Natural ecosystem

Relatively stable ecosystem maintained by natural regulation within a certain time and space
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Natural ecosystem refers to a relatively stable ecosystem, such as primitive forest, ocean, etc., maintained by the ability of natural regulation within a certain time and space range. Natural ecosystems not only provide people with food, wood, fuel, fiber, medicine and other important components of social and economic development.
The natural ecosystem also maintains the human survival Life support system Including air and water purification, flood and drought mitigation, soil production and fertility maintenance, waste decomposition, biodiversity generation and maintenance, climate regulation, etc.
Chinese name
Natural ecosystem
Foreign name
natural ecosystem
zì rán shēng tài xì tǒng
Primitive forest, ocean
Aquatic, terrestrial
Coupling problem
Social system, natural ecosystem and land




so-called biosphere It refers to the range of all biological activities on the earth, including human activities, from about 11 kilometers below the sea level to 15 kilometers above the ground.
There are more than 1 million animals, more than 300000 plants and more than 100000 microorganisms living in this biosphere ecosystem 4 elements of: producer , consumers Decomposer and Inanimate matter , exists energy flow and Material cycle
Natural ecosystem
The biosphere is the atmosphere Hydrosphere lithosphere Interdependence and mutual restriction are gradually formed through the evolution of the earth for hundreds of millions of years. They are a basic and vital activity unit of nature.
ecosystem It is an important research object of modern ecology. Since the 1960s, many international research programs of ecology have focused on the ecosystem, such as the International Biological Research Program( IBP )Its central research content is the structure, function and Biological productivity Man and Biosphere Program MAB focuses on human activities and biosphere Relationship; Four international organizations have established the "Ecosystem Conservation Cooperation Group (ECG)", whose central task is to study ecological equilibrium And natural environment protection, as well as maintaining and improving the biological productivity of the ecosystem.

Coupling problem

The human social system is actually parasitic in the natural ecosystem, and the two are coupled into a large dynamical system
Natural ecosystem
The sustainability of this large system determines the sustainability of the human social system.
In the era of natural economy, the scope of social activities is limited, which is more reflected in the relationship between local communities and local natural environment.
Those communities that are not good at dealing with this problem often lead to the deterioration of the local natural environment, disaster and even extinction.
Thousands of years of living experience and collective memory have formed social norms of behavior.
As a result, scholars found that there are some common codes of conduct among ethnic groups with different languages, communication difficulties and customs.
For example, the worship of the "holy mountain" of the ethnic groups in the southwest is essentially to limit the human interference in some regions and the demand for some resources, which are highly sensitive to the stability of the local ecosystem.
On the other hand, in pursuit of the differences in production and lifestyle of different communities, scholars have noticed that this is often the result of mutual adjustment with the local ecological environment.
After entering the industrial and commercial civilization, the scope of social activities expanded significantly: Shanxi's coal became the main driving force of the country; The road network throughout the country is full of cars running from south to north, which are driven by oil from several major oil fields; There are as many as 117 large cities with a population of more than one million, which consume grain, oil, vegetables and meat transported hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away; The production of these agricultural products is highly dependent on pesticides, fertilizers, diesel oil and electricity; The production of these industrial products is often far away from other villages and also discharges a large number of pollutants, worsening the increasingly scarce water resources and land resource ... Global warming reminds us that this long-distance correlation even goes beyond national boundaries.
Not only in the field of material production, but also in the field of social life. TV shows the entertainment, fashion fast food, karaoke, and carnage in New York, London, Paris, Rome, and Tokyo in the past“ land of idyllic beauty ”In front of us, the social ethics left by our ancestors are slowly and inexorably disintegrating, which is the survival wisdom accumulated with the blood and life of many generations.
It can be seen that the problem is no longer the coupling of the local community and the local natural environment, but the coupling of the whole country's society and the national natural environment. This problem is far greater than that of our ancestors.
At the same time, our influence on the environment goes far beyond our ancestors.
Under such conditions, how much time is left for us to accumulate survival wisdom like our ancestors?
This is the question that survival poses to the whole society.
This tells us that the entire Chinese nation is a community of shared destiny, with 9.6 million square kilometers of land and 3 million square kilometers of sea border as our common home.
This "home" is not a simple geometric space, it is integrated with our society Life form

