Ho Chi Ming City

Vietnam municipality
zero Useful+1
Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnamese: Th à nh ph ố H ồ Ch í Minh/City; Ho Chi Minh City; English: Ho Chi Minh City) Socialist Republic of Vietnam , on Mekong Delta Northeast, Tongnai River Tributary Saigon River The right bank is 80km away from the estuary, covering an area of 2090km2. As of 2014, the population was about 12 million. [1]
After 1955 The Republic of Vietnam (also known as South Vietnam )"Capital". The social and economic development was influenced by the West, and the business was developed. It was once called "Paris of the East". At the end of the 19th century, it developed into a famous port and rice market in Southeast Asia. In 1932, Saigon and Dike were merged into the "Xidi Lianqu". the Second World War Later, it joined hands with Jiading City to form "Saigon Jiading City", or "Grand Saigon". In November 1946, the Vietnamese Congress approved the naming of Saigon City (Vietnamese: S à i G ò n). On April 30, 1975, Democratic Republic of Vietnam After the unification of the whole country Communist Party of Vietnam The main founder of Ho Chi Minh Saigon was renamed "Ho Chi Minh City".
Ho Chi Minh City is the largest city in Vietnam port city and economic center [32] In the first half of 2015, the gross domestic product of Ho Chi Minh City was about 417 trillion dong (about 19.4 billion US dollars), an increase of 8.6% over the same period of 2014. Among them, trade services contributed 5.73%; Industry and construction contributed 2.78%; Agriculture, forestry and aquaculture contributed 0.04%. [2]
On December 26, 2019, it ranked 123 in the 2019 Global Top 500 Cities. [3]
Chinese name
Ho Chi Ming City
Foreign name
Vietnamese: Th à nh ph ố H ồ Ch í Minh/City: Ho Chi Minh; English: Ho Chi Minh City
Administrative Region Category
municipality directly under the Central Government
geographical position
Mekong Delta region
2094 km²
Area under jurisdiction
19 counties and 5 counties
Government residence
86 Lê Thánh Tôn,Phường Bến Nghé,Quận 1
Area Code
Postal Code
eight hundred thousand and ten
climatic conditions
Tropical monsoon climate
population size
12 million (2014)
train station
Ga Saigon
gross domestic product
961.96 trillion dong [4] (2015)

Textual Research on Name


Khmer name

according to Zhou Daguan Zhenla Local Customs, Angkor There was a place name of "pheasant stick" in the era. The scholar Xu Zhaolin thought that it might be the later Saigon, because the pronunciation of "pheasant stick" was similar to that of "chai stick" in Vietnam and "zhai stick" in overseas Chinese (See [5] Zhou Daguan's "Record of Zhenla's Local Customs - Prefecture") The Khmer is called Prey Nokor, which means the forest of the kingdom, and refers to the residence of the Deputy King of Cambodia (located in the current embankment Region). so far Cambodia And live in Mekong Delta A small number of Khmer people still use this name. [6]

Traditional Vietnamese name

After Priango was ruled by Vietnamese refugees from the north, it was called Saigon (S à i G ò n). It is said that Saigon originated from the name of a Vietnamese, but it is still controversial.
Before the French colonization, the official name was Jiading (Gia Đình)。 1862 France People decided to abandon Jiading and adopt the well-known Saigon.
Night View of Ho Chi Minh City
In terms of spelling, Vietnamese people are accustomed to writing Saigon in two letters (S à i G ò n), but some people still write S à iG ò n or S à ig ò n for reasons such as habit of continuous writing or westernization.

chinese characters

It is often said that S à i is the firewood of Vietnamese characters, and G ò n is the stick of muttering characters. The derivative meaning of Vietnamese S à i G ò n is cotton. The origin of cotton is because the Khmer people once planted a large area of cotton in Priango, which can still be seen near the temple; Another is that there used to be tall forests in Saigon. The branches (S à i) and trunks (G òò n) are called S à i G ò n together.
In a word, neither Chinese in China nor Vietnamese will say "sticks" in the sense of meaning and pronounce "Saigon" in sound. But, Mumble words Vietnamese Users call it "Chengpu Ho Chi Minh (firewood stick)".


