Hu Yuzhi

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Hu Yuzhi (1896 - January 16, 1986), formerly known as Xueyu, has the following characters: pen name Hu Yuzhi, Hualu, Shaping, Fusheng, Shuanan, Zhejiang Shangyu Fenghui Town People, famous Social activists He is a revolutionary scholar with outstanding achievements in many aspects. He has been a journalist, editor, writer, translator, and publisher all his life. He is knowledgeable and is a rare "all rounder" in the press and publishing industry.
In his early years, he founded Esperanto Society and Shen Yanbing, etc Literature Research Association At the beginning of 1922, he joined the Chinese Civil Rights Protection Alliance and joined the Communist Party of China in the same year. At the beginning of the Anti Japanese War Cai Yuanpei Like a fierce Lin Waiting for Shanghai Cultural circles The joint organization of eminent persons was established Shanghai Cultural Salvation Association And actively organize and mobilize cultural circles and the public to participate in the anti Japanese and national salvation movement. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War Overseas publicity The Party's principles and policies. After the founding of the People's Republic of China《 Guangming Daily 》Editor in Chief. He used to be the first director of the General Administration of Publication of the People's Republic of China, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
Chinese name
Hu Yuzhi
Konjac Hualu Shaping Vosen Difficult to say
one's native heath
Fenghui Town, Shangyu, Zhejiang
date of birth
Date of death
Child such as
Original name
Learn to be stupid

Character's Life

Hu Yuzhi
In 1910, graduated from the county Higher Primary School
In 1911 County trial The first one was admitted to Shaoxing Fu Middle School.
In 1912, he entered Hangzhou English College.
In 1913, he studied under Xue Langxuan, a famous residence in Shaoxing Learn ancient Chinese
In 1914, he was admitted to Shanghai commercial press by Trainee , studying English evening school after work, and self-study Japanese Esperanto , began to publish articles for translation. From the next year《 Oriental Magazine 》Edited and published articles.
In 1919, Hu Yuzhi took part in the struggle to support the May 4th Movement in Shanghai. Editing and publishing in the May 30th Movement《 Gongli Daily 》To report the cause and development of the movement. The day after the "412" coup, a letter of protest against the Kuomintang authorities was drafted, and seven people including Zheng Zhenduo were invited to sign it for publication in the Business Daily. Later, he was forced to exile in France and entered the University of Paris International law College study.
Visit on the way home in early 1931 Moscow , wrote Impression of Moscow.
Title: Hu Yuzhi
After the September 18th Incident, he co chaired Life Weekly with Zou Taofen and edited Oriental Magazine and other publications. Prepared successively《 World knowledge 》《 Women's life 》And other magazines. Founded in 1935 with Shen Junru and others Shanghai Cultural Circle Saves Congress In the early 1930s, he participated in the cultural circles' anti Japanese and national salvation movement in Shanghai, participated in the organization of the "National Salvation Association", and actively engaged in anti Japanese and national salvation propaganda activities. [4]
In 1936, he assisted Zou Taofen to establish Life Daily in Hong Kong. After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War Cai Yuanpei Like a fierce Lin Such as the establishment of a joint organization of Shanghai cultural celebrities Shanghai Cultural Salvation Association , actively organize and mobilize cultural circles and people to participate in the anti Japanese national salvation movement, and serve as the Shanghai Cultural Circles National Salvation Association International advocacy Chairman of the committee, presided over the publication of Unity and Shanghai People's Daily《 Collecting 》《 Newspaper translation 》And other newspapers and periodicals to carry out anti Japanese and national salvation propaganda. Under extremely difficult conditions, he organized the compilation and publication of E. Snow's "Journey to the West", and edited and published for the first time《 Complete Works of Lu Xun 》。 [3]
In 1938, he was in charge of anti Japanese propaganda in Wuhan; Published in Guilin after the fall of Wuhan《 Public opinion Semimonthly And organize international news agencies and cultural supply agencies. In 1940, he went to Singapore to help founder of Amoy University Do《 Nanyang Siang Pau 》, post exile Sumatra He founded New Nanyang The publishing house has launched Nanqiao Daily, Under the Wind and New Women magazine in Singapore.
In 1949, after the founding of New China, he served successively Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs Vice President, China Character reform Deputy Director of the Committee All China Esperanto Association Chairman, member of the Standing Committee of the First to Fifth National People's Congress, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the Fifth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman and acting chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Democratic League, and the first China Publishers Association Honorary chairman. National People's Congress Standing Committee Member, Vice Chairman of the National Standing Committee of the CPPCC, Director of the General Administration of Publication《 Guangming Daily 》Chief Editor, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture of China, member of the Central Committee for the Promotion of Putonghua, member and convener of the Dictionary Planning Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences All China Esperanto Association President, he is in the language Philology His outstanding contributions in this field are reflected in his contributions to the reform movement of the Chinese characters and Esperanto Movement Active advocacy and participation.
On January 16, 1986, Hu Yuzhi died in Beijing at the age of 89. Life long integrity and public morality Private morality Are exemplary.