ecological footprint

The international academic community has made various studies on this issue and proposed ecological footprint Life Earth Index, Social Metabolism Theory Material flow Accounting and many other methods have their own strengths and weaknesses.
Due to the powerful role of human beings, there is no ecosystem that is absolutely free from human interference.
Natural ecosystems can be divided into: ① Aquatic ecosystem : ecosystem based on water;
② Terrestrial ecosystem: Parent material And so on.
So far, only in the research direction of "ecological footprint", the author has found a large number of empirical analysis papers around China, while most other directions are still in the stage of introduction and introduction, and empirical analysis papers are rare.
In order to quantitatively analyze the interaction between natural ecosystem and social system, the University of British Columbia in Canada plans to Resource ecology Professor William Rees proposed in 1992 ecological footprint (Ecological Footprint is EF).
Natural ecosystem
This method is similar to the "supply and demand analysis" in economics: the natural ecosystem is the "supplier", which provides the materials needed by the social system and consumes the waste discharged; The social system is the "demander", which demands various substances from the natural ecosystem and discharges waste to it. The supply of the former is called "ecological capacity" or“ Ecological carrying capacity ”, the latter is called“ ecological footprint ”。
This method uses a unified scale - "global hectare" to measure the supply and demand sides.
For example, the productivity of paddy field is 4.4 times of the average land capacity in the world, and that one hectare is equivalent to 4.4 global hectares.
With this scale, we can quantitatively analyze the "supply and demand balance". "Ecological footprint" is greater than "ecological capacity"“ ecological deficit ”And vice versa“ Ecological surplus ”。 The "ecological footprint"/"ecological capacity" can indicate“ Ecological pressure ”。
When the ecological pressure is less than 1, it means that ecosystem The current output is sufficient to meet the needs of the social system; On the contrary, there is an "ecological deficit", and the social system is overdrafting the natural ecosystem.

Climate warming

Climate warming Impact on natural ecosystem
indicate: global warming Affect the natural ecosystem, Extreme weather events The frequency and intensity of may increase.
Observations show that global warming has had an impact on natural ecosystems in many regions of the world, such as sea level rise, glacier retreat frozen soil Melting, shortening of river (lake) freezing period, lengthening of middle and high latitude growth season, extending of animal and plant distribution to the Arctic and high altitude areas, decreasing of some animals and plants, and earlier flowering of some plants, etc.
Existing research points out that some extreme events closely related to global warming, such as El Nino, drought, flood Heat Wave avalanche storm sand storm forest fire The occurrence frequency and intensity may increase due to Extreme events The consequences will also intensify.
If the frequency and intensity of drought increase, it will aggravate the grassland soil erosion , which will increase Desertification Or desertification.
In the past century, the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climate events in China have changed significantly.
Drought, rainstorm thunder typhoon , sandstorm, low temperature and freezing damage snowstorm The frequency and intensity of the occurrence increased significantly.
According to statistics, the number of people affected by various disasters in China each year is up to 400 million, and the average economic loss caused is up to more than 200 billion yuan.
Serious and frequent natural disasters pose a serious threat to economic construction, social development, especially the safety of people's lives and property.


