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energy policy

Political terminology
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Energy Policy refers to a series of policies and strategies formulated by a country or international organization around energy production, supply and consumption, involving the price of energy products, national and international economic development trends, national energy strategic reserves, energy price competition and counterbalance games and other aspects of the action program and policy planning of a micro or macro strategy.
Chinese name
energy policy
Foreign name
Energy Policy

Development trend

Every change of human energy era is accompanied by a huge leap in productivity and the change of human energy concept. twice industrial revolution It brings not only great economic and social progress, but also tradition Fossil energy And the destruction of the ecological environment Ecocentrism The trend of thought has had a profound impact on the formulation and implementation of energy policies in various countries. The impact of climate change and the rise of eco centrism directly criticized modern times Scientism The indifference and plunder of the world outlook on nature urge people to take more effective measures to maintain the balance and development of the ecological environment. More and more countries and regions began to formulate practical policies to deal with climate change, and put forward a series of technical ideas, including the development of new energy technologies.
At present, all countries in the world have their own policies and measures in the development of new energy with different priorities, but they also have many things in common. First, we should pay attention to energy security and emphasize the diversification of energy sources. The main purpose of formulating new energy policies is to reduce Fossil energy And gradually reduce the proportion of disposable fossil energy in the energy consumption structure by vigorously developing new energy such as wind energy, solar energy, hydropower, bioenergy, nuclear energy, geothermal energy and marine resources. The nuclear crisis in Japan in 2011 made all countries around the world deeply realize that nuclear energy is a "double-edged sword", and began to pay more attention to the development of renewable energy, which may replace nuclear energy as the main force in the future world new energy pattern. The second is to focus on energy conservation and emission reduction and try to mitigate the impact of global climate change. After the 1990s, a new highlight of the energy policies of various countries was to take the response to ecological crisis and climate change as the main purpose of formulating energy policies. For example, the British Parliament passed the《 Climate Change Act 》And took the lead in establishing a legally binding long-term framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change in the world. The third is to focus on technological innovation and strive to seize the commanding heights of future new energy technologies. Major developed countries in the world attach great importance to the research, development and application of new energy technologies. In March 2010, the EU released the EU 2020 Strategy - Strategies for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, which proposed measures such as developing intelligent, modern and fully connected transport and energy infrastructure, and the goal of building a more resource efficient, green and competitive economy.

Objectives and mechanisms

Two core objectives of policy implementation:
1. Guarantee energy
2. Supply security and coping with climate change
Two extreme methods:
1. Fully rely on the role of market mechanism
Absolutely accept the view that resource allocation is determined mainly by consumers (UK)
2. The state decides the allocation of resources by replacing the market mechanism with an administrative system (China)

Future policy orientation

As a major energy producer and consumer, maintaining the sustainable development of energy, economy and environment is a major strategic issue that China has long faced. In the early days of the founding of New China, in order to rebuild the domestic economy and resist Western sanctions, China implemented its own self-sufficient energy development strategy, and initially established a relatively complete energy industry system. After the reform and opening up, in the face of increasing domestic energy demand, China has built an energy structure based on its national conditions, with coal as the main energy and oil and electricity as the auxiliary. It has solved the contradiction between domestic oil supply and demand through international energy trade, and maintained the rapid development momentum of the national economy over the past 30 years since the reform and opening up. However, due to the extensive mode of economic growth and other reasons, China's energy utilization efficiency has been low for a long time. Ensuring energy supply and improving the ecological environment have become the bottleneck problems that must be solved for China's continued rapid economic development.
In the 21st century, China has become more involved in international cooperation to deal with climate change, and has gradually established a strategic framework for energy security with conservation and efficiency as the core, trying to build a stable, economic and clean energy security system for economic development by changing the mode of economic growth. In the medium and long term, the construction of a more stable international energy supply system and a more reasonable domestic energy price mechanism will contribute to the transformation of China's economic growth mode. From the perspective of the future development trend of world energy technology, whoever has mastered new energy technology will have the initiative and control over future energy resources. Therefore, accelerating the research and development of new energy technologies and promoting and using advanced new energy technologies will be an important guarantee for China's future sustainable, rapid and healthy economic development, and also the key to promoting China's transformation from an energy power to a new energy power.

Policy type

Energy policy includes:
① Energy development investment policy
② Energy industry policy
③ Energy technology and equipment policy
④ Energy price, tax and credit policies
⑤ Energy consumption policy
⑥ Energy import and export policy
⑦ Energy foreign policy
⑧ New energy policy
⑨ Energy security policy

