Hu Linyi

Important military and political officials in the late Qing Dynasty
zero Useful+1
Hu Linyi (July 14, 1812 [28 ] - September 30, 1861), with the word "Fusheng" and the name "Runzhi", also known as "Runzhi" or "Yongzhi" [21] [45] Hunan Province Yiyang County Quanjiao River (now in Heshan District of Yiyang City Quanjiaohe Town [24] )People, China Qing Dynasty Later military and political officials, Hunan army led by Zeng Guofan Important leader. [22]
brilliance of virtue In 1836, Hu Linyi Jinshi , granted Hanlin Editing , successively served as the same examiner and the deputy examiner of Jiangnan Rural Examination. Successive posts Anshun Zhenyuan Liping prefect And Guidong Road, participated in the suppression of Miao Minhe Li Yuanfa Uprising Xianfeng Four years (1854) Taoist Lead Qian Yong to fight in Hubei and Hunan Taiping Army In the fifth year of Xianfeng (1855), Taiping Army conquered Wuchang , he and the Hunan Army Luo Zenan The Ministry launched a counter attack and recovered Wuchang the following year, which was awarded the title of Hubei Governor During the period of pacifying Hubei, attention was paid to regulating the administration of officials, introducing talents, coordinating the relations between all parties, and forming a good relationship with the Governor of Huguang Official script , support Zeng Guofan , try to plan military pay for them, and recommend Zuo Zongtang Li Hongzhang Yan Jingming Etc. Later, they fought in eastern Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui. In the 10th year of Xianfeng (1860), it sank into Taihu Lake and buried hill Zeng Guoquan siege Anqing The next year (1861), when the Taiping Army approached Wuchang, Hu Linyi led his troops to rescue. He died in Wuchang the same year. The Qing court posthumously presented him as governor , Grant Posthumous title "Wen Zhong". [21] [40]
For seven years in Hubei, Hu Linyi and Zeng Guofan led the Qing army and the Taiping army in a deadly battle. Because he made great contributions to the Qing court's pacification of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, he had to cooperate with Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang Peng Yulin They were also called "famous officials of ZTE" and "Zeng Hu" together with Zeng Guofan. [27] [40] Yes《 Remains of Hu Wenzhong 》Walk the world. Today's people have《 Hu Linyi Collection 》。 [26]
Full Name
Hu Linyi
Hu Wenzhong Runshuai [50]
Awaiting life
Runzhi, also known as Runzhi or Yongzhi
Posthumous title
Seal number
Riding Duwei
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Quanjiao River, Yiyang County, Hunan Province
date of birth
July 14, 1812 [21]
Date of death
September 30, 1861 [21]
Key achievements
Participate in the movement to pacify the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and maintain the rule of the Qing Dynasty
Draw《 Map of Qing Dynasty Unification
Main works
Hu's Art of War The Remains of Duke Hu Wenzhong The Remains of Hu Wenzhong, etc
Highest office
Hubei Governor , Prince Taibao → governor (Gift) [1]

Character's Life


Early experience

Jiaqing June 6, 2017 (July 14, 1812) [28 ] 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. , Hu Linyi was born Hunan Province Changbao Path Changsha County Yiyang County Hujiawan, Changgang Village (today's Yiyang City). His father at that time Hu Dayuan Reading at Yuelu Academy Hu Dayuan was ranked the third in the first place Scholars and , official to Zhanshi Mansion Shao Zhan Shi Is Sipin Jingtang. Because of this, Hu Linyi was valued since childhood and received better education. [2] [21] [45]
When Hu Linyi was six years old, his grandfather taught him to read and read《 The Analects of Confucius 》。 At the age of eight, my grandfather edited in Yiyang Xiuzhi Hall district annals , he was waiting at the side. Just in time to go to East Sichuan Soldiers prepare their way Of Tao Shu On the way back to his hometown Yiyang to visit relatives, Tao Shu was shocked when he saw Hu Linyi a man of great capability , said, "I've got one Quick son-in-law 。” So he betrothed his five-year-old daughter Tao Xiuzi to him. At the age of 19, Hu Linyi married Tao Xiuzi. After marriage, teachers work as colleagues Cai Yongxi At the age of 21, he and his wife sent his mother-in-law Mrs. He to Nanjing Taoshu Governor of Liangjiang Office. Tao Shu was responsible for the Jiadao period Study of managing the world The revitalized representatives are capable of handling affairs with excellent political voice. One year after the Residence Festival, Hu Linyi saw Tao Shu's measures to promote the advantages and eliminate the disadvantages, and was deeply influenced. "The spirit has changed for a long time", and he thought he benefited a lot. [3]
Hu Linyi gained a lot from his trip to the south of the Yangtze River. Since then, he "read everything in the book, but did not Chapter sentence Learning ", fond of reading《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》《 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》And China and foreign countries Map Geography, for "mountains and rivers Usse Military and political secrets, discuss Youli ".
In addition to hearing and seeing Practical skill In addition, during this period, Hu Linyi also got the opportunity to practice. In May of the 11th year of Daoguang's reign (1831), Yiyang was seriously affected by the floods in Yuanxiang, and the hungry people were displaced. Hu Linyi, who was studying at home at that time, was worried that the hungry people would become disorderly people if they had no food. He said with indignation that "scholars should take the world as their own responsibility". He stood up and met the county magistrate, "Please compile a household registration according to the disaster area and persuade the rich people to pay millet for relief". He also proposed a specific disaster relief plan, that is, to make Baojia in each disaster area produce a household register according to the situation of the rich and the poor, which is divided into upper, middle and lower grades. The upper households can buy rice at a reduced price, while the lower households can give rice free of charge, and the deadline is one month. For supervision Armour protection In order to prevent fraud, Hu Linyi suggested that "local gentry should be selected to handle the case together, so that the local government can not be fooled by Bao Jia". In view of the rich people's resistance to the donation, there was no movement for more than ten days. He was so angry that he had to "advocate". First, he asked his father-in-law's family to donate two thousand taels of silver as an example. Then, he tried to persuade other rich people, "with a sense of sincerity, with great righteousness, with dangerous words, with rewards and persuasions". Finally, everyone made donations enthusiastically and made tens of thousands of gold. "Since then, loose rice has been used as food, and the whole population is alive.". At that time, Hu Linyi was only 20 years old. In his letter to his grandfather, he recounted the story in detail, saying: "It was Sun's intention that no one praised it, but there were more than ten people in Ju. Sun thought that Mount Tai had collapsed in front of him without moving, and the milu deer ran to the left without moving."

