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[cháng wèi]
digestive system
The stomach generally refers to the stomach, small intestine and large intestine of the digestive system. The stomach and small intestine are the core of nutrition absorption. Almost all the nutrients needed by the human body need to pass through the intestines and stomach. The intestines and stomach become the most important organ for digestion.
Chinese name
Foreign name
The stomach, small intestine and large intestine of the digestive system
Stomach, small intestine and large intestine
Human organ system
Nutrient absorption
working process
Crushing, emulsification and absorption


With the emergence of animals, the metabolic cycle of nutrition shows a new pattern different from that of plants. From the simplest single celled animal to the most complex animal - human, the process of food digestion has become complicated. Unicellular animal Digestion of food is carried out inside cells. When it comes to two germ layer multicellular animals, it can realize extracellular digestion, and also has Absorption function Trigerm For example, the digestive organs of annelids have been differentiated into foregut, midgut and hindgut, which can be reabsorbed by crushing and emulsifying food. here we are vertebrate The digestive system of animals has been completely differentiated, and the pharynx esophagus , stomach Large intestine and small intestine And liver, pancreas and other organs. Nature makes human beings the most advanced end product, with the most complex and complete digestive system.
chronic disease The occurrence of gastric cancer is very close to the stomach. If you want to understand the occurrence law of chronic diseases from the root, you can not but study the intestines and stomach. How do we digest the food we eat every day? What is the process of "working" in the intestines and stomach? Only by understanding these problems can we understand the cause of chronic diseases.
working process
In person embryo On the 20th day of development, the head and tail of the original intestinal tube in the embryo formed the front and rear intestines, and the middle segment formed the midgut. Later, the midgut disappears, and the foregut forms the pharynx esophagus , stomach duodenum , jejunum and ileum Most of the proximal end; The hindgut develops into a small part of the distal ileum cecum appendix , colon and rectum. The endoderm of the original intestinal tube evolves into the epithelium of the digestive tube Digestive gland , liver, pancreas, thyroid parathyroid glands Thymus and respiratory epithelium.
When we get up in the morning, our intestines begin to wriggle, and waste, residue, dirt, urine, and hundreds of toxins are waiting to be discharged from our anus. After the "garbage" is emptied, it is time to eat. At this time, the intestinal tract begins to absorb, and the liver and gall are ready for food digestion. At this point, the salivary glands It secretes a lot of protease, lipase, detoxification enzyme and other digestive enzymes to decompose and digest food. When these foods enter the mouth, they will crush and grind all the foods through the teeth, so that the taste buds can be fully contacted. The taste buds will carbohydrate , protein, vitamins, fat, minerals, water, non nutritive substances, toxic ingredients, etc., to the next level of digestive organs, so that they can do a good job of "reception". The food goes down through the esophagus and reaches the stomach.
Pharynx and larynx
At the throat, the passage to the stomach, its front end is the pharynx, which can also directly absorb liquid nutrients. If the food is chewed small enough, the pharyngeal area can directly absorb some nutrients. Therefore, when you eat, you should not gorge to avoid missing out on nutrition opportunities.
Structure of stomach
The stomach is divided into four parts: the cardia, fundus, body and pylorus. Stomach functions include absorbing food, harmonizing food and secreting gastric juice; It has endocrine function, produces some hormones, and promotes gastrointestinal activities. The stomach of an average adult can hold 12 jin of food. When the food you eat reaches the stomach, the stomach will secrete a large amount of stomach acid to corrode and dissolve the food, and prepare for absorption into the duodenum. Gastric emptying The food is different. For vegetables and fruits, it is generally drained once every 3 hours; For white meat, such as fish and chicken, it should be emptied once every 3.5 hours; For mixed food, empty once every 4.5 hours; For red meat, it takes longer to empty once.


