage, human society has entered knowledge economy , Ecology The Age of Civilization tradition Road to industrialization lower industrial production The predatory demands on nature have caused the earth to be riddled with holes, resulting in Ecological environment problems It happens frequently. The Backward Force of Nature Makes Human Awakening: Must Adjust The relationship between man and nature , develop comprehensive benefit oriented Ecological productivity And explore the sustainable development path of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The grim objective situation also urges economic research not only to understand and master economic laws, but also to deeply understand the economy Society and Nature , pay more attention to and follow the laws of nature, explore the laws, ways and System construction This requires economists to break through Thinking set Open up new theoretical realm. This can be called an ideological emancipation of economic research [1]

Connection with things


Essential connection

Any rule is the internal basis and Essential connection For example: Law of universal gravitation Reveals the essential relationship between things, Periodic law of elements Reveals the chemical property And Atomic number The essential relationship between, Production relations The law corresponding to the productive forces reveals the material Production mode The content and its essential relationship.

Inevitable connection

Any law is the trend that things must be like this and that is certain. For example: human society Inevitably social formation To Advanced social formation Development and temporary setbacks cannot change the general trend of historical progress.

Stable connection

Any rule is behind the same kind of phenomenon Common, yes Rich and colorful The stability link behind the phenomenon of The stability of the law is its relative Repeatability As long as the conditions are met, certain laws will work repeatedly. [2]

Attribute law

The natural law itself is not subject to human will objectivity People can't change, create or destroy the natural law at will. People can use their bodies and material tools to act on objective world , causing some changes in the nature, and can purposefully trigger, regulate and control the physical, energy and information processes in the nature, so that the results of the joint action of various objective laws are conducive to human changes or maintain the stability of human beings. This is based on objective law Based Subjective initiative
The process of using natural laws to transform the objective world is also subject to the constraints of human social practice and level, and is the same as social laws (see Law of social development )A certain connection occurs. Therefore, in solving practical problems, it is often required to use natural science Technical science and social sciences To carry out systematic and comprehensive research. There are certain connections and differences between natural laws and social laws.

Main performance

① Natural laws can take effect without people's practical activities, such as Solar eclipse , earthquake, wind, rain, thunder, etc; Social law The role of Activity performance Out.
② Natural law Effective time It is relatively long, and the effective time of social laws is generally much shorter.
③ The natural law does not directly involve the interests of the class. Different classes and groups can use the natural law to serve themselves, but only in the purpose and direction of use Class nature Social laws are different because class society Most of the social laws are directly related to the interests of different classes, and their discovery and utilization are often realized in class struggle. Since natural laws do not have class nature and do not directly involve people's class interests, natural science knowledge reflecting such laws does not have class nature and does not have nationality Political.