
Psychological terminology
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Piaget described children's cognitive characteristics with egocentricity, which means that children only rely on their own perspective to perceive the world, and cannot realize that others may have different perspectives and perspectives.
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developmental psychology
Piaget A concept used to describe the psychological characteristics of children before the age of 6 or 7. Piaget believes that in the early stage of psychological development, the self and the external world have not been clearly differentiated. Babies associate everything with their own bodies as if they were the center of the universe. In other words, infants and young children can only judge and understand things, situations, relationships with people, etc. according to their own needs and feelings, and cannot take other people's views, pay no attention to other people's intentions, look at problems from other people's perspectives, and also cannot look at problems according to the laws and characteristics of things themselves.
Children's early understanding of the world is completely centered on their own bodies and actions, which is "egocentric". In this period, children's self and the external world have not yet been clearly differentiated, and the impression they experience and perceive is an integral whole, which makes the things they experience and perceive become their own activities, connecting all the things they experience and perceive with their own bodies, and taking themselves as the center of the universe. Therefore, children at this stage can only judge and understand the surrounding world and the relationship with others according to their own needs and feelings, and can not pay attention to other people's intentions, views and feelings at all, can not see problems from the perspective of others, and can not recognize problems from the laws and characteristics of things themselves. This kind of egocentrism is due to the fact that the self and External world Is differentiated from adult Egoism It's totally different. In contrast, Piaget believes that children will have an accident about 18 months after birth“ Copernicus The "type" revolution, that is, a common "egocentric" process, makes children start to distinguish themselves from the objective world and distinguish themselves from others. This process of self centeredness was not gradually completed until the beginning of school age. [1]