1、 Gastric bleeding
chronic gastritis Bleeding is not uncommon: mucous membrane atrophy and thinning, blood vessel exposure, coarse food grinding, mucous membrane erosion and bleeding, with black stool as the main manifestation. If the amount of bleeding is large, you can suddenly vomit blood, and in severe cases, dizziness, panic, sleep black, sweating, and even shock.
2、 Anemia
Chronic gastritis is accompanied by two kinds of anemia after massive blood loss: 1. megaloblastic anemia, namely Pernicious anemia The patient has anemia, dizziness, fatigue, palpitations, and pale face. 2、 iron-deficiency anemia One is caused by chronic blood loss; Second, patients with chronic gastritis eat less and are undernourished; The third is the lack of stomach acid.
3、 Gastric ulcer
Gastric ulcer and Superficial gastritis Erosive gastritis At the same time, there are obvious inflammatory stimuli, atrophy and thinning of gastric mucosa, and erosion and ulcer. Gastroscopy should be carried out in time to avoid delay in diagnosis and treatment.
4、 Precancerous stage of gastric cancer
according to International Health Organization According to statistics, in the high incidence area of gastric cancer, after 10-20 years of follow-up, the average incidence of gastric cancer is 10%, and their development context is: superficial gastritis- chronic gastritis -Intestinal metaplasia or atypical hyperplasia - gastric cancer. The canceration of chronic gastritis is closely related to the inflammatory hyperplasia of stomach. Chronic gastritis is prone to canceration in two cases: 1. Chronic gastritis is accompanied by Pernicious anemia The incidence of canceration is more than 20 times higher than that of other gastrointestinal diseases, which should be paid attention to by patients with gastrointestinal diseases. 2. Atrophic inflammation with intestinal metaplasia and severe atypical hyperplasia.
Digestive system diagram
When food is emptied from the stomach, it enters the small intestine. The small intestine actually includes the duodenum. It is the longest section of the digestive tube and an important place for digesting and absorbing nutrients. It has endocrine function and is 7 meters long. The small intestine is divided into duodenum, jejunum and ileum.
The so-called duodenum means that the length of this section of intestine is the same as the length of our twelve fingers, hence the name. The duodenum is in "C" shape, with many annular folds formed by mucosa inside, and only the upper mucosa is flat without folds, which is the vulnerable part of ulcer perforation. Common bile duct The common hepatic duct and pancreas are connected at its lower part through the duodenal papilla. The duodenum is absorbed by the body Food nutrition The core of energy production, where more than 70% of human nutrition will be absorbed, also has endocrine function. When you arrive here with your breakfast, you can no longer see which are lettuce and which are fish fillets. After decomposition and melting, the food has become chyle, and the intestinal tract begins to absorb it.
Intestinal absorption of nutrients requires the cooperation of digestive gland, liver, gallbladder and pancreas.
The liver is the largest digestive gland of the human body, located in the epigastric region, and has important functions such as metabolism, glycogen storage, detoxification, bile secretion, and phagocytosis defense. The working hours are generally from 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. In the embryonic stage Hematopoietic function The weight of adult liver is nearly 3 jin for men and 2.6 jin for women, accounting for about 1/50 of the body weight. It can be obtained from stomach and duodenum Food nutrition
The gallbladder is divided into four parts: gallbladder bottom, gallbladder body, gallbladder neck and cystic duct. It is blue-green due to the storage of gallbladder juice. There are spiral folds in the gallbladder, through which bile can be controlled. The thin bile produced by the liver passes through Cystic duct The concentrated bile stored in the gallbladder is discharged into the common bile duct through the cystic duct. The gall bladder works from 1 to 3 in the morning, and it is difficult to avoid the occurrence of stones if you often eat midnight snack at this time.