A bumpy career

In the 16th year of Daoguang's reign (1836), Hu Linyi passed the examination Jinshi , was appointed Imperial Academy An ordinary and lucky man Post delivery Hanlin Editing , will take the post soon Academia Historica Assisted repair. [21]
In the 20th year of Daoguang's reign (1840), he was appointed to Jiangnan Local examination Deputy Examiner Wenqing Carry people Xiong Shaomu Entrance The error of marking is called down one level. Wenqing is a powerful man in Manchuria. Hu Linyi has a close friendship with him, which is appreciated by Wenqing and will be supported by him in the future. [4] [21]
Hu Linyi in the 22nd year of Daoguang (1842) Ding's father worries Returned from Beijing. Before that, Tao Shu, his father-in-law, died. Hu Linyi often went to the manager of the Tao family to do housework and hired Zuo Zongtang Teach Tao Shu's son. Hu Linyi and Zuo Zongtang were old friends. Hu Linyi and Zuo Zongtang were once famous scholars in central Hunan He Xiling Under the door, so far, the two were able to "stay together through the storm and talk about the ancient and modern policies". At that time, although Hu Linyi was determined to work hard, he could only find leisure in the countryside. He sometimes amuses himself with books and calligraphy; Sometimes I linger with my intimate friends; Sometimes I walked around the countryside with Xi Nu and talked with the village elders Crop farming The matter. Lin Zexu , Wang Zhi Lu Jianying But Minglun Hu Linyi was encouraged by a group of friends, so he met his relatives and friends and spoke generously about his ambitions. [21]

Governing Guizhou

In the 26th year of Daoguang (1846), Lin Zexu, governor of Shaanxi Province Special discount Hu Linyi donated from Shaanxi Contribution reporting Cabinet Letter , and prefect Title distribution Guizhou Supplement. As a rule, donors can choose Goodland At that time, Guizhou was remote and poor, so friends were very confused about Hu Linyi's choice of Guizhou. Hu Linyi thought that "this country is barren", but it can keep the wind of innocence. [21] Before taking office, he also "paid a lot of attention Tomb He swore not to take any money from the officials to make himself rich so as to make others ashamed ", to show the difference between himself and those opportunists.
In the summer of the 27th year of Daoguang (1847), Hu Linyi arrived in Guizhou and took office until Xianfeng In the winter of three years (1853) Anshun Zhenyuan Sinan Prefecture magistrate, supplement Liping The prefect was once in charge of military affairs. During this period, efforts were made to punish "bandits" and formulate Armour protection Group exercise Articles of Association“ Appeasement Public security ", which is quite effective; And led soldiers to block Hunan entering Guizhou Li Yuanfa Uprising Army to suppress the local Miao people and the Langjun uprising; When the prefect of Anshun was appointed, he also proposed to dredge the confluence, dig springs, and build dams, so as to save people from toiling over ten miles to get drinking water. [21] To receive a gift with merit peacock feathers on official caps [5]

Aid Hubei to Hunan

face Taiping Rebellion With the rapid development of the army, Hu Linyi was worried about the fact that the standing army of the Qing Dynasty "has become a waste device", advocated "employing people and men", and "personally recruiting warriors for training, imitating Military leader famed for combat against Japanese pirate invaders The law has become universal. He called for attention to military affairs, saying that "if you don't talk about military affairs, you will die", and that "those who wish to have a military handle will hang a word of" death "beside their couch day and night". During his stay in Guizhou, Hu Linyi paid close attention to Hubei affairs, kept in touch with the governors and governors of Hubei, gave them advice and introduced talents. After he first recommended Zuo Zongtang to Lin Zexu, the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, he also recommended Zuo Zongtang to the governor of Hubei many times, which promoted Zuo Zongtang's coming out of the mountain. [21]
Hu Linyi
During his tenure in Guizhou, Hu Linyi was recommended by several Xinjiang officials Chen Ting ”However, due to the suspicion and constraints of some officials in the province, and in view of the development of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom uprising, they decided to leave Guizhou and return to Chu in order to show their skills in the process of pacifying the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Jing Yu Shi Wang Fagui Shu Jian and Hu Guang Governor Wu Wenrong In the winter of the third year of Xianfeng (1853), he gave a decree to assist Hubei (when the Taiping Army marched westward into Hubei), The end of the year The first journey was the beginning of his career of suppressing the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. [21]
Sheng Ren Guidong Taoist Hu Linyi led six hundred Qianyong people to Hubei in the first month of the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854). Wu Wenrong, who had been transferred to him, had been defeated and died. At that time, Zeng Guofan led the Xiang army to "build a flag and march eastward", and then discussed Hunan Governor Luo Bingzhang Hu Linyi was ordered to go to Hunan, and he was recommended to Hunan. It was said that "Hu Linyi was ten times better than his ministers". Shortly after arriving in Hunan, Hu Linyi was subordinate to Zeng Guofan's Ministry, and fought successively in Hubei and Jiangxi. [6] [21]

