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Drug induced nephrotoxic reaction
Nephrotoxicity, drug induced nephrotoxic reaction. kidney toxicity The clinical manifestations vary in severity, and the earliest symptoms may be proteinuria and Tubular urine , which can then occur Azotemia . Renal function decline, which may occur in severe cases acute renal failure and uremia Etc.
Renal toxicity may be temporary or permanent. Common drugs that can cause nephrotoxicity include some antibacterial drugs, anti-tumor drugs antipyretic-analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs narcotic Iodide contrast agent Lithium carbonate Aminopteridine Etc.
Foreign name
renal toxicity
Visiting department
internal medicine
Common location

differential diagnosis

Chinese Name: Kidney toxicity
English name: renal city
Definition: Drug induced kidney Toxic reaction The kidney is the main excretory organ of the body and is particularly vulnerable to the influence of drugs. Some drugs can have direct toxic effects on the kidney or Anaphylactic reaction cause Kidney injury

Common Western Medicine

It is common clinically and can damage the kidney Toxic reaction There are mainly the following drugs:
(1) Antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic drugs
① Frequent damage: Amphotericin B neomycin Cephalosporin II Etc;
② Common damage: gentamicin Kanamycin streptomycin Tobramycin Amikacin Polymyxin vancomycin sulfa Drugs, etc;
③ Occasional damage: Neopenicillin (I, II, III), ampicillin Carboxybenzylpenicillin Aureomycin oxytetracycline Cephalosporin (Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ)、 Li Fuping Ethambutol Etc.
(2) Non steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs Indomethacin ibuprofen Baotaisong Yantongxikang aspirin Compound Aspirin (APC)、 Phenacetin Antipyrine Aminopyrine Paracetamol and Methoxynaphthoic acid Etc.
(3) Tumor chemotherapeutic drugs Cisplatin Methotrexate Brilliant mycotoxin Mitomycin-C Nitrosoureas 5-Fluorouracil Etc.
(4) Antiepileptic Trimethyl diketone , phenytoin sodium, etc.
(5) anesthetic Ether Methoxyfluorane Etc.
(6) Metal and complexing agent Penicillamine Etalate Etc.
(7) various Angiographic agent
(8) other Cigaromycin A Imipipramide Allopurinol mannitol Mercuric sari heroin Low molecular dextran Etc.

traditional Chinese medicine

For traditional Chinese medicine toxicity Nearly 50 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines have been found to be toxic to the kidney. Summing up Kidney damage There are three kinds of traditional Chinese medicine.
The first category is herbal medicine, including tripterygium wilfordii Aconitum kusnezoffii Mutong Chinese honeysuckle , motherwort Xanthium sibiricum Chinaberry bark Trichosanthin , Morning glory Rosa laevigata Fritillary fritillary , Aristolochia Shijingjie Croton aloe , Clematis Tiejiao Maple , mountain arrowhead Flos Daturae Drilling wind Nerium oleander Folium Isatidis , Alisma orientalis Defend oneself , Gansui Climbing Groundsel Herb , clove, uncaria, psoralen windflower Dwarf tea , Sophora flavescens Achyranthes bidentata Wangjiangnanzi Cottonseed Wintersweet root Etc.
The second category is animal traditional Chinese medicine, including Cantharides Fish gall , scorpion, centipede snake venom Etc.
The third category is mineral traditional Chinese medicine, including arsenic( Arsenolite Arsenic , realgar arsenic )Mercury( Cinnabar Mercuric chloride Light powder ), lead (lead) and other minerals( alum )Etc.

Damage signal

In clinical practice, there are various drugs that can cause drug-induced kidney damage. In addition to various western drugs, traditional Chinese medicines that people usually think have little side effects are also on the list. The clinical manifestations of drug-induced renal damage are various. Some will have low back pain; Some will change urine color; Some urine volume changes, but it can be more or less: sometimes the urine volume increases at night, and patients feel that they wake up more often than before, and some also find that the foam in urine is more than before, not as easy to dissipate as before; There are others Eyelid Or lower limb edema; Some even have anemia and hypertension Some patients have non-specific manifestations, such as fatigue Anorexia Etc; Of course, some people don't feel anything at all. They only found that there was something wrong with their kidneys due to the occasional physical examination or doctor's inspection.
It can be seen that routine and regular monitoring is also very important for those patients who have no symptoms of discomfort. It is recommended that after the use of drugs, if the patient has the above symptoms, he/she should go to a doctor in time to have a kidney disease related examination and, if necessary, a kidney test Puncture biopsy