The pancreas is the largest gland in the human body, second only to the liver. At the rear of the stomach, it weighs about 65-75 grams and is triangular prism shaped. It can be divided into three parts: the head of the pancreas, the body of the pancreas, and the tail of the pancreas. The pancreatic head connects the portal vein and the common bile duct. Inflammation often occurs when the pancreas has lesions Obstructive jaundice The swollen type compresses the portal vein, which can produce ascites. The pancreatic body connects the left kidney and the left adrenal gland. The tail of pancreas contacts the splenic hilum. pancreas Secreting pancreatic juice, discharging into duodenum through pancreatic duct, and decomposing carbohydrate , protein, fat, etc. In addition, the pancreas has islets, which belong to the endocrine system and secrete hormones that directly enter the blood to regulate the changes in blood sugar.
The bile stored in the gallbladder will enter the duodenum through the cystic duct and common bile duct when food appears, helping digestion and absorption of nutrients. Some nutrients are absorbed by the liver and processed by hepatocytes. Some are discharged into the blood for use by the body. The rest can be temporarily stored in the liver for later use.
Your breakfast is transported from the duodenum to the jejunum and ileum. The jejunum accounts for two fifths of the total length of the small intestine, and the ileum accounts for three fifths of the total length. At this time, the jejunum and ileum rely on the internal mucosa to absorb nutrients.
After the jejunum and ileum, your breakfast will reach the head of the large intestine, the cecum, where the final nutrition absorption will be carried out. The large intestine is divided into cecum colon And rectum. The total length is about 1.5m. The cecum is the transition zone of food from nutrition to waste. There is a half moon shaped colonic valve in the cecum. The function of the colonic valve is to prevent the contents of the large intestine from flowing back, control the chyme from flowing into the large intestine too fast, so that the chyme can be fully digested and absorbed in the small intestine. The cecum also has a small intestinal tube, namely the appendix, which is about 7-9 cm long, and the longest is 28 cm. There are many lymph nodes of different sizes in the wall of the appendix. It is believed that the appendix is the central lymphoid tissue related to antibody production. It is not recommended to remove it easily for appendicitis patients to avoid the imbalance of immune function that affects the constitution.
Through the last hurdle, all the nutrients in your breakfast are finally absorbed, enter the colon in the large intestine in the form of "waste", and begin to officially become stool. The human colon is divided into ascending colon Transverse colon , descending colon and sigmoid colon. The colon passes through the nodular inner wall and constantly wriggles, pushing the feces inside to the lower intestine. However, red meat that has not been completely digested is easy to deposit in the transverse colon area, causing transverse colon prolapse, squeezing the uterus and prostate below, causing vague pain in the left and right abdomen, shoulder tenderness, and lumbar muscle weakness. In the colon area, toxins and metabolic wastes decomposed by detoxification systems such as liver, kidney and lymph are also transported to the large intestine wall through the portal vein and discharged together with feces.
The feces reach the last digestive tube, the rectum. The rectum is the "warehouse" of stool. The total length of the rectum is about 15 cm, and it connects with the anus, which is about 3 cm long. There is mucosa inside the rectum, and there are 2-3 obvious half moon shaped transverse folds on the mucosa to control the discharge of feces. There are sphincters in the anus to assist in defecation.
Some people lack meat because they often eat meat Dietary cellulose Promoting defecation will cause transverse colon prolapse and rectal deformation. If it goes on for a long time, some people will have intestinal rest rooms, that is, there will be cystic depressions in the intestines, which will make it impossible to discharge the stool smoothly, causing constipation, toxin accumulation, intestinal malignant diseases and other diseases. Research shows that there are as many as 796 kinds of toxic substances in the stool, and the guarantee coefficient of health is high only when the intestinal tract is unobstructed. Adequate dietary fiber is an indispensable "scavenger" for the intestines.
After breakfast, lunch and dinner, ordinary people go to bed before 11:00 p.m., and by 5:00 to 6:00 the next day, their intestines will begin to "work", and they will have a sense of defecation. The food waste will go out of their intestines.


