
[là ròu]
zero Useful+1
Waxed (x ī l à is the same as "Er") meat refers to the processed products made by the process of curing the meat and then baking (or exposing it to the sun). The main difference between bacon and bacon is its strong antiseptic ability, which can extend the storage time and add unique flavor. Preserved meat is not made in the month of December, but is preserved meat. The word "la à" in the month of December is not the same as the word "x ī" in ancient Chinese, that is, the word "la" in the month of December is traditional, while the word "la" in the month of December is a simplified word of "la" in the month of December. Therefore, the reason why bacon is called bacon, as for why people read l à instead of x ī, except for the reason of simplifying the words, there is no difference between the two words, it may really be related to the fact that bacon is generally made in the month of December for the New Year's Eve dinner.
Chinese name
Preserved meat
Foreign name
Main raw materials
Pork, salt
Whether preservative is contained
Main nutrients
Phosphorus, potassium, sodium, fat, protein, carbohydrate
Main edible effects
Appetize, dispel cold, and digest
Suitable crowd
The general population, the elderly diet; Fasting in patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer
side effect
Eating too much is easy to cause hypertension and cancer
Storage method
Clean the bacon, wrap it with plastic wrap, and put it in the refrigerator

Food Introduction

Cured meat is a kind of Chinese bacon, which is mainly popular in Sichuan, Hunan and Guangdong, but it is also made in other regions in the south, because it is usually made in the lunar calendar December For curing, it is called "bacon".
Smoked bacon
Smoked bacon is consistent in appearance and appearance. It is boiled and cut into pieces. It is transparent and shiny, bright in color, yellow and red in color. It tastes mellow, fat but not greasy, and thin but not stuffed. It not only has a unique flavor, but also has the functions of appetizing, cooling and digestion. Hubei bacon has maintained the characteristics of good color, aroma, taste and shape, and is known as the praise of "one family cooks meat and one hundred families tastes good".
Preserved meat is processed, made and stored from fresh meat. The meat quality remains unchanged, and the flavor remains unchanged for a long time. This meat is smoked by cypress branches, so mosquitoes and flies do not climb in summer, and it does not deteriorate after three volts. It has become a unique local flavor food.


Preserved meat is produced in both the north and south of China, with more cured pork in the south and more cured beef in the north. There are many kinds of bacon. The same variety has its own characteristics due to different origins and processing methods.
According to raw materials, there are pork, mutton and its viscera, and chicken, duck, fish, etc; In terms of origin, there are Guangdong, Hunan, Yunnan, Sichuan, etc; There are many varieties due to different parts of raw materials. Famous varieties include Cantonese bacon, Hunan bacon and Sichuan bacon.
The Cantonese style bacon is most famous for its cured pork belly strips, which are cured and roasted from pork ribs. It has the characteristics of strict selection of materials, fine production, golden color, neat strip, mellow fragrance, sweet and refreshing taste, etc;
Hunan bacon, also known as Sanxiang bacon, is made from Ningxiang pigs with thin skin, tender meat and suitable weight through six processes of cutting, preparing accessories, pickling, salt washing, drying and smoking. It is characterized by red and yellow skin, wax like fat, brown muscle, salty and palatable, rich incense, and not greasy food;
Sichuan bacon is cut into 5cm wide strips and then pickled, washed, dried and baked. The finished product is red like fire, with strong aroma, delicious taste and rich nutrition.
In addition, butterfly cured pig head in Henan, cured pig head, cured chicken, cured fish and cured duck in Hubei, cured pig liver in Guangxi, cured mutton and cured donkey meat in Shaanxi, cured donkey meat in Changzhi, Shanxi, and cured beef in Gansu.

Nutritional composition

1. Fat, protein carbohydrate It is rich in phosphorus, potassium, sodium and other elements.
2. Preserved pork is made of fresh streaky pork with skin, cut into pieces, pickled with salt and a small amount of sodium nitrite or sodium nitrate, black pepper, clove, geranium, fennel and other spices, and then dried or smoked. It has the effects of appetizing, cooling and digestion.