Patrol Hubei

At the beginning of the fifth year of Xianfeng (1855), the Taiping Army marched westward to smash Hubei, and the Qing government repeatedly urged Zeng Guofan to send troops from Jiangxi to help. At that time, Hu Linyi was appointed as the Hubei Provincial Procurator, and asked himself to go because he was responsible for guarding the land. Zeng Guofan then asked him to lead 2500 soldiers and send additional deputy generals Wang Guocai , Dusi Shi Qingji Four thousand people from the department have successively arrived in Hubei. From then on, Hu Linyi broke away from Zeng Guofan and was able to play his own role, which became the beginning of his business in Hubei. In February of the same year, he was promoted to Hubei Chief Executive March, Appointment Hubei Governor At this time, the Taiping Army defeated the Governor of Huguang Yang Pei Yu De'an, the fourth time Hanyang Hankou , the third time Wuchang In April, Emperor Xianfeng sent Jingzhou General Official script Take over as Governor of Huguang [32-33] [21]
Battle of Hukou [30]
At this time, Jianghan was occupied by the Taiping Army, "the governor's order of (Hubei) was not more than 30 li", "its military pay was paid to Hunan, which was not enough, and it was often owed for more than a few months, while begging for help in other provinces was not acceptable". Hu Linyi had no choice but to use his private valley to send it to the army. He was extremely embarrassed. In addition, the military and government in Hubei are not unified. The governor and the governor divide the territory into different areas, and Hu Linyi is in charge of the pay of Wu, Han, Huang and De prefectures in the lower reaches, while the official wen is in charge of the pay of Jing, Yi, Xiang and Yun prefectures in the upper reaches. "The officers and officials are all unified", which is incompatible with each other [35] Hu Linyi was irritated by the disadvantages of repeated battles and urged him to launch a strong attack. In August, he Mengshan When the governor went to war, the soldiers refused to pay and refused to give orders. Without fighting, they mutinied and collapsed. Hu Linyi was so angry that he wanted to ride his horse to death. Later, he reorganized the defeated army, strictly eliminated the defeated, recruited new soldiers, and played the tune Luo Zenan The troops came from Jiangxi to help, which made the military situation slightly improved. Later, Hu Linyi divided the army to support Jiangxi in order to capture Wuhan as soon as possible [34] He still made great efforts to tackle the difficulties. As a result, only between December of the fifth year of Xianfeng (1855) and March of the next year (1856), his army suffered more than 3000 casualties about one thousand More than 100 officers were killed. After receiving a painful lesson, Hu Linyi gradually changed his tactics and began to build Long girth The siege of the city gradually turned the military around and finally recovered Wuhan in November of the sixth year of Xianfeng (1856). He was also rewarded by the Qing court Practical teaching To be the governor of Hubei Head products Topwear [7] [21]

