Intestinal tuberculosis

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Korean English (Chief Physician) Review Department of Gastroenterology, General Hospital of Beijing Military Region
Intestinal tuberculosis is a chronic and specific intestinal infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TMB). Mainly by Mycobacterium tuberculosis hominis Cause. A few areas have intestinal tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis due to drinking milk or dairy products without sterilization. This disease is generally seen in young and middle-aged people, women slightly more than men.
TCM disease name
Intestinal tuberculosis
Foreign name
intestinal tuberculosis
Visiting department
internal medicine
Multiple population
Young and middle-aged women
Common causes
Tuberculosis hominis infection
common symptom
Abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation, abdominal mass, fatigue, emaciation, anemia, etc
Chinese name
Intestinal tuberculosis


More than 90% of intestinal tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis hominis. In addition, drinking dairy products that have not been strictly disinfected can cause disease due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis bovis. Intestinal tuberculosis infection can be caused by oral and blood borne dissemination and the spread of tuberculosis in adjacent organs. tuberculosis The pathogenesis of tuberculosis is the result of the interaction between human body and tuberculosis bacteria. Infection through the above ways is only the condition of disease. Only when the number of invading tuberculosis bacteria is large, virulence Large, with human body immunity Exceptions Intestinal dysfunction Only when the local resistance is weakened can the disease occur.


More than 90% of intestinal tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis hominis A few can be caused by Mycobacterium bovis tuberculosis. The main routes of intestinal infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis are enterogenous, hematogenous and Direct spread
1. Enterogenic
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is mainly transmitted by mouth and invades the intestinal tract, and patients are often open pulmonary tuberculosis , which is caused by swallowing sputum containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Or often with Open tuberculosis Patients eat together and lack necessary disinfection and isolation measures to cause disease. In a few cases, drinking unpasteurized milk or dairy products containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis may also cause Primary Intestinal tuberculosis. This is because: under normal physiological conditions, intestinal contents pass through ileocecum physiological sphincter It remained in the terminal ileum for a long time before. In addition, the proximal colon often has anti peristalsis, which makes the intestinal contents in the cecum residence time Longer. In this way, there are more opportunities for Mycobacterium tuberculosis to contact with intestinal mucosa, increasing the chance of intestinal mucosa infection. There are abundant lymphoid tissue Mycobacterium tuberculosis is easy to invade lymph tissue.
2. Blood borne miliary tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis can spread through blood and cause intestinal tuberculosis.
3. Direct spread into the abdominal cavity tuberculosis Stove
as Tuberculosis of female genital organs and Renal tuberculosis Direct spread may cause intestinal tuberculosis.

clinical manifestation

Most of them are located in the right lower abdomen, and most of them are located in ileocecal region because of intestinal tuberculosis. Often with upper abdomen or Periumbilical pain , caused by ileocecal lesions Referred pain , but the physical examination can still find Tenderness spot Located in the lower right abdomen. The pain is mostly dull or Dull pain Sometimes eating can induce abdominal pain with defecation, which will be relieved to varying degrees after defecation intestinal obstruction happen now and then Abdominal colic , often located in the right lower abdomen or around the umbilical cord, with abdominal distention Hyperactivity of bowel sounds , intestinal type and Peristaltic wave
two diarrhea And constipation
Diarrhea is the main cause of ulcerative intestinal tuberculosis clinical manifestation one of. The frequency of defecation varies according to the severity and scope of the disease, generally 2-4 times a day, and more than 10 times a day for severe cases. Not accompanied Be quick inside and heavy behind The stool is paste like and generally does not contain mucus or pus and blood. In severe cases, it contains a small amount of mucus Purulent fluid , but blood in stool is rare. Sometimes the patient will have diarrhea and constipation alternately, which is caused by the disease Gastrointestinal disorders of Hyperplastic intestinal tuberculosis Constipation is the main manifestation.
It is usually located in the right lower abdomen, generally fixed, medium texture, with mild or moderate tenderness. Abdominal mass is mainly seen in proliferative intestinal tuberculosis, but also in ulcerative intestinal tuberculosis with localized peritonitis, adhesion between the affected intestinal segment and surrounding tissues, or both Tuberculosis of mesenteric lymph nodes
4. Systemic symptoms
It is commonly seen in ulcerative intestinal tuberculosis, which shows different heat types Long term fever , with night sweat Patient burnout, emaciation anemia , appearing with the development of disease course Vitamin deficiency etc. innutrition Performance. Can have extraintestinal tuberculosis at the same time, especially Active pulmonary tuberculosis Clinical manifestation. Hyperplastic intestinal tuberculosis The course of disease is long, the general condition is generally good, and none fever Or sometimes Low fever , mostly without extraintestinal tuberculosis.
5. None Intestinal perforation intestinal obstruction Or with peritoneal tuberculosis and other diseases, only tenderness in the right lower abdomen and around the umbilicus.


