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Axillary bud

[yè yá]
Axillary bud is Lateral bud One of, especially from leaf axil Generated Adventitious bud Axillary buds are common in seed plant Of Common leaf Medium, leaves without axillary lateral buds are rare, but Squama leaf , flower leaves or most fern leaves generally do not differentiate into axillary buds. [1]
Chinese name
Axillary bud
Foreign name
Axillarv bud
Specifically from leaf axil Generated Adventitious bud
Common in seed plant Of Common leaf in
Also called
Lateral bud
There is usually only one


Axillary bud is Lateral bud One of, especially from leaf axil Generated Adventitious bud Axillary buds are common in seed plant Of Common leaf Medium, leaves without axillary lateral buds are rare, but Squama leaf , mosaic or majority Fern Its leaves generally do not differentiate into axillary buds.

morphological character

from Stem apex growing point New Leaf primordium After that, the axillary bud primordium of its young leaf primordium soon differentiated, and generally dormant after a little development. Usually every leaf axil One axillary bud is formed between them, but some species can also produce more than two axillary buds. In principle, the arrangement of axillary buds on the main shaft is similar to that of the plant phyllotaxy Same, but in trees Secondary growth Do not render Concentric circle Therefore, this arrangement is less inclined.
The axillary bud is on the side of the branch leaf axil Inner bud, also called Lateral bud usually perennial Deciduous plant After the leaves fall, the axillary buds on the branches are very significant. The axillary buds near the base of the branches are often smaller. In a leaf axil, there is usually only one axillary bud, such as poplar Liu , apples, etc. But some plants such as Honeysuckle There is more than one axillary bud in some or all leaf axils of peach, mulberry, cotton, etc Accessory bud Some axillary buds grow at a lower position and are covered in the base of the petiole. The buds do not emerge until the leaves fall, which is called Lower petiole bud , such as plane tree (Sycamore) locust The axillary buds are equal, and the petioles with buds under the petioles are often enlarged at the base. In agriculture, in order to increase yield, it is necessary to avoid both too high plant growth and axillary bud growth. Often picking terminal bud After topping Apply a certain concentration of auxin

Axillary bud development

The order of differentiation and development of leaf branch buds and fruit branch buds is as follows: if the axillary bud primordium first differentiates and shortens the internode and leaves first, then differentiates and lengthens the internode and leaf primordium, Apical meristem The bract primordium that differentiates the flower bud, which is the fruit branch bud and forms the first branch axis (commonly known as the first fruit node). Then, in the axillary bud of the leaf primordium of the branch axis, the second branch axis (the second fruit node) is formed in the above order, and the multi axis fruit branch is formed along this differentiation, which is called the multi axis branch. When the axillary bud differentiates and shortens the internode and leaves first, the apical meristem continuously differentiates and elongates the internode and the true leaf primordium, it is called a leaf bud, which later develops into a leaf branch. Because there is only one branch axis, it is called Uniaxially branched [2]

Growth environment

It grows in valleys and other areas.

Distribution range

It is distributed in China and other regions.