Materials for making bacon:
Main ingredient: 5kg pork.
Seasoning: 150g salt, 25g pepper, 1.5kg pine and cypress sawdust (peanut shells are also acceptable).
Features of bacon:
Detailed introduction to the practice of home-made bacon
Cuisine and efficacy: private dishes
Taste: salty and delicious
Process: air drying
Materials for homemade bacon:
Main ingredient: 2500g pork ribs (streaky pork)
Seasoning: 75g salt, 13g pepper
Features of home-made bacon:
The meat is dark red, tastes delicious, and has a strong smoke fragrance.
Teach you how to make bacon at home
Homemade bacon
1. (1) Cutting and salting: cut the meat into strips 30 cm long and 3 to 5 cm wide, pierce some small eyes with bamboo cuttings, rub them with hot fried Chinese prickly ash and salt, and put them into a porcelain basin with the skin facing down and the meat facing up, stack them layer by layer, and press the top layer with weights. Turn over once every two days. After 10 days of curing, turn over once a day, marinate for another 4-5 days, take it out, put it on with a rope, and hang it in a ventilated place to dry until half dry. (2) Fumigation: put sawdust in a large iron pot, put an iron grate on it, put the dried meat on it, cover the pot, and then burn the fire. When the sawdust is heated and smokes, stop fire. The meat is smoked yellow and its moisture has dried. (3) Steaming and slicing: soak the prepared bacon in warm water to soften it, scrape off the yellow surface, brush off the dust on the meat with a soft brush, then wash it with warm water, put it into a container, and steam it for about 1 hour with boiling water on the drawer. Lower the drawer to cool, slice and dish.
2. (1) The curing method is the same as the production method. (2) After the meat is cured, hang it outside in the sun and sun it once a day. Then sun it once every two days for about two months. It can become yellow and dry bacon. (3) The preparation before eating is the same as the preparation method I.
Sichuan bacon:
It has a long history and is famous both at home and abroad. Material distribution and preparation throughout the production process Pickle Three steps of smoking.
1. Preparation: scrape off the dirt on the skin of fresh or frozen meat with thin skin and moderate fat, and cut it into 0.8-1 kg standard ribs with 4-5 cm thickness. Such as production Boneless bacon And we have to remove the bone. 7 kg salt, 0.2 kg refined nitrate and 0.4 kg Chinese prickly ash for processing bone preserved bacon. 2.5 kg of salt, 0.2 kg of refined nitrate, 5 kg of sugar, 3.7 kg of liquor and soy sauce, and 3-4 kg of distilled water are used for processing boneless bacon. Before the preparation of auxiliary materials, the salt and nitrate shall be crushed, and the spices such as Chinese prickly ash, fennel and cinnamon shall be dried and ground.
2. There are three ways to pickle: (1) crisp. Wipe the sliced meat and dry marinade thoroughly, and put them into the jar in the order of meat facing down, with the top layer of skin facing up. The rest of the dry marinade is applied to the upper layer of meat strips, and the vat is turned over after 3 days of pickling; (2) Wet salting. Marinate the preserved boneless bacon in the prepared pickling solution for 15-18 hours, and turn the vat twice in the middle; (3) Mixed hypothesis. Wipe the strips with crispy material and put them into the jar. Pour the sterilized old pickling solution into the tank to submerge the strips. The amount of salt in the mixed pickling should not exceed 6%.
3. The cured meat with bones must be washed and dried before smoking. Usually, 8-9 kilograms of charcoal and 12-14 kilograms of wood chips are needed for every 100 kilograms of meat germ. Hang the dried meat germ in the fumigation room, ignite the sawdust, close the door of the fumigation room, and make the fumigation smoke spread evenly (do not let the fire burn on the meat). The initial temperature in the fumigation room is 70 ℃, and gradually reduces to 50-56 ℃ after 3-4 hours, and the finished product is kept for about 28 hours. Fresh bacon must be preserved for 3-4 months to mature.
Hunan bacon practice:
1. First, scrape the remaining wool on the pork skin with a knife, cut it into a 3cm wide strip, and use a bamboo stick to pierce some eyelets to facilitate flavor.
2. First stir fry the Chinese prickly ash, then add salt to fry it, and then pour it out to cool.
3. Rub the pork with pepper, salt and sugar, and place it in a pottery basin or enamel basin, with the skin downward, the meat upward, and the top layer of skin upward, and press it with weights. Turn it over twice in winter and spring, and take it out for about 5 days. In autumn, turn it over once or twice a day in a cool place. Take it out for about 2 days. Wipe dry water with a clean cloth, put a hemp rope on one end of the skin, hang it on a ventilated height, dry it until half dry, and put it into a fuming cabinet. Smoke it for about two or three days, and move it once in the middle, so that when all the bacon is golden yellow, take it out and hang it in a ventilated place.
[Process key]
1. Pork should be selected from the back leg meat or pork with three layers of five flowers.
2. If a little orange peel is added to the smoked material, the smell of bacon will be more intense.
[Flavor characteristics]
Cured meat is a Hunan specialty. All poultry, wild animals and aquatic products can be crispy and carefully selected; It is finely made and has a variety of varieties. It is red and bright in color, smoked and salty, fat but not greasy, and delicious. It is smoked at the beginning of winter every year until after the Spring Festival. Smoked cured vegetables can kill insects and prevent corrosion. As long as they are kept properly, they can be tasted all year round.

