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shareholder value

Economic terminology
Shareholder Value refers to the common stock Value of equity.
Chinese name
shareholder value
Foreign name
Shareholder Value
Gradual improvement of market economy
Better improve the social security system
Maximizing shareholder value


With the gradual improvement of the market economy, the importance of shareholder value is becoming more and more obvious. On the one hand, it is to inspect the company's performance and establish excitation mechanism On the other hand, it is also an important basis for the market of shareholder control, and even to some extent, it also has social security system It has positive significance to improve. because stock right The increasing popularity of socialization and the realization of shareholder value itself, to a large extent, is an increase in the value of the whole society. Shareholder values emphasize rational attention to shareholder values, and advocate unilateral shareholder led Corporate governance structure , this pair from property right It is of great practical significance to solve the problems existing in the reform of state-owned enterprises.

Ten Principles

It is the tradition of American enterprises to pursue the maximization of shareholder value. But after entering the new century, Enron WorldCom And a series of accounting scandals of large companies equity market The sharp decline in the public trust and the continuous decline in the public trust have led people to target the target of condemnation at the "maximization of shareholder value" corporate governance principle. Indeed, one of the biggest problems brought by the crazy pursuit of shareholder value is: the company controller And investors pay too much attention to the current performance, rather than investing in the long-term development of the company, sometimes even for short-term interests use unscrupulous divisive tactics , such as doing False account
however, Alfred Rappaport Not a shareholder Value principle The management failed, but the management betrayed this principle. For example, in the 1990s, various companies pay Introduced in the stock option , originally intended to shareholder Are linked together. But in fact, these free gifts option There are major defects in the design, which not only basically do not motivate managers to take actions conducive to creating value, but also produce the opposite result. Because the waiting period of stock options is generally short -- three to four years, plus executives believe that short-term earnings can stimulate Stock price Rise, which encourages them to manipulate earnings, exercise options early, and cash out shares early. in other words, controller It serves the interests of one's own rather than the long-term interests of shareholders.
The research shows that since the stock price reflects the long-term view of the market on stocks, to prove the rationality of the company's stock price, the management needs to ensure that the company can create value in more than 10 years cash flow In other words, no matter how many long-term shareholders are, the management should pursue the maximization of long-term value. The key is how to let the company actually create value.
Based on his research and decades of consulting experience, Alfred Rappaport summed up 10 basic principles to help enterprises create maximum value.
Principle 1 is: Do not manipulate earnings or conduct earnings guidance. If the first principle is not followed, nine out of ten companies will not follow the remaining principles. If managers play accounting tricks to raise short-term earnings, even if Yield lower than capital cost They also need to invest, or give up investment opportunities that can create value. Although they can enjoy the benefits in the short term, they will one day be unable to meet the market expectations that have been raised higher and higher, and will be severely punished by the market.
Principles 2, 3 and 4 point out that executives are making strategic decisions buy Decisions and assets When making a choice, the company shall Expected value The maximum of is the judgment standard, even if it may reduce the company's recent earnings. When there is no reliable investment opportunity that can create value in front of the company, the company should avoid investing excess cash into projects that look good but actually damage value, such as the company does not need to make unwise and overpriced acquisitions. Principle 5 suggests that if there is no good investment opportunity, cash should be used dividend and Repurchase of shares In the form of shareholder
Principles 6, 7 and 8 refer to high-level, middle level and Grass roots managers Of pay The design provides guidelines and proposes Discount Index Option Plan Discount equity risk option plan Shareholder value appreciation Leading value indicators And other concepts to reward managers for their behaviors focusing on long-term value. Principle 9 emphasizes that senior executives should bear the same risk as shareholders, and the recommended approach is to extend senior executives exercise The holding period of the shares acquired later; When judging whether the number of shares held by an executive meets the minimum ownership When horizontal, set Restricted stock Excluded. Principle 10 urges the company to disclose all information related to value to investors, which can ease the company's management's addiction to short-term earnings, and reduce the uncertainty faced by investors, thus potentially reducing the cost of capital and increasing share prices.
Alfred Rappaport also noted that there are a few types of companies, such as high-tech companies that are just starting up and companies that are severely restricted by capital, and they cannot ignore the pressure of the market on short-term performance. But most companies can use these 10 principles to better exert their potential to create shareholder value. Alfred Rappaport calls the company that abides by all these 10 principles "the tenth level" company. At present, only Warren Buffett Leaded Berkshire Hathaway Closest to this level.


In the 1990s, the concept of shareholder value was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people: companies focused all their energy on pleasing shareholders, so their share prices soared.
However, this has not been the case for some time. Even if you include equity market current rebound , since the new millennium S&P 500 Index Total of Rate of return It's always negative. The collapse of Enron and WorldCom in this decade (and many other minor collapses) was due to the eagerness to please shareholders.
Recently, several of our top financial institutions have imploded, because the executives of these institutions believe that it is their mission to pursue higher returns for shareholders. The situation was so bad that even Jack Welch ( Jack Welch )A few months ago, he also stood out and said that this was "the stupidest idea in the world" (he GE Tenure can also be summarized as pursuing shareholder value).
Is Jack right? Is this really a stupid idea? It depends on how you understand its meaning. In 1981, Harvard Business Review An article by Alfred Rappaport, an accounting professor, introduced a term to the world. He tried to construct a "theoretically complete and practically feasible" model for operating enterprises, so that“ shareholder To maximize its economic value.
His goal is to make the company's management pay less attention to Book profit First, but mainly focus on Economic profit That is, the cost of capital discounting the expected future cash flow. His theory requires not to overemphasize quarterly profits, but to focus on creating long-term value. That doesn't sound stupid.
Rappaport, 77, is semi retired and still gives《 Harvard Business Review 》I am writing some articles and a new book. He said: "I don't know how many times I have said: long-term, long-term, long-term. For me, shareholder value is not an immediate increase in share prices."
However, this is exactly what happened in the 1990s. Those who abide by shareholders Value Disciplines Of CEO We're trying to please equity market I fell down in the process. They are struggling to reach their quarterly profit target, which in turn reduces the value of the company.
Why is that? Partly because Executive compensation The economic incentives in the accounting standard , excessive the stock option But it also comes from a strong but flawed concept, that is, it was also born in the university campus“ efficient market hypothesis ”。
Efficient market theory Born in the 1960s University of Chicago GSB The view that prevailed in the 1990s is stock market Of price Yes. If Stock price Yes, so maximizing shareholder value is the simplest thing in the world. Deceased University of Chicago Famous financial scholar Merton Miller ( Merton Miller )In 1993, he said: "It may be short-sighted to focus on the recent earnings, but not on the stock price, because the stock price reflects not only the current earnings, but also the earnings expected by the market in the future years."
Stock prices do reflect future expectations, but after decades of research, we now know that stock prices also reflect too many other things: emotions, errors, and fund management Improper incentives in the industry. Rappaport said, equity market "There are a lot of error messages in the short term". As a result, for those who pursue long-term shareholder value, the stock price is basically a useless reference roadmap.
So, is shareholder value a stupid concept? No, but it is difficult to understand, because to understand it correctly, you need to ignore your shareholders.