Secretary General of the United Nations

The head of the United Nations Secretariat
zero Useful+1
The Secretary General of the United Nations is United Nations Secretariat The officer of. according to Charter of the United Nations , the Secretary General is security council recommend, United Nations General Assembly The designated "executive head" (the Charter of the United Nations) of this organ is responsible for the work of the Secretariat, bringing to the attention of the Security Council any matter that it believes may threaten regional or even world peace and security, and performing "other duties" entrusted by the Security Council, the General Assembly of the United Nations and other major organs.
In front of all countries in the world, the Secretary General of the United Nations is often seen as the symbol of the United Nations. At the same time, he also uses this identity to mediate the parties to the dispute. The term of office of the Secretary General of the United Nations is five years and he can be re elected. The Secretary General may appoint a number of Under Secretaries General to assist him in his work as required. The Secretary General of the United Nations is often regarded as "the head of the world".
On June 18, 2021, the current Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres By voting for re-election, he will continue his second term as Secretary General of the United Nations from January 2022 to December 2026. [13]
Chinese name
Secretary General of the United Nations
Foreign name
Secretary General of the United Nations
Work department
United Nations Secretariat
Recommended by the Security Council and designated by the General Assembly of the United Nations
Appoint a number of Under Secretaries General to assist in their work
The United Nations, "the manager of the world"
Election principles
Regional rotation, meritocracy, etc
First Secretary General
Trygve Halvdan Lie
Current Secretary General
Antonio Guterres

Election mode

According to《 Charter of the United Nations 》, security council After the nomination of a new candidate for the Secretary General of the United Nations, the new Secretary General of the United Nations will be elected through the accreditation procedure of the United Nations General Assembly.
The selection of the Secretary General of the United Nations follows this process: first, before the current Secretary General leaves office, the candidate countries first inform the countries around the world of their recommendation, and then, according to the notification list Permanent members After discussion in the UN Security Council and approval, it will be submitted to the UN General Assembly for joint voting by all UN member states. The person who gets the most votes will be elected the next UN Secretary General.
Here, there is also a conventional stipulation that the Secretary General should be selected every ten years continent Once rotated, they can be re elected. The selection of Secretary General in the past basically followed this process. However, the change of the Secretary General in 2007 was challenged: the next Secretary General should be an Asian, as usual, but some countries led by the United States have put forward new ideas. But finally, after consultations and compromises among the countries concerned, they decided to abide by the tradition and elected Ban Ki moon, a Korean from Asia, as the new Secretary General of the United Nations.
The Secretary General of the United Nations has an unwritten provision that the five permanent members( China U.S.A Russia France britain )They shall not compete with the Secretary General of the United Nations. [2]

Main responsibilities

Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki moon delivers a speech
The Secretary General of the United Nations will attend meetings of various United Nations agencies, hold talks with world leaders, government officials and other personnel, and travel around the world so that people in member countries can clearly understand the numerous issues on the agenda of the United Nations that deserve international attention. Every year, the Secretary General should make a report on the work of the United Nations, evaluate the work of the United Nations and point out the future priorities. The Secretary General of the United Nations is also the Chairman of the Administrative Committee on Coordination. The committee is composed of the United Nations Foundation, the United Nations Programme and other specialized departments. It meets every two years to seek further coordination and cooperation on all important issues and management matters facing the United Nations system.

Position authority

The Secretary General of the United Nations is both diplomat It is also a spokesman, both a civil servant and a CEO As a symbol of the ideals of the United Nations, the Secretary General Vulnerability The crowd spoke out.
According to《 Charter of the United Nations 》It is stipulated that the Secretary General is a member of the“ Chief Executive ”He performs the duties of Chief Executive, as well as the Security Council, the General Assembly Economic and Social Council And others United Nations Organization "Other duties entrusted". The Charter also stipulates that the Secretary General has the power to "bring to the attention of the Security Council any event that he believes may threaten international peace and security". these ones here programme The principle of sex not only clearly defines the power of the position, but also gives it great freedom to take action. If the Secretary General does not care about the interests of Member States, he will be incompetent. However, he must maintain the values and moral authority of the United Nations. He should act and speak in a peaceful way, and even offend the above-mentioned Member States.
One of the most important roles of the Secretary General of the United Nations is to play his "active role" and take public or private measures to prevent International disputes The emergence, intensification and spread of.
In the middle of his term of office, each Secretary General will determine his own priorities according to the situation of the times at that time. According to the Charter of the United Nations, the Secretary General of the United Nations is appointed by the General Assembly of the United Nations upon the recommendation of the Security Council.

