Professional quality

Social Science Terminology
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Professional Quality refers to workers' understanding of social profession and adaptability It is a comprehensive embodiment of Professional interest vocational ability , professional personality and professional situation.
Chinese name
Professional quality
Foreign name
Professional Quality
Workers' understanding and adaptability to social occupation
Whether workers can successfully obtain employment and achieve success

Basic concepts

Quality includes Congenital quality And acquired quality. Congenital quality refers to the quality acquired through parental genetic factors. It mainly includes sense organ nervous system And other physiological characteristics of the body.
The acquired quality is through environmental effect And education. Therefore, it can be said that the quality is based on human's innate physiology, influenced by the acquired education and training and social environment, and gradually developed through their own understanding and social practice Physical and mental development The basic quality of.
This understanding of quality mainly includes the following three aspects:
1. Quality is the result of education first. It is formed and developed on the basis of innate quality and through the influence of education and social environment.
2. Quality is the result of one's own efforts. The quality of a person is the result of learning and practicing hard to obtain certain knowledge and turn it into conscious behavior.
3. Quality is a basic quality of relatively stable physical and mental development. Once this quality is formed, it is relatively stable. For example, a student with good quality can always treat others and himself correctly because of his stable quality.

influence factor

There are many factors that affect and restrict professional quality, mainly including education level, practical experience social environment work experience And some basic information of oneself (such as physical condition). Generally speaking, whether workers can successfully obtain employment and achieve success depends to a large extent on their professional quality. The higher the professional quality, the more opportunities for success.
Professional quality is the first criterion for talent selection; Professional quality is the first magic weapon for success in the workplace and career success.

basic feature

Generally speaking, professional quality has the following main characteristics.


Different professions have different professional qualities. The quality requirements for construction workers are different from those for nurses; For business service personal The quality requirement of teachers is different from that of teachers. Li Suli The professional quality of conductor Connected, as she said, "If I can take the 10 meter carriage and the three foot ticket desk as people's service posts and make real contributions to the society, I can integrate people's feelings in the service and add a better atmosphere to the society. Even if I am a bit upset sometimes, as long as I get on the train, I will not be upset when I see the passengers"


A person's professional quality is accumulated over a long period of practice. Once it is formed, it will produce relative stability. For example, a teacher, after three years and five years of teaching career, has gradually formed a series of professional qualities of teachers, such as how to prepare lessons, how to teach, how to love their students, how to be a teacher, and so on. Therefore, it has remained relatively stable.
Of course, as he continues to study, work and the impact of the environment, this quality can continue to improve.


Professional employees in long-term Professional activities After my own learning, understanding and personal experience, I feel that what I do is right and what I do is wrong. In this way, the psychological quality consciously internalized, accumulated and sublimated is the internality of professional quality. We often say, "Let Master Zhang do this, be sure, please rest assured." The reason why people rest assured of him is that he has good internal quality.


The professional quality of an employee is related to his overall quality. When we say that Comrade XXX has good professional quality, we don't just mean that he Ideological and political quality , Occupation Moral quality Okay, but also his science Cultural quality Professional skills Well, even the body Psychological quality OK. An employee, although Ideological and moral quality Good, but the scientific and cultural quality and professional skill quality are poor, so the overall quality of this person cannot be said to be good. On the contrary, the scientific and cultural quality and professional skill quality of an employee are good, but the ideological and moral quality is relatively poor. Similarly, we cannot say that the overall quality of this person is good. Therefore, a very important feature of professional quality is entirety


A person's quality is gradually formed through education, his own social practice and social influence. It has Relativity And stability. But with social development In order to better adapt to, meet and promote the needs of social development, people always constantly improve their own quality to meet people's constant requirements. Therefore, quality has Developmental

Main categories

1、 physical quality : refers to physical and health (mainly physiological) qualities.
2、 Psychological quality : refers to the quality of cognition, perception, memory, imagination, emotion, will, attitude, personality (interest, ability, temperament, character, habit), etc. Outward bound training To improve psychological quality Famous enterprises The industry has improved the psychological quality of employees and the team through outward bound training Trust relationship
3、 Political quality : means political stand , political views Political belief And faith.
4、 Ideological quality : refers to ideological cognition, ideological awareness, thinking methods sense of worth And other qualities. Ideological quality objective environment Such as family, society, environment, etc.
5、 Moral quality : moral knowledge moral emotion Moral will moral behavior moral cultivation The quality of the concept of organizational discipline.
6. Scientific, technological and cultural quality: scientific knowledge technical knowledge Cultural knowledge Cultural accomplishment The quality of each aspect.
7. Aesthetic quality: aesthetic feeling aesthetic consciousness aesthetic , aesthetic taste Aesthetic ability The quality of each aspect.
8. Professional quality: professional knowledge, professional theory, professional skills, necessary Organizational management ability Etc.
9. Social interaction and adaptability: mainly Language expression ability social affair Ability Social adaptability Etc. Social adaptation is acquired personal ability , another core of professional quality, which reflects personal ability.
10. Quality in learning and innovation: mainly learning ability Information capability , innovation awareness creative spirit innovation ability Entrepreneurship awareness And Entrepreneurship Etc. Learning and innovation are individual values Another form of development potential And its value to the enterprise.