How does the natural ecosystem realize Self-regulation
Natural ecosystem
ecosystem An important feature of Equilibrium state This kind of steady state is achieved by self-regulation process. Adjustment is mainly carried out through feedback.
When a certain component in the ecosystem changes, it will inevitably lead to corresponding changes in other components. This change will in turn affect the component that changed initially, weakening or strengthening its changes. This process is called feedback.
Negative feedback can make ecosystem Tending to equilibrium or steady state.
The feedback phenomenon in the ecosystem is very complex, which is not only between the biological components and the environment, but also between the biological components and the structure and function, and so on.
The former has been described in section III, Population.
Feedback between biological components.
In an ecosystem, when the number of prey animals is large, the predator animals will develop in large numbers because they get enough food; When the number of predators increases, the number of prey decreases; Then, the number of predator animals naturally decreases because they cannot get enough food.
The two are cause and effect each other, and keep the approximate balance of the number of individuals.
This is just a simple example of the mutual restriction relationship between the number of two populations.
Explain that without external force interference, feedback mechanism and Self-regulation The actual situation is much more complicated.
Therefore, when the ecosystem is damaged by external interference, as long as it is not too serious, it can generally be repaired by self-regulation to maintain its stability and balance.
ecosystem There is a limit to our ability to self regulate.
When the external pressure is so great that the system changes beyond the limit of self adjustment ability“ ecological threshold ”Its self-regulation ability will decline and even disappear.
At this time, the system structure is destroyed and the function is blocked, so that the whole system is damaged or even collapsed ecological equilibrium imbalance.
Agroecosystem It is an ecosystem between artificial and natural ecosystems, Agroecosystem Can be regarded as Semi natural ecosystem , such as natural grazing grassland, human management natural forests Etc

