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The phenomenon of natural reduction of personnel caused by irresistible forces such as old age, disease, accident, natural disaster, etc
Natural attrition refers to the population owned by an organizational administrative division unit or the in-service employees of enterprises and institutions due to age, disease, accidents, natural disasters and other irresistible forces or reason And the number of personnel is naturally reduced phenomenon
Chinese name
An irresistible force or cause
Retired, retired, retired and dead persons


There are several explanations for the meaning of staff attrition according to the Dictionary of Labor and Personnel:
1. Only include retired, retired, resigned and dead persons;
2. In addition to the above personnel, it also includes the personnel dismissed, expelled, dismissed, and terminated from the labor contract.
The latest interpretation of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the People's Republic of China: the number of natural attrition refers to the cumulative reduction of urban employees from the employment force, retirees from government agencies and public institutions, retirees from various urban enterprises, private economic organizations, flexible employees, government agencies and public institutions, and various urban enterprises The number of casualties and staff reductions of the in-service staff and workers of private individual economic organizations.
1、 Enterprise staff reduction
(1) Personnel compression
The trend of downsizing of enterprises began in the 1980s and continued in the 1990s. The downsizing makes the labor force scale of an enterprise gradually reduce. Another reason for the downsizing of enterprises is the need to reduce costs in order to compete with foreign enterprises. There are many ways to reduce the number of employees rapidly, among which natural reduction, early retirement and temporary dismissal are the most common methods.
1. Natural downsizing and employment freeze
When those who resign, die or retire are not replaced by new employees replace Natural attrition occurs when. This method of staff reduction makes no one fired, but the remaining staff must bear the same workload when the number of staff is reduced. However, unless the turnover is usually large, the effect of attrition on a smaller number of employees is usually limited. Therefore, enterprises often adopt many other methods that are more popular with employees, thus becoming the first choice for enterprises to reduce staff.
2. Early retirement redemption
Early retirement redemption is a means for enterprises to promote their senior employees to leave the enterprise early. In order to provide incentives, the enterprise gives such employees additional remuneration so that they will not lose too much in economy before the pension and social insurance take effect. This kind of voluntary employment termination measure, or redemption, is to guide employees with monetary incentives. It is generally believed by enterprises and employees that when enterprises do not want or are difficult to take temporary dismissal and formal layoffs, the method of redemption can be regarded as one of the effective measures for enterprise personnel reduction.
3. Suspension
Temporary dismissal refers to the fact that an enterprise leaves some employees unpaid. If the operation of the enterprise has improved, employees can return to work in the enterprise. When the enterprise is temporarily in a recession, layoff is an appropriate downsizing strategy. However, the downsizing and dismissal must also be carefully planned. In this regard, managers must consider the following issues:
(1) How to determine who should be laid off (based on seniority, job performance or others)?
(2) If it is not necessary to recall all laid-off employees at the same time, how should the enterprise determine the recall plan?
(3) Are there any benefits for temporarily dismissed employees?
(4) If the temporarily dismissed employees accept other offers, does it mean that they automatically give up the right to return to the enterprise?
From a legal point of view, companies are not obliged to provide financial care for temporarily dismissed employees, but many companies still do so. When an enterprise provides severance pay, the most common scheme is to compensate one week's salary for each year of work. The big one was more generous. However, for employees who have been temporarily dismissed, if they lose health care benefits, the problem will be more serious.
(2) New job introduction service
The new job introduction service is a series of services that enterprises provide support and help for dismissing employees. These services are mainly provided to employees who lose their jobs due to factory closure or department cancellation. New job introduction services usually include targeted career counseling, resume preparation and printing services, interview arrangements, introductions and recommendations.
(Robert L. Mathis/John H. Jackson, translated by Li Xiaoping)
2、 Non natural reduction of enterprise staff
It refers to the layoff of employees due to the difficulty in capital or production of the enterprise and the inability to continue operations.


Natural downsizing of Taiwan's "diplomatic relations" or natural and man-made disasters
Australian environmentalists have warned that global warming has led to the rise of sea level. Tuvalu, the world's second smallest country, neighbouring Kiribati and Maldives in the Indian Ocean are facing the disaster of "extinction". In the near future, they may be engulfed by sea water and disappear from the earth.
Recently, 6 athletes from Tuvalu participated in the Melbourne, Australia The Commonwealth Games. "Maybe people will Commonwealth Games They will hold flags to commemorate those countries that have disappeared under the waves. " Said Dr. Clive Hamilton, head of the Australian Institute for Research.
Tuvalu, with a population of just over 10000, has only 26 square kilometers of ground area and only 5 meters of the highest terrain, which is only 4.5 meters higher than the sea level.
Natural downsizing in Xiangyin County, Hunan Province is not "natural"
March 29, China Institutional Network Administrative institutions For the natural reduction of personnel due to transfer out, retirement, resignation, dismissal, in-service death and other reasons, the relevant procedures can be handled only with the Notice of Reduction of Preparation issued by the organization's establishment department and the Certificate of Termination of Financial Wages issued by the financial department. This is a new measure taken by the editorial board of Xiangyin County, Hunan Province, to further standardize the procedures for natural attrition.
The natural reduction of the number of staff can effectively reduce the dual pressure of staffing and finance. It is reasonable to say that the staffing and finance departments are too happy. But why should they "set up cards" when going through the procedures to complicate the seemingly simple procedures? It turned out that through the clean-up of the problem of "empty pay" in the past two years, the staff of Xiangyin County found that one of the important reasons for the problem of "empty pay" was that the procedures for natural downsizing were not standardized enough. In view of this, they proposed the county editorial board meeting to study and formulate the above provisions.
In the future, the relevant units can handle the transfer, retirement, transfer of "three funds", cash withdrawal or funeral expenses, pension collection and other related procedures for the naturally reduced personnel only after going to the organization establishment department to handle the Notice of Verification and Reduction of Establishment, and the financial wage bearing personnel have to go to the financial department to handle the Certificate of Termination of Financial Wages. The promulgation of the regulations is conducive to timely understanding the changes in staffing, further strengthening the dynamic management of staffing, and eliminating the problem of "empty pay" caused by natural attrition from the source. (Yi Zican, Member of Xiangyin County Committee of Hunan Province)

