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Jiaozhou Road

Jiaozhou Road, Shanghai
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Shanghai Jiaozhou Route shanghai municipal council Built on 1913 , named after China Shandong Province Place names. 1943 Wang Jingwei Government The concession was not renamed when it was received.
Chinese name
Jiaozhou Road
Built on
Named after
China Shandong Province place name

brief introduction

Jiaozhou Road yes China Shanghai Across Jing'an District and Putuo District It is a street from north to south, starting from Shanghai in the south Yuyuan Road , north to Changshou Road It is 1868m long and 12.5m-18.3m wide.
Traditionally, the south section of Jiaozhou Road is residential district And gradually transited to the factory area northward. Famous residences include No. 260, No. 522 Gong's Residence, No. 561, etc. In the 1930s, the United States the society of jesus Huishi founded Jinke Middle School at the intersection of Kangding.
In 1935, the public concession was located on Jiaozhou Road and Singapore Road (today's Yuyao Road )Jiaozhou Park covering an area of 40 mu will be built at the intersection, mainly for sports activities.
1937 Battle of Songhu China is responsible for defending Tibetan roads and bridges Four row warehouse Of Xie Jinyuan After retreating into the public concession, the local army was disarmed and placed in Jiaozhou Park. After the Anti Japanese War, the National Government renamed Jiaozhou Park Jinyuan Park.
After 1949, it was changed to Jing'an District Worker's Stadium , built in the north Jiangning Cinema

Fire incident

In 2010, Jiaozhou Road had a huge fire, and a large number of flammable materials were used illegally. The causes of the catastrophic fire on Jiaozhou Road in Shanghai are as follows
The State Council's Shanghai "11 · 15" extraordinarily serious fire accident investigation team held a plenary meeting to further analyze the causes and problems of the accident. By November 17, the general contracting, subcontracting, construction, supervision and other related conditions involved in the construction of Jiaozhou Road Building where the fire occurred had been identified. The accident investigation team said that this accident was a particularly serious liability accident caused by illegal production and construction, and it was also a completely avoidable accident that should not have occurred. The investigation will be carried out in strict accordance with the law and regulations, the responsibility of the accident will be investigated seriously, the lessons of the accident will be deeply summarized, and the whole work of safety production will be promoted.
Leader of accident investigation team State Administration of Work Safety Director Luo Lin said at the meeting that after the accident, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to it, and the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Government conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee. Comrade Yu Zhengsheng, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, and Comrade Han Zheng, mayor of Shanghai, led the relevant responsible comrades of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People's Government, as well as the public security, fire control, safety supervision, health and other relevant departments to the scene of the accident at the first time, conscientiously implemented the Central Committee's decision-making, deployment and instructions, and fully organized fire fighting, rescue Rescue and rehabilitation work. The whole rescue work is timely, favorable, orderly and effective. The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Government have also set up a high-level leading group for accident aftermath disposal, and various aftermath disposal work is being carried out in an orderly and comprehensive manner.
According to reports, when the "11 · 15" fire broke out, the Jing'an District Government's practical project - comprehensive energy-saving renovation project was being implemented in Building 728, Jiaozhou Road, Shanghai. In September 2010, Jing'an District Construction and Communications Commission confirmed that the general contractor of the project was Shanghai Jing'an District Construction Corporation and the subcontractor was Shanghai Jing'an District Construction Corporation Shanghai Jiayi Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd In November 2010, Jing'an District Construction and Communications Commission selected Shanghai Jing'an Construction Engineering Supervision Co., Ltd. to undertake project supervision and Shanghai Jing'an Real Estate Design Co., Ltd. to undertake project design.
Subcontracting of some operations of this project: scaffold erection was subcontracted to Shanghai Dim Property Management Co., Ltd., and the erection scheme was reviewed and approved by the company headquarters and the supervision unit; For energy conservation works, thermal insulation works and aluminum window operations, Zhengjie Energy Conservation Engineering Co., Ltd. and AVIC Aluminum Doors and Windows Co., Ltd. are selected for construction through government procurement procedures.
Luo Lin said that according to the current situation, after preliminary analysis, during the decoration construction of the building on fire, two welders violated the rules, which caused a dense fire in a short time. The accident also exposed five problems: the welder did not have the qualification certificate of special operators, seriously violated the operating procedures, and fled the scene after causing a fire; The decoration project violates laws and regulations, and has been subcontracted for many times, resulting in the failure to implement safety responsibilities; The construction site management is disordered, the safety measures are not implemented, and there are obvious behaviors of rush construction period, rush progress, and surprise construction; A large number of nylon nets were used illegally at the accident site Polyurethane foam And other flammable materials, causing the rapid spread of fire; Inadequate safety supervision by relevant departments has led to multiple subcontracting, multiple operations and unlicensed welders working, and inadequate safety management of projects resumed after production suspension.
Luo Lin said that all the comrades of the accident investigation team should be highly responsible for the cause of the Party and the people. Through solid and effective work, they should seriously and thoroughly find out the cause of the accident, seriously investigate the responsibility of the responsible persons according to law and regulations, and give an account to the families of the victims and the injured, and to the whole society. At the same time, we should also deeply summarize the accident lessons, use the accident lessons to promote the entire work safety, and earnestly safeguard the lives and property safety of the masses of the people.