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Self defense war

Just war
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All wars of self-defence are just wars. In a society where there are classes, only by waging a war of self-defence can the invaded country and nation defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity and seek survival and development Engels pointed out that the victorious proletariat needs to carry out "various self-defense wars".
Chinese name
Self defense war
Part of speech
All wars of self-defence are just wars. F. Engels once pointed out that the victorious proletariat needs to carry out "various self-defense wars" (The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 35, p. 353). Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping have made many incisive statements about the war of self-defence, and formulated a series of correct operational guidelines, principles and methods for the country to implement the war of self-defence. In a class society with frequent wars, only by carrying out a war of self-defence can the invaded country and nation defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity and seek survival and development. The characteristics of self-defense war are: ① passivity. They usually rush to fight when they are suddenly attacked by the aggressors and are not fully prepared. In front of armed invaders, they show passivity and have no other choice but to defend themselves. ② Patriotism. The war of self-defence is a military action in which the motherland is above everything and the national interests are paramount. It is also a just action to protect the dignity of the nation. Patriotism is a powerful spiritual force to defend the country and nation from aggression. ③ Mass. Self defense wars are generally fought in the mainland, actively supported by the people of the whole country, have a broad mass base, and have the active participation of the people. ④ Regionality. War operations are mostly carried out in a local area or near the border, with certain geographical restrictions. World hegemonic and regional hegemonic countries always bully weak and small developing countries and often carry out armed intervention in their efforts to get rid of control, develop economy, and achieve political independence and autonomy. Some countries will also cause border conflicts due to political differences and economic conflicts of interest, which will develop into self-defense wars. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, when the aggressors first invaded China's territory, they were forced to carry out just wars of self-defence many times. China's self defense wars have dealt heavy blows to the aggressors and successfully defended China's security and territorial integrity.
Publisher: China Military Encyclopedia Editorial Office [1]