Ho Chi Minh

Vietnamese proletarian revolutionist and politician
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Ho Chi Minh( Vietnamese : H ồ Ch í Minh, May 19, 1890-September 2, 1969), The original name is Ruan Shenggong, and the scientific name is Ruan Bicheng France China At that time, they assumed the pseudonym of Ruan Aiguo, Li Rui, Song Wenchu, Hu Guang, etc. [1] Vietnamese proletarian revolutionists and politicians, Democratic Republic of Vietnam And the Vietnamese Labor Party (today Communist Party of Vietnam )He was the founder of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (today's Socialist Republic of Vietnam )Chairman (1946-1969) and Prime Minister [15] , Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Labor Party [1-2]
Ho Chi Minh grew up in a poor rural Confucian family [3] In his early years, he was a teacher, sailor and worker. Joined in 1920 French Communist Party 1925 in China Guangzhou organization Vietnam Youth Revolutionary Comrades Association In 1930, he led the establishment of the Communist Party of Vietnam in Hong Kong (later named as the Communist Party of Indochina and the Vietnamese Labor Party) the Second World War Participation in China during Counter-Japanese War And actively organized the struggle against French colonialists in Vietnam. Returned to Vietnam in 1941 and founded Viet Minh (Vietnam League for short), leading the opposition to France, which continues to rule South Vietnam Vichy government And the struggle against Japanese aggression. Led Vietnam in August 1945 August Revolution , on September 2 Hanoi Declaration of establishment Democratic Republic of Vietnam , was elected President and Prime Minister of the Republic the following year In 1951, he was elected Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Labor Party. Lead the Vietnamese people to Vietnamese war of resistance against France And unifying Vietnam Vietnam war [15] In September 1969, due to illness Hanoi Death. [1] [18]
Ho Chi Minh has led the proletarian revolution in Vietnam for a long time and devoted himself to the cause of Vietnamese liberation. It is also one of the main promoters of the anti colonial movement in Asia after World War II, and one of the most influential communist leaders in the 20th century [6] He advocated friendship with China and made contributions to the development of China Vietnam relations [2] He creatively Marxism Leninism The specific conditions applied to Vietnam have created“ Ho Chi Minh Thought [1] [16] His works include Selected Works of Ho Chi Minh and Complete Works of Ho Chi Minh. [15] [21]
Full Name
Ho Chi Minh (Vietnamese: H ồ Ch í Minh)
Ruan Shenggong Ruan Bicheng Ruan Aiguo Li Rui Early Song Dynasty Hu Guang
19th to 20th century
Ethnic groups
Jing nationality
one's native heath
Yi'an Province Yingshan Mansion Nantan County Huangchi Village, Jinlian Township (today's Huangchi Village, Jinlian Community, Nantan County, Ngi An Province, Vietnam) [28]
date of birth
May 19, 1890
Date of death
September 2, 1969
Key achievements
Establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
Led Vietnam to victory in the War of Resistance against France
Main works
Selected Works of Ho Chi Minh [15] Complete Works of Ho Chi Minh
University one is graduated from
Shunhua National School

Character's Life


Family background

Vietnam? Ruan Dynasty Cheng Taidi On the first day of April, the second year of Chengtai [10] (May 19, 1890), Ho Chi Minh (young name Ruan Shenggong, young name Ruan Bicheng, and many pseudonyms of the period, this term is called Ho Chi Minh) was born in Yi'an Province Yingshan Mansion Nantan County Huangchi Village, Jinlian Township (today's Huangchi Village, Jinlian Community, Nantan County, Ngi An Province, Vietnam) [28] At my grandfather's house. His father Ruan Shenghui (also known as Ruan Shengse) passed the imperial examination in the 13th year of Chengtai (1901) Sublist , living by teaching; Mother is a farmer. [1]
Ho Chi Minh spent his adolescence in Jinlian Village (today's Jinlian Village, Jinlian Community, Nantan County), where his father lives and is 2 kilometers away from Huangchi Village [28] Ruan Shenghui served as a county magistrate for several years and was dismissed because he was unwilling to flatter the French colonialists. Nguyen Sang hui moved to Dang in southern Vietnam Chinese Physician. Influenced by family studies, Ho Chi Minh's own chinese Mandarin is very fluent, with only a slight Cantonese accent, but also fluent Cantonese He learned Chinese poetry books when he was young, and later learned Latin Vietnamese (see entry Vietnamese )。 [3]

join the revolutionary ranks

In the years when the Vietnamese people were enslaved by colonialism, Ho Chi Minh's hometown, Ui On Province, was a region where the struggle against France flourished. Early leaders of the Vietnamese National Liberation Movement Pan Peizhu It is Yi'an people who have always had friendship with Ruan Shenghui. Ho Chi Minh's sister Ruan Shiqing and brother Ruan Shengqian both participated in the anti French patriotic movement and were imprisoned and exiled. Therefore, Ho Chi Minh was inspired by the patriotism of his ancestors when he was a teenager, and he had the ambition of resisting France and saving the country. In the seventeenth year of Chengtai (1905), when he entered the Huhua National School, he had already started to take part in secret anti French activities, transmitting information for patriotic people. [3]
Ho Chi Minh in 1911 [28]
In the fourth year of the Restoration (1910), Ho Chi Minh dropped out of school Panche , working as a teacher in Yuqing Private School. In October of 1911, Ho Chi Minh saigon (Today's Ho Chi Minh City) Three months of study in the "100 Art School" for training seafarers and marine workers. At the end of the same year, Ho Chi Minh, under the pseudonym of A San, went to the merchant ship "Latouche Tr é ville" of the United Transport Corporation of France to work as a cook assistant, and went overseas to seek ways to save the country. In his own words, he said, "I want to go out and see France and other countries. After seeing what they do, I will return to China to help our compatriots." [5] During, Ho Chi Minh traversed France britain U.S.A Germany Algeria With Congo and other countries, they make a living by working as food keepers, helper workers, boiler burning workers, hotel waiters, gardeners, developing and printing photos, etc. [3]
In his overseas experience, Ho Chi Minh witnessed the darkness of the capitalist world and social injustice, saw the tragic fate of the oppressed nation, thus deepening his understanding of the evils of imperialism and colonialism, and felt deeply the necessity of the joint struggle between the proletarians and the oppressed nation. [3]