Take charge of military affairs

Official writings of important officials of flag nationality who cooperate with Hu Linyi and restrict each other [39]
Before and after this time, Hu Linyi and the officials and writers, each of whom was responsible for the division of land, often clashed with each other in matters such as conscription and pay adjustment, which became increasingly fierce. After Wuchang was recovered, both parties moved to Wuchang. Official Wen's three visits to Hu Linyi were all declined by Hu Linyi. Official documents are all handled by curtain friends and servants. Not only is he indifferent to political affairs, but also he lives extravagantly. Hu Linyi could not bear it and discussed with his staff to impeach Guan Wen. stay Yan Jingming Persuaded by Hu Linyi, Hu Linyi realized the importance of making friends with officials [36] , immediately went to see him, gave him 3000 taels of silver every month, and married him as a different brother; He even made the concubine of Guan Wen worship his mother as the adoptive mother, "the two families are closer to each other, and give back to the day of truth". [35] [37]
Since then, whenever Hu Linyi saw anything about "whether the officials and generals in the southeast provinces are good or not, whether they advance or retreat, and what the overall situation is", he played it with the official Wenhui on the street. In particular, every time Hu Linyi, in his own capacity, raised doubts about the Qing court and could not explain it, he finally persuaded the official Wen Shan to play alone with Chen, so as to achieve the effect of "following the path of ambition". Hu Linyi actually presided over every time when the Qing army "closed the city to defeat the enemy and recommended talents", and the official essay was only the first one on the list. In this way, the chaotic situation that the governor and governor of the province were hostile and changed frequently in the past has been changed. [21] [38]
When the Taiping Army fell to Wuhan, its strongholds in Hubei were also successively lost and forced to retreat eastward. Hu Linyi, based on the strategic conclusion that "the division of the Eastern Expedition relies on Wuhan, and the policy of pacifying Wu first protects the county of Hubei", has a bird's eye view of the overall situation of Wu and Chu, and intends to preserve and consolidate Hubei, making it the "fundamental" place relied on by the Xiang army, and thereby maintaining and strengthening the strategic advantage of "above control". To this end, on the one hand, he expanded his achievements, "cleaned up" the whole territory of Hubei, and temporarily stayed in the provincial capital to manage Hubei government affairs [8] To implement and constantly strengthen the effective rule over Hubei from the military, political and economic aspects, as the basis of the overall situation; On the one hand, the main force of the Hubei army will be moved rapidly Jiujiang This is not only to control the eastern portal of Hubei, but also to prevent the Taiping Army from moving westward again, which is an important part of protecting and strengthening Hubei. In April of the eighth year of Xianfeng (1858), the Hubei army captured Jiujiang, which became another "turning point" of the battle situation of the Hunan army [21] [34] Hu Linyi was rewarded for his good dispatch Prince Shaobao Title [9]
In the autumn of the eighth year of Xianfeng (1858), Hu Linyi's mother died in Wuchang. But soon after, the Hubei army was elite Li Xubin to Battle of Sanhe Town Li Xubin was killed in the battle, and his army was almost destroyed. Many people thought that the failure was due to the lack of Hu Linyi's scheduling, so people from all walks of life in Hubei came to request Recovery Hu Linyi. When Hu Linyi, who was in mourning, received the news of defeat, he immediately fell to the ground and vomited blood. It took him a long time to wake up. Before the imperial edict was delivered, he went back to his post to clean up the situation. By the spring of the next year (1859), there were more than 50000 Hubei troops stationed in Jiangwan. The team is stronger than before the Sanhe War. At the same time, Hu Linyi made a profound reflection on this battle and the past military, summarized the experience and lessons, and concluded that the "military division list" and "Xuanjin attack" were not only the mistakes of military tactics in this battle, but also the common disadvantages in the past battles of the Qing army. He was indignant that "there are few people in the world Knowledgeable He devoted himself to the study of the art of war, expounded many of his views, and took《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》《 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》The relevant military contents in historical records such as《 A Brief Introduction to History 》, published, engraved, and issued as a textbook for generals to learn the art of war. [21]
During the spring and summer of the ninth year of Xianfeng (1859), the Taiping Army Shi Dakai The Ministry began to move westward, and Hu Linyi sent troops to the rescue via Hunan. He was also worried about the military disaster in Sichuan and the loss of the upstream geographical situation. The trade between Hubei and Sichuan was also in urgent need of defense. He wanted to take the opportunity to seek power for Zeng Guofan, so he instigated the official to ask the Qing government to allow Zeng Guofan to enter Sichuan and supervise the army Governor of Sichuan However, the Qing court only ordered Zeng Guofan to be the governor of the army, and would not grant him the title of governor. Zeng Guofan was afraid of living in other places and did not want to enter Sichuan. He stayed in Hubei in the middle of the journey and discussed the military advisability of combining Hubei troops to attack Anhui Taiping. Therefore, Hu Linyi urged the official Wen Zhao to report the matter again, so that the Qing court would allow it. In the autumn and winter of that year, Hu Linyi and Zeng Guofan joined forces to attack Anhui on a large scale. Hu Linyi dispatched the troops, prepared for transportation, and personally led Yingshan Huo Shan Take the Qing army along Shucheng. Taiping Army Warrior Chen Yucheng Combine more than 100000 Nien Army since Jiangpu Going west to fight against the Qing army, the war was still fierce. At that time, all the branches of the Hunan army stood side by side. In order to prevent the army from falling into disorder, Hu Linyi, despite Zeng Guofan's opposition, advocated to invite General Man Dolonga To command and unify the former enemy's command. [21]
In the first month of the tenth year of Xianfeng (1860), the Hunan Army captured Taihu , then recovered buried hill [10] Leap March, Qing Dynasty Jiangnan Camp Collapse. In April, Hunan Army Zeng Guoquan Partial enclosure Anqing Zeng Guofan was appointed Governor of Liangjiang (It will be granted and received imperial envoy )。 The Qing court constantly urged Zeng Guofan to take the Soviet Union and Changzhou from the east, but he was dedicated to Anhui and was unwilling to rush to the east. He put forward the plan of "three ways to march into Jiangnan" to prevaricate the Qing court: one way Chizhou Capture Wuhu , the first route is from Qimen to Jingde , Taiping map access Liyang Zeng Guofan is personally responsible for this; All the way to Guangxin, Yushan and even Quzhou Hu Linyi was dissatisfied with Zeng Guofan's style of "taking things in a hurry and making a fuss over a big issue", so he suggested that the three routes should be merged into one, and the other two routes should be sent out of Hangzhou and Yangzhou respectively. Hu Linyi tried his best to persuade Zeng Guofan to "take charge" and "drive far" Bao Chao Nearly ten thousand people from other ministries were put under the command of Zeng Guofan to strengthen their military power. He also recommended Zuo Zongtang Liu Rong Shen Baozhen Li Yuandu And others assume important positions. [21]
Soon after Zeng Guofan became governor of Liangjiang, he entered southern Anhui Keemun , trapped for nearly a year, almost fell into a desperate situation, and command and dispatching were greatly restricted. During this period, Hu Linyi contacted various armies, especially directly presided over the military affairs in Jiangbei, and "made every effort to plan" the military pay affairs. [21]
In the autumn of the tenth year of Xianfeng (1860), Anglo French Allied Forces When invading the capital, the Qing government hastily dispatched aid to the north. imperial envoy Shengbao Take the opportunity to ask Bao Chao to go north and control himself. The Qing court obeyed. All the important members of the Hunan Department hurriedly prepared strategies for business. Hu Linyi synthesized the opinions of all the people and "commented on each other and proved his own will". He made a joint decision with Zeng Guofan. He invited Hu Linyi and Zeng Guofan to choose one of them to lead the Northern Army, aiming to prevent Shengbao from attacking the Hunan Army and delay the change. Finally, the Qing government signed a contract with the British and French allied forces《 Beijing Treaty 》, End The Second Opium War The matter of North Aid came to an end. [21]
Anqing Offensive and Defensive Campaign [30]
Chen Yucheng Li Xiucheng The two main forces of the Taiping Army's second westward expedition successively entered Hubei. At that time, Hu Linyi and Zeng Guofan wagered all their bets on the Anhui battlefield. Hubei's defense was empty, and suddenly there was a danger of military affairs. Hu Linyi was alarmed and worried. He blamed himself for "fools play chess and never care about their families". He immediately split up his troops to help them. He even once proposed to withdraw from the Anqing encirclement, which was opposed by Zeng Guofan. In addition, the Taiping Army did not strive to seize Wuhan and Hubei according to the original policy, so the withdrawal failed. At this time, Hu Linyi was exhausted, his lung disease continued to deteriorate, and he often vomited blood [46] Soon after, he left the front line in Anhui and returned to Wuchang. At the beginning of August of that year, the Hunan Army captured Anqing. Zeng Guofan said: "The Chu army has besieged Anqing for more than two years, and its strategy began with Hu Linyi's drawing decision alone." Therefore, he was the first to take the lead. Therefore, the Qing government issued an imperial edict saying: "Anqing fell nine years ago, the Chu army encircled, Hu Linyi drew a plan to supervise the suppression, and conquered the fortified city, which was the greatest achievement." Crown Prince , seal Riding Duwei World office. [11] [21] Later, Hu Linyi heard the news of Emperor Xianfeng's death in Rehe. He was worried and sighed, "Something must happen to the capital." Since then, his death has become more serious. [46]