1. Blood examination
Ulcerative intestinal tuberculosis Available Moderate anemia , no complications White blood cell count Generally normal. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR (blood sedimentation rate) increased significantly, which can be used as one of the indicators to estimate the level of tuberculosis activity.
2. Fecal examination
The stool of ulcerative intestinal tuberculosis is mostly paste like, generally without naked eye mucus and pus, but a small amount can be seen under the microscope Purulent cell And red blood cell Fecal concentration search Mycobacterium tuberculosis The positive is helpful for diagnosis, but only when the sputum is negative can it be meaningful.
three Tuberculin (PPD) Test
Negative skin test or positive PPD antibody in blood is helpful for diagnosis, but negative cannot exclude the disease.
4. X-ray examination
X-ray gastrointestinal Barium meal It has important value in the diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis. In concurrent intestinal obstruction The barium meal examination should be careful to avoid aggravating the intestinal obstruction. If necessary, dilute barium can be used for examination. In addition to barium meal examination, barium should be routinely added enema Check or Colonoscopy In order to find possible concurrent colonic lesions. In ulcerative intestinal tuberculosis, barium presents irritation signs in the affected intestinal segment, emptying quickly and filling poorly, while in the upper and lower intestinal segments of the lesion, barium is well filled, which is called X-ray barium shadow stierlin sign If the diseased intestinal segment can be filled, it will show Mucosal plica Coarse and disordered, the edge of the intestinal wall is irregular, sometimes serrated. Also visible Intestinal cavity Narrowing, intestinal segment shortening and deformation, ileum cecum Normal angle disappears.
5. CT examination
Circular thickening of the intestinal wall can be seen, and eccentric thickening of the medial cecum can be seen in a few cases. This check susceptibility Not as good as intestines X-ray radiography
6. Colonoscopy
Colonoscopy It can treat the whole colon and ileum Last paragraph Direct observation is of great value in the diagnosis of this disease if pathological changes can be found. The lesions are mainly Ileocecal part Endoscopy showed congestion and edema of intestinal mucosa, ulcer Inflammation with different size and shape polyp , intestinal cavity narrowing, etc. If biopsy can be found cheese Necrotizing granuloma like or Mycobacterium tuberculosis It is of diagnostic significance.
seven Antituberculosis antibody Determination and Mixed lymphocyte culture + interferon Measurement (T-Spot). T-spot detection has high sensitivity and Specificity