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the First World War Later, Ho Chi Minh lived in France Paris , Investing in France Workers' movement , Join French Socialist Party At the same time, he actively contacted Vietnam living in Paris and all over France Diaspora , organized the "Vietnam Patriots Association". [3]
Start At the beginning of the fourth year (1919), Paris Peace Conference At the meeting, Ho Chi Minh, nicknamed Ruan Aiguo, on behalf of "a group of Vietnamese patriots in France", submitted a memorandum to delegations of all countries, putting forward eight requirements for the rights of all ethnic groups. The French government is required to recognize the Vietnamese's right to freedom, democracy, equality and self-determination. However, the Paris Peace Conference focused on dealing with national self-determination in Europe, ignoring the independent demands of the colonial people. However, once the memorandum was released, it immediately aroused international public attention to the issue of Vietnam's independence, and generated great repercussions among Vietnamese people, especially overseas Chinese in France and Vietnam. [3]
In December 1920, Ho Chi Minh attended the 18th Congress of the French Socialist Party in Tours, France [4]
Russian October Revolution Victory, leninism The wide spread of the Chinese culture has had a tremendous impact on Ho Chi Minh's thought. In the fifth year of Qiding (1920), Soviet leaders Vladimir Ilyich Lenin stay Comintern At the Second Congress, the First Draft of the Outline on National and Colonial Issues was published, putting forward the program and line of the revolutionary movement of the colonial countries. Ho Chi Minh got profound inspiration from the outline and stood on the side of the Comintern Tours Convening French Socialist Party At the 18th Congress, Ho Chi Minh supported Lenin to publish articles on the issue of nationality and colony Second International The French Socialist Party of French Communist Party As a result, he became one of the founders of the French Communist Party and the first Communist in Vietnam. [4]
During his stay in France, Ho Chi Minh and Chinese revolutionary comrades studying in France Zhou Enlai And so on, and established profound revolutionary friendship. Together with some patriots in the French African colonies, he also founded the "Federation of Colonial Nationalities" and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Executive Committee and the director and chief editor of the Federation's organ newspaper, The Poor. He often publishes articles in the Poor People's Daily, and he also works for the French Communist Party《 Humanitarian News 》The French Federation of Trade Unions published articles in newspapers such as Workers' Life, which exposed various crimes of colonialism and inspired the awakening of the oppressed nations in the colonies. Ho Chi Minh's articles and The Poor People's Daily were secretly brought to Vietnam by Vietnamese or French sailors, which played an important role in promoting the Vietnamese people's struggle against France. [3]
In the eighth year of Qiding (1923), Ho Chi Minh went to Soviet Union , then attended the Farmers' International Conference and was elected as the Executive Committee of Farmers' International. The following year (1924), he participated as a representative of the French Republic and French colonies The Fifth Congress of the Communist International And made a statement on national and colonial issues; Then he attended the representative conferences of Red Trade Union International "Three Big", Youth International "Four Big" and Women International. At the same time, enter Oriental Labor Communist University study. Since then, Ho Chi Minh has actively participated in the international communist movement. [3]
Through the above revolutionary practice, Ho Chi Minh gradually transformed from a patriot to a communist. As he said, "At first, it was patriotism rather than communism that led me to believe in Lenin and the Third International Marxism Leninism While doing practical work, we gradually learned that only socialism and communism can liberate the oppressed nation and the working people of the world from the yoke of slaves. " [3]

Wandering in China and Vietnam

Early Ho Chi Minh (front seat)
At the end of the ninth year of Kaiding (1924), Ho Chi Minh arrived in China from the Soviet Union Guangzhou He took part in the Chinese National Revolution At the same time, they made ideological and organizational preparations for advancing the revolutionary movement in Vietnam and establishing a proletarian party in Vietnam. [3]
At that time Guangzhou It is the place where the revolutionaries of Vietnam and Southeast Asian countries yearn for and gather. Vietnamese anti French organizations, such as those led by Pan Peizhu Vietnam Restoration Conference (Later renamed Vietnam Kuomintang ), Fan Hongtai , Hu Songmao Li Hongfeng The "Xinxin Society", organized by patriotic youth organizations, all carried out activities here. During Ho Chi Minh's stay in Guangzhou The first KMT Communist cooperation Period. He was once a Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen Soviet political adviser Mikhail Malkovich Borodin Translate; participate in Communist Party of China And organize and train Vietnamese revolutionaries with the help of the Communist Party of China. [3] During this period, he once called himself "P.C. Lin", and sometimes called himself Wang Daren, Wang Guangsheng, Li Annan, etc.
In June of the 10th year of Qiding (1925), Ho Chi Minh founded the "Heart Heart Society"“ Vietnam Youth Revolutionary Comrades Association ”。 This organization is the predecessor of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the core of which is the "Communist League". The official journal is Youth Weekly, and its headquarters is located in Guangzhou Wenming Road No. 13. Ho Chi Minh sent some Vietnamese revolutionary youth to enter Huangpu Military Academy Or sent to the Soviet Union to study, and held a short-term "special political training course" in Guangzhou. He gave lectures in person and also invited the comrades in charge of the Communist Party of China to give lectures. From 1925 to 1925 Baoda In 1927, more than 200 cadres were trained and sent back to China, laying an organizational foundation for the development of the domestic revolutionary movement and the Party building. Ho Chi Minh also compiled the lecture notes of this period into the book "Revolutionary Road", which explained the basic strategies and strategies of the Vietnamese revolution, and laid the ideological foundation for the party building. [3]
During the activities in Guangzhou, Ho Chi Minh not only fought side by side with the Chinese Communists, helped each other and forged sincere friendship; He's still here Chinese Kuomintang Leftist leader Liao Zhongkai With the help of, together with patriots from North Korea, Indonesia, Malaya, India and other countries, we organized the "Federation of the Oppressed Nationalities in East Asia" to strengthen the unified international action against imperialism and colonialism. [3]
In 1927, after the Kuomintang Communist cooperation broke down, Ho Chi Minh was forced to leave China for the Soviet Union. Since then, he has participated in Brussels The conference of the World Anti imperialist Alliance was held. In the autumn of the third year of Baoda (1928), Ho Chi Minh arrived from Europe Kingdom of Siam (Today Thailand )。 He took the alias of Tao Jiu and carried out revolutionary activities in the residential areas of overseas Vietnamese. [3]
In the fourth year of Baoda (1929), under the situation of the upsurge of the revolutionary movement, three communist organizations appeared in the north, middle and south of Vietnam, each independently. According to the instructions of the Comintern, Ho Chi Minh went from Siam to Hong Kong , renamed Song Wenchu, on behalf of the Communist International, on February 3, the fifth year of Baoda (1930), the three organizations merged and established Communist Party of Vietnam At the meeting, the "Brief Platform", "Brief Strategy" and "Party Constitution" drafted by Ho Chi Minh were passed. February 3 also became the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam [13] In October of the same year, he presided over the first central meeting of the Party, which adopted the first general secretary of the Party Chen Fu Drafted the Outline of the bourgeois civil rights revolution, and changed the name of the Party to“ Indochina The Communist Party ". Although Ho Chi Minh did not hold a leading position in the Party Central Committee, as a member of the Oriental Department of the Communist International and the founder of the Party, he directly guided the revolutionary struggle in Vietnam. [3]
As early as October 10 of the fourth year of Baoda (1929), the court of Indochina sentenced Ho Chi Minh to death in his absence for his involvement in revolutionary activities. Since then, the French government has been looking for him. In June of the 6th year of Baoda (1931), Ho Chi Minh was arrested in Hong Kong and imprisoned in Central Yuduoli Prison Hong Kong British Government There is no sufficient reason to extradite him back to Vietnam, and he can only be deported legally. The World Anti imperialist Alliance and Red International Relief also actively organized rescue. However, the Hong Kong government intends to send him on a French ship to his original place of residence, that is, to Vietnam as well. If this arrangement is followed, Ho Chi Minh will inevitably die. Ho Chi Minh's lawyer, Roseby, applied for a writ of habeas corpus, suspended the deportation, and applied to the court to revoke the deportation order. After many lawsuits, the case was appealed to the Privy Council of England. In June of the following year (1932), the lawyer representing Ho Chi Minh in London, England, reached an out of court settlement with the lawyer of the Hong Kong government to confirm the legality of the deportation and embarkation orders of the Hong Kong court, but no longer designated Ho Chi Minh to be sent on a French ship or deported to Indochina or any French colony. Ho Chi Minh may leave Hong Kong for any place he wishes. [3]
In the spring of the eighth year of Baoda (1933), Ho Chi Minh was released. He passed through Shanghai and Mrs. Sun Yat sen Soong Ching ling Get in touch with the Communist Party of China Vladivostok (Vladivostok) Arrive in the Soviet Union Moscow [32] He successively entered Lenin University and the Institute of Nationalities and Colonies of the Communist International, served as the leader of the Vietnam Group, and studied the Vietnamese revolution. [3]
stay Second Sino-Japanese War When it was fully launched, Ho Chi Minh went from the Soviet Union to China in 1938 Xinjiang reach Xi'an , arrived from Xi'an again Yan'an , living in Jujube garden In Yan'an, Ho Chi Minh, while participating in the Chinese revolution, also paid close attention to the development of the revolutionary situation in Vietnam at any time. Soon, he took the alias of Hu Guang as the Communist Party of China Eighth Route Army Office Members, and Ye Jianying When they went south Guilin city in Hunan Guiyang and Chongqing Work. In Chongqing, he met Zhou Enlai again. [3] [32]