Culture and development


national culture

The survival of China's natural ecosystem benefits from ethnic minority culture
Natural ecosystem
Chairman Mao Zedong in his famous《 On Ten Major Relationships 》There is a wonderful description of the relationship between the Han people and ethnic minorities. He pointed out that although ethnic minorities accounted for about 4% of the total population of China, they did account for more than 50% of the land area.
Among the ten major ecosystems in China, there are 8 categories( Tropical rain forest Deciduous broad-leaved forest , sparse forest, grassland, desert, alpine meadow, tundra mangrove )It is unique to ethnic minorities. If there are no ethnic minorities, China's ecosystem will only have deciduous broad-leaved forests and some broad-leaved evergreen forests nothing more.
We all know that the rapid development of the national economy is in the subtropical Yangtze River Zhujiang delta Warm temperate Circum Bohai Sea What are the consequences of rapid regional economic development? It's all kinds of environmental pollution And environmental deterioration Can you still see the old "small bridges, flowing water and people" in the southeast half of the country? Lake eutrophication Seawater red tide is the two "malignant tumors" that are difficult to control in Jiangnan; How many pesticides and fertilizers are there in the soil of Shandong Province, which is famous for its rapid economic rise?
The economic demand of ethnic minorities in China is very low. They may earn only 500 yuan a year (in Yunnan Nujiang River Of Lisu nationality For example), of course, the author does not encourage their backwardness, but their relatively low material requirements just meet the harmony between them and the nature. Imagine that this nation has lived in the mountains and valleys for a thousand or two years, and their land has not rushed to the Nu River, but is still being used sustainably.
The secret here is that they did not cut down the whole mountain forest, but opened several pieces of wasteland in the mountain forest, so that the forest protected the soil from soil erosion Grass in the mountain forest is the food for livestock; The birds in the mountain forest just take care of the crops in the farmland, and pests become the food of the birds, so they don't need pesticides; Human and animal manure became fertilizer for crops, and they refused to use fertilizer. The beautiful Nu River has been flowing for tens of millions of years. Even today, the economy is booming, it is also free from pollution caused by pesticides and fertilizers.
The Miao and Dong villages are very unique, and they are integrated with the surrounding natural environment. The villages retain a fairly complete natural ecology. People in the city forget to return to the city when they arrive here, and are known as "the return place of human soul".
The Miao and Dong people worship nature very much and have a high awareness of nature protection. The ethnic minorities in Guizhou also have an open-minded attitude towards life. "They can speak and sing, walk and dance, drink and drink" shows that their happiness index is very high, which makes you feel that the ethnic minorities in Guizhou are the real (at least spiritual) nobles. [1]
The Tibetan nationality is probably the most ecologically protected of the 56 Chinese nationalities. Tibetans' lifelong pursuit is to Potala Palace To make a wish, I changed my life savings into tolls and offering butter. When my life wish came true, I could beg for food and go home. There was no more extravagant hope. I even sacrificed my body after death Vulture Their way of life basically doesn't ask for anything from nature. They come from nature and return to nature. Everything seems so plain. Tibetan houses are fortress style. The first floor is reserved for animals, the second floor is for people, and the third floor and above can be connected with the sky. Tibetans do not eat fish and kill less. People, animals and plants on the snow covered plateau are an ecological poem.
Lisu nationality Nu nationality Dai nationality Bai nationality Most of the houses of many ethnic minorities are like this. They not only consider their own houses, but also leave living space for animals.
Look at the Mongols again national tradition The nomadic civilization itself is ecological and environmental. Nomadic is to ensure that the grassland is not eaten, dried and consumed, but used as livestock Pull back A small amount of ash content The domestic garbage is buried on the spot, leaving no pollution. Like Tibetans, Mongolian people also practice celestial burial or cremation, but do not leave any traces on the ground. People come from nature and return to nature. The early Mongols did not eat fish or wild animals. Even if they protect wild animals, even children in primary schools have such behaviors. In the summer of 2006, the author led students from Tsinghua University and Shandong University to Hunshandak for social practice. The students were deeply moved to see several Mongolian children returning injured birds to their nests.
The western region is home to nearly 95% of the national minority population. Since ancient times, the west has been the place where nomadic civilization and agricultural civilization collide and blend. War and peace, barbarism and civilization have played a magnificent role in the history here, while leaving behind the culture of Chinese civilization for thousands of years. For example, the Loess Plateau is one of the origins of the Chinese nation, and the world's most brilliant civilization once appeared. In history, the most troublesome thing for feudal emperors was the invasion of ethnic minorities, while today's sandstorm invasion caused by the degradation of the ecological environment is all due to the west. Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall to prevent the Huns from invading. Today, we build the so-called "Green Great Wall" to prevent the sandstorm invasion. This "coincidence" in history suggests that we should make efforts to protect the biodiversity and Cultural diversity It's time for the correct positioning.
The cultural heritage retained in the west is a valuable asset of the Chinese nation's family. We cannot lose this advantage in the vigorous development of the west.
The solution of the western problem is of greater strategic significance. Mao Zedong《 On Ten Major Relationships 》China has scientifically included the relationship between the Han nationality and ethnic minorities, and strategically pointed out the importance of improving the economic and cultural living standards of ethnic minorities for border stability.
The natural ecosystem is rich and colorful. Different ethnic groups have developed different cultures in their own unique natural environment. On the one hand, on the premise of meeting their own needs, it consciously or unconsciously impacts the stable operation of the natural ecosystem, making the ethnic habitat deviate from the natural ecosystem to a certain extent. On the other hand, it controls and returns to this deviation, So that it will not destroy the ecosystem on which it depends, thus developing Ecological diversity Adaptable ethnic cultural diversity. This makes the national culture and nature run in the coupling of "deviation" and "return", in which specific nations have obtained survival and development. [2]
Today, we can take these rich cultures of ethnic minorities as an important part of ecotourism, which can not only form a pillar industry, but also protect the cultural diversity of China and the world.