Some theories point out that Saigon is derived from Sai Con, and Sai Con translates into Khmer It means forest of kapok trees.


Formerly known as Saigon City (Yue: S à i G ò n/Saigon), Saigon was one of the "Saigon", which appeared around the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. from Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty From the third year of Yongle to the eighth year of Xuande, the Ming Empire sent Zheng He to the Western Seas seven times. After these seven voyages, many countries in East and West Asia, the coastal areas of the Middle East, and East Africa also paid tribute or traded with Ming Dynasty. At that time, Saigon was a port where tribute ships from the west docked. Over time, it was called "Saigon", meaning "tribute from the west". [7]

Current name

April 30, 1975 Republic of Vietnam( South Vietnam )Was North Vietnam After the overthrow of the government, the Vietnamese Communist Party Communist Party of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh, the main founder of, changed Saigon into Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnamese: Th à nh ph ố H ồ Ch í Minh (City: Ho Chi Minh), referred to as TPHCM; The English translation is Ho Chi Minh City, or HCMC for short; Ho Chi Minh Ville (HCMV for short) in French, but Saigon still frequently appears in company names, book titles and language studies.

Historical evolution

Satellite image of Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City is located in Mekong Delta region. At first, it was just a small fishing village called Priango, surrounded by marshes. The Khmer people have lived here for many centuries, and this place has gradually developed into a real wax Port trade An important town. Because of the dense water network, this area is called "water really wax".
In 1623, King Chey Chettha allowed Vietnamese refugees to enter Priango to escape from the northern part of Vietnam during the Northern and Southern Dynasties Zheng Dynasty The civil war in the South Ruan Dynasty, and the construction of houses for refugees. But weak kingdom of cambodia Unable to resist the increasing refugee flow, Priango gradually became part of Vietnam; Also known as Saigon. [8]
In 1698, the leader of the Ruan Dynasty sent a Vietnamese noble He came here to rule and was officially incorporated into the territory of Vietnam. This noble is often praised for his contributions to the development of Saigon.
In 1859, the French invaded and left some famous buildings in Saigon during the colonial period.
In 1954, the North Vietnamese army obtained Dien Bien Mansion After winning the battle, he declared independence. The French government handed over power to the last emperor of the Ruan Dynasty, Emperor Bao Da, and Saigon was designated as the capital of South Vietnam. After the founding of the Republic of Vietnam, it still serves as the capital.
1975 Vietnam war The end and the unification of the two countries. Saigon is under the protection of the North Vietnamese army. This event is called the fall of Saigon in the United States and the liberation of Saigon in Vietnam.
1976 Socialist Republic of Vietnam The defeated North Vietnam changed its name to Ho Chi Minh City in memory of Ho Chi Minh, the founder of its regime.
Former name of Ho Chi Minh City Saigon Saigon Jiading City was officially renamed in 1976. Ho Chi Minh City is located in Mekong Delta Northeast Saigon River On the right bank, 80 kilometers southeast of Haikou, 20000 ton ships can sail directly into the city at high tide.
After the war, North and South Vietnam were completely unified on July 2, 1976, and Hanoi officially became the capital of this unified country. [9]
according to Vietnam Congress According to the decision made on July 2, 1976, Ho Chi Minh City includes Saigon City, Jiading Province and part of Pingyang and Houyi provinces before liberation. There are 12 counties in the urban area and 6 counties in the suburb.
In 2006, Ho Chi Minh City had 12 counties in its urban area and 6 counties in its suburbs.
In 2014, there were 19 counties and 5 counties in Ho Chi Minh City.