Edible Guide


Purchase saving

If the bacon is bright in color, the muscle is bright red or dark red, the fat is transparent or milky white, the body is dry, firm, elastic, and has the proper cured flavor of bacon, it is high-quality bacon. On the contrary, if the meat is gray and dull, the fat is yellow, there is mildew, the meat is soft, inelastic, with mucus, rancidity or other odor, it is a deteriorated or defective product.
When purchasing, choose the one with dry appearance, no peculiar smell or sour taste, and bright meat color; If the lean meat is black and the fat meat is dark yellow, it means that it has exceeded the shelf life and should not be purchased.
Safety tips for purchasing and eating
For some reason, some illegal traders illegally produce bacon, use additives prohibited by the state (such as industrial salt, unsafe colorants, etc.) and process expired meat products. Consumers should pay attention to the regular manufacturers and merchants when purchasing, and pay attention to the relevant labels and color information of bacon.
As a meat product, bacon is not always good. After the winter solstice, bacon made before the great cold is the longest preserved and not easy to change its flavor. Preserved at room temperature, the taste of bacon is the most authentic before the third month of the lunar calendar. As the temperature rises, although the meat quality of bacon remains unchanged, the taste will become piercing. Therefore, after the third month of the lunar calendar, bacon cannot be preserved at room temperature. The best way to preserve bacon is to wash it, wrap it with plastic wrap, and put it in the refrigerator, so that it can be preserved for a long time, even if it lasts for three or five years, it will not change its flavor.
Preserved meat should not be left for too long
Generally, the temperature is low and the humidity is not high in winter. If you plan to eat it in two weeks, but the indoor temperature is lower than 20 degrees Celsius and the humidity is lower than 60%, you can not put it in the refrigerator, just put it in a ventilated and cool place. If it needs to be stored for a long time, the cured meat can be further dried and dried in the sun. It can be sealed with a fresh-keeping bag according to the amount of food consumed at one time and stored in the refrigerator freezer. Generally, it can be stored for six months. However, it is recommended that you eat it as soon as possible. As bacon needs a dry environment, it is not suitable to be stored in the refrigerator. There are often vegetables, fruits and other foods in the cold storage room, and the humidity is high, which is easy to lead to the mildew of wax. If there is only a little mildew on the surface of the cured meat, it can be cleaned with warm water and put in the ventilated place to dry; If there is more mildew, it is not recommended to eat.
The storage method of the bought bacon is also particular. "In general, the low-temperature and dry environment is suitable for the preservation of Chinese bacon." The preservation period of Chinese bacon is generally 3-6 months. According to the different moisture content of the bacon itself, ambient temperature and humidity, the preservation period is also different. If it exceeds 6 months, the quality is difficult to guarantee.
Supplementary information of bacon
1. A kind of botulinum toxin will be parasitized on the preserved bacon for a long time. Its bud has a strong tolerance to high temperature, high pressure and strong acid, and it is very easy to enter the human body through the gastrointestinal mucosa, which can cause poisoning in a few hours or a day or two.
2. Preserved meat with serious harshness and discoloration cannot be eaten.
3. The bacon with good quality has golden and shiny skin, red lean meat, light yellow fat meat, and special smell of wax products.