Primitive ecology

Natural ecosystem
A complete primeval forest ecosystem Is made up of tall Arbor layer , arbor layer Shrub layer , shrub grass layer Herbaceous layer Ground cover , fungi Epiphyte And the animals and insects living in it.
In the past decades, due to the irrational economic activities of human beings, and driven by economic interests, the destructive and predatory development of "devouring the fish and killing the goose that lays the golden eggs" has been carried out without restraint, resulting in a large number of precious plants being "targeted cleared" and many mountain forests becoming "empty forests", which has taught a very painful lesson! If this continues, the whole ecosystem will collapse one day.
This is not alarmist, but a living reality.
In order to build a resource-saving, environment-friendly, harmonious and safe society, and save our fragile Primitive ecosystem There is no time to delay.
Famous environmental protection writer in China Tang Xiyang It is pointed out that the earth is our "cradle", "home" and "heaven".
She is big, but not boundless; She is beautiful, but not always young; She is rich, but not inexhaustible. Therefore, we should understand her, cherish her, and love her, and never turn her into a rock and wilderness like the moon.
How to protect our original ecosystem?
At present, we should focus on four points: first, the most important and basic thing is to prevent human interference.
With the increasing scale of human disturbance to ecology, a large number of precious species in nature have lost their living places.
Therefore, leaders should make correct decisions and avoid mistakes in decision-making; We should firmly establish the idea of "protection first" and take effective measures to resolutely stop all kinds of ecological damage.
In the core area of the Reserve, every plant and grass shall not be moved, and the original ecological appearance shall be maintained as far as possible; Tourism, production and resource development in non core areas must be subject to and conducive to ecological protection and scientific protection.
What, why and how to protect protected areas?
We should vigorously promote the awareness of scientific protection to cadres and the masses, so that everyone will abide by it and follow suit.
We should combine scientific workers, leaders and the masses. Scientific workers are knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Leaders have decision-making power and coordination ability. The interests of the people are closely related to the ecology. They are the basic forces. They can do great things together, so they are indispensable.
The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward the concept of "building Ecological Civilization ”We should protect Primitive ecosystem As our own responsibility, we should earnestly fulfill our respective responsibilities and jointly build a beautiful ecological home for mankind!