Press and Publications

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the "master of strategy" in the publishing industry
A Journey to the Great Road: The Story of Hu Yu
Hu Yu's life is closely related to the press and publication. He started to run a newspaper when he was young. At the age of 18, he compiled the first pamphlet called "Interest Table". Later, he edited Shangyu Sound and contracted《 Oriental Magazine 》, helped found and published《 Life Weekly 》Literature Monthly《 World knowledge 》Freshman Weekly《 Daily Life 》《 Public opinion 》Nanyang Daily《 Guangming Daily 》《 Xinhua Monthly 》Etc.
At the critical moments of Chiang Kai shek's betrayal of the revolution in 1927 and Japan's invasion of China in 1931, Hu Yuzhi, with a sense of justice and patriotism, often stepped forward to write Denunciation , can often play an enlightening role.
New China was founded Later, Zhou Enlai, who was responsible for the formation of the cabinet, gave full play to his talents and appointed Hu Yuzhi as the Director of the General Administration of Publication, which made him the "mastermind" of the Chinese publishing industry in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
In May 1938, Hu Yuzhi and Fan Changjiang Xu Meijin And so on Young journalists Learn to compile war news once a week and International Publicity Division To foreign journalists to report on China's war of resistance. At the same time, organize International News Agency , issued in Chinese and English press release , Yes Chinese residing abroad Publicize with international friends.
After 1939, Hu Yuzhi went to Guilin, Hong Kong Singapore And other places engaged in the propaganda and organization of the War of Resistance. In Guilin, he actively followed Zhou Enlai's instructions Li Zongren KMT general based in South China Of Upper united front Working with many well-known experts, scholars and cultural people in Guilin, such as Li Da, Li Siguang, Liu Yazi Ouyang Yuqian philosopher After establishing contact《 Public opinion 》And other publications.
Hu Yuzhi -- A series of famous Chinese and foreign journalists
stay Singapore , he used《 Nanyang Siang Pau 》As a position, appear as personages without party affiliation, and open up overseas as instructed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Propaganda position Instead of putting on a "Left" face and singing stereotype, he emphasized that he did not distinguish between parties, gangs, old and young, rich and poor, and between wisdom and stupidity, Focus on the overall situation , put unity first《 Nanyang Siang Pau 》It has become a powerful public opinion tool to unite overseas Chinese to fight against Japan and save the nation from extinction, and to realize the anti Japanese national united front policy of the Communist Party of China. Only a few days after Comrade Hu Yuzhi arrived in Singapore, the Southern Anhui Incident shocked China and foreign countries. His Nanyang Business Daily published the article about the Southern Anhui Incident written by Snow, the author of "Random Journey to the West" Interview Record , and then published Strong On the same day, Hu Yuzhi published a book titled "Unity is Survival, Division is Death" editorial This is an article that breaks through the clouds to see the sun and makes readers feel that the Nanyang Business Daily has taken on a new look. The article revealed Kuomintang reactionaries The shameful plot of the anti Communist civil war accurately reported the "eternal injustice", and also pointed out: "The largest majority of our overseas Chinese have always had no party and no faction. We only have the nation in our heart, and we never have partisan bias. At present, the enemy is a formidable enemy, and the lost territory has not been recovered. What we want is democratic unity, and what we oppose is peaceful compromise and civil war division. " This opinion of the editorial won the sympathy and support of overseas Chinese. In his editorial on defending Nanyang, he put forward the idea of "assisting China in the war of resistance against Japan, strengthening Anglo American cooperation, enforcing the embargo against Japan, and implementing Far East democracy", which was called the four magic weapons and caused a sensation, and was deeply appreciated by overseas Chinese. Pacific War After the outbreak, Hu Yuzhi invited some more Cultural circles A friend set up the Singzhou (Singapore's abbreviation) Overseas Chinese Cultural Circles Wartime Work Group to train a group of young cadres to serve as political training for the people's armed forces; organization Literature and Art Propaganda Team Go to the masses to carry out anti Japanese propaganda.
In September 1945, Japan surrenders Later, Hu Yuzhi overcame many difficulties and founded the Weekly Under the Wind and the Nanqiao Daily in Singapore. Under the auspices of Hu Yuzhi, "Under the Wind" Weekly closely follows the pulse of the times, always standing at the outpost of the struggle against civil war and autocracy, and is praised by readers as "indispensable spiritual food". The Nanqiao Daily, on the other hand, pays close attention to the interests of overseas Chinese, reflects their aspirations and clearly supports the people of the motherland War of Liberation , known as a flag of patriotic overseas Chinese.
Collected Works of Hu Yuzhi
In August 1948, at the critical moment when the Kuomintang and the Communist Party were about to launch a decisive battle of life and death, Hu Yuzhi and his wife passed through the secret transportation lines of the Communist Party of China, disguised as overseas Chinese businessmen and their spouses, and finally arrived after a long journey North China Liberated Area Actively participated under the guidance of Zhou Enlai New CPPCC The preparatory work of. He was busy listening Democratic parties The representatives' opinions and suggestions were busy helping to draft various relevant documents.
Hu Yuzhi has been engaged in journalism for a long time Publishing He is good at planning, writing, and Theoretical literacy and professional qualities It is a rare talent to promote the development of the press and publishing industry. After the founding of New China, the Party and the government recognized the pearl and appointed Hu Yuzhi as the first director of the General Administration of Publication. In accordance with the requirements of "developing the people's publishing cause and paying attention to publishing correspondence books and newspapers beneficial to the people" put forward in the Common Programme, he went deep into Research Proceed from reality And propose specific policies, methods and steps. just as Ji Shaofu According to the article "Revolutionary Enlightener", Hu Yuzhi "is the master of strategy" in the Chinese publishing industry at the historical stage from the founding of the country to the existence of the General Publishing Office in 1954. He has done pioneering work for China to establish a new socialist publishing organization, new system, and publish revolutionary books and periodicals and intellectual books.
In May 1949《 Guangming Daily 》Founded in Beijing, Hu Yuzhi became the chief editor. Hu Yuzhi, who always pays attention to the style and characteristics of running a newspaper, focuses on the subject of intellectuals, and makes Guangming Daily a forum for publishing opinions in the intellectual world to carry out thoughts academic exchange It is also a place to carry out the education of intellectuals, and a window to report the achievements and developments of education, science and technology, culture, health, sports, press and publishing and other fronts, which is welcomed by the intellectual community. At the same time, Hu Yuzhi actively prepared《 Xinhua Monthly 》。 In November 1949, he First issue number And published the book entitled "The Beginning of the People's New History" Publications The task of Xinhua Monthly is to "record the history of the new Chinese people". After its founding, the Xinhua Monthly, with its authority, soon attracted the attention of all circles.
Hu Yuzhi
After 1954, despite the revocation of the General Administration of Publication, Hu Yuzhi still paid attention to the publishing industry. Especially in the early 1960s, he reviewed the situation and thought that the most important thing for a person engaged in the publishing industry at this time was to draw up a series of books that could inspire people or at least release their doubts. Only in this way can the publishing work truly serve the people. He envisioned that this set of books should be beneficial to the national economy and the people's livelihood. He envisioned that the objects were not students in school, nor scholars, but ordinary cadres. Like many people of insight at that time, he believed that after the establishment of the line, principles and policies, cadres would decide everything - high level cadres could do good things.
Hu Yuzhi invited seven or eight people to have a dinner at the Sichuan Hotel. Before the dinner, he told us that he would draw up a series of books. Present at the meeting was the Director of the Publishing Department of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee Bao Zhijing , and Ministry of Culture Wang Yi from the Publishing Bureau, and Wang Yi from the People's Publishing House Wang Ziye commercial press Of Chen Hanbo Zhong Hua Book Company Of Jin Canran Etc.
At the dinner party, Hu Yuzhi stressed that in the past few years, cadres were enthusiastic and energetic, which meant that they lacked the necessary knowledge, so they should publish a set of books to improve cadres Knowledge level Read about. He envisioned that several publishing houses would work out a series of books according to their own publishing division - this series of books has some similarities encyclopedia One monograph is selected for each topic, and several publishing houses jointly produce 500 or 600 monographs every year. After several years of publishing, it almost becomes an encyclopedia. Then Hu Yuzhi put forward two suggestions. One is to publish some answers to the current The public The most concerned reading materials, such as "Why is the market tense?" "Why is there a shortage of non-staple food. The second is to restore those that were suspended in the previous period's rectification and publishing Science Popularization Press More books should be published to disseminate scientific and technological knowledge. Everyone has almost no objection to his proposal, but on the previous question, all of them are good in principle, but it is hard to say and write. Even members of the Political Bureau can raise a storm when they put forward their opinions at the Lushan meeting. How can such a practical problem be met?
In the social atmosphere of the early 1960s, Hu Yuzhi's ideas were not well implemented, but they reflected the strong Social responsibility And valuable spiritual character.
Hu Yuzhi or after the founding of the People's Republic of China China Democratic League The person in charge of the actual work. After the start of the "Cultural Revolution" in 1966, the central organ of the NLD was seized, and Hu Yuzhi was impacted. In May 1969, Zhou Enlai instructed National People's Congress , CPPCC army representative Do not criticize the leaders of the democratic parties. Hu Yuzhi's situation will improve slightly. During this period, Hu Yuzhi wrote for some old comrades in a fearless spirit Circumstantial evidence To save some old comrades from unjust imprisonment.