administrative division


Division evolution

Ho Chi Minh Administrative Division
Ho Chi Minh City is a municipality directly under the Central Government of Vietnam, and its administrative status is equivalent to that of a provincial administrative region. Since December 2003, Ho Chi Minh City has jurisdiction over 24 administrative divisions. It includes five counties and districts (Yapi, Fumen, Qinye, Guzhi and Pingzheng, covering an area of 1601 square kilometers), and is a remote rural area. The remaining 19 regions are counties and districts (including 1~12 counties and districts, and seven counties and districts, namely Xinping, Pingxin, Furun, Shoude, Jiuyi, Pingsheng and Xinfu, covering an area of 494 square kilometers). Since December 2006, there have been 259 workshops in the city.

Zoning Details

As of 2014, Ho Chi Minh City was Vietnam? A municipality directly under the Central Government governs 19 counties, districts and 5 counties. [10]
County 1 (Qu ậ n 1)
County 2 (Qu ậ n 2)
County 3 (Qu ậ n 3)
County 4 (Qu ậ n 4)
County 5 (Qu ậ n 5)
County 6 (Qu ậ n 6)
County 7 (Qu ậ n 7)
County 8 (Qu ậ n 8)
County 9 (Qu ậ n 9)
County 10 (Qu ậ n 10)
County 11 (Qu ậ n 11)
County 12 (Qu ậ n 12)
Jiuyi County (Shisha County, G ò V ấ p)
Xinping County (Tân Bình)
T â n Ph ú
Pingsheng County (B ì nh Th ạ nh)
Furun County (Phú Nhuận)
Shoude County (Th ủ Đ ứ c)
Pingxin County (Bình Tân)
Suzhi County (Củ Chi)
Fumen County ( Hóc Môn)
Pingzheng County (B ì nh Ch á nh)
Yapi County (Nh à B è)
Qinye County (C ầ n Gi ờ)

geographical environment


Geographical context

Ho Chi Ming City
Ho Chi Minh City is located in Vietnam? In the south, between 10 ° 22 ′ 13 ″ - 11 ° 22 ′ 17 ″ north latitude and 106 ° 01 ′ 25 ″ - 107 ° 01 ′ 10 ″ east longitude Xining Province In the south of Hepingyang Province, Tongnai Province and Batitunton In the east, Long'an Province West and Distance China South China Sea 15 km south coast. It covers an area of 2094 square kilometers, with a straight distance of 50 kilometers from the city center to the seaside, an altitude of 6 meters, and a coastline of 15 kilometers. [11]
Ho Chi Ming City


Satellite map of Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City belongs to the Southeast and Mekong Delta A transitional zone between regions. There are three types of terrain.
The high terrain is located in the northeast of the north and part of Tongchi in the north, Shoude District 5 in the northeast and Northwest District 9 in the northeast. The terrain is curved, with an average height of 10-25m. The highest point of Longping Mountain in Zone 9 is 32m.
The depression terrain is located in the southwest and southeast of the south, and the height of the area is within 0.5-2 meters.
The medium altitude terrain is located in the central city, including most old residential areas, part of District 2 and Shoude County. The altitude of the area is 5-10m.


Ho Chi Minh City Tropical monsoon climate , divided into rainy season and dry season. The rainy season is from May to October and the dry season is from November to April. The average annual temperature is 27.5 ℃, and the minimum temperature in January is 21 ℃.
Ho Chi Minh City has a mild climate. The annual average temperature is 27 degrees Celsius, and the temperature difference between months is not more than 5 degrees. The annual sunshine duration is 2500 hours to 2700 hours, the annual rainfall is about 2000 mm, and the average humidity is 75% to 78%. [12]