Unfinished achievements

Haishi, August 26, the 11th year of Xianfeng (September 30, 1861) [50] , Hu Linyi died of illness in the Wuchang governor's office (Xue Fucheng《 Yong Yong's Notes 》One of Zhongji once served under Hu Linyi Goshha Liu, a native of Hefei, pointed out that Hu Linyi was silent after seeing two foreign ships crossing the river "as fast as a galloping horse, as fast as the wind". He vomited blood and died soon after riding home [41] )At the age of 50 [28 ] [1] [12] [21] [46]
The Qing court issued an imperial edict to praise Hu Linyi after he was sent to the court governor , worship Xianliang Temple Hubei and Hunan built special temples for sacrifice; In November of that year, Hu Zixun, his son, was awarded the title of a distinguished person. In February of the second year of Tongzhi (1863), the Qing government sent envoys Sacrifice An altar, a gift Posthumous title For“ Wenzhong ”。 In July of the third year of Tongzhi (1864), the Qing government was awarded the title of Hu Linyi after the capture of Tianjing adaha hafan World office. In the first month of the 15th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1889), Empress Dowager Ci Xi Return to government, and then issue a decree to present an altar. [1] [12] [21] [46]

Main impacts



Hu Linyi in Wu Youru's Portrait of Meritorious Officials in the Purple Pavilion [31]
Hu Linyi took full control of Hubei, and then let go of his administration. He set his priorities, "set the outline in mind, and accomplish great things". "First of all, he began to rectify the administration of officials. At the beginning of the inauguration of the government, he impeached dozens of officials in Daofu prefecture and county to set an example. At the same time, he advocated enlightenment, admonished people, and" set a discipline "by" clarifying right and wrong ". He paid special attention to the "merit" and "talent" without paying attention to grammar. He once said: "The talent of a country is like the water of a fish, the wood of a bird, the gas of a man, and the food of a belly. Luo sent a large number of talents, updated and enriched the bureaucracy at all levels, and strengthened the pro self forces. Many of the people he recommended and recruited will serve as border officials in the future. In order to support the huge military supplies, Hu Linyi took a series of financial income increase measures, such as handling the grain, changing the water channel, rectifying salt affairs, and inducing donations, among which the water channel was the most important. Due to the severe restriction and floating collection, and the disordered administration of water conservancy, the quota was suspended. In the past, the actual levy in Hubei Province was less than 34% of the ten. Hu Linyi learned from the established laws of Hunan Province, and adapted and innovated according to the actual situation of the province. Since the introduction of the waterway reform in the seventh year of Xianfeng (1857), the province has reduced the quota of more than 1.6 million strings every year, but the actual income has increased significantly. One year, "more than 420000 taels of silver have been raised for the state funds, and more than 310000 taels of silver have been saved". As far as the proportion of fiscal revenue is concerned, Lijin and Yanke are larger than Cao Fu. Through various financial income increase measures, the income of the whole province exceeded 4 million silver, and Hu Linyu put it into military supplies to the maximum extent. Since the end of the sixth year of Xianfeng, the grain platform originally set up by the governor and governor has been independently run by Hu Linyi, and has become the actual financial center of the province. All military supplies have been distributed by them, ensuring a relatively stable supply of huge military supplies. At the same time, Zeng Guofan's army in Jiangxi was still supplying 30000 liang a month, which was still to be increased. [21]


Hu Linyi cooperated with Zeng Guofan to organize and train the Xiang Army, and left Jiangxi and Anhui to fight with the Taiping Army. He is good at summarizing military experience from his own practice, and also pays attention to the study of ancient military science. His military thoughts are mainly concentrated in his letters, manuscripts and collections《 A Brief Introduction to History 》In one book. [22]
A Brief Introduction to History Reading
Hu Linyi, the first general elected to run the army, believed that soldiers were easy to recruit but difficult to find. The strength of military affairs depended on one general. A general can fight with few men. An army without a good general is doomed to defeat. He advocated that generals should be selected from Confucian scholars and that generals should be both wise and brave. Wise but not brave, able to speak but unable to act; Courage without wisdom, unknown strategy, unable to judge the situation, are not good generals. He also paid attention to the selection of soldiers, praised Qi Jiguang's practice of using rural farmers instead of wandering in cities and towns in the Ming Dynasty, and advocated that the selection of soldiers should focus on rural farmers. It is better to improve the army than to have more troops, and it is better to build an army according to local conditions. He put great emphasis on the construction of the navy and cavalry, and thought that 10000 sailors could be worth 100000 infantrymen; One horse team can equal five infantry troops. Therefore, the Hunan Army won many battles in Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui against the Taiping Army, which was weak in navy and lacked horsemen. In military operations, he emphasizes the combination of water and land, and the combination of horse and foot. He also focuses on concentrating his forces. He requires to hold a strong reserve team, and reserve a large force in the spare place in each battle to meet the needs of the enemy. When the enemy on other roads shows signs, he can take advantage of them. It emphasizes the elimination of the enemy's effective forces, and believes that the military affairs should focus on the whole army and killing the enemy, followed by land and cities; The attack will damage the elite, and the morale will be low. [22]
Hu Linyi's military thought was rooted in the soil of Chinese traditional military science, and also suited to the reality of the war at that time. It had an important impact on the construction and operation of the Hunan Army, and was valued by the military science community in the late Qing Dynasty. [22]

