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Automatic adjustment

Mechanism for automatically maintaining the production process under specified working conditions
A mechanism to automatically maintain the operation of production process under specified working conditions, called automatic adjust Its meaning and application range are very wide.
Chinese name
Automatic adjustment
Foreign name
Automatic adjustment
Automatically maintain operation under specified conditions during production
Combustion automatic adjust etc.

Automatic regulation of turbine and boiler

Automatic regulation of turbine and boiler mainly includes: automatic combustion adjust Automatic water supply adjust Automatic steam temperature adjust Automatic transfer adjust Automatic supply and induced draft fan adjust Bypass system automatic adjust Etc.

Auto adjust square root

The feedback method of prescription is also called Automatic adjustment Prescription. Formula:
"_" means subscript, and "^" means subscript. For example, X ^ 2 represents the square of x; X_1 represents the first X.
For example, A=5, k=3, that is, 3 √ 5=X
5 is between 1 ^ 3 and 2 ^ 3 (3rd power of 1=1, 3rd power of 2=8)
X_0 can be 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0. For example, we take 2.0. According to the formula:
Step 1: X_1={2.0+[5/(2.0 ^ 2-2.0] 1/3=1.7.}. That is, 5/2 × 2=1.25, 1.25-2=-0.75, 0.75 × 1/3=0.25,
2-0.25=1.75, take a 2-digit value, that is, 1.7.
Step 2: X_2={1.7+[5/(1.7 ^ 2-1.7] 1/3=1.71}. That is, 5/1.7 × 1.7=1.73010, 1.73-1.7=0.03, 0.03 × 1/3=0.01,
1.7+0.01=1.71。 Take 3 digits, one more than the previous one.
Step 3: X_3={1.71+[5/(1.71 ^ 2-1.71] 1/3=1.709}
Step 4: X_4={1.709+[5/(1.709 ^ 2-1.709] 1/3=1.7099}
This method can be automatically adjusted. The values in the first and third steps are larger, but the output value will automatically decrease after calculation; Step 2 and step 4: the input value is too small, and the output value automatically increases. X_4=1.7099.
Of course, any of 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,... 1.8, 1.9 can also be taken.
...... A must be greater than or equal to zero, that is, a is a non negative number
Square root formula
X(n + 1) = Xn + (A / Xn − Xn)1 / 2。 (n, n+1 and are subscripts)
For example, A=5:
5 is between the square of 2 and the square of 3. We can take the initial value of 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9. We'd better take the intermediate value of 2.5.
Step 1: 2.5+(5/2.5-2.5) 1/2=2.2;
That is, 5/2.5=2, 2-2.5=- 0.5, - 0.5 × 1/2=- 0.25, 2.5+(- 0.25)=2.25, taking two digits 2.2.
Step 2: 2.2+(5/2.2-2.2) 1/2=2.23;
That is, 5/2.2=2.27272, 2.27272-2.2=-0.07272, -0.07272 × 1/2=-0.03636, 2.2+0.03636=2.23. Take 3 digits 2.23.
Step 3: 2.23+(5/2.23-2.23) 1/2=2.236.
That is, 5/2.23=2.2421525, 2.2421525-2.23=0.0121525, 0.0121525 × 1/2=0.00607, 2.23+0.006=2.236, four digits are taken.
Take one more digit in each step. This method is also called feedback square root. Even if you input an incorrect value, it doesn't matter. The output value will automatically adjust to close to the accurate value.
For example, A=200
200 is between 10 square and 20 square. The initial value can be 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Let's go 15
15+(200/15-15)1/2=14。 Taking 19 also yields 14.: 19+(200/19-19)1/2=14.。
The calculation of automatic adjustment can be used for shooting, intercepting missiles, aircraft takeoff and landing, etc.

Fuzzy automatic regulating controller

The controller has the advantages of short adjustment time, good robustness and adaptability. The control of gin is a system with serious time delay and nonlinearity, so this kind of controller is suitable.
The principle of logistics control is as follows:
After comparing the signal from the current sensor with the given value, the fuzzy controller adjusts the parameters of the controller by controlling the single parameter factor through the automatic adjustment mechanism. The output of the controller is the input reference signal of the inverter, so that the output frequency of the inverter can be controlled, the speed of the motor can be adjusted, and the seed cotton flow can be changed. Make the gin and main motor load stable at the expected value.
The controller can also be used in other control systems with unclear mathematical model, multivariable coupling and serious nonlinearity. [1]