Independent leadership

Ho Chi Minh not only made valuable contributions to China's Anti Japanese War, but also made use of The Second KMT CPC Cooperation As a soldier of the Eighth Route Army, we will work in the southwest provinces of China adjacent to Vietnam and strengthen ties with Vietnamese revolutionaries who are active in China. At the beginning of the 15th year of Baoda (1940), Ho Chi Minh, with the help of comrades of the Communist Party of China, met Feng Zhijian Huang Wenhuan When Viet Nam Communist Party members got in touch, they established relations with domestic party organizations. He personally guided Yunnan The Vietnamese Party's overseas work carried out activities among Vietnamese overseas Chinese, and decided to gradually transfer the struggle from the border areas to Vietnam. [3]
In September of the 15th year of Baoda (1940), the Japanese invaded Indochina, French Indochina The situation has changed since the authorities signed the Agreement between Japan and France on the Joint Defense of Indochina with Japan. In October, Ho Chi Minh went from Kunming When they came to Guilin, they led the Vietnamese revolutionaries in Guilin to establish the "Vietnam Independence League Office". In December of the same year, Ho Chi Minh traveled from Guilin to Jingxi , Huang Wenshu long march Huang Guoyue went to Jingxi to meet Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh held a political training class in Jingxi to help Vietnamese revolutionaries improve their political theory. [3] [32]
On February 8, the 16th year of Baoda (1941), Ho Chi Minh entered Vietnam from Jingxi, named Qiu Weng Gaoping Province The northern slope of Heguang County directly led the revolutionary movement. In May of the same year, he presided over the eighth meeting of the CPC Central Committee in Beipo. The meeting made a statement on the broad unity of the Vietnamese people and the establishment of a national united front -“ Vietnam Independence League ”The historic resolution of organizing guerrillas, preparing for armed uprisings, seizing political power and establishing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. On May 19, the "Vietnam Independence League" was announced, with Ho Chi Minh as its chairman. In order to carry out armed struggle, he instructed the organization of armed self-defence forces and personally prepared learning materials such as "Guerrilla fighting methods" and "China's experience in guerrilla warfare". Since then, guerrilla warfare based in the mountainous area of North Vietnam has flourished. [3]
In order to get in touch with China's anti Japanese democratic forces to promote the national liberation struggle in Vietnam. On August 13, 1942, the 17th year of Baoda (the 17th year of Baoda's reign), he came to China again under the official pseudonym of Ho Chi Minh. Led by Chinese border man Yang Tao, he was going to Chongqing to meet the Communist Party delegation. On the way, he was detained by the Kuomintang township office in Zurong Township, Debao County and escorted back to Jingxi. Later, the leaders of the National Government Chiang Kai shek Approved, and secretly moved to Guilin city in Guangxi He was imprisoned in the headquarters of the fourth Kuomintang war zone. During his hard life in prison for more than a year, he was escorted through 13 counties in Guangxi, served in 18 prisons, wrote more than 100 Chinese poems, and expressed his belief in victory in the cause of Vietnamese national liberation, as well as his strong ambition to devote himself to this cause [32] Later, it was published in Prison Diary. The poem "The More Furious" wrote:
I would rather die than suffer as a slave. The flag of righteousness is flying everywhere.
Poor me, as a guest in prison, I didn't have to go to the battlefield personally. [3]
In September of the 18th year of Baoda (1943), Ho Chi Minh was released from prison. At that time, hundreds of Vietnamese youth exiled to China due to the failure of the anti Japanese uprising were being taken in by the Kuomintang army and trained in the Kuomintang's fourth war zone. Nguyen Haichen, a member of the Vietnamese Kuomintang in Liuzhou, used the support of the Chinese Kuomintang to connect these Vietnamese, and established the "Vietnam Revolutionary League" in Liuzhou at the end of 1942. Ho Chi Minh participated in the activities of the Vietnam Revolutionary League in Liuzhou. The Vietnam Revolutionary League will take the slogan of "Anti Japanese and Anti French" and express its willingness to accept the commander of the seventh war zone Zhang Fakui Under the direction of the National Government and asked for assistance. From the 16th year (1941) of Baoda to the 18th year (1943) of Baoda, almost all of Ho Chi Minh's arms were supplied by Chongqing by the Kuomintang government at that time. Later, due to Yunnan Myanmar Highway It is closed and the transportation is inconvenient, so it is transferred from Guangxi and the south of Guangdong. Both Zhang Fakui and Xiao Wen, the Director of Foreign Affairs of the General Headquarters of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, have given a lot of assistance. [32]
In the summer of the 19th year of Baoda (1944), on the eve of the Japanese occupation of Liuzhou, Ho Chi Minh led dozens of Vietnamese youth to return to Vietnam from Liuzhou via Longzhou. However, due to security reasons, the underground party organization of the CPC in the border area of Guangxi decided to receive Ho Chi Minh to live on the Chinese side of the Sino Vietnamese border. In August, Ho Chi Minh came to Guangxi Napo County Nongyi Village, Pingmeng Township is arranged by the underground party organization of the Communist Party of China at the home of farmer Lin Jiantong. The CPC members and the masses in the village organized to stand guard for Ho Chi Minh and deliver messages. Once the militia came to the village to search, when Ho Chi Minh was ill, Su Zhongliang, a member of the Communist Party of Nongyi Village, immediately carried Ho Chi Minh to the mountain to hide. Later, for Ho Chi Minh's safety, Su Zhongliang and others set up a straw shed in the forest as Ho Chi Minh's residence. Ho Chi Minh has issued many instructions here to guide the Vietnamese revolutionary struggle. [32] On December 22 of the same year, according to Ho Chi Minh's instructions, Vietnam People's Army Its predecessor, the Vietnamese People's Liberation Army Propaganda Team, was founded, and this day has also become the Army Day of contemporary Vietnam. [13]
In 1945, when the Second World War was coming to an end, the contradiction between Japan and France in Indochina intensified. On March 9, Japan launched a military coup to overthrow French rule and monopolized the three Indochina countries. The party headed by Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnam League headquarters led the Vietnamese people to set off a high tide of resistance against Japan and national salvation. In May, Ho Chi Minh moved southward from Gaoping to Xinchao Township, Shanyang County, Xuanguang Province. From here, he issued important instructions to merge the revolutionary bases in the six provinces of northern Vietnam into a unified liberated area, and to form the Vietnamese People's Liberation Army with various anti Japanese guerrilla forces, so as to prepare the conditions for seizing power throughout the country. [3]
In 1945, Ho Chi Minh took a group photo with members of the Provisional Government Committee of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam [4]
In August of the 20th year of Baoda (1945), Japan announced its unconditional surrender. On the 16th, in Xuanguang Province, the base area of North Vietnam Shanyang County New Fashion Pavilion, National Assembly held. At the meeting, the ten major policies of the Vietnam League were adopted, and the Central National Liberation Committee, the Interim Government, was elected. Ho Chi Minh was the chairman of the Interim Government [14] , and immediately issued the "General Uprising Call". The Vietnamese people responded to Ho Chi Minh's call to launch an armed uprising, and the struggle to seize power swept the country (see the entry August Revolution in Vietnam )。 On August 9, the Hanoi uprising was successful. On the 24th, the last emperor of the Ruan Dynasty Ruan Fuxuan abdication. On September 2, Ho Chi Minh was in Hanoi Bating Square At the conference attended by 500000 people, the Declaration of Independence was read out, which was drafted in person Democratic Republic of Vietnam The birth of. [3] At the same time, Vietnam conducted free elections throughout the country, established the National Assembly and passed Vietnam's first Democratic Constitution. [1]