Sickness or not

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a disease with a high incidence. According to a survey among Beijing citizens, the incidence of CKD has reached about 10%, but the awareness rate is very low. Many patients do not know they have CKD. Experts remind that in fact, some very simple tests can help to screen for kidney disease.
First of all, routine urine examination is the simplest and most intuitive examination to reflect kidney disease. An ordinary routine urine test can detect 80-90% of kidney diseases, which is the basis of kidney disease examination. as Urine protein positive Remind you may have nephritis, high blood pressure or diabetic nephropathy , or kidney disease caused by tumor disease; Nitrite positive Prompt may exist urinary tract infection Positive urine glucose indicates high blood glucose level or renal tubular injury; Urinary ketone body Positive indicates fat decomposition, which is more common in Hungry ketosis , or Diabetic ketosis Hypertonic coma and other serious complications of diabetes; Urine red blood cell The increase indicates nephritis or urinary tuberculosis stone , tumor and other diseases. The routine urine examination method is also very simple, as long as you go to the hospital to take a sufficient sample of fresh midstream urine, and morning urine is not required.
Secondly, if you want to check the kidney more comprehensively, you can further test the kidney function and do kidney B ultrasound. Renal function test In various projects of Serum creatinine It is the most accurate reflection of renal function. Once the creatinine content in the blood is found to be increased, it indicates that the renal function has been seriously damaged; Kidney B ultrasound can observe the size, structure and shape of the kidney, and assist in the diagnosis of kidney stones, hydronephrosis cyst , tumor and other diseases, if the renal volume has shrunk under B-ultrasound, it also indicates that the renal function is seriously damaged. The renal function test requires vegetarian diet, avoiding strenuous exercise for 3 days, and fasting blood sampling in the morning; Simple kidney B ultrasound can be examined at any time.

preventive measure

In order to protect the kidney better, some preventive measures should be taken to reduce the damage of drugs to the kidney.
Most antibiotics have varying degrees of nephrotoxicity
First of all, we must not abuse the ancestral secret recipe and folk prescription. If we must use a prescription or drug, we should first obtain its formula or ingredients, consult a specialist, and determine whether it has no effect on the kidney toxicity Only consider using.
Second, drink more water before and after taking medicine to ensure enough urine volume to promote Drug excretion , reduce the nephrotoxicity.
Third, for drugs that are known to have nephrotoxicity or whose pharmacological effects are not clear for the time being, but must be used, the changes of urine and renal function should be closely observed during use, abnormalities should be found as soon as possible, and the drug should be stopped in time.
Fourth, people of different ages should pay attention to drug nephrotoxicity, especially the elderly and children, and be especially careful about the choice of drug types and doses.
Fifth, most of the chronic renal damage of drugs is caused by long-term or excessive medication, so medication must be strictly in accordance with the doctor's advice, and you must not increase the dosage and extend the duration of medication.

coping style

To prevent drug-induced kidney damage, we should not only pay attention to the prevention of kidney damage that may be caused by western medicine, but also take strict precautions against Chinese herbal medicine and Chinese patent medicine that may cause kidney damage. It should be noted that even if the following countermeasures are adopted, sometimes drug-induced renal damage cannot be completely avoided. Therefore, efforts should be made to detect and treat the drug-induced kidney damage as soon as possible in order to completely reduce the harm to human health.
1. Find an experienced doctor and use drugs under the guidance of the doctor. When a patient is undergoing medication or needs to undergo angiography, he or she must be guided by an experienced doctor.
2. For patients with chronic diseases, try not to use kidneys toxicity Drugs. The elderly, patients with kidney disease diabetes Patients, patients who use nephrotoxic drugs in combination, and seriously ill patients with other clinical conditions should try to choose drugs without nephrotoxicity.
three Renal insufficiency The drug dosage must be adjusted according to the renal function. Before using drugs that may cause nephrotoxicity, it is better to check the renal function first. Patients with renal insufficiency should adjust the single dose or interval of medication according to their renal function.
4. Learn to protect yourself and take appropriate protective measures. For different drugs, adopt appropriate methods to help detoxify and detoxify, such as hydration and prevention Contrast nephropathy Etc.
5. Keep the relevant medical records and tell the doctor at the time of treatment. Yes, what happened Adverse drug reactions , including allergic or non allergic adverse reactions, records should be kept for doctors' reference.
Generally speaking, under the premise of closely monitoring urine and renal function indicators, necessary treatment can still be carried out. It is suggested that patients should take medicine under the guidance of experienced doctors or pharmacists, and strengthen self-protection. Most drug-induced renal damage can be avoided by timely detection, timely diagnosis, timely drug withdrawal and timely treatment.