Ho Chi Minh City soils are in two categories: contaminated and loose sediment formation.
Polluted sand: This ancient alluvial sediment covers the northwest and northeast of most northern cities, including Tongchi, Fumen, Beiping and Shoude districts, and nine districts in the north and northeast.
The main feature of sediment is hilly terrain, with a depth range of 3 to 25 meters. Due to natural factors, including biological, climatic, temporal and human activities, erosion and decomposition, sediment has developed into gray soil. Gray soil accounts for 45000 hectares (23.4%) of the total area of the city.
The loose sand alluvial sediment Ho Chi Minh originated from coastal areas, bays, river beds and alluvial plains, forming different types of soil. Alluvial soil accounts for 15100 hectares (7.8%) of the total area, bauxite for 40800 hectares (21.2%), and alkaline soil for 45500 hectares (23.6%). The remaining area is 400 hectares (0.2%).
Alluvial soil: formed in plateau terrain, 1.5-2 meters deep, mainly in the southern Pingzheng District, the eastern part of District 7, Beiya District and Tongka District.

natural resources


plant resources

By 2005, there were 104 species and 48 families of plants in Ho Chi Minh City, such as Dipterocarpaceae, Leguminosae Sour twig pyinkado Peperomia dolabriformis Seed of wooden turtle , Populus tomentosa Crape myrtle , Phoenix Dew Grass Bittern fern Marine paint , Rujuan sonneratia alba Etc.

Animal resources

As of 2005, the animals in Ho Chi Minh City crocodile monkey fox Python snake birds shrimp and fish And more than 10 others.


As of 2014, the population of Ho Chi Minh City was about 12 million, an increase of 3.0% compared with 2013. Among them, the permanent population is about 8 million, Chinese people More than 400000 yuan.

Economic situation



In 2012, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Ho Chi Minh City was 404.72 trillion dong, an increase of 8.7% over the same period of 2011, lower than the growth rate of 10% in the same period of 2011. However, it maintained the momentum of increasing quarter by quarter: 7.4% in Q1, 8.7% in Q2 and 9.6% in Q3. The added value of agriculture, forestry and aquatic products was 4.26 trillion dong, up 5% year on year, accounting for 1.1% of GDP; The added value of industry and construction industry was 177.29 trillion dong, up 7.8% year on year, accounting for 43.8% of GDP; The added value of the service industry was 223.17 trillion dong, up 9.4% year on year, accounting for 55.1% of GDP.
In 2015, the gross domestic product of Ho Chi Minh City was about 28.87 billion US dollars, up 9.1% year on year, the fastest growth in nearly three years. Among them, service industry accounts for 59.7% of GDP, industry and construction industry accounts for 39.3%, and agriculture accounts for 1%. The total consumption of retail and service industry was about 21.93 billion US dollars, up 11% year on year, and 10.4% excluding price factors. Exports were 22.46 billion US dollars, down 5.9%; Imports amounted to US $17.2 billion. The industrial development index increased by 7.3%.
Vietnam's Economic Times reported on December 9: On December 8, Nguyen Thi, chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Conference, determined to reveal that in 2015, the city's economic growth rate hit a three-year high. The city's gross national product (GDP) is expected to reach 961.96 trillion dong (about 274.85 billion yuan), an increase of 9.8% over the same period (9.2% in 2012, 9.3% in 2013, and 9.6% in 2014), It is 1.5 times the national average GDP growth rate. The total volume of retail sales and services is expected to be 683.059 trillion dong (about 195.16 billion yuan), an increase of 11.4% year on year. Excluding price factors, the operating revenue of trade services increased by 10.3%. The consumer price index rose by about 1%, lower than the national level. [4]


From 2011 to 2013, the output value of agriculture, forestry and fishery in Ho Chi Minh City increased by 6.1% annually. Among them, the annual average growth of flower planting area is 2.8%, and the annual average growth of economic benefits is 22.5%. In 2012, the city raised 89900 cows, an increase of 12.5% over 2010, accounting for 51% of the total number of cows in the country and 61% of the milk yield.
In addition, nearly 100 enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City supply excellent varieties. The annual supply of seeds is about 10000 tons, 23000 breeding cattle and 90000 breeding pigs.
By 2015, the output value of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture industry was about 350 million dollars, up 6.1%. Among them, the agricultural output value was about 230 million US dollars, accounting for 66%, up 4.8%; The forestry output value is about 4.67 million US dollars, decreasing by 5.5%; The output value of aquaculture industry was about US $110 million, up 9.7%. [2]


