Hu Yifei

The heroine in the TV play Love Apartment and its derivative works
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Hu Yifei, TV play《 Love Apartment 》One of the seven heroines in her derivative works Loura Play. He is a "textbook type" character with dual personalities of shrewdness and gentleness. The current associate professor of the university, Love Apartment The person with the highest middle school experience and the strongest combat effectiveness is also the eldest sister in the love apartment.
Hu Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian They are a pair of happy enemies. They like each other in their hearts, but they are shy and introverted, so their emotional experience is twists and turns, long and difficult. After the halo incident of the main character, the two finally exchanged ideas and tied the knot.
Chinese name
Hu Yifei
Foreign name
Hu Yifei
Lethal Devil Head Hong Xing's Thirteen Sisters, Yi Fei Xiao Feifei Feifei Extinction Abbess "Feifeifei Very beautiful giant rabbit 12138" Saint Seiya
Debut works
TV play Love Apartment and its derivative works
26-38 years old
168 cm
48 kg
unique skills
Karate True mystery, flicking flash and galloping thunder fist (for crazy Zeng Xiaoxian Invalid)
Lu Zhanbo
Qin Yu Ink Amanda, Duy
Shen Linfeng


Hu Yifei is described as "quiet as a virgin, and moving as a crazy rabbit", which was successfully won in the second season doctorate , a university lecturer, was later promoted to associate professor She has a huge energy that is not commensurate with her petite body. She is the famous elder sister and female devil head in the apartment.
Hu Yifei is Love Apartment The person with the highest middle school experience, but no clear life plan, undergraduate Graduation master master Graduation doctor After graduation, he was once confused and was Zeng Xiaoxian After waking up, I think I'm still fit to do it teacher
She grew up in Reorganize the family Medium to large, and Lu Zhanbo He became a brother and sister, cared about him and helped him catch up Lin Wanyu
In her mind, the other half "is either smarter or stronger than her". Later, it proved that the crazy Zeng Xiaoxian was the man she was looking for.
She has a beautiful appearance and many suitors around her. She once had a relationship with Shen Linfeng, a son of a wealthy family, but finally chose to break up peacefully just because she hated different movies (episode 9 of season 2). Yifei has always liked Zeng Xiaoxian in her heart, but she never said it clearly. Instead, she often bullied Zeng Xiaoxian because she could not stand his weak character. because Nolan 's appearance found that she really liked Zeng Xiaoxian, so Yifei became more and more sensitive, but Yifei, who had a strong personality, had always deliberately covered up, and of course, she never did.

Entry information

Seasons: Love Apartment 》All season《 Love Apartment 》Movie version《 Spicy Heroes
Initial appearance: Love Apartment 》Episode 1

Character setting

The eldest sister of Love Apartment, the former chairman of Karate Association, and the strongest vanguard among all, like Zeng Xiaoxian Such a man is basically quick to kill. He always shows an optimistic expression in front of his friends. He is extremely strong, outspoken, and stubborn. The eldest sister among his friends is big. What he wants to do must be done. He likes to use the kitchen knife as a mirror. And Zeng Xiaoxian He has always been a pair of happy enemies, and secretly developed feelings under unknown circumstances.
Character characteristics : Shuang Mian Yu Jie, Wai Gang Nei Rou, university teacher, female doctor with a degree. One for a woman. He is upright, strong and powerful in appearance, savage and fierce, has a big nerve, hates evil as hatred, straightforward and shrewd in personality, confident and bold, enthusiastic, competitive, capable, resolute, enterprising, self respecting, hot tempered, powerful in aura, sexy and unrestrained, dare to love and hate, and enthusiastic to friends.
Once she has her own goal, she will work hard to do the best. She has the idea of "either smarter than me, or stronger than me, or how can you conquer me" for love. She liked Zeng Xiaoxian in her heart, but she didn't express it. Maybe she was afraid of being rejected. Maybe she didn't know her position in Zeng Xiaoxian's heart.
He has a strong desire to control everything. He is a person with extremely exposed emotions. When he laughs happily, he often forgets his appearance. When he is angry, he will be very terrible. He can take anything from his side and greet him. Although the man with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart has a strong appearance, there is also a tender and fragile side in his heart.
Signs of anger: When an object in your hand is deformed
Disadvantages: Mild tendency to violence
The most sensitive part: Ankles (almost nobody can touch except Zeng Xiaoxian Lu Zhanbo Are not accessible)
Classic quotation: A tough life needs no explanation.
Love ideal: Either smarter or stronger than me, or how can you conquer me?
Specialty: Taekwondo, basketball, karate black belt, singing, dancing, tennis, complaining, eating more, playing billiards, cooking egg fried rice.
PS: She is good at cooking fried rice with eggs, but whether she can eat is another matter.

Character characteristics

Speaking of women《 Love Apartment 》Hu Yifei is a textbook figure. She is jealous of evil, brutal and fierce, straightforward, and has excellent martial arts. A single move of Lion Roar is enough to make listeners tremble.
As the saying goes, what Zeng Xiaoxian loves is Hu Yifei. Even a bowl of salty fried rice with eggs can capture his heart through the esophagus. Hu Yifei, who has a slight emotional cleanliness, felt sick when she saw the rotten peach blossoms around Zeng Xiaoxian. So she envied those who played with Zeng Xiaoxian's feelings, secretly helped him block the peach blossoms and vent her evil spirit, and at the same time spread unknown fire on Zeng Xiaoxian to relieve her hatred. Although both of them have ambiguous attitudes towards each other, they can never go further.
Of course, this delay in progress is also because the show has not ended, and this pair of happy enemies will continue to fight to ensure the smooth development of the plot.
In the fifth season of the closing chapter, Hu Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian will have a lover and become a couple. But Hu Yifei's violent temper is still the same. It seems that they should be happy if they can fight less. [1]

Character evaluation

"Quiet as a virgin, moving as a mad rabbit" Yifei has infinite energy and slight tendency to violence, especially when she sees something unpleasant, even if it has nothing to do with herself, she also wants to get involved. After graduating from college, because of excessive "indignant youth", they chose to stay in school as teachers and manage student work.
Yifei is the former chairman of the school's karate association. All boys want to give her three points. Because of her forthright personality, she is known as "Big Sister Head". She is a female version of a spicy teacher.
She is a female doctor, knows Ninjutsu, has a hot personality, can change light bulbs, can install computer systems, and can repair the toilet... She is an atypical good girl. There are many shining points, but they are all covered by a huge shining point - invincible. Yifei's petite body contains huge energy, and she has the strength of martial arts in all schools. Few people are her rivals (of course, the drunken and crazy Zeng Xiaoxian is another matter).
In the world of love, Yifei has the boldness and boldness of Westerners, not only because she is always dressed sexily, but also because she takes the initiative to pursue.
There is only one reason why Yifei stayed in the Love Apartment: the dormitory arranged by the school should not be noisy, and the Love Apartment is the nearest apartment to the school.