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Fat emulsion

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Fat emulsion is a kind of injection, which is suitable for patients who need high calorie (such as tumor and other malignant diseases), patients with kidney damage, disabled protein, and patients who cannot take nutrition through the stomach and intestines for some reasons, to supplement appropriate calories and Essential fatty acids
Drug name
Fat emulsion
Prescription medicine or not
Main indications
High calorie symptoms required
Dosage form
Careful use by athletes
Use with caution
Whether included in medical insurance
bring into

Main components and characters

Main ingredients: Fat emulsion
Character: injection.

Usage and dosage

Intravenous drip: The amount of fat per kilogram of body weight on the first day should not exceed 1g, and the dosage can be increased as appropriate in the future, but the amount of fat per kilogram of body weight should not exceed 2.5g. The intravenous drip rate is 20 drops per minute for the first 10 minutes. If there is no adverse reaction, it can gradually increase later, and it will be maintained at 40-60 drops per minute after 30 minutes.

Adverse reactions

At the beginning of input, closely observe the dropping speed from slow. 1. Blood and blood vessels: phlebitis, vascular pain and bleeding tendency can occasionally occur, and occasionally Venous thrombosis 2. Allergy: anaphylactic shock is occasionally seen. 3. Long term use of liver may cause Liver dysfunction , reduction measures can be taken. 4. Circulatory system: occasional decrease in blood pressure Tachycardia , shortness of breath dyspnea , chills, etc. 5. Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and thirst are occasionally seen. 6. Other aspects include fever, chills Facial flushing Etc.
Specification: injection emulsion: 10% - 250ml; 500ml; 20%-250ml。
Medicare or not: medical insurance
Non prescription drugs or not: prescription

matters needing attention

1. For long-term use, pay attention to fat excretion and liver function, and conduct weekly hemogram, blood coagulation, blood sedimentation and other examinations. If the plasma has opalescence or milky color, the application should be postponed or stopped. 2. Severe acute liver damage and severity Metabolic disorder Especially for patients with fat metabolism disorder, lipid nephropathy, and severe hyperlipidemia). 3. Do not use this product electrolyte solution Add the fat emulsion directly to prevent the emulsion from being damaged and the condensed fat from entering the blood. 4. Before use, check whether there is discoloration or precipitation; It shall be used up once after unsealing.