Historical evaluation

Li Ciming "The old man has a deep understanding, and the candles are shining all over the place, so he can strengthen the development of the first-class people in Zhongxing." [25]
Wang Kaiyun "The industry of ZTE is based on Hu." [16]
Zeng Guofan When talking about Hu Linyi's achievements as governor of Hubei Province, he said: "We raised 60000 soldiers in the barren areas of Hubei, and the monthly fee was as much as 400000. The merchants and the people were not poor, and the officials ruled Japan and Mao, all of which were due to their careful and tactful operation." [16] After the death of Hu Linyi, Zeng Guofan praised his achievements:
I have worked with him for a long time and know him well. In the fourth year of Xianfeng, he once played and pushed the talents of Hu Linyi, ten times more than his ministers. In recent years, I have been especially impressed by his strong virtue. [54 ]
For Li Hongzhang In his letter, Zeng Guofan spoke highly of Hu Linyi:
The sincerity of worrying about the country, the fierceness of advancing morality, the sincerity of being good and virtuous, the profundity of controlling generals, and the excellence of official governance are all good and ready, and new every day. At the same time, the flow of generations is incomparable. That is, they are rare among the ancient people who asked for them. [50]
In addition, Zeng Guofan had several elegiac couplets in memory of Hu Linyi:
  • ① Bu Kou was in Wuzhong, regretting the death of the former emperor and his ministers; I would like to commend the outstanding talents all over the world. I hope that future generations will make up for my outstanding honor. [49 ]
  • ② It was the last grudge of the former emperor and his officials that the Wu Hui was not peaceful; Chucai Fang Sheng, I hope that future generations will succeed me. [55]
  • ③( generation Zeng Guoquan By )Young and extremely heroic, he is modest in his old age, but he thinks of loyalty to make up for his mistakes; The famous general in Southeast China is handsome, and Mr. Lai takes care of him with great care. [56]
  • ④ Sacrificing oneself and following others is a great measure of virtue; Keep your heart to your heart, and all the people will return. [57]
  • ⑤ Swear to clear the land, mountains and rivers, one victory over Hunan, another victory over Hubei, and three victory over Wu, but Xunyang won the victory, and suddenly fell to the stars. The generals are loyal, brave, and forget their homes, and throw skeletons, without remembering their old relatives and no weakness; Crying to break off the river maple grass, while living in the same place, the officials and colleagues were ashamed of their greatness. They were sad for the old rain. Today, they still fought hard in the southeast to clean Huanfu, and asked who could help the country and save the heart of heaven. [58]
Zuo Zongtang "When we talk about virtue, our brothers are better than our brothers. When we talk about talent, our brothers are better than our brothers. I dare to accept this saying. I will not go. I will cry when my father-in-law does not hear of it, and I will meet a bosom friend when I die or live. The God of world governance is the God, and the God of world chaos is the God. It is said that the king has his own ears. The people have made great achievements, and his heart is firmly rooted in the country. The ancient and modern times expect this pure minister." [59]
Li Hongzhang: "Shengye is the best in eastern Hunan, raising money and training troops. Wen Zhenggong is inferior to Wen Zhenggong. Chongci stays in northern Chu, and devotes himself to it. Wu Xianghou is like a man." [63]
  • ① He is the governor of Hubei Province. He thinks that the country is difficult and has a heavy responsibility. He works hard to check his body. He is even more than his size. He treats others with integrity and sincerity, without any whitewash I have worked with civil and military officials for six or seven years without any separation. When I consult with them, I must have a firm mind and then I will Heart to the Imperial Court, often to tears The cause is Jiadu, but he still sits in danger all day long. He studies the importance of military affairs, officials and officials, and tries to implement them! [47]
  • ② To be a governor and a general for ten years, he has no size at home. [47]
Hu Linyi in the famous painting "The Portrait of the Meritorious Officials Who Suppressed the Guangdong Bandits" in the Qing Dynasty [23]
Wang Jia, Guan Wen When presenting a report for Hu Linyi and asking for a pension, he sighed: "The Chu army has gained great prestige over the years. All those who succeed depend on Hu Linyi and the slaves to discuss all military opportunities, investigate the local situation in detail, work together with one heart to overcome the difficulties, and collect troops, pay salaries, employ people, and finance all important policies, which is based on the enthusiasm of loving the people and the country. He also knows people well, loves talents as thirsty, punishes evils, and rewards and punishments strictly. His talents are above the servants, especially the rare members of the feudal officials. I have worked with him for six years, and I am deeply invested in helping him. Once this passes, I will deeply mourn him. " [48]
Empress Dowager Ci Xi "Lin Yi was not able to accomplish all his feats, but died suddenly. His outstanding deeds have been widely known throughout the region, and Jiang and Hubei people have praised him so far." [17]
  • ① The Chinese and foreign commentators were satisfied with the hope of public governance and practice, and they sighed with each other, saying that the industry of rejuvenation in the Qing Dynasty was based on public service. [46]
  • ② Gai Gong is less ashamed of his talent, has a unique bow, and is proud of himself. The officials and academicians almost showed up, and they were ousted by events. Tianruote Jinqi flies back to the sky, waiting for attendants but abandoning him. The ruins of Li, Qiong, and Li are the places to try all kinds of difficulties. He pretended to have been a county for eight years, and Baoliang fought against traitors. Wei Hui wrote a great book, so he became known as a soldier all over the world. And a governor who was appointed to the capital. At the time of the overthrow, the General Military Brigade of the Foreign Ministry followed the people inside and drove thousands of hungry and defeated soldiers to fight. Both conquer Wuchang, and take charge of pacifying Wu. The generals and soldiers were selected to cross the border and apply for justice. The soldiers attacked Xunyang and dug out the bamboos and tung trees. After seven years of living outside, his ambition is not so strong! However, the public is still insufficient. Those who specialize in inspecting officials, rewarding talents, making use of their own resources, and breeding for their own lives every day, as if their intelligence was useless. In old age, the name will be higher and the qi will be more restrained. To learn hard, so as to achieve the so-called benevolence of cultivating things, and to pass the rites of the state, we must carry out the policy despite the inferior situation. It is a tragedy for the country that we have not yet done our best to perish. Alas, what a man! That is to say, I hope that the ancient books will be handed down to you in the era of great achievements, and I hope you can help me! [46]
  • ① The safety of the pivot is the first merit, and the upstream will lift the east of the river. The head camp has no border in the world, and the hand is sparse and the people are virtuous and the party is the same. Jianghan pays more attention to Zhou Yasheng, and the mountains and forests begin to inspire the power of Chu. Changsha's tranquility and chaos are similar to those of Gao Xun and Chi Zhong. [67 ]