Information about China

1. With the growth of demand for traditional Chinese medicine among rural residents and the natural reduction of traditional Chinese medicine staff, about 20000 new people are needed every year; The overall quality of the team is not high, and there is a shortage of technical backbones. 43.82% of them have technical secondary school education, 36.24% have no professional education, 61% have junior professional titles, and 17.95% have no professional titles. In particular, the proportion of people with low education and low professional titles in village clinics is higher; The development among regions is also unbalanced, especially in remote and poor areas, where there is a shortage of TCM personnel.
(Selected from the implementation opinions on the training of rural TCM talents and team building《 Modern distance education of Chinese medicine 》August 2004)
2. It is estimated that during the "Ninth Five Year Plan" period, the whole water conservancy industry will lose 228000 people, and an average of 45000 people will be required to supplement the natural reduction index every year. At present, the scale of schools at all levels in China is less than 30000 people, and the annual gap is only 150000 people. If the actual needs of water conservancy project construction are considered, the gap is even bigger.
(Selected from Journal of Jiujiang Vocational and Technical College, Issue 02, 2004)
3. Sharp employment contradiction in China In the next few years, the number of people who need employment in China's cities and towns will exceed 24 million every year, and the number of new jobs plus natural attrition will be only 11 million. The gap between supply and demand will be more than 13 million, which will be very acute.
(Selected from Outlook Corner, Construction of China's Old Areas, Issue 11, 2006)
4. According to the statistics of COSCO Group, the annual attrition rate is about 2%, the attrition rate due to job transfer is about 3%, and the emergency preparedness (such as accidental accidents, textual research, training, illness, family special circumstances, etc.) is about 5%.
(Select the current situation of supply and demand of domestic senior sailors and countermeasures《 Research on Navigation Education 》Issue 03, 2005)
5. In recent years, the number of urban employees who need to be resettled every year is about 110000, while the number of jobs that can be achieved by adding new jobs and supplementing natural losses every year is about 60000, and the gap is about 50000.
(Selected from the strategic thinking on the development of central cities in central China -- Taking Yichang City in Hubei Province as an example, Urban Planning, Issue 05, 2006)
6. During the "Ninth Five Year Plan" period, the whole railway received a total of 258100 people allocated by the state. Due to the early retirement of a large number of employees in 1998, the natural staff reduction reached 303600 people.
(Selected from the discussion on the countermeasures of human resources management in the process of railway "network transportation separation" reform《 Railway Economics Research 》Issue 03, 2001)
7. For example, in the category of personnel reduction since 1993, the number of retirees is about 100000 per year, which accounts for about 50% of the total number of personnel reductions, together with natural attrition such as casualties and deaths.
(Selected from the analysis of the current situation and trend of laid-off workers in key state-owned coal mines, Coal Mine Modernization, Issue 01, 2001)
In 8.3 years, the Group has diverted more than 3700 employees, and with natural attrition, the current number of employees of the Group is more than 5100, and the actual number of people on duty is about 4000. Personnel diversion has indeed played a major role in the enterprise's three-year work to extricate itself from difficulties.
(Selected from the heartless adjustment of emotional operation - experience of doing a good job of personnel diversion in state-owned enterprises Printing Technology, Issue 04, 2001)
9. The Ministry of Health's allocation standard of 8% - 10% of management personnel in medical and health units, plus Health administrative department The theoretical scale of health management personnel training is to increase an appropriate coefficient, which is the overall regional talent demand, taking into account factors such as natural attrition and personnel mobility.
(Excerpted from Reflections on Several Issues of Health Management Education, Journal of Nanjing Medical University (Social Science Edition), Issue 02, 2004)
10. Large population countries are often resource poor countries, and most developing countries belong to this type. According to the family planning department, Xixia County has 8000 births every year, more than 3090 natural staff losses, and a net increase of more than 4000 people. In two years, the population of a mountain village will be net increased!
(Selected from the worries and countermeasures of land resources《 Forestry resource management 》Issue 03, 1995)