Joint Publishing

Hu Yuzhi
Life · Reading · Xinzhi Sanlian Bookstore Its predecessor is Life Bookstore founded in 1932 and Life Bookstore founded in 1935 New Knowledge Bookstore And the book life publishing house founded in 1936. The predecessor of Life Bookstore was Life Weekly (1925-1932).
Life is hosted by Huang Yanpei China Vocational Education Society 's official journal, the content is monotonous at the beginning and cannot be entered cultural market , only 2800 copies. Zou Taofen, the editor in chief, was hired from the second volume. He invited some progressive writers to write for the journal and changed the Mental outlook , improved the cultural level, and was welcomed by readers, which soon grew to 20000 copies. In 1931, he read Hu Yuzhi's Impression of Moscow, highly appreciated it, and published it in Life reaction to a book or an article , recommended to readers. Soon, the September 18th Incident broke out, and Japan invaded and occupied China Three Eastern Provinces Hu Yuzhi published the article "Still Want to Maintain Sino Japanese Diplomatic Relations", which expressed a clear anti Japanese proposition and aroused strong responses from readers. Zou Taofen was also shocked after reading it.
Hu Yuzhi's Biography
So he asked his friends to introduce him to Hu Yuzhi, talked for three hours at one time, and asked Hu Yuzhi for a draft. Hu Yuzhi wrote an article "International in the Past Year", commenting on the economic crisis , Introduction Soviet Union And predicted that the September 18th Incident would become the Second World War The prologue of. at that time Central Jiangsu Breaking off friendship, publishing such an article is to take risks Political risks But Zou Taofen did not change a word and published it on the "National Day" in 1931 special ”On. Hu Yuzhi felt that Zou Taofen had courage and insight sense of justice From then on, he helped to organize and plan the editorial work of Life, and often wrote articles for journals, especially“ Vosen ”Articles on international issues written for pseudonyms became popular in Shanghai, greatly improving the appeal Some publications even use "Hu Fusheng" articles as advertisements in an attempt to confuse pearls with fishes; Life made a statement to clarify that "Fusheng" was not "Hu Fusheng", which became a news event within the media at that time. The subscription number of Life gradually rose to more than 150000, becoming the most influential publication with the largest sales volume in China at that time, which also attracted the attention of the Kuomintang government. Chiang Kai shek asked Huang Yanpei to change the position of the publication. Under such circumstances, Zou Taofen, Hu Yuzhi Xu Boxin Bi Yuncheng Du Chongyuan After discussion, they decided to separate from the China Vocational Education Society and run a journal independently. Hu Yuzhi suggested to set up Life Bookstore after independence, which could publish books outside of publications (the weekly magazine had also collected some articles to publish books). Drafted for Life Bookstore Cooperative Charter He put forward three principles, namely, collectivization of operation, democratization of management, and the ownership of profits. These three principles made Life Bookstore different from ordinary private enterprises at that time and played a vital role in the development of Life Bookstore. In July 1932, Life Bookstore was officially established. This is China Publishing History This is a great event, and it is the beginning of Sanlian Bookstore. This year, Zou Taofen was 37 years old and Hu Yuzhi was 36 years old.
After the establishment of Life Bookstore, Hu Yuzhi assisted Zou Taofen in formulating a business strategy. First, the weekly magazine is ostensibly separated from the bookstore, so as to prevent the bookstore from being affected when the weekly magazine is banned because it does not change its position; The second is to publish multiple publications with the bookstore as the core, which are interactive and developing rapidly; Third Publication and distribution At the same time, it not only distributes books of its own edition, but also sells and handles various books, periodicals and newspapers on behalf of others. Xinzhi Bookstore and Reading Life Publishing House were both issued by Life Bookstore at the beginning of their establishment. These three bookstores have basically the same goal, and they have close contact at the beginning, laying the groundwork for future merger.
Although Hu Yuzhi did not hold a specific post in Life Weekly and Life Bookstore, he was actually an important participant in the early development of Life Weekly and one of the designers and main founders of Life Bookstore.
Hu Yuzhi
In December 1932, Song Qingling Cai Yuanpei Lu Xun Lu Xun asked Hu Yuzhi to invite Zou Taofen to join the "China Civil Rights Protection Alliance". Zou Taofen readily agreed. This is his first contact with actual political activities, and also his first contact with important Social activists Working with cultural people has undoubtedly produced significant impact At the same time, it has affected the position and development direction of Life Bookstore. Soon, the League for Democratic Safeguards Director General Yang Xingfo He was assassinated by Kuomintang agents, and Tao Fen was also included in the assassination list, so he had to go abroad for refuge. Before leaving, he asked Hu Yuzhi to take care of Life Weekly. Hu Yuzhi lived up to his expectations. He not only organized editorial work, but also wrote "small remarks" originally written by Tao Fen in each issue. The publication is very aggressive. At the end of 1933, due to a short article by Hu Yuzhi, the authorities ordered the whole country to ban Life. In the last issue, Hu Yuzhi wrote The Last Sentences, strongly condemning the unreasonable actions of the authorities, and published Zou Taofen's Farewell to Readers, which had been written before he went abroad. Although Life was banned, it was less than two months ago that Hu Yuzhi started the weekly magazine New Life. Hu Yuzhi suggested that those who have good relations with Zhang Xueliang Du Chongyuan The registration of "New Student" was successfully passed. Xinsheng has completely inherited the purpose of Life, "everything is still the same" (Zou Taofen's language).
Hu Yuzhi also planned and founded Literature for Life Bookstore《 World knowledge 》Two publications. Literature was written by Mao Dun Zheng Zhenduo Presided by, Hu Yuzhi acted as the editorial board member; World Knowledge was presided over by Hu Yuzhi himself. This publication had a long life and became independent after the victory of the Anti Japanese War World Culture Publishing House The founder is also Hu Yuzhi. Tao Fen returned to China in 1935 and immediately joined Hu Yuzhi in the anti Japanese and national salvation activities. In November 1936, the Kuomintang authorities arrested the National Salvation Association including Zou Taofen Seven Gentlemen Hu Yuzhi shouldered the rescue Organization After eight months of unremitting efforts and with the support of all sectors of the country, the Seven Gentlemen were finally acquitted at the end of July 1937.