Eco city

In the place names of many big cities, many "native" places are reserved, such as what village, what river, what slope, what pond, etc. However, the villages, rivers, slopes and ponds often no longer exist, leaving only the place names to remind people that this was once the outskirts of the city, a quiet corner outside the noise.
Human originally came from nature, and human development can not be separated from nature. However, with the development of urbanization, the natural environment has been replaced by the artificial environment to a greater extent. Rows of tall buildings and noisy crowded streets gradually encroached on the original quiet and beautiful natural habitat. The expanding steel and cement devoured the lush forests, and the asphalt concrete pavement was covered with soil, ditches and ponds. Grey has replaced green, becoming the depressing keynote of the city.
It is seen that modern cities have brought people full material enjoyment, convenient living facilities and efficient information exchange, but also brought traffic congestion, air and water pollution A series of environmental problems, such as serious noise problems.
urban environment More and more single, the living space of animals and plants is smaller and smaller, and the biodiversity drops sharply, which results in the destruction of the natural ecosystem.
Human life and social and economic activities in cities began to fall into crisis due to the loss of support and accommodation from nature. There is only one way out, which is to strive to make urban construction harmonious with the natural ecosystem, and to transform, plan and build the city according to the laws of ecology, so that the city becomes a part of the natural ecosystem and the city itself becomes a“ Eco city "。 [3]
Natural ecosystem
The natural ecosystem is composed of many components, including air, water and soil in addition to sunlight, the main source of the earth's energy Abiotic component As well as plant, animal and various microorganisms and other biological components. Therefore, a variety of biological communities should be accommodated and configured in cities, and a variety of biological habitats should be created accordingly.
Big cities should not only plant trees and trees, but also create wetlands, waters and other ecological environments. One of the measures that has been taken seriously is to develop urban greening, that is, to introduce green with life into gray urban space. Many international metropolises, such as London, Paris, Tokyo, Berlin, Washington, etc., have made remarkable achievements in this regard after decades or even decades of hard work.
Green plants are the first fixers of solar energy in the ecosystem. On the one hand, it absorbs and utilizes the carbon dioxide emitted by human respiration and factories and cars, and on the other hand, it releases the oxygen needed for human survival, which is regarded as the "green lung" of the city. It can also regulate climate, purify air and reduce noise. Some green plants, such as cinnamomum camphora and pine trees, can secrete some volatile substances or fungicides, which can inhibit microorganisms in the air and soil, thus contributing to human health.
However, it would be biased to understand the creation of natural ecological environment only as planting trees and greening. In order to create an environmental condition suitable for a variety of organisms to inhabit, cities should have both soil and water areas such as ponds, and even an important ecological environment - wetlands between the two.
In big cities, people usually don't think about building ponds. No pond, no wetland. It has been proved that wetland plays an important role in protecting biodiversity, because it provides many insects and amphibians with Transition space , which is conducive to their survival and reproduction.
In addition, the periodic growth of aquatic plant Wetland plant Phragmites communis Etc. and Terrestrial plant It also provides food sources for many insects and small animals, and insects and small animals will attract birds to feed, enriching Food web Compose, and finally make the whole Ecological community The biodiversity in the area has been strengthened, Ecological structure stable.
Based on the above considerations, many nature reserves with ecological charm have been created in major British cities in the past 20 years, the most typical of which is London's Camlay Street Nature Park. This park covers an area of 100 hectares. It was originally a Abandoned railway station Since 1981, ecologists and landscape architects have worked together for four years to plant trees, shrubs and flowers, lay grass, pile up sand dunes, build an artificial pond and plant reeds.
Diversified ecology community , attracting a large number of wildlife, 350 species of plants and more than 200 species have been recorded invertebrate There are also a large number of amphibians, small mammals, insects and birds settled here, becoming a remarkable Wildlife RIZ-ZOAWD.
The park is open to the public every day, so that people can directly contact with nature and get rid of the pressure of work and the noise of the city. Here children chase butterflies, catch beetles, watch dragonflies skim water, watch snail Crawling not only expands the game space, but also increases ecological knowledge, and establishes ecological and environmental protection awareness since childhood.
The natural ecosystem is an organic whole, in which matter and energy circulate and flow, and are fully utilized at multiple levels and repeatedly; All kinds of creatures pass through food chain Interdependence and mutual restriction.
In the "society economy nature" complex ecosystem of cities, if "society" is the leading factor of urban development and "economy" is the lifeblood of urban development, then "nature" is the foundation of urban development.
Natural ecosystem can alleviate urban pollution and improve Urban climate . It plays a positive role in purifying harmful substances and reducing the occurrence of diseases and pests. At the same time, its own excellent Self-regulation The mechanism also gives us useful enlightenment.
Circular principle, yes ecosystem Of Optimization principle one of. The material and energy in the natural ecosystem are used repeatedly through their circulation and flow in the system.
There is no useless waste and no energy for one-time use. These characteristics make the ecosystem a highly efficient system.
If human production and living activities are deployed according to the principle of ecological cycle, resources can be shared and by-products can be exchanged between factories, so that the waste gas, waste water and waste heat of this factory can become the raw materials and energy of that factory, and various "garbage" such as waste paper, household waste, metal, glass, rags and plastics, which are troublesome, can be recycled to reduce environmental pollution And the consumption of new resources.
The city of Curitiba, Brazil, has carried out a plan called "garbage that is not garbage". The amount of paper recycled every day is equivalent to the amount of paper produced from about 1200 trees. Citizens there can exchange waste paper, rags, etc. for bus tickets and children's notebooks for school. In the past three years, students in more than 100 schools in the city have exchanged about 200 tons of garbage for nearly 1.9 million laptops.
indoor air pollution Problems can also be solved by Material cycle To solve the problem.
Natural ecosystem
In this city, various green plants are planted near the window on the ground floor of the modern office building. The waste gas in the building is sent here for purification, and the waste water is used to irrigate plants; through plant purification The air and the oxygen produced by them are sucked back into the central air conditioner and transported to each office again. In such an ecological building, the incidence of "office syndrome" is significantly reduced.
In addition to the circular principle, there is also a symbiosis principle for efficient ecological coordination.
The natural ecosystem is an organic whole. All kinds of creatures and their environment are very ingenious, or even perfectly integrated food chain , and chains are connected to form an ecological network.
All kinds of creatures depend on and restrict each other, forming a situation of symbiosis and common prosperity. But for thousands of years, human beings have been accustomed to the thinking mode of linear causality and the decision-making method of single goal. Under the guidance of this way of thinking, urban material energy flow Adhering to the linear philosophy of "inexhaustible resources and random waste discharge"; Lack of horizontal connection among industries, departments and even disciplines; Urban management also performs its own duties, and the overall coordination is poor. These are urban ecology The concrete manifestation of the imbalance of relations.
Cities should become efficient "society economy nature" Complex ecosystem , its internal Material metabolism The relationship between energy flow and information transmission should be a interlocking network, rather than a simple chain or a single ring. Once the chain and ring are disconnected, the whole cycle will stop; The channels on the Internet extend in all directions. If one road is blocked, you can still walk around from another road. [4]
By learning and using the efficient and "optimal" structure of the natural ecosystem to plan and build cities, human beings will be able to better solve the conflicts between economic development and ecological balance, living standards and quality of life, local interests and long-term interests, and make their living space more harmonious and vibrant.