Persist in the War of Resistance

After the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, France made a comeback to restore colonial rule. Under very difficult circumstances, Ho Chi Minh called on the people to strengthen unity and eliminate foreign invaders; Put forward the slogan of "fighting against Japan while building a country". On March 2, 1946, the first Congress of Vietnam was held through universal suffrage. At the meeting, Ho Chi Minh was elected as the chairman of the Vietnam Anti Japanese Joint Government and concurrently served as the Prime Minister of the government (and concurrently served as the Prime Minister until 1955 [15] )。 [3] At the second session of the first session of the National Assembly held on November 9, Ho Chi Minh was elected as the President of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (at the first session of the second session of the National Assembly held on July 7, 1960 and the first session of the third session of the National Assembly held on June 27, 1964, Ho Chi Minh was re elected as the President of the country). [14]
Ho Chi Minh and representatives of the French government signed the Vietnam France Interim Treaty [4]
In order to gain time and prepare for the long-term war of resistance, Ho Chi Minh led a delegation to visit France to negotiate with the French government. In 1946, the two countries signed the "March 6 Preliminary Agreement" and the "September 14 Interim Agreement". Vietnam made concessions in economic, cultural and other aspects, and France recognized Vietnam as "a free country", so as to buy time for the newly established Vietnamese government to consolidate the revolutionary forces and make long-term preparations for the war of resistance. [4] But at the end of this year, the French government brazenly tore up the agreement and launched a comprehensive war of aggression. On December 20, Ho Chi Minh published the "Message to the Vietnamese People" [13] , calling on the people to resist aggression and save the motherland. [3]
Under Ho Chi Minh's leadership, the Vietnamese people waged a war of resistance against France. This just war has won the sympathy and support of the Chinese people and people all over the world. In early 1950, Ho Chi Minh secretly visited China Mao Zedong During the talks, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to vigorously support the Vietnam War of Resistance. With the assistance of China, the Vietnamese people launched“ Border Campaign ”。 Ho Chi Minh spared no pains to travel a long way to the front line, and worked with representatives of the Chinese advisory delegation Chen Geng Wei Guoqing Command the battle together. The victory of this campaign shattered the French plot to blockade the border between Vietnam and China and isolate Vietnam, cleared many French strongholds along the border, and consolidated and expanded the anti Japanese base areas. [3] [33]
Ho Chi Minh personally commanded the border battle in Dongxi Battlefield [4]
Under the situation of the successful development of the Anti Japanese War, in February 1951, the second congress of the Communist Party of Indochina was held in the liberated area of northern Vietnam, and it was decided to change the name of the party to the Vietnamese Labor Party (renamed the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1976), and elect Ho Chi Minh as the chairman of the Central Executive Committee. [3] After that, Ho Chi Minh became the leader of the Vietnamese party and government until his death.
Ho Chi Minh refuted the pessimism that the War of Resistance against France was "locusts kicking elephants" in the Political Report of this conference. He called on the whole party and the whole people to actively prepare to promote the War of Resistance into the general counter offensive. After nine years of hard work, especially in 1954 Dien Bien Phu Campaign The victory over the French army forced the French government to sign the the Geneva agreement 》。 [3] Due to the involvement of the United States, soon after the signing of the Geneva Agreement, Vietnam was divided into the north and the south with the 17 degrees north latitude as the temporary military demarcation line. With the support of the United States, the south established a pro American The Republic of Vietnam [30]

Commitment to unity

Main term: Vietnam war
After the end of the War of Resistance against France, Ho Chi Minh led the people in northern Vietnam to recover their economy, complete land reform, and carry out economic and cultural construction. At the same time, he used the north as a base to support the struggle of the people in the south and fight against American aggression. In 1959, Ho Chi Minh secretly sent Vietnamese People's Army soldiers into South Vietnam to organize guerrillas and conduct anti American guerrilla warfare. [3] [30] In 1964, the President of the United States Lyndon Johnson With the help of Beibu Gulf Incident After expanding the war, Ho Chi Minh continued to lead the North Vietnamese government in the Vietnam War to reunify Vietnam.
In the new stage of struggle, Ho Chi Minh is the leader of the Party and the state, but he has always maintained the fine style of hard work and plain living during the underground revolutionary activities and the Anti French War. Wearing an ordinary khaki uniform and a pair of rubber sandals, he traveled almost all over the northern provinces, sharing weal and woe with workers and farmers, setting an example for cadres and the masses. In 1963, he declined the proposal that the Congress grant him the highest honor, the Gold Star Medal, and hoped that when the motherland was reunited and his compatriots were reunited, the people of the South would award him this noble award. [3]
Ho Chi Minh, on behalf of the Vietnamese Party and government, has visited socialist countries for many times the third world And other friendly countries to strengthen Vietnam's international ties and support the liberation struggle of the oppressed nations and people in the world. [3]
After the Sino Soviet hostility in the 1960s, Vietnam found its way between the two countries. At the same time, it received the necessary economic and military assistance from China and the Soviet Union to continue the Vietnam War with the United States. Ho Chi Minh took an active part in persuading the two countries to reconcile their contradictions. In August 1960, he came to China again, hoping to help the two parties and the two countries to talk as soon as possible, eliminate estrangement and restore unity. Mao Zedong praised Ho Chi Minh as "the messenger of peace". [9]

Died of illness

In early 1969, Ho Chi Minh's illness began to worsen. [2] At 9:47 on September 2 (Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Vinh Jeong informed Ambassador Wang Youping that "in order to avoid excessive stimulation of the Vietnamese people, the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Labor Party decided to announce the death time of President Ho Chi Minh at 9:47 on September 3." [19] )Ho Chi Minh died of heart disease at the age of 79 [18] On his deathbed, he was convinced that "although the Vietnamese people's cause of resisting the United States and saving the country will experience more hardship and sacrifice, they will certainly win a complete victory". [3] On the evening of September 3, Zhou Enlai led a delegation of the Communist Party of China from Beijing to Hanoi to pay tribute to Ho Chi Minh.
Although Ho Chi Minh expressed his strongest will to cremate his body and scatter it in South South, Central and North Vietnam, his body was preserved in a crystal coffin provided by China through antiseptic technology Ho Chi Minh Memorial Hall On September 9, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union Alexei Nikolayevich Kosikin Vice Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Xiannian All attended Ho Chi Minh's meeting at Bating Square in Hanoi state funeral Courtesy. [2]
In 1975, the North Vietnamese army captured Saigon, the former capital of South Vietnam. Saigon was renamed as Ho Chi Ming City Vietnam was reunified. [12]