After the September 18th Incident in 1931, Zou Taofen and Hu Yuzhi forged a deep friendship in the days of changing circumstances and national crisis. Tao Fen always asks Hu Yuzhi for advice when he makes a major decision, and he admires and trusts him very much. In December 1938, the Anti Japanese War entered a difficult stalemate, and the Kuomintang began a new round of cleaning up the books and periodicals with the color of the Communist Party. Life Bookstore is facing a new challenge. Zou Taofen specially invited Hu Yuzhi to Chongqing to discuss the plan of the bookstore, sum up the work in the past nine years, and formulate the working principles and new editors of the bookstore during the Anti Japanese War Publication plan And asked Hu Yuzhi to preside over the revision of the new Articles of Association of Life Publishing Cooperative.
The new Constitution reaffirmed the democratic centralism Management principles , and has established three systems in the organization. The first is the group of the society, which is the cell organization to help the social affairs to be carried out correctly; The second is Business system The third is the autonomous association system, which is a cellular organization to promote the welfare of colleagues, implement self-education, and improve the level of political awareness of every employee. This kind of democratic centralism management In the 1930s, it was very advanced and innovative. This may be related to Hu Yuzhi's visit to the Soviet Union.
Hu Yuzhi (middle) and Chairman Mao
During this meeting, Hu Yuzhi proposed to open branches of Life Bookstore in the rear and overseas, break up the whole into parts, and distribute personnel and materials to more than 50 branches, which not only saved strength, but also expanded the bookstore business. Tao Fen thought so. At the subsequent general meeting of members, Hu Yuzhi was elected as a member of the Council Editorial Board President - This is the only public position Hu Yuzhi held in Life Bookstore. After the meeting, Hu Yuzhi made careful arrangements for all aspects of the editorial work, and proposed that "to adapt to the needs of the War of Resistance against Japan and build a nation, and to promote mass culture , Development Service spirit ”The publishing principle and the requirements for the planning of the editorial work. He has manually formulated the editing and reviewing plans, publishing plans and measures to realize these plans for all kinds of publications throughout the year and every quarter. He has divided the past publications into five categories: A, B, C, D and E. Each editorial board member will share one kind of editing and reviewing work. In order to ensure the normal work of the Editorial Committee, 20 articles of the Rules for the Organization and Procedures of the Editorial Committee have also been formulated. stay Organizational leadership Up, change Chief editor responsibility system It is the collective responsibility system of the editorial board. The editorial board holds a meeting every two weeks to discuss topics Solicitation And reviewing the draft. During the meeting, the manager Production Department The director and the director of the sales department were present. The establishment of these systems has pioneering significance for the standardization and scientization of the business of Life Bookstore, and has greatly improved the professionalism of bookstores.
Zou Taofen spoke highly of Hu Yuzhi's work. He said:
Our President Hu is a colleague who has made the most contribution to our store... His participation in the plan when our store was founded is equal to our great charter It was he who drafted the social constitution of. His great contribution to our store not only lies in editing, but also covers our whole career. But he is always indifferent and does not claim credit. His planning power is extremely popular with his friends, so he has“ Zhuge Liang ”His specialty is not only widely read, but also good at publishing business. His characteristic is to regard friends as himself, and to be warm-hearted. He is a comrade in our cause and a close friend in distress.
In July 1940, Hu Yuzhi was ordered to work in Nanyang. In September 1945, he learned the news of Zou Taofen's death in Nanyang. At that time, he didn't believe the sad news until more than three months later Zheng Zhenduo The "Democracy Weekly" sent from Shanghai published a special article on the death of Tao Fen, so I had to believe it. With a feeling of mourning, he wrote a 30000 word memorial article. He called Tao Fen a great fighter for national liberation, democracy and freedom patriot In his opinion, Tao Fen belongs to and serves the public. This is actually the evaluation and positioning of Life Bookstore founded by Tao Fen. This evaluation and positioning has always affected today's Sanlian Bookstore.
Hu Yuzhi (right) and Deng Xiaoping
In April 1950, Hu Yuzhi, as the leader of the national publishing industry, spoke at the opening ceremony of the first national branch conference of Sanlian Bookstore, highly praised the Sanlian Bookstore, and put forward suggestions for the next development of Sanlian Bookstore. He said, "Sanlian has been making progress, so it can develop today elementary education We have also trained a lot of revolutionary cadres in our work, and now more than 600 cadres are directly continuing to participate in the publishing work Xinhua Bookstore There are also many cadres trained by the three federations... "He asked that" the three federations work for the whole country in terms of organization and management Public private partnership The model of the cause "," Sanlian is responsible for leading and supporting all private bookstores in addition to publishing and distribution "," to be an enterprise "
In October 1982, Life Bookstore Reading Press Hu Yuzhi, 86, wrote Congratulatory letter He wrote affectionately:
I have a close relationship with these three bookstores, especially with Life Bookstore. Zou Taofen, the founder of Life Bookstore, is a close friend of mine. I often write for the journals edited by Tao Fen. Tao Fen often exchanged views with me about the publishing policy and internal structure of the bookstore... These three bookstores overcame the cruel persecution of reactionary rule in an extremely difficult environment. In 1948, Sanlian Bookstore was incorporated. After the birth of New China, Sanlian Bookstore continued to serve the country's construction cause. Contribute to the people.
From 1931 to 1982, Mr. Hu Yuzhi has been caring, helping and guiding Sanlian Bookstore for more than 50 years, planning the blueprint and leading the way for Sanlian Bookstore for many times. His spirit is consistent, that is, he does not publish for the sake of publishing, but for the just cause, for the needs of the nation, and for the interests of the public; In order to do all this, we should be good at business, but never sacrifice meaning for business. This is something that we should always remember as a triplet.

