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Hepatic insufficiency

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Liang Xiaochun Chief physician (written) Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital
Liu Wei Doctor (written) Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital
Liver blood deficiency is a syndrome characterized by blood loss and liver dehydration.


Biochemical deficiency, or chronic disease Attrition injury Hepatic blood , or excessive blood loss can cause Deficiency of liver and blood

clinical manifestation

be dizzy, Insomnia and dreaminess , white face, dry eyes, Blurred vision Ungual nail Burong, limb numbness tremor, contracture, women Hypomenorrhea , light color, even Amenorrhea Pale tongue The moss is thin and the veins are weak.

Syndrome analysis

There is not enough blood in the liver to make people proud, so dizzy Whiteness; Liver enlightens the eye The eyes are dry, and the objects are blurred; The liver is the tendon in the body, while the claw nail is the tendon. If the tendon is lost, the limb numbness will tremble, and the claw nail will not be honored; Women are born with liver , liver blood deficiency, A sea of blood Empty, so less menstruation, light color. Light tongue and fine pulse Blood deficiency Image.


1. Porridge
available Ginseng porridge Porridge with chicken sauce Wolfberry porridge Polygonum multiflorum porridge Wait, use large Jujube 10-15, polished round-grained rice 100g, porridge for breakfast and dinner. This porridge has the effect of tonifying qi and blood, strengthening spleen and stomach Stomach asthenia Eat less, Insufficient HP With assistance Therapeutic effect
2. Lily Longan soup
Remove the dregs of lily after 30g of boiling water, and add proper amount of liquid medicine Longan meat , stew in low heat and add Crystal sugar
3. Method of supplementing the dirty with the dirty
(1) Chicken liver Porridge Delicious But Wen, Nourishing blood and liver It is a good food for nourishing the liver and is better than other animal livers Invigorate the liver Is more effective and can Warming stomach The specific usage is: take 3 fresh chicken livers and 100g rice and cook them together as porridge. It can cure the liver blood insufficiency and poor diet of middle-aged and elderly people, Dry eyes Or shed tears.
(2) Steamed Chicken Liver with Gastrodia elata aged Numbness of limbs You can take it with both flavors steamed together.