Preserved Pork Recipe

Stir fried bacon with celery, lily and strawberry
Cuisine: Sichuan Cuisine
Features: fresh taste, bright color, strawberry can be replaced by pineapple and other fruits, with slightly different taste.
Ingredients: 150g Sichuan bacon, 100g celery, lily and strawberry.
1. Cut bacon into slices, remove tendons from celery and cut into slices, open and clean lily petals, and cut strawberries into slices.
2. Put water in the pot and boil it. Add celery and lily to the pot, and then boil the bacon.
3. Put 2 spoonfuls of oil in the pan, heat it until it is warm, and put the bacon in the pan for a while.
4. Leave the bottom oil in the frying pan, put garlic and ginger slices into the pan, stir fry the main ingredients together, and add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar and starch to thicken the sauce.
Fried Preserved Pork with Artemisia selengensis
Fried Preserved Pork with Artemisia selengensis
Cuisine: Jiangxi Famous Cuisine
Features: Among all the combinations of vegetables and bacon, Artemisia selengensis has reached the highest level. Salty and soft bacon, more and more lining the unique fragrance of Artemisia selengensis. Take a bite, the lips and teeth smell fragrant, and the aftertaste is long.
Raw materials: main ingredients: 300g bacon (fat three thin seven); mixed ingredients: Artemisia selengensis 200g; Seasoning: cooked lard 50g, 1g refined salt, 15g dry red pepper.
Fried Preserved Pork with Artemisia selengensis
1. Clean the bacon with warm water, peel off the skin, put it into a tile bowl, steam it for 30 minutes and take it out. Cut the fat and lean meat into strips of 5cm long, 0.7cm wide and 0.3cm thick respectively. Scrape the skin off the root of Artemisia selengensis with a knife, clean it and cut it into 4cm long strips. Red Pepper Cut into fine pieces.
2. Place the wok on a high fire, add lard, and heat it to 60% heat. First, add the original juice of fat bacon and steamed bacon, and stir fry a few times. Then add the root of Artemisia selengensis and dry red pepper, and stir fry them without stirring. Then add refined salt, and continue to stir fry for 1 minute. Then add lean bacon, pour in water, and stew for 2 minutes. When the water is drained, put them into the plate.
Fried Preserved Pork with Amaranth
Cuisine: Home style dishes
Features: bacon is salty and fragrant, and amaranth is fresh, tender and refreshing.
Raw materials: main ingredients: bacon, amaranth seasoning: salt, cooking wine, chicken essence, edible oil
1. Wash the bacon, put it into a basin, add cooking wine and steam it on the drawer for 30 minutes, take it out to cool, cut it into pieces for standby, remove the roots and old leaves of amaranth, wash and cut the stems into 2 inch long sections.
2. Ignite the pan and pour in oil. Heat the oil into amaranth, add salt, chicken essence, stir fry until cooked, and then put it out of the pan into the plate.
3. Ignite in a pan and put in oil. Heat the oil, pour in bacon slices, stir fry them, then put in amaranth and stir fry them together. Stir them evenly out of the pan and put them on a plate before eating.
Tips: stir fry amaranth with hot oil, stir fry until it is raw. Separate stir frying of bacon and amaranth is to avoid affecting the quality of vegetables due to excessive stir frying of amaranth.
Braised Pork with Taro
Ingredients: bacon, taro, coconut milk, ginger slices, Shaoxing wine, salt, chives
1. Slice bacon and taro.
2. Pour clear water into the casserole, add bacon slices, ginger slices and Shaoxing wine, boil them on high heat, then turn to low heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Then add the taro and coconut milk, cover with low heat and cook for 20 minutes. Finally, add salt and sprinkle with scallions.
Preserved meat is the authentic food in Sichuan, and it is also a perfect match to cook with taro. Taro is glutinous and delicious. When it is mixed with coconut milk, the sweet taste will spread freely in the air. Fortunately, the thick and delicious preserved bacon can stop the endless expansion of sweet taste in time.