Publishing stories


Oriental Magazine

On November 1, 1932, the famous《 Oriental Magazine 》More than 400 letters of solicitation for contributions were sent to well-known figures from all walks of life throughout the country. Hu Yuzhi said in the letter:
"In these dark years, let alone the 30 million people in the Northeast Imperialism Of Bayonet If we live and suffer, our whole country and nation will also fall into a sea of suffering We curse today, but we still have tomorrow. If the real life during the day is tense and stuffy, in this long winter night, we can at least have one or two sweet and comfortable dreams. Dreams are all our sacred rights! "
The reason why Oriental Magazine launched "Let's have a good dream in the New Year of 1933" is to seek answers to two questions:
(1) What is the future of China in your dreams? (Please describe an outline or one aspect of China in the future.)
(2) What's your dream in your personal life? (Of course, this dream is not necessarily achievable.)
Hu Yuzhi (second from left), Song Qingling (right) and Lu Xun (left)
This led to an unprecedented "New Year's Dream". The "Dream" campaign has aroused enthusiastic responses. As of December 5, more than 160 answers have been received, some of which are《 Oriental Magazine 》Readers of. The Oriental Magazine (Vol. 30, No. 1), published on New Year's Day in 1933, published 244 "dreams" of 142 people (not including those in the form of cartoons) at a time with 83 pages Feng Zikai ), including Liu Yazi, Xu Beihong, Zheng Zhenduo, Ba Jin, Mao Dun critic founding member of the Creation Society , Zhang Shenfu Chen Hansheng , Jin Zhonghua Zhang Junmai Zou Taofen Zhougucheng Song Yunbin Li Shengwu, Tao Menghe Gu Jiegang , Zhang Naiqi Zhou Zuoren , Yang Xingfo Ma Xiangbo Lin Yutang Xia Mianzun , Ye Shengtao, Yu Songhua and many other well-known intellectuals.
General Manager of the Commercial Press in 1932 Wang Yunwu Please Hu Yuzhi, editor in chief《 Oriental Magazine 》Hu put forward the condition, "Get a sum of money every month and rent an office space outside," editors and authors Contribution fee They are all contracted by Hu, and the chief editor is also responsible for the selection of manuscripts. It is not necessary to go through the general manager, and Wang Yunwu agreed. " The total volume 29 published by Hu Yuzhi from October 16 No. 4 I started to take over and planned the special edition of "New Year's Dream" in less than 20 days. The Commercial Press has experienced the ups and downs since modern times, and is well aware of its interests (it declined to publish Sun Yat sen's《 National strategy 》)"Wang Yunwu can't stand the pressure of the Kuomintang authorities", and asked him not to make up like this. He refused to do it, "it will collapse". Half a century later (1982), Hu Yuzhi reviewed the past in this way:
"In January of the next year, I published the topic" Dreams of the New Year ", and published articles that were not satisfactory to the Kuomintang. Some Kuomintang people also wrote articles that were not satisfactory. Wang Yunwu was very angry when he saw this special edition, and said to me," You are terrible. The Commercial Press will close its doors! Can you send less such things? "I said," No, the editorial power is mine, not yours. ". He said that he would have to cancel the contract. At that time, I was impatient and said, "Cancel if you cancel.". Then the contract is cancelled. "
Published on March 16, 1933《 Oriental Magazine 》Hu Yuzhi compiled 9 issues of Volume 30, No. 4, which lasted only five months. He lost the influential forum of Oriental Magazine because of his "dream", which almost confirmed that sociologist Tao Menghe said that "dreams are the most dangerous thing for human beings." Later, many people, including Lu Xun, criticized him, "In fact, it is not necessary to cancel the contract so hastily. You can publish fewer articles like that, which can also have an impact, because Oriental Magazine is a big magazine."( Chen Yuan Hu Yuzhi 》, Sanlian Bookstore 1994)
Lu Xun thought that "it would have been possible not to do such a special series as dreams". He pointed out pointedly in Hear and Hear Dreams: "Although dreams' everyone has food ', people have people, dreams‘ proletariat People in society, dreams‘ Datong World ’Some people, but few dream of building such a society before class struggle , white terror, bombing, torture, nose filling chili water Electrocution ,... If you don't dream about these things, the good society will not come. No matter how bright it is, it will be a dream after all. "
Hu Yuzhi left《 Oriental Magazine 》The "dream" did not end in the "long winter night". Anyway, it was always a year when there were dreams. If intellectuals had fewer utopian dreams of the "Great Harmony World", fewer pastoral dreams, more dreams of the rule of law, and more dreams of citizens, in the not too distant future, "dreams" would be no longer dreams.