In 2013, the total investment in Ho Chi Minh City Industrial Park and Export Processing Zone was 608.8 million US dollars, up 47.8% year on year. Among them, foreign enterprises invested US $363 million, up 74.9% year on year. In the investment of foreign enterprises, Japan Singapore Australia Enterprise investment accounted for 45.7%, 25% and 13.7% respectively. Vietnam's domestic enterprises invested 245.6 million US dollars, up 20% year on year. In 2013, the export volume of the city's industrial parks and export processing zones was US $5.1 billion, up 13% year on year.
By 2015, the industry had reached 1.746 billion US dollars, up 8.07% year on year [13] Among them, the processing and manufacturing industry increased by 6.6%; Electricity production and sales increased by 5.8%; The mining industry dropped 55.6%. The total output value of the construction industry was about 2.9 billion US dollars, up 10.5%. [2]

Service industry

In 2012, the total retail sales of social commodities in the first nine months were about 391.66 trillion dong, up 17.8% year on year. Among them, the state-owned economy amounted to 72.347 trillion dong, accounting for 18.5%, up 4.8%; The collective economy amounted to 15.17 trillion dong, accounting for 3.9%, up 26.4% year on year; The private economy reached 178.53 trillion dong, accounting for 45.6%, up 20.6% year on year; The individual economy amounted to 113.89 trillion dong, accounting for 29.1%; 21.6% year-on-year growth in 2011; The foreign capital economy was 11.72 trillion dong, accounting for 3%, up 21.4% year on year.
By 2015, the total social investment was about US $3 billion, up 6.4%. Among them, infrastructure investment was 2.6 billion US dollars, up 6.3%. The consumer price index (CPI) rose by 0.65% on average. [2]

foreign trade

In March 2012, Ho Chi Minh City exported a total of 2.35 billion dollars, up 16% month on month, and imported 2.2 billion dollars, up only 1%. In the first quarter, Ho Chi Minh City's exports totaled US $6.25 billion, up 8.7% year on year, equivalent to an increase of US $497 million; Imports were about US $6.2 billion, up 7.5% year on year. The surplus is 58 million dollars. Among them, rice exports were about 381500 tons and foreign exchange earnings were 197 million dollars, down 65.9% and 62.4% year on year respectively. The export of textile and clothing was about 546 million US dollars, up 8.9% year on year; Footwear exports reached 143 million US dollars, up 8.6%.
In 2012, the total import and export volume (excluding crude oil) in the first nine months reached 35.567 billion US dollars, up 1% year on year. Among them, domestic enterprises reached US $23.463 billion, accounting for 66%, down 4.1%; Foreign funded enterprises reached US $12.104 billion, accounting for 34%, up 12.5% year on year.
By 2015, the export of goods was about 14.6 billion US dollars, down 6.3%; Imports were about US $15.9 billion, up 12.1%. [2]

social undertakings



In the academic year 2003-2004, Ho Chi Minh City has 666 lower education institutions (882738 teachers and students) and 108 higher education institutions (33056 teachers and students). There are 317428 students and 7062 lecturers in public universities and colleges.

medical care

In 2003, there were 4600 doctors, 1802 dentists, 785 senior pharmacists, 5600 nurses and 1554 midwives in Ho Chi Minh City.
By 2005, there were 39 Ho Chi Minh City hospitals, 43 local diagnostic centers and 303 medical stations.
As of April 2014, Ho Chi Minh City has 112 hospitals and 31900 beds. Ho Chi Minh City has a population of about 10 million, with only 42 beds per 10000 people. Every year, medical institutions in Ho Chi Minh City receive about 40 million patients, of which 40-50% are from surrounding provinces and cities, so most hospitals are overloaded. Especially oncology, cardio cerebrovascular, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology. The overload rate of these hospitals reached 247%, 140% and 127% respectively.