1. Recuperation: Any improper diet, excessive hunger and satiety, or overeating of raw and cold food can affect the function of the stomach and cause pain, stomach trouble After that, the digestive function weakens, so the diet must be fixed on time, and it is better to eat less Chew carefully and swallow slowly Eating light and easily digestible food, the stomach likes moistening and hates dryness, while mellow wine, spicy, greasy and thick food can heat and dry, which is bad for the stomach.
2. Mental adjustment: clinically, due to mental stimulation, emotional discomfort Stagnation of liver qi It is most common for stomach disease to recur and worsen. Therefore, keep the spirit comfortable and happy, emotional stability, and avoid emotional stimulation.
3. Careful living and heavy exercise: Regular life is also very important for health. People who have stomach disease should pay more attention to it. Besides taking medicine on time, there should also be a strict work and rest system to ensure adequate rest and sleep, which can promote the recovery of disease. Regular exercise can strengthen the body and improve the ability to resist disease. Exercise can promote the peristalsis and secretion of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, it is of great significance to pay attention to climate change and timely increase and decrease clothing and quilt to avoid the invasion of cold pathogen for promoting the recovery of stomach disease


1. Warm care: after the cool autumn, the temperature difference between day and night changes greatly. Pay special attention to the warmth of the stomach, add clothes at the right time, and cover the bed at night to prevent stomach pain or aggravation of old diseases caused by abdominal coldness.
2. Diet recuperation: The diet should be warm, soft, light, plain and fresh. It should be fixed at a fixed time. Eat less and eat more meals, so that there is often food and stomach acid in the stomach to neutralize, so as to prevent the erosion of gastric mucosa and ulcer surface from aggravating the disease.
3. Mouth taboo maintenance: pay attention to mouth taboo, do not eat too cold, too hot, too hard, too spicy, too sticky food, but also avoid overeating, smoking and drinking. In addition, attention should be paid to the method of taking the medicine. It is best to take it after meals to prevent irritation of the gastric mucosa from worsening the condition.
4. Calm down: pay attention to mental health, maintain mental happiness and emotional stability, and avoid the stimulation of tension, anxiety, anger and other negative emotions. At the same time, pay attention to the combination of work and rest to prevent excessive fatigue from harming the recovery of stomach disease. The body itself is a relatively complete regulating mechanism, which can regulate self in the body, so the psychology can also help the maintenance of internal organs very well.
5. Exercise and health care: gastrointestinal patients should combine their own signs, strengthen moderate exercise, improve the body's resistance to disease, reduce disease recurrence, and promote physical and mental health.
6. Pay attention to eating: chew carefully and swallow slowly when you have a regular and quantitative meal, and relax. Take a little rest after dinner before starting work. Small amount and multiple meals can avoid stomach swelling or Hyperacidity of stomach , too much gastric acid may be reserved to the esophagus and stimulate the esophageal mucosa. In addition to three meals, snacks shall be added once in the morning, in the afternoon and before going to bed. Eat a mild diet - eat a wide range of foods from the six categories of food in each meal to obtain balanced nutrition. Do not eat foods with high starch content. Don't lie down immediately after a meal. At the same time, a moderate amount of Yangchang Tongbian Granules such as Lijian can be taken daily to regulate the digestive system.
7. Daily maintenance: Poplar Plum has the effect of promoting fluid and thirst, strengthening the spleen and appetizing the stomach. Eating more will not hurt the spleen and stomach, but also has the effect of detoxifying and removing cold.
According to Compendium of Materia Medica“ Myrica rubra It can quench thirst, harmonize the five internal organs, cleanse the intestines and stomach, and get rid of troubles and evil spirits. " The fruit, core, root and skin of Myrica rubra can be used as medicine, which is neutral and non-toxic. Fruit stone can cure beriberi, root can stop bleeding and regulate qi; The bark soaked in wine can be cured Bruise injury , redness, swelling, pain, etc. Myrica rubra soaked in white wine will feel refreshed in midsummer, relieve summer heat and relieve tiredness. When diarrhea occurs, take myrica rubra thick soup to stop diarrhea, with astringent effect. People with gastrointestinal diseases can use bayberry wine for gastrointestinal conditioning

Gastrointestinal symptoms

1. There is tenderness in the upper abdomen and around the umbilicus, no muscle tension and rebound pain, and the bowel sounds are more hyperactive.
2. Hematemesis and hematochezia, a few patients vomit with blood or brown, black stool or positive stool occult blood test. It indicates that there is bleeding in the gastric mucosa.
3. Headache, fever, chills and muscle pain are also common symptoms. In a few serious cases, dehydration may occur due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea.