Self understanding

Professional quality is the way for workers to get employed Basic conditions But how can we understand our professional quality? There are many ways to know your professional quality. To sum up, there are three main ways:
1. Receive career guidance. Many employment service agencies, such as city, district and county job introductions Service Centre , street social security offices, etc. have all set up "career guidance" Service Items You can go there to receive guidance in this regard.
2. Professional quality test. Some employment agencies have set up the service of "professional quality test", where job seekers can obtain relevant services.
3. Self test. Workers can judge and understand their professional quality by filling in the "professional quality" self test questionnaire.

Improve self quality

Choice and Decision Making, Survival basic skill
Making wise choices is a basic survival skill that is closely related to everyone's growth and life. Every decision we make affects and affects our Career Development and personal Quality of life In our life, we need to spend countless time and energy to choose or make decisions, ranging from taking the bus to studying, choosing a career, and love and marriage... Indeed, success and happiness largely depend on a decision we make at the "crossroads".

Three factors

The survey results show that nearly 79.3% University graduates The lack of psychological preparation for career and the lack of clear career development goals are specifically reflected in their confusion and confusion when choosing careers. The "I" in this case is one of them. She did not focus on her first job or other choices and decisions in the four years Career choice The basic idea of.
As a lecturer in the employment guidance expert group of some colleges and universities, the author has to provide new college students with jobs every year Psychological guidance Lecture, including: (1) self discovery and exploration. Help college students understand their own Professional needs That is, what career do you want to engage in; Understand your temperament and personality characteristics, and analyze what career you are suitable for; Know your own vocational ability And their tendency to see what kind of career they are engaged in to give full play to their potential and achieve Self worth (2) Know the professional world. Help college students view the career world in a dynamic and developing perspective, recognize the trend of professional social development, and understand the characteristics of related occupations and their requirements for employees. (3) Seeking the best Person position matching On the basis of correctly evaluating themselves and fully understanding the professional world, help college students to objectively position themselves and define appropriate Employment expectations On the basis of full access to information, choose a career that can meet your needs, suit your personality characteristics, and promote your potential.

Self shaping

In addition to choice and decision-making, another survival skill is Occupational adaptation And Self shaping Diderot, the French philosopher, once said: knowing what things should be like means you are a wise man; Knowing what things are actually like shows that you are an experienced person; Knowing how to make things better shows that you are a talented person. Obviously, in order to achieve professional success, the first thing is to learn to adapt Occupational environment Like the millennium animals in nature natural environment Adjust and change yourself to avoid becoming "delicate" dinosaur
Generally speaking, the first three years of entering the workplace are the period when new people adapt to the society. The main task is to understand and clarify the workplace Game rules , accept others' wisdom and guidance on how to best complete the work, bear the reality that there is a gap between the imagination of the new life and the actual situation, overcome the anxiety that some aspects are worse than others, and so on.
The "I" in the case, because there is no clear career development goal and psychological preparation, shows the behavioral characteristics of escape, retreat and return when encountering many obstacles and disappointments in the working environment. Therefore, for more than four years, she has almost“ Step in situ ”, not for the next or next occupation Development stage Accumulate experience, such as becoming an independent professional, and finding your position as an expert and manager in a certain field in the company.
along with market competition The possibility of enterprise bankruptcy, business transformation and merger is increasing; Affected by it, the supply quantity market price It is also changing. In addition, due to the differences in talent and quality levels of job seekers, as well as the contradiction between job hunting expectations and the real society, it is increasingly difficult for job seekers to obtain a satisfactory and suitable career. Therefore, the author suggests that more "I" can constantly adjust their job expectations and Career orientation , improve their survival and Development capacity

matters needing attention

The assessment content of professional ethics pilot includes relevant knowledge of professional ethics, main contents and basic requirements of professional ethics, and professional ethics value judgment And the ability to choose professional ethics behavior. The professional ethics pilot assessment will be divided into five grades, corresponding to National Professional Qualifications Five levels of. The professional ethics pilot assessment will adopt the national unified written form Closed book examination Mode, the exam time is 30 minutes. The full score of the pilot assessment of professional ethics is 20, and more than 12 points are passing grades. The test questions of the pilot assessment of professional ethics are divided into Single choice question Multiple choice questions and case evaluation and analysis questions, the types of questions in different levels of assessment are different, and the types of questions in the five levels of assessment are single choice questions and multiple choice questions, with 10 points for each; The four levels of questions are single choice questions, multiple choice questions and case evaluation and analysis questions, with scores of 5 points, 10 points and 5 points respectively; Level II and III are single item and multi item mixed choice question And case evaluation analysis questions; The first level only has written case analysis questions, with a score of 20 points.