Ramble on the westward journey

After the fall of Shanghai, a large number of patriotic intellectuals have always insisted on fighting. At that time, Wang Renshu In the article "Defending Great Shanghai and the Creation of Great National Personality", it was written that "for the sake of strategy and the final victory of the long-term war of resistance, take Machine gun Chinese soldiers with big guns and rifles can withdraw from Shanghai, but cultural soldiers with pen holders and spiritual weapons can never withdraw from Shanghai. "
At the end of 1937, Hu Yuzhi accidentally saw at the residence of American journalist Snow Red star over China This is sent to Snow by the Grenz Company in London Sample book Snow told him that the original name of the book was Red star in China The typesetter mistook "in" for "over". Snow thought it was a good mistake, so the official title of the English version was mistakenly translated into "Red Stars Shine over China" in Chinese. Hu Yuzhi borrowed this newsletter from Snow, which is a true record of what he saw in Yan'an. The content is very attractive. As soon as he finished reading, he introduced it to his friends at the symposium. He said that the Kuomintang blockaded Chinese Soviet area They slandered the Communist Party and made the public not understand the Soviet area and the Red Army. Now the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are cooperating to resist Japan. If this book can be published in Shanghai, it can let the people know the real Communist Party.
But the biggest problem is publishing. such Red books No publishing house dares to publish. After discussion, we decided to set up our own publishing house, and the Society was thus established. The club is located in Hu Yu's home, and its members include Zheng Zhenduo Xu Guangping , Zhang Zonglin, Zhou Jianren, Wang Renshu and more than 10 others, Zhang Zonglin as the general manager. In order to save time, they opened the book and 11 or 12 people translated at the same time. The whole book is 300000 words, and the translation is completed in less than a month. After the translation of the book, the publishing house also has it, but there is no money for printing the book. What should we do? They thought of two ways. First, each member of the Society donated dozens of yuan; And then to the readers Reservation coupon The book is priced at 2.5 yuan. If you buy it with reservation coupon, it only costs 1 yuan. After the fall, the Commercial Press moved away. Many printing workers lost their jobs, and Hu Yuzhi found familiar workers to help. In a difficult environment, the whole process of translation, printing and publishing was completed in less than two months. The Chinese version also added a large number of photos not available in the English version.
Snow said, literally, I wrote this book, but these stories were created and written by Chinese revolutionary youth. Red Star Shines on China (English version) was published in October 1937 London It was published in five editions soon. An American historian Said that "the publication of" Random Journey to the West "is Modern Chinese History A big event in ", which" symbolizes that the West understands China new era ”。 In order to cover up, the Chinese version of the book is called "The Journey to the West". In March 1938, 2000 copies of the first edition were printed and soon sold out. The second and third editions were printed in less than a year. In just a few months, it has caused a sensation at home and abroad, and countless reprints and reprints have been produced in Hong Kong and places where overseas Chinese are concentrated. Many progressive young people read this book and yearned for freedom and democracy in Yan'an. 23-year-old Hua Junwu Is one of them. He was in Shanghai at that time In the bank As a junior clerk, I also heard rumors that slandered the Communist Party. Later, I saw "Random Tales of the Journey to the West" and suddenly realized it. He said, "This book has a great impact on me, and everything in Yan'an fascinates me." In the summer of 1938, he went to Yan'an alone without telling his mother.
Hu Yuzhi (at the beginning of the founding of New China《 Guangming Daily 》The first editor in chief said that Snow's book, written decades ago, has always been a best seller in many countries and is the first to study China's problems popular book This book has been translated into nearly 20 languages and has hundreds of millions of readers around the world.

Complete Works of Lu Xun

In the anti Japanese cultural movement《 Complete Works of Lu Xun 》The publication of is a great event. At the critical moment of national crisis, people urgently need spiritual food. Lu Xun enjoyed a high reputation in China at that time, especially among the progressive people in the cultural circle. Guo Moruo said in his article "Remembering Lu Xun in the Long War of Resistance" that "we will never compromise with the evil forces and fight to the end Lu Xun Spirit It has become our National spirit Our current bloody war of resistance is the expression of this spirit "," and this spirit is magnificent in Lu Xun's works. "Cai Yuanpei and Song Qingling launched the establishment of the" Lu Xun Memorial Committee ", which is being edited and printed Notice China said that the purpose of publishing Lu Xun's Complete Works was to expand the influence of Lu Xun's spirit to awaken National Soul And strive for the bright future.
Hu Yuzhi, Xu Guangping, Zheng Zhenduo and others jointly planned to publish by Fu She. The printing capital is a big problem, and it is far from enough to paste the surplus of "Journey to the West". Because Lu Xun is deeply loved, and there are warm calls from Mao Dun, Ba Jin, Shen Junru, and Tao Xingzhi, many people from the mainland, Southeast Asia, and the United States Deposit
At that time, many printing workers in Shanghai admired Lu Xun. Although a large number of workers lost their jobs and lived in poverty, they were enthusiastic about publishing the Complete Works of Lu Xun and took the initiative to reduce their fees. Hundreds of scholars, scholars and fellow workers worked together. On June 15, 1938, in the isolated island where red books were banned, only four months later, the Complete Works of Lu Xun with 6 million words and 20 volumes was published in three versions: A, B and C Commemorative book It is gilded with cloth ridge, and packed in a complete set of nanmu cases. Type B is red cloth bronzing. Wen Wei Po "The outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression has brought more profound condolences to Mr. Lu Xun. It was a just and sharp pen. If it were still alive today, it would at least surpass the power of hundreds of thousands of lions."

Publishing books

  • Author name Hu Yuzhi
    The Ideal and Reality of International Language is a book published by the Commercial Press in 1986 by Hu Yuzhi.
  • Impression of Moscow
    Author name Hu Yuzhi
    Work time 1984-8
    One of the series "Modern Chinese Look at the World". The impression that Hu Yuzhi, a Esperanto speaker, stayed in the Soviet Union for one week on his way home in 1931.