Wine table family. For many people, it has become an essential part of their life to spend all day at the table busy entertaining. The research shows that alcohol can stimulate the esophageal mucosa and cause congestion, edema and esophagitis; More destructive gastric mucosa It can stimulate gastric acid secretion Pepsin Increase, cause congestion, edema and erosion of gastric mucosa, and cause acute and chronic gastritis and Peptic ulcer , appears Heartburn , stomach pain, stomach acid Gastric distention , vomiting, poor appetite and other symptoms. Therefore, regular drinkers should be careful of their own intestines and stomach.
office worker. Office workers are busy with work, have a lot of mental pressure, exercise less and eat irregularly, which may cause Autonomic nerve The smooth muscle and blood vessels of the stomach and duodenum wall will spasm and contract, which will lead to insufficient blood supply of gastrointestinal tissue and nutrition supply. At this time, the resistance of the stomach and duodenum mucosa will be weakened, Regurgitation , fullness Belching The uncomfortable feeling will appear after waiting for a long time. If effective adjustment is not made for a long time, it may form gastric ulcer , gastritis and other diseases.
Travelers. Because of their work, many people have become "flying people". Frequent business trips, constant fatigue, adaptation to different environments, and adjustment of work and rest habits are more likely to lead to gastrointestinal health crisis than others. Chen Chunlian, a gastroenterologist, pointed out that there are still health risks such as acclimatization and improper diet, which often lead to gastrointestinal discomfort.
Drivers. With the popularity of cars, motorists are growing. When driving, the blood is supplied to the tense muscles and brain, but not much blood flows to the intestines and stomach. People who drive for a long time often start driving after eating, and are often in this state, which is very easy to have intestines and stomach indigestion , stomach pain Gastric distention , belching and other symptoms. Taxi drivers, long-distance transport drivers and other professional drivers are high-risk groups in this situation, and they should pay more attention to their gastrointestinal functions.
aged. Experts say that older people are more likely to suffer from distension, blockage and stuffiness if they are not careful because of the weakening of gastrointestinal function. With the growth of age, the elderly Digestive gland Decreased secretory function, gastrointestinal peristalsis, and digestive function. Food can not be digested for a long time after meals and stays in the stomach for a long time, which is easy to cause indigestion . The stomach is full. Gastric fullness will block diaphragm activities, cause dyspnea, increase the burden on the heart, and even serious cases may occur angina pectoris Symptoms like this.

therapeutic method

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the poor flow of qi is the cause of all diseases, and the stagnation of qi in the body naturally blocks the circulation of depression. If qi is blocked, essence will not be produced, and visceral vitality will be naturally damaged, causing pain and fatigue in all parts. The same is true of Dao Yin, who has gastrointestinal discomfort.

Acupoint massage

1. Treating anorexia by pressing Zusanli point
effect: Conditioning The function of spleen and stomach can promote appetite and digestion.
Location: About four finger width below the depression on the outside of the knee.
Pressing method: It is better to press with finger pulp in a round way with a sense of acid swelling, 15 times a time, 2-3 times a day.
2. Treat according to Zhongwan point indigestion
Function: It can promote qi flow to the stomach, relieve pain, improve indigestion, stomachache and abdominal distension.
Location: 4 finger widths above the navel.
Pressing method: press with finger pulp in the way of drawing a circle, with a sense of swelling, 15 times each time, 2-3 times a day.
3. Treating flatulence and nausea according to Fenglong point
Function: invigorate the spleen and remove dampness, promote metabolism, relieve flatulence and belch.
Location: the middle point of the line between the outside of the knee and the ankle.
According to the method: same as points 1 and 2
4. Treatment of obstructed defecation according to water points
Function: promote qi, eliminate distension, promote metabolism, and improve constipation.
Location: about one finger wide above the navel.
According to the method: same as points 1 and 2

Inner Canon of Huangdi


Problem explanation

This article mainly introduces the ancient understanding of the digestive tract from the perspective of anatomy, in which the stomach is the main body, so it is famous for "stomach".

original text

Yellow Emperor Ask the person who wants to hear about the grain passing from the six fu organs in Bogao's spare time, how about the size of his intestines and stomach, and how much grain he receives? Bogorri, please say that the valley has a mouth that is two and a half inches wide, from a shallow, deep and nearly long lip to a tooth that is nine minutes long; From behind the teeth to the epiglottis [1], it is three and a half inches deep and five inches wide [2]. The tongue weighs ten liang, seven inches long, two and a half inches wide, ten liang, one and a half inches wide, and the stomach is one foot six inches long. The stomach is twisted and stretched, two foot six inches long, one foot five inches large, five inches diameter, and three buckets five liters large The back of the small intestine is attached to the spine, and the left ring is overlapped around the ileum. If it is injected into the ileum, it is attached to the umbilical cord. Huiyun Ring is sixteen curves, two and a half inches in size, less than half an eighth in diameter, and three feet and two feet in length. When the ileum is the navel, the left circumgyral lobe is accumulated [3], and the circumgyral transport ring is sixteen curved, four inches larger, less than half an inch in diameter, and two feet in length. Broad bowel Fu Ji [4], to receive the ileum, left ring leaf ridge, up and down, eight inches large, the diameter of two inches is more than half, two feet eight inches long. From the entrance to the exit of the stomach, it is six feet four inches four minutes long, and it turns back in reverse, thirty-two turns.