In 2011, there were 24 telephone exchange stations in Ho Chi Minh City, with 1.2675 million fixed telephone users, up 11.3% year on year. Postal and telecommunications revenue was about 2.2418 trillion dong, a year-on-year decrease of 6.6%.
By the end of 2013, Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation will complete the reconstruction of 20 projects continued in 2012, including 65km MV cable and 40km LV cable. At the same time, the company will strive to complete 20 new projects started in June 2013, which will increase the localization rate of the city's medium voltage and low-voltage power grids to 27.5% and 11.5% respectively in 2013. [14]


Ho Chi Minh City Railway can reach all parts of Vietnam Vietnam Railway One of the hubs; About 6km from the northern suburbs Xinshanyi International Airport , you can fly to all parts of the world.
In 2014, Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transport announced that the city has built 109.7 kilometers of new roads, achieving 52.2% of the construction goal of 210 kilometers.
In 2015, Ho Chi Minh City completed the construction of 151.2 kilometers of roads, increasing the road density to 1.85 kilometers per square kilometer. Ho Chi Minh City recently built 47 bridges, 97% of the target. In 2015, Ho Chi Minh City completed 61 bridges. [15]
Ho Chi Minh City is Vietnam? As an important transportation hub in the south, Vietnam has the largest inland port and international airport. Saigon Port, a commercial throughput port, has an annual throughput of 4.5-5.5 million tons. Railways can lead to Hanoi and other large and medium-sized cities, roads can lead to all parts of the country, and roads or waterways can lead to Cambodia and Laos There is a good international airport, which can lead to Bangkok Kuala Lumpur Manila [16]

Historical culture


delicious food

delicious food
ch giò
The skin of Vietnamese spring roll is a very thin dry skin made of rice flour, which is rolled with vegetables, chicken, shrimp, agaric, winter noodles, Jiushengta and coriander in turn. The roll is like a Chinese spring roll, which is served with Vietnamese sweet chili sauce and a little lemon juice. There are many street sales in the streets, about 2000 dong each. [17]
Vietnam Hefen
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, is a common Vietnamese cuisine. The beef noodles can also be cooked or uncooked. The raw beef is in the form of ground meat, and it is semi cooked after mixing with hot soup, which is quite delicious. It can be eaten in the morning, noon and evening. It is similar to the river noodles in Guangdong, China, but has a different taste. A bowl is about 12000 dong. [18]
Fried elephant fish
Ho Chi Ming City Fried elephant fish It is a famous dish worth recommending. A fish that is a little bigger than a palm is fried thoroughly until it is crisp, crisp and delicious. Even if you are a fish eater, you can easily eat it because even bones can be eaten. A treaty of 70000 dong. [17]
Vietnamese Crab
Vietnamese chefs use a kind of local spicy sauce to burn the decomposed crabs, which will not destroy the taste of crabs in any way. A dish of seasoning, mixed with salt and pepper, ginger and vanilla, and lemon juice. I'm not used to it at the first try, but I will become addicted if I persist.
ch giò


Audrey ”It is Vietnam's national dress, also known as Vietnam's "long gown", which is divided into men's version and women's version. Women wear Audrey More common. Audrey usually uses soft fabrics such as silk. The coat is a long gown with two sides split to the waist and a pair of bell bottomed trousers on the lower body. Local people usually wear Audrey on formal occasions such as marriage, major festivals, diplomacy and reception. [19]