Conditions of appointment

Ban Ki moon
Generally speaking, the Secretary General must have extraordinary diplomatic talent and outstanding diplomatic experience. Moreover, it will not only English French Must also be very skilled.
Article 97 of the Charter of the United Nations stipulates: "The Secretary General shall deal with one Secretary General and several staff members required by the Organization. The Secretary General shall be appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council. The Secretary General shall be the executive head of the Organization."
Resolution 11 (I) adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on January 24, 1946 discussed the appointment and treatment of the Secretary General in more detail, mainly including:
First, the post of Secretary General should be held by a person of high moral standing.
Secondly, the Secretary General should receive adequate treatment, and the United Nations should provide maintenance and repair costs for official residence, furniture, etc.
Thirdly, the term of office of the Secretary General is five years, and he can be re elected after the expiration of that term.
Finally, the specific requirements for the selection of the Secretary General are as follows:
The term of office of future Secretaries General shall be decided by the General Assembly and the Security Council based on the experience of future Secretaries General;
After the retirement of the Secretary General, no government of any Member State may employ him to a government post, so as to avoid disturbing other Member States because of his possession of relevant information. The Secretary General should also refuse to accept appointments of this nature;
The first Secretary General shall be appointed for a term of five years and may be reappointed for another five years upon expiration. According to《 Charter 》According to the provisions of Articles 18 and 27, the Secretary General shall be nominated by the affirmative votes of seven members of the Security Council (the number of affirmative votes shall be changed to nine accordingly after the number of members of the Security Council was increased to 15 in 1965), including the consent votes of all permanent members, and shall be appointed by the General Assembly by a majority vote of the Member States present and voting, unless the Assembly itself decides that a two-thirds majority is required;
The General Assembly should discuss the nomination and appointment of (the Secretary General) in a closed meeting, and the Security Council should recommend a candidate to the Assembly as far as possible to avoid debate on the nomination at the meeting; Both the Security Council and the General Assembly shall vote by secret ballot.
See: General Assembly document 11 (I)

General Assembly resolutions

The process of selecting the Secretary General should be more transparent.
The General Assembly should make full use of the powers of appointment contained in the Charter in the process of appointing the Secretary General and under the agenda item entitled "Appointment of the Secretary General of the United Nations" in the agenda of the General Assembly.
The term of office of the Secretary General, including the question of re-election, shall be considered before the appointment of the next Secretary General.
Regional rotation and gender equality should continue to be given due consideration in the selection and appointment of the best candidates for the post of Secretary General.
Without prejudice to the prerogatives of the Security Council, the President of the General Assembly may consult with Member States to identify possible candidates approved by Member States, and after informing all Member States of the results of the consultations, he may submit the results to the Security Council.
In order to ensure a smooth and effective transition, the Secretary General should be appointed as soon as possible, preferably not later than one month before the end of the current Secretary General's term of office.

Successive candidates

agent Gladwin Jeb (Gladwyn Jebb) British nationality from 1945 to 1946
1、 Trygve Halvdan Lie (Trygve Halvdan Lie) February 2, 1946 - November 10, 1952 Norwegian [4]
2、 Dag Hammarskjold (Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskj ö ld) 10 April 1953 - 18 September 1961 Swedish nationality [5]
3、 Wu Dan (U Thant) Myanmar nationality from November 3, 1961 to December 31, 1971 [6]
4、 Kurt Waldheim (Kurt Waldheim) Austrian nationality from January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1981 [7]
5、 Javier Perez de Queglial (Javier Perez de Cuellar) Peruvian nationality from January 1, 1982 to December 31, 1991 [8]
6、 Boutros Boutros Ghali (Boutros Boutros Ghali) Egyptian nationality from January 1, 1992 to December 31, 1996 [9]
7、 Kofi Annan (Kofi Annan) January 1, 1997 - December 31, 2006 [10]
8、 Ban Ki moon (Ban Ki moon) January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2016 Korean nationality [11]
9、 Antonio Guterres (António Guterres) [12] January 1, 2017 - current Portuguese nationality [1] The 9th Secretary General of the United Nations took office on January 1, 2017 [3] On June 18, 2021, Antonio Guterres, the current Secretary General of the United Nations, was formally re elected by voting. He will continue his second term as Secretary General of the United Nations from January 2022 to December 2026 [13]