Main impacts



In the process of leading the Vietnamese people's revolution, Ho Chi Minh absorbed the traditional political ideology and culture of Vietnam, the patriotism and people-oriented thoughts of Confucianism, and the ideas of freedom, equality and fraternity in the western bourgeois ideology, and Marxism Later, he took it as the theoretical basis of thought, thus forming his own unique ideological system. [36]
Thoughts on national liberation, class liberation, human and social liberation
Ho Chi Minh believes that the path of the Vietnamese revolution is the path of the proletarian revolution, which aims to liberate the nation, the class, mankind and society, so that everyone can have food and clothing, free, happy life, and all-round development. His consistent thoughts are national independence, civil rights freedom and people's well-being. [36]
According to Ho Chi Minh, national liberation, class liberation, human and social liberation are closely linked. Because national liberation is the prerequisite and condition for class liberation, human and social liberation. However, class liberation, human and social liberation will also consolidate, affirm and protect national liberation. In the national liberation revolution, the colonized countries must actively carry out the national liberation revolution, so that they can win in the proletarian revolution. In this revolution, human liberation is the highest goal of the revolution. [36]
Thoughts on the close connection between national independence and socialism
Ho Chi Minh knew that national independence must be linked with socialism, and national independence can be stable. He clearly pointed out that the development of socialism is the correct development path in line with the objective laws of Vietnam. This can be fully demonstrated by the following points [36]
  • First of all, this is an unavoidable objective law of historical development. Ho Chi Minh said: "The social system has developed from the primitive communism to the slave system, to the feudal system, and then to the capitalist system. Today, nearly half of mankind is developing towards the socialist system. This development and progress can not be stopped by anyone." [36]
  • Secondly, Ho Chi Minh did not talk too much about the concept of socialism, but he understood that socialism is the only social model that can realize his national independence, people's happiness, and compatriots' desire for freedom, food and clothing, and happiness. For Ho Chi Minh, socialism means "people have food, clothing, housing and schooling", "socialism means how people can eat enough, wear warm clothes and become happier, everyone can go to school, get sick and have medicine, get old and rest without work, and bad customs can be gradually abandoned", "The purpose of socialism is to improve the material and cultural life of the people, and the people are the masters of the country.". [36]
It can be said that the socialism described by Ho Chi Minh not only can firmly protect the achievements of national independence, but also will make the people happy, feed and clothe their compatriots, and create conditions for the new development of the nation and the people. Therefore, Ho Chi Minh closely linked national independence with socialism. This is an eternal theme in his thoughts. [36]
The thought of combining national strength with the strength of the times
For Ho Chi Minh, national strength is the strength of patriotism, the will to fight bravely for independence, freedom and perseverance, and the sense of national self-reliance and the spirit of unity. Ho Chi Minh drew a conclusion from his own revolutionary activities. Ho Chi Minh learned: "Although many countries in the world have different skin colors, there are only two kinds of people in this world: those who exploit others and those who are exploited." In addition, imperialist countries not only oppress and exploit colonies, they also recruit soldiers from colonial countries to suppress this country. Because of this, the people and the oppressed colonial countries need to unite against the common enemy. [36]
Ho Chi Minh believes that the forces of the times include the national liberation struggle movement, the revolutionary movement of workers, the working people of capitalist countries, the socialist movement, the movement of peace, national independence, democracy and social progress, and the revolutionary movement of the oriental people. Know that winning international support is the key factor for the success of the revolution. At the same time, Vietnam has always linked its struggle with the national liberation movement and the people of countries that have just won independence or are struggling for independence and freedom. [36]
Therefore, the combination of national power and the power of the times is the combination of true patriotism and pure proletarian internationalism. [36]
The idea of people's strength and national unity
Ho Chi Minh believes that the people are workers, "the power of the masses is infinite... The masses know the simplest, fastest and most complete way to solve problems, while those talented people, most groups, have thought for a long time but still have no solution". The people are the people who determine history, play an important role in the revolutionary cause, and are the foundation of the country. [36]
Ho Chi Minh also pointed out that national unity is a basic and consistent long-term strategy and a key and decisive issue for the success of the revolution. This is a strategy that gathers all forces to form and develop a strong force for all the people to fight against the nation and its enemies. Unity can create strength and is the source of all success. [36]
In Ho Chi Minh's view, national unity has been identified as the main goal and mission of the Party, which must be implemented in all fields, from theory, ideas, policies to practical activities. He believes that the great national unity is the great unity of all the people. Because revolution is the cause of the people, not something one or two people can do. The great unity of the whole people means that all people should be united in a common struggle. The basic principle of building great unity is to ensure the highest interests of the nation and the basic interests of the people of all strata. [36]
On the right of the people to be masters of the country, the idea of building a country that is because of the people, for the people, and belongs to the people
Ho Chi Minh believes that democracy means "the people are the masters". He stressed that "our country is a democratic country, which means that the people are the masters of the country", "our system is a democratic system, that is, the people are the masters", "our country is a democratic country, the highest status belongs to the people, because the people are the masters". [36]
Ho Chi Minh believes that democracy is embodied in ensuring the rights of the people and citizens, and no one is allowed to use and abuse "democracy" to infringe upon the interests of the country and the people. [36]
In general, Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese Communist Party led by him combined Marxism Leninism with the specific practice of the Vietnamese revolution, formulated the correct revolutionary strategy, and achieved the great victory of the August Revolution. After the victory of the revolution in August, Ho Chi Minh absorbed the socialist construction concept of "people first" and put forward the political ideal of "building a socialist country where the people are the masters because of the people, for the people, belong to the people", making his thought the guiding light of the socialist construction cause of the Communist Party of Vietnam at that time and in the future. [36]

International Relations

With China and the Soviet Union
When Ho Chi Minh was the leader of Vietnam, he formulated and adhered to the policy of friendship with China. He has visited many places in China [2] And highly praised Vietnam and China as "comrades and brothers", "deep, affectionate and long friendship". They have visited China many times and made unremitting efforts to consolidate and enhance the friendship between the two parties and the two peoples. [3]
In January 1950, Ho Chi Minh secretly arrived in Beijing and asked the Chinese government for help. In the end, Chinese leader Mao Zedong and others decided to meet Ho Chi Minh's requirements, undertake internationalist obligations to Vietnam and provide free assistance. With the help of the Chinese government, the Vietnamese people achieved Great Victory at Dien Bien Mansion And forced France to sign the Geneva Agreement on Restoring Peace in Indochina in July of the same year. Northern Vietnam was liberated. On June 23, 1955, Vice Foreign Minister of China Ji Pengfei Vietnamese Ambassador to China Huang Wenhuan Accompanied by Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh paid his first official visit to China. On the 25th, Ho Chi Minh and his party arrived in Beijing. Mao Zedong and other leaders of the Communist Party of China went to the airport to greet him and held a grand welcoming ceremony for him. When Ho Chi Minh returned from Beijing, Mao Zedong went to the airport to see him off in person. Vietnam supported and helped China on some specific issues in 1963 Liu Shaoqi In a joint statement with Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam reiterated its support for China's resumption of the United Nations The position of legal status. Vietnam also supports the Chinese government in China India Boundary Issue And support China's efforts to quell riots and carry out democratic reforms in Tibet The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and Good neighborliness and friendship Policy. In August 1964, the United States“ Beibu Gulf Incident ”As an excuse, a large number of warships were mobilized to sail to Vietnam's waters and launched a blatant aggression against Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh again asked Mao Zedong for help. After repeated thinking and weighing, Mao Zedong decided to "unconditionally meet the requirements of Vietnam". [9] [33]
Atlas reference [4]
At the same time, Ho Chi Minh also attached importance to relations with the Soviet Union.
With Southeast Asian countries
Ho Chi Minh also attaches great importance to Vietnam Laos Cambodia The special solidarity among the three countries. [4]
And France
In the early 1960s, France Charles de Gaulle The government put forward the idea of "Indochina neutrality", changed its attitude towards the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and believed that the puppet regime in southern Vietnam no longer had the qualification of diplomatic representatives of the whole Vietnam. In February 1966, De Gaulle and Ho Chi Minh exchanged letters on the Vietnam issue. In the summer of that year, Vietnam and France agreed to upgrade the commercial representative offices set up by both sides in the other side to government level representative offices. [34]
And India
On the cessation of war and the restoration of peace in Indochina in 1954《 the Geneva agreement 》Shortly after the signing, the Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru He visited Vietnam in October 1954. In February 1958, Ho Chi Minh visited India. [34]