Hu's chronology

In 1920, it was founded with Mao Dun, Zheng Zhenduo, etc Literature Research Association , actively promote New Literature Movement
In 1921, founded Shangyu The first newspaper, Shangyu Sound, was sent back to Shangyu for distribution to spread new ideas and culture in his hometown.
Edited and published in 1925《 Gongli Daily 》, and on《 Oriental Magazine 》He published a long article "Documentary of the May 30th Movement" in support of the May 30th Movement.
In 1926, he supported the establishment of New Women magazine and Kaiming Book Company
In 1928, due to reactionaries Hate, stationed in Europe with Oriental Magazine Special correspondent He went into exile in France, studied international law at the University of Paris, and systematically studied Marxism democracy Turn to socialism. Simultaneous entry journalism School studies journalism. During his stay in France, he traveled to Britain Belgium Switzerland Etc.
In 1931, he paid a visit to the Soviet Union on his way back home and wrote Impression in Moscow to introduce the Soviet Union October Revolution Achievements after. After the "September 18th" and "January 28th" events, the editor in chief of the Oriental Magazine after its resumption publicized the fight against Japan and saved the country, and co hosted the famous《 Life Weekly 》And promote the establishment of Life Bookstore.
General Manager of the Commercial Press in 1932 Wang Yunwu Hu Yuzhi is invited to edit Oriental Magazine.
In 1933, at the invitation of Lu Xun, he joined the China Civil Rights Protection Alliance and was elected as the interim executive member of the Central Committee. In September, he joined the Communist Party of China. Under the leadership of the Party, it has successively planned to establish Literature and Taibai《 translation 》《 Women's life 》And other progressive publications, chief editor《 World knowledge 》And become an important revolutionary cultural front for progressive workers.
In 1935, he initiated the National Salvation Association with Shen Junru and others to promote the development of the anti Japanese and national salvation movement. In 1936, he was sent by the Party organization to leave Hong Kong and go to Moscow via France to report to the Chinese delegation of the Communist International. In November, seven people, including Shen Junru, the leader of the National Salvation Association, were arrested by the Kuomintang and were responsible for organizing the rescue of the "Seven Gentlemen". They went to Suzhou with Song Qingling and He Xiangning to protest against the Kuomintang's atrocities with "patriotism and guilt, self imprisonment".
In 1937, after the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War, Hu Yuzhi and Cai Yuanpei Like a fierce Lin Such as the establishment of a joint organization of Shanghai cultural celebrities Shanghai Cultural Salvation Association And served as the member of the Standing Committee and the Minister of Publicity of the Shanghai Cultural Circles National Salvation Association, and actively promoted《 National Salvation Daily 》The publication was founded, and the International Propaganda Committee was established, which opened up a news organization for the Party to publicize abroad. After the fall of Shanghai, it continued to publish such publications as "Unity", "Jina" and "Yebo" in the concession to publicize anti Japanese and national salvation at home and abroad. And translated and published Snow's "Journey to the West", edited and published《 Complete Works of Lu Xun 》20 volumes.
In 1938, he served as the Director of the Third Office and the Fifth Division of the Political Department of the National Revolutionary Military Commission, in charge of anti Japanese propaganda and mobilization. After the fall of Wuhan, he was assigned by Zhou Enlai to Guilin to publish《 Public opinion 》, organized an international news agency, founded a cultural supply station, and served as the director and editorial director.
In 1940, following the advice of Zhou Enlai, he left Hong Kong for Singapore Overseas publicity Position, employed by Chen Jiageng《 Nanyang Siang Pau 》Editorial director. stay Sumatra During refuge Indonesian Research. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, he returned to Singapore and founded the New Nanyang Publishing House, hosted the Nanqiao Daily, Under the Wind and the New Women magazine, publicized the principles and policies of the Communist Party of China overseas, established and led the "Democratic League" branch of Nanyang, and developed the party's unified war work among overseas Chinese.
In 1948, he returned from Nanyang and arrived in the North China Liberated Area to participate in the preparation of the New CPPCC.
In September 1949, he attended the first plenary session of the CPPCC National Committee.
On New Year's Day in 1955, Hu Yuzhi《 Guangming Daily 》The article "Chinese characters are written horizontally in line with people's living habits" was published on.
On July 10, 1957, Hu Yuzhi made a speech on the topic of "Perspective of the Chamberlain Romania Alliance" at the meeting. On July 11, the People's Daily published Hu Yuzhi's Speech
In 1960, in order to commemorate the 65 years since the founding of business, Hu Yuzhi came to the museum to talk about the history of the museum.
On September 27, 1979, Hu Yuzhi and Ye Shengtao were watching the newly published Source of Words Revision
In 1982, with Chu Tunan, Ba Jin, Xie Bingxin, Ye Shengtao Xia Yan The Chinese Esperanto Friends Association was founded.
In 1984 International Esperanto Conference Top awarded on Honorary title "Honorary Supervisor".
In June 1985, he participated in the symposium of Yuzu people held by Shangyu County Party Committee and County Government in Beijing to support hometown construction and annals revision.
He died in Beijing on January 16, 1986.

Academic achievements

Hu Yuzhi (left) and Ye Shengtao (right)
As early as the 1930s, he advocated the way of alphabetizing characters. His On Popular Chinese(《 Independent comments 》109, 1934), which clarifies his view on popular language: "'popular language' should be interpreted as' representative Public awareness Language. " "Popular language must be close to spoken language." In 1935, he signed the declaration of "Our Opinions on the Promotion of New Writing", advocating Latinized New Characters In his article "The May 4th Movement" and the Reform of the Writing System (New Writing Semimonthly, 1951, Issue 68), he affirmed that the May 4th Movement defeated the classical Chinese and established writings in vernacular He proposed the problem of the preservation and abolition of Chinese characters, and dialectically put forward that "characters are the same as the general way of spiritual life. They cannot be abolished by order, nor can they be transformed in a short time. It must be through a long-term process of gradual transformation that the old can be completely abolished and the new can be established in the end."
Hu Yuzhi
On New Year's Day in 1955, Hu Yuzhi《 Guangming Daily 》The article "Chinese characters are written horizontally in line with people's living habits" was published on, which demonstrated in detail the benefits of horizontal writing: scientific, in line with people's physiological requirements, paper saving, convenient for titles, illustrations, tables Arithmetic And so on. In "Making the Reform of Chinese Characters a Great Step Forward"(《 Chinese knowledge 》In the article (Issue 3, 1956), he explained popularize the common spoken Chinese The necessity and possibility of language and civil life Inseparable, language is social Communication tools It is also a weapon of social struggle. The times need a common language Putonghua has objectively existed Han nationality Common language of. Popularizing Putonghua is an important measure to strengthen the unity and development of politics, economy, national defense and culture of the Han nationality, and to meet the requirements of the people of the whole country and our country socialist construction Urgent political task He called on all social support Publicize and promote Putonghua. In the Esperanto movement, he is a well-known activist at home and abroad and a leader of the Esperanto movement in China《 The Ideal and Reality of International Language 》(《 Oriental Magazine 》Volume 19, Issue 15, 1922), Forty Years of Esperanto (Oriental Magazine, Volume 24, Issue 22, 1927), Commemoration of Tchaiman Hoff, an International Language Theorist(《 Xinhua Daily 》December 29, 1938), etc., enthusiastically publicized the ideal and purpose of Esperanto, and introduced in detail 11 features of Esperanto structure and its linguistic value. Hu Yuzhi also wrote Research on Indonesian Grammar.