Action mechanism

For production enterprises, the choice of energy factors depends on the net benefits it brings. In the context of the failure of self-regulation of the market economy and the imperfection of the government system, there is a situation where the production enterprises use extensive energy input with higher efficiency than intensive energy input, which is bound to make more production enterprises produce "adaptive expectations", constantly join the extensive production team, and form a herding effect. In the long run, this kind of behavior will bring about a vicious circle and seriously affect social welfare and technological progress.
The impact chain of energy policy on economic growth is: energy policy - enterprise expectation - production input - output benefit - driving effect - economic growth mode. Taking solar energy as an example, from the perspective of the total amount of solar energy resources, most regions in China are suitable for the development and utilization of solar energy. As a renewable resource, solar energy has been regarded as a strategic alternative resource development focus by countries all over the world. Since 2009, China has intensively introduced supporting policies for the development of new solar energy. The upstream and downstream enterprises of the solar energy industry chain have been guided by favorable information from the policies and invested a lot of human and material resources in all aspects of the industry chain. The best way to use solar energy is photovoltaic conversion. Most photovoltaic production enterprises adjust their development expectations. During the "11th Five Year Plan" period, a large number of enterprises invested in the production of photovoltaic products. However, some enterprises are overly optimistic about their expectations and eager to recover their investment, which makes the photovoltaic industry only grow in quantity and have already faced the problem of overcapacity.
According to the government's participation in the transformation of economic growth mode, the transformation process can be divided into three levels: mild transformation, comprehensive transformation and mandatory transformation. The government adopts incentive energy policies to promote the transformation of the economic growth mode into a moderate one, adopts a combination of restrictive energy policies and incentive energy policies to promote the transformation of the economic growth mode into a comprehensive one, and the transformation path of the economic growth mode with restrictive energy policies and the mandatory implementation of new energy belongs to a mandatory one. (See Figure 1)
At each level, there is a balanced intersection between the transformation path of the economic growth mode and the government's energy policy strength. If the government's energy policy strength deviates from the equilibrium point, the transformation of the economic growth mode will deviate from the original path, move towards other paths, and even deviate from the goal of the transformation of the economic growth mode. For a long time, China has lacked an effective mechanism for the transformation of economic growth mode. The transformation process of economic growth mode is slow, and it is in the stage of "testing the water". We cannot abandon our dependence on traditional resources. Therefore, the early transformation path belongs to the moderate transformation. In moderate transformation regions, loose energy policies are needed. If stricter energy policies are adopted, the transformation path of economic growth mode will deviate from or detour to other regions. With the problems brought by traditional energy becoming more and more prominent and the environmental cost becoming higher and higher, in order to achieve sustainable development, it is necessary to adopt strict energy policies for some energy sources and gradually give up the extensive energy utilization methods that affect sustainable development. On the basis of this theory, the transformation path of economic growth mode at this stage should choose a comprehensive transformation path that combines strict policies with incentive policies to guide industries to improve energy efficiency and encourage technological innovation.
Figure 1 Function mechanism of energy policy degree and economic growth mode

Countermeasures and suggestions

(1) Grasp appropriate administrative strength and use more market-oriented means
At present, China's energy policy has entered a new stage. The policy orientation is to encourage energy conservation and use green energy. The market development prospect of new energy needs to be explored by enterprises themselves, and excessive administrative means will interfere with the correct expectations of enterprises. The administrative energy marketization policy can be properly relaxed and diversified energy policies can be formulated to play its role from multiple perspectives.
(2) Encourage the formulation of energy policies with regional characteristics
The state can introduce energy policies at the macro regulation level, such as energy prices, energy laws and regulations, etc. For policies that need to be formulated according to regional development and energy distribution characteristics, each region can formulate them as the case may be. However, in order to avoid ignoring the overall social welfare in each region, the state can formulate energy principle clauses, such as environmental protection clauses, clean energy priority development clauses, etc.
(3) Building a systematic energy policy system
China's energy policies are somewhat passive, and they are often introduced only when problems arise, which easily leads to inconsistency between energy policies. In order to promote the cooperation of government management departments in formulating energy policies and maintain the consistency of policies among departments, it is necessary to build a complete energy policy system. With the increasing global energy demand and rising energy prices, the integration of EU energy policy has been strengthened. The factors driving its new energy policy are supply security, environment and competitiveness. China's construction of energy policy system is fundamentally inseparable from three major factors, including energy security, environment and economic development. In order to ensure the sustainable development of energy utilization, the construction of energy policy system needs to pay attention to scientific rationality.
(4) Increase incentives for energy industry university research cooperation
The promotion and use of new energy needs complete sets of technical support. Compared with the investment in production in the later stage, the investment in research and development in the early stage is huge, and ordinary enterprises cannot afford it or bear it alone. In this regard, we can learn from the practices of developed countries. For example, Australia has prioritized the development and research of clean energy, and the government has increased its investment in clean energy research and development as support for subsequent clean energy projects. In addition to fiscal subsidies, tax incentives and other incentive policies, China's promotion of new energy to replace traditional non green energy can indirectly guide the direction of energy development through policies such as early technology research and development support.
(5) Conduct timely performance evaluation on energy policy
The energy policy is unchanged for a certain period, but it is dynamic in the long run. The energy demand and supply are different in each period. In order to adjust the energy market and adapt to the transformation of economic growth mode, the government policy should make corresponding changes to adapt to the transformation of economic growth mode. The effect of energy policy in the previous period needs to be evaluated as the basis for whether to adopt this series of energy policies in the next period.