Historical evaluation

Official evaluation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam:
  • President Ho Chi Minh has creatively applied Marxism Leninism to the specific conditions of Vietnam, and proposed the correct path to make the Vietnamese revolutionary cause continue to win. Ho Chi Minh founded the United National Front of Vietnam, the Vietnamese People's Armed Forces and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to contribute to strengthening international solidarity. He is a shining example of collective spirit, organizational consciousness and revolutionary morality.
  • President Ho Chi Minh has made contributions to strengthening international solidarity. He is a shining example of collective spirit, organizational consciousness and revolutionary morality, a great mentor of the Vietnamese revolution, a respected leader of the Vietnamese nation and the working class, an outstanding fighter, and a forthright revolutionist of the national liberation movement and the international communist movement. [1]
Communist Party of China In the message of condolence sent by the Central Committee to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam when Ho Chi Minh died, the Central Committee said: "President Ho Chi Minh... during the years when the Chinese people were struggling for national democratic revolution, he went to China several times, shared weal and woe with the Chinese people, fought side by side, and established strong proletarian feelings with the Communist Party of China. After the victory of the revolution in China and Vietnam, he made unremitting efforts to strengthen and develop the brotherly friendship and combat solidarity between the people of China and Vietnam His noble revolutionary character and fighting spirit of fearing violence will remain in the hearts of the Chinese people forever. " [2]
Chinese proletarian revolutionist Mao Zedong "Ho Chi Minh is an outstanding proletarian revolutionist and a close comrade in arms of the Chinese people." [9]
Chinese proletarian revolutionist Zhou Enlai "President Hu's communist quality, his concern for the working people, his revolutionary will, his spirit of fighting the enemy to the end, and his hard and simple work style are worth learning from every Communist Party member for decades." [26]
Chinese proletarian revolutionist Jiang Zemin In the inscription of Ho Chi Minh's former residence in Hanoi on November 21, 1994, he praised Ho Chi Minh as "a revolutionary life and a model of honesty". [27]
Former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Wang Shu : "President Ho Chi Minh is a respected leader of the Vietnamese people and a close comrade in arms of the Chinese people... Ho Chi Minh has devoted his life selflessly to the liberation and independence of the nation and the country. He has traveled abroad since his youth, knows many languages, including Chinese, and has gone through countless hardships to find a way to save the country and founded the Communist Party of Vietnam. After returning home, he led the Vietnamese people to launch an armed revolution and established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Then he bravely fought against the armed aggression of the French colonialists and the United States, and firmly defended the Republic. He shares weal and woe with the masses, is honest and self respecting, has no wife, family and children, and has no private property. He has devoted his life to serving the people, the country, and the revolution. " [25]
Former Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Li Jiazhong : "Ho Chi Minh has worked tirelessly for the cause of national independence and national liberation throughout his life. He has devoted all his wisdom and painstaking efforts to the motherland and people without reservation, but he has no wife, children and left no personal property behind. For this reason, he has won the heartfelt love of the Vietnamese people and enjoys a high reputation internationally. Ho Chi Minh has been to China many times before his death. He once took part in the Chinese revolution, fought side by side with the Chinese people, and established profound revolutionary friendship with Chinese leaders. " [26]
Chinese scholars Liang Zhiming In the entry of "Ho Chi Minh" in the Biography of Foreign Historical Celebrities - Modern Part, he commented that "Ho Chi Minh's life is a revolutionary life, a glorious life, and a life of hard struggle. His dedication to the liberation of the Vietnamese nation and the realization of socialism, his noble moral sentiment, and his industrious and frugal style are deeply respected and loved by the Vietnamese people and working people of all countries." [3]
Chinese scholar Xu Shaoli, Li Guo Zhang Xunchang Wait at《 Chronicles: Vietnam 》"Chairman Ho Chi Minh, the great leader of the Vietnamese people, is the founder of today's Communist Party of Vietnam. The Vietnamese state, nation and Communist Party have always been closely linked with Ho Chi Minh's great name since the 20th century. Today, a line of large characters written on the slogan on both sides of Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum in Bating Square, Hanoi: 'President Ho Chi Minh will always live in our cause', is the embodiment of this significance. " [31]

Anecdotes and allusions



Ho Chi Minh young named Ruan Shenggong( Vietnamese [The same below]: Nguy ễ n Sinh Cung), whose name was Nguy ễ n T ấ t Th à nh when he was young, was later named Nguy ễ n Á i Qu ố c, and then named Qiu Weng and Ping Shan. In addition, there are many aliases, such as Li Rui (L ý Th ụ y), Wang Daren, Wang Guangsheng, Li Annan, Hu Guang, etc; When he was in Hong Kong, he changed his name to Song Wenchu; In the Soviet Union, the pseudonym was P C. Forest. [3] In October 1944, Ruan Aiguo, who used the name "Ho Chi Minh" during his work in China, returned to Vietnam and was renamed Ho Chi Minh. [30]

Prison diary

During his detention by the British Hong Kong government, Ho Chi Minh wrote 133 Chinese poems, including seven verses, seven verses, five verses and miscellaneous poems. Ho Chi Minh copied them on clay paper and bound them into a pamphlet. On the cover, he wrote "Diary in prison". In plain language, these poems reveal the inhuman treatment of prisoners under the rule of the Kuomintang, express deep sympathy for the laboring masses, and reflect a proletarian revolutionary's strong will, belief in victory, and broad mind. The first one reads: "The body is in prison, the spirit is outside prison, and the spirit is even greater if you want to become a great cause." [11]

Be proficient in foreign languages

Ho Chi Minh was born in a scholarly family and has made solid achievements since childhood Sinology Basics. Later, he went to Britain and France to engage in revolutionary activities and learned English and French , started learning after 60 Russian As the president of the country, Ho Chi Minh personally read foreign newspapers from the Soviet Union《 Pravda 》, Chinese《 People's Daily 》, French《 Humanitarian News 》And the Granma newspaper in Cuba. After textual research, American historian Stan Song said that Ho Chi Minh knew a total of 12 foreign languages. When chinese And French. [7]
Ho Chi Minh has very close contacts with Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other Chinese leaders. When they meet, they often talk directly in Chinese. He also wrote messages and notes to Chinese leaders in Chinese many times. [7]
Ho Chi Minh is also good at writing poems in Chinese. During the Anti French War, Ho Chi Minh secretly went to China in early 1950 and met the Deputy Commander of the Southwest Military Region in Nanning, Guangxi Chen Geng When Ho Chi Minh was engaged in revolutionary activities in Guangzhou in the 1920s, he was already with Huangpu Military Academy Chen Geng, who met during his first term of study, was very excited to meet his old friends again after many years. Ho Chi Minh immediately presented Chen Geng with a Chinese poem:
When I met you, I was a young man. Now I am in charge of the army.
Millions of brave soldiers obey orders, and guard the revolution to secure the border of Yunnan.
Ho Chi Minh's Tang poetry He also has a lot of research and often borrows some verses from them and slightly changes them to express his thoughts and feelings. [7]
Ho Chi Minh's level of French is on par with that of Chinese. During his stay in France in the 1920s, he wrote for Humane and other newspapers Mencius "The people are the most important, the state is the second, and the monarch is the light", which is translated into French, meaning that "the interests of the people are above everything, the interests of the state are the second, and the interests of the monarch are insignificant". [7]
Ho Chi Minh studies foreign languages very hard. He recalled learning a foreign language in France and said: "I felt that I needed a foreign language very much, but the conditions for learning were very difficult. There were no teachers or textbooks. In addition, I had to work hard while trying to gain time to learn. In order to memorize foreign language vocabulary, I wrote some single words on my palm. When serving dishes or washing dishes for guests, I would recite while working. If you forget, take a look at the palm. When the handwriting on the palm is blurred, you can basically memorize it. Just keep learning. " In addition, Ho Chi Minh also boldly practiced foreign languages. Whenever he had the opportunity to contact foreigners, he tried to talk with each other without fear of making mistakes. If you cannot express yourself, ask the other party for advice. [7]
Ho Chi Minh also used different occasions to encourage people to learn foreign languages. When talking about the experience of learning a foreign language, Ho Chi Minh believed that "learning a foreign language must be persistent, not impatient". [7]