Main efficacy

Preserved meat is salty and sweet, with appetizing and cold dispelling effects.

Contraindications and side effects

The average person can eat, and the elderly should not eat; Stomach and duodenal ulcer The patient fasted.
If you let go of the "taste" temporarily, from the perspective of nutrition and health, bacon is really not a suitable food for many people, especially patients with chronic diseases such as hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and elderly friends.
Stir fried large bacon [1]
The nutrition loss of bacon is high. During the production process, many vitamins and trace elements in the meat are almost lost, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin C, etc. It can be said that bacon is a kind of food with "double nutritional imbalance". The adverse effects of this double imbalance on health may also be "worse". Third, the salt content of bacon is high. The sodium content of bacon is more than ten times of the average amount of ordinary pork. Eating a lot of bacon for a long time may lead to excessive salt intake, which may aggravate or lead to increased or fluctuating blood pressure.
Therefore, it is very important for friends with high blood fat to choose and eat oil scientifically. Eating a lot of oil is bad for your health. It is not advisable not to eat oil at all. Daily diet can be selected from Monounsaturated fatty acid The main vegetable oils, such as olive oil and tea oil, are helpful to reduce "bad cholesterol" and increase "good cholesterol". However, no matter how good the "oil" is, it should be eaten in moderation. 20-25 grams per day is enough.
Bacon is a pickled food, which contains a lot of salt, so you can't eat it every meal; This exceeds the maximum daily intake of salt by the human body; So it is used as a recipe to adjust life; Of course, you can first use cooking or multiple cooking to reduce the salt content of the meat, so you can eat more; At the same time, you can also enjoy the simple fragrance of bacon.
Preserved meat contains a lot of nitrite It is an important carcinogen.

Dietetic culture

Bacon is Hubei Sichuan Hunan Jiangxi , Yunnan, Guizhou, Gansu Longxi and Shaanxi have a history of thousands of years. According to records, as early as 2000 years ago, Zhang Lu was called the King of Hanning. After his defeat, he went south to Bazhong. When he passed Hanzhong Hongmiaotang, Hanzhong people treated him with superior bacon; It is also said that in the 26th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, Empress Dowager Ci Xi Carry Guangxu reign period The emperor took refuge Xi'an Local officials in southern Shaanxi once paid tribute to preserved meat for the imperial use, and Cixi was full of praise after eating it. The traditional habit of processing bacon is not only long-standing, but also common. Every winter in December, "light snow" comes“ Beginning of Spring ”In the past, every household slaughtered pigs and sheep. In addition to leaving enough fresh meat for the New Year, the rest used salt for fresh food, with a certain proportion of Sichuan Pepper Anise Octagon chinese cinnamon clove Marinate in a jar. Seven to fifteen days later, hang it with palm leaf rope, drip water, and process it. It is made of cypress branches, sugar cane bark, toon bark or firewood fire, and then it is hung up and dried slowly with fireworks. Or hang it on the top of the stove burning firewood, or hang it above the stoves burning firewood, and use the smoke to dry it slowly. In the western region, there are abundant forests and grass. Almost every family burns firewood for cooking or heating, which is a favorable condition for smoked bacon. Even though the city people do not kill pigs or sheep, they still have to pick out the best white meat, fat or thin, from the market every winter and December, buy some, and then go home to pickle it as usual, smoke some pieces of bacon, and taste the flavor of bacon. If they don't burn firewood, they ask their relatives and friends in the countryside to smoke some.

Food nutrition

Food name Bacon
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 181 kcal
protein 22.3 g
Fat 9 g
cholesterol 46 mg
Saturated fatty acid 3 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.7 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 4.5 g
carbohydrate 2.6 g
sodium 51 mg
magnesium 3 mg
phosphorus 228 mg
potassium 294 mg
calcium 2 mg
manganese 0.05 mg
iron 2.4 mg
copper 0.03 mg
zinc 2.26 mg
selenium 5.5 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.9 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.11 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 4.5 mg
vitamin E 0.11 mg