Adventures in Moscow

In May of 1956, when the flowers were in full bloom, Hu Yuzhi, Director of the Chinese Publishing Bureau, led the way Chinese culture The delegation visited the Soviet Union. One evening, Hu Yuzhi was in Moscow Ethnic Hotel Take a walk before, one Lapel A middle-aged Soviet man wearing a Esperanto badge came to him. The middle-aged man politely asked in Esperanto whether he had been to Moscow in 1931? Is it called Hu Yuzhi? After Hu Yuzhi answered positively, the middle-aged Soviet man said in surprise, "Mr. Hu, do you still remember me? I am Nikolai Retikov who received you in those years."
The meeting was separated by 25 years.
In 1928, Hu Yuzhi was persecuted by the Kuomintang government and exiled to France Siberia Return to China via Moscow. In 1931, he stayed in Moscow for seven days and was warmly welcomed and received by young Esperanto speakers in Moscow, such as Nikolai and Alexeine. In a short period of time in Moscow, Hu Yuzhi forged deep friendship with his Soviet friends, such as Nikolai and Alexis. After returning to China, he wrote the famous Impression of Moscow, in which he mentioned five young Esperanto friends from the Soviet Union, including Nikolai and Alexis.
Seven years after the meeting, late at night on March 21, 1938, Nicholas was suddenly secret police Take it away. At that time, he thought he had been sent to work as a translator, but he didn't know he was arrested until he was thrown into a prison in the suburb of Moscow. Nikolay, like other Moscow Esperanto speakers, was designated as an "international spy". Four months later, Nicholas was sent to the Far East Vladivostok He was later exiled to Korima. In November 1955, Nikolay was released and returned to his hometown Moscow. The next year, he learned from the press that Hu Yuzhi Laisu During the visit, I went to several big hotels to look for them, and finally I met my old friend Hu Yuzhi. The two talked about friendship and could not tell the joy of reunion [1]

Planning and publishing

Hu Yuzhi's Specific Methods of Planning and Publishing Books on Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers
1. Require editorial cadres to stay in rural areas and promote the editing method of combining editors, authors and readers
2. Go to the countryside to investigate in person, and collect and compile suitable materials for them Reading habits And reading ability
Hu Yuzhi as New China publishing The founders and leaders of the, not only require the editors and cadres of rural books to go deep into rural areas to investigate and study, collect and edit manuscripts, but also practice, go deep into the rural front line, investigate farmers' needs. In the early 1960s, he personally arrived Rural Reading Press We are determined to compile a new almanac for 500 million farmers in China, which is called "Dongfanghong". He imagined this book new calendar The book must have five characteristics: complete, new, practical, popular and timely, making it a new almanac of the style of "asking no one for anything". The new almanac "Dongfanghong" went from topic selection, contribution solicitation to layout, from content, form cover design In the illustrations, Hu Yuzhi's painstaking efforts are all condensed. In order to compile this book well, Hu Yuzhi personally led the editorial comrades to Zhejiang and Hunan in March 1965 for investigation and compilation of manuscripts. "Dongfanghong" was published in January 1966. Because its content is very close to the life of farmers, rich, practical, novel and illustrated, it was well received by rural readers after its release, with a circulation of more than one million copies.
After the first book "Dongfanghong" was published, he led some editors to Zhejiang and Hunan rural areas for investigation and research in order to understand the effect of the book after its publication and prepare for its revision and republication. Before starting, he made three rules with his peers, one of which required everyone to "go down to production team , live in farmers' homes, work with farmers in the daytime, and participate in the village culture and Scientific and technological activities , soliciting contributions for editing "[3]. At the time of this investigation, although Hu Yuzhi was old, he still insisted on going deep into the front-line investigation to understand the situation, not only soliciting contributions on the spot, but also through this in-depth investigation, he put forward many suggestions for revision of the editorial work of Dongfanghong, such as China Vast territory agricultural production The agricultural production knowledge is compiled by Beijing, which is difficult to adapt to different natural condition He proposed to publish the North China edition, the Northwest edition south China Version, etc. It is a pity that these ideas failed because of the "Cultural Revolution" coming soon. It was not until 1973 that the People's Publishing House republished Dongfanghong. Reader Yao Yang collected a copy of "Dongfanghong" published in 1978. According to him, "This book is really oriented to the countryside, farmers and agriculture at that time. From these directories, we can see the shadow of the rural culture at that time, ranging from policy interpretation to policy interpretation food poisoning Prevention and treatment, women Birth control ring Use Newborn care , earthquake knowledge introduction and on-site rescue, as well as how to eat Chinese medicine, grow rice, estimate wheat yield in the field, skillfully calculate plot method, etc., can be said to have been included in the book. All the things mentioned are related to the daily life of farmers, covering all aspects of the countryside. It is a book that is truly oriented to the countryside and focuses on agriculture. Its release time is around the Spring Festival every year. During the Spring Festival, people are buying it New Year Goods I will buy a copy at the same time. It can be seen that Dongfanghong, which was born through actual investigation, is quite close to the needs of rural readers in terms of content, reading habits, etc. It is not surprising that it is welcomed by farmers.
3. Centralized nationwide Publishing resources , launched a large number of "rural" books at a very low price
Enlightenment of hu yuzhi's planning and publishing of books on agriculture, countryside and farmers
1. Current agriculture, rural areas and farmers Book publishing Two major shortcomings in
2. The planning creativity of books on agriculture, rural areas and farmers should originate from farmers and fields
To sum up, Hu Yuzhi's transportation is not as developed and the information is not as smooth as it is now, but he can grasp the vast Rural residents What kind of reading materials are needed; Hu Yuzhi's era Printing technology underdeveloped Paper is also in short supply, but he can achieve the perfect combination of rural reading materials from content to form to ensure that rural readers Reading needs Hu Yuzhi's time is not Rural Bookstore As a platform, he is still trying to improve the Cultural quality Efforts; Hu Yuzhi lived in an era when there was nothing new to be done in New China, and there was no new countryside Cultural construction However, he can still keep the number of books published in rural areas to more than 1700 in 1964 when the annual number of publications was only about 20000... All this is enough to cause us to think deeply: as long as we truly move towards modern agriculture, enter today's new countryside, and approach farmers in the new era, we will be able to do a good job in the publishing of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers in the new era. [2]

member of family

second younger brother Hu Zhongchi , is a famous editor and translator. [5]
Hu Xueshu is the fifth brother of Hu Zhongchi, and their wives Fan Yuyun and Fan Yuxian are also sisters. [5]

Commemoration for future generations

Hu Yuzhi's Former Residence Imperial Five Hall It is a provincial cultural relics protection unit, which has been renovated and opened to the public in 2014. [5]