Revolutionary friendship

Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong Zhou Enlai Liu Shaoqi Zhu De Deng Xiaoping Chen Yi etc. The People's Republic of China The top leaders have profound friendship and visited China many times before their death. [2] He also visited and visited Zhu De's home accompanied by Zhu De. [8] Mao Zedong called him "the closest friend of the Chinese people". [9]
In early January 1950, Ho Chi Minh secretly left Vietnam and walked for 17 days to the Sino Vietnamese border. Under the arrangement of relevant Chinese departments, Ho Chi Minh arrived in Beijing at the end of January and asked Mao Zedong to help the Vietnamese people in their revolutionary cause. Mao Zedong, together with other leading comrades of the Central Committee, seriously considered the issue of assistance proposed by Ho Chi Minh. It is believed that China and Vietnam are linked by mountains and rivers, and are interdependent. To support the Vietnamese people in their struggle against France is not only an obligation to help the fraternal parties and the country in their struggle, but also conducive to breaking the imperialist encirclement and blockade of China. In the end, Mao Zedong decided to meet Ho Chi Minh's requirements, undertake internationalist obligations to Vietnam and provide free assistance. With the help of the Chinese government, the Vietnamese people achieved Great Victory at Dien Bien Mansion And forced France to sign the Geneva Agreement on Restoring Peace in Indochina in July of the same year. Northern Vietnam was liberated. [9]
In May 1965, Mao Zedong met with visiting Ho Chi Minh in Changsha. Ho Chi Minh said directly: "I come to China this time for three purposes: first, to greet the health of you and other comrades of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China; second, to express gratitude to the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people on behalf of the Vietnamese Labor Party and the Vietnamese people for all the assistance you have given us in the fight against the United States; third, to congratulate China on the success of the second atomic bomb explosion." Mao Zedong said: "The first and third points I accept, and the second point I don't accept, people all over the world thank you. Thank Vietnam, not you thank us." Ho Chi Minh insisted: "We want to thank you. Not only do I see it this way, but all Vietnamese people see it this way. The relationship between our two countries is truly interdependent, and there is a real brotherhood between our two parties and the two peoples. " Then Ho Chi Minh introduced the current war situation. He said, "The US military should increase to 100000, continue to upgrade, blow up Vietnamese factories, blow up Haiphong, even Hanoi. We have made up our mind that even if the enemy blows up river embankments and submerges many places, our whole party, our government and the people of the whole country will still fight resolutely. The Vietnamese people know that it is impossible to lift their heads without defeating the United States. We are ready to fight for five, ten, and twenty years." Mao Zedong said with a smile, "The United States can't fight for 20 years. The United States can't fight against you. They are afraid of you, and you will win the United States. The United States has fewer people, but you have more people. He can only have 100000 people." Ho Chi Minh agreed with Mao Zedong's analysis. He said, "We don't worry about the ten thousand people coming from the United States. We can defeat the American army. We have not only regular troops, but also guerrillas and people. The climate, leeches, bees, ants and marshes are our allies. We also have a solid rear, which is China." After saying that, both of them laughed. [9]
At dinner, Mao Zedong had a strange idea. He said to Ho Chi Minh, "I want to go there secretly." Ho Chi Minh was worried about Mao Zedong's safety and said, "You are welcome to go, but the situation is like this. The enemy planes often bomb. Please go when the situation is better." Mao Zedong stubbornly said, "I will not go again when the situation is better. I just want to go now. In the past, I was bombed dozens or hundreds of times by planes from the Kuomintang, Japan and the United States, but I was not bombed. Now, I want to see you there, even if it is near. You can go in secret. " Ho Chi Minh waved his hand and said, "Your goal is too big for Vietnamese children to recognize you." Mao Zedong said with a smile, "You can just pretend to be a Chinese expert." Ho Chi Minh saw that Mao Zedong was very insistent, and thought it would be useless to argue any more, so he perfunctorily said, "You can recognize you in any disguise. I will invite you to go when appropriate. It will be decided in the second half of the year depending on the situation. " [9]
May 19, 1965 was Ho Chi Minh's 75th birthday. Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De and Zhou Enlai sent congratulatory messages together. [9]
The long turbulent and arduous revolutionary career has seriously damaged Ho Chi Minh's health. Since 1960, Ho Chi Minh has gone to China every year for vacation, recuperation, and visit Guangzhou Conghua Hot Spring Ho Chi Minh has become a frequent place to go. He often said, "I come to China as if I were at home." Ho Chi Minh was in poor health in his later years. The Chinese government, at the request of Ho Chi Minh and the Political Bureau of the Vietnamese Party Central Committee, often sent doctors to Hanoi, Vietnam to treat him. For the sake of confidentiality, Ho Chi Minh is called "Ding Lao" in contacts. [2]

Two romances

The popular saying is that Ho Chi Minh never married. but Chen Xiaonong Recorded his father's Chen Boda Another way of saying: "Ho Chi Minh was married when he was young. His lover was from Xiamen, but he died early. Later, he was single for a long time. After the victory of the Vietnamese revolution, he wanted to marry another woman from Fujian, but the Vietnamese Party Central Committee did not agree. He could not disobey the decision of the Vietnamese Party Central Committee, so he never married again. " [29]
Lin Yilan, a member of the Communist Party of China, is Ho Chi Minh's lover. In the fifth year of Baoda (1930), according to the designation of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, Ho Chi Minh and Lin Yilan pretended to be husband and wife to carry out revolutionary work. During their work, they gradually developed feelings through contact. But because Ho Chi Minh once said that Vietnam would never marry until it was liberated, they failed to get together in that special era, leaving a revolutionary relationship with regret. [29]