Civic customs

Customs and customs refer to the traditional customs, etiquette and habits of individuals or groups. It is a behavior pattern or norm that people of all generations in a specific social and cultural region follow together. Custom is formed by a kind of history, which has a very strong behavioral restriction on social members. Custom is the foundation and complementary part of social morality and law. It mainly includes national customs, festival customs, traditional etiquette, etc. [21]
Civic customs
A small fee of about 5000 dong (about 0.25 US dollars) will be given each time. In addition, according to Vietnamese custom, in case of meal time, the driver will be granted 10000 dong (about 0.4452 US dollars).
Chewing betel nut
In Vietnam, the people of Beijing, Dai, Tai and Eddie all have a special hobby of chewing betel nuts. Bitter areca is usually chewed before sweet, which can stimulate nerves, refresh the brain, and eliminate swelling. People in Beijing also take betel nut as a keepsake, and send a betel nut to them whether they propose or treat. It is an ancient custom of the Jing people to chew betel nuts and dye their teeth. In the past, men and women started to dye their teeth when they were only 17 or 18 years old. According to their customs, chewing betel nuts and dyeing teeth symbolize that they have grown up and can get married.
Important festivals
Vietnam also uses the solar calendar and lunar calendar. In addition to national legal festivals such as New Year's Day, International Labor Day, National Day, etc., Vietnam also has Tomb sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Yuan Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Spring Festival, etc. There is a folk song in Vietnam, "fat meat, ginger, onion and red couplets, flags and firecrackers, big rice dumplings". Vietnamese people also have the habit of keeping vigil at the turn of the New Year and the Old Year.
Vietnamese also celebrate Kitchen God Day. Kitchen God( Kitchen God )His task is to objectively record what happened in this family. Every year, the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month is Kitchen God's Day. [20] The Mid Autumn Festival is a festival that Vietnamese people attach more importance to. On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, Vietnamese people not only ate moon cakes, watched the moon, watched lanterns, and danced lions, but also held duets in rural areas. Vietnamese people called them "singing military drums"
Worship ancestors
Vietnamese people pay attention to filial piety. In the first family, children's filial piety and respect for their grandparents and parents are indispensable. Every Vietnamese family has shrines, shrines and shrines, which are altars for worshiping ancestors and holy places for worshiping ancestors. No one can offend or pollute them. Vietnamese regard sacrificing their ancestors as an important thing to thank their ancestors for their nurturing. Vietnamese's worship of their ancestors is also manifested in their ignorance of names
Betel nut

Sister city

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From May 14, 1994
From July 27, 1994
From April 10, 1995
From July 13, 1995
From November 3, 1995
China, Guangzhou
From April 1, 1996
From January 17, 1997
China, Shenyang
From April 21, 1999
From September 5, 2000
From August 28, 2001
From September 1, 2001
From November 8, 2001
Cambodia, Phnom Penh
Since July 2002
Russia, Moscow
From October 31, 2003
Canada, Toronto
From February 13, 2006
Japan, Yokohama.
From July 23, 2007
From October 27, 2007
Belarus, Minsk
From November 4, 2008
Russia, Vladivostok Vladivostok
From May 21, 2009
Spain, Barcelona
From May 29, 2009
Spain, Sevilla
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South Africa, Johannesburg
From November 10, 2009
Mexico, Monterrey
From May 27, 2013
reference material