Ecological protection

Natural ecosystem
Natural ecological protection is one of the important tasks of ecological civilization construction. Its main measures are to strengthen the natural ecosystem and environmental protection, strengthen the production capacity of ecological products, promote the comprehensive management of desertification, rocky desertification and water and soil loss, and improve the regional ecological environment by implementing major ecological restoration projects. [5]
The construction of nature reserves has developed rapidly, forming a relatively complete and reasonably distributed nature protection network. The establishment of nature reserves has effectively protected a number of representative, typical and scientific research value natural ecosystems and rare and endangered species.
There are two categories and four types of nature reserves
They are natural ecosystem Forest ecosystem Type
Inland wetlands and Aquatic ecosystem type
Wildlife types and wild plant types
National Wetland Ecological Function Reserve
  1. one
    Poyang Lake yes The largest freshwater lake in China It is located in the north of Jiangxi Province and on the south bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It is connected to the five rivers of Jiangxi, Fu, Xin, Rao and Xiu on the top and the Yangtze River, the largest river in China on the bottom.
The lake area is affected by Xiuhe Water system and Ganjiang River Under the influence of water system, the water falls and emerges in dry season, forming Caozhou River Beach and 9 independent lakes; During the flood season, nine lakes are integrated to form a vast pool of water in Poyang Lake. Because of its unique natural geographical landscape of "high water is a lake, low water is a river", five rivers flood into the lake every year during the flood season, and the lake is wide; In winter and spring, the lake is like a trough, the beach is exposed, and the water surface shrinks, forming a unique subtropical zone Wetland ecosystem The typical lake wetland has always been the main wintering habitat for cranes, storks, swans and other rare birds, as well as the summer habitat for herons, swallows and other birds migratory bird The huge number and variety of migratory birds have become the beautiful landscape of Jiangxi's eco-tourism.
The State Environmental Protection Administration will Poyang Lake Wetland Column is National Ecological Function Reserve The pilot project covers an area of 2000000 hectares, Poyang Lake Wetland ecological function reserve, also listed List of International Important Wetlands The water quality of Poyang Lake wetland reflects the ideal habitat for migratory birds. Lakes have been recorded in this area phytoplankton 54 families and 154 genera, Aquatic vascular plants 102 species. Poyang Lake wetland is an important wintering place for migratory waterfowl. There are more than 280 species of birds, belonging to 17 genera and 51 families, of which 115 species are waterfowl, accounting for 51% of 225 species of waterfowl in China. There are more than 90 species of fish in the lake, forming a complete ecosystem
2. River source repair Ecological function reserve , Xiuhe It is one of the five major water systems of Poyang Lake Scrawled river The river flows through our city Xiushui , Wuning Eternal repair Three counties, Xiushui at the upstream of Xiuhe River is Jiangxi Province soil erosion One of the most serious counties has seriously affected the water conservation and water quality protection of Xiuhe River. In order to protect Xiuhe River and maintain the ecological balance of Xiuhe River basin, the Environmental Protection Bureau has designated Xiuhe River Water Conservation Area as a pilot ecological protection zone at the provincial level, covering an area of 206220 hectares.
The source area is rich in plant resources, including coniferous forest, broad-leaved forest shrubwood , bamboo forests, herbs, lianas and other major communities, including seed plant There are more than 2000 kinds, including 870 kinds of woody plants, with a forest coverage rate of 64.3%; There are 72 species of national and provincial protected wild plants in the source area.
There are many kinds of wild animals, including nearly 200 kinds of vertebrates, 29 kinds of mammals, 42 kinds of birds, 29 kinds of reptiles, 20 kinds of amphibians, and more than 70 kinds of fish. In terms of water and soil conservation, the four small watersheds of intersection, Shuanggang, Taoshu and Shuiyuan were improved and consolidated in 2003 Tower head , Zhuxi Baisha Five small watersheds, Ling, Shi'ao and Baiqiao, have 3965 hectares of water and soil loss under control, including 18.33 hectares of slope to terrace, 180.33 hectares of fruit forest, 801.33 hectares of water and soil conservation forest, 570 hectares of grass planting, 1928.67 hectares of closed control, and 466.33 hectares of soil conservation tillage.