Diligence, thrift and integrity

Ho Chi Minh attached great importance to ideological and moral education of Party members and cadres in leading the Vietnamese national liberation struggle and socialist construction. In the hard years of the Anti French War, he put forward the concept of "diligence, thrift and integrity" as an important aspect of ideological and moral education for party members and cadres. Ho Chi Minh standardized "diligence, thrift and integrity" as the "four virtues" of life. He said: "There are four seasons in the sky, spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are four places, southeast, northwest, and four people. Diligence, thrift and integrity. Without one season, there is no day. Without one party, there is no place. Without one virtue, there is no man." After the victory of the War of Resistance against France, northern Vietnam entered the period of socialist construction, and he intensified the education of party members and cadres in this regard. [35]
Ho Chi Minh not only requires Party members and cadres to establish the integrity of "diligence, thrift and integrity", but also more importantly, he has set an example for others by taking "diligence, thrift and integrity" as his motto for decades. Even as the top leader of the Vietnamese Party and country, he still lives a frugal life. After the victory of the War of Resistance against France in 1954, the Vietnamese government returned to Hanoi, the capital, and took the official residence of the former highest colonial officer of France, the governor general, as the presidential residence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. This is a magnificent building, but Ho Chi Minh did not want to live in it. Instead, he chose three small bungalows near the building to live in. This is the original electrician's residence, and the conditions are very poor. Later, the government built a wooden stilted house for him in a secluded place in the presidential palace courtyard. The layout of the house is very simple. There are only two small rooms above, one as a studio, and the other as a bedroom. The total area is less than 20 square meters. A rectangular table and several chairs were placed under the stilted house, where he sometimes met domestic guests or discussed issues with some central leaders. He moved into this "new house" in 1958 and lived until his death. [35]
Ho Chi Minh may be the lowest paid president in the world. In the 1960s, his monthly salary was 240 yuan, equivalent to more than 100 yuan in China at that time. Once, when he met an American reporter and talked about his salary, he jokingly said that in 1913, he worked in the United States and earned 40 dollars a month; Now when he is the president of the country, his monthly salary is only 44 dollars. [35]
Ho Chi Minh often said, "When many compatriots are still short of clothes and food, they are too fastidious about clothes and food, which is luxury." Therefore, he wears simple clothes, uniforms made of khaki cloth all the year round, and "anti Japanese shoes" made of car tires. He came to China for an internal visit and dressed casually. Sometimes he met Chairman Mao and wore Chinese cloth shoes. He wore a sweater for 20 or 30 years, which was knitted for him by a female comrade from the Chongqing Eighth Route Army Office in the early 1940s. One year, Ho Chi Minh went to the Soviet Union via China, and the Chinese comrades wanted to change a new sweater for him, but he also declined. [35]
Ho Chi Minh has always been full of coarse tea and rice. When he visited China, he also saved money for the reception unit everywhere. Seeing that there were more dishes on the table, he immediately raised his opinion and asked that the next meal be reduced. Whether at home or abroad, he easily has a requirement for the people who eat with him: be sure to finish the food delivered; if you can't finish the food after measuring it, divide it out, put it aside, and let the master take it away. He said that doing so not only saves money, but also respects the work of others. [35]
Ho Chi Minh is "diligent, thrifty and honest". He is respected not only by the Vietnamese people, but also by people all over the world. In March 1990, UNESCO and the Vietnamese Social Science Commission jointly hosted a seminar entitled "President Ho Chi Minh - Vietnamese National Hero, Cultural Giant", which was attended by representatives of 37 countries and international organizations. When they praised Ho Chi Minh's life in their speeches, they could not do without respecting his noble virtues. [35]

interpersonal relationship

full name
brief introduction
Ruan Shenghui
Also known as Ruan Shengse, he passed the imperial examination in the 13th year of Chengtai (1901) Sublist To make a living by teaching. [1]
Ruan Shengqian
Participated in the anti French patriotic movement.
Ruan's Qing Dynasty
Participated in the anti French patriotic movement. [3]
Xiamen, said to have married Ho Chi Minh. Early death. [29]
Lin Yilan
Member of the Communist Party of China. [29]

Main works

Ho Chi Minh's poetry is the product of the combination of classical and modern poetry. "It not only meets the standards and requirements of classical poetry, but also has innovation and creation". "It discloses the poet's most secret thoughts, reflects the poet's thinking on life to the maximum extent, and reflects the poet's creative passion and poetic talent". It has its own system, and plays an important role in Vietnamese literature, especially poetry. Deng Taimei said: "It is an unexpected happy ending in the thousand year history of Vietnamese Chinese character poetry." Guo Moruo Comments: "Some poems are very well written, and it is difficult to distinguish them if they are mixed into the poetry anthology of Tang and Song poets." China has published a collection of works such as The Complete Collection of Ho Chi Minh's Chinese Character Poems, which includes 181 of his Chinese character poems. "It is the most complete collection of President Ho Chi Minh's Chinese character poems so far.". [24]
In addition, Ho Chi Minh's various works have also been sorted into Selections of Ho Chi Minh and Complete Works of Ho Chi Minh. [21]
Atlas reference [4]

Character controversy

Ho Chi Minh died on September 2, 1969, and Vietnam announced his will while holding a state funeral for him on September 9. However, his will of less than 2000 words left a long mystery after its publication. On August 9, 1979, Huang Wenhuan Hold a Chinese and foreign press conference in Beijing to disclose Asparagus The authorities carried out a pro Soviet and anti China policy and revealed a bigger secret, that is, Li Tan "castrated" or tampered with Ho Chi Minh's will, and only published a piece of handwriting in public to confuse fish with pearls. What is important is that Ho Chi Minh could not have said that "as a person who has served the revolution all his life, the more proud I am of the strength of international communism and the labor movement, the more distressed I am about the discord between the fraternal parties". In 1989, on the 20th anniversary of Ho Chi Minh's death, the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Communist Party not only announced that Ho Chi Minh's death had been postponed by one day, but also publicly admitted that Ho Chi Minh's will had an appendix. [20]

Commemoration for future generations



Vietnam commemorates Ho Chi Minh through a large number of places, buildings, sculptures and coins named after him.
  • Relevant commemorations of Hanoi
After Ho Chi Minh died, the Vietnamese government Hanoi Bating Square Start construction of Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Hall. [12] The construction of the memorial hall began on September 2, 1973 and was officially completed on August 29, 1975. The inspiration of the mausoleum is mainly from Lenin's tomb in Moscow. The unique elements of Vietnamese architecture, such as pitched roof, are added. It is made of gray granite material, with gray, black and red grinding inside. On the top of the porch is written in large Vietnamese characters: President Ho Chi Minh.
There are Ho Chi Minh's Former Residence , at the southeast corner of Bating Square Ho Chi Minh Museum [12]
  • Memorial of Ho Chi Minh City
On April 30, 1975, after the unification of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam), Saigon was renamed as“ Ho Chi Ming City ”。 [12]
  • Relevant commemorations in Yi'an Province
Yi'an Province It is Ho Chi Minh's hometown, which is far from the provincial capital Rongshi The 49km Jinlian Village has preserved the site of Ho Chi Minh's former residence and built a museum of Ho Chi Minh's former residence. [12]
  • Other forms of commemoration
During the Vietnam War, in order to support the armed struggle of the people in the south, the military transport line secretly opened by the north of Vietnam in the border jungle of Laos and Cambodia was called Ho Chi Minh Trail , also known as "Central Corridor". [15]
The battle of liberating Saigon and winning the final victory of the war carried out by the Vietnamese army and people in the later period of the Vietnam War is called Ho Chi Minh Campaign , also known as Saigon Campaign. [15]
The coins with Ho Chi Minh's image began to be the first currency issued after Ho Chi Minh was elected as the President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1946. In 1990, a commemorative coin was issued to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Ho Chi Minh's birth. [17] 50000 dong in contemporary Vietnam (see entry viet-namese dong )On the front of the note is Ho Chi Minh's head.


  • Ho Chi Minh's Former Residence
Ho Chi Minh's Former Residence Located in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China Liuzhou City , including Ho Chi Minh's former residence Former site of Lequn Society , Panlong Mountain Detention House and Red Mansion. Ho Chi Minh was once imprisoned, lived and carried out revolutionary activities here. In 2006, Ho Chi Minh's former residence was announced by the State Council of China as National key cultural relics protection units [22]
  • Ho Chi Minh Pavilion
Ho Chi Minh Pavilion is located in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Fangchenggang City Dongxing Port Pang and under the Beilun River Bridge were built to commemorate Ho Chi Minh's Dongxing trip in 1960 and his contribution to the development of friendly relations between China and Vietnam. [23]