  • ② The two elders laughed at each other in those days, and today Jiuyuan is full of sorrow. If you dare to be dull, you will be able to serve. Fortunately, your source of mind has already learned. When Saint Worry defeated the Empress Wu, his ambition crossed the river with open arms. It's a pity that Anzhe didn't finish the work. Luck is smart and smart. [67 ]
Wang Boxin "The monument opens the mansion with sheep, and the ancestral temple is the same as Gewu Township. The wind and clouds remain the barrier, and the Jianghan Dynasty recovers its golden soup. In the old days, people used to talk about consulting, and they were circuitous, sparse, and passionate. Heroes are now meeting, and guests are welcome to the hall at night." [52]
Jin He "The first is to prosper, and it will surely belong to the public for thousands of years. We will sincerely support the disaster and rebuild our loyalty." [60]
Li Yuandu "The south sky is blocked by red hands, and the rivers and lakes are crossed by cranes in a dignified manner. The north tower is the place where the heart of loyalty is based, and the dragon in the Ding Lake is still riding on a dustpan." [62]
Jiang Yueyu said, "Yan Mei has wasted his life, and his lazy feet have fallen into disrepute. When he is in the midst of prosperity, he feels sad. For two hundred years in Jingxiang, the customs have been flourishing. He has frequently shown great punishment, and the fields are full of Jing Zhen. The officials in the hall have raised the banks of Hunan and Sichuan. They have repeatedly returned from the guard, and the hole of disease is like a god. They can come here to pacify, carve and pollute the old. They are indignant to make dogmas, and carefully regulate the staff. They can open up agricultural supplies, so that the people can lay a foundation for their lives. Dusse's food and clothing flow, so that the people can complete their truth. Officials all know that the first public, the government is to achieve great success. When times are tough, we dare not be healthy, and we are skillful in military preparedness. Both Kou and Wei are far away, and red chips are close to each other. The great victory spread in Longshan, and the national indignation extended to Shen Nian. Up to now, the bamboo breaking skill has exhausted many big cities. The prosperity of Guizhou and Lebanon is gradually growing. All of them are public and sincere. When the minister's day comes, he will return to Qianchun. At the same time, he recited the posthumous chapter, and the court and the field cried out. Make songs to show Bailiao, who can be as diligent as the public. " [66]
Zhong Junsheng : "The water in Guangdong is shocked by the waves, and the wolf beacon is forcing the Chu and Wu to worry about the whole situation. We are worried about the overall situation of the world, and we will try our best to turn the tide and seize the upper reaches. Our ambition has long been to defend from Guizhou, and our outstanding deeds have been collected from the Wanjiang River first. The fragrant food will serve the public well, and we only hate to kill many people." [64]
Ecliptic abdication : "Going west by climbing a dragon's beard, the merit lies in the community, the benefit lies in the people, the strength lies in the mountains and rivers, and the life is crying bitterly. From the hindsight, Yixin is a golden lesson for thousands of years. That is to say, today's foreign invasion is not peaceful, and it is difficult to pass on the bright inside, and the country is difficult to move forward. Ask who is the root of its death, and the middle stream is the mainstay. If a minister can leave, he can still send his life to help the orphan, and devote himself to the world; When the whole tiger brigade marches eastward, the atmosphere will be clear, the destruction will be restored, and the imperial plan will be consolidated. At that time, it will be in its heyday in spring and autumn. Relying on it at home, it is almost like the Great Wall of China. Unexpectedly, there are still some remaining evils. One is suddenly weak, and the star is falling. We have to be painstakingly disappointed. We have to pay our comrades for the important task. Those who have not reported their kindness will be left to kill thieves and go to the battlefield with their hair and arms tied. " [65]
Shen Zhuoran: "The world knows the sages of Zeng and Zuo, but does not know that Hu Wenzhong is firmly ahead of Zeng and Zuo. In fact, Hu Gonggong's learning and talent are no inferior to Zeng and Zuo's; in politics, literature, economy, and military, he has learned everything and put it to use. In addition, considering his life, he has not only taken charge of Wuchang, but also stuck to it to seize the essentials of the situation; Moreover, they paid the taxes and made every effort to improve their paintings, so that all the armies at that time would not be discouraged by hunger, and the cause of Zhongxing would be curbed. From this point of view, it is allowed to push the work first. That is to say, it is the law of the future generations to supervise officials and pacify the people, promote the good and eliminate the bad. "
Hu Zhaochun: "The portrait of Su Suzong's minister remains, and the cloud flag is misty on the head of the Chu River. Ten years of planning to swallow Wu Hui, hundreds of generations of people have a taste of Ezhou. Who is like Corporal Xinling? People have pity on Li Guang and do not make a marquis. Painted boats, flute and drums compete to the south, and several generations stop at the radius to ask the Crane Tower." [52]
Ye Kunhou: "A lot of work and a little food will help you to be faithful, and you can turn the tide and achieve your goal. Make a decision to catch up with Yang Taifu, and go far to Li Xiping. Both rooms are full of genuine qi, and one is dripping with blood. Today, the rivers and mountains are still consolidated, and there is no road to tears." [53 ]
Zhu Xianmin: "Jiangling and then Wenzhong, Nanbiao and Beibing; the spirit of Hengyue is a marvel, who will come?" [61]
  • ① Lin Yi is uninhibited and marries the daughter of Governor Tao Shu. He is familiar with the introduction and has the ambition of managing the world. [17]
  • ② Luo Bingzhang has a good rest and looks good. Hu Linyi is well known, and he is the leader of Ganji. In terms of the leniency, strictness and density of his administration, if they are not similar to those in the past, they are all driven by a long distance, driving the group of talents, and using energy to build great achievements. Those who come here are thousands of miles away from each other and plan to move the military overall situation. If there is no one else, Zeng Guofan and Zuo Zongtang will lose their place to help, and their success will be difficult. In memory of the cause of ZTE, what a great relationship they have? [17]
Liu Tiren "Hu Wenzhong's talent is the best among all the elites in Zhongxing." [18]
Cai E "Zeng Hu Lianggong is one of the most famous officials in ZTE. His deeds are only half a century ago. His legacy is not far away and his reputation still exists." [16]
Cai Dongfan : "If Zeng and Hu Ergong, who are civil enough to secure the country, can resist aggression with military power, and the Qing Dynasty will not perish, they have this ear." [19]
Chiang Kai shek "Bohu failed in the second year of the Republic of China. I carefully studied the books of Zeng Guofan and Hu Linyi, and could not help sighing that Hu Linyi's talent was indeed higher than that of the previous generation, and was indeed worthy of being a famous general at that time." [16]
Chai Xiaofan : "Wenzhong is a young man who has the vision of a young man and a talented man. He is very bold and unruly. He changed his official position in Qianzhong and began to encourage political affairs. After the military was established, he became more respectable and powerful, which is similar to believing in the country and protecting the young people, but his mouth and body are loyal to him. He is not as mean as Zeng and Zuo( known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns )。”