Research direction

1. Protection and utilization of natural ecosystem
All kinds of natural ecosystems have the common characteristics of harmony, efficiency and health. Many field studies show that natural ecosystems have a high level of Species diversity and community Stability.
A healthy ecosystem It is more valuable than a degraded one. It has higher productivity, can meet the material needs of human beings, and also provides a good environment for human survival.
Therefore, it is of great significance to study the formation and development process of natural ecosystems, rational mechanism, and the impact of human activities on natural ecosystems for effective use and protection of natural ecosystems.
2. Research on regulation mechanism of natural ecosystem
Ecosystem is a system of self-regulation. Research in this field includes natural, semi natural and artificial types ecosystem Self-regulated threshold Local and Global environmental change A series of ecological effect Biodiversity community And the effect and mechanism between ecosystem and external constraints.
3. Research on the mechanism, restoration and restoration of natural ecosystem degradation
Under the influence of human interference and other factors, a large number of ecosystems are in a bad state, bearing the burden of overloaded population and environment, water resource depletion Desertification and soil erosion In terms of aggravation, vulnerability, inefficiency and decline have become the obvious characteristics of this kind of ecosystem.
The research in this field mainly includes: reverse succession caused by human activities or Ecosystem structure Degradation mechanism and restoration approach of important biological resources; Prevent the imbalance between human and environment; Comprehensive utilization of natural resources and Contaminants Processing of.
4. Research on global ecological problems
In recent decades, many global ecological problems have seriously threatened the survival and development of human beings, which can only be solved by the joint efforts of global human beings, such as ozone layer Destruction greenhouse effect global change Etc.
The research focus in this regard is: the impact of global change on biodiversity and ecosystem The influence and reaction of; Response of sensitive zones and ecosystems to climate change; Simulation of interaction between climate and ecosystem; Establish the global change ecosystem development model; Put forward the countermeasures and measures that should be taken in the global change.
Natural ecosystem
five ecosystem Research on sustainable development
The way of developing economy at the cost of destroying the environment in the past has led human society into a dead end. To get rid of this dilemma, human beings must fundamentally change the relationship between man and nature, coordinate economic development and environmental protection, and establish a sustainable development ecosystem. The key points of the study are: classification, allocation, substitution and self sustainment model of ecosystem resources; development Ecological engineering And high-tech agricultural industrialization; Explore ways to use natural resources, and constantly increase the Quantity on hand Study the principles and methods of scientific management of ecosystem, and integrate ecological design with Ecological planning Combination; strengthen Ecosystem management , Keep Ecosystem health And maintenance Ecosystem service function