Saigon Post Office
Saigon Post Office was built at the end of the 19th century and designed by French architects. The hall is luxuriously decorated and full of classical flavor. Both sides of the wide hall are business counters, and the central part is a circular bench from the outside to the inside. There is a map of Vietnam on both sides of the hall. It is said that it was hand-painted by French geographers that year, with dome, round flower windows, gorgeous chandeliers, flower wall lamps, electric fans, etc, It is full of Gothic architectural style. The Central Post Office is still in use, allowing people to take photos as much as they like, or sit there and stare at everything in the hall.
traffic : Take No. 52 bus to Fanyusaqi Station, take No. 26 bus to Duanle Station, and take No. 36 bus to Paris Commune Station. admission ticket : Free.
Saigon Post Office
Red Church
Red Church It is the most famous landmark in Saigon. Located in the center of Saigon, it is the most bustling and prosperous place. The Central Post Office is on the left side of it, which is very convenient. The original name of the church is Saigon Princesses and Notre Dames Church. It is named because it was built with red bricks. All the red bricks used in the construction were shipped from France. After more than 100 years, the color is still bright and there is no fading. The cathedral is modeled after the bell tower of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, with symmetrical shape and majesty. The two towers are up to 40 meters high, reaching into the sky. In front of the church, there is a statue of the Virgin Mary weighing four tons. The outer porch and other parts of the church are full of exquisite carvings, and the interior is surrounded by small prayer rooms. Each room has different niches, sculptures and decorations, which are perfect in changes.
transit : Take bus No.36 to Paris Station. walk : It takes about 20-30 minutes to walk straight from Fanwulao Street, but the legal buildings along the road will naturally slow down your pace, so you can spend more time strolling here. The main door of the church is closed, and you can enter from the side door in the direction of the opposite Tongyi Palace. admission ticket : Free.
Red Church
Fanwu Old Street
Fanwu Old Street Located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, it is named after the Vietnamese national hero Ph ạ m Ng ũ L ã o. The street gathers many hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, cafes, and bargain shops.
traffic : Take bus 03, 03B, 11, 26, 34, 36, 39, 45, 69, 72, 72B, 93, 96, 102, 102HP to Park Station. admission ticket : Free.
Fanwu Old Street
Unified Palace
Unified Palace It was built by the French colonists on February 23, 1869, by the then Governor LaGrandier of southern Vietnam, in order to strengthen their ruling institutions in Vietnam. It was named "Norodom Palace". In fact, it was also the governor's office of France in the whole Indochina region.
The Palace of Unity is a huge four storey white building covering an area of 120000 square meters. It is the seat of the former presidential palace of the South Vietnamese regime. There are 100 magnificent halls and halls in the building, which can meet the needs of diplomacy, banquet, entertainment, residence, military command, etc. The courtyard design and architecture adopt the same symmetrical layout, echoing each other and integrating.
traffic : 1 km north of Fanwu Old Street, 15 minutes' walk. admission ticket : 30000 dong for adults and 15000 dong for children. Groups with more than 20 people: adults 20000 dong, students (over 17 years old) 10000 dong, students (6-17 years old) 2000 dong.
Unified Palace
Guzhi Tunnel
Guzhi Tunnel Like an underground village, it is one of the three monuments in Ho Chi Minh City. It is about 65 kilometers away from Ho Chi Minh City. During the Vietnam War, it was the underground headquarters of the 25th Vietnam Division, just like an underground village. The ruins of Guzhi Tunnel are now preserved in Dia Dao Ben Duoc, Fuxie Village, Fumeixing Township, Guzhi County, 70 kilometers northwest of Ho Chi Minh City, and Binting Village, Runde Township, Guzhi County.
traffic : You can book a half day tour of the scenic spot through the travel agency in the tourist gathering area or the hotel front desk, and the price is about $6. admission ticket : 90000 dong.
Guzhi Tunnel
Tourism Information Reference


full name
Ruan Wenzheng
Xingui Xixiang, Pingzheng County, former First Deputy Director of the Central Organization Department of Vietnam, former Chairman of the Vietnam Farmers Association [26]
Pan Wenkai
Guzhi County, former Prime Minister of the Vietnamese government [24]
Ruan Wenli
Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Pingfu [30]
toc tien(Tóc Tiên)
Vietnamese pop singer [22]

Main leaders

Main leaders
full name
Secretary of Municipal Party Committee
Ruan Wennian [23]
Chairman of the Municipal People's Committee
Ruan Chengfeng [25]
Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, President of the Municipal People's Congress
Ruan Shili [27]
Vice Chairman of Municipal People's Committee
Yang Yingde [28] Li Heping [29] Pan Shisheng [31]