Anecdotes and allusions


Reason for its name

It is said that when Hu Linyi's mother, Tang Shi, was pregnant with him, she dreamed that there were five colored birds gathering in the bushes behind the house, flying and singing with their wings open, and the birds followed, pecking at the grass in the forest. Because of this auspicious sign, his family named him Lin Yi, with the word Yongzhi. [49 ]

Morphological characteristics

Portrait of Hu Wenzhong [51 ]
When Guo Songtao, a fellow villager and friend of Hu Linyi, wrote an inscription for him, he described him like this: "He has a heroic appearance, and Mu Yanyan has a deterrent." [47] According to a portrait passed down from generation to generation, as Guo Songtao said, although Hu Linyi was slightly thin, his eyes were bright and divine, so we can imagine his former demeanor. [51 ]

interpersonal relationship

full name
brief introduction
High grandfather
Hu Mindian
The word is Yingtang. Being filial, I compiled the Book of Filial Piety to express my grief after the death of my relatives. He died at the age of seventy-one.
Hu Duoji
The word "Jingjiang". He was praised as "talented and elegant, Preparation and implementation People who are upright. Later, because Hu Linyi was a dignitary, he made many gifts Doctor Guanglu
great grandmother
Because Hu Linyi is a dignitary, I will give you First Lady
The word law minister. County students He and his subordinate brother Hu Xianzhang taught the children of the village respectively, and they mainly practiced by themselves. He is the author of Ziyun Garden Poetry Collection. Later, because Hu Linyi was a dignitary, he gave it to Doctor Guanglu.
Original for Hu Xianshao.
Hu Xianshao's successor. Because Hu Linyi is a dignitary, I will give you a gift as a madam.
Word cloud pavilion. Ranked third in the first place Scholars and , awarded Hanlin Edit Official to Zhanshi Mansion Shao Zhan Shi He wrote "Disciple's Proverbs" and "Wen Miaoxiang Xuan Poetry Collection". Later, because Hu Linyi was a dignitary, he gave it to Doctor Guanglu.
one 's own mother
Mrs. Yipin.
Elder Sister
Dahu Linyi is twelve years old. Marry Yongxiu.
second elder sister
Dahu Linyi is seven years old. Marry Liu Zonghai.
Tao Xiuzi
Jingjuan, Governor of Liangjiang Tao Shu Daughter of.
Hu Duanyi
Hu Zixun
The son of Hu Feiyi, Hu Linyi's cousin, was awarded a third class male in the eighth year of Tongzhi (1869) because of Hu Linyi's contribution.
Hu Zuyin
The son of Hu Zixun, who was a third class male in the 23rd year of Guangxu (1897) Qing Ministry of Communications Waiter
Source of the above content [20] [29] [45]

Main works

Hu Linyi's Letter (eleven links) [15]
Hu Linyi devoted himself to education , Changsha Chengnan Academy , founded Hunan Yiyang Proverbs Academy During Xianfeng's reign, he paid for books from his salary, which was supplemented by later generations. [13] According to the Annals of the Proverbs Academy published in the fifth year of Tongzhi (1866), there were 1337 kinds of books in 36261 volumes, [14] There are 444 kinds of scriptures, 7048 volumes; There are 232 kinds of history books, 16320 volumes, and 117 volumes of 195 kinds of steles. All his books were transported to the Proverbs Academy for teachers and students to read. Among them, there are several ancient books of the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Qianlong published a set of 33 volumes of Shaanxi Gansu General Annals. Now some books belong to Hunan Library Collection. [15]
He wrote 46 volumes of Military Strategy for Reading History, 10 volumes of memorials and slips, etc《 Remains of Hu Wenzhong 》。 Once painted《 Map of Qing Dynasty Unification 》, which is a relatively complete national map in early China. His works include the Treaty of Baojia Tuanlian and the Necessity of Tuanlian. [16] Hu Linyi, as the prefect of Anshun, Guizhou, has accumulated rich experience in combat and compiled the Hu's Art of War.

Commemoration for future generations


a burial

Hu Linyi Tomb [42 ]
Hu Linyi Tomb, located in Heshan District, Yiyang City, Hunan Province Longguangqiao Town In 2011, it was announced as a provincial cultural relics protection unit. [42 ]

Former Residence

Relics of Hu Linyi's Former Residence [44]
There are two former residences of Hu Linyi: one is the place where he was born, and also the place where he returned to Yiyang, Hunan Province before his death; Another place is called "Gongbaodi", which is located in Yiyang County, Hunan Province today Quanjiaohe Town Datang Village [24] This magnificent building was not completed until his death. Both buildings were later destroyed. Therefore, local people call the former site "Hulinyi Former Residence Site" and the latter "Gongbaodi Site". [44]
In 2011, the Yiyang Municipal Government announced that the "Hulinyi Former Residence Site" was a municipal cultural relics protection unit.


In the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854), Hu Linyi invested to build it in Shilan Village, Longguangqiao Town, Yiyang Proverbs Academy [43 ] In 2004, the Academy was moved to Changpoling Village as a whole, which is now the site of the No. 1 Middle School in Heshan District, Yiyang City. [42 ]

Historical data index

Yan Shusen Chronicle of Duke Hu Wenzhong [21]
Mei Yingjie Chronicle of Duke Hu Wenzhong [21]
Guo Songtao To the Governor Hu Wenzhong, Governor of Hubei Province [47]
Li Yuandu The first official plan of the state ·Hu Wenzhong's Official Affairs [21]
Ke Shaoyi History manuscript of the Qing Dynasty 》Volume 406 Biography of Hu Linyi [17]