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Anterior choroid plexus artery

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The anterior plexus artery usually originates from the end of the internal carotid artery
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The anterior choroid plexus artery usually originates from Internal carotid artery End, few from Middle cerebral artery Or anterior cerebral artery. This artery runs along the underside of the optic tract, passes between the cerebral foot and the sulcus, enters the lower part of the choroidal fissure, finally reaches the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle, and is anastomosed with the posterior choroid plexus artery.
Chinese name
Anterior choroid plexus artery
Foreign name
anterior choroidal artery
The anterior plexus artery usually originates from Internal carotid artery Terminal
From Middle cerebral artery Or anterior cerebral artery
English name: superior choroidal party
The anterior choroid plexus artery and its central branch (striatal internal capsule artery) are widely distributed, such as the posterior limb of the internal capsule, the knee of the internal capsule, the globus pallidus, the caudate nucleus, the amygdala, the thalamus, the hypothalamus Lateral geniculate body The cortical branches of the cerebral peduncle, red nucleus, substantia nigra, optic tract, hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus and sulcus mainly supply the hippocampus and hook, and the central branch nourishes the posterior lower part of the hind limb of the internal capsule and the globus pallidus. This artery is small and has a long stroke, which is prone to embolism, leading to lesions in the globus pallidus and hippocampus.