Mainly occurs in Proliferative intestinal tuberculosis , seen in late stage patients.
Mainly Subacute And chronic perforation, which can be formed in the abdominal cavity abscess , formed after collapse Intestinal fistula intestinal hemorrhage It is rare, with occasional acute intestinal perforation. It may be associated with tuberculous peritonitis complication

differential diagnosis

The clinical manifestations, X-ray and endoscopic findings of this disease are often similar to those of intestinal tuberculosis, which must be carefully differentiated. The key points of differentiation include: ① no evidence of extraintestinal tuberculosis; ② There is a tendency of remission and recurrence, and the course of disease is generally longer; ③ X-ray showed that although the lesions were mainly in the terminal ileum, other intestinal segments could be involved and distributed in segments; ④ More concurrency fistula Or perianorectal lesions; ⑤ The anti tuberculosis drug treatment was ineffective; ⑥ Difficulties in clinical differential diagnosis Exploratory laparotomy The specimen and its surroundings are removed mesentery lymph gland No evidence of tuberculosis, i.e granuloma Lesion without Caseous necrosis No mycobacterium tuberculosis was found in microscopic examination and animal inoculation.
2. Right side Colon cancer
This disease is older than intestinal tuberculosis, usually over 40 years old. Generally, there is no tuberculosis such as fever and night sweat Toxemia Performance. X-ray examination mainly shows barium Filling defect The lesion is confined to the colon. Colonoscopy and biopsy can confirm the diagnosis of colon cancer.
three Amebiasis or schistosomiasis Sex granuloma
Relevant infection history in the past. Pyogenic stool Common. Related to stool routine or incubation inspection pathogen Colonoscopy is helpful for differential diagnosis. The corresponding specific treatment is effective.
4. Other intestinal tuberculosis
Sometimes it should be connected with the intestine malignant lymphoma Yersin bacillus enteritis And some rare Infectivity Enteropathy such as Atypical mycobacterium (See more in AIDS Patients) Venereal lymphogranuloma Syphilis Invasion of intestines and intestines Actinomycosis Etc. Those with fever as the main manifestation need to contact Typhoid fever Isochronous fever Sexual diseases identify.


The purpose of treatment of intestinal tuberculosis is to eliminate symptoms, improve general condition, promote focus healing and prevent complications. emphasize early treatment Because the early lesion of intestinal tuberculosis is reversible.
1. Rest and nutrition
It can strengthen the resistance of patients and is the basis of treatment.
2. Antituberculous drugs
It is the key to the treatment of this disease. The selection, usage and treatment of drugs are the same as pulmonary tuberculosis
3. Symptomatic treatment
Abdominal pain available Anticholinergic drug Inadequate intake or diarrhea In serious cases, attention should be paid to correcting water electrolyte And Acid base balance disorder yes Incomplete intestinal obstruction Patient, need to Gastrointestinal decompression
4. Surgical treatment
Indications Including: ① Complete intestinal obstruction ;② Acute or chronic intestinal perforation Fistula formation Failure to close after medical treatment; ③ Large amount of intestinal bleeding can not be effectively stopped after active rescue; ④ Those who need exploratory laparotomy for difficult diagnosis.


stay Antituberculosis drug Intestinal tuberculosis before occurrence prognosis Poor, mortality High. After the extensive use of anti tuberculosis drugs in clinical practice, the prognosis of intestinal tuberculosis has been greatly improved, especially for mucosal tuberculosis, including intestinal tuberculosis. The prognosis of this disease depends on early diagnosis and timely treatment. When the disease is still in the exudative stage, it can be completely recovered after treatment, Good prognosis The key to the prognosis is to select anti tuberculosis drugs reasonably and ensure adequate dose and course of treatment.


Prevention is prevention tuberculosis The fundamental approach of. And focus on the discovery of extraintestinal tuberculosis, especially pulmonary tuberculosis Of early diagnosis With active anti tuberculosis treatment Sputum bacterium Turn negative to avoid intestinal infection caused by swallowing sputum containing bacteria. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of Health promotion Education. The patient should be educated not to swallow sputum, and should keep defecation unobstructed. To strengthen Health Supervision , advocate using serving chopsticks When eating, milk should be sterilized. inoculation BCG vaccine It can enhance the human body's ability to Tuberculosis bacteria Of Resistance , which